Precise Sentence Examples
That's why he has so many precise numbers.
So much is certain, though the precise incidents of the interview are variously told.
I doubted that, as Feynman was precise in his usage of words.
The book, as it stands, is a collection of the discourses, observations and aphorisms of a sage called Koheleth, a term the precise meaning of which is not certain.
In 849 and 846 other indecisive battles were fought, but the precise constitution of the coalition is not recorded.
Its chief drawback is that it does not give any more reference to the authority for a generic term than the name of its inventor and the year of its application, though of course more precise information would have at least doubled the size of the book.
The absence of marked natural boundaries makes any precise north and south limitation difficult.
The innumerable theories which were framed as to the precise nature of the offering and as to the precise change in the elements all implied that conception of it.
The Old Testament depicts the history of the people as a series of acts of apostasy alternating with subsequent penitence and return to Yahweh, and the question whether this gives effect to actual conditions depends upon the precise character of the elements of Yahweh worship brought by the Israelites into Palestine.
To these questions we cannot give decided, still less definite and precise, answers.
AdvertisementThis gave declarer a fairly precise count on the hand.
You can use other tools available to get a more precise answer.
As you work, be sure to keep your folds precise.
She swung out and at the precise moment, let go, holding her nose and plunging into the water feet first.
Because it's so plain and simple, it communicates more - it implies that your feelings were so intense at that precise moment that you couldn't hold back.
AdvertisementGranting this is a general truth, it must yet be acknowledged as a special fact, that in fossil birds we have as yet but scanty means of arriving at any precise results which will justify bold generalization in the matter of avine distribution.
But this very development of Mosaism implies the existence of an original nucleus or substratum, although the recovery of its precise extent is very difficult.
Martha cataloged the recordings and continued to provide clear and precise notes that either Betsy or I conveyed on the tip line.
The precise affinities of the harpy cannot be said to have been determined.
The more precise you are in your request, the more realistic of an application it will appear to be.
AdvertisementHe's testing the water, in this case, you, to be more precise.
They generally do not like abstract theories as they like things precise.
Virgo, as a lover, is quite an interesting and precise sign.
The difficulty in predicting the success of relationships based solely on astrological features is that environmental factors play an important role in shaping precise behaviors.
However, you can get a more precise and accurate match when you compare natal charts.
AdvertisementThorough, precise and enthusiastic, if not vulnerable, describes the Virgo man in bed.
Can I specify the precise location for my new lair?
This specialist question invites client to identify the precise location of the symbol.
But what we did see was very mannered and his legs are very, very quick and precise.
To make anything precise is to risk my effect.
Regardless of the precise origin of their ancestors, a few generations of harsh New England winters finalized the traits of the breed, creating a very hardy, large, intelligent, long-haired cat.
The line's precise techniques and stunning results are quickly leading the Germany-based company to worldwide prominence in the hair care industry.
Instead, the line is comprised of relatively few product options that are designed to be used together in the precise proportions a client needs to produce the exact results they crave.
The first step any budding candle-maker will have to take is choosing the precise kind of candle wax needed for the desired type of candle.
Markert wanted the look of "one continuous dancer", which is why all the costumes are identical and the performers move in precise formation.
In these cases, while the precise details of the original celebrity ring may be lost, the inspiration will still be clear in the finished replica.
The cost of Beaudry designs varies depending on the precise style, total carat weight of the ring, and the quality of the gems.
Custom rings are also available, with Beaudry craftsmen initially sketching a unique design and working with the couple during every step of the process to fashion the precise ring they desire.
Sometimes a Virgo may slow down the progress of a project because of their meticulous and precise nature, since they want everything to be exact, but this helps them to feel a sense of accomplishment.
Virgos have a great eye for detail, and generally feel uncomfortable with abstract ideas and theories because such thinking is not exact and precise.
Hence, if you are born somewhere in this period, you will want to research the precise start of the Chinese New Year within your particular birth year in order to identify your appropriate birth symbol.
Vintage movie posters are practically as old as the medium of cinema itself-a century, to be precise.
Their reviews are straightforward and precise, serving to give the reader an overview of the movie while pointing out just why the film itself is not suitable.
The research sessions included medium readings where Schwartz found the psychics, including Edward, could produce specific pieces of information including precise names of the deceased and exactly how they died.
Requirements and precise coverage may vary for individual circumstances.
You may want to avoid buying shoes this way, however, since the fit will need to be precise.
Some online cobblers will give you specific instructions for precise measurements.
The bar is operated by electromagnetic coils that move the needle up and down in rapid, yet precise movements.
The fact - or the absence of facts, to be precise - is now indisputable.
Check individual firms ' websites and recruitment literature for precise details.
Scientific dating using Optically Stimulated luminescence and the related technique of Thermoluminescence will provide a precise age for the site.
This was presented in the form of a precise scale maquette placed in the context of an architectural model.
But around the 420,000 year mark, the precise pattern changed, with the contrast between warm and cold conditions becoming much more marked.
A precise measurement of the loading is then read off the steelyard.
Usability metrics Usability metrics are precise, quality measures used to evaluate the system.
The case is almost complete, and empty mortices and slots show the precise positions of a few missing back and side panels.
The precise function of the gene is unknown, although it is thought to help nerve cells communicate with each other.
I now want to introduce a notation that goes some way toward making this idea precise.
With its concentrator nozzle you can enjoy precise styling, which means no flyaway hair.
The midrange proper is first-rate - clear, even, finely nuanced, with a particularly precise image.
Cause The precise cause of hypertrophic osteopathy is not yet understood.
Tho the word has been so overused as to have lost any precise meaning, the essence of fascism is hostility to individual rights.
Results of opinion polls on the constitution vary, depending on the precise phrasing of the question.
The herbs have to be harvested at precise times to ensure maximum potency, the fruits picked at exactly the right degree of maturity.
The first dances are very symmetrical within the spirit of Bach's mathematically precise manner.
The experiments concluded that the MR system is sufficiently precise to read the gel to an acceptable level.
Or are they actually not infinitely precise, given the practical limitations of measuring them with a finite universe?
Josephus commits himself to a fairly precise date for the closing of the Canon.
Your problems are our opportunities we always find a solution Communication within a colony of ants is always incredibly precise and focussed.
Bruce's work is deeply independent and technically precise.
This results in the statistics becoming less precise as the sub-sampling is increased.
Advanced Search Options The advanced search options allow more precise searching within the Port catalog.
Control Modes The CN2110 provides precise, solid state proportion control with automatic reset (PI) that will control most heating applications.
You'll get the best results by using a model capable of rendering precise, consistent, and accurate color.
Anticipates requests for information by producing precise typewritten lists.
The company is also introducing the product Precise 100 XS - the most cost-effective biometric fingerprint reader on the market.
The main benefit would be to provide more precise input to modeling of the contribution of wave refraction to inshore wave climate.
The precise nature of injection molding allows exact curved shapes with reinforcing diagonal ribbing on the structural components of the pool.
Or, to be more precise, education for boys in a grammar school.
Some of his language is a bit stilted at times, and there are some places where his precise meaning isn't clear.
The cover also helps stiffen the rear suspension for precise sport riding.
The independent MacPherson strut front suspension coupled with a ZF steering gear allows sharp, precise response.
It is not affected, for example, by the precise timing of tax receipts.
An optical trackball and a scroll wheel are the key to precise navigation through all of your documents.
I joined NPL in June 1997 to work on applications of single-electron transistors in precise measurement of small electrical currents.
This required taking noon observations and using trig to determine the precise angle of a shadow relative to the perpendicular of the wall.
We know a lot about the conditions that promote effective learning even if we do not understand the precise cognitive underpinnings.
As to the claimed gas attacks on Kurdish villagers, the CIA said " precise information " on those events was " lacking.
It gives you the opportunity to be precise and avoid waffle, which is often communicated by mere general pronouncements.
Where I am scattered, the computer will execute precise, almost maniacally focused behavior, deterred by no passing whims.
Much will depend upon the precise wording of the provision in question.
In the United States (68) in 1900, only Io% of the deaths where the precise conditions were ascertained occurred under trees, as against 52% in the open.
The idea of Asia as originally formed was necessarily indefinite, and long continued to be so; and the area to which the name was finally applied, as geographical knowledge increased, was to a great extent determined by arbitrary and not very precise conceptions, rather than on the basis of natural relations and differences subsisting between it and the surrounding regions.
The third tractatus of this volume deals with birds - including among them bats, bees and other flying creatures; but as it is the first printed book in which figures of birds are introduced it merits notice, though most of the illustrations, which are rude woodcuts, fail, even in the coloured copies, to give any precise indication of the species intended to be represented.
The works of Anderson amdunt to six thin 4to volumes, and as the last of them was published in 1619, it is probable that the author died soon after that year, but the precise date is unknown.
It seems to have soon passed out of use as a precise geographical designation; for though occasionally mentioned by Apocryphal writers, by Josephus, and by Eusebius, the allusions are all vague, and show that those who made them had no definite knowledge of Gilead proper.
The study of marine life has in recent years become more general, and has become associated with very precise investigations into the chemical composition of sea-water, changes in chemical equilibrium, the effect of variations in salinity and temperature, the processes set up by marine bacteria, and so on.
In speaking of the origin of Scholasticism - name and thing - it has been already noted that medieval speculation takes its rise in certain logical problems. To be more precise, central theme of Scholastic debate (see Nominalism, Realism).
The absence of the musical titles, however, ma y be taken as an indication that the last collection of psalms was formed in a different place from that in which the earlier collections had arisen; and if, as seems probable, we may identify this place with the Temple at Jerusalem, the absence of musical titles is easily explained, for the number of skilled musicians who there ministered, and who would, of course, possess the tradition of the various modes and tones, would make precise musical directions superfluous.
No matter how general or precise the program, the basic premise is the same.
Sketch-Up - This Google based program comes in a free edition and professional edition and is one of the most precise and elaborate virtual design programs around.
This technology allows the stone industry to capitalize on a faster and more precise method of cutting stones.
More sophisticated programs let you upload actual images from your room and allow you to tap into databases of products from major home décor retailers to give you an even more precise look at your design ideas.
The vivid images and enormous database of colors, furniture and other accessories means this program is incredibly precise and the next best thing to actually experimenting in the room itself.
This is the most precise and most comfortable form of permanent makeup applications, it also allows the artist to be more flexible because of the small pen application.
A precise example would be a base makeup kit, supplying lip gloss, clear nail polish and moisturizers.
A similar concept to the spray tanning booth, but a more precise application process - the spray tanning chemicals are applied to your skin by a technician with a compressor and air brush.
Permanent brow makeup, however, is so precise that you likely won't even need a pencil for touching-up purposes.
The makeup artist gently "taps" pigment into the skin with this tool, a practice that allows for the most precise, particular application of color and appropriate depth perception.
You are more likely to achieve the result you desire when the technique is as precise and careful as the feathering method.
Buy whichever style you feel most comfortable working with, but wedges are usually easiest to work with because the corners are conducive to precise application.
Bobs need a precise trim to look their best, so ensure that you have the time and the budget to maintain a bobbed cut, regardless of length.
Remote controlled with a thermostat so you can set the precise temperature you want.
The reason is that a 9 speed allows for the most precise control.
If this is the case, be sure you have the stone's certificate or other documentation that details its characteristics, including the precise dimensions and any flaws or treatments.
That chamber is then flooded with hydrogen and hydrocarbon gases at a precise combination of temperature, pressure, and chemical formula that will induce a unique "rain" of carbon to fall onto the chip.
Black titanium can only be created under very precise conditions of heat and pressure with the proper alloy mixture, making the process delicate and more costly than untreated titanium hues.
The Pigtail model, available at Neiman Marcus, is a prime example of the precise crystal placement.
He has a precise way of doing things and when it comes to love, he's just as methodical as he is in the other areas of his life.
The Proto Evade is the ideal shoe for sports requiring quick, precise movements.
There is a special design called Dual Plate Technology on Under Armour shoes, which keeps the foot close to the ground for special, precise movements on the field.
Today however, like most programming, "live" is a relative term, and soaps usually abandon the concept altogether in favor of precise and perfected film takes that are edited together to show you what you watch today.
While there is no precise documentation to pinpoint the very first nautical star tattoo, there is ample evidence in the form of written references and illustrations to suggest that the design dates back many generations.
In addition, it comes with scratch resistant and water resistant to 30 meters (100 ft.) and precise Swiss quartz movement.
Inspired by the contemporary fashion, Cartier launched this Tank Francaise Midsize Watch for men with the precise technology.
This design keeps precise time without the need of lubrication, which can reduce the watch's durability.
For the most precise timepieces, look for Waveceptor watches with Atomic timekeeping, which automatically adjusts the watch to keep it accurate.
The watches have evolved over time into the highly precise, ultra reliable time pieces of today.
This reflects the fact that the watch style makes it difficult to give a precise time.
Its pink gold case and alligator strap cradle a timepiece capable of reserving power while keeping precise time.
Your profile should be short and precise.
Goals are more than ideas or dreams, they provide precise direction.
Though they are widely known as some of the most durable and precise time instruments, Swiss Army watches are also some of the most affordable in their class.
Perfect time, precise measurment capabilites and steel casing are all standard on each model ESQ offers, including their newest lines of Bracers, Tournaments, Evas and Filmores.
These watch bands are ideal for people with dexterity challenges as the watch straps do not require precise skills to ensure that they are fastened tightly.
Inside the case, a harmonious amalgamation of precise instruments function together to create and maintain accurate time.
Tissot's time-keeping is so precise that its watches serve as official timekeepers for NASCAR, MotoGP, fencing, ice hockey and the World Championship of cycling.
A reliable quartz movement and 30 meters of water resistance prove the watch is as precise as it is beautiful.
In 1909, the company built the Elgin National Watch Company Observatory to ensure precise accuracy in their timepieces, but the company's greatest achievement was an unwavering focus on high precision movements and unrivaled craftsmanship.
Its retro-look hides a bevy of surprisingly precise functions such as night vision backlight, water resistance, a chronograph and countdown heat timer.
Our cradle is machined to a very precise tolerance of 0.001 inch or less out of high-strength metal alloys, for a perfect fit to the iPod nano 6G.
It's hard to explain the precise method of TM, as individuals are required to sign a contract agreeing not to show anyone else the TM method unless they become a teacher.
The instruction you receive will establish your teaching foundation, so you should be precise in your selection of a school.
All instances of savant syndrome feature limited and precise abilities that are largely memory dependent and cover a diverse assortment of areas.
The precise cause of Asperger syndrome remains unknown, although some theories point to brain abnormalities brought about by the unnatural migration of embryonic cells throughout fetal development.
Thus, the example serves the precise function that an executive summary is designed to serve.
However, it keeps things precise and easy to read.
You also want to structure this portion of your cover letter into precise, well-written sentences or bullets, rather than extensive and lengthy paragraphs.
It should contain precise information on how you plan on going about achieving the stated goals and objectives of your business.
Fuel calculators will help you figure out your car's precise fuel consumption, but you need to collect some information before you can get started with the online calculators.
The release is done on just as precise a count as when the flyers went up, in order to make sure no one is hurt.
There's no need to be precise; bunch the filters with your fingers randomly to create a pleasing, rounded shape.
These are great for younger kids because you don't have to worry that they will hurt themselves with a sharp needle and they don't need incredibly precise stitching movements to be able to form stitches on stiff plastic with large holes.
The flexibility of the wire can be useful if your designs require the beading hoops to stay in a precise location.
This project is best for older kids, since many young children find it difficult to get precise folds.
Alternatively, you could try applying the dye with squeeze bottles for a more precise application of color.
Apply the dye with squirt bottles for a more precise color application.
A precise combination of protein and carbohydrate is a central principle of this program.
While many diets have at least one or two food or food groups that are suggested to eat from or to avoid entirely, the South Beach Diet food lists offer precise guidelines to help with compliance on this popular diet plan.
Precise health benefits also depend on overall fitness level and other risk factors.
Remember that the total amount of calories you eat over a day or week is more important than the precise count at each meal.
Good quality translations are ones that are as precise as possible, especially at the level of vocabulary.
Finally, chocolate is tempered by being put through a precise heating and cooling cycle.
You will need to get the precise information on the treatment suggested, the tooth that needs the treatment, and other dental information directly from your dentist's office.
The seams allow precise shaping and these bras may be less stretchy than seamless styles.
Regardless of the precise nature of the fashion involved, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is a genuine fashion display.
Wacoal bras provide detailed attention to the female form, providing a precise fit for any woman looking for the perfect bra.
These are mobile Doppler radar units that provide precise storm tracks and meteorological information so that the storm chasers can predict outbreaks and determine where they can enter storms safely.
If you want to nominate someone for the show, you need to follow a precise application procedure.
Dreamy and precise, the music and sound of Serenity provide the film with exquisite accents, drawing the audience into the experience as the sirens of mythology lured sailors into the depths with their songs.
Robots are precise and performing risky surgeries can alleviate human error and stress associated with surgery.
For the complex surgeries, robots can be more precise without error, hesitation or need to pause.
Robots and robot arms also are used extensively in make computer motherboards and other computer equipment because they require precise movements and extreme accuracy.
Foley Effects - Requiring precise synchronization, these sounds correspond to on screen actions, like footsteps.
Freezing - Freezing a skin tag is a simple, but precise procedure.
However, in the drive towards a more semantic web, they have also adopted the "X11" standard which uses plain English to denote certain precise colors.
By specifying categories and keywords within Google Insights, you can drill down into precise topics that people from Michigan are interested in, and these are the people who represent your potential online customer base.
Rather than guessing at shades, clients and designers can communicate with each other with precise numbers.
Are you telling me the tipster operates in a precise time frame?
The conceptions of "element," "compound" and "mixture" became more precise than they had been hitherto; in an element all the atoms are alike, in a compound all the molecules are alike, in a mixture there are different kinds of molecules.
There is no doubt that considerable indefiniteness in regard to the precise status and rank of the ruling elder is cornmonly prevalent.
Demetrius calls his statues sublime, and at the same time precise.
In a large station the arrangements become much more complicated, the precise design being governed by the nature of the traffic that has to be served and by the physical configuration of the site.
John Rushworth (Historical Collections) is more precise.
The word Orchis is used in a special sense to denote a particular genus of the Orchid family (Orchidaceae); very frequently, also, it is employed in a more general way to indicate any member of that large and very interesting group. It will be convenient here to use the word Orchis as applying to that particular genus which gives its name to the order or family, and to employ the term "orchid" in the less precise sense.
The precise positions of the mountain ridges that traverse this central area are not properly known; their elevation is everywhere considerable, and many points are known to exceed 10,000 or 12,000 ft.
It is not unlike the procedure of the canonists and casuists of the middle ages with regard to the doctrine of usury, by which the doctrine was to all appearances preserved intact while in reality it was stripped of all its original meaning by innumerable distinctions " over-curious and precise."
A precise indication of date has been sought in certain supposed references or allusions to historical facts.
The precise species of dog that was cultivated in Greece at that early period cannot be affirmed, although a beautiful piece of sculpture in the possession of Lord Feversham at Duncombe Hall, representing the favourite dog of Alcibiades, differs but little from the Newfoundland dog of the present day.
Special commissioners were to have concurrent jurisdiction with the U.S. circuit and district courts and the inferior courts of Territories in enforcing the law; fugitives could not testify in their own behalf; no trial by jury was provided; i The precise amount of organization in the Underground Railroad cannot be definitely ascertained because of the exaggerated use of the figure of railroading in the documents of the "presidents" of the road, Robert Purvis and Levi Coffin, and of its many "conductors," and their discussion of the "packages" and "freight" shipped by them.
But the words of Clement are quite precise and their meaning indisputable.
By the time of the ninth edition (1875) precise details are no longer considered worthy of inclusion; and the age of scientific comparative mythology has been reached.
Among these are the precise extent of demand, the limit of the inevitable fall in price with largely increased production, the cost of labour as increasing amounts are required, and the effect of changed conditions on the output of " wild " rubber and the competition of the new plantations which are being established in tropical America.
A later generation will know better than his contemporaries what were the precise developments of policy which obliged him to resign.
When these two words are at last found in the texts in their precise signification, Austrasia is applied to that part of the Frankish kingdom which Clotaire II.
The minuteness of this displacement, about 20.50", makes its precise determination an extremely difficult matter.
The present article is concerned exclusively with arbitration in regard to such existing differences as are capable of precise statement and of prompt adjustment.
Those whom he enfeoffed with land held it according to the law of Norman feudalism, which was already becoming precise.
According to the assumed law of the secondary wave, the result must actually depend upon the precise radius of the outer boundary of the region of integration, supposed to be exactly circular.
When light passes through a small circular or annular aperture, the illumination at any point along the axis depends upon the precise relation between the aperture and the distance from it at which the point is taken.
When the original light is white, the presence of some components and the absence of others will usually give rise to coloured effects, variable with the precise circumstances of the case.
The importance of the general conclusions above formulated, as imposing a limit upon our powers of direct observation, can hardly be overestimated; but there has been in some quarters a tendency to ascribe to it a more precise character than it can bear, or even to mistake its meaning altogether.
But here it becomes necessary to ask what is the precise meaning which we are to assign to the phrases, " to David," " to Asaph," " to the sons of Korah."
Notwithstanding the precise fixing of the boundaries of the republic by the London Convention, President Kruger endeavoured to maintain the Boer hold on Goshen and Stellaland, but the British government on Efforts.
Diagnosis, or recognition of the disease, must have been necessarily imperfect, when no scientific nosology or system of disease existed, and the knowledge of anatomy was quite inadequate to allow of a precise determination of the seat of disease; but symptoms were no doubt observed and interpreted skilfully.
By the laryngoscope, invented about 1850 by Manuel Garcia the celebrated singingmaster, and perfected by Johann Czermak (1828-1873) and others, the diseases of the larynx also have been brought into the general light which has been shed on all fields of disease; and many of them, previously known more or less empirically, submitted to precise definition and cure.
The Italian influence was strongly felt in Spain, but Spanish writers have given no precise information as to when it was introduced or whence it came.
In regard to methods and apparatus, mention should be made of his improvements in the technique of organic analysis, his plan for determining the natural alkaloids and for ascertaining the molecular weights of organic bases b y means of their chloroplatinates, his process for determining the quantity of urea in a solution - the first step towards the introduction of precise chemical methods into practical medicine - and his invention of the simple form of condenser known in every laboratory.
Even the Scotland series probably belongs to the Tertiary system, but owing to the want of characteristic fossils, it is impossible to determine with any degree of certainty the precise homotaxis of the several formations.
It is impossible to assign any precise date for the beginning of the Hanseatic League or to name any single factor which explains the origin of that loose but effective federation of North German towns.
From Nuba, the Arabic form of the name of this people, comes the modern Nubia, a term about the precise meaning of which no two writers are in accord.
They are divided by precise chronological headings into three sections - (a) chap. i.
John Kepler inferred that the planets move in their orbits under some influence or force exerted by the sun; but the laws of motion were not then sufficiently developed, nor were Kepler's ideas of force sufficiently clear, to admit of a precise statement of the nature of the force.
Its native population was of the same stock as that of Cappadocia, of which it had formed a part, an Oriental race often called by the Greeks Leucosyri or White Syrians, as distinguished from the southern Syrians, who were of a darker complexion, but their precise ethnological relations are uncertain.
Nearly all of the preceding were produced either at Amsterdam or Rotterdam, and, although out of place in a precise geographical arrangement, really belong to France by the close ties of language and of blood.
In some cases the value of this electromotive force between two points or conductors is independent of the precise path selected, and it is then called the potential difference (P.D.) of the two points or conductors.
On a visit to Rome La Condamine made careful measurements of the ancient buildings with a view to a precise determination of the length of the Roman foot.
Joule's experiments on the equivalence of W and H were not sufficiently precise to decide the question.
In the absence of any precise evidence on the point it is impossible to give more than a rough estimate as to the period at which Hebrew, as a spoken language, was finally displaced by Aramaic. It is, however, certain that the latter language was firmly established in Palestine in the 1st century A.D.
Such attempts to put a precise money value on immigration are futile.
His ethical system was reproduced, though in a more precise and philosophical form, by Hutcheson, and from him descended, with certain variations, to Hume and Adam Smith.
He laid the foundation of what will probably prove to be a new and more precise form of chemistry (see CHEMISTRY, and MATTER, CONSTITUTION OF).
The invention of the art of writing afforded the means of substituting precise and permanent records for vague and evanescent tradition; but in the infancy of the world, mankind had learned neither to estimate accurately the duration of time, nor to refer passing events to any fixed epoch.
It seems now surprising that vague counting by generations should so long have prevailed and satisfied the wants of inquiring men, and that so simple, precise and seemingly obvious a plan as counting by years, the largest natural division of time, did not occur to any investigator before Eratosthenes.
But it should not be forgotten that to many generations of close scholarship these genealogical lists seemed to convey such knowledge in the most precise terms, and that at so recent a date as, for example, the year in which Queen Victoria came to the throne, it was nothing less than a rank heresy to question the historical accuracy and finality of chronologies which had no other source or foundation.
The precise period at which Clusium came under Roman supremacy is, however, uncertain, though this must have happened before 225 B.C., when the Gauls advanced as far as Clusium.
A translation of the Andria and three original comedies from his pen are extant, the precise dates of which are uncertain, though the greatest of them was first printed at Rome in 1524.
It lay in the nature of the thing that more precise utterances should be given on this subject, and these we find in the Thatsachen des Bewusstseyns and in all the later lectures.
It is clear that the doctrinal conclusions of the council of Trent were largely determined by the necessity of condemning Protestant tenets, and that the result of the council was to give the Roman Catholic faith a more precise form than it would otherwise have had.
It still means " doctrine " when the collected decreta of Trent bear on their title-page (1564) reference to an Index dogmatum et reformationis; but here " dogma " is already verging towards the narrower and more precise sense - truth defined by church authority.
This order at least was precise and clear, but it was sent 12 hours too late, and when Grouchy received it he was unable to carry it out.
About 1530 he appears to have revisited the Spanish court, but on what precise errand is not known; the confusion concerning this period of his life extends to the time when, after visits to Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Guatemala, he undertook an expedition in 1537 into Tuzulutlan, the inhabitants of which were, chiefly through his tact, peaceably converted to Christianity, mass being celebrated for the first time amongst them in the newly founded town of Rabinal in 1538.
A precise chronology and a pedigree have been supplied for Benedict, according to which he was born in 480, of the great family of the Anicii; but all we know is what St Gregory tells us, that he was born of good family in Nursia, near Spoleto in Umbria.
But very great accuracy in drawing this curve is unnecessary, because the rolling stock of railways varies so much that the precise magnitude and distribution of the loads which will pass over a bridge cannot be known.
The precise details, except in a few cases, are unknown, or obscured by exaggeration and fiction; but it is certain that the whole of northern Scotland was converted by the labours of Columba, and his disciples and the religious instruction of the people provided for by the erection of numerous monasteries.
In matters of ritual they agreed with the Western Church on the continent, save in a few particulars such as the precise time of keeping Easter and manner of tonsure.
They served, in fact, and still serve (though with astrological ends in view), the precise purpose of " fundamental stars " in European astronomy.
In this application it has lost its original precise sense, and means only the ruler of part of a divided kingdom, or of a district too unimportant to justify a higher title.
It thus appears that the doctrine of atomic material constitution and the doctrine of a universal aether stand to each other in a relation of mutual support; if the scheme of physical laws is to be as precise as observation and measurement appear to make it, both doctrines are required in our efforts towards synthesis.
In 1892, however, the precise year in which France gave up her system of commercial treaties, some moderation was brought about in Germany's protective system by commercial treaties with Austria, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and shortly afterwards with Russia.
This reimposed the Dingley duties upon wool, on most qualities at the precise rates tariff of 1897 .
It arose from differences about the precise meaning of the word "law" in Luther's distinction between law and gospel.
Statistical data (lists of names, genealogies, and precise chronological notes) are a conspicuous feature in it.
Prior to the establishment of the monarchy the conditions for securing an exact and consecutive chronology did not exist; the dates in the earlier period of the history, though apparently in many cases precise, being in fact added long after the events described, and often (as will appear below) resting upon an artificial basis, so that the precision is in reality illusory.
Thus from 893 B.C. the Assyrian chronology is certain and precise.
The Apocalypse is plausibly dated by Reinach and Harnack near to the precise year 93, and the other writings may be referred to the reign of Domitian (81-96), though many critics would extend the limit to some two decades later.
To neither question can an answer be given in terms so precise as to exclude some latitude, but to both with sufficient exactness to rule out at once three of the six years.
But (i.) Nero 2 is really September 56-September 57; (ii.) it is doubtful whether Eusebius had any authority to depend on here other than Josephus, who gives no precise year for Festus - Julius Africanus is, hardly probable, since we know that his chronicle was very jejune for the Christian period - and if so, Eusebius had to find a year as best he could.'
In the verification of a precise standard of length there may be taken into account the influence of the variation of atmospheric pressure.
There is great uncertainty as to the exact values of all ancient standards of volume -- the only precise data being those resulting from the theories of volumes derived from the cubes of feet and cubits.
He showed that from each individual shell of an ammonite the entire ancestral series may be reconstructed, and that, while the earlier shell-whorls retain the characters of the adults of preceding members of the series, a shell in its own adult stage adds a new character, which in turn becomes the pre-adult character of the types which will succeed it; finally, that this comparison between the revolutions of the life of an individual and the life of the entire order of ammonites is wonderfully harmonious and precise.
It is true that a great variety of evidence is afforded by the composition of the rocks, that glaciers have left their traces in glacial scratchings and transported boulders, also that proofs of arid or semiarid conditions are found in the reddish colour of rocks in certain portions of the Palaeozoic, Trias and Eocene; but fossils afford the most precise and conclusive evidence as to the past history of climate, because of the fact that adaptations to temperature have remained constant for millions of years.
With regard to the precise effect of missionary influence upon the natives, opinion will always remain divided.
It is perhaps safest to say that the science of religions has no data on which to go, in formulating conclusions as to the original form of the objects of religious emotion; in this connexion it must be remembered that not only is it very difficult to get precise information of the subject of the religious ideas of people of low culture, perhaps for the simple reason that the ideas themselves are far from precise, but also that, as has been pointed out above, the conception of spiritual often approximates very closely to that of material.
It is one of the species which render it so difficult to give a precise definition of either sheep or goats.
These precise conditions were afterwards demonstrated by Newton to follow necessarily from the law of gravitation.
For the exact determination of the last element the census affords no precise data, but affords material for various approximations, based either upon the elimination of the probable progeny of immigrants since 1790; on the known increase of the whites of the South, where the foreign element has always been relatively insignificant; on the percentage of natives having native grandfathers in Massachusetts in 1905; or upon the assumed continuance through the 19th century of the rate of native growth (one-third decennially) known to have prevailed down at least to 1820.
The precise limits were the river Silarus on the north-west, which separated it from Campania, and the Bradanus, which flows into the Gulf of Tarentum, on the north-east; while the two little rivers Laus and Crathis, flowing from the ridge of the Apennines to the sea on the west and east, marked the limits of the district on the side of the Bruttii.
Knowledge resides not in sense but in reason, which, on the suggestion of sensations of changing individuals, apprehends, or (to be precise) is reminded of, real universal forms, and, by first ascending from less to more general until it arrives at the form of good and then descending from this unconditional principle to the less general, becomes science and philosophy, using as its method the dialectic which gives and receives questions and answers between man and man.
But it was significant that they had to adopt the badge of "Communism" in order to mark their precise position in the field of rival doctrines.
He mastered them thoroughly, gained a minute acquaintance with every detail of the soldier's life, learned the precise amount of food required for every mouth, the exact weight that could be carried, the distances that could be traversed without exhaustion, the whole body of conditions in short which govern the military activity of man and beast.
In the following years, during which he continued in an influential situation in Canterbury, but at what precise date is unknown, he drew up the Life of Thomas Becket.
The methods for ensuring such preservation are now almost as precise as the methods of war.
This was substantially correct, though the telegrams sent by the Admiralty can hardly be said to have fixed any precise area.
The first part, Bio-bibliograpliie (1877-1886; 2nd ed., 1905), contains the names of all the historical personages alive between the years 1 and 1500 who are mentioned in printed books, together with the precise indication of all the places where they are mentioned.
After this time it becomes manifest that, as we should expect, documents were the recognized authorities for the Gospel history; but there is still some uncertainty as to the documents upon which reliance was placed, and the precise estimation in which l For the only two that can be held to be such in the first half of the 2nd century, and the doubts whether they refer to our present Gospels, see Mark, Gospel Of, and Matthew, Gospel Of.
Clarke, include General Metaphysics (1890), by John Rickaby, who effectively criticizes Hegel by precise distinctions, which, though scholastic, did not deserve to be forgotten.
The precise steps of the conquest are not known.
Though we cannot apportion the rooms to their precise uses, the great hall was plainly the basilica, for meetings and business; the rooms behind it were perhaps law courts, and some of the rooms on the other three sides of the quadrangle may have been shops.
But he was by no means a practical geographer, and the record of his travels loses greatly in value from the want of precise scientific data.
His work included investigations of osmic acid, of the ferrates, stannates, plumbates, &c., and of ozone, attempts to obtain free fluorine by the electrolysis of fused fluorides, and the discovery of anhydrous hydrofluoric acid and of a series of acides sulphazotes, the precise nature of which long remained a matter of discussion.
The precise meaning of pier wr is not certain.
It was immediately, indeed, recovered by Alexander Severus, and retained, whatever was the precise success of the war; but Nisibis and Period.
The assertion preserved by Stobaeus that Thales recognized, together with the material element " water," " mind," which penetrates it and sets it in motion, is refuted by the precise testimony of Aristotle, who declares that the early physicists did not distinguish the moving cause from the material cause, and that before Hermotimus and Anaxagoras no one postulated a creative intelligence.
Buffon accounted a grave defect of nature, and it must be confessed that no one has given what seems to be a satisfactory explanation of its precise use, though on evolutionary principles none will now doubt its fitness to the bird's requirements.
The precise character and form of the folds produced will depend upon the nature of the cloth and other accidental circumFIG.
The relative value of any group of animals or plants for the correlation of distant areas must vary greatly with the varying conditions of sedimentation and with the precise definition of the zonal species and with many other factors.
In order to make perfectly clear the full significance of the principle which Hume applied to the solution of the chief philosophical questions, it is necessary to render somewhat more precise and complete the statement of the psychological view Theory which lies at the foundation of the empirical theory, and to distinguish from it the problem of the theory of knowledge upon which it was brought to bear.
What, for a conscious experience so constituted as Hume will admit, is the precise significance of such belief in real existence ?
The precise value of such a declaration must be matter of conjecture.
In the House of Representatives on the 22nd of December 1847 he introduced the "Spot Resolutions," which quoted statements in the president's messages of the 11th of May 1846 and the 7th and 8th of December that Mexican troops had invaded the territory of the United States, and asked the president to tell the precise "spot" of invasion; he made a speech on these resolutions in the House on the 12th of January 1848.
The precise age of the volcanoes of the Eifel, many of which are in a very perfect state of preservation, is not clear, but they are certainly Tertiary or Post-tertiary.
Population.Until comparatively recent times no estimate of the population of Germany was precise enough to be of any value.
His intellect was logical in the highest degree; he was clear and precise, an enemy of loose reasoning, and quick to refute prevailing fallacies.
But the salient merit of the Analysis is the constant endeavour after precise definition of terms and clear statement of doctrines.
In proportion as the Christian Church had to go deeper into metaphysics in the formulation of its belief as to God, as to Christ, as to the soul, the Greek philosophical terminology, which was the only vehicle then available for precise thought, had to become more and more an essential part of Christianity.
Many remarkable In the articles referring to matters of Egyptology in this edition, Graecized forms of Old Egyptian names, where they exist, are commonly employed; in other cases names are rendered by their actual equivalents in Coptic or by analogous forms. Failing all such means, recourse is had to the usual conventional renderings of hieroglyphic spelling, a more precise transcription of the consonants in the latter being sometimes added.
On the other hand, Egyptian is certainly related to Semitic. Even before the triliterality of Old Egyptian was recognized, Erman showed that the so-called pseudoparticiple had been really in meaning and in form a precise analogue of the Semitic perfect, though its original employment was almost obsolete in the time of the earliest known texts.
That the artists were conscious of their poverty of thought is shown by some precise imitations of the style of early monuments.
They were considered unlucky, and perhaps this accounts for the curious fact that, although they are named in journals and in festival ists, &c., where precise dating was needed, no known nonument or legal document is dated in them.
The poet Aarestrup (in 1848) declared that Blicher had raised the Danish language to the dignity of Icelandic. Blicher is a stern realist, in many points akin to Crabbe, and takes a singular position among the romantic idealists of the period, being like them, however, in the love of precise and choice language, and hatred of the mere commonplaces of imaginative writing.
To attain this it would be necessary " after having attached the nations to their government by making these incapable of acting save in the greatest interests of their subjects, to fix the relations of the states amongst each other on more precise rules, and such as it is to their interest to respect."
He was already suffering from the ailments, whatever their precise nature, from which he never escaped.
Those who have followed up the work of Mendel believe that the qualities of the new individual are a precise selection from and reconstruction of the parental qualities, and that were complete analysis possible, the characters of the new individual could be predicted with chemical accuracy.
How is it possible, it was said, that fortuitous variations can furnish the material for the precise and balanced adaptations that all nature reveals?
There remains open a wide field for inquiry as to the precise relations between selection and variation on the one hand, and their products, specific differences and adaptive structures, but the advance of knowledge has supplied no alternative to the Darwinian principles.
The precise date of the establishment of the first English pack of hounds kept entirely for fox hunting cannot be accurately fixed.
In India, before Buddhism, conflicting and contradictory views prevailed as to the precise mode of action of Karma; and we find this confusion reflected in Buddhist theory.
A further distinction is important, especially in such subjects as mathematics or foreign languages, in which it is legitimate to ask what precise power on the part of a candidate the passing of an examination shall signify.
In a pass examination the question has to be considered how far, if at all, excellence in one subject shall compensate for deficiency in another, a question which is indeterminate until the precise object of the whole examination is formulated.
In order to estimate the efficiency of an examination as a test, the precise question should be asked in each case - what is it intended to test ?
There is no precise Babylonian or Egyptian equivalent, though attempts have been made to produce points of contact with Babylonian or Egyptian beliefs.
Unfortunately, the precise age of the formation from which it was obtained is unknown, but it is considered probable that it dates from the later Tertiary.
With the general acceptance of its main principle that the real is the rational, there came in the eighties a more critical examination of the precise meaning to be attached to it and its bearing on the problems of religion.
The precise meaning of these changes for Palestinian history and life can only incompletely be perceived, and even.
To all the readings on this margin he attached special marks indicating the precise degree of probability in his opinion attaching to each.
There can be no doubt that the series as a whole is the equivalent of the Gondwana system, and when the country has been more closely examined the association of marine fossils with Gondwana plants will be of the greatest value in determining the precise homotaxis of the Indian deposits.
Indeed, the author of this article finds in the writings of Plato a grave and discriminating study of the several forms of sophistry, and no trace whatsoever of that blind hostility which should warrant us in neglecting his clear and precise evidence.
A quarrel, the precise nature of which is not very clear though the occasion is evident, led to an entire separation from these friends.
The precise character of the kingdom or empire to which allusion is made has been the subject of much discussion, and some modern historians have gone so far as to relegate the monomotapa to the realm of myth.
For purposes of precise scientific investigation the study of spectra is generally more suitable than the vague and unsatisfactory estimates of colour, which differ with different observers.
The shrine at this time stood on a raised platform and apparently contained, as a characteristic feature, an artificial mountain or peak, a so-called ziggurat, the precise shape and size of which we are, however, unable to determine.
Her plump beauty was often remarked - notably by Washington Irving - in contrast to her husband's delicate and feeble figure and wizened face - for even in his prime Madison was, as Henry Adams says, "a small man, quiet, somewhat precise in manner, pleasant, fond of conversation, with a certain mixture of ease and dignity in his address."
Our sources will not permit the precise determination of the order or the nature of these appearances, but in any case from them arose the faith which was the basis of the Christian Church and the startingpoint of its theology.
Certain markings on slates and sandstones, such as the "fucoids" of Scandinavia and Scotland, the Phycoides of the Fichtelgebirge, Eophyton and other seaweed-like impressions, may indeed be the casts of fucoid plants; but it is by no means sure that many of them are not mere inorganic imitative markings or the tracks or casts of worms. Oldhamia, a delicate branching body, abundant in the Cambrian of the south-east of Ireland, is probably a calcareous alga, but its precise nature has not been satisfactorily determined.
Whatever the precise date of these physicians may have been, this passage shows the antiquity of the plague in northern Africa., which for centuries was considered as its home.
In applying the term " endemic centres " to these localities, no very precise meaning can be attached to the word.
Speaking generally, the disease has persisted and spread in the Far East since 1894, but precise information is lacking, except with regard to Hong Kong.
The precise date of the invention is not known; but in 1767 he employed John Kay, a watchmaker at Warrington, to assist him in the preparation of the parts of his machine, and he took out a patent for it in 1769.
The precise value of X will vary with the nature and condition of the surfaces in contact.
The term is used in Bombay, Madras and Bengal to denote a considerable number of castes of moderate respectability, the higher of whom are considered ` clean ' Sudras, while the precise status of the lower is a question which lends itself to endless controversy."In northern and north-western India, on the other hand," the grade next below the twice-born rank is occupied by a number of castes from whose hands Brahmans and members of the higher castes will take water and certain kinds of sweetmeats.
That the tenets and practices of so characteristic a faith as Buddhism, so long prevalent in India, cannot but have left their marks on Hindu life and belief may readily be assumed, though it is not so easy to lay one's finger on the precise features that might seem to betray such an influence.
The precise date and place of his birth, together with details of his early life, are wanting; but in 1143 he assisted his maternal uncle, Count Welf VI., in his attempts to conquer Bavaria, and by his conduct in several local feuds earned the reputation of a brave and skilful warrior.
The new dogmas promulgated by the Holy See from time to time have been the outcome of the slow growth of ages, built up from precedent to precedent, and only defined at last when the accumulated weight of evidence in their favour, or the necessity for precise definition to meet the contradictions of heretics, seemed to demand a decision.
By "popery " must here be understood the belief that spiritual doctrines always lend themselves to a precise embodiment in black and white, and can thereafter be dealt with like so many clauses of an act of parliament.
Never very precise, this system in the 1st century B.C. fell into extreme decay.
He seems in this way to have educated in himself a very precise " electrical sense," making use of his own nervous system as a kind of physiological galvanometer.
Maxwell never committed himself to a precise definition of the physical nature of electric displacement, but considered it as defining that which Faraday had called the polarization in the insulator, or, what is equivalent, the number of lines of electrostatic force passing normally through a unit of area in the dielectric. A second fundamental conception of Maxwell was that the electric displacement whilst it is changing is in effect an electric current, and creates, therefore, magnetic force.
It is equally difficult to determine whether Tirhakah actually appeared on the scene in 701, and the precise application of the term Musri (Mizraim) is much debated.
His judgment was unusually clear, his principles solid and well founded, his sincerity and honesty beyond question; and to these qualities he united an admirable style, lucid, precise and well balanced.
The precise date of his death is not known, but it is said to have occurred on the 6th of February 891.
All the accessories for inking are placed at the end of the machine, the ink itself being supplied from a ductor, which can be so regulated by the keys attached to it as to let out the precise amount of pigment required.
The type-forme is placed on the coffin or bed of the press and fixed into its proper position - the precise position being regulated by the exact size of the sheet of paper on which the work is to be printed.
The information we possess as to his degree of instruction is scarcely more precise or less conflicting.
The only "missing link" is the want of any precise allusion to a mask in the references to Dauger.
The first Bela, son of Beor, is often identified with Balaam, but the traditions of the Exodus are not precise enough to warrant the assumption that the seer was the king of a hostile land in Num.
He found English ways dull and precise and the religious observances exacting; and his mother had - not for the last time - to talk seriously with him on his unsocial and wilful character.
No statistics whatever being kept, nothing precise is known of the movement of the population.
It is of great importance that among the Slavonic peoples the same word bogu distinguishes the deity; since this points to ancient cultural influences on which we have yet no more precise information.
Ctesias (q.v.) possesses a more precise acquaintance with Persian views and institutions than Herodotus; and, where he deals with matters that came under his own cognisance, he gives much useful information.
The precise period at which the Brahuis gained the mastery cannot be accurately ascertained; but it was probably about two and a half centuries ago.
In connexion with almost all the Himalayan glaciers of which precise accounts are forthcoming are ancient moraines indicating some previous condition in which their extent was much larger than now.
He gives no precise indication of their geographical position, but states that, together with six other tribes, including the Varini (the Warni of later times), they worshipped a goddess named Nerthus, whose sanctuary was situated on "an island in the Ocean."
The general period of the four fasts being roughly fixed, the precise date appears to have varied considerably, and in some cases to have lost its connexion with the festivals altogether.
On the other hand, the recorded discovery of iron armour, Roman and British pottery and coins, together with the bones and horns of deer and other animals, is of little evidential value without a precise record of the circumstances in which they were found.
Nor would this by any means militate against its use as a temple for consecrating the dead, or for sun-worship, or any other religious purpose.The most recent research suggests that Stonehenge was designed to a precise geometric plan,and was largely prefabricated.
Their language is vague and allegorical, full of allusions and pious Mussulman invocations; the author continually announces that he is about to speak without mystery or reserve, but all the same never gives any precise details of the secrets he professes to reveal.
But the general view of continental publicists is, that the language of the rules was not sufficiently precise to admit of their being generally accepted as a canon of neutral obligations.
Although fossil remains of Crustacea are abundant, from the most ancient fossiliferous rocks down to the most recent, their study has hitherto contributed little to a precise knowledge of the phylogenetic history of the class.
It is not possible to determine with exactitude the precise function discharged by each part of the wing, but experiment tends to show that the tip of the wing elevates, the posterior margin propels, and the root sustains.
These states are really sui generis,and their precise position can be understood only by a private examination of the treaties affecting them.
But to search for a precise time or an exact locality is to deal with the question too narrowly; it is more correct to say that the Avesta was worked at from the time of Zoroaster down to the Sassanian period.
Thus we search vainly in the Avesta itself for any precise data to determine the period of its composition or the place where it arose.
Contemporary accounts attest the magnificence of the work and the enthusiasm it excited, but are not precise enough to enable us to judge to which of the two main groups of extant sketches its design corresponded.
From the Hungarian and Russian sources, which are somewhat more precise, the date of the arrival of Dragosh, who is confused with the historical Bogdan Voda (1349-1365), appears to have been 1349, and his departure from Marmaros was carried out in defiance of his Hungarian suzerain.
The increase in the slaughtering industry between 1890 and 1900 (1 34.9%) was chiefly due to remarkable growth in St Joseph-or, to be more precise, just outside the city limits of St Joseph; between 1900 and 1905 the increase was 39.5%.
With the help of theory and observation the part played by this atmosphere is tolerably precise.
The precise relation in which these documents stand to one another still remains in a measure doubtful, but it seems probable that they are based upon a lost Church Order, to which the Canons of Hippolytus stands nearest.
In these researches he skilfully took advantage of the well-known property of reciprocity between the centres of suspension and oscillation of an oscillating body, so as to determine experimentally the precise position of the centre of oscillation; the distance between these centres was then the length of the ideal simple pendulum having the same time of oscillation.
He was excessively precise and hard to please with reference to the final polish of his own works for publication; and it was probably for this reason that he published so little compared with the extent of his investigations.
With regard to this section, all that can be said is that it includes materials which are also to be found elsewhere - in the Egyptian Church Order and other documents already spoken of - and that the precise relation between them is at present not determined.
There is no precise arrangement; but the subjects, following a general introduction, are the bishop and his duties, penance, the administration of the offerings, the settlement of disputes, the divine service, the order of widows, deacons and deaconesses, the poor, behaviour in persecution, and so forth.
This immense undertaking involved the codification of the entire canon law, drawing it up in a clear, short and precise form, and introducing any expedient modifications and reforms. For this purpose the pope appointed.
And this Analogy 'twixt colours, and refrangibility is very precise and strict; the Rays always either exactly agreeing in both, or proportionally disagreeing in both.
At a meeting of the Royal Society on the 11th of January 1672, Oldenburg the secretary read a letter from Paris describing the method followed by Picard in measuring a degree, and specifically stating the precise length that he calculated it to be.
During the same period the excitement caused by the accusation of atheism brought against Fichte at Jena led to the publication of Jacobi's Letter to Fichte (1799), in which he made more precise the relation of his own philosophic principles to theology.
The word, like dozen and couple, is still in use, but rather in a vague than in a precise sense.
Such a sketch must pass lightly over debatable ground, and must consist largely of suggestions still in need of confirmation; but if it serves as a frame into which more precise and more detailed statements may be fitted as they come to the ken of the reader, its object will be attained.
The precise relation is not clear, but the order in which they are here placed is believed to be from the more primitive to the more specialized.
Students of the original romances are aware that there is in these texts an extraordinary diversity of statement as to the nature and origin of the Grail, and that it is extremely difficult to determine the precise value of these differing versions.'
Here the Grail is a food-providing, self-acting talisman, the precise nature of which is not specified; it is designated as the "rich" Grail, and serves the king and his court sans serjant et sans seneschal, the butlers providing the guests with wine.
In the first we have the precise history of the Grail, how it was the dish of the Last Supper, confided by our Lord to the care of Joseph, whom he miraculously visited in the prison to which he had been committed by the Jews.
Legends of the part played by Joseph of Arimathea in the conversion of Britain are closely connected with Glastonbury, the monks of which foundation showed, in the 12th century, considerable literary activity, and it seems a by no means improbable hypothesis that the present form of the Grail legend may be due to a monk of Glastonbury elaborating ideas borrowed from Fecamp. This much is certain, that between the Saint-Sang of Fecamp, the Volto Santo of Lucca, and the Grail tradition, there exists a connecting link, the precise nature of which has yet to be determined.
And indeed we may note that the precise word parliament first appears in the chroniclers and in official documents about the middle of Henrys reign.
Whatever opinion Lord Carnarvon may have formedand his precise view is uncertaina greater man than he had suddenly arrived at a similar conclusion.
It is difficult to assign precise dates to SS.
It is true that the precise relation between the activities of human wills and other forms of activity in the natural world is a highly speculative problem and one with which the ordinary man is not immediately concerned.
And, though some kind of correspondence between the physical and conscious series of states has been observed and is commonly taken for granted in a number of instances, proof that entire correspondence exists is still wanting, and the precise kind of correspondence is left undetermined.
It is the precise mode of this relation which idealist philosophers leave obscure.
It was inevitable that, in proportion as this casuistry assumed the character of a systematic penal jurisprudence, its precise determination of the limits between the prohibited and the allowable, with all doubtful points closely scrutinized and illustrated by fictitious cases, would have a tendency to weaken the moral sensibilities of ordinary minds; the greater the industry spent in deducing conclusions from the diverse authorities, the greater necessarily became the number of points on which doctors disagreed; and the central authority that might have repressed serious divergences was wanting in the period of moral weakness'- that the church went through after the death of Boniface Viii.
His account of the sanction, again, is sufficiently comprehensive, including both the internal and the external rewards of virtue and punishments of vice; and he, like later utilitarians, explains moral' obligation to lie in the force exercised on the will by these sanctions; but as to the precise manner in which individual is implicated with universal good, and the operation of either or both in determining volition, his view is indistinct if not actually inconsistent.
Wollaston's theory of moral evil as consisting in the practical contradiction of a true proposition, closely resembles the most paradoxical part of Clarke's doctrine, and was not likely to approve itself to the strong common sense of Butler; but his statement of happiness or pleasure as a " justly desirable " end at which every rational being " ought " to aim corresponds exactly to Butler's conception of self-love as a naturally governing impulse; while' the " moral arithmetic " with which he compares pleasures and pains, and endeavours to make the notion of happiness quantitatively precise, is an anticipation of Benthamism.
The ascent towards God and the functions of the "threefold eye of the soul " - cogitatio, meditatio and contem- platio - were minutely taught by him in language which is at once precise and symbolical.
In our time, however, this appliance is replaced by either of two others, which admit of much more precise application.
The importance of their heliacal risings, or first visible appearances at dawn, for the purposes both of practical life and of ritual observance, caused them to be systematically noted; the length of the year was accurately fixed in connexion with the annually recurring Nile-flood; while the curiously precise orientation of the Pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the third millennium B.C. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy.
The instants of contact between the limbs of the sun and planet defied precise determination.
The precise geographical .range of these three species is still undetermined.
It was probably due to an invasion undertaken by Brythons 1 from Britain, but it is impossible to assign a precise date for their arrival.
Precise conclusions are possible only when a gaseous body is transparent through and through, so that the gas emits its characteristic rays - or when the rays from an incandescent body of any kind pass through a gaseous envelope at a temperature lower than that of the body itself.
Plato's account of Zeno's teaching (Parmenides, 128 seq.) is, however, presumably as accurate as it is precise.
The internal features of Genesis demand some formulated theory, more precise than the indefinite concessions of the 17th century, beyond which the opponents of modern literary criticism scarcely advance, and the Graf-Wellhausen theory, in spite of the numerous difficulties which it leaves untouched, is the only adequate starting-point for the study of the book.
Neither of Jason's work, nor of the epitomizer's, can the precise date be determined.
The precise line of the western frontier is formed for a considerable length by portions of the chief rivers or by small tributaries, and on the north (between Portugal and Galicia) it is determined to a large extent by small mountain ranges.
The sites on which it has been observed range from Dakka to Halfa, that is to say within the precise limits which late Latin and Greek writers assign to the Blemyes, and there is good reason to identify the people that evolved it with this hitherto almost unknown barbarian nation.
We have further precise details respecting the sin-offering and the peaceofferings which were also presented.'
The compactness of the class Crustacea is generally admitted; of the precise affinities of its subdivisions there is still much to learn.
They had had close relations with the dissident Franciscans, but the Spirituals often disavowed them, especially when the sect, which in Segarelli's time had had no very precise doctrinal character, became with Dolcino frankly heterodox.
The precise date of the separation is fixed as later than the Miocene, since the fringe of the marine Miocene deposits along the southern coast of Victoria is broken, from Flinders to Alberton; and this gap was no doubt due to the subsidence of the land; of which the islands in the Bass Strait are remnants, which then connected Tasmania with the continent.
The tinguaites and solvsbergites of Port C y gnet, south of Hobart, may be of this age; they are intrusive in Carboniferous rocks, and there is no evidence of their precise date; but their resemblance to the rocks associated with the geburite-dacite of Victoria suggests that they may belong to.
Apart, then, from the expanded treatment of space and time as subjective forms, we find in the Dissertation little more than the very precise and definite formulation of the slowly growing opposition to the Leibnitzian doctrines.
In any detailed exposition of the critical system it would be requisite in the first place to state with some fullness the precise nature of the problems immediately before Kant, and in the second place to follow with some closeness the successive stages of the system as presented in the three main works, the Kritik of Pure Reason, the Kritik of Practical Reason and the Kritik of Judgment, with the more important of the minor works, the Metaphysic of Nature and the Metaphysic of Ethics.
For this reference to logic he has been severely blamed, but the precise nature of the debt due to the commonly accepted logical classification is very generally misconceived.
It has already been noted how serious was the error involved in the description of these as notions, without further attempt to clear up their precise significance.
Due attention to the relation between understanding and reason enables us to solve the antinomies and to discover their precise origin and significance.
Precise indications of these are found in the registers of the Inquisitors, Bernard of Caux, Jean de St Pierre, Geoffroy d'Ablis, and others.
It's a timed experiment and it has to run for a precise period.
The kidnapping was particularly egregious so we broke our self-imposed rule against staying away from case where precise times are not known.
Quinn, the scientist, remained frustrated with his inability to bring Howie back to a specific place and precise time further back than a day or two.
I utilized Quinn's precise red-marked settings and on the third try, Howie announced in his quiet monotone that he recognized the house!
Patsy— as Martha always referred to her mother—apparently neglected to so much as record her daughter's birth, later telling the authorities she could remember neither the jurisdiction where Martha was born nor the precise date.
Now that would cost you some bucks, and not give you a precise answer for your money.
Her skin was still pale from the winter past, and worry had removed the precise amount of weight.
While there was no precise pattern to the trips, no locations seemed to be more frequently visited than others.
Jeffrey Byrne was a boringly precise man.
Gather the witnesses, push for details, probe, get the precise meanings of what they said.
Made of clear acrylic, it has a printed graduated scale for precise radius setting.
We conclude that precise control of actin filament dynamics by UNC-60B is required for proper integration of actin into myofibrils.
Lastly, the precise means whereby the SCC cells grow will be studied, using adenoviruses.
Therefore precise indoor aerobatics & 3D flying are a reality.
But right at this precise moment, he was most bitterly angry with himself.
I have no precise information about the Russian army.
Each satellite carries an incredibly accurate atomic clock and broadcasts a regular time signal as well as precise information on its location.
These moves certainly helped to give precise content to the fundamental tenets of mechanical atomism that they had previously lacked.
Features include - Precise scanning of just a few heart beats reduces overall scanning time by 50% compared with conventional digital monitors.
Again it does not behoove the historian to speculate or embroider on the precise significance of the words employed.
There, the precise association in the urn with different parts of the body strongly suggested the veneers had decorated an ornamental bier.
Because the calcifications are so small a stereotactic biopsy is taken, which involves a computer and scanner to pinpoint the precise area.
The precise geometry and details of an X-ray producing region around a supermassive black hole are not known.
Stunning on salsa music, clear on classical, precise on pop and raucous on rock this cable lets your system really boogie.
Measurements of thresholds for bond breakage and the energy released into the photofragments allow very precise determinations of strengths of chemical bonds.
He writes about it sensitively, with due modesty and a sensible regard for the precise chronology, the details, the sensations.
You've got to be so precise with your lines and braking to actually make the thing go round the comers.
The use of silicon allows precise micromachining of components with well defined thermal conductance.
High quality, resilient foam core, molded into a precise shape, with a long lasting, attractive cover.
However precise beliefs differ quite widely between different covens and even among individual witches.
The title deeds also describe the precise extent of the property.
The precise definition of the star allocation system varies according to the type of accommodation.
Whatever tricks Irving tried, he could not derail Browning ' s calm, precise delivery of facts establishing that the genocide happened.
Never before has a shifter and rear derailleur been faster, lighter and more precise than the new SRAM X.0 system.
He found religious people tithing, giving a tenth, in a precise legalistic way, yet being fundamentally disobedient to God's word.
He was a meticulous draftsman; his characters are well-defined and precise so that little ambiguity is encountered in the deciphering process.
Using echocardiography we can be much more precise about the actual cause of a murmur in an individual dog.
Weighing in at just 39kg this fully specified anvil for the mobile farrier is configured for precise and efficient forging.
New genetic techniques allow the precise decoration of tissues or sub-cellular compartments with intrinsically fluorescent proteins.
We present a formalism for trust which provides us with a tool for precise discussion.
Predicate logic provides remarkable insight into these questions by providing a precise formalism capable of expressing all ordinary mathematics.
Very Precise fortune cookies I cracked open the fortune cookie and read the little slip of paper on the inside.
Even so, this amoral tone and semi-documentary look are given an extra, stylized dimension by precise framing and skillful lighting techniques.
The new sleek ready-to-fly 3 channel electric glider from JP features a brilliant glide angle, precise handling and gorgeous looks.
There was one slight hitch, or to be precise, there wasn't one slight Paul.
At the time of writing, the precise legal rules that govern parallel importation within the EEA are still being written by the Courts.
As the measurement of position, gets more precise, the value of the momentum gets more indefinite.
If no range is given for the date it is precise (complete sapwood ).
Apparently the facilitation of precise placement is of scant interest to current producers of defensive sidearms.
Or, to be more precise, all the bad bits of every third-person stealth game that's ever been released.
This frontier remained for about zoo years, and no doubt in that long period much was done to it to which we cannot affix precise dates.
A vivid new light is shed by him upon certain problems, such for instance as those of the imagination or intuition, the source of Art and the theme of the Aesthetic, upon pure will, the source of Economic of Rights and of Politics, treated by Economic. The more precise determination and configuration of the categories and their mode of acting, by means of which is negated and solved the concept of an external reality and of nature placed outside the spirit and opposed to it, led Croce to an absolute spiritualism, widely different from the pan-logicism of Hegel and his school, which only seemed to solve the dualism of spirit and nature and really opened the door to the notion of a transcendental God, as became clear in the development of Hegel's theory at the hands of the right wing of his school.
The study of epidemic and endemic diseases generally has brought to light an array of facts which very strongly suggest that an intimate association exists between the soil and the appearance and propagation of certain diseases; but although experiments and observations allow this view to be looked upon as well established, still the precise role played by the soil in an aetiological respect is by no means so well understood as to make it possible to separate the factors and dogmatize on their effects.
Opinions, however, vary widely as to the precise proportions of history and fiction which the story contains.
The precise mechanism of the process of setting of Portland cement is not known with certainty, but it is probably analogous to that of the setting of plaster of Paris, consisting in the dissolution of the compounds produced by hydration while they are in a more soluble form, their transition to a less soluble form, the consequent supersaturation of the solution, and the deposition of the surplus of the dissolved substance in crystals which interlock and form a coherent mass.
The Homeric uses of tip and are different in several respects from the Attic, the general result being that the Homeric syntax is more elastic. And yet it is perfectly definite and precise.
In the former book he still makes large additions and alterations, but there is less scope for his prolixity than before; and in the latter, where he is no longer dealing with generalities, but making actual definitions, the Constitutions of necessity become more precise and statutory in form.
At Eylau, at Wagram, and later at Waterloo, his method of acting by enormous masses of infantry and cavalry, in a mad passion for conquest, and his misuse of his military resources, were all signs of his moral and technical decadence; and this at the precise moment when, instead of the armies and governments of the old system, which had hitherto reigned supreme, the nations themselves were rising against France, and the events of 1792 were being avenged upon her.
But its precise limits are difficult to assign, the Phrygian frontier being vague and fluctuating, while in the north-west the Troad was sometimes included in Mysia, sometimes not.
The precise wording of resumption clauses needs to be examined carefully.
Most of the problems seemed to revolve around GPRS or lack of GPRS to be more precise.
Searching Searching offers you a more precise way of locating an item you want to buy.
To be quite precise, YOUR apparent objects are not truly distinct from the seer called Dennis.
As for the shoestring potatoes, they were described as a taste sensation - " I love ' em " - to be precise !
Or, to be more precise, all the bad bits of every third-person stealth game that 's ever been released.
Some of his language is a bit stilted at times, and there are some places where his precise meaning is n't clear.
This leads us to our next point, namely the precise stipulations of the covenant made with Abraham in Genesis 17.
Handling is sublime, with a supple ride that does n't insulate the driver from the car 's precise responses.
Designers will find these images to be a viable toolbox of techniques with immediate and precise applications.
The controlled trickle irrigation system allows the precise control of salinity levels in the field.
We also exploit a wide range of assays and functional studies to determine the precise role that the protein plays in trypanosome biology.
His tackling was precise and he was seldom beaten in any tussle for the ball.
The lesions enable you to identify the underlying pathology, helping to make your differentials more precise.
The precise location of the initial stage of development of the Ness Pole must be linked to where tidal current velocities start to diminish.
The direction of virulence evolution can be affected by the precise way in which clones interact in hosts.
A watery grave awaits anything less than a precise iron shot.
If you have a friend measure you, try to be as precise as possible.
The more precise the bearings are, the more fragile they are; the more durable the bearings are, the more "sloppy" they can be.
Depth Sounders - Gives precise ocean depth readings to assist with fishing ventures.
If you buy from a respectable brand such as Dewalt, Ryobi, and Craftsman, you are more likely to find a tabletop that features precise measurements.
A deal will not necessarily come along every day, or at the precise moment when you need to make the purchase.
They may also give you precise details on finishing your cat furniture.
As with any building project, precise measurements are important.
This is to be sure that the language is precise and cannot be loosely interpreted, in case there are disagreements in the future.
Now that the issues are resolved and precise agreements made, the mediator provides each spouse with an agreement draft.
Isolating the precise source of your discontent usually helps diffuse it.
Wicker outdoor furnishings have a unique look and design all their own, so finding a cushion for a chaise lounge needs to be a precise operation.
They feel that each piece of log furniture is unique based on the particular wood used in the project and that precise plans are meant to create exact replicas of an item that is easily duplicated.
This information needs to take into account several important aspects, including the position of the wall, type of plants that are being grown and the precise geographic location.
Take precise measurements of the room and any doorways which must be passed through to get inside.
Edges are crisp, clean, and precise and there is very little ornament.
If you have a circular or arched pattern, rotating the sheet of acetate while you cut will make the cut cleaner and more precise.
Sometimes you can download these programs for free, or if you want something a little more precise for bigger remodeling jobs, you can buy them.
These programs run the gamut from very general to very precise, and you usually get what you pay for.
The most basic programs feature a generic skeleton room that you can decorate, while the more precise programs let you enter your room dimensions, window placement, doors, and even the size of the furniture you have now.