Precautions Sentence Examples
Some precautions must be observed.
You take great precautions to safeguard Toby, and yet, you rejected your own brother?
Their proposers do not take even elementary precautions to be right.
Make sure to follow the safety precautions in the book.
Food & Drink Water is considered drinkable, normal precautions should be observed with food.
Yes, by taking a few precautions, you can ensure that no one gets into your cell phone and gets your information.
But if she's not talking, I'd take extreme precautions if I were you, Tim said, again thoughtful.
In March 1821, Count Santorre di Santarosa and other conspirators informed Charles Albert of a constitutional and anti-Austrian plot, and asked for his help. After a momentary hesitation he informed the king; but at his request no arrests were made, and no precautions were taken.
Energetically making use of this period of respite, he again issued the charter to the church, ordered his subjects to take a fresh oath of allegiance to him, and sent to the pope for aid; but neither these precautions, nor his expedient of taking the cross, deterred the barons from returning to the attack.
Microsoft is taking the necessary precautions to ensure their new mobile platform succeeds in a competitive smartphone industry flooded with iPhones and Blackberry devices.
AdvertisementMost of the precautions for acetaminophen apply to adults rather than children but may apply to some teenagers.
All of these precautions are necessary to protect yourself.
From the time the ring is first placed on your finger, you should take precautions to insure that it can be used as an heirloom, no matter how many descendent may vie for its glitter in coming years.
In fact, online stores can be a great retail choice when buying an engagement ring if couples take appropriate precautions to safeguard their purchase.
She took the necessary precautions and then took some Midol.
AdvertisementIt may be that in particular cases particular modes of cultivation disfavour the host; or that the soil, climate or seasons do so; but overwhelming evidence exists to show that the principal causes of epidemics reside in circumstances which favor the spread, nutrition and reproduction of the pest, and the lesson to be learnt is, that precautions against the establishment of such favoring conditions must be sought.
What may broadly be called "conjuring" is a much more probable explanation of most of the recorded phenomena; and in the vast majority of cases the witnesses do not seem to have duly appreciated the possibilities of conjuring, and have consequently neither taken sufficient precautions to exclude it nor allowed for the accidental circumstances which may on any particular occasion favour special tricks or illusions.
The change of temperature of the solutions after the mixing has taken place is then observed with the usual precautions.
Since the inception of the petroleum industry, most civilized countries have prescribed by law a test of flash-point or inflammability, designed in most cases primarily to afford a definition of oils for lighting purposes which may be safely stored without the adoption of special precautions.
At a later period, however, the difficulty of screening the rites of baptism and Eucharist from the eyes of catechumens and from their ears the creeds and liturgies - a difficulty which had ever been formidable and which after the overthrow of paganism must have become insurmountable - seems to have provoked not only a great outpouring on the part of the Christian rhetors, like Basil, Chrysostom, the Gregories and the Cyrils, of phrases borrowed from the Greek mysteries, but perhaps an actual use of precautions.
AdvertisementThe same precautions must be used against mildew and insects as given in January.
We notice that, as in modern Italy until quite recent years, elaborate precautions were taken against heat, but none against cold, which was patiently endured.
It has until lately been the practice to remove these to the museum at Naples; but the present tendency is to leave them (and even the movable objects found in the houses) in situ with all due precautions as to their preservation (as in the house of the Vettii, of the Silver Wedding, of the Golden Cupids, &c.), which adds immensely to the interest of the houses; indeed, with the l,eip of judicious restoration, their original condition is in large measure reproduced.'
Their conclusion rested on the supposed elimination of all known physical causes for the movements; but it is doubtful from the description of the experiments whether the precautions taken were sufficient to exclude unconscious muscular action or even deliberate fraud.
Precautions are taken to prevent, as far as possible, any abuse of the power of expulsion.
AdvertisementUnder the French law of expulsion (December 3, 1849) there are no such precautions, the minister of the interior having an absolute discretion to order any foreigner as a measure of public policy to leave French territory and in fact to have him taken immediately to the frontier.
In spite of all the precautions they took and the contracts they made, the Egyptians could never quite rid themselves of the dread that their tombs might decay and their cult be neglected; and they sought therefore to obtain by prayers and threats what they feared they might lose altogether.
Thus a series of arrays of beech leaves, gathered, subject to the precautions indicated, from each of loo beech trees in Buckinghamshire by Professor Pearson, gave 16.1 as the mean number of veins per leaf, the standard deviation of the veins in the series being 1.735.
Precautions are expected to remain in force for the UN general assembly in New York, where Mr Bush is due to speak tomorrow.
In spite of taking precautions and putting safety measures into place, accidents, injuries, and crime may still take place.
Parents can take some precautions to ensure the health of their children.
While most precautions are intended to reduce the risk of overdose, parents should not try to reduce the risk by giving a lower than normal dose.
If both parents have food allergies, precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of the child having a food allergy, too.
Its geographical distribution is of the widest, and its rapidity of breeding, in manure and dooryard filth, so great that, as a carrier of germs of disease, especially cholera and typhoid, the house-fly is now recognized as a potent source of danger; and various sanitary regulations have been made, or precautions suggested, for getting rid of it.
The greatest precautions must be taken to ensure the secrecy of the examination papers before the examination, and the effective isolation of individual candidates during the examination.
Thus malaria and sand-fly fever, dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fever, cholera, smallpox, and occasionally typhus fever, eye diseases, oriental sores and indeed any disease conveyed by impure water, flies, contaminated dust or the contagion of sufferers from infectious diseases, are prevalent in the inhabited places along the Persian Gulf, and precautions must always be taken to guard against them.
Frequent annealings are necessary to prevent fracture of the metal; but with these and the observance of certain other precautions of a practical character the degree of extension possible is enormous.
In spite of all precautions a certain quantity of impurities is always formed, but this should be kept down as much as possible by strictly watching the temperature in the vats and by taking care that the black-ash in the wet state is never exposed to the air.
When all these precautions are taken, the method loses most of the simplicity which is its chief advantage.
Very special precautions are required to eliminate instrumental error before we can compare observations, say, of a star on the meridian in winter at 6 p.m.
Having regard to the special precautions taken to eliminate systematic error, and to the fact that the stars used were distributed nearly equally over both hemispheres, it is fair to conclude that this is the most accurate determination yet made.
Notwithstanding all these precautions, a vast conspiracy was formed.
Having taken all precautions, Mamun now made his solemn entry into Bagdad, but, to show that he came as a master, he still displayed for several days the green colours, though at last, at the request of Tahir, he consented to resume the black.
Although Cadorna believed that he could hold back the Austrian attack, he had no intention of omitting any precautions.
It is necessary to take special precautions to ensure that the vapour is dry or free from drops of liquid.
We have seen how closely the serpent is associated with water generally (§ 5 seq.), and since we meet with the belief that sources will dry up when the serpent-occupant is killed (Bechuanas, Zulus), or that they will resent impurities thrown into their springs by causing storms (tribes of the Hindu-Kush), it is not surprising to find elaborate precautions for the propitiation of such powerful beings.
It passed to Rome, but there was much less fatal, making 14,000 victims only - a result attributed by some to the precautions and sanitary measures introduced by Cardinal Gastaldi, whose work, a splendid folio, written on this occasion (Tractatus de avertenda et profliganda peste politicolegalis, Bologna, 1684) is historically one of the most important on the subject of quarantine, &c. Genoa lost 60,000 inhabitants from the same disease, but Tuscany remained untouched.
They found that the germ of tetanus had been introduced into the fluid before the bottle was opened at Malkowal, and they thought it probable that this might have occurred owing either to insufficient sterilization or to the process of filling the bottle from a larger flask having been performed with defective precautions.
At Exiles they are separated and guarded with special precautions; and in January 1687 one of them (all the evidence admittedly pointing to La Riviere) dies.
These occluded gases are all liberated when the copper cools, and so give rise to porous castings, unless special precautions are taken.
But no precautions such as those above indicated appear to have been taken in any of these experiments; and we have no intimation that either the society or any of its members are making systematic efforts to acclimatize the tree.
White men, who take proper precautions, and are not chronically soaked with cane-spirit, stand the climate perfectly, but the creole whites are still too much caballeros to devote themselves to agricultural work.
The storm of opposition which it encountered showed that these precautions were not out of place.
At length, on his urgent prayer, the king reluctantly permits him to pass the limits of the palace, after having taken all precautions to keep painful objects out of sight.
Needham in 1745 had declared that heated infusions of organic matter were not deprived of living beings; Spallanzani (1777) had replied that more careful heating and other precautions prevent the appearance of organisms in the fluid.
The attitude of the archbishop roused great excitement in Paris, and the government had to take precautions to avoid a repetition of the riots which in the preceding February had led to the sacking of the church of St Germain l'Auxerrois and the archiepiscopal palace.
This catastrophe attracted renewed attention to the state of Stonehenge, and much discussion took place as to the taking of precautions against further decay.
It would be impossible to give in detail here all the precautions necessary for the successful use of the methods, and the descriptions will therefore be confined to the principles involved and the general manner in which they are applied to secure the desired results.
But notwithstanding these precautions quantities of the drug are wasted when the crop is a full one, owing to the difficulty of gathering the whole in the short time during which collection is possible.
Among the miscellaneous powers of an urban council with respect to streets may be mentioned the power to widen or improve, and certain powers incorporated from the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, with respect to naming streets, numbering houses, improving the line of streets, removing obstructions, providing protection in respect of ruinous or dangerous buildings, and requiring precautions to be taken during the construction and repair of sewers, streets and houses.
The growth of missionary enterprise in India lent colour to this theory, which was supported by the fact that no precautions had been taken to grease the Indian cartridges with a neutral fat, such as that of sheep and goats.
But to all such precautions should be added the use of concrete or brickwork tongues running longitudinally at the bottom of the trench, such as those shown at a higher level in fig.
These precautions were perfectly effective in securing the safety of the dam up to the height to which the counterfort was carried.
Moreover, the presence of bacteria, or their spores, is so universal that only extreme precautions guard against a re-infection of the sterilized material.
With all these precautions the best seed time is often missed, and this usually proves the prelude to a scanty crop, or to a late and disastrous harvest.
In the comparison of standard weights, or in any weighing opera - tions where great accuracy is required, it is necessary to use many precautions.
By employing suitable precautions, a gas of approximately uniform composition is obtained, containing from 6 to 8% sulphur dioxide, S02, with a little trioxide, SO 3, and about t 2% of oxygen, which is more than sufficient for converting later all the SO 2 into SO 3 or H 2 50 4.
When it is possible to obtain pure cornutine, which is unfortunately very expensive, the precautions necessary in other cases may be abrogated.
Despite these precautions many accidents have occurred; some of the houses have sunk or stand at fantastic angles, and in 1892 a portion of the High Street, which had subsided below the level of the Weaver, had to be raised 6 ft.
Lafayette was slow to follow it and, when he arrived, took insufficient precautions.
In spite of precautions this fact became public and provoked the formidable riot styled "The battle of the umbrellas" that broke out the next day.
The tincture should not be prescribed unless precautions are taken to avoid the precipitation of the resin which follows its dilution with water.
Right wing agitators were on their way to attack the venue, presumably with some determination given the precautions that were now in hand.
Blood from the thoracic cavity may be used, provided the same precautions are taken.
It is imperative that hydration is maintained in affected animals and that precautions are taken to prevent contagion of adjacent stock.
Precautions All patients who have been given morphine must be carefully observed for evidence of respiratory depression.
Relevant insurance precautions for any unforeseen eventuality should already be taken.
Adequate fire precautions have been taken to ensure the animals safety in the case of fire precautions have been taken to ensure the animals safety in the case of fire.
Please take precautions in summer to ensure you avoid heatstroke.
In my education my father had taken the greatest precautions that my mind should be impressed with no supernatural horrors.
Without these precautions, a judge could consider the evidence to be tainted and therefore inadmissible.
A bell rung in vacuo, with proper precautions to prevent the communication of motion, remains inaudible.
However similar precautions must be taken in solid state HVDC power supplies to limit the inrush current at turn on.
Customers must take precautions to minimize any loss that might occur.
Failure to take precautions to keep your passwords secret may be considered negligent.
We do take all normal reasonable precautions to protect user-information off-line.
Ensure suitable precautions are in place where appropriate, e.g. in restricted areas such as near slurry pits or where sick animals are isolated.
Harsh penalties await any organization with an established duty of care that neglects these precautions.
This Code outlines sensible precautions for those coming back to enjoy the countryside.
However, with a few sensible precautions, people with epilepsy can enjoy all the benefits of swimming quite safely.
Event organizer Jackie Williams said stringent safety precautions had been put in place for the event.
Administration is by subcutaneous injection preferably in the loose skin on the side of the neck, observing aseptic precautions.
Food & Drink Water is considered drinkable, normal precautions should be observed with food Currency Italian Lira (Lit ).
Standard hygiene precautions are equally effective against HIV infection.
Take more sun safety precautions on days with higher UV index values.
Reducing risk by taking commonsense precautions with tools and machines.
We recommend that you check advice for all vaccinations and malaria precautions from your doctor.
Fire precautions Does the workplace have a smoke detector?
Tritace should not be used in patients with aortic or mitral valve stenosis or outflow obstruction (see Precautions section below ).
A good sunblock, a hat, and avoiding long midday sunbathing are the best precautions.
No special health precautions are needed to travel to Zurich and compulsory vaccinations are not required.
To Europeans the climate is found to be relaxing and enervating, but if, in spite of some disinclination for exertion, regular exercise is taken from the beginning, and ordinary precautions against chills, more especially to the stomach, are adopted, a European has almost as good a chance of remaining in good health in the peninsula as in Europe.
He greeted the treaty of San Stefano (3rd March 1878) with undisguised relief, and by the mouth of the king, congratulated Italy (7th March 1878) on having maintained with the powers friendly and cordial relations free from suspicious precautions, and upon having secured for herself that most precious of alliances, the alliance of the future a phrase of which the empty rhetoric was to be bitterly demonstrated by the Berlin Congress and the French occupation of Tunisia.
Bearing in mind these precautions, we may classify the proximal causal agents of disease as I.External agencies.
It is not sufficient to find bacteria in the rotting tissues, however, nor even to be successful in infecting the plant through an artificial wound, unless very special and critical precautions are taken, and in many of the alleged cases of bacteriosis the saprophytic bacteria in the tissues are to be regarded as merely secondary agents.
Even if the conception of the relative sanctity of gods and men remained unaltered, it by no means follows that in primitive times the same precautions were necessary in approaching the former as were demanded by the consciousness of later generations.
But although, as we have said, in ordinary times there was no necessity for secrecy, yet when the peace of the Church was broken by the fierce and often protracted persecutions of the heathen emperors, it became essential to adopt precautions to conceal the entrance to the cemeteries, which became the temporary hiding-places of the Christian fugitives, and to baffle the search of their pursuers.
When such precautions are adopted it is found that the " electromotive force of magnetization " is, for a given specimen, perfectly definite both in direction and in magnitude; it is independent of the nature of the corrosive solution, and is a function of the field-strength alone, the curves showing the relation of electromotive force 'to field-intensity bearing a rough resemblance to the familiar I-H curves.
Thus an oriental may believe that he is fated to die on a particular day; he believes that, whatever he does and in spite of all precautions he may take, nothing can avert the disaster.
The council provides for inspection of places of entertainment in respect of precautions against fire, structural safety, &c. The principal clubs are in and about Piccadilly and Pall Mall (see Club).
Great loss of life and injury occur through the ignorance, carelessness and recklessness of the men themselves, who fail to take the necessary precautions for their own safety, even when warned to do so.
Galloway, been made the subject of special inquiries in the principal European countries interested in coal mining; and although certain points are still debatable, the fact is generally admitted as one calling for special precautions.
For some cuttings, pots filled with light soil, with the protection of the propagating-house and of bell-glasses, are requisite; but for many of our hardy deciduous trees and shrubs no such precautions are necessary, and the insertion of a short shoot about half its length into moist and gritty ground at the proper season suffices to ensure its growth.
Among the most important structures produced in repeated series are the reproductive cells; and Pearson points out that if the variability of animals or of plants be supposed to depend upon that of the germ-cells from which they arise, then the correlation between brothers in the array produced by the same parents will give a measure of the correlation between the parental germ-cells, the determination requiring, of course, the same precautions to avoid the effects of differentiation as are necessary in the study of other repeated organs.
It is not uncommon in popular writings to attribute this superiority to a crusader strain - a theory which no one can possibly countenance who knows what miserable degenerates the half-breed descendants of the crusaders rapidly became, as a result of their immoral life and their ignorance of the sanitary precautions necessary in a trying climate.
It was perhaps hoped that the English cavalry would plunge into the morass, for no serious precautions were taken as to the flanks, but in any case Wallace desired no more than to receive an attack at the halt, trusting wholly to his massed pikes.
Careful Observations With Special Precautions To Ensure The Cleanliness Of The Water Have Shown That Over A Considerable Range, The Departure From Tate'S Law Is Not Great.
The council are empowered to make by-laws for fixing the number of lodgers and separating the sexes therein, promoting cleanliness and ventilation, giving of notices and taking precautions in case of any infectious disease, and generally for the well-ordering of such houses.
Following the wounded hare he made his way far into the forest and came upon the left flank of Murat's army, encamped there without any precautions.
Operating Precautions A COSHH Special Assessment must be carried out before using pyrophoric material.
All reasonable precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of infectious or contagious diseases.
Too many paddlers have lost time on the water whilst recuperating from an operation which, with precautions, is largely avoidable.
Additional Information Pupils must be aware of health & safety precautions with risk assessment carried out.
A few simple precautions can help reduce the risk of having your motorcycle or scooter stolen.
Tritace should not be used in patients with aortic or mitral valve stenosis or outflow obstruction (see Precautions section below).
We insist on a policy of stringent safety precautions, ensuring our clients are never too far out of touch with the western world.
Hygiene precautions aimed at preventing other zoonoses were sufficient for the time being.
Even if you take all of the necessary precautions to make your home a safe area for your baby, you'll still need to remain alert and vigilant to the possibility that your baby could get hurt.
Most of these injuries could have been prevented if parents had the information necessary to take proper precautions.
Take all these precautions throughout your home, including placing smoke alarms in every sleeping area and every level of your home.
Know the difference between reasonable safety precautions and hyper-vigilant parenting, which can stunt children's sense of selves, even from a young age.
Taking reasonable precautions is part of being a caring parent.
All of these precautions notwithstanding however, SIDS is still a serious threat to babies particularly from birth to age one.
If you haven't already been sprayed by your infant boy, you will be if you don't take precautions.
As always, you must take precautions, but there are special precautions to buying foreclosed homes.
If you are considering this type of nail gun, then make sure you also take the proper safety precautions.
Whether the following shopping crimes happen to you or around you, it's still beneficial to pay attention and take precautions.
That way you can take extra precautions to make sure she isn't accidentally bred.
This lack of knowledge can make foresight and specific precautions impossible.
With a few simple safety precautions, you can enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of picking and eating wild berries.
Be sure to take the necessary precautions, including sweeping up any paint chips that may drop.
Obviously everything should be clean and sterile, but also double check that they take all precautions to ensure no spray chemicals enters your nose, eyes or mouth.
The sifter may prove slightly messy as you peel the protective covering from it, so take precautions to ensure you don't spill any powder.
Because fragrance can be altered when stored improperly, you'll need to take precautions to store your samples and uphold the integrity of the scent.
Whether you have a bank located wholly on the Internet or just want to use some features offered by your bank online, it is important to take precautions.
Many online banking safety precautions are just common sense.
There are a few basic precautions that everyone should take when banking online.
Even though National City offers a safe online banking environment, it's still important to take heed of general online security precautions.
These precautions reduce the risk of food borne illnesses.
If you have a fair complexion, make sure you take precautions and wear a strong sunblock when you're out on the mountain.
Take all safety precautions seriously and don't try to do something you know you shouldn't.
Your brain is smart and thinks it must take precautions when it doesn't get the food it needs.
Study the three different ways you can weight train, the benefits of including weightlifting in your workout and precautions you should take to keep yourself safe while building strength and muscle mass.
It is possible to permanently damage yourself if you don't take the proper precautions.
Slashing the dress with scissors, throwing paint on the dress or running through smoke (with safety precautions) are common themes for destruction.
If you have a history of depression, speak to your healthcare provider about what precautions should be taken during your alcoholism treatment.
Steve was filmed pulling the barb from his chest moments before losing consciousness.While it's true that Steve had encountered many dangerous animals during his career, he was always careful to follow standard safety precautions.
While personalizing your electronic devices with celebrity wallpapers and screensavers can be fun, it pays to follow a few safety precautions.
By investigating different attractions and precautions before you visit, you are sure to see all the very best that this popular destination has to offer.
Ask about safety precautions for young cruisers.
Costa Rica depends heavily on tourism and takes many precautions to protect its natural beauty.
Dogs can transmit many communicable diseases between one another, and simple precautions can help minimize any risks.
Furthermore, this problem can also affect cats, so owners should take precautions with all their pets.
Before traveling to a location with a higher probability of worm infection, consult your veterinarian for appropriate precautions.
Whether you are selling your dog or are interested in purchasing a pet, following certain precautions will insure that the transaction is smooth and gives the dog a new, happy home.
Whether you are selling or buying a dog with classified ads, fliers, or through word-of-mouth, it pays to take precautions to insure an honest and profitable sale.
Be sure to check your dog for ticks periodically, and if you live in an area known to have high tick traffic, take precautions to make your landscape inhospitable for the little buggers.
With a few precautions and forethought, you can find the perfect dog tug toy that will bring you and your pet hours of enjoyment.
With a few simple precautions, you can also make dog food at home.
By following these precautions, Pitbulls may make an appropriate pet for the right family.
With such precautions and planted in loam, deep but not too stiff, in a well-drained sunny border, and with an occasional dose of weak liquid manure, they will repay one for all the care given to them."
The plant is hardy under these conditions, but precautions should be taken to prevent birds from disturbing the soil and exposing the roots.
While the EPA requires us to label these with proper precautions, the natural actives will degrade very quickly into harmless inert compounds.
If you notices any of these diseases on your other trees, take precautions because they can spread to maple trees.
Certain precautions must be taken, however, when growing plants in a greenhouse to ensure optimal conditions under which plants thrive.
In many cases, damaged Corian can be repaired, but it's better to take precautions to avoid problems in the first place.
While some home improvement tasks are simple enough for almost anyone to handle, others require more expertise and safety precautions.
Reading up on your proposed home repair ensures you are following proper safety precautions.
Accept this as a time consuming process, take safety precautions as needed and know that your old vinyl tiles will come up with little problem.
Likewise, you need to take the same precautions with organic fertilizers.
Food safety is highly important; at the very least all food operations should follow OSHA standard precautions.
No matter how old students get, they still need to understand proper riding behavior, how to get on and off the bus, and what other appropriate safety precautions are.
Although vegetables and fruits don't come from animals and therefore aren't subject to the same types of diseases animals may carry, you still need to take precautions before eating these foods.
Of course safety is important, because anytime you meet someone new, you don't know them, and you need to follow basic safety precautions.
However, even adults need to follow safety precautions.
Additionally, if you have a job and or spouse, both can be affected if you don't follow personal Internet safety precautions.
To stay safe while online, you need to follow some basic safety precautions while socializing on the Internet.
Also follow basic safety precautions of not giving out too many personal tidbits, especially not anything that makes it too easy for someone to find you.
Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities can be reduced if the proper precautions are taken.
A pool can give you and your family many hours of enjoyment, but unless you take all the precautions you can to keep the area safe, you won't be able to relax and enjoy yourself.
Many of these injuries and deaths may have been prevented if the workers had been given better safety training or had taken better precautions.
Drivers often get so focused on the importance of getting from one place to another that they become lax when it comes to the most basic safety regulations, especially those extra precautions that must be taken when youngsters are around.
It's important to exercise the highest level of driving safety precautions when you are driving near areas where kids can be expected to be in close proximity.
You can still enjoy the warmth of the sun and reduce the chances of being one of the four million people each year affected with one of the three types of skin cancer by taking simple precautions.
Taking the necessary special precautions and following all safety rules for the science classroom helps reduce the number of accidents and injuries that take place in schools each year.
As the weather turns cooler, days become shorter and children return to school, following autumn safety practices and precautions will keep your family safe as they enjoy the beautiful season of fall.
Following simple safety precautions regarding the use of fireplaces, space heaters and candles greatly reduces the chance of an accidental fire.
Always take proper safety precautions when in these areas by wearing a long sleeved shirt, long pants and socks in light colors.
Following autumn safety practices gives you piece of mind that you are taking the proper precautions to keep your family safe as they enjoy this special time of year.
As the season changes from summer to fall, it's a good idea to follow autumn home safety precautions to make sure your family won't encounter any situations where they may be at risk for injury.
While being outside in the warm sunshine can be an enjoyable experience, it can lead to serious and potentially deadly skin conditions if the proper precautions are not taken.
Not only can avoiding smoking, drugs and excessive alcohol improve your sexual performance, but seniors are also still at risk for STDs and HIV, and you should be communicative and take precautions.
Do some simple precautions, such as locking windows and doors and making sure there aren't any dangerous objects in the way.
If sleepwalking continues, use some common sense precautions.
Always be sure to check a seller's ratings and take extra precautions to make sure what you're getting is a pair of genuine Oakleys and not a knockoff.
They wrap the eye area most effectively and offer some of the best protection of any style as long as precautions are taken to avoid the fogging up of the lenses.
Special effects contact lenses are manufactured and packaged with the same quality and safety precautions that are used in the manufacture of regular prescription contact lenses.
It is these people who are at risk from infrared, and who should take precautions.
The exact shape and dimensions of lenses varies, but most bikers can easily find a style that both suits his fashion preferences while providing excellent safety precautions.
Even though you purchase the night glasses, you must also take other precautions.
When wearing contacts, there are several precautions to keep in mind.
Despite the best precautions, accidents can still occur.
With proper precautions and safe play, the Six Flags Banzai Falls water slide and related inflatable water slide models can provide hours of summer fun for all ages, even without a larger water park to visit..
Take proper safety precautions in the water park to avoid any dangerous or embarrassing water slide oops.
Shoot the Rapids is a water ride, and riders and their belongings may get wet, so take proper precautions before boarding the ride.
Nintendo also has a page dedicated to health and safety precautions.
Guests are advised to observe fire safety precautions at all times.
By planning ahead and taking the proper precautions, it is possible to enjoy camping during the winter months.
A few additional precautions will keep you and the bears safely camping together.
These precautions can prevent most outbreaks.
In this case, extra precautions should be taken.
Children with diabetes can lead an active life and enjoy most of the activities and foods their peers do, with a few precautions to avoid blood sugar highs or lows.
Taking precautions against colds and bronchial infections (washing hands, not sharing dishes, avoiding sick people) can cut down on stridor from infective causes.
There are some precautions any pregnant woman can follow to enhance her chances of preventing a c-section.
Hand washing; never sharing towels, clothing, or stuffed animals; and keeping fingernails well-trimmed are easy precautions to take to avoid spreading the infection from one person to another.
Therefore, MRI staff must take special precautions to ensure that no metallic objects enter the MRI suite.
Safety precautions and accident prevention measures are in place.
Make sure that the child understands basic safety precautions and traffic laws before allowing him or her to ride a bicycle in the street.
Children who have had rheumatic fever need to take extra precautions to ensure they do not have repeat attacks triggered by strep infections.
Certain common-sense precautions can be taken to guard against the disease.
Parents should also take appropriate safety precautions, including removing hair dryers, electric shavers, or other small electrical appliances from the tub area.
The chief concern of parents should be taking appropriate safety precautions regarding the hot water supply and the bathroom or tub area.
Patients with low blood platelets should take precautions to avoid injuries.
After surgery, ongoing precautions to reduce frequency of infection may have to be used.
Shigellosis is an extremely contagious disease; good hand washing techniques (especially after toileting young children or changing diapers) and proper precautions in food handling help in avoiding the spread of infection.
As infants begin eating solid foods, the same food precautions should be followed as for older children and adults.
The disorder cannot be prevented, but parents can take precautions to prevent the recurrent infections commonly associated with immunodeficiency.
There are essentially no precautions to take for a visit.
Using common sense and following safety precautions are the best ways to prevent foreign objects from entering the body.
With the appropriate knowledge and precautions, frostbite can be prevented even in the coldest and most challenging environments.
As of late 2004, the best prevention strategy was minimizing risk of exposure to ticks and using personal protection precautions.
Reflex tests are entirely safe, and no special precautions are needed.
The best way to prevent traumatic amputation is to observe precautions such as using seat belts and obeying speed limits and other traffic regulations.
It is important to take special precautions when using potentially dangerous equipment and make sure machinery is turned off and disconnected before attempting to service or repair it.
A nurse or phlebotomist usually collects the sample following standard precautions for the prevention of transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
Many of these incidents are preventable simply by taking precautions and by using simple, relatively inexpensive child safety products widely available.
The following suggestions are common precautions that may be taken to avoid accidents in the home.
On the other hand, taking these simple and common sense precautions can help prevent many potential accidents.
There are no precautions involved in visual motor testing.
Blood types cannot be changed, but adequate forewarning allows precautions and treatments that limit the danger to unborn babies.
While everyone has bad hair once in a while, these precautions can keep bad hair days to a minimum.
In addition to practicing basic safety precautions, always make sure razors are clean and rust-free prior to using them on the skin.
Your goal is to have a healthy pregnancy with all safety precautions in place to protect your unborn child against preventable birth defects and injury.
Taking extra precautions to protect oneself against secondary infertility is often advised for both men and women.
For cancer survivors experiencing secondary infertility and who did not take fertility preservation precautions, help is still available.
If your pregnancy is high risk, your doctor or midwife should provide clear documentation of the risks associated with your pregnancy and any special precautions you should take, including maternity leave recommendations.
Many men can benefit from taking precautions to protect their health as well as to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
While it may seem complicated, your doctor or midwife can explain to you all of the precautions and treatments that can go with an Rh negative mother and Rh positive father.
When worn using the correct precautions, they can allow your body to get a soft, golden tan perfect for lording it over your friends in the office.
Even so, there are some precautions that you'll want to keep in mind before you begin shopping for an inexpensive bathing suit.
However, these pocket bikes are safe and durable if sensible safety precautions are taken.
Also keep in mind that for the doll to continue to rise in value, you should take many precautions in its upkeep.
Taking a few precautions can minimize the risks of an allergic reaction to bee pollen.
It is important to make sure that you do not burn in the sun, however, and special precautions should always be taken when entering strong sunlight.
Claims that fish oil is harmful to your health may be overblown, but take precautions and talk to your doctor if you have concerns.
There can be risks from taking any products, and the general precautions apply.
Unplug the unit and take other safety precautions to avoid injury.
While you don't have to be an expert, you do need to take a few precautions when fixing harder problems on microwave malfunctions.
Follow all recommended safety precautions, being particularly careful to locate the appliance a safe distance away from any flammable substances and placing it out of paths of children and pets.
Just follow the safety precautions and you won't have a problem staying warm and toasty wherever you use your propane heater.
The actual worst thing that can happen is that you'll start a fire, which isn't likely if you follow the basic safety precautions and instructions.
Many of the potential problems you might have when making candles can be remedied by taking the proper safety precautions.
The glass can become very hot, so take appropriate precautions to prevent it from coming into contact with flammable materials.
Before you choose candles as part of your reception decorations, be sure to check with the venue about restrictions on open flames, and if candles are permitted, follow all necessary safety precautions.
You may even find a glass oil lamp shaped container that lets you create that exotic mystery of the lamp.Set up to work in a clear space and take safety precautions.
While this may sound severe, it is important to mention that the mortality rate of H1N1 is lower than that of seasonal flu, and if proper precautions are taken there is no need for panic about this disease.
As with paid dating sites, use common-sense precautions when contacting other members.
Even if your date lives just down the block, you need to take precautions to make sure that you're safe.
False Security - Believing and trusting everyone, feeling safe without taking obvious precautions.
When you are ready, you may be apprehensive (which is normal) and you will feel confident enough with yourself to take all the necessary precautions as well as feeling confident enough with your decision not to be embarrassed.
What research do you need to do in order to explain the benefits, safety precautions and drawbacks of these sites?
Therefore, any precautions you can take in the kitchen will certainly help protect you or your loved one from ingesting too much gluten.
When buying Ezekiel bread products, take the same precautions you would with any processed item you purchase.
It may be, but take precautions to ensure that you are keeping your risk level as low as possible.
By taking the necessary precautions, there is a good chance you should eventually be able to enjoy at least a small bowl of oatmeal with breakfast.
To ensure a safe dining experience, use the same precautions you take at home.
This means that the same precautions you might take with a backpack purse should be doubled with the slingback.
Once you have made the decision to allow your children to use computers, you will need to take precautions to ensure their health and safety, both online and off.
Those 12 and older can be allowed access to kids' chat rooms, with appropriate safety precautions.
With adequate supervision and appropriate precautions, cooking with kids can be an enjoyable pastime for the entire family.
As with any other website, parents should take precautions while their children are visiting Paper Doll Heaven.
While you can't prevent every illness, taking common sense precautions can go a long way in keeping your child away from sickness.
Strength training programs for preadolescents and adolescents can be safe and effective if proper resistance training techniques and safety precautions are followed.
Use safety precautions during science projects, especially ones that include mixing mediums.
However, people are contagious while they are experiencing fever and respiratory symptoms, and you should take normal precautions.
Around five and up, grating and peeling are pretty safe (with precautions).
No matter which precautions Ouija board users take to only communicate with so-called "good" spirits, it can be quite difficult to discern the intentions of any spirit that pops up to chat.
Despite the controversy on whether a Ouija board works, it is a good idea to take precautions.
However, there are a few precautions to take when purchasing an item with a rebate.
Although it can be fun to search for free screensavers for your computer, it's important to take a few security precautions before downloading the screensaver of your choice.
Once you've found your perfect jersey, you're going to want to take special precautions to keep it in like new condition.
For example, whenever you're working with electricity, there's the risk of serious injury if you don't know what safety precautions you should be taking.
Although it can be tempting to purchase dance shoes at secondhand store or online precautions, orthopedic experts suggest that used shoes leave much to be desired.
What exactly does this mean, and what precautions has the Nota Bene line taken towards the podiatric health of modern women?
That being said, there are many precautions that should be taken when delving into this sort of cultural tattoo.
Some of these dangers may be avoided by taking some precautions and taking care of the piercing.
Travelers flying to France are not required to get any unique shots or take particular safety precautions.
Unfortunately, even with the best safety precautions, sometimes flyers go up in the air only to land on the hard ground below instead of being caught by teammates.
While some would argue that cheerleading is in fact more dangerous than football, others would point out that many safety precautions can be put in place to avoid injury most of the time.
Like all sports, cheerleading carries a risk, but cheerleading dangers do not have to be unnecessarily high if you take the proper safety precautions.
Therefore, when in practice or performing you want to take all possible safety precautions to protect your flyers.
A little pushing in practice with extra safety precautions is fine.
The next time you find yourself cleaning alkaline battery leak material from the inside of your flashlight or electronic equipment, always remember to take safety precautions.
Whichever method of outdoor mildew removal you choose, always make sure to use safety precautions including wearing rubber gloves, eye protection and a mask if needed.
Take precautions to avoid costly damage to your granite, and you'll be able to enjoy your designer countertop for years.
A more detailed explanation of cold process soap making, including suggestions for safety precautions, can be found on the Candle Tech website.
Always work in a well-ventilated area and read the product labels to see what safety precautions you must take.
While making soap can be a fun and highly rewarding hobby, it is also a complicated craft that requires a through knowledge of basic chemistry and the safety precautions necessary to prevent injuries or accidents.
Because this craft involves harsh chemicals, it's a good idea to take precautions.
Soap making is not a dangerous hobby if you follow all proper safety precautions when working with lye.
Before you choose an essential oil or an essential oil blend, you must read all the precautions and be sure to add any precautions to your finished soap labels.
In addition, ensure that you take precautions against dehydration or against consuming too few calories.
Because cardio workouts are so extensive, it is important to take appropriate precautions to prevent injuries.
A vegan detox diet can be useful if you follow some basic health and safety precautions.
No matter the length of time you follow a detox diet plan; there are some safety precautions you should follow.
Second, you need to take the precautions necessary to avoid injury.
Because of their considerable weight, working out with kettlebells deserves the same precautions as working with a heavy dumbbell.
By keeping these precautions in mind, you can have an exhilarating and fun indoor cycling workout.
Though injury cannot always be avoided, with certain precautions many injuries actually can be prevented.
There are some precautions which you need to take when beginning a weight lifting program.
There may be special precautions that need to be taken, such as vaccines.
Fire experts recommend people take as many precautions as possible to avoid fires.
The best part about these body stockings is that they last a long time and wear very beautifully when you take simple precautions to avoid snags and other runs.
Many people consider Valentines lingerie to be the ultimate sexy, romantic gift, but there are certain precautions that should be taken to be sure such a gift is well-received and not unintentionally offensive.
Because you need to connect to the Gnutella peer-to-peer network in order to download free music from Limewire, there are certain security precautions that you must be aware of.
Even though you should always be taking virus protection precautions, be sure your protection is up to date and your pop up blocker is on before you start downloading.
Partying by the pool is a summer pastime that many peoplehave enjoyed for generations.By keepinga few precautions in mind, grownups and kids alike can enjoy a fantastic event.
Some say they once existed but are no long visible, while other people still put out precautions to ward off evil fairies.
It is critical that parents of young children take special precautions to protect children against the harmful effects of the sun as the majority of sun exposure occurs in childhood.
If you hate winter mainly because your skin tends to flare up, leaving you with an unmanageable mess of flakes, itchiness, and irritation, there are precautions you can take.