Pranayama Sentence Examples
There is my regular asana, pranayama and meditation practice.
The yoga philosophy maintains that the breath is the most important facet of health, as the breath is the largest source of "prana," or life force, and hatha yoga uses "pranayama," which literally means the science or control of breathing.
And, it can't be a coincidence that the deep breaths we're advised to take in order to calm ourselves are similar to the breath foundation used to move into a yoga posture, also known as pranayama.
Helen includes in her teaching pranayama (breathing exercises), yoga nidra (deep relaxation) and meditation.
The corpse pose is a resting pose used for deep relaxation concluding an asana or pranayama program, but is added to any program for arthritis as often as necessary.
That being said, the most common therapeutic principles involve an integration of asanas, pranayama and the philosophical application of yoga and meditation.
Iyengar also explains the practice and benefits of pranayama, yoga meditative approaches, mudras (symbolic hand movements), kriyas (cleansing exercises) and other yogic principles.
Each class focuses on a particular theme, and may also include Sanskrit readings, chanting, spiritual references, and pranayama exercises.
On the YogaYak site, you can try an assortment of free full-length online classes for Hatha yoga, meditation, Pranayama, and more.
The LoveToKnow Yoga article Pranayama Techniques has more information about this topic.
AdvertisementHatha Yoga is all yoga that consists of working on a series of different yoga poses (asanas), and integrating breathing work into the poses (pranayama).
Kripalu is about harmonizing asanas, pranayama and meditation into a mindful practice that brings practitioners to a new level of awareness and peace.
In addition to asanas, time is often spent on pranayama in order to get the best support from breathing as possible.
Whether or not meditation is included is discretionary; virtually all Kripalu classes include asanas and pranayama.
For yogis who already are relatively well-versed in yoga asanas and pranayama, expanding the repertoire in order to include the three other aspects of Hatha Yoga is a simple task.
AdvertisementYoga teachers who already hold a yoga teacher certification are bound to be highly familiar with asana and pranayama, and to a lesser extent, mudra.
Fortunately, there are many good books and yoga cards that help you mix and match poses, pranayama and meditation techniques, and more.
Not only are asana, pranayama, and meditation all practiced on-site, but students also live at the ashram and receive all of their meals as part of the course fee.
Lastly, don't forget that even if you go to a yoga studio twice a week, you can really enhance your practice by doing short sequences of asanas, meditation, or pranayama on a daily basis at home.
End the session with mantras, pranayama, and meditation.
AdvertisementBoth courses involve the same content, including asanas, pranayama, yoga philosophy, anatomy, meditation, and, of course, skills for teaching yoga to others.
Hatha Yoga combines asanas with pranayama, or breath control, to stretch and strengthen the muscles, open up the energy channels of the body, rid the system of toxins, and help focus the mind.
Hatha yoga is a style of yoga comprised of poses (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama).
Students are immersed in a yogic lifestyle for 30 days and will experience the effects of meditation, prayer, and a healthy diet in addition to the course elements of asana, pranayama and teaching skills.
Yoga breathing, or Pranayama, can help add an extra level to yoga practice and can also help to relax and soothe or invigorate and rejuvenate.
AdvertisementPranayama practice is based on the understanding that while breathing is an involuntary practice, how you breathe is voluntary and can affect both mind and body.
Hatha yoga is a method of training for long periods of meditation that includes the use of asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques).
Developed in the late 1960s by the father-and-son team of Kavi Yogi Swarananda Mani Finger and Alan Finger, ISHTA is similar to most existing forms of yoga in that it makes asana and pranayama the centerpiece of its training.
You will also see Professor Krishnamacharya, Iyengar's own teacher, demonstrating asana and pranayama techniques.
Rodney Yee Advanced Yoga is a special two-disc set that features a 45-minute total body workout as well as a 20-minute hip-opening routine and a 35-minute centering pranayama session.
If you're new to yoga, pranayama is probably one of those terms that makes you think your practice is going to be incredibly difficult.
Fortunately, pranayama is just another way of saying breath control.
Mastering other pranayama techniques will help ease your body and mind.
The practice of pranayama helps the yogi get the maximum benefit from this life force, also known as prana.
Pranayama is used in many different types of yoga, but it is most common among followers of Hatha Yoga.
However, ujjayi, dirgha pranayama, and nadi shodhana are the most common types.
Dirgha pranayama is sometimes called "complete breath" or "three-part breathing."
Watch a demonstration of dirgha pranayama.
Pranayama techniques are easy to incorporate into your routine.
This studio specializes in Iyengar Yoga, with class categories of gentle, levels 1 and 2; a vigorous session; Pranayama; and Vinyasa.
It is the union of posture, breath, and focus; or asana, pranayama, and mudra.
Level II - includes more advanced poses, Pranayama instruction, and the deeper philosophy of yoga.
The calming practice of yoga using breathing control such as pranayama can help to lower your blood pressure.
The best techniques used are cleansing (kiryas), maintenance (asanas), and breathing (pranayama).
Another important element of Hatha Yoga is the practice of pranayama.
Here is a simple technique for Dirgha Pranayama, also known as the complete breath.