Practitioner Sentence Examples
A soothsayer was a general practitioner in his art, not attached to any one god or temple.
In early 1986, she began to suffer from chest pains and her general practitioner at the time diagnosed angina and commenced treatment.
He was, according to his enemies, the son of an apothecary, his father being in fact a doctor of medicine of respectable family, who kept a small drug store as part of the necessary outfit of a country practitioner.
She is a medical practitioner and she told me that she still uses small accumulators with her patients to assist the healing of wounds.
How open is the practitioner to having perceptions questioned?
Staffing comprises of one emergency nurse practitioner per shift and is supported by a health care assistant, who undertakes clerical and nursing duties.
The research content is evidenced through the practitioner's own explicit articulation of these issues and the way in which they underpin their practice.
The DBA is a practitioner doctorate, designed to make a significant contribution toward the enhancement of professional practice in the area of management.
How to use the Alaskan essences Flower Essence Practitioner Kit There are 72 essences in the Alaskan Flower Essence Practitioner Kit.
The practitioner should always bear in mind that failure to examine the fundus properly under mydriasis may lead to serious retinal changes being missed.
AdvertisementThis book provides the equine expert and general veterinary practitioner with a complete review of the latest information on all aspects of equine gastroenterology.
They also often contain a summary of procedures undertaken and advice for discharge for the patient's general practitioner or family doctor.
I remain, despite my many years of veterinary politics at BVA and on various Government committees, a veterinary general practitioner.
The practitioner will, like other professionals in complementary healthcare, take a detailed case history on your first visit.
Look in the CHC Practitioner Directory to find a qualified homeopath in your area.
AdvertisementOnly schools that offer the hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) are able to gain accreditation through the NCH.
Dee is an NLP Master Practitioner, a well-known lyricist and writer of West End Musicals.
More than 250 full-colour illustrations help the practitioner identify disease manifestations at a glance.
The book covers complex ideas, and the amount and density of information could seem off-putting to the busy practitioner.
Individuals with a recent history of heart disease should avoid excessive intakes of vitamin E unless supervised by a medical practitioner.
AdvertisementThe statement makes it clear that buccal midazolam must be prescribed by a medical practitioner.
Career prospects As a newly qualified practitioner you may decide to join an established practice or to set up on your own.
The Act imposes two specific duties on the approved medical practitioner.
You must also apply to the court and will be appointed an insolvency practitioner to help you.
You are recommended to seek advice of a qualified health practitioner.
AdvertisementPlease consult your own medical practitioner for advice specific to yourself.
You can ask your health visitor, school nurse or general practitioner for advice.
This is what is meant by the jargon term ' reflective practitioner ' .
The supervisor of a CVA must be an insolvency practitioner.
This information is not intended to replace the advice of your personal qualified healthcare practitioner.
Case history Mr B was recently referred to the continence advisory service by his general practitioner, following recent radical prostatectomy.
It aims to support the development of the critically reflexive practitioner.
The number of academic and practitioner reviewers in each team reflects the size, range and complexity of the education provided.
A good practitioner should be happy to work with treatment recommended by your GP to help you manage tinnitus.
A centralized service delivered from a secure site and with adjacent general medical practitioner services was developed using nurse-led triage.
Other front line nurses were trained to perform triage to the Emergency Nurse Practitioner or doctor.
But the practitioner must be assured that neither valvular lesion nor degeneration of the myocardium is present.
The rapid diagnosis of diphtheria, by recognizing its bacillus, has enabled the practitioner of medicine to commence the treatment early, and it has also enabled the medical officer of health to step in and insist on the isolation of affected persons before the disease has had time to spread.
See The Practitioner (1899), vol.
In this way he is led to regard the sophist successively - (t) as a practitioner of that branch of mercenary persuasion in private which professes to impart " virtue " and exacts payment in the shape of a fee, in opposition to the flatterer who offers pleasure, asking for sustenance in return; (2) as a practitioner of that branch of mental trading which purveys from city to city discourses and lessons about " virtue," in opposition to the artist who similarly purveys discourses and lessons about the arts; (3) and (4) as a practitioner of those branches of mental trading, retail and wholesale, which purvey discourses and lessons about " virtue " within a city, in opposition to the artists who similarly purvey discourses and lessons about the arts; (5) as a practitioner of that branch of eristic which brings to the professor pecuniary emolument, eristic being the systematic form of antilogic, and dealing with justice, injustice and other abstractions, and antilogic being that form of disputation which uses question and answer in private, in opposition to forensic, which uses continuous discourse in the law-courts; (6) as a practitioner of that branch of education which purges away the vain conceit of wisdom by means of crossexamination, in opposition to the traditional method of reproof or admonition.
This is the true path of the shiatsu practitioner !
I am a 54 year-old single-handed small animal practitioner.
All were supervised by a senior practitioner with social work training.
Bond Insurance cover, to protect the uncharged assets of an estate needed by a person who acts as a licensed insolvency practitioner.
If you want to put a company into voluntary liquidation, the costs vary depending on which insolvency practitioner you use.
Today's experts such as Meg Zweiback, nurse practitioner and family consultant, mostly emphasize a child-centered approach to potty training.
Newborn infants should always be under the care of a qualified practitioner.
As always, you must use any remedies in consultation with your doctor or other licensed health care practitioner.
The goal of a naturopathic practitioner is to treat the whole person with natural therapies instead of with prescriptions, which only serve to suppress an ailment.
Homeopathic remedies are safe, but to ensure you are taking the proper remedy for your condition, it's wise to consult a naturopath or homeopathic practitioner.
If you cannot find a local practitioner, consider one of the many online remedy finders, such as ABC Homeopathy.
Repeat twice daily for one week or as otherwise directed by an herbalist or health care practitioner.
Kathy Edstrom, a Bach flower therapy practitioner and animal trainer, reports success using a blend prepared by a holistic veterinarian for her dog to treat thunder phobia.
Anyone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation may wish to consult a holistic health practitioner or naturopathic doctor for more information on how diet may help their condition.
If you are interested in learning more about what Chinese herbs can do for your health, please be sure to consult a qualified Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner.
If you are interested in learning more about using Chinese herbs for diabetes control, please be sure to consult a qualified Chinese Medicine practitioner.
It is important that you discuss your options with your health care practitioner before adding herbs or making any changes to your medical regime.
Owner Joan Kaufman is an ASID designer as well as a certified Feng Shui practitioner.
Whether you are a regular practitioner of meditation or are just toying with the idea, a guided meditation script can greatly help.
Any such artwork should be abstract enough that it does not force individual thoughts, and it should be of a sufficient size that the practitioner can lose themselves in the image.
Some people feel that going to a mental health practitioner means that they are "crazy," but looking after your mental health is just one part of good self-care that doesn't carry the same stigma as in years past.
Keep practicing these techniques until they become second nature, and when in doubt, discuss your symptoms with a licensed health care practitioner.
However, if these things seem to occur frequently, it may be time to seek the help of a medical practitioner or counselor at the very least.
There is no doctorate required to be an Ayurveda Practitioner.
Many British sailors returned home with tattoos that commemorated their travels, and by the eighteenth century most British ports had at least one tattoo practitioner in residence.
The tattoo practitioner holds the machine steady and guides the dyeloaded needles across the skin to create the desired pattern or design.
The area of skin to be tattooed is shaved and disinfected by the tattoo practitioner.
Alex Stark is a contemporary practitioner of fung shui and shamanism, who studies and designs "harmonious environments."
An experienced legal practitioner can help clients with filing a complaint with the appropriate authorities and following up on this process.
Once the cause of the dementia is determined, your medical practitioner can recommend a course of treatment to follow.
The Find a Doctor feature allows visitors to enter information including the doctors' specialties in order to find a practitioner.
Maintaining a steady relationship with a general practitioner is an excellent approach for overall good health, and this may include snore-free sleeping.
The first step is to seek advice from a general practitioner if you do not have a sleep doctor or ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist who you visit regularly.
If you have night myopia, your eye care practitioner can recommend the proper prescription lenses to correct your night vision and make night driving safer for you.
A child should have his first eye exam by the age of three (or sooner if vision problems run in the family), so the practitioner can assess if vision is developing normally.
Alternative treatment of cancer is a complicated arena and a trained complementary health practitioner should be consulted.
The attending practitioner suctions the baby's mouth and nose to ease the baby's first breath.
The mother and attending practitioner need to weigh the risks to make a decision on whether to deliver via a cesarean section or attempt a vaginal birth.
Tests may be administered in an outpatient or hospital setting by a pediatrician, general practitioner, social worker, psychiatrist, or psychologist.
A corneal abrasion should be treated by a healthcare practitioner capable of evaluating eye conditions.
The eye must be evaluated by an eye-care practitioner prior to reinstituting contact lens wear.
The contact lenses should be replaced and cared for as recommended by an eye care practitioner.
Rarely do corneal abrasion lead to loss of vision, but any trauma to the eye must be evaluated by a healthcare practitioner for the possibility of an abrasion.
If the corneal abrasion is due to contact lens abuse, then the consequences of further misuse of contact lenses must be thoroughly discussed with the eye care practitioner.
Most women will see one healthcare provider during pregnancy, either an obstetrician, a midwife, or a nurse practitioner.
Lingering coughs or coughing up blood should be treated by a trained practitioner.
If the insomnia appears to be associated with excess yang energy arising from the liver, the practitioner will give the patient oyster shells.
If the practitioner feels that a baby may be at risk for problems during pregnancy, non-stress tests, biophysical profiles, or even contraction stress tests are performed twice a week to monitor fetal well-being.
If it becomes difficult to detect the FHR with the external monitor or if there are subtle signs of a developing problem, the practitioner may recommend the use of an internal monitor.
There are botanical and homeopathic treatments available; however, consultation by a trained practitioner is recommended before treatment.
Once it is clear that no pneumonia, ear infection, strep throat, or other common childhood illness is present, the practitioner usually feels comfortable waiting to see if the characteristic rash of roseola begins.
After taking the young woman's history, the gynecologist or family practitioner does a pelvic examination and Pap smear.
Any red eye, with or without discharge, should be examined by an appropriate healthcare practitioner.
Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept.
Read the vaccination information statement (VIS) and ask the medical practitioner questions.
The medical practitioner may suggest a non-aspirin-containing pain reliever.
Using a flashlight pressed up against the skin of the cheek, the practitioner will look in the patient's open mouth.
An alternative practitioner will try to determine what allergic substance is causing the reaction and help the person eliminate or minimize its effects.
They also can benefit from seeing a mental health practitioner for help dealing with the distress that drove them away from home.
Read the vaccination information statement (VIS) and ask questions of the medical practitioner.
The medical practitioner may suggest a non-aspirincontaining pain reliever for the child.
Since nystagmus can be caused by tumors, stroke, and trauma or neurological disorder, any type of nystagmus must be evaluated by a qualified practitioner.
For the greatest success in quitting and to help with the withdrawal symptoms, smokers should talk over a treatment plan with their doctor or alternative practitioner.
Read the vaccination information statement and ask questions of the medical practitioner.
The medical practitioner may suggest a non-aspirin pain reliever for the child.
Myopia is diagnosed by determining a child's unaided vision and is confirmed objectively by the eye care practitioner with various techniques, including retinoscopy and refraction.
Since children are capable of over focusing, dilation can help the eye care practitioner determine a child's true prescription because the drugs used to dilate also impair this tendency to over focus.
One of the first rooms that a feng shui practitioner will analyze is your bedroom since she recognizes how important it is to your overall health and well-being.
Whether you are a lifelong practitioner or new to the wisdom of feng shui, you are sure to find something of interest.
Feng shui practitioner Jami Lin is a renowned expert in the field.
The home of Sandi and Daniel Smith was built with the guidance of Feng Shui master and practitioner, Dr. Weicherng Pan.
You need to hire a professional feng shui master, practitioner or consultant to conduct a proper analysis of your home and then present the recommendations for feng shui cures and changes.
In the forward to the book, Carl Gustav Jung states that Wilhelm was a long time practitioner of I Ching, and that he studied under a Chinese scholar in the field, Lao Nai-hsüan.
In addition to her certification as a feng shui practitioner, Ms. Robertson is a Reiki Master and a Certified Reflexologist.
If you can't afford to hire a feng shui practitioner, then you can minimize incorrect placements by creating a balance of elements.
When there is an imbalance of the five elements in a specific area of your home or space, a feng shui practitioner uses feng shui cures to bring the chi energy back into a perfect and harmonious balance.
Lasers are not always safe, particularly when they are handled by an inexperienced practitioner.
Before scheduling treatments, investigate the practitioner to be sure they are qualified to perform the procedure.
Legal assistants may work for a lawyer working as a sole practitioner or a law firm made up of several attorneys.
Always discuss any natural labor induction techniques you intend to try with your doctor or practitioner to avoid any risks or complications.
Your wellness practitioner will check on the heart rate externally using a device known as a Doppler.
However, when you're hoping to use acupressure to treat a specific medical condition, it's usually recommended that you seek the advice of a practitioner who has formally studied in this area.
During your first prenatal visit, your practitioner will ask you about any genetic abnormalities in your immediate family and that of the father.
Use the guidelines below to get a general overview and call your practitioner or go to the hospital any time you are unsure about where you stand regarding true or false labor.
While worrying is common, remember the following two true signs of labor and call your practitioner immediately when you notice either one.
Take a rest if you experience contractions or move around if that helps to distract you, but do note the time between contractions carefully so you can call your practitioner when the contractions are the desired number of minutes apart.
If this is the case, your contractions warrant calling your practitioner right away, especially if they are five minutes apart or fewer.
Please speak to your doctor or other qualified health care practitioner is you are concerned about your biotin intake.
It is important to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking any supplements.
Must-visit locations in New Orleans for ghost hunters include St. Louis Cemetery Number 1 and St. Louis Cemetery Number 2, particularly the tomb of Marie Laveau, a famous voodoo practitioner.
How useful is the practitioner in actual investigations?
How does the practitioner do in cases of RSPK (poltergeists), misperception / misinterpretation, and fraud?
Scarification is practiced less frequently than other forms of body modification, making it more difficult to find a trained practitioner of this art.
The practitioner uses surgical scalpels to slice away and remove sections of skin with the aim of creating a sometimes detailed design on the body.
If you're still interested, research your options carefully and choose a conscientious practitioner who uses only high-quality sterilization and sanitary techniques.
Basics - Covers asana and philosophy for both the beginner and seasoned practitioner.
A bad instructor at a fitness club may not guide a practitioner properly, resulting in injury and forever souring the experience.
The difference is that the body of the practitioner is the resistance.
Yoga Fit offers a Fitness Yoga teacher training that enables you to become certified in the practice or simply evolve into a better practitioner.
Yoga Kingdom Sanctuary is a Hatha yoga practitioner's paradise.
Whether you're new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, we hope you'll appreciate the information we have on this site.
Feuerstein is a noted yoga historian and practitioner and Payne is director of the Yoga Training Program at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
Yoga therapy is designed to help an individual practitioner work through various issues with the hope of regenerating harmony and balance within the body, mind and spirit.
Just as with any form of exercise, prayer practice or diet, the efforts made by the practitioner and the willingness to approach all things with a positive attitude greatly affect the results.
Whether you're trying yoga for the first time or a seasoned practitioner, there are many stages in which you can experience the benefits of yoga.
As with all forms of exercise, check with your health practitioner before starting any new routine.
If you're ready to use yoga as a means to enhanced health, first talk with your health practitioner.
The checking stages guide the practitioner in the ways of meditation practice, what happens to the mind and body during practice, and the extended benefits of it over time.
You were a practitioner and student of yoga for many years before you decided to open RYAH and become a yoga teacher.
If you're an avid practitioner of yoga, but find you do not have the time do it as much as you'd like, you should consider power lunch yoga classes.
Make sure to check with the youngster's health practitioner first.
In addition, some benefits of yoga increase when the yoga practitioner is already in top shape because of being an athlete.
Remember, you'll impress owners more if you show how you'd teach someone new to yoga, instead of a seasoned practitioner.
Each yoga practitioner has all the wisdom necessary inside him or herself, but what so many people fail to do is listen to what's happening inside our own bodies.
Melonie Nielsen, a certified and registered yoga instructor, licensed massage practitioner, and licensed Ayurvedic practitioner, opened the center 10 years ago.
Fred Dowd, a serious yoga practitioner trained under B.K.S.
It's important to get approval from your health practitioner, as some might advise performing another style of yoga in less heated conditions to avoid raising the core body temperature of the baby.
There are programs that will help an experienced yoga practitioner, fitness instructor, or physical therapist to teach basic yoga.
With proper care, they can last for many years and may prove to be a wise investment for the serious yoga practitioner.
Someone performing Hot Yoga daily will have different mat requirements than an occasional gentle yoga practitioner.
The best yoga mat depends on the type of yoga practiced, and the preference of the practitioner.
An extra long 72-inches by 24-inches wide, the Northern Lights Mat will accommodate even the tallest yoga practitioner, and its 5 mm thickness will effectively absorb and minimize impact to the joints.
They are ultra-soft and comfortable, a perfect choice for the eco-conscious yoga practitioner who likes to wear his yoga pants to other places other than practice, even to sleep in.
Autism biomedical treatments vary by practitioner, and they cater to each patient.
The student resources section provides Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse sample resumes.
In fact, if you are embracing Macrobiotic living to improve your health, you may want to seek out a macrobiotic practitioner to help establish your new way of life.
Never follow a clear liquid diet for more than the few days prescribed by your health care practitioner.
Check with your healthcare practitioner to see if any classes are being scheduled near you.
In order to safely and effectively lower your cholesterol levels, it is essential you work with a qualified health care practitioner.
Talk to a certified herbalist or other alternative medicine practitioner to find out if these products are safe based on your unique health.
A medical practitioner can also determine if you have NAFLD by testing levels of liver enzymes in the blood.
It is important you speak to a licensed healthcare practitioner before taking supplements to ensure you are doing so safely.
Her exercise plans use a Virtual 3-D Training technology to help the home practitioner learn the correct form and sequence of the exercise moves.
However, they do encourage the selection of your dental practitioner from dentists participating in the network if you want to take advantage of the maximum benefits offered.
Pay particular attention to whether you need to seek treatment from practitioners who are part of your provider network or if you can consult with the practitioner of your choice.
For some insurance policies, a referral is not required, but the policyholder may be limited by the number of sessions allowed or the practitioner visited.
In each episode, the subjects describe and demonstrate their addictions, and then meet with a licensed mental health practitioner who describes to viewers the details about these addictions.
A practitioner of the Dark Arts, the Bishop, enraged at having his dishonourable advances refused in favor of the Captain's far more honorable ones, cast a curse upon the two lovers; that they would spend half of each day as an animal.
A Jedi practitioner going from padawan learner to master during the course of all six films, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ben Kenobi, is one of a handful of characters who actively inhabit the Star Wars story from beginning to end.
If a rash appears, you should stop using the products and consult a health care practitioner.
He then settled for some years as a medical practitioner at Penzance; there geology engaged his particular attention, and he became secretary of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall.
In 1806 he became a medical practitioner in partnership with James Gregory, but, though successful in his profession, preferred literature and philosophy.
On his return to Scotland in 1732 he settled as a practitioner in the parish of Shotts, Lanarkshire, and in1734-1736studied medicine at Edinburgh, where he was one of the founders of the Royal Medical Society.
In 1716 Sloane was created a baronet, being the first medical practitioner to receive an hereditary title, and in 1719 he became president of the College of Physicians, holding the office sixteen years.
Hence the magicoreligious society or individual practitioner piles ceremony on ceremony, name of power on name of power, relic on relic, to consolidate the forces within reach and assume direction thereof.
Where the body of a person who has died of an infectious disease is retained in a room where persons live or sleep, or the retention of any dead body may endanger health, any justice on the certificate of a medical practitioner may order the removal of a body to a mortuary and direct the body to be buried within a time limited by the friends of the deceased or in their default by the relieving officer.
Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you.
A practitioner took a scab from someone with a mild case, made an incision in the skin of a healthy person, and infected that person with the scab.
These and other experiments, described by Dr Manson in the Practitioner for March 1900, confirming the laboratory evidence as they do, leave no doubt whatever of the correctness of the mosquito-parasitic theory of malaria.
So valuable are certain of the properties of atropine that it is often desirable to give doses of one-twentieth or onetenth of a grain; but these will never be ventured upon by the practitioner who is ignorant of the great interval between the minimum toxic and the minimum lethal dose.
The duty of notification is imposed upon the head of the family, and also upon the medical practitioner who may be in attendance on the patient.
Toward the end of his career at the bar, however, he changed from a general practitioner to a patent lawyer, and as such had a lucrative practice.
Now the cellular pathology of the blood, investigated by the aid of modern staining methods, is as important as that of the solid organs; no clinical investigator - indeed, apart from research, no practitioner at this day - can dispense with examination of the blood for purposes of diagnosis; its coagulability and the kinds and the variations of the cells it contains being evidence of many def i nitely morbid states of the body.