Power-stations Sentence Examples
By the middle of 1905 a very large number of vessels had been equipped with the Marconi short distance and long distance wireless telegraph apparatus for intercommunication and reception of messages from power stations on both sides of the Atlantic, and the chief navies of the world had adopted the apparatus.
It was found that by the manufacture in bulk, even by steam engines, at primary centres the cost could be considerably reduced, and in numerous districts in England large power stations began to be erected between 1903 and 1905 for the supply of current for power purposes.
And in the meantime the US is converting fossil-fuel power stations to burn biomass.
In the UK, its power stations generate enough electricity to power homes of around eight million people.
Some craft machinists work in the maintenance side, for example, for electricity generation companies in power stations.
In 1997 the Labor party manifesto pledged to block the building of new nuclear power stations.
I think some of the fillers used included slag and ash from iron works and coal fired power stations.
Member raised the issue of the policy on nuclear power stations.
Homes and farms use smaller turbines, while factories and power stations use larger turbines.
The appliances in the Poldhu station were subsequently enlarged and improved by Marconi, and corresponding power stations erected at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A., and at Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.