Pours Sentence Examples
The Sky pours down rain and sunshine; the Earth produces corn and grass.
At the point where it makes its great bend the river Chinchipe pours into it from southern Ecuador.
Try to capture the moment the water pours on baby's head.
She pours that tincture over a new jar of fresh lemon balm leaves.
As time goes on the situation becomes more and more dangerous; finally, a breach occurs, and the whole river pours over the country, carrying destruction and ruin with it.
In this way the rainfall, alike from the northern and southern slopes of the Himalayas, pours down into the river plains of Bengal.
It first winds in deep, narrow glens and gorges through the Alps, and at Tblz (2looft.), due north from its source, enters the Bavarian plain, which it traverses in a generally north and north-east direction, and pours its waters into the Danube immediately below Deggendorf after a course of 210 m.
Plain in plumage, being greyish brown above and dull white below, while its quills are dingy black, variegated with white, there is little about the mocking-bird's appearance beyond its graceful form to recommend it; but the lively gesticulations it exhibits are very attractive, and therein its European rival in melody is far surpassed, for the cock-bird mounts aloft in rapid circling flight, and, alighting on a conspicuous perch, pours forth his ever-changing song to the delight of all listeners; while his actions in attendance on his mate are playfully demonstrative and equally interest the observer.
Vastly more energy than we need pours down on this planet in the form of sunlight.
You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything.
AdvertisementDry steam - Power plants around the world take the steam that pours out of fault lines and fractures in the ground and uses it to power turbines to generate energy.
Raw unsalted kimchi is an excellent probiotic source, and you will know your food is alive and flourishing by the way the sauerkraut expands and pours out of the jar upon opening.
For sudden pours, try to buy an emergency suit.
The winemaker then pours this mixture into bottles and tightly caps them.
Small pours mean the guest can finish the wine before it gets too warm.
AdvertisementYou can then either add a commercial fountain like a statue that pours water and recycles it from the pool or create a waterfall that tumbles down into the pool.
The double cup coffee machine fits two standard coffee cups side by side and pours two cups of coffee simultaneously.
He or she also pours the contents of his or her current beverage into the plastic cup.
After she pours out her heart to you, do you remember what she said?
The second clue might be "One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one's leisure."
AdvertisementThat's the way a left-handed person pours and Edith is the only lefty at Bird Song.
The upper fall is known as the Rumbling Bridge from the fact that the stream pours with a rumbling noise through a deep narrow gorge in which a huge fallen rock has become wedged, forming a rude bridge or arch.
The altar-piece is a triptych, the centre-piece representing the Crucifixion; beside the cross Luther is represented, with the open Bible in his hand, while the blood from the pierced side of the Saviour pours on to his head.
Towards the upper end the great Yosemite Fall pours from a height of 2600 ft.
Upon the Church, Ritschl, who very much disliked and distrusted mysticism, poured out the same wealth of emotion which the Christian mystic pours out upon his dimly visualized God or Christ.
AdvertisementHe is represented in various ways, especially as a warrior holding in his hand a vessel from which he pours out flames.
On the lateral walls of the approach we have a similar procession of attendants Leaded by the chief priestess and priest, who pours a libation at the feet of the goddess seated on her throne; while on the right returning wall are fragments of a third procession approaching another draped figure of the goddess on her throne (placed at the angle opposite the bull on the pedestal), the train being again brought up by a bull.
Her dance pours out tunes of pure lyricism, which contrast the stern fanfares of the stern, lacerating drama.
And, for my money, the intensely danceable " The Light Pours Out of Me " is absolutely timeless.
In the Opus Minus and Opus Tertium he pours forth a violent tirade against Alexander of Hales, and another professor, not mentioned by name, but spoken of as alive, and blamed even more severely than Alexander.
From the latter it proceeds due north to Aschaffenburg, whence passing Frankfort it pours its yellow waters into the green waters of the Rhine just above Mainz.
This pours into them the molten cast iron which it has just received directly from the blast-furnace.
He then pours or taps the molten charge from the furnace into a large clay-lined casting ladle, giving it the final additions of manganese, usually with carbon and often with silicon, needed to give it exactly the desired composition.
He pours much hackneyed scorn on the common herd, declares the sovereign to be the source of law, and asserts that popular freedom is dangerous.
A little east of the Gulf of Enzeli, which resembles the Kara-boghaz, though on a much smaller scale, the Sefid-rud pours into the Caspian the drainage of the western end of the Elburz range, and several smaller streams bring down the precipitation that falls on the northern face of the same range farther to the east.
We do not know at present if any corresponding anti-toxin or antitrypsin, as we may term it, is returned into the lymphatics or blood from the gland, but the pancreas, which in addition to secreting trypsin secretes a diastatic ferment forming sugar from starch, pours this into the intestine and secretes at the same time a glycolytic ferment which breaks up sugar, and this latter passes into the blood by way of the lymphatics.
On this ramifying liman, into which the Bug also pours its waters, stand Nikolaiev and the fortified town of Ochakov.
The energy which the sun pours out into space is, so far as we know, and except for the minute fraction intercepted by the disks of the planets (ii?oooo") absolutely lost for the pur.
The south-west monsoon generally sets in about the first week in June, and pours down volumes of rain along the coast.
The Didache bids us " pour water on the head," and Christian pictures and sculptures ranging from the 1st to the 10th century represent the baptizand as standing in the water, while the baptizer pours water from his hand or from a bowl over his head.
Thus Calixtus, bishop of Rome 219 -223, decided to admit adulterers to exomologesis and so to communion; and Tertullian, now become a Montanist, pours out his scorn on him.
The Tapajos, running through a humid, hot and unhealthy valley, pours into the Amazon 500 m.
The principal of these were called Upper and Lower Thessaly, the former comprising the western and south-western part, which contains the higher course of the Peneius and all those of its tributaries that flow from the south - the Enipeus, the Apidanus, the Onochonus and the Pamisus; while the latter, which reaches eastward to the foot of Ossa and Pelion, is inundated in parts at certain seasons of the year by the Peneius, the flood-water from which forms the lake Nessonis, and, when that is full, escapes again and pours itself into the lake of Boebe.
He pours scorn upon the exorcists - who were clearly in league with the demons themselves - and upon the excesses of the itinerant and undisciplined "prophets" who roam through cities and camps and commit to everlasting fire cities and lands and their inhabitants.
The Niagara escarpment mentioned above, generally called "the mountain" in Ontario, is the cause of waterfalls on all the rivers which plunge over it, Niagara Falls being, of course, the most important; and in most cases these falls have eaten their way back into the tableland, forming deep gorges or canyons like that below Niagara itself, through which the water pours as violent rapids.
He pours his most scathing invectives on the Sadducees, who are described in vii.