Pouring Sentence Examples
Pouring two cups of coffee, she headed for the living room.
The mode was sprinkling or pouring.
Pouring some coffee into a thermos, she headed for the barn again.
He stood and carried his coffee cup to the sink, pouring out the remains.
Pouring water from one of the canteens into his hat, he watered the horse.
She glared at him but stopped pouring.
The distant roar of water pouring into the canyon caught her attention.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
Ryland's gear was piled by the door by the time the others were pouring their second cup of coffee.
Similarly in Egypt at the present day the jinn are believed to swarm so thickly that it is necessary to ask their permission before pouring water on the ground, lest one should accidentally be soused and vent his anger on the offending human being.
AdvertisementPouring himself a cup of coffee, he lounged against the counter dejectedly.
The kings of Assyria united in themselves the royal and priestly offices, and on the monuments they erected they are generally represented as offering incense and pouring out wine to the Tree of Life.
It orders baptism in the threefold name, making a distinction as to waters which has Jewish parallels, and permitting a threefold pouring on the head, if sufficient water for immersion cannot be had.
Should several furnaces simultaneously make iron too rich in silicon, this may be diluted by pouring into the mixer some low-silicon iron melted for this purpose in a cupola furnace.
Assurbani-pal, however, lost no time in pouring fresh forces into the revolted province.
AdvertisementNo fewer than seventy rivers enter Ladoga, pouring into it the waters of numberless smaller lakes which lie at higher levels round it.
To use the apparatus, the measuring tube is completely filled with water by pouring water into both tubes, raising the level tube until water overflows at the stopcock, which is then turned.
Settlers began pouring into the new region in the early spring of 1831, and Black Hawk in June attacked several villages near the Illinois-Wisconsin line.
The students of the university he taught in daily lectures, passing in review the weightiest and lightest authors of antiquity, and pouring forth a flood of miscellaneous erudition.
The lesser immortal relaxed some and joined him, pouring him a glass of ice water.
AdvertisementImagine your poor old gran waiting for a bus in the pouring rain with nothing to shelter under.
Then use the pouring jug to pour into your mold.
Her mother was pouring tea from her large pink teapot.
When she spells "milk," she points to the mug, and when she spells "mug," she makes the sign for pouring or drinking, which shows that she has confused the words.
Early in the morning of the twelfth of June he came out of his tent, which was pitched that day on the steep left bank of the Niemen, and looked through a spyglass at the streams of his troops pouring out of the Vilkavisski forest and flowing over the three bridges thrown across the river.
AdvertisementFinish pouring and making your candles as usual.
If you don't want to add it to the batch, you can line soap molds with it before pouring the soap into the mold.
To prevent sticking, spray the molds with a little rubbing alcohol prior to pouring.
This removes the bubbles that may result from the pouring process.
Another way of introducing the carbon is Darby's process of throwing large paper bags filled with anthracite, coke or gas-carbon into the casting ladle as the molten steel is pouring into it.
The lining of the crucible may be of either magnesite (MgO) or chromite (FeO Cr203) The whole furnace, electrodes and all, rotates about the line KL for the purpose of pouring out the molten FIG.
Like the Heroult furnace, the Kjellin furnace may be lined with either magnesite or chromite, and it may be tilted for the purpose of pouring off slag and metal.
In his blood-filled haze, he heard one of his brothers shout, and the demons shift their focus from Kris.s small group—which Rhyn defended—to the warriors pouring out of portals onto the small battlefield.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
She held out her hand again. A hologram-like image appeared in her hand. Rhyn saw the demons pouring from the skies over major cities in the mortal worlds.
We have all seen over the years aid pouring into Africa, only to vanish into thin air.
These policies had effects analogous to pouring gasoline on a burning building.
Grade II listed " With the rain pouring down my neck at the time, the drinking fountain seemed rather apt.
Device for pouring melted vinamold steadily into the mold cavity.
A year ago money was pouring into almost any dot com you could create.
Best served warm with pouring custard, made with baby's usual milk.
The race saw many fallers in the pouring rain, and it continued to rain so heavily that Race 2 was canceled.
Caption entries in our great caption contest keep pouring in, tho a number are a bit too gamey for a family magazine.
These include a dough hook, beater, wire whisk, a 4.8 liter stainless steel bowl and a pouring shield.
Gently warm the gin or brandy in a large ladle or small pan and ignite, pouring over pan juices and stirring gently.
At arms length try pouring water into a glass or bringing two pencil ends on top of each.
I then offered a small libation of water at each cairn to the ancestral spirits, pouring the water onto earth by the stones.
Don takes Kathy home in his white limo in the pouring rain.
Pouring a molten metal into a metal mold with enhanced cooling produces finer grains.
In pouring this ointment on my body she has done it to prepare me for burial.
The colonial police used methods like slicing off ears, flogging until death and pouring paraffin over suspects who were then set alight.
Before pouring the first cup I poured a small libation from the bottle to the spirits of the place.
This can be done by pouring a sufficient quantity on the glass to run in a body freely.
A dip in a river or a walk in the pouring rain will do wonders for a Gordon coat.
Over the following weeks, she wrote reams of words, pouring her feelings out onto the page.
There were long scarlet ribbons of lava pouring down the sides like blood from a major wound.
The ID card lunacy alone should have the free citizens of Britain pouring into the streets à la poll tax riots.
However, I think those pouring scorn on this notion will very soon come to feel a little rueful.
At the first gospel sermon preached after the pouring forth of the Spirit, Acts ii.
I showed the Reporter the raw sewage pouring out of them.
Or is there a giant salt shaker pouring salt into the sea?
Low profile pour spout for compact packing, Stay-put lid won't budge during pouring, Wire handles fold down for compact storage.
No Im not talking about pouring syrup on your monitor!
Their latest creations include these teapots, available in two sizes, which have a handy extra knob for improved hold while pouring.
Poured wax Doll One made by pouring melted wax into a mold.
Dave Latham New Zealand born Dave Latham has been pouring wine all over Europe for some years now.
Muscle and skin were badly torn, and blood was pouring out of a gaping wound.
Variations To be even more traditional beat two egg yokes into the sauce before pouring.
Saddam underestimated the Iranian resistance, typified by young zealots pouring across mine fields to attack Iraqi troops who had occupied their land.
At the mouth of the Selenga, however, which enters from the south-east, pouring into it the waters and the alluvial deposits from a drainage area of 173,500 sq.
Clad in Eastern paraphernalia, he officiated at the numerous sacrifices indicated by the remains of iron and bronze knives, hatchets, chains, ashes and bones of oxen, sheep, goats, swine, fowl, &c. There was pouring of libations, chanting and music, and bells and candles were employed in the service.
When Mahomet spoke of the goodness of the Lord in creating the clouds, and bringing them across the cheerless desert, and pouring them out on the earth to restore its rich vegetation, that must have been a picture of thrilling interest to the Arabs, who are accustomed to see from three to five years elapse before a copious shower comes to clothe the wilderness once more with luxuriant pastures.
What a roar of cannon pouring their volleys into the forest, now black with the growing night !
Be careful about pouring scorn on someone 's pet project.
Water was pouring out of the 12 inch sluice valve.
Low profile pour spout for compact packing, Stay-put lid wo n't budge during pouring, Wire handles fold down for compact storage.
The main flapped once, and banged like a strongroom door to the thump of the wind pouring out of the valley.
We had n't seen them since, so we stood in the pouring rain for about fifteen minutes, swopping stories.
No Im not talking about pouring syrup on your monitor !
You do n't have to be a good talking or good at pouring your heart out.
With fingers on the trigger guard just in case we made an error, sweat pouring down our backs as we lay in terror.
Notice the picture where the boat is not quite righted and you can see water pouring out of the wheelhouse door.
If you recall the late '90s tech boom, you'll remember how dotcoms scaled shortly after their inception because money was pouring into their coffers.
If you don't want to break the piggy bank by pouring loaned money into an eco-clean house, consider a straw bale home.
It's inconceivable that with all of that free energy pouring to the earth that such regions of the world would fuel its electrical needs by burning fossil fuels.
Klean Kanteen Wide Line - These bottles come with an extra-wide mouth for easy filling and pouring.
If you don't have cheese cloth, you can make the parsley tea by placing the parsley in a heat proof dish and pouring the boiling water over it.
Jude also recommends pouring cooled rosemary tea over your pet after a bath.
Tea is made by pouring two tablespoons of powdered slippery elm into two cups of boiling water for five minutes and drinking the tea three times per day.
Contemporary art wall fountains can be found in many themes such as vertical waterfall cascades, pouring pots, artwork, and tiered trickles.
Luminess works by pouring a small amount of the brand's liquid foundation into an airbrush gun, or stylus pen, and then spraying your entire face in small, circular motions.
If your child is capable of pouring his own cereal and milk into a bowl, he could be ready to make cinnamon toast.
If you're pouring your heart out, the other person shouldn't be texting his or her other friends.
Many juicers also have spouts that will allow you to empty the pureed juice directly into a glass instead of taking the machine apart and pouring from the main holder.
Before pouring vegetable slices into your grill basket, brush the basket with olive oil or spray it with cooking spray.
I guess the story of my New York wedding starts with me driving 10 hours and pouring cold water on top of my head to stay awake.
Perhaps you and your spouse met at the coffee shop, pouring over your college textbooks.
If you're used to pouring for yourself, try measuring the actual amount.
If that is the case, grease the pan thoroughly or apply cooking spray before pouring in the batter.
Soon after, television roles came pouring in.
Pouring his energy and raw emotion into his fourth album, 808's and Heartbreak was nothing like his other albums.
In a large bowl, melt the margarine by pouring the hot water over it.
The glass pieces are melted to 1400 degrees centigrade before pouring into the molds.
Shower jokes can be fun, such as pouring a cup of cold water over someone while they are in the shower or squirting them with a squirt gun when they come out.
Food dye tends to be mostly tasteless, but pouring yourself a glass and taking a big drink of green milk as someone is just entering can result in comical expressions.
If you are the kind of person who prefers a subtle look, not a bold one, then choosing among the shades offered here will remind you of pouring over paint colors; it's that much fun, and the selection is vibrant!
Guide their path by pouring sand on different locations to earn points and bonuses.
Mining - Occasionally you'll come across a mountain with liquid hot magma pouring from within.
If the Moves Left goes up, it means that as a result of the previous match, there are more available moves based on the marbles that came pouring down.
My wine flights were wonderful, although they were not officially pouring the reserve wines, they had some "hidden" behind the counter for those people who knew about the high-end cabernets that they produce.
These things save you from going to the kitchen, opening the fridge, getting the wine, pouring it, putting it back, and closing the door again.
Unless the guest is sitting next to the ice bucket pouring themselves non-stop glasses of wine, it's a great way to be a little safer during the holidays.
A serving of wine is four ounces, so be aware when pouring your wine.
Wine Pourer with Stopper - Makes pouring and storing easy, without messy drips.
While many people serve wine directly out of the bottle, pouring wine into a decanter serves multiple purposes.
The sediment occurs naturally as a process of aging and does not affect the taste or quality of the wine; however, pouring sediment from the bottle into a glass isn't appealing.
When sediment appears in the neck of the bottle, stop pouring.
A starched linen napkin, folded around a wine bottle provides an elegant touch to the pouring of wine; however, the wrapped bottle can take on the look of a penguin in an overcoat if you leave the bottle on the table.
You can keep all of your tanks fresh from year to year by pouring laundry detergent (about a cup or two) into those water tanks, and then following the detergent with a bag of ice.
Insects can be floated out of the ear by pouring warm (not hot) mineral oil, olive oil, or baby oil into the ear canal.
I like to use a blender but, if you do, be sure to let the batter rest for an hour in the refrigerator before pouring it into the baking dish.
People are pouring into dance halls around the world wanting to learn East Coast swing dance.
Business was soon pouring in and within a very short time, Anastasia began building her multi-million dollar claim on the beauty industry.
Mix the color by pouring the entire bottle of Color-Enhancing Colorant-1 into the bottle of Gentle Activating Creme-2.
Within two years, orderings were pouring in so fast that the Handlers could not keep up.
Pitcher - The Ninja's pitcher is 48 ounces and has a spout for easy pouring.
Non-Slip Open Handle - Lifting the coffee carafe and pouring is simple and convenient with the ergonomically designed open handle, covered by an attractive and practical soft, non-slip material.
Drip Stop Feature - Like the CaféHouse line, Classic Braun coffee makers include the drip stop feature, allowing for convenient and safe pouring at any point while coffee is brewing.
The mixing bowl is a five-quart stainless steel with an attached handle and detachable pouring shield.
Some have a little spout on the side of the glass dish for easy pouring.
The machine keeps the milk cool until it's ready for use and then steams it right before pouring.
After the sauce sat for a few hours, I was able to pour it directly onto Gyros Sandwiches thanks to the pitcher's pouring spout.
It also comes with a pouring shield and has a tilt-head design.
The blade unit designed for use with the largest container, which is a 48 ounce pitcher with a built-in spout for pouring, features six blades.
This is not a problem when drinking the soda but can be a bit messy when opening up the bottle and pouring the soda into a glass.
These board games and many other types are just a few clicks away, so the next time the rain is pouring down and you're looking for something to do, try one out!
The supplies you need for melting, pouring and molding a soy candle are the same ones you would use for a conventional paraffin candle.
Pouring the wax when it's too cool will give your finished candle a mottled, frosty appearance, which is kind of nice if you do it on purpose.
Since they are made to hold hot liquid, there is no worry when pouring in the hot wax.
Unlike dipping, where the candle is constantly dipped into hot wax, building the candle up from the wick, molded candles are formed by pouring hot wax into a mold.
Craft stores can tend to be expensive, but if you can find a wholesale paper supplier for labels and pamphlets, or a kitchen supply warehouse for all the tools you need for melting and pouring wax, you'll save money.
Others allow you to apply candle paint or multicolored wax directly onto the inside of the mold before pouring the hot wax, giving the finished candles intricate patterns or delicate designs.
Be sure to avoid directly pouring water into your electronic device or on the electronic connections..
You can also try pouring white vinegar directly on the stain.
Containers with spouts for pouring are helpful but not necessary.
Treat a wax fire like a grease fire -- never attempt to put it out by pouring water on it.
Dispose of leftover wax by pouring it into a jar.
Most beginners start with glycerin soap, also known as melt and pour soap making because its made by melting a soap base, adding color, scent and other additives, and pouring it into molds.
The easiest method of soapmaking is to buy glycerin blocks, melting it in the microwave in a covered Pyrex container and pouring into soap molds.
Card making magazines are delivered right to your mailbox, so you don't have to waste time pouring through pages of outdated and irrelevant online information.
You can purchase bars of glycerine soap mix, melt it down, and then add fragrances and coloring, pouring it into any shape mold you want.
Simply combine the ingredients and stir together, pouring evenly into 12 foil baking cups that have been prepared with cooking spray.
Likewise, rather than pouring dressing out of the bottle, use a salad dressing spritzer to give you a controlled amount of dressing in which to dress your salads.
After pouring hundreds or a few thousand dollars into your vacation, you may feel leery about spending more.
Simply go to the search area, enter the term of interest, and let the results come pouring in.
Splurge on some lovely loose-leaf tea and brew it by pouring boiling water over it in the pot.
Panama City, Daytona Beach and Ft. Lauderdale used to be party central, with college kids from all over the country pouring into the state to get wild every year, much to the dismay of some residents.
He turned to the stove, pouring himself another cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, watching her thoughtfully as he sipped the coffee.
We spent the balance of our time formulating what I should say to Merrill Cooms and pouring over Internet maps.
When you left, the demons were pouring in, the Lake of Souls was bubbling and everything else was falling apart.
Jackson had already begun pouring a rare single malt.
He clapped his hands together, lifted a decanter of liquor and began pouring.
Before Dean finished hanging up his coat, pouring a cup of over-brewed coffee and settling in his chair, Rita Angeltoni dropped a pile of telephone messages on his desk.
Baptism is administered both to infants and adults by pouring or sprinkling, but the mode is considered immaterial.
When war seemed imminent volunteers from all parts of Italy, especially from Lombardy, had come pouring into Piedmont to enrol themselves in the army or in the specially raised volunteer corps (the cornrnand of which was given to Garibaldi), and to go to Piedmont became a test of patriotism throughout the country.
There was no attempt to overwhelm whole empires by pouring into them masses of troops, but commerce was combined with territorial acquisition, and a continuity of European interest secured by the presence of merchants and settlers.
The wish was gratified at the risk of the lives of three brave men, and he recognized the solemnity of the occasion by pouring out the water as an offering unto Yahweh.
In it are, moreover, enclosed unicellular glands pouring their highly refracting contents, of a more or less rod-like shape, directly to the exterior.
Oscillatoriae may be mounted by laying a portion on a silver coin placed on a piece of paper in a plate, and pouring in water until the edge of the coin is just covered.
National councils were speedily formed in Dalmatia and Bosnia, which arranged for the disarmament of the troops pouring northward from the broken Albanian and Macedonian fronts.
Upon the top is set up a sword which is the image of Ares; to this they sacrifice captives, pouring their blood over it.
The wealth which was pouring into the Boer state coffers exceeded the wildest dreams of President Kruger and his followers.
LazarusBarlow, again, looks upon the pouring out of lymph as evidence of the demands of the tissue-elements for nutrition.
In the burntofferings of male kine to Isis, the carcase of the steer, after evisceration, was filled with fine bread, honey, raisins, figs, frankincense, myrrh and other aromatics, and thus stuffed was roasted, being basted all the while by pouring over it large quantities of sweet oil, and then eaten with great festivity.
The fluidity of glass at a high temperature renders possible the processes of ladelling, pouring, casting and stirring.
But men could not be prevented from pouring out from their homes in search of new conquests and more booty.
The Semite or savage who sets up a sacred stone or Bethel believes indeed that a divine power or influence enters the stone and dwells in it, and he treats the stone as if it were the god, kisses it, anoints it with oil, feeds the god in it by pouring out over it the blood of victims slain.
The crucible is placed in the pouring cradle, which has been in use since 1816, and is shown in fig.
The rites, met within all lands, of pouring out water or bathing in order to produce rain from heaven, differ in their significance from ablutions with water and belong to the realm of sympathetic magic.
It may be obtained crystallized in the quadratic system by melting in a sealed tube containing hydrogen, allowed to cool partially, and then pouring off the still liquid portion by inverting the tube.
This is the most bitterly criticized action in his career, but no one but the man on the spot can judge how it is necessary to handle a crowd; and in addition one of the princes, Abu Bukt, heir-apparent to the throne, had made himself notorious for cutting off the arms and legs of English children and pouring the blood into their mothers' mouths.
Devoted, however, as were the labours of Boniface and his disciples, all that he and they and the emperor Charlemagne after them achieved for the fierce untutored world of the 8th century seemed to have been done in vain when, in the 9th " on the north and north-west the pagan Scandinavians were hanging about every coast, and pouring in at every inlet; when on the east the pagan Hungarians were swarming like locusts and devastating Europe from the Baltic to the Alps; when on the south and south-east the Saracens were pressing on and on with their victorious hosts.
Bertrand and Thiel oxidize the carbon of molten cast iron by pouring it into a bath of molten iron which has first been oxygenated, i.e.
At the Carnegie works Mr Monell gets the two dephosphorizing conditions, low temperature and basicity of slag, early in the process, by pouring his molten but relatively cool cast iron upon a layer of pre-heated lime and iron oxide on the bottom of the open-hearth furnace.
This spout and the charging doors A, A are kept closed except when in actual use for pouring or charging.
But about half a mile below Geneva this limpidity is disturbed by the pouring in of the turbid torrent of the Arve (left), descending from the glaciers of the Mont Blanc range, the two currents for some distance refusing to mix.
It is certain that, until the cultivator availed himself of the natural overflow of the Nile to saturate the soil, Egypt must have been a desert, and it is a very small step from that to baling up the water from the river and pouring it over lands which the natural flood has not touched.
The sculptures and paintings of ancient Egypt bear no trace of anything approaching scientific irrigation, but they often show the peasant baling up the water at least as early as 2000 B.C. By means of this simple plan of raising water and pouring it over the fields thousands of acres are watered every year in India, and the system has many advantages in the eyes of the peasant.
C - Thermit weld before removing riser and pouring gate.
The temperature of pouring is now known to be of more importance than was formerly suspected.
Having crossed the Euphrates he hastened to make himself master of Parthia; but he was defeated at Carrhae (53 B.C.) and taken prisoner by Surenas, the Parthian general, who put him to death by pouring molten gold down his throat.
Stein was pouring troops through the breach made by the Silesians, and was making good headway with the 50th Austrian division on their right, while the Alpenkorps, Berrer and Scotti had broken through the lines opposite Tolmino, and in several places had gained the high ridge dominating the head of the Judrio valley.
The chivalry of Germany pouring through Alpine passes for an Italian campaign, or a coronation, left little trace in history except the lesson of their futility.
Rosette " copper is obtained as thin plates of a characteristic dark-red colour, by pouring water upon the surface of the molten metal, and removing the crust formed.
The largest furnaces are those of the Boston & Montana Company at Great Falls, Montana, which have put through soo tons of charge daily, pouring their melted slag and matte into large wells of io ft.
Assam is a fertile series of valleys, with the great channel of the Brahmaputra (literally, the Son of Brahma) flowing down its middle, and an infinite number of tributaries and watercourses pouring into it from the mountains on either side.
Such ritual use of oil as a o payls or seal may have been suggested in old religions by the practice of keeping wine fresh in jars and amphorae by pouring on a top layer of oil; for the spoiling of wine was attributed to the action of demons of corruption, against whom many ancient formulae of aversion or exorcism still exist.
But it seems now probable that all glands which have what may be termed an external secretion like the pancreas, stomach, intestine, skin and kidneys have also an internal secretion, so that while they are pouring out one secretion from the ducts into the intestine or external air, they are also pouring into the lymphatics, and thus into the blood, an internal secretion.
The fused metal is best granulated by pouring it into a mass of cold water.
Even such innocuous actions as pouring a cup of tea or donning a jacket require careful execution.
Be careful about pouring scorn on someone's pet project.
You don't have to be a good talking or good at pouring your heart out.
To make a candle, you'll be melting the wax in a double boiler before pouring it into your chosen container.
Using the basic technique for a container candle, melt white paraffin wax and begin pouring it into a clear, wicked container.
Fill the carton with crushed ice just before pouring the crayon wax.
Natural candle wax can easily be cleaned by heating the wax gently and pouring it through filters.
You'll be melting the gel, adding color and scent, and pouring the gel into containers.
The main exception is oil and vinegar creations, which should be presented in a bottle intended for pouring.
To me this seems torturous and punitive, like pouring salt on an open cut.
Still, hand grinding is a far more arduous task that pouring rice into an electrical model and one must be up to the job.
Most young children also enjoy digging in the sand, filling buckets, and pouring it out.
George Romero's Night of the Living Dead took a different approach by being a truly frightening film regardless of the gore and then pouring on the gore for good measure anyway.
However, a busy mom simply doesn't have time to spend hours pouring over the Sunday newspaper and searching printable coupon databases to find coupons for the products she needs.
If you want to celebrate your birth mother with a portrait tattoo, perhaps she can be the one pouring the water jug to represent the life she has given you.
Shake well to combine the olive oil and vinegar just before pouring.
The length of the pipe may be varied by pouring in water, and this is done until we get maximum resonance of the pipe to the fork.
More than an hour later she was pouring herself a cup of coffee and wondering if a person could get dehydrated from crying.
Exportation had long ceased, partly owing to the bountied competition of beet sugar, and partly because the people had become able to afford the consumption of a greater quantity than they produced; and German and Austrian sugars were pouring into the country to supply the deficiency.
By extravasation of blood is meant the pouring out of blood into the areolar tissues, which become boggy.
In the "diffusion column" method, a liquid column uniformly varying in density from about 3.3 to I is prepared by pouring a little methylene iodide into a long test tube and adding five times as much benzene.
Tellurous acid, H 2 TeO 3, is obtained when the tetrachloride is decomposed by water, or on dissolving tellurium in nitric acid and pouring the solution into water.
Neither baptism (by pouring on the head) nor the Lord's Supper (with the accompaniment of feet-washing) conferred grace; they were divine ordinances which reflected the believer's inward state.
Great wealth, gained from the Moslem conquests, was pouring into Medina, and a system of business management and administration became necessary.
Beside the altar was a drain (piscina) for pouring away the water in which the communion vessels were rinsed.
The common monoclinic variety is obtained by allowing a crust to form over molten sulphur by partially cooling it, and then breaking the crust and pouring off the still liquid portion, whereupon the interior of the vessel will be found coated with long needles of this variety.
It was represented in zodiacal symbolism by the god Ramman, crowned with a tiara and pouring water from a vase, or more generally by the vase and water without the god.
On pouring a solution of chromous chloride into a saturated solution of sodium acetate, a red crystalline precipitate of chromous acetate is produced; this is much more permanent in air than the other chromous salts and consequently can be used for their preparation.
When he began pouring the second glass, both guests said, "None for me, thank you."
The simple distillation of sea-water, and the production thereby of a certain proportion of chemically fresh water, is a very simple problem; but it is found that water which is merely evaporated and recondensed has a very disagreeable flat taste, and it is only after long exposure to pure atmospheric air, with continued agitation, or repeated pouring from one vessel to another, that it becomes sufficiently aerated to lose its unpleasant taste and smell and become drinkable.