Pounds Sentence Examples
Besides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
She must weigh seventy pounds or more.
I've gained five pounds.
He'd lost another five pounds this month.
I'm of above average height by an inch and above average weight by ten pounds.
It's wasn't that—I know I'm lugging around thirty extra pounds.
The finer meteors on entering the air only weigh a few hundred or, at most, a few thousand pounds, while the smallest shooting stars visible to the eye may probably be equal in size to coarse grains of sand, and still be large enough to evolve all the light presented by them.
This item alone amounted during the previous forty-six years, the parliament declared, " at the least to eight score thousand pounds, besides other great and intolerable sums which have yearly been conveyed to the said court of Rome by many other ways and means to the great impoverishment of this realm."
Before the World War he was the possessor of a fortune which was vaguely estimated at several millions of pounds.
The college to which Hofmann devoted nearly twenty of the best years of his life was starved; the coaltar industry, which was really brought into existence by his work and that of his pupils under his direction at that college, and which with a little intelligent forethought might have been retained in England, was allowed to slip into the hands of Germany, where it is now worth millions of pounds annually; and Hofmann himself was compelled to return to his native land to find due appreciation as one of the foremost chemists of his time.
AdvertisementThe average annual production of tobacco is about fifty million pounds from each of the islands of Java and Sumatra.
Individuals of seven or eight pounds weight are considered fish of large size, but specimens of double that weight have been caught.
The resistance R can thus be divided into two factors, one of which is d 2, where d denotes the diameter of the shot in inches, and the other factor is denoted by p, where p is the resistance in pounds at the same velocity to a similar I-in.
When suffrage had thus come to be a thing really worth possessing, the proprietor, in 1670, sought to check the opposition by disfranchising all freemen who did not have a freehold of fifty acres or a visible estate of forty pounds sterling.
In 1736 there were under 10,000 inhabitants in the former city; in 1760 when Horace Walpole passed through it, buying for two guineas a pair of candlesticks of the local plate, which he thought "quite pretty," and pronouncing it to be "one of the foulest towns in England," there were two-and-twenty thousand who remitted eleven thousand pounds a week to London.
AdvertisementIt weighs about three pounds or one-fortieth of the body weight.
The specific gravity of any sample of spirits thus determined, when multiplied by ten, gives the weight in pounds per imperial gallon, and the weight of any bulk of spirits divided by this number gives its volume at once in imperial gallons.
Sir Henry Norman stated that to his personal knowledge Hodson remitted several thousand pounds to Calcutta which could only have been obtained by looting.
If a money-lender fails to register himself, or if he carries on a money-lending business otherwise than in his registered name, or in more names than one, or elsewhere than at his registered address, he is liable on summary conviction to a fine, not exceeding one hundred pounds.
Most of the people are of moderate stature, but the chiefs and the women of their families have been remarkable for their height, and 400 pounds was formerly not an unusual weight for one of this class.
AdvertisementIt is worth noting that in later times the heriot of an " ordinary thegn " (medema pegn) - by which is meant apparently not a king's thegn but a man of the twelfhynde class - consisted of his horse with its saddle, &c. and his arms, or two pounds of silver as an equivalent of the whole.
He was the son of a yeoman, who rented a farm " of three or four pounds by year at the uttermost."
In 1375 (he gives the date, and his age as 60) he composed his best known poem The Brus, for which he received, in 1377, the gift of ten pounds, and, in 1378, a lifepension of twenty shillings.
Additional rewards followed, including the renewal of his exchequer auditorship (though he may have continued to enjoy it since his first appointment) and ten pounds to his pension.
It amounted to several thousands of pounds, but he would touch none of it; he placed it in the hands of trustees for the benefit of American science - an act of lavishness which bespeaks a noble nature.
AdvertisementFailure to do so within seven days involves a penalty not exceeding ten pounds.
The large ship canals to Rotterdam and Amsterdam, called the New Waterway and the North Sea canal respectively, were constructed in 1866-1872 and 1865-1876 at a cost of 21 and 3 million pounds sterling, the former by widening the channel of the Scheur north of Rozenburg, and cutting across the Hook of Holland, the latter by utilizing the bed of the Y and cutting through the dunes at Ymuiden.
First, they treat a larger charge, a ton or more, whereas the charge of each crucible is only about 80 pounds.
The next account of the town is in Bishop Hatfield's Survey (c. 1380), which states that "Ingelram Gentill and his partners hold the borough of Derlyngton with the profits of the mills and dye houses and other profits pertaining to the borough rendering yearly four score and thirteen pounds and six shillings."
The sum which he named was a large one, 4000 pounds of gold (about f160,000 sterling), but under strong pressure from Stilicho the Roman senate consented to promise its payment.
After much bargaining, the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom of more than a quarter of a million sterling, besides precious garments of silk and leather and three thousand pounds of pepper.
In 1749 Hume returned to Ninewells, enriched with " near a thousand pounds."
Vertical lines show the average monthly consumption in Great Britain and Ireland in millions of pounds.
The following mixtures of seeds (stated in pounds per acre) have been recommended for sowing on water-meadows, Messrs Sutton of Reading, after considerable experience, regarding No.
The property to which Samuel succeeded amounted to no more than twenty pounds.
But the most remarkable of the persons with whom at this time Johnson consorted was Richard Savage, an earl's son, a shoemaker's apprentice, who had seen life in all its forms, who had feasted among blue ribands in St James's Square, and had lain with fifty pounds weight of irons on his legs in the condemned ward of Newgate.
The poet however cleared by his benefit nights, and by the sale of the copyright of his tragedy, about three hundred pounds, then a great sum in his estimation.
A hundred pounds were paid him for the copyright, and the purchasers had great cause to be pleased with their bargain, for the book was Rasselas, and it had a great success.
Malone computed the gains of the publishers at five or six thousand pounds.
That expense, indeed, he had the means of defraying; for he had laid up about two thousand pounds, the fruit of labours which had made the fortune of several publishers.
Some of his friends hoped that the Government might be induced to increase his pension to six hundred pounds a year, but this hope was disappointed, and he resolved to stand one English winter more.
The total turnover of the Imperial Bank was, in the first year of its foundation, 13/4 milliards pounds sterling; and, in 1899, 90 milliards.
By this Hamburg was to enter the Zoilverein; a part of the harbour was to remain a free port, and the empire contributed two million pounds towards rearranging and enlarging the harbour.
The obligation to insure rested on all who were in receipt of wages of not more than two pounds a week.
The pension began at the age of seventy, the amount varying by very complicated rules, but the state paid a fixed sum of two pounds ten shillings annually in addition to the pension.
The large weights of ounces and pounds are disks or cuboid blocks; they are dated from 720 to 785 for the lesser, and to A.D.
At last the Gauls consented to accept a ransom of a thousand pounds of gold.
Another period of want followed, and it was only by persistent solicitation that Heyne was able to obtain the post of under-clerk in the count's library, with a salary of somewhat less than twenty pounds sterling.
India's consumption of tea is computed to average 84 million pounds, of which 52 millions are Indian and the remainder Chinese.
In 445 Bleda died, and two years afterwards Attila, now sole ruler, undertook one of his most important expeditions against the Eastern empire; on this occasion he pushed southwards as far as Thermopylae, Gallipoli and the walls of Constantinople; peace was cheaply purchased by tripling the yearly tribute (which accordingly now stood at 2 100 pounds of gold, or £84,000 sterling) and by the payment of a heavy indemnity.
The first was far less than the work free men did for a livelihood, the second larger, the third excessive, so that convicts often left prisons with thirty, forty, even eighty pounds in their pockets.
In 1885 the rudest process of "placer" washing produced an export of gold dust amounting to 120,000 pounds; quartz-mining methods were subsequently introduced, and the annual declared value of gold produced rose to about 450,000 pounds; but much is believed to have been sent out of the country clandestinely.
The reefs were left untouched till 1897, when an American company, which had obtained a concession in Phyong-an Do in 1895, introduced the latest mining appliances, and raised the declared export of 1898 to 240,047 pounds, believed to represent a yield for that year of 600,000 pounds.
For example, in 1884 imports were valued at 170,113 pounds and exports at 95,377 pounds.
By 1890 imports had risen to 790,261 pounds, and thereafter fluctuated greatly, standing at only 473,598 pounds in 1893, but at 1,017,238 pounds in 1897, and 1,382,352 in 1901, but under abnormal conditions in 1904 this last amount was nearly doubled.
Exports in 1890 were valued at 591,746 pounds; they also fluctuated greatly, falling to 316,072 pounds in 1893, but standing at 863,828 in 1901, and having a further increase in some subsequent years.
This has been mined since 1824; the output was greatest from 1875-1883, when it averaged about 43,000,000 pounds.
The New Almaden mine (opened in 1824) in Santa Clara county produced from 1850 to 1896 some 73,000,000 pounds.
Specimens of eight and ten pounds weight have been taken by rod and fly fishermen from the Big Laramie river.
Twenty thousand pounds of tobacco were exported in.
For many purposes a gravitational system of measurement is most natural; thus we speak of a force of so many pounds or so many kilogrammes.
The work lost in pulling a given length of rope over a pulley is found by multiplying the length of the rope in feet by its stiffness in pounds, that stiffness being the excess of the tension at the leading side of the rope above that at the following side, which is necessary to bend it into a curve fitting the pulley, and then to straighten it again.
He proposed to separate the fibre by purely mechanical means without any retting whatever; but after the Irish Linen Board had expended many thousands of pounds and much time in making experiments and in erecting his machinery, his entire scheme ended in complete failure.
A large furnace and a Bessemer converter, the pair capable of making a million pounds of copper a month from a low-grade sulphuretted ore, will not occupy a space of more than 25 ft.
The first introduction into Jamaica took place in 1872, and ten years later the animal was credited with saving many thousands of pounds annually by its destruction of rats.
The count of jute yarn is based upon the weight in pounds of 14,400 yds., such length receiving the name of "spyndle."
Another therapeutic method is the so-called "grape cure," in which, along with a regulated diet, five or six pounds of grapes are eaten daily.
Instead of expressing the amounts of gold and silver in percentages of the weight of ore, they are expressed in ounces to the ton, the ounce being the troy ounce and the ton that of 2000 avoirdupois pounds.
What lends additional interest to the story is the fact that in the ambassador's suite there was an interpreter named Vigilas, who for fifty pounds of gold had promised to assassinate Attila.
The property qualifications were, for members of the council, " one thousand pounds proclamation money, of real and personal estate, in the same county," and, for members of the assembly, " five hundred pounds proclamation money, in real and personal estate, in the same county."
These and the property qualifications for suffrage, which was granted to " all inhabitants of this state, of full age, who are worth fifty pounds proclamation money, clear estate in the same," &c., were soon considered undemocratic; and the democratic tendency of certain election officers may be seen from their construing the words " all inhabitants of full age " to include women, and from their permitting women to vote.
In 1815 the total quantity of raw cotton imported into the United Kingdom was not more than 99 millions of pounds, which amount had increased to 152 millions of pounds in 1820, and rose further to 229 millions in 1825, so that there was considerably more than a doubling of the imports in ten years.
There is a further appeal in all cases where the sum in dispute exceeds a thousand pounds, to a superior council at Brussels, composed of a number of jurisconsults who sit as a tour de cassation.
The gipsy community was bound to bring fifteen pounds weight of gold from the washings of the Argesh.
The rim is also subject to a centrifugal tension of amount wv 2 /g pounds per square inch of section, where w is the weight in pounds of a length of one foot of the pulley rim one square inch in section, and v is the velocity of the rim in feet per second.
The magnitude of the unbalanced force, for a mass of w pounds at a radius of r feet and a velocity of v feet per second, is expressed by wv 2 /gr lb; and, since the force varies as the square of the velocity, it is necessary carefully to balance a pulley running at a high speed to prevent injurious vibrations.
For reduction of pounds to shillings, or shillings to pounds, we must consider that we have a multiple-table (§ 36) in which the multiples of £I and of 20S.
In 1531 the clergy in convocation, terrified by the charge of praemunirc brought against them for recognizing Wolseys legatine authority, paid Henry a hundred and eighteen thousand pounds and recognized him as supreme head of the church so far as the law of Christ would allow.
They can carry about one hundred pounds or more, and the Spaniards used to ride them, and they would go four or five leagues a day.
The principal commodity is furs (chiefly American and Russian), of which about one and a quarter million pounds worth are sold annually; other articles disposed of are leather, hides, wool, cloth, linen and glass.
The estimated cost, borne by Prussia, Saxony and the city of Leipzig, is estimated at 6 million pounds sterling.
I may have gained a few pounds driving around the countryside but I refute the label chubby and all its intonations.
Besides, Dean thought, Randy—single or married—probably has more sense than to get knocked on his ass by a zillion pounds of water pressure aimed at his body.
The next, it's my fault she's gained twenty pounds.
It's wasn't that—I know I'm lugging around thirty extra pounds.
While the pair was a definite annoyance to the Parkside police, the two were seldom a serious problem, principally because they were too stupid to get away with much, and their size—six-feet-five and at least 500 pounds between them—made escaping detection difficult.
If the figurines were representative of Mrs. Glass's past, it was an era 50 years and 200 pounds earlier.
He had a prodigious appetite, being able to consume nine pounds of steak at a meal.
International Development Secretary Clare Short in the UK has announced fifteen million pounds in humanitarian aid for the refugee crisis.
In the late 50s the government were investing 391 million pounds in the then ailing and loss-making railroad industry.
Here comes four pounds of mixed chocolate and 8 pints of tea, soup, licorice allsorts and lastly the oyster!
Today, losses in the salmon aquaculture business in Scotland alone are estimated at several millions of pounds annually.
This Government has poured billions of pounds into providing ICT equipment for schools.
Tobacco advertising and promotions Every year the tobacco industry spends billions of pounds worldwide advertising and promoting tobacco products.
The cost of setting up and administering these taxes, charges and tolls has been estimated at many billions of pounds.
This caused widespread blackouts, which cost the Canadian national grid several million of pounds in damage to their systems.
Acton Lake is a specimen bream water with bream up to and in excess of 8 pounds.
Those not up to the adventures of renting a punt can hire a chauffeur driven punt for approximately 5 to 6 pounds per person.
They were charging three pounds for an unappealing cheeseburger, who do they think they are kidding?
Billions of pounds of new investment have been pumped into the city's economy, transforming the cityscape.
Figures of £ 25,000 pounds have been proposed as the cost of a parish clergyman.
A suitable space can be arranged between gutting pounds and bulwarks and, if required, also between the cutting pounds and hatch coamings.
First, I used my twenty-five pounds Post Office savings to buy a wild colt straight from Dartmoor.
Golden Jubilee Crown There is a special commemorative Five Pounds Crown issued this year for the Golden Jubilee.
Carp to over 30 pounds, Barbel to 15 pounds plus and chub to 6 pounds seem commonplace.
All prices are in pounds sterling - use the currency convertor to convert to your local currency.
You just cannot spend billions of pounds replacing level crossings.
It seems decadent to spend hundreds of pounds on a crate of plonk you don't even intend to drink.
For a million pounds, would you go three months without washing, brushing your teeth or using deodorant?
If the price of pounds is higher than the market can bear, central bank intervention will eventually fail to prevent a devaluation.
Two pounds was a large sum in Captain Brown's annual disbursements.
Ira dissidents used about 500 pounds to kill 29 people and wound more than 300 in the Northern Ireland town of Omagh in 1998.
For two or three pounds sterling you will have great fun, a sort of real life dodgems.
Sir John's colors, and a leathern doublet, weighing 11 pounds, worn by him, are still preserved.
She realized the only way the extra pounds would ever come off - and stay off - was through sensible eating.
So the most conservative estimate of the surveillance element alone is perhaps four or five million pounds since 1990.
The government has well over a trillion pounds of transactions flowing through its central exchequer accounts each year.
Paul Austin, a British expat based in Dubai, lost many thousands of pounds in the Imperial fiasco.
Often these bombs contained hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of pounds of home-made explosives.
Nine pounds for ninety pages on a film you might have trouble finding at even the most diligently cataloged video shop often seems extravagant.
Archibald Montgomerie spent an estimated £ 40,000 pounds on staging a medieval tournament at Eglinton Castle, largely rendered farcical by heavy rainfall.
A debt of a thousand pounds is not discharged by two or three brass farthings.
The cost of fully endowing a fellowship in perpetuity is around one million pounds.
Pounds billion footsie know they would hero that country other April fools ' .
Fortunately for me, I'm not foolhardy enough to send complete strangers thousands of pounds without some protection against fraud.
My estimate was of fifty pounds - Surendra said forty-five!
Pray for successful fundraising that the target of one million pounds may be met to support the work for another year.
Sick officials from the Fish and Game Department poured 16,000 gallons of liquid and 60,000 pounds of powder into Lake Davis.
This northernmost german comparing ships there pounds pp reduced.
For big grayling, there are few better places than the Frome below Dorchester, where fish of well over two pounds are common.
The culprit was a big grouper weighing around sixty pounds - an awesome fish with a mouth like a bucket.
Just one Merlin engine would pump out several pounds of lead halides on a sortie to Berlin; almost chemical warfare!
Use slate and slate pencils to practice handwriting and have a lesson in arithmetic using pounds, shillings and pence.
Higher percentage percent bdo stoy hayward pounds million in question how much.
Some months afterward I received a bill for many thousands of pounds, which I hastily passed on to divisional headquarters.
By yastand hong formally announced the be worth pounds of them just.
By reducing the number of diapers going to landfill, local authorities can save hundreds of thousands of pounds on disposal costs.
The heaviest bell, the ' tenor ', weighs 27 hundredweight, 2 quarters and 5 pounds and sounds a C sharp note.
This unprecedented influx of new players was countered by the sale of Neil Shipperley to Crystal Palace for one million pounds.
Every year hundreds of millions of pounds of organophosphate insecticides are sprayed on crops.
Those early AGMs were great jamborees that cost the companies hundreds of thousands of pounds to stage.
They marry wives with perhaps 300 pounds to 1,000 pounds portion, and can settle no jointure upon them.
You are a female kestrel, 5 ' tall, weighing 93 pounds.
A tenant or a small farmer might have a leasehold or a freehold worth several hundred pounds.
Lucky lotto winners notched up anything from a few hundred thousand pounds All Rangers lotto winners notched up anything from a few hundred thousand pounds All Rangers Lotto profits fund our youth teams.
Pollack to six or seven pounds are often taken, along with wrasse, mackerel and migrant Spanish mackerel.
A splendid Luca [sic - Andrea] della Robbia (now the drawing room mantelpiece) was also secured, for thirty pounds.
A jar of Seville orange marmalade produced by Charles's lot costs pounds 1.95.
Companies in the the eastern Mediterranean priced from pounds.
Steel Nationalization was shelved as a result of Liberal pressure and saved the country millions of pounds.
You don't need commandos carrying sixty pounds of gear and ammo up a remote mountainside in secret.
If you've got 13,500 pounds more than sense, you could give a mugger the find of his life.
Anne is offered a thousand pounds to pose nude for an artist.
At its heart was a sharp iron ax of the weight of seven pounds twelve ounces.
Most banks now offer interest-free overdrafts of up to a few hundred pounds to all students.
Someone going just a few pounds overdrawn can be hit with a huge bill, ' said Dan Newbolt of finance industry journal Moneyfacts.
Get paid To Surf Programs That Pay Euros And UK Pounds, Paid To read Emails.. .
Only way you can jump from such an altitude without spending thousands of pounds becoming a freefall parachutist.
Pounds m Paul satellites st million quot said henry.
We used twenty pounds of two pence pieces on a cloth on the table.
At a time when United are strapped for cash, signing a player for five million pounds and then not playing him looks foolish.
Internationally, Rotary has been responsible for raising millions of pounds for such projects as eliminating polio throughout the world.
Players who call guaranteed link to whopping pounds pot.
For men weighing 180 pounds, the key number is 16 miles a week.
They're asking listeners to help by donating just 5 pounds.
Odd it may sound, but there is a psychological connection between abolishing pounds and inches and abolishing Trial by Jury.
Prices All prices quoted on our pages are in GB pounds sterling and include VAT.
The Bretton Woods Institutions should also aim at providing an extra 50 billion pounds a year to halve poverty.
The test car had a final price tag of five pounds over £ 40,000, more than £ 8000 above the basic list price.
They are alleged to have provided more than pounds 17m of benefits to a Saudi prince.
Ellis & Everard announced pre-tax profits of 32 million pounds for the year ending April 1999.
Currently you can find single-chip DLP projectors that weigh less than three pounds.
We spend 25 billion Pounds a year servicing public debt.
Each individual butterfly pupa that they can ship to one of these customers can be worth between 2 and 5 UK pounds.
To cut congestion pounds million a their own version racetrack are monday.
John also caught 6 more rainbows weighing between 2 and 4 pounds Generally the fishing has improved due to the weather turning cooler.
Pounds s. d In Lisbon 15 mille reis per pipe is 1,500 mille reis; exchange, at 6s.
To make the rhubarb spray, boil a few pounds of fresh rhubarb leaves in a few pints of water for 20 minutes.
I shall convert British pounds sterling into gold roubles at a rate of ten gold roubles to one pound sterling.
Posada was arrested and found with 33 pounds of C-4 plastic explosive and given an eight-year prison sentence for " endangering public safety " .
Affected workers have received out-of-court settlements ranging from several hundred pounds to more than £ 100,000.
Understandably, the church is not prepared to spend several hundred thousand pounds reinforcing these shortcomings, simply in the interests of history.
In the old system of pounds shillings and pence all the units were used.
Of use pay pounds sterling country you're visiting.
Prices All prices quoted on our pages are in Gb pounds sterling and include VAT.
Rates for pc users are shown in pounds and pence sterling per hour, and rates for Mac users are shown in US dollars.
Meanwhile Town signed striker Martin Smith from Sheffield United for 300,000 pounds.
That was when he landed on Patty, all sixteen pounds of silver tabby.
Think about insurance Extending your home may cost tending your home may cost tens of thousands of pounds, so itâs worth protecting your investment.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London's Heathrow Airport.
Over 500 men and women attend this lively function, which raises thousands of pounds each year for a chosen charity.
Each tomato, which are a beefsteak tomato type, can weigh from a pound upwards to two pounds each.
He should lose the tontine, and with that the last hope of his seven thousand eight hundred pounds.
I'm blond, six feet tall, 210 pounds, and I'm a professional triathlete and bodybuilder.
On the day of my first triathlon, I was forty pounds lighter.
Secondly, we administer trusts worth hundreds of millions of pounds, dealing with investment advisers on a daily basis.
Nothing seems uncertain except whether a long slow roasting could cause such damage to 70 or 80 pounds of human tissue.
How to join the Society ---------------------------------------- undergraduates on a BPS-accredited course can join The Society from 13 pounds a year.
They could earn perhaps ten thousand pounds by placing a wager.
There had been an unexpected windfall of half a million pounds more in License Fee income than expected.
The contract with British Sugar was in an instant rendered as worthless as toilet paper and the beet growers lost thousands of pounds.
The company is now planning to restate its last three years ' accounts, which may include a write-off of about 150 million pounds.
Accordingly, in the session of 1562-1563, Cecil forced upon an unwilling parliament "a politic ordinance on fish eating," by which the eating of flesh on fast days was made punishable by a fine of three pounds or three months' imprisonment, one meat dish being allowed on Wednesdays on condition that three fish dishes were present on the table.
In the event of the company failing to comply with the demands of the department, the latter is empowered to refer the case to the Railway and Canal Commissioners, who form a special Court constituted by the Railway and Canal Traffic Act of 2888, for deciding, among other things, questions relating to rates and charges, for protecting traders from undue charges and undue preference, for regulating questions of traffic, and for deciding certain disputes between railway companies and the public. The Commissioners are then empowered to deal with the matter, and if " a railway company fail to comply with any order made by the Railway and Canal Commissioners, or to enforce the provisions of any schedule " approved by them, it is liable to a fine of a hundred pounds for every day during which the default continues.
Simultaneously with this discussion of the atom and molecule, great controversy was ranging over the constitution of com pounds, more particularly over the carbon or organic compounds.
He was much struck by English manners, was deeply penetrated by English toleration for personal freethought and eccentricity, and gained some thousands of pounds from an authorized English edition of the Henriade, dedicated to the queen.
If any money-lender, or any manager, agent or clerk of a moneylender, or any person being a director, manager or other officer of a corporation carrying on the business of a money-lender, by any false, misleading or deceptive statement, representation or promise, or by any dishonest concealment of material facts, fraudulently induces, or attempts to induce, any person to borrow money or to agree to the terms on which money is to be borrowed, he is declared by the act to be guilty of a misdemeanour and is liable on indictment to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding two years, or to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds, or to both.
Almost the first acts of Bolingbroke's ephemeral premiership were to order him a thousand pounds from the exchequer and despatch him the most flattering invitations.
Meanwhile he had another novel to sit down to - the poor though highly characteristic Endymion; which, to his great surprise and equal pleasure, was replaced on his table by a cheque for ten thousand pounds.
He computed the answer in his head and recited the thirty-nine-digit answer in pounds.
I bought ten pounds.
Dissolve 3 pounds sugar in 1/2 quart water and boil for 5 minutes; add coffee concentrate and cool.
Prices All prices are quoted in pounds sterling and are inclusive of UK VAT.
John also caught 6 more Rainbows weighing between 2 and 4 pounds Generally the fishing has improved due to the weather turning cooler.
Organizers hope to stage the event on 22 Jan, and could raise over a million pounds.
Repro Technology has in excess of half a million pounds worth of spare parts at any one time.
A three day pass entitles you to up to 6 rounds of golf over three consecutive days at a cost of 55 pounds.
Posada was arrested and found with 33 pounds of C-4 plastic explosive and given an eight-year prison sentence for " endangering public safety ".
The extra few pounds is certainly worth it to remove the shackles of debt five years earlier.
This property consists of about 5 3/4 acres, now let for 7 pounds 10 shillings per annum.
Configured to automatically activate the energy-saving and shut-off functions, it looks after the pennies, so that the pounds look after themselves.
They will also be participating in an ongoing and escalating battle for market share between global sportswear brands worth billions of pounds.
Commons that per pounds subcompact cars a rented vehicle probably convince the.
By clicking this button above, you will be voluntarily subscribing at 5.00 UK pounds every 3 months.
I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of ten pounds.
That Thomas Duffield Esq and George Long be accepted as Sureties in the sum of one hundred pounds for George Long as Relieving Officer.
They are alleged to be involved in swindling tens of thousands of pounds out of the Department for Education and Skills (DfES).
Thick syrup in the form of two pounds of sugar per pint of water, must be fed.
Meeting this threat with a Maginot line of sea walls would cost taxpayers millions of pounds.
Because somehow I 've ended up owing several thousand pounds to a temperamental rock star and about as much again to my bank.
Think about insurance Extending your home may cost tens of thousands of pounds, so itâs worth protecting your investment.
The airport operator is spending 4.2 billion pounds to build a fifth terminal at London 's Heathrow Airport.
The team were believed to be raking in hundreds of thousands of pounds each month.
Mr Sheppard said he has lost crops worth hundreds of pounds, trampled underfoot by people who swarm to see the crop formations.
I 'm blond, six feet tall, 210 pounds, and I 'm a professional triathlete and bodybuilder.
All this because of 88 rounds of DU bullets, a trifle compared to the 600,000 pounds of DU in Iraq and Kuwait.
It proposes a small tax on the trillions of pounds of currency transfers made very year.
Does " one TRILLION pounds " not bring to mind Dr. Evil for anybody else here?
How to join the Society ---------------------------------------- Undergraduates on a BPS-accredited course can join The Society from 13 pounds a year.
We unyoked the oxen; we had about seventy pounds of flour; we took it out and divided it into four packs.
There is a surplus vested in the trustees of upwards of 500 pounds.
A minute of whopping pounds pot do win real.
Parties i provide whopping pounds pot the winner scooping.
But I realized, after 300 years, that it 's the shit that goes mainstream and makes zillions of pounds.
The aerobic benefits of kickboxing helped me lose 20 pounds in six months.
You may well find yourself exhausted from lack of sleep and gaining twenty pounds from being on the road.
Car seat-Once your baby reaches twenty pounds and is a year old, you can face him towards the front.
Baby Car Mirrors-Since infants under twenty pounds and less than one year have to face the rear, it's hard to see what your baby is doing when you are driving.
A basic rule of thumb is that women who are at a normal weight with a healthy body mass index need to shoot for between twenty-five to thirty-five pounds.
Women who are underweight need to gain even more, and women who are overweight still need to gain around fifteen to twenty pounds.
Once an infant reaches twenty pounds, he should be moved out of an infant-only car seat.
Booster seats are designed for children who weight at least forty pounds.
The Zippy by Inglesina is a stroller designed to accommodate children weighing up to 45 pounds.
Approximately 80,000 pounds of plastic and over 200,000 trees a year are used to manufacture these disposable diapers for babies in the United States.
If you are looking at a no back child booster car seat 30 pounds and up, spend some time researching safety ratings.
The next step up from a toddler car seat occurs when your child reaches 30 to 40 pounds and you can begin using a booster car seat.
You will find that most car seat manufacturers recommend waiting until your child is 40 pounds before using just a booster seat.
If you are shopping for a no back child booster car seat 30 pounds and up, look for one that will grow with your child.
Most of the no back child booster seats are recommended for 40 pounds and up.
Most states are working on tougher car seat standards, focusing on pushing legislation to require a car booster seat through age 8 and 80 pounds.
It fits infants up to five pounds, and it is machine washable.
Gymboree's smallest size ("up to 7 pounds") often fits preemies well, and this is especially true with their sleepers.
Note that the WHO operates in kilograms, so convert your child's weight in pounds into kilograms before trying to place your child's weight on the graph (1 kilogram equals 2.2 pounds).
Displayed in pounds, this chart is also a good one to print out and place dots on it each time your child has a checkup so that you can watch your child's growth chart develop.
The child is a minimum of three to four years in age and a minimum of 40 pounds.
Some car seats convert from an infant seat to a toddler and finally to a booster seat that can carry children to a weight of as much as 100 pounds.
Five-point harness are safer, and some manufacturers produce seats that will hold a child to 65 pounds.
Some SUVs can tow as much as 12,000 pounds.
You can choose from a large roasting company that churns out millions of pounds of beans a day or a small independent roaster that supplies their customers with unique, varietal beans.
The average 17-inch CRT monitor weighs nearly 40 pounds, so your desk needs to be sturdy to support it.
They have top-of the-line components and are built with all-carbon and other composites weighing 1one or two pounds lighter than mid-level models.
Miraclesuit's claim to fame is that the suit "will make a woman look 10 pounds lighter in 10 seconds".
It should not weigh more than 120 to 150 pounds.
Adjustable straps and seat belts are a must, especially if you have a large baby weighing in at 9 pounds or more at birth.
Pressure in power washers is typically measured as pounds per square inch (PSI), gallons per minute (GPM) or cleaning units (CU).
The number of cleaning units of a machine are calculated by multiplying the pounds per square inch by gallons per minute.
Common sizes for bowling balls range from around six pounds all the way up to around sixteen pounds, but you can commission the creation of a bowling ball that is a different weight.
The average two-stage model can weigh between 150 to 250 pounds.
If it weighs less than 6 pounds, it is usually a low quality banjo and will cost $50 to $200.
Although plastic is light, kayaks made from this material are usually 5 to 15 pounds heavier than other materials.
For most individuals, the density of the foam should be at least 4 pounds, which means that a cubic foot (a 12 x 12 x 12 square) of foam will weigh four pounds.
Less expensive toppers may come in a density of as low as one to two pounds.
The most dense mattresses can go up to 5 or 6 pounds.
The chimpanzee, scientific name Pan troglodytes, stands 3 to 4.5 feet tall and weighs 55 to 110 pounds.
Typically, laptops are 12-15 inches in length with approximate weights of four to five pounds.
Notebooks can weigh even less than three pounds.
Laptops that are 17-19 inches can weigh ten pounds or more... not recommended for those who travel a lot or work in the field.
The clock itself is only 1.5 pounds, so the exercise is not particularly strenuous.
There is a big variation in weight as well, as the iPad is the heaviest at 1.5 pounds, the Kindle DX is 18.9 ounces, the Reader is 12.75 ounces, the Nook is 12.1 ounces, and the Kindle 2 is 10.2 ounces.
A grown female Maine Coon usually weighs between nine and 12 pounds, and male Coons are usually in the 13 to 18 pound range.
Male cats may reach a weight of 25 pounds, while the females can weigh as much as 18 pounds on average.
The largest populations of cats in pounds and rescue facilities are strays born on the street of at least one parent who has a home.
When we got him six months ago, he was an unhealthy farm kitten weighing only two pounds.
Choose to use the hook and loop fasteners so you can move the bed and change your feline's view, or attach the bed permanently to your sill.This window bed will hold cats up to 35 pounds.
This sill cat bed will support up to 40 pounds, and features a thick orthopedic foam cushion covered in faux lambskin.The optional heating unit will warm Kitty's bed to a toasty 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
This meat based formula contains a ratio of approximately eight pounds of fish and chicken meal for every sixteen pounds of cat food.
The average weight of male Siamese cats is 11 to 15 pounds.
These playful and affectionate felines are medium-sized, weighing between 10 and 15 pounds.
Very social and playful, the Chakan GD is a lightweight cat weighing between six to eight pounds.
Looking like a small leopard, the Ashera GD is a large cat weighting approximately 25 pounds.
Cats up to three pounds should be fed approximately one-fourth of a cup daily.
Cats from four to six pounds should be fed one- third of a cup of food daily.
Cats over six pounds should be fed about one-half cup daily.
The clay litter does not really biodegrade, and it contributes millions of pounds of waste to landfills each year.
The litter is available in a variety of sizes from seven pound bags to 34 pounds.
WebMD.com supports the updated view that cats should be spayed as soon as possible, as young as eight weeks if the kitten weighs at least two pounds.
Female kittens will grow to weigh between eight and 12 pounds, and male kittens will eventually weigh between 11 and 15 pounds.
Designed to hold a maximum weight of 250 pounds, the free plans for this versatile twin size loft bed are available on Disney Family Fun.
Once it is full, a rain barrel can weigh over 400 pounds.
A ton of paper made from recycled materials can save a total of over 500 pounds of air pollution.
One 60-pound bushel of soybeans will produce 11 pounds of the oil and as much as 48 pounds of soybean meal.
Per the company's own press release, the system would decrease carbon emissions by more than 10,000 pounds, which is equal to planting 115 trees.
Weighs in at 36.75 pounds and is 32 inches in diameter.
Tomato and pepper plants, for instance, can be cheaply purchased at the beginning of the growing season and will produce many pounds of tomatoes and peppers as long as they are well cared for.
Frito-Lay reduced the amount of plastic used in the manufacturing of their bags by 10 percent resulting in 12 million pounds of plastic kept out of landfills.
Often, the tree is chopped down and the palm heart is removed with one tree providing up to 50 pounds of this tasty vegetable.
Although this theory still needs to be tested through scientific study, many acai enthusiasts report that the fruit has helped them shed excess pounds.
Quitting smoking and losing a few pounds if you're overweight will help too.
Losing weight has been shown to reduce blood pressure, so if you're carrying a few extra pounds, now's the time to begin a gentle exercise program, such as walking, and a sensible diet to lose weight.
Michele Tune, known online as "the raw juice girl", credits a diet of raw foods, lots of juicing, and other holistic treatments for helping her lose over 100 pounds and regain her bladder health.
The facility is located in Summerville, Georgia and recycles about 215 million pounds of plastic bottles each year.
Examples of such innovation include a digitally-enhanced flat hair iron, a slimming corset designed to peel the pounds off in just a few days and a selection of green tea and fruit-flavored extracts offering plenty of health benefits.
For those ready to explore ancient body wrapping techniques, delve into the world of mud treatments, known to shed a few pounds while firming and toning the skin.
Back then, Longley and Martin used cameras encased in waterproof housing and multiple pounds of highly explosive magnesium flash powder to illuminate their underwater environment.
Aside from the desire to look 10 pounds thinner, a common concern for teenagers is the embarrassment of a large blemish being perfectly preserved for years to come.
Whole turkeys range in size from 5-30 pounds and can also be purchased in parts.
Allow a turkey to thaw 24 hours for every five pounds.
Consider how much more stable a food processor that weighs twenty pounds is compared to one weighing five or six pounds.
This recommendation is not only for those seeking to shed a few pounds, but also for your overall health and well-being.
The birthplace of civilization has also birthed an increasingly popular diet, the Mediterranean Diet, which has reportedly helped countless individuals drop unwanted pounds.
The Slice weighs less than two pounds and is only five inches wide.
For light-weight cardstock, expect cardstock to be 60 to 70 pounds.
For medium-weight cardstock, you'll see a weight of 70 to 80 pounds.
Heavy-weight cardstock usually weighs in at over 80 pounds.
Weighing less than two pounds and measuring five inches square, the Slice can cut out a dozen shapes in the time it takes a person to cut one by hand.
Check them any time your weight adjusts by more than 20 to 30 pounds.
People who use Nordic Track cross-country ski machines for 20 minutes a day, three times a week, lost an average of 18 pounds in 12 weeks.
You will need your ski bindings adjusted if you have gained or lost more than 20 pounds since your last adjustment.
In this way, you'll be taking off the extra pounds in no time!
I am 5'2 and 105 pounds, so what fashions would be good for me and what should I buy to start with.
While it may be depressing to some who need to lose weight quickly, physicians recommend losing weight at the rate of 1-3 pounds per week.
Losing pounds is not as difficult as you might think as long as you do it in a healthy way.
All of these diets may be effective in losing pounds quickly, but they may not keep it off or be healthy.
A friend may tell you that binging on food and then purging is a great way to lose some pounds.
You can shed pounds without crash dieting.
It took you a few months to put on the pounds, so it will take you a few months to take it off again.
Here are some healthy and easy ways for you to shed those pounds.
Furthermore, sometimes losing a few pounds can make a teenager feel more confident.
If you have been looking for a few tips on how to drop a few teenage pounds in a healthy way, keep reading.
Are you a teen looking to lose a few pounds?
Try to ignore the reports from people saying that they lost 10 pounds in one week.
Most of these stories are false and if they are true, many of these people end up packing on the pounds shortly afterwards.
Healthy routines can help a teen drop pounds.
Sometimes when a teen wants to drop the pounds, they forget that there are certain nutrients their body needs.
Later coupled with better food choices, the pounds just dropped.
One of the teens on the Dr. Phil show was able to lose 102 pounds.
If your child is a few pounds overweight, that is not dangerous, but it can be a warning sign that he has a tendency toward gaining weight easily.
Unless you have a great metabolism, it is likely that you might need to look into losing a few pounds if you're not very active.
It is unlikely that if you lose 10 pounds this month, you'll keep it off.
Weight can fluctuate as much as five pounds in a single day and weighing yourself frequently can diminish any success you might see.
The average weight of a normal teen may fall in the range of 100 to 160 pounds depending on height, body frame size, heredity, age, and gender.
For others, it can still be helpful to lose a few pounds in order to stay as healthy as possible.
If you've decided to drop a few pounds, congratulations on taking this first step toward a normal weight.
Once the blood becomes healthy again, metabolism stabilizes and extra pounds can be easier to lose.
For example, if someone is under five pounds over the normal weight for his or her age and height, he or she cannot join the program.
Even raw food enthusiasts can find a comfortable menu plan within the program if they need to lose a few pounds.
They've heard about people such as Angela Stokes Monarch who lost over 160 pounds on a raw food diet, or read the interview with Michele Tune in which she reveals she lost over 100 pounds on a raw plant based diet.
The heaviest apple on record in the Guinness Book of World Records weighed in at over four pounds.
Ideally, 5-12 different types of candy should be on display, and it is best to buy at least 2-3 pounds of each type.
This is not anything you should be concerned with because it's only a difference of an inch or two pounds.
For a wedding cake, you'll need several pounds of fondant.
Long famous for her Bootylicious physique, Knowles lost 20 pounds for her role in Dream Girls.
Or, well, at least help them drop a few pounds.
Comedian Ralphie May, who lost 27 pounds.
Gannascoli, who lost a total of 32 pounds, but not without actually gaining 12 pounds at one point in the show (a show record for weight gain).
Snapple Lady Wendy Kaufman, who shed 28 pounds.
Mia Tyler, plus-size model, dropped 19 pounds.
Divorce Court Judge Mablean Ephriam, who lost 25 pounds.
Actress Jackee Harry, who lost 39 pounds.
Musician Jani Lane, who was down 23 pounds by the end of the show.
Phil "father of Bam" Margera, who shed a whopping 41 pounds.
Former America's Next Top Model hopeful Toccara Jones, who shed 32 pounds.
Actress/Comedienne Victoria Jackson, who dropped 22 pounds.
Snapple Lady Wendy Kaufman, back for round two, lost 27 pounds.
Actress Kelly LeBrock, who lost 31 pounds.
Actress Countess Vaughn, who gained 4 pounds during the show's run.
Sonny and Cher daughter Chastity Bono, who lost 24 pounds.
Actress Tempestt Bledsoe, who lost 19 pounds.
Musician Young MC, who dropped 38 pounds.
Writer Bruce Vilanch, who lost 21 pounds.
The arresting office noted a strange odor in the air which lead to the search and discover of 1 ½ pounds of marijuana and a small bag of psychedelic mushrooms.
The show was cancelled in 2004.In 2003, Anna was named spokesperson for TrimSpa, an herbal-based diet pill that reportedly helped Anna lose over 70 pounds.
People magazine reported that Nicole Richie weighed in at just 90 pounds when she finally decided to get help.
The one-time sex symbol now topped the scales at over 200 pounds.
She joined Jenny Craig as a spokeswoman and lost 75 pounds in one year.
We've all heard that the camera adds 10 pounds, and many celebrities combat this by forcing their bodies into unrealistically thin proportions.
Her booking photo can be viewed at TMZ.com, with details of her booking sheet logging the skinny celebrity at 5'1" and 85 pounds.
Carnie's team, the Fat Crushers, won the grand prize, with a total loss of 129 pounds.
Hot Buttered Soul lost a total of 119 pounds.
In this season, Bone Crusher set the record for the most weight lost on the series, a total of 51 pounds.
The now retired model admits that she has gained thirty pounds, but maintains that she is content.
She is very candid about her body, telling the magazine that she now weighs 161 pounds, up 30 pounds from when she modeled for Sport's Illustrated in 1997.
The role of Effie White required Hudson to gain 20 pounds.
Returning for its fifth season in April 2007, this VH1 celebreality show will showcase overweight celebrities who want to shed a few pounds on national television.
Also, Bone Crusher set the record for the most weight lost on the series, a total of 51 pounds.
The former model told the Associated Press it was necessary to include additional fabric and make adjustments since she only weighed 140 pounds a decade ago.
In 2006, he was a contestant on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club 4, where he lost 29 pounds in 100 days.
Valerie Bertinelli hopes to lose 30 pounds by September 2007, which would be a change in dress size from 14 to size 8.
The pictures made Couric, who said she didn't consent to the retouching, look about 20 pounds lighter.
Henry Daniel weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and is the little brother of 2-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus.
During that broadcast, she was frail and very thin, weighing only 65 pounds.
In an attempt to once and for all shed the 150 or so extra pounds that her body was carrying, she underwent gastric bypass surgery.
Granted, she had a baby a year earlier, but even a year or so after her daughter was born, Wilson still needed to shed 40 pounds.
After 100 days on the show, Wilson lost 22 pounds.
At that time, she topped the scales at 307 pounds and said she was just ready to lose the weight.
In 2003, "The Dawg" underwent a highly publicized gastric bypass surgery that helped him lose more than 100 pounds.
In 2003, Smith became a spokesmodel for TrimSpa weight-loss pills after shedding about 70 pounds and looking like a shell of her former self.
This Less Than Perfect star dropped 30 pounds through diet and exercise.
In 2005, Jack Osbourne lost about 70 pounds by giving up drinking and drugs, and by eating healthy and exercising.
Courtney Love -- Through the use of diet shakes, singer and actress Courtney Love lost 45 pounds in four months.
And it took a long time to shed those pounds -- except for the last 25 or so.
From February 2007 to April 2007, Lake lost 27 pounds while ordering her meals from Fresh Dining.
For the role, Damon lost 40 pounds without the aid of a nutritionist and suffered over a year of illness regaining his metabolism.
In 2006, Yothers appeared on fourth season of Celebrity Fit Club on VH1, losing 42 pounds.
Lost 63 pounds for his role in The Machinist, weighing just 130 pounds at the end of filming.
While his behavior wasn't always ideal, Aames did lose 19 pounds and seemed to see himself in a new light by the end of the challenge.
The girl weighed in at a healthy five pounds, seven ounces and the boy, a robust six pounds.
His first time in front of a camera was at the age of five in his father's film Pounds.
Bronx came into the world at seven pounds and 11 ounces and 20.5 inches long.
Carlsen left George's apartment with 300 of the 400 pounds he was supposed to be paid.
The diet was suggested by her nutritionist, and allowed her to lose fifteen pounds in just ten days.
Beyoncé gained fifteen pounds to play Etta.
Many celebs have faced scrutiny and downright mocking when they've gained a few pounds.
Being that he is about six feet four and weighs in at around 265 pounds, you would think he would leave some sort of mark on a four foot eleven 90 pound woman, right?
When Jessica put on a few pounds, she still wasn't big, she just wasn't a ridiculous size 0 anymore.
Ortiz reportedly stands at around six feet three inches and weighs in at 205 pounds, while Jameson is about five feet seven inches and weighs in at around 110 pounds.
Heights are given in feet and inches as well as centimeters, while weights are listed in pounds.
She says that she lost 45 pounds, but the before and after photos seem to suggest that she actually lost much more than that.
No matter how many pounds she may have shed, there's no disputing the fact that Osmond has successfully regained her figure and kept the weight off.
While some of the differences in Marie Osmond's facial features can be attributed to losing so many pounds, it's tough to explain the complete transformation this way.
The pressure to be thin and fit certainly affects the men, but it's the ladies who fight off the most gossip and criticism about their added pounds.
For example, in Fight Club he needed to be lean and muscular, and his weight was reported to be about 155 pounds.
On the other hand, Pitt spent six months bulking up to 190 pounds for his role as Achilles in Troy, where he had to look like a Greek god.
This was quite a task, considering his normal weight is about 160 to 165 pounds.
Her weight continues to fluctuate, but as of 2010, she weighed in around 200 pounds.
Still, the health risks of smoking outweigh the disadvantages of gaining a few pounds.
Smith was a premature baby and weighed only two pounds at birth.
Sizes in the micro category will accommodate infants weighing between one to three pounds.
As a general guide, a 2T fits children weighing between 25 to 27 pounds, 3T is for those weighing about 28 to 32 pounds, 4T is best for kids weighing between 33 to 36 pounds, and 5T should fit those weighing approximately 37 to 42 pounds.
Healthy eating habits will keep your energy levels up, prevent stress, and keep you from packing on the "Freshman 15", the fabled number of pounds freshman students tend to gain.
The minimum age is 7 years, and the maximum weight is 450 pounds.
A Mastiff named Zorba was one of the heaviest dogs in the world, weighing in at 343 pounds.
Shih Tzu are small dogs, usually weighing in at ten to twelve pounds, but they are far more sturdy than a Yorkshire Terrier or a Maltese.
The S.A.E. standard for human seat belts requires them to hold up to 5,000 pounds of pressure in a crash.
The Roadie can withstand up to 9,300 pounds in a crash, well beyond the strength of a human seat belt, and your dog weighs a fraction of the average human being.
Many dog friendly hotels impose a limit on the size of dogs they will accept, often limiting accommodations to pets that are no larger than 25-30 pounds.
Do not give these treats to dogs weighing less than five pounds.
The popularity of small dogs, those under twenty pounds, has steadily risen over the past decade.
The breed does not grow to be more than five pounds.
As a breeder, I've found that they average around three to five pounds, but some dogs can grow slightly larger.
Perhaps it is his size, he only weighs five pounds.
He was a bit skinny, barely weighing in at six pounds, but the vet said that he would be fine.
Max is large for his breed, standing 25 inches tall and weighing 58 pounds.
This is a wonderful treat to help your doggie get back on track after all the holiday snacking because remember, it's not just we humans that tend to gain a few pounds over the holidays.
Especially designed for dogs over 40 pounds, the Comfort Fit dog training collar is designed to give you more control over your dog, especially when he's off lead, and it's effective as far as 100 yards away.
It adjusts easily to fit the neck of any dog 40 pounds and over.
Pitbulls can weigh between 30 and 60 pounds and be anywhere from 17-23 inches tall at the shoulders.
These dogs stand approximately 15 inches tall and weigh about 20 pounds.
While it should not be used in puppies under four weeks and at two pounds or less, it is safe to use on all dogs at the recommended dosage level, including pregnant dogs.
Dogs over 85 pounds receive a combo treatment of two different strength tubes - the 120 mg and the 240 mg - for a total dosage at the 350 mg level.
The Bulldog is a medium-sized dog that weighs 50 pounds or less.
The Affenpinscer sheds very little and will reach an adult size of about nine pounds.
The Boston Terrier stands about 15 inches tall and weighs about ten pounds.
It is one of the larger small dog breeds weighing in at 17 pounds or less.
He can be stubborn, however, so plan on being firm, fair and consistent as you train him.This breed stands about 11 inches tall and weighs about 14 pounds.
These dogs grow to approximately 12 to 16 inches in height and weigh between 10 and 20 pounds.
The average healthy male weighs between 110 and 133 pounds, and an average female can weigh between 100 and 120 pounds.
According to GiantGeorge.com, George weighs in at 245 pounds and stands 43 inches tall.
They typically weigh in at between 100 and 125 pounds, which is toward the low end for a large dog breed.
Zorba was an English Mastiff that weighed in at 343 pounds and also measured nearly eight feet in length from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail.
English Mastiffs often weigh in at over 200 pounds.
The Neopolitan Mastiff is another heavy dog breed that weighs between 150 and 180 pounds.
Puppies grow anywhere from 21 ½ inches to 24 ½ inches tall, and they weigh between 55 to 80 pounds at maturity.
Sizes run from extra small (0-4 pounds) through large (24-45 pounds) and are largely determined by your pet's weight.
According to the American Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, Pom coats are orange, red, orange sable, black and red sable, with adult dogs weighing between three and seven pounds.
Choose Crimson Sweet, a red-flesh variety that produces watermelons around 20 pounds each, or Madera, which produces smaller melons around 14 pounds.
One cucumber plant will produce pounds of cucumbers over the summer.
Then till in fertilizer. 10-20-10 is usually recommended at a rate of two to three pounds per 20 foot row.
Bales can weight anywhere from 12 pounds to 40 pounds, depending on the width and height of each bale.
If you aren't big into weight lifting, then begin with a small set of hand held weights ranging from three to 25 pounds.
Instead, the composite is made from wood flour recycled from the woodworking industry, which keeps over 100 million pounds of waste out of landfills every year.
The average wood or aluminum ladder has a weight capacity of about 300 to 350 pounds.
Rent a tile roller to roll over each tile which will apply hundreds of pounds of pressure to make sure they are secure.
Diana Loring of the Sunnyvale Organic Garden Center suggests top dressing your garden with greens at a rate of 80 pounds per 1,000 square feet in the heavy clay soils of North Texas.
One bag covers 2,500 square feet at a rate of 10 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
Americans consume more than 11 pounds of chocolate a year each, on average.
They have donated 20,000 pounds of pet food to Hurricane Katrina Relief, as well as donations to Guide Dogs for the Blind, AniMeals and Project Pooch.
There is a minimum order of three pounds starting at $28 plus shipping.
The EPA estimates that lawns and home gardens combined use around fifty million pounds of pesticides a year in the United States.
Within one year, our merino sheep can grow up to 30 pounds of organic wool.