Pouched Sentence Examples
The first class includes the isabelline bear, badger, pole-cat, ermine, roe and fallow deer, wild ass, Syrian squirrel, pouched marmoset, gerbill and leopard.
In the New World pouched rats (Geomyidae) the pouches open externally on the cheeks.
The various species of rapacious animals are disappearing, together with the colonies of marmots; the insectivores are also becoming scarce in consequence of the destruction of insects; while vermin, such as the suslik, or pouched marmot (Spermophilus), and the destructive insects which are a scourge to agriculture, become a real plague.
In hares and pacas the inside of the cheeks is hairy; and in some species, pouched rats and hamsters, there are large internal cheek-pouches lined with hair, which open near the angles of the mouth and extend backwards behind the ears.
The American pouched rats, or pocket-gophers, constitute the third section, Geomyoidea, with the single family Geomyidae.
Many of the species have medium or even long tails, while some are nearly double the size of the typical representative of the group. All, however, have large cheek-pouches, whence the name of pouched marmots, by which they are sometimes called; and they have the first fronttoe rudimentary, as in marmots.
C and D, Other abnormal forms more deeply pouched, showing formation of pitcher.
They are hooded and pouched like a Calceolaria flower, and about an inch across every way.