Potter-s-wheel Sentence Examples
He had long ago bought a potter's wheel of him, and wished to know what had become of him.
The potter's wheel did not exist in the western world, but it was almost invented.
Under his own name Watson.published several volumes of sermons, among them being The Upper Room (1895); The Mind of the Master (1896) and The Potter's Wheel (1897).
Among other mythic Egyptian figures we have Ra, who once destroyed men in his wrath with circumstances suggestive of the Deluge; Khnum, a demiurge, is.represented at Philae as making man out of clay on a potter's wheel.
This pottery is formed without the use of a potter's wheel.
It's a great place to listen to the music of the dulcimer, the weaver's shuttle, the woodworker's plane, the jeweller's saw, and the potter's wheel while you enjoy shopping for your own unique gifts and treasures.