Pots Sentence Examples
Tanks and pots are both used for melting the glass.
They are propagated by cuttings, or from the leaves, which are cut off and pricked in welldrained pots of sandy soil, or by the scales from the underground tubes, which are rubbed off and sown like seeds, or by the seeds, which are very small.
The pots should be watered so as to settle the soil, and be placed in the close atmosphere of the propagating pit or frame, where they will need scarcely any water until the buds are seen pushing through the surface.
Garden pots are made with a comparatively large hole in the bottom, and those of the largest size have also holes at the side near the bottom; these openings are to prevent the soil becoming saturated or soured with superabundant water.
When finished off, the pots should be watered well, to settle the soil; but they should stand till the water has well drained away, since, if they are moved about while the fresh soil is very wet, there will be a risk of its becoming puddled or too much consolidated.
For epiphytal plants like orchids the most thorough drainage must be secured by the abundant use of potsherds, small pots being sometimes inserted inside the larger ones, or by planting in shallow pots or pans, so that there shall be no large mass of soil to get consolidated.
For most of these the lightest spongy but sweet turfy peat must be used, this being packed lightly about the roots, and built up above the pot-rim, or in some cases freely mixed before use with chopped sphagnum moss and small pieces of broken pots or nodules of charcoal.
These conditions of orchid-growing have undergone great changes of late years, and the plants are grown much as other stove and greenhouse plants in ordinary pots with composts not only of peat but of leaf-mould, and fibres from osmunda and polypodium ferns.
When plants are required to stand in ornamental china pots or vases, it is better, both for the plants and for avoiding risk of breakage, to grow them in ordinary garden pots of a size that will drop into the more valuable vessels.
Cucumber and melon plants and vines reared from eyes are sometimes started in this way, both for the reason above mentioned and because it prevents the curling of the roots apt to take place in plants raised in pots.
AdvertisementAfter the close pruning of the branches to which they are annually subjected, and when the young shoots have shot forth an inch or two in length, they are turned out of their pots and have the old soil shaken away from their roots, the longest of which, to the extent of about half the existing quantity, are then cut clean away, and the plants repotted into small pots.
This permits the growing plant to be fed with rich fresh soil, without having been necessarily transferred to pots of unwieldy size by the time the flowering stage is reached.
The half-hardy series are best sown in pots or pans under glass in mild,heat, in order to accelerate germination.
Those of them which are in danger of becoming leggy should be speedily removed to a cooler frame and placed near the glass, the young plants being pricked off into fresh soil, in other pots or pans or boxes, as may seem best in each case.
The older plants will occasionally require the roots pruned in order to keep them in as small pots as possible without being starved.
AdvertisementThe spores should be sown in well-drained pots or seed pans on the surface of a mixture of fibrous sifted peat and small broken crocks or sandstone; this soil should be firmly pressed and well-watered, and the spores scattered over it, and at once covered with propagating glasses or pieces of sheet glass, to prevent water or dry air getting to the surface.
The pots should be placed in pans full of water, which they will absorb as required.
The spores may be sown as soon as ripe, and when the young plants can be handled, or rather can be lifted with the end of a pointed flat stick, they should be pricked out into well-drained pots or pans filled with similar soil and should be kept moist and shady.
In most cases this can be performed with little risk, but the gleichenias, for example, must only be cut into large portions, as small divisions of the rhizomes are almost certain to die; in such cases, however, the points of the rhizomes can be led over and layered into small pots, several in succession, and allowed to remain unsevered from the parent plant until they become well-rooted.
The hardier orchard-house fruits should now be moved outdoors under temporary awnings, to give the choicer fruits more space, - the roots being protected by plunging the pots.
AdvertisementSow in the second and the last week, on a warm border of a light sandy soil, with an east aspect, any free-flowering hardy annuals as Silene pendula, Nemophila, &c., for planting in spring; and auricula and primula seeds in pots and boxes.
Fill the pits with pots of stocks, mignonette and hardy annuals for planting out in spring, along with many of the hardy sorts of greenhouse plants; the whole ought to be thoroughly ventilated, except in frosty weather.
Sow a few pots of hardy annuals in a frame, or on a sheltered border, for successional spring use if required.
Hyacinths and other bulbs that have been kept in a cellar or other dark cool place may now be brought into the light of the greenhouse or sitting-room, provided they have filled the pots with roots.
Due attention must be paid to shifting well-rooted plants into larger pots; and, if space is desired, many kinds of hardier plants can be safely put out in cold frames.
AdvertisementThe fruit having now been gathered from strawberry plants, if new beds are to be formed, the system of layering the plants in small pots is the best.
These should be kept cut off close to the old plant, so that the full force of the root is expended in making the " crowns " or fruit buds for next season's crop. If plants are required for new beds, only the required number should be allowed to grow, and these may be layered in pots as recommended in July.
Plants are readily grown from seed, which should be sown singly in small pots and placed in heat early in March.
A step higher than these is the rude water-wheel, with earthen pots on an endless chain running round it, worked by one or two bullocks.
According to Dr Reveil, Persian opium usually contains 75 to 84% of matter soluble in water, and some samples contain from 13 to 30% of glucose, probably due to an extract or syrup of raisins added to the paste in the pots in which it is collected, and to which the shining fracture of hard Persian opium is attributed.
The old industries of carpet-weaving and paper-making have died out; but there is a large trade in cotton and silk goods, and in copper and brass pots, and there are factories for ginning and pressing cotton.
The process consists in heating yellow phosphorus in iron pots provided with air-tight lids, which,.
A special feature of the Athenian festival was the "Adonis gardens," small pots of flowers forced to grow artificially, which rapidly faded (hence the expression was used to denote any transitory pleasure).
The spores should be thinly sprinkled on the surface of the soil in well-drained pots, which should stand in saucers filled with water and be covered with glass plates.
After the prothalli have attained some size and bear sexual organs the pots should be occasionally sunk in water so as to flood the prothalli for a few minutes and facilitate fertilization.
When the pots are fairly filled with roots the plants may be shifted into larger ones.
In most cases this can be performed with little risk, but the Gleichenias, for example, must only be cut into large portions, as small divisions of the rhizomes are almost certain to die; in such cases, however, the points of the rhizomes can be led over and layered into small pots, several in succession, and allowed to remain unsevered from the parent plant until they become well rooted.
About the end of the latter month the whole collection should be turned out of the pots and redrained or repotted into larger pots as required.
There is an old-established internal trade, chiefly between the older islands and Chowra, for pots (which are only made there) and racing and other canoes.
The plants are easy to cultivate, and are generally grown in large pots or tubs which can be protected from frost in winter.
Among the chief localities are the neighbourhood of Stourbridge in Worcestershire and Stannington near Sheffield, which supply most of the materials for crucibles used in steel and brass melting, and the pots for glass houses; Newcastle-on-Tyne and Glenboig near Glasgow, where heavy blast furnace and other firebricks, gas retorts, &c., are made in large quantities.
These, though not showing a great resistance to extreme heat, are very slightly affected by sudden alternations in heating, as they may be plunged cold into a strongly heated furnace without cracking, a treatment to which French and Stourbridge pots cannot be subjected with safety.
Alternatively, sterile clear pots can be bought, and sterile agar can be poured into them.
There are various herbaceous plants which may be similarly treated, such as sea-kale and horseradish, and, among ornamental plants, the beautiful autumn-blooming Anemone japonica, Bocconia cordata, Dictamnus Fraxinella - the burning bush; the sea hollies (Eryngium), the globe thistle (Echinops ritro), the Oriental poppy (Papaver orientale), the sea lavender (Statice latifolia), Senecio pulcher, &c. The sea-kale and horseradish require to be treated in the open garden, where the cut portions should be planted in lines in wellworked soil; but the roots of the others should be planted in pots and kept in a close frame with a little warmth till the young shoots have started.
The garden was designed with further recycled resources in mind using old chimney pots, railroad sleepers and cockle shells from the local beach.
In 1773 George Hart advertised that he was making sugar pots and molds, plus useful and ornamental chimney pots.
Keepsake gifts include chinaware, the exquisite heirloom collection of christening gowns and romper suits by Collins and Hall and Terramundi money pots.
Four small stone cists stood round the top of this and each contained small pots, which possibly held food offerings.
I pulled a table with milk vessels and a few pots with me, making a big clatter.
Has been awarded pots codec will pays high auto.
Most people must have used commodes or chamber pots, emptied down drain or onto night soil wagons.
You will find it on high quality cast iron cookware, microwave cooker linings, pots and pans and metal baths.
Some believe that spider crab inhibit edible crab from entering the pots.
Top of the pots Turner nominee Grayson Perry's first artwork was a plate depicting a crucifixion, called Kinky Sex.
Cuttlefish pots are baited with a female cuttlefish pots are baited with a female cuttlefish, a mirror or a shiny CD to attract the males!
Annuals, and easy to grow perennials such as ox-eye daisy are not worth growing in pots, but should be sown direct.
He decorates his pots using traditional methods of luster decoration.
There is no need to disturb the roots just plant the whole lot in the ground and the pots will gradually disintegrate.
Apply to pots three times (soil drench) during each phase of growth.
The pots are all hand thrown in red earthenware by Penny.
Mr Farthing would make pots on his wheel and once carved a stone statue for the Chigley cookie factory.
Many early chimneys would have been built without chimney pots, which only became fashionable in the mid 19th century.
Pots emerging, a little blackened by last frost.
The wall pots were set off with bedding geraniums and a large ready made hanging basket with summer bedding plants set off another wall.
Gully pots The primary purpose of gully pots The primary purpose of gully pots is to trap sediment associated with road run-off.
Dark purple heliotrope are flowering in pots, and I've also bought purple petunias as bedding plants this year.
The generous glaze accretions of his pots are echoed by the thick impasto 's of many of his paintings.
Forms included sherds from bowls, jugs, tea pots, plates, cups, dishes, and large containers.
Water bottle strap Brown leather Water bottle, cups, pots etc Painted dull green, or cloth covered, so probably greenish-tinged khaki.
Not only will they prevent pots from becoming waterlogged during the winter months but will also liven up the patio or conservatory.
Both ears extremely low-cost car in pots isdn vote on which.
This 'Ruby Pool ' holds nine blue circular, squat pots, made in the Taurus pottery and containing golden marjoram.
And Picasso manipulating soft, thrown " pots " to make forms which are morphing into other forms.
Here he is sitting on the edge of some pots which were waiting to be planted up, and enjoying every mouthful.
Even the almost obligatory kiln shelf collapse damaged only a few pots.
Greek oregano grows well in pots, reaching 8 to 12 inches.
Beside these were long rows of wooden pails and dairy utensils, with shining ranks of tinware and pewter platters and pots.
We find little tester pots of emulsion paint are excellent for many craft projects.
We have three pots with pansies in, because someone gave us some baby pansy plants.
Winter Beauty, and in pots against the house a zonal pelargonium is a mass of flowers.
Continue to feed established plants such as zonal and regal pelargoniums, annuals in pots, fuschias and other summer-flowering plants.
Pretty dirty things Caroline Boucher gets a handle on heavy-duty pots and pans and a powerful juicer that really takes the pith.
They are complemented by a colorful and varied selection of terracotta planters pots, umbrella pots, vases and urns.
This having been said many of the incidental features in the illustrations, including the depiction of pots, appear to be realistically portrayed.
The ceramic pots by Grayson Perry are usually considered shocking, both for the way they are made and for what they portray.
Warm terracotta pots, either plain or with a simple pattern, are ideal.
This means they are easily damaged or destroyed by objects hitting them; such as lobster pots or diver's fins.
Food aromas, particularly when trapped in steam beneath cooking pots and chafing dishes, can be particularly troublesome.
Fill your pots to the top with potting compost leaving a 25mm rim.
The plants are then potted into ten liter pots using a special growing medium, perfected by his late father.
Years ago I remember on holiday taking my three year old son to watch a potter throwing pots.
In contrast, there are the servant's quarters and huge kitchen, with all the pots and pans on display.
I am sure if, say, Glynn banged pots and pans for hours making an almighty racket he would be told to stop.
The experimental design was a completely randomized type with ten replicates (pots ).
One of the pots does indeed replace one of the fixed resistors whilst the other is connected the the extra PCB.
Numbers have not grown as fast in Clifton as elsewhere as they seem to prefer gently sloping corrugated industrial roofing to chimney pots.
Once the pots are glowing hot, they are removed from the kiln using long tongs and placed into bins containing sawdust.
They make rather neat little coal scuttles, or plant pots.
At the same pots lines makes have close senate.
In addition, lobster pots, rubber sheeting, plastic ropes, plastic tubing and a partially buried children's bike were also removed.
Body forms as cooking pots but with a rectangular handle and tubular spout.
Inscriptions of this style were engraved in stone steles and bronze pots.
Culture notes An epiphytic free flowering succulent that grows to around 300mm high and 400mm across and is suitable for pots or hanging baskets.
Now stocking a wide range of decorative aggregates, slabs, pots, water features & a comprehensive range of gardening sundries.
As a boy Sandy loved making sweeties in old tins and pots in the out house.
Now getting the super fine tilth on my soil is near impossible so I tend to start a lot of things off in pots.
Comprising of 1 tray, 2 lidded trinket boxes, 2 vases / trinket pots.
Linen, towels, and all cooking utensils including pots and pans, cutlery is provided.
An important piece of evidence on this point has recently come to light in the shape of the carved hippopotamus-tusk handle of an Egyptian predynastic stone knife, said to have been found in the Wadi el 'Araq, on the right bank of the Nile opposite Nag`Hamadi, and now in the Louvre.23 On this remarkable object, which is certainly of predynastic Egyptian date (before 3500 B.C.), we see representations of early Egyptians and perhaps other tribes fighting, with ships, some like those represented on the Egyptian predynastic pots and others different, with high prows and sterns, and we also see a strange deity of Babylonian aspect.
The scrapings from the tree, which contain fragments of wood, are mixed with the residues of the collecting pots and the refuse of the vessels employed, and are made up into large rounded balls, which form the inferior commercial quality called " negrohead, " and often contain 25 or 35% of impurity.
Commercially pure tin is used for making such apparatus as evaporating basins, infusion pots, stills, &c. It is also employed for making two varieties of tin-foil - one for the silvering of mirrors (see Mirror), the other for wrapping up chocolate, toilet soap, tobacco, &c. The mirror foil must contain some copper to prevent it from being too readily amalgamated by the mercury.
In some of these machines the pots have a valve in the bottom which enables them to descend without much resistance, and diminishes greatly the load upon the wheel; and, if we suppose that this valve was introduced so early as the time of Ctesibius, it is not difficult to perceive how such a machine might have led to the invention of the forcing-pump.
This Makuzu faience, produced by the now justly celebrated Miyagawa ShOzan of Ota (near Yokohama), survives in the form of vases and pots having birds, reptiles, flowers, crustacea and so forth plastered over the surfacespecimens that disgrace the period of their manufacture, and represent probably the worst aberration of Japanese ceramic conception.
For some cuttings, pots filled with light soil, with the protection of the propagating-house and of bell-glasses, are requisite; but for many of our hardy deciduous trees and shrubs no such precautions are necessary, and the insertion of a short shoot about half its length into moist and gritty ground at the proper season suffices to ensure its growth.
Sow vegetable marrows and hardy cucumbers on a warm border in the last week; sow cardoons in trenches, or (in the north) in pots under glass shelter; sow chicory for salading.
Plant parsley in pots or boxes to protect under glass in case very severe weather occurs.
I had read of the potter's clay and wheel in Scripture, but it had never occurred to me that the pots we use were not such as had come down unbroken from those days, or grown on trees like gourds somewhere, and I was pleased to hear that so fictile an art was ever practiced in my neighborhood.
I must have two hundred pots here on Friday.
In contrast, there are the servant 's quarters and huge kitchen, with all the pots and pans on display.
The experimental design was a completely randomized type with ten replicates (pots).
The pots range from a teacup and saucer made by Bernard Leach in 1920 to a large vase made by Alison Britton in 1987.
Several deep pots in the streamway are crossed by scaffolding poles which were well under water.
His lidded pots tell the stories of the Tales through 3D painted Chaucerian figures sculpted in clay.
This month we will be making small vessels (vases, pots, etc.) from self-hardening clay.
In addition, lobster pots, rubber sheeting, plastic ropes, plastic tubing and a partially buried children 's bike were also removed.
Shrubby plants that have outgrown their pots or tubs may benefit from reporting into larger pots.
We can have a sip of china tea in my china pots Eyewant I want some china pots.
Leach and Cardew both made slipware pots early on at the start of the 1920s at Leach 's pottery in St Ives.
The carbon caused by the now smoldering sawdust is absorbed into the surface of the clay, turning the pots black.
If you live within traveling distance of the nursery you can collect your snowdrops in pots.
Hardy annuals can be sown in pots or modules to provide color in the garden.
John Leach Pottery Wood fired oven to table stoneware pots.
Preliminary tests in pots have indicated that garden compost, when added to soil can suppress diseases such as white rot.
Ceramic tableware - Lisa Marklew Salt & Pepper pots - Shona Carnegie Many items will provoke the question, Is it functional or ornamental?
Anything from old razor blades, toothpaste tubes, milk bottle tops, pots, pans.
The kiln was possible involved in the production of both pots and tile and was found to be heavily truncated by later medieval activity.
Underglaze Decoration applied to pots which are subsequently glazed with a transparent glaze.
Watch out for nocturnal vine weevil adults that may be emerging to nibble around the edges of leaves in patio pots.
A wis talkin aboot they 3 legged pots you know the anes the cook the Missionaries in !
Even in the case of pottery-making, only men are allowed to fashion pots or pipes representing anthropomorphic or zoomorphic figures.
Flower pot-Who says flower pots are just for flowers?
If you have a larger budget or a small guest list, you could use commemorative tea cups or miniature tea pots.
Pull out your pots and pans, and show your baby how to bang spoons in the pots, put objects into a pan and cover them with a lid, etc. Encourage your baby to grasp items.
Pull out pots, pans, spatulas, and spoons, and let your baby have a ball banging, stirring, and just playing with all of these kitchen items.
Dual-element burners – Ovens with dual-element burners make it possible to use one size burner for various sized pots and pans.
Click the control once and the inner ring heats up for small pots or click it twice for the entire burner to heat up to accommodate a larger one.
You have to have a reliable set of pots and pans to cook well.
You will want to make sure the cookware sets you consider have the pots and pans you need for your style of cooking.
These are the big pots, often with handles on two sides for lifting when the pan is full.
Other pots and pans that you might want to have in your cookware set include a stockpot, which is even bigger than a Dutch oven, and a roasting pan.
When you are buying a cookware set, notice that a 14-piece set actually consists of seven pots and pans and seven lids.
Be sure you know how many pots and pans a set actually contains before you buy.
Plants add great color, texture and interest to your yard, or even in a windowbox or a collection of pots on the balcony.
Other herbs are better bought as plants and planted in pots or in your garden.
You may want to consider a deeper bowl if you wash large pots and pans or just like the versatility a larger sink offers.
Do you know the benefits of stainless steel versus aluminum pots and pans?
Though aluminum cookware is some of the least expensive you can buy and therefore easiest on the budget of a college student or young professional just getting out on their own, if it's at all possible to skip aluminum pots and pans, do so.
Also, you'll be more likely to get metal in your food as you could accidentally scrape the bottom of the pots or pans with utensils while you cook.
Here's another time when you may have to spend a little bit more upfront to get a higher quality set of pots and pans that make cooking a more pleasant experience overall.
For a large selection of Chia Pets, especially discontinued pots (like the Chia Bull), go to Amazon.
These type of pots used to grow plants are not as common as the larger pots made for the outdoors.
Tea cup planters are pots made from tea cups or designed to be about the size of a tea cup.
Old buckets can be used as plant pots or discarded household items such as an old bath can make a good container for growing vegetables as well as being a talking point.
All you need is a windowsill, a few small pots and some herb seeds.
Alternatively you can purchase small pots of herbs at your local supermarket, garden center or at a local herb festival.
They also offer tea supplies such as pots and infusers, as well as empty tea bags for tea production.
Take in Clay and Ceramic Pots -- Clay and ceramic containers will crack if allowed to remain outside in the freezing and thawing weather.
A wrought iron hanging pot rack filled with cast iron and hammered copper pots adds warmth and charm to a rustic log cabin kitchen.
Italian kitchen design conjures up the image of a homey kitchen, with pots of food simmering on the stove, the aromas of that good food in the air, and plenty of room for gathering with family and friends over great meals.
Hanging decorator pots and kettles in front of the fire adds a look of authenticity.
Contemporary art wall fountains can be found in many themes such as vertical waterfall cascades, pouring pots, artwork, and tiered trickles.
Overhead Storage- Hanging pots and pans, or even adding overhead cabinetry can add additional storage in a crowded kitchen.
Balance the neutral wood furniture in the kitchen with shiny copper pots to create some visual interest.
Many paint stores sell small sample pots at low prices.
Once you've narrowed down your choices, purchase a few sample pots and test them out in the room.
It also brings to mind the clay pots full of herbs that can often be found on Tuscan windowsills.
Pots, vases and other accessories in terra cotta colors are a great addition to an old-world Italian kitchen.
Pots would be set in the bed of red coals.
Cast iron lids were made with lips so hot coals could be scooped on top of the pots for consistent heat for even cooking.
You can use a pot rack over your range and display your copper pots and pans.
This type of ceramic is also used to make tiles, flower pots and candle holders.
Other ways to personalize your workspace with accessories include stylish vintage clocks, sleek-looking desk supplies, such as staplers or paper clip holders, or a few plants in attractive pots.
Most paint stores have small sample pots that can be purchased for a few dollars that will allow you to test out the color without making a big commitment.
Hang a few dried herbs and copper pots and your look is complete.
Cleansers - Makeup removers, deep cleansing or exfoliating varieties are available in rolls, bars, and pots.
I applied MAC Kohl Power in Mystery over one of MAC's new Paint Pots (Bare Study, a shimmery champagne color that can be used as an eye shadow or an eye shadow base).
The Gold Digger collection demands this sort of reaction anyway, so it was all very appropriate that I found myself leaning in for a closer look at three pots that seemed to resemble little golden nuggets.
Crowded around the pots were little jars of sparkling, summery nail polishes, gleaming lip glosses and charming dual blush/bronzer compacts.
Despite the fact that every item there looked rather appealing, my attention was drawn mainly to the Eye Colour Pots.
However, I was convinced there was some worth to these small round pots.
Laura Mercier introduced a new one especially for the pots, called the Dual Eye Colour Brush.
Mixing and matching these pots creates a world of new, elegant looks.
Since the pots are limited edition, it's best to grab one (or three!) now before they leave counters.
These products are packaged in convenient little .08-ounce pots.
A few pots of MAC Glitter add a variety of colors to your Halloween makeup collection.
Liquid eyeliner comes in small pots with a short bristled paintbrush.
Whether you're a new cook or a seasoned chef, owning a nice selection of cooking pots is sure to bring much joy to the kitchen.
Made from various materials and coming in all shapes and sizes, there are pots to meet the needs of every cook.
Cooking pots are made out of many different materials.
Aluminum pots are very lightweight and have great conductivity, meaning the heat is quickly transferred throughout the pot.
Generally inexpensive compared to other cooking pots, aluminum can negatively react to some acidic foods causing unappealing changes in flavor.
Glass pots have the advantage of being transparent so cooks can see how their soup is coming along.
Pots made of borosilicate glass (like Pyrex) have the distinct advantage of being oven and microwave safe.
The downside is they are more fragile than regular metal cooking pots.
Ceramic pots are made of earthen material.
Unglazed pots have the advantage of holding a lot of moisture because they are porous.
Of course, these types of pots are also breakable.
Enamel pots are metal pots covered with porcelain.
The following is a list of common cooking pots, their uses, and approximate size.
Dutch ovens are big, deep pots that are also wide to hold a lot of volume.
Stock pots are pans characterized by their tall sides, flat bottoms, and double handles.
If you cook for a lot of people, it's likely that you need bigger cooking pots and time saving appliances like a food processor or blender.
Those who appreciate slow cooking methods will enjoy crock pots and Dutch ovens.
Kitchenware, such as pots, pans, or even a microwave if the graduate will be moving away from home.
Coconut palms can even be grown in pots and when they are six months old, may be transferred to soil.
Sprinkle nibs on top of cupcakes, frosted cakes, pots de crème, cappuccinos, or hot cocoa.
Line the aisle with pots of red and white poinsettias and place several at the altar as well.
You can have a themed design such as a cake resembling a stack of flower pots for a Page garden wedding, a cornucopia for a fall wedding, or a Christmas tree tower for a winter wedding.
Check out the decorated mint tins, miniature flower pots and leaf shaped ornaments.
Wedding favors that incorporate this simple plant, however, can be as elaborate as the couple wishes depending on the number of shoots used, which pots are chosen, and any individual personalization.
Couples can also choose from a wide range of pots to create lucky bamboo plant wedding favors.
Clear pots, such as votive candle holders or shot glasses are especially popular, but couples should be aware that algae may grow inside clear pots, clouding the water and making them less attractive.
Other types of pots perfect for lucky bamboo shoots include cracked glass decorative pots, flared pots, square dishes, miniature terra cotta pots, or small ceramic containers.
Pots can be engraved or etched with bride and groom clipart or other symbols, the couple's names, wedding date, or meaningful Chinese characters for added Asian flair.
Many couples tie care tags with personalized sentiments to the pots to express their thanks and good wishes to their guests as well as to give them tips for caring for their living unique wedding favor.
Small pots, containers, or troughs suitable for holding water and plant matter can be used.
You can get round or square pots in a variety of colors.
Some of the pots even have pandas or frogs on them.
Some people marry later in life, or have lived together before their marriage, meaning they don't need all the traditional pots and pans of a younger couple living on their own for the first time.
Place large gold pots filled with jasmine near the entrance of the pagoda.
Many cake pans are not anodized; instead the process is usually used for cookware that needs to be extremely durable, such as stock pots, Dutch ovens, and roasting pans.
Although it's doubtful whether your pet will take advantage of the upper airing deck, it does look cute, and you can always fill the area with some colorful flower pots if FiFi doesn't find a use for it.
They can be made bushy by stopping, and they flower better than if in pots.
Each seeds should be sown in individual pots.
The bright colors of many are more intense in the open air than when the plants are cramped in pots in a greenhouse.
As it sometimes perishes in winter, it is advisable to keep reserve plants in pots.
It requires rich deep earth to form its finest leaves, and to raise the plants a brisk hot-bed is needed in February or March, in which to plunge the pots in which the seeds should be sown.
In gardens it is as beautiful as when wild, growing freely in almost any soil, but not shaded, or in pots and pans.
It may be sown in September and pricked off into pots for winter for transplanting in spring, or again in the open ground in March and April, the seedlings being thinned out about 1 foot apart.
Sow it in April in open ground; or else in a frame in autumn, and protect it during winter, if good plants are desired, either for pots or planting out.
All the best Narcissi, and practically all the forms of the yellow and the bicolor Daffodils, may be planted in June, July, or August, in three ways-in the lawn or meadow, in the beds and borders of the garden, or in 6 or 8-inch pots.
The first crop can be obtained from pots or boxes in the greenhouse, and these will be followed by fully formed and bursting buds, in sheltered and sunny places.
These buds will open large, fresh, and fair if placed in pots of water in a warm greenhouse or a sunny frame or window.
Small pots, with a little bit of dry Sphagnum Moss inside, inverted on the tops of stakes, also form good traps.
Three-inch pots are best for putting the cuttings into, one or two in each pot.
In less than a fortnight they will be all rooted, and may be potted off singly into large 3-inch pots.
All these kinds should be sown thinly in heat in pots in February or March.
One of the best for growing in pots is Wisetonensis, a compact pyramidal form of S. retusus, with large flowers blending in white, pink, and yellow.
N. depressa may be propagated by dividing old plants into small portions and placing them in small pots in a gentle heat until they start into growth, and then removing them to a cooler atmosphere.
In most nurseries the double Furze is kept in pots, and can be planted at any time.
Being very averse to removal, it is mostly planted from pots.
It is useful for edgings, amongst plants in borders, or for pots for rooms.
It is often grown in pots for the house both in England and France.
It should be sown in pots in August, wintered in frames, and divided and transplanted in spring, or sown in open ground in April.
Plants raised in summer are best preserved by putting them in October into 4-inch or 5-inch pots in light, rich, sandy earth, and then placing them in a cold frame, giving them plenty of air.
Admirable for pots on a sunny window-sill, caring nothing for weeks of inattention.
Cyclamen Daffodil (Hybrid Narcissi Cyclamineus) - A dainty but not showy species, easily grown in a peat-earth rock garden or in pots of peaty compost.
The seeds should be sown in spring in pots in the open border in ordinary soil.
Division, or seeds, which should be sown as soon as gathered either in pots or in the open ground, they will vegetate in the following spring.
Jonquil (Hybrid Narcissi Jonquilla) - Long known in gardens, and imported from Italy and Holland for forcing in pots.
The plants should be started in pots in spring and planted out as before; but after the second year the roots become unwieldy, and should be discarded.
All are easily grown, both in pots and the open ground.
M. pumilio thrives in pots, cold frames, or the open air, and does best in firm, open, bare spots in the rock garden, in warm positions in free sandy soil.
If fine masses be wished for, the seed should be sown in pans about the end of March, the seedlings placed singly in 3-inch pots, and planted out in good soil in an open position.
Machet is the kind grown so largely in pots for the London markets, and it is also a good kind for the open air, and Goliath is far the finest in my garden.
The plant is increased by division, though being often starved and delicate from confinement in small worm-defiled pots, exposed to daily vicissitudes, it is rarely strong enough to be pulled to pieces.
September and October are the best months for planting Moutans, but if planted from pots they may be put out in spring, when all danger of frosts is over.
Cuttings should be rooted in July, and the young plants grown on in pots and wintered in a frame or cool greenhouse.
By removing the point of growth so soon as the young plant is established in September, and again six weeks or so later, bushy plants having six or eight shoots result, and towards the end of the year should be potted into 5-inch pots.
The Tasmanian Apple-berry is a charming shrub for a low wall, or it may be grown in pots plunged outside and trained on old Bamboo stems, so as to be taken indoors when the fruits are colored.
It may also be grown in pots plunged in sand in the open air, and in frames in winter, but it becomes "drawn" and delicate under glass.
It requires a warm situation in light soil, such as the foot of a south wall, and in such positions it often thrives better than in pots under glass; but the bulbs must be protected during severe frosts.
If sown in April or May, in light, warm, rich soil in the open border, it flowers in July and August, and may also be sown in pots, but the ball of earth must not be broken, as the plant will not bear transplanting.
If grown in pots, the plant should be on broken stones, and the roots in light sandy loam with peat.
It does well in pots, revels in chalky loams, and even in an unfavourable position in clay.
Failing seed, the only way to increase the Stokesia is by means of root cuttings in winter, and these inserted in pots of sandy soil in the greenhouse soon make useful plants.
Pot on again in March singly into 4-inch pots, and at end of April plant out into open borders; or sow on slight hot-bed in March, prick out into pits for transplanting into open in May; or sow in open in April and May.
If potted, a depth of 2 inches is sufficient, and plunge the pots.
The lights must be taken off in February and March, when the weather becomes warm, and the pots should remain exposed until the flowers begin to expand, when they may be transferred to the greenhouse.
It is best grown in pots or tubs pierced with holes, in a mixture of stiff peat and clayey soil, and river mud and sand.
A point in starting is to get healthy plants in pots, planting in spring and not disturbing the roots much.
Water from bottom, by placing pots in a tray of water then removing them when the soil is damp.
Cover pots with plastic to keep in warmth and humidity until seeds sprout.
Place pots in a bright, south-facing window or provide supplemental lighting.
When the seedlings are 4 to 6 inches tall, transplant to 4-inch pots or plant out in the garden if the ground has warmed.
In the home garden growing strawberries in planters such as strawberry pots, tall terracotta containers with pockets for the plants to poke out of is an easy endevour.
Because their roots are so restricted, trees planted in pots require more care.
Plants in pots can't extend their roots down into the soil the way that plants in the garden can, so they often become rootbound.
This works well for trees grown in pots too, but you may not have enough space for the larger pot and the increased topgrowth that results from repotting.
Remember that plants in pots are more vulnerable to damage from cold than plants in the ground.
Allow some pots to add height and interest to your water garden.
Be sure you will have enough space in this window for your pots of herbs.
Now you just need your seeds or plants, some small clay pots and a spray bottle or mister to keep your seeds moist.
For instance, if you are planning a decorative garden, you may want to buy pots to be grouped together based on a color scheme.
You can letter the pots and create a sub directory that lists what plants will go into that pot.
These bulbs are gently coaxed into blooming in pots by cooling them for a period of time, then increasing the warmth to mimic springtime.
You can also start watermelon seeds indoors about three weeks before planting them outside, but they should be started in peat pots to minimize transplant shock.
Vinca vine and bacopa both drape well over the edges of pots and window boxes.
If the entire yard gets only partial sun or shade due to immovable objects like garages, homes, or trees in neighbors' yards, look for a place that gets bright direct sunlight and grow vegetables in pots instead.
You can grow vegetables directly in the ground, in raised beds, in pots or containers.
Many varieties of wonderful vegetables can be grown in pots.
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, herbs and even miniature varieties of melons can thrive in pots.
Be sure to water pots and containers thoroughly and check them daily.
You can use large clay pots, plastic pots, decorative pots, or even an old garbage can.
Many other vegetables can thrive in pots.
Root crops like carrots or turnips can be grown in pots, but may not produce enough to make it a satisfying experience.
Strawberries can be grown in strawberry jars, clay pots with little pockets that allow for many strawberry plants to be grown in one container.
Dwarf apple and pear trees can also remain in large pots on a patio and produce fruit.
These are terra cotta pots with many pockets along the sides.
There are even pots, called strawberry jars or pots, specially made for gardening container strawberries, although you don't need to use them.
These pots dramatically increase the number of plants you can fit into one pot.
Large plastic pots or ceramic pots are fine.
If you know you won't be able to plant them right away, leave the pots in a sunny location and keep well watered.
Once you've chosen your type of strawberries, it's best to purchase plants in pots or in a flat at the garden center.
Strawberries can be grown in pots, containers, or hanging baskets too.
Herbs and small pots of lettuce may be grown on a bright windowsill or under plant lights throughout the house.
If you live in areas where deer browsing on garden plants is a problem, consider planting mums in pots on your deck to keep them away from the wildlife.
Cut out holes in the Styrofoam where the net pots will be placed.
You can also dig them up, place them in flower pots, and bring them indoors.
Dormant plants kept in large pots or tubs can be moved into garages or other shelters if necessary.
Mature flowers are any flowers in pots by themselves.
Waiting until the soil is dry also makes flowering plants easier to remove from their pots.
Thanks to modern next-day shipping, Burpee sells plants in pots.
Many flower varieties are available in pots.
Be sure to keep pots well-watered and never allow them to dry out completely.
In the kitchen, be careful not to place hot baking dishes or pots directly on the countertop.
Use plants of different sizes, and use different heights in the planters and pots.
Wall mounted kitchen faucets are convenient for people who do a lot of cooking that involves large pans and pots.
A long arched spout would be the best choice for washing large pots and pans on a regular basis.
Maybe it's a warm spring day and just too cool in the shade, or you're growing some plants in pots on the patio that need sun the bulk of the day.
This heat curing process is what gives ceramic tiles the capability to withstand the heat of the kitchen and the bottoms of hot pots and pans.
Keep in mind that the tiles on your kitchen countertop have to be strong enough to handle heavy pots and pans, plates and knives; don't settle for the least expensive ceramic tiles, because they may chip or crack more easily.
Pots and so-called 'strawberry jars' placed on patios or decks provides ample space for the plants.
The "award-winning" pots for the Amazonia Preciosa face products are 100 percent biodegradable flasks with no chemical ingredients in their composition, and once discarded degrade naturally in eight months.
Those who are into camping will find full supplies available, such as cold cereal, pots and pans and cook sets.
If you don't have any available plots, you can also begin organic gardening in your home by growing vegetables in pots.
Use glazed ceramic pots with good drainage holes for the best results.
Set the pots on bricks to allow for drainage.
Clay pots will need to be watered more often because the dry out faster.
Some areas may be in raised flower beds or pots for those elderly that have difficulty working at ground level.
Pick up pots, pigs and stones and see what mischief you can get into.
The pots are made, much like the Brown Betty teapot from a special, purple tinted clay that is found just outside the town of Yixing, about 100 miles from Shanghai.