Potentials Sentence Examples
Take any horizontal line and divide it into small elements of length each representing dq, and draw vertical lines representing the potentials v, v', &c., and after each dose.
In any case, therefore, in which we can sum up the elementary potentials at any point we can calculate the resultant electric force at the same point.
Let V 1 and V2 be the potentials of the plates, and let a charge Q be given to one of them.
Electrostatic voltmeters are based on the principle that when two conductors are at different potentials they attract one another with a force which varies as the square of the potential difference (P. D.) between them.
The chemical potentials are clearly functions of the composition of the system, and of its temperature and pressure.
The potentials that have to be dealt with are often hundreds and sometimes thousands of volts, and insulation troubles are more serious than is generally appreciated.
For since electricity tends to move between points or conductors at different potentials, if the electricity is at rest on them the potential must be everywhere the same.
Electromagnetic voltmeters may therefore be thermal, electromagnetic or electrodynamic. As a rule, electromagnetic voltmeters are only suitable for the measurement of relatively small potentials - o to 200 or 300 volts.
This measurement is applicable to the measurement of high potentials, either alternating or continuous, provided that in the case of alternating currents the high resistance employed is wound non-inductively and an electrostatic voltmeter is used.
A saturated solution is a system in equilibrium, and exhibits the thermodynamic relations which hold for all such systems. Just as two electrified bodies are in equilibrium when their electric potentials are equal, so two parts of a chemical and physical system are in equilibrium when there is equality between the chemical potentials of each component present in the two parts.
AdvertisementIt is usual to call each part of the system of uniform composition throughout a phase; in the example given, water substance, the only component is present in two phases - a liquid phase and a vapour phase, and when the potentials of the component are the same in each phase equilibrium exists.
To determine these variables we may form equations between the chemical potentials of the different components - quantities which are functions of the variables to be determined.
If µ i and µ2 denote the potentials of any one component in two phases in contact, when there is equilibrium, we know that µ i =P2 If a third phase is in equilibrium with the other two we have also =123.
In the theory of surfaces, in hydrokinetics, heat-conduction, potentials, &c., we constantly meet with what is called " Laplace's operator," viz.
Volta made use of such an electroscope in his celebrated experiments (1790-1800) to prove that metals placed in contact with one another are brought to different potentials, in other words to prove the existence of so-called contact electricity.
AdvertisementSuppose it is required to measure the difference of potentials V and V' of two conductors.
If W is the weight required to depress the attracted disk into the same sighted position when the plates are unelectrified and g is the acceleration of gravity, then the difference of potentials of the conductors tested is expressed by the formula V - V'=(d - d') /87 W where S denotes the area of the attracted disk.
The difference of potentials is thus determined in terms of a weight, an area and a distance, in absolute C.G.S.
If the two quadrants are at different potentials, the needle moves from one quadrant towards the other, and the image of a spot of light on the scale is therefore displaced.
If v is very large compared with the mean value of the potentials of the two quadrants, as it usually is, then the above expression indicates that the couple varies as the difference of the potentials between the quadrants.
AdvertisementIn the same way it may be employed to measure high potentials by measuring the fall of potential down a fraction of a known non-inductive resistance.
Instead of calculating the direction and magnitude of the resultant force on each particle arising from the action of neighbouring particles, he formed a single expression which is the aggregate of all the potentials arising from the mutual action between pairs of particles.
Everything else concerning electrode potentials is simply an attempt to attach some numbers to these differing positions of equilibrium.
We are also using auditory evoked potentials to measure more directly the neural correlates of these processes.
In return offering a £ 30k basic with excellent earning potentials, company car, mobile and opportunities for career development.
AdvertisementAtomic or molecular transitions are often induced by the screened Coulomb potentials of atoms or partially ionized ions.
Stip is the most unexplored area in this respect, although the announcements of its potentials are exceptionally promising.
It was early recognized that a complete metallic circuit would obviate troubles from varying earth potentials, and that if the outgoing and incoming branches of the circuit were parallel and kept, by transposition spiralling, or otherwise, at equal average distances from the disturbing wire, induction effects would likewise be removed.
Let V i and V2 be the potentials at points just outside and inside the surface dS, and let n l and n 2 be the normals to the surface dS drawn outwards and inwards; then - dV i /dn i and - dV 2 dn 2 are the normal components of the force over the ends of the imaginary small cylinder.
This link will take you to a page explaining how to use redox potentials in the present context.
These free energies can then be subtracted to give free energy differences that have been shown to correspond to experimental redox potentials.
Respiratory related evoked potentials during the transition from alpha to theta EEG activity in Stage 1 NREM sleep.
Thus, transverse tubules may conduct electrical action potentials from the surface of the muscle fiber deep into the interior of the fiber.
These techniques measure auditory evoked potentials (AEPs), which are changes in the brain's neural-electrical activity in response to the reception of auditory signals.
An evoked potentials study may be part of the EEG test.
Evoked potentials record the response of the brain to a sensory, visual, or auditory stimulus.
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Web 2.0 users are still figuring out the potentials of this medium, both for information, social networking, and advertising.
Observations on mountain tops generally show high potentials near the ground.
After the discharge was once started, the difference of potentials at the terminals of the tube varied from 630 volts upwards.