Potential Sentence Examples
What is the potential impact of the costs of future technologies?
I am eager to do what I can to help the children of our Province reach full potential.
We looked for any potential hazards at each step of the process.
Her earning potential is higher in a private home, around $60,000.
Potential buyers are looking for a property that they can see themselves living in.
There is no accumulation of potential.
However, every animal has the potential to become aggressive.
We spent the next hour discussing potential rainy day activities.
The potential candidate was able to deflect some of the harder questions by flattering the interviewer.
Yet, in spite of the obstacles, it seemed utterly sinful to ignore the potential.
AdvertisementWhen rain or snow is falling, the potential frequently changes rapidly.
In dry weather the electric potential in the atmosphere is normally positive relative to the earth, and increases with the height.
The potential of Howie's gift was awesome.
I asked both Sue and Barbara if they had any advice to offer potential grantees.
To be accepted to this program, students must excel academically, as well as show leadership potential.
AdvertisementHazard ratios were calculated using Cox proportional hazard ratios were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models that adjusted for potential confounders.
Children need to be adequately hydrated during all school lessons in order to maximize their learning potential.
The standard electrode potential of a half cell,, is defined as the potential difference between it and a standard hydrogen half-cell.
He spotted her potential and asked headhunters to approach her.
In a general sense, improved understanding will lead naturally on to potential control methods such as drugs, vaccines and improved animal husbandry.
AdvertisementPotential triggers to develop PCT are alcohol excess, pregnancy, use of estrogen, exposure to poly aromatic hydrocarbons and cigarette smoking.
Recent research at Imperial College London has focused on the potential for a hydrogen refueling infrastructure serving London.
Some have questioned whether Friedman's thesis is 100 percent true, mentioning NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia as a potential exception.
The notion of the deep state and its potential dangers to democracy is not new, having been discussed as early as the 1960s.
The energy of an effort, or potential energy, is measured by the product of the effort into the distance through which its point of application is capable of being moved.
AdvertisementBy comparing this with the expression for the centrifugal force (wap/g), it appears that the actual energy of a revolving body is equal to the potential energy Fp/2 due to the action of the deflecting force along one-half of the radius of curvature of the path of the body.
The leading idea which distinguishes his work from that of his predecessors was his use of the phrase " degree of electrification " with a clear scientific definition which shows it to be equivalent in meaning to the modern term " electric potential."
Volta showed, however, that if a series of bodies of the first class, such as disks of various metals, are placed in contact, the potential difference between the first and the last is just the same as if they are immediately in contact.
If, however, pairs of metallic disks, made, say, of zinc and copper, are alternated with disks of cloth wetted with a conductor of the second class, such, for instance, as dilute acid or any electrolyte, then the effect of the feeble potential difference between one pair of copper and zinc disks is added to that of the potential difference between the next pair, and thus by a sufficiently long series of pairs any required difference of potential can be accumulated.
Ohm introduced the definite conception of the distribution along the circuit of " electroscopic force " or tension (Spannung), corresponding to the modern term potential.
He discovered a function, which has been called the potential of one circuit on another, from which he deduced a theory of induction, completely in accordance with experiment.
With too% currentefficiency and a potential difference of 0.3 volt between the electrodes, t lb of copper should require about o-154 electrical horse-power hours as the amount of energy to be expended in the tank for its production.
I enjoyed the fresh air and I even found a potential friend.
I suppose she has the potential to be a good mother.
These groups will focus directly on rural development and in particular encourage new innovative measures to develop locally generated potential.
Kronotskiy Nature Park is the only site in Russia with large geysers, enhancing its tourist potential.
At a critical point the potential stored in the color field manifests itself as spontaneously emitted gluons, which then split into quark-antiquark pairs.
Even then the Brazilian still produced two flashes of brilliance, but on both occasions England Under-21 goalkeeper Robinson emphasized his potential.
Allowing for these and for potential public sector productivity growth gives a picture similar to cash incomes.
Further, Iran views the SCO as a potential guarantor of future security, experts say.
Set in 1.3 acres this house has fantastic potential Already fully habitable this is a project that you could take your time with.
They are often habitual readers and they typically select professions on the basis of how much potential for growth they offer.
The MAO PCA is a real handful of shooting potential.
The end product has a potential use for landscaping, horticulture and agriculture as mulch, soil conditioner and topsoil additive.
They were joined by hundreds of Leeds families, including current members of 442 and potential new recruits.
It is important to notify insurers of any potential claim as soon as the institution is aware that a claim may arise.
Her primary intension in this series of works was to explore the potential to reconfigure the viewer's relationship to space (6 ).
Widely scattered massive sulfide intersections, however, demonstrate considerable exploration potential.
Earlier work established the potential for estimating spectral irradiance from multi-band data using a neural network technique (Milton et al., 2000 ).
Other potential hazards include jellyfish, Force 6 winds and waves around two meters high.
The potential jurors - most of them white, from their 20s through their 50s or 60s - showed no reaction to his interruptions.
The Middle East conflict has long been recognized as a potential powder keg.
The seriousness with which politicians court media executives reflects the media's potential to make or break the ambitions of would-be political kingpins.
But planting forage legumes instead has the potential to give a major boost to productivity.
The potential application of magnetic levitation to transportation has been known since the 19th century and been implemented in numerous Magnetic levitation trains.
Accordingly, CAT has started to assess interest in the product candidate from a limited number of potential licensees.
Of course, to breathe new life into an old formula is just the first step into the garden; the potential is endless.
A necessary and sufficient condition of equilibrium is therefore that the value of the potential energy should be stationary for infinitesimal variations of the co-ordinates.
By his studies in electrostatics, his elegant method of electrical images, his development of the theory of potential and application of the principle of conservation of energy, as well as by his inventions in connexion with electrometry, he laid the foundations of our modern knowledge of electrostatics.
Maxwell also introduced in this connexion the notion of the vector potential.
Maxwell showed in this paper that the velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic impulse through space could also be determined by certain experimental methods which consisted in measuring the same electric quantity, capacity, resistance or potential in two ways.
Varley discovered the interesting fact that no current could be sent through the rarefied gas unless a certain minimum potential difference of the electrodes was excited.
Selfregistering voltmeters indicate at any moment the potential difference in every tank, and therefore give notice of short circuits occurring at any part of the installation.
Under the multiple system anodes and cathodes are placed alternately, all the anodes in one tank being connected to one rod, and all the cathodes to another, and the potential difference between the terminals of each tank is that between a single pair of plates.
Moreover, the high potential difference between the terminals of the series tank introduces a greater danger of shortcircuiting through scraps of metal at the bottom of the bath; for this reason, also, lead-lined vats are inadmissible, and tarred slate tanks are often used instead.
If then the balls are both charged to a potential V they will repel each other, and the threads will stand out at an angle 20, which can be observed on a protractor.
Since the electrical repulsion of the balls is equal to C 2V2 4 12 sin 2 0 dynes, where C = r is the capacity of either ball, and this force is balanced by the restoring force due to their weight, Wg dynes, where g is the acceleration of gravity, it is easy to show that we have _ 21sin 0 r " tan V 8 r as an expression for their common potential V, provided that the balls are small and their distance sufficiently great not sensibly to disturb the uniformity of electric charge upon them.
Observation of 0 with measurement of the value of 1 and r reckoned in centimetres and W in grammes gives us the potential difference of the balls in absolute C.G.S.
Matters are so arranged by giving a torsion to the wire carrying the aluminium disk F that for a certain potential difference between the plates H and G, the movable part F comes into a definite sighted position, which is observed by means of a small lens.
Let this potential be denoted by V, and let v be the potential of the guard plate and the aluminium flap. This last potential is maintained constant by guard plate and flap being part of the interior coating of a charged Leyden jar.
If this distance is varied until the attracted disk comes into a definite sighted position as seen by observing the end of the index through the lens, then since the force f is constant, being due to the torque applied by the wire for a definite angle of twist, it follows that the difference of potential of the two plates varies as their distance.
By giving a charge to this Leyden jar the needle can thus be maintained at a certain constant high potential.
But the industry has the potential for accidental radiation releases and produces radioactive byproducts that require safe storage for decades.
If Banjo brings her enough Hollow Honeycombs, this potential lifesaver will work her magic on that all-important health bar.
We conclude that 5-HT7 receptor ligands hold considerable potential.
Certain medications including lithium, anticonvulsants, antidepressants and beta-blockers have also been incriminated as potential triggers.
It is planning to establish a call center by October to provide more potential litigants.
One reason for my success in seeing off potential litigants is that I don't like to go into print without checking my facts.
It offered fireless steam locomotive the potential of a constant level of power output during their duty cycles.
This research is providing information that enhances our ability to predict swarming, and so offers the potential of earlier intervention to control locusts.
It also causes a potential logjam in the waiting list, with patients at the very end of the line having to wait longer.
Apart from abattoir workers, this is the main potential loophole.
Potential candidates should attend either the lunchtime one (beginning at 12.40) or the after school one (beginning at 4.15 ).
Of course, events in Russia remain critical and the potential for a sudden lurch into darkness remains.
To some extent, the experimenter can check for potential errors by referring to the perturbation of the field seen by local ground-based magnetometers.
However, insurance is now available against the potential for adverse developments including telecom masts close to residential property.
Develop teaching materials which will include an on-line resource - with a potential for broader dissemination.
The first is to determine values of physically meaningful parameters such as potential energy barriers and the average energy transferred in a collision.
To investigate the potential of marine and freshwater microbes for use in the biotechnology industry.
Becoming an online media mogul Which looks at the advantages offered by streaming media and assesses the potential for their application in training.
Is it because a trip to the cottage is not deemed newsworthy by potential authors?
Gray squirrels are also a potential host to the disease, squirrel poxvirus which is normally fatal in reds.
This connexion is something of an afterthought to distinguish from the potential contingency of the objectively possible the real contingency of the actual, for which the " cause or reason " of Spinoza 6 could not account.
If then two experiments are made, first with the upper plate connected to earth, and secondly, connected to the object being tested, we get an expression for the potential V of this conductor in the form V=A(d' - d), where d and d' are the distances of the fixed and movable plates from one another in the two cases, and A is some constant.
The movable plate can be drawn down into a definite sighted position when a difference of potential is made between the two ' See Maxwell, Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (2nd ed.), i.
The principle underlying these instruments is that we can measure differences of potential by means of the motion of an electrified body in a symmetrical field of electric force.
If the gold-leaf is unelectrified, it is not acted upon by the two plates placed at equal distances on either side of it, but if its potential is raised or lowered it is attracted by one disk and repelled by the other, and the displacement becomes a measure of its potential.
When the instrument is to be used to determine the potential difference between two conductors, they are connected to the two opposite pairs of quadrants.
The formula indicates that the sensibility of the instrument should increase with the charge of the Leyden jar or needle, whereas Hopkinson found that as the potential of the needle was increased by working the replenisher of the jar, the deflection due to three volts difference between the quadrants first increased and then diminished.
He found that when the potential of the needle exceeded a certain value, of about volts, for the particular instrument he was using (made by White of Glasgow), the above formula did not hold good.
If the quadrants were near together there were certain limits between which the potential of the needle might vary without producing more than a small change in the deflection corresponding with the fixed potential difference of the quadrants.
In this case the deflection of the needle was practically quite constant when its potential varied from to 3227 volts.
The importance of this investigation resides in the fact that an electrometer of the above pattern can be used as a wattmeter, provided that the deflection of the needle is proportional to the potential difference of the quadrants.
Quadrant electrometers have also been designed especially for measuring extremely small potential differences.
Throughout a wide range the deflections are proportional to the potential difference producing them.
The needle is charged to a potential of 50 to 200 volts by means of a dry pile or voltaic battery, or from a lighting circuit.
An instrument of this form is valuable in measuring small alternating currents by the fall of potential produced down a known resistance.
In the same way it may be employed to measure high potentials by measuring the fall of potential down a fraction of a known non-inductive resistance.
Though most anxious to avoid any extension of responsibility in South Africa, Great Britain recognized the potential danger arising from the creation of an independent state on the coast.
In Trendelenburg's treatment of the state, as the ethical organism in which the individual (the potential man) may be said first to emerge into actuality, we may trace his nurture on the best ideas of Hellenic antiquity.
With its sign reversed it is now called the potential energy of the system.
The condition of equilibrium is that this expression (which we may for the sake of distinctness call the potential energy) shall be a minimum.
All that we have to observe at present is that, in the cases in which the fluids do not mix of themselves, the potential energy of the system must be greater when the fluids are mixed than when they are separate.
If x denotes the potential energy of unit of mass of the substance, we may treat x as sensibly constant except within a distance e of the bounding surface of the fluid.
In such a film it is possible that no part of the liquid may be so far from the surface as to have the potential and density corresponding to what we have called the interior of a liquid mass, and measurements of the tension of the film when drawn out to different degrees of thinness may possibly lead to an estimate of range of the molecular forces, or at least of the depth within a liquid mass, at which its properties become sensibly uniform.
If x' is the potential energy of unit of mass of the substance in vapour, then at a distance z from the plane surface of the liquid X = X' - 22 7rp 7rpe e ((zo)) ..
He has constructed a capillary electrometer by which differences of electric potential less than o oi of that of a Daniell's cell can be detected by the difference of the pressure required to force the mercury to a given point of a fine capillary tube.
But if the difference of potential exceed a small amount (i or 2 volts), the jets instantaneously coalesce.
There is no reason to doubt that in the case of the fountain also, coalescence is due to differences of potential between colliding drops.
It was also shown that exposure to light, dilution or exhaustion of the food-media, the presence of traces of poisons or metabolic products check growth or even bring it to a standstill; and the death or injury of any single cell in the filamentous series shows its effect on the curve by lengthening the doubling period, because its potential progeny have been put out of play.
A comparatively mild climate and good market facilities increase the potential value of the whole woodland area.
But the America that he loved and admired was the ideal, the potential America.
In the Abietineae the cells of the middle tier elongate and push the lowest tier deeper into the endosperm; the cells of the bottom tier may remain in lateral contact and produce together one embryo, or they may separate (Pinus, Juniperus, &c.) and form four potential embryos.
Income tax, for instance, is calculated on income, and is in the nature of a deduction from the income; but local rates are calculated in proportion to certain other payments, actual or potential, and could without absurdity exceed 20s.
He says, "To account for this increase in the potential yield in our wheat-fields many factors must be taken into consideration.
Fourier for the propagation of heat; and if, in Fourier's solution of any problem of heat-conduction, we change the word "temperature" to "potential" and write "electric current" instead of "flux of heat," we have the solution of a corresponding problem of electric conduction.
If the circuit is open, as represented in the diagram, the flow will cease as soon as it has raised the potential of the iron 3844 microvolts above that of the lead.
If the circuit is cut at this point, there remains a difference of potential E =1184 microvolts, the resultant E.M.F.
The flow of the current will produce a fall of potential ER'/R in the lead from cold to hot, and ER"/R in the iron from hot to cold, but the potential difference due to the Peltier effect at either junction will not be affected.
The chemical action between metals in the solid state must be infinitesimal, and could only suffice to produce small charges analogous to those of frictional electricity; it could not maintain a permanent difference of potential at a metallic junction through which a current was passing.
Although it is possible that differences of potential larger than the Peltier effect might exist between two metals in contact on open circuit, it is certain that the only effective E.M.F.
But the reason for concluding that there is no other effective source of potential difference at the junction besides the Peltier effect, is simply that no other appreciable action takes place at the junction when a current passes except the Peltier generation or absorption of heat.
The potential diagrams already given have been drawn on this assumption, that the Thomson effect is not really due to convection of heat by the current, but is the measure of an E.M.F.
The difference between the two theories is most readily appreciated by drawing the potential diagrams corresponding to the supposed locations of the E.1VI.F.
The electromotive force so selected is balanced against the steady potential difference produced between a fixed and a sliding contact on a wire traversed by another steady current, and if there is any difference between this last, the potential difference, and the instantaneous potential difference balanced against it, a relay is operated and sets in action a motor which shifts the contact point along the potentiometer wire and so restores the balance.
Thus we can take two curves, one showing the potential difference at the end of an inductive circuit, and the other the current flowing through the circuit.
With each potential missing child case my wife discovered, she became more anguished with our lack of intervention.
Each of us detailed our general desires about a potential location.
Unfortunately, the potential mate must be brought into the fold, even if doing so sinks the proverbial ship.
Are there any potential cases that look promising?
Where are you, my potential little friend?
Another potential case prompted a lively discussion among our group.
Usually at this time of morning she would be on her computer, searching for potential missing children for Howie to help.
While he reveled in our successes, he never could let go of the scientific potential his partner refused to embrace.
I was temporarily encouraged when I saw it was stocked with carpentry tools; saws, hammers, nails, all potential weapons!
Others might have labored to seek the Christ, or any of a thousand potential projects of mind bending awe.
Yully's disappointment was soul-deep at the mention of a potential wife for the immortal.
Emergency lighting glowed along the walls, and the strange silhouettes of workout machines made her pause and wait for her night vision to filter out machine from potential attacker.
No, this Oracle wasn't another Claire, without potential or skill.
But … he doesn't mistreat me and there's potential for me to do good from Hell.
He took an arm of each of the fashionable ladies and paraded one block uptown to Main Street, nodding to potential voters and ignoring the comments Fred muttered behind him that he looked like the crinkled cousin from Hicksville.
Dean didn't turn around to view the next potential treasure but loaded his arms with two boxes—a "bloody" axe, grotesque mask, assorted bric-a-brac—and crossed to his vehicle.
I don't know if the land has any financial potential, but I do know that if there was money involved, neither of the boys would give a flip about desecrating the beauty.
His eyes sparkled with the potential of intrigue as he typed in, 'girlkid93.'
All of the potential candidates with the opportunity to steal the bone were rapidly drifting away.
Actually, it's halting a potential adulteress—and maybe saving her life.
It's a potential outcome, if this doesn't go my way.
If he kept her alive and well and his eye on any potential opportunity to rake the Dark One over the coals, he'd do it.
I monitor and balance potential outcomes and free will.
Though he never felt that way sleeping with past-Death, he valued trusting the woman in his bed over potential rejection.
In its pages, the events of the Past were recorded, the Present written and the Future a blur of potential outcomes.
She'd always known there were deep, dangerous levels of potential with Gabriel, if he ever figured out whether he wanted her or not.
He'd done as required and alerted them about a potential threat.
Hannah used that smile to charm everyone from waiters to potential boyfriends, but it was nice to have her sister smile at her rather than remark about how disappointed she was.
He was relieved it was over with in so short a time; he had more battles to plan and more potential allies to recruit, now that the Council was done with its stranglehold on him.
A potential war with Qatwal wasn't planned, but he'd seal the fate of his people if he walked away from her.
A'Ran studied Ne'Rin, aware he had more than the potential war with Qatwal to contend with.
It appeared, excepting Dean, the line was forming in descending order of potential culpability.
Elise was there, one hand aiming the laser at the raging man with the other hand planted on Lana's shoulder to prevent her from entering the potential line of fire.
To talk about my potential trespass?
He hadn't believed her death inevitable, and only bought contracts on those he perceived as potential threats.
He had every right to feel vindicated after losing his own potential mate and son so long ago.
Babysitters now outnumbered their potential customers, as families with young children could seldom afford the little three-bedroom "Norman," much less "The Saxon" or the bi-level "King Richard."
He'd mentioned her a number of times and I know he felt she had potential but was handicapped by her lack of self respect.
She found it impossible to act normal around him with a potential fate that would put both of them at risk.
Dependence on others created not only potential liabilities but made her weaker as well.
There were two potential fates when you went to Ireland and one when you left.
The thing to remember is that the potential to kill is always there.
Jonathan was big enough and responsible enough to take care of himself, but he lacked the experience to recognize a potential threat.
When he holds you down to do it, that indicates a potential for rape.
He always fed at night, and hunger made his senses sharper, especially when he was surrounded by so many potential sources of dinner.
Inviting potential reruns into the house left him irked.
The company states this quite plainly in their replies, thereby they have a way to absolve themselves of any potential comeback.
A potential adversary in space would be faced with the dilemma of shooting first or risking the loss of critical satellites.
This strategy can also ameliorate problems with potential hackers.
Creating a conducive atmosphere for further work is useful to potential partners.
The investment bank has been conducting due diligence on a potential investor over the past month.
Our work is characterized by an emphasis on drawing as the means by which students develop their creative and critical potential.
At that time the maximum potential development considered feasible for the island was a low density business park.
This is a real shame as the role does have potential to really deliver a great performance, despite the rather hackneyed script.
From the use of macro focusing, the worlds seem immense with potential; Gottelier is telling stories using scraps of familiarity.
Commercial interest in the area is growing very rapidly due to its huge market potential.
In my judgment, given their destructive potential, they should more appropriately be considered akin to nuclear weapons.
This is a story of an undeclared war of social anomie, in which we all have the potential for victimhood.
The physical and mental ability of a particular potential appointee to fulfill a particular role will always be a relevant factor to consider.
Environmental audits provide a rapid appraisal of the potential liabilities associated with site risks.
The MLS BER has the potential to improve the diagnostic value of conventional BER in babies who suffered birth asphyxia.
The BPA put to good use every penny raised and you will be helping our Paralympic athletes reach their true potential.
Finally, the MSSM parameters must also be consistent with a minimum in the Higgs potential which leads to the observed electroweak boson masses.
Councilor Donnell expressed concern at a potential bottleneck in the vicinity of the Fir Trees Hotel.
The ground cover of the woodland is dominated by bracken which is currently being managed to reduce its potential fire risk.
Despite the enormous capacity of the human brain, we only utilize on average less than three percent of our potential brainpower.
Originally developed for medical diagnosis, its potential has recently been recognized in the totally different area of sheep breeding.
Such a crisis holds the potential to bring the world to the nuclear brink.
The potential effects of the decision on family law or commercial leases were not broached.
The day will offer a uniquely broad commercially-oriented perspective on the potential for enhancing business effectiveness and competitiveness through the use of HLT.
Special Features The subject specialism of the pathway allows you to pursue an interest in addition to law, thus broadening your employment potential.
Russian platinum Coins Platinum Bars In the UK, platinum bullion bars are subject to VAT, which remove much of their investment potential.
Avoid placing it near a downstairs window; it tells potential burglars that you have one or more PCs in the house.
Any potential buyer will have to go through the same work.
The result was that finance capital came to control the potential for growth and the renewal of the existing capital stock.
The potential for minimal enamel removal rendering a cavity cleanable is probably greatest in smooth surface caries.
In this case, the Commission began investigating a potential cartel in the Austrian bank sector which involved eight different banks.
Potential students to the Cricket Academy need to apply for a full-time academic qualifi cation in addition to membership of the Cricket Academy.
A report of the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council Report (FAWC) is rightly cautious over the potential uses of cloning in animals.
Addresses and telephone numbers for potential recruits are selected at random from the annual agricultural census.
Imagine as an aspiring chemist you have 100 potential drugs you wish to develop.
Hence, the potential of incorporating paclitaxel in first-line chemotherapy should be investigated.
At Warwick we have worked extensively on plant virus chimeras as potential vaccines, largely for the production of antibodies.
To make informed choices, learners need to understand the potential consequences of these choices.
We are also interested in potential roles for the apparatus that holds sister chromatids together in non-dividing somatic cells.
East Bridgford has the potential to produce some good chub catches and there are some very big individual fish to be had.
You take a mooring rope forward and behind the mooring cleat to reduce the potential for the boat to swing back and forth.
She has been present with me often when I have visited a potential client, they end up cooing over her.
Output potential start codons are written only in lowercase letters.
They should be familiar with the series expressions for the virial coefficients for a Lennard-Jones potential.
Perhaps less understood is the potential for on-site cogeneration as part of this growth.
The third series was where this cult comedy reached its full potential.
Having created the mechanism to complain via the Web, the onus would be on the PCA to communicate this option to potential complainants.
However these changes in species composition would have very little impact on potential pasture production.
Finally, we would caution against wholesale employer compulsion given the potential negative impact that this may have on SMEs.
Their potential use in quantum computation is very exciting.
The aim is to evaluate the potential of exhaled breath condensate as a diagnostic tool for respiratory disease.
The trustees took no steps to manage the potential conflict of interest of leasing the Lodge from their resident employees.
The most important part of the FSR is an assessment of the global conjuncture and potential risks to the UK financial system.
Such a diverse range of materials immediately conjures up a significant amount of potential products that this system can be used to produce.
Recent developments with cw diode lasers have realized the potential for compact instruments to perform in-situ measurements of atmospheric trace gas constituents.
In the Great Stour catchment, 26 sites of waste disposal have been identified by the Environment Agency as potential groundwater contaminants.
We believe that the Black country conurbation is a site of creative tension, with enormous cultural potential.
These are the old, slightly corny examples of the net's political potential.
These detect and evaluate potential threats at maximum range and then automatically deploy the most effective countermeasures without the need for crew intervention.
The essence of the research was using powerful statistical techniques to search for potential ocean-atmosphere coupling in both modeled and observational data.
Now with close to 40 times more creatine in your muscle cell, the creatine molecule can finally unleash its full potential.
These are daunting statistics, yet they point to one potential solution to drug-related crime.
The potential harm to beneficial insects caused by Bt crops is being further researched in several countries.
They also link to the content of the Explore and Wildwalk exhibitions, allowing crossover educational potential.
This is carried out when we provide potential customers with a quote.
When specified as bonded potential cutoffs are omitted from input.
To begin with the potential energy is some 3,000 kcal/mol higher than the 12 angstrom cutoff simulation.
I believe in the critical potential of music as a living cultural practice and reject the pessimistic postmodern cynicism of the 1980s.
The young people recognized the inherent danger of being overlooked, bullied or not achieving their potential.
This will ensure any data files you have opened are closed and will thus minimize any potential damage.
The ground was treacherous underfoot, and the darkness turned even the smallest obstacle into a potential deathtrap.
Hodes [52] found a decrement of the compound muscle action potential amplitude on repetitive stimulation in patients with previous paralytic polio.
To ensure confidence in the NPT, we also need firm action to discourage any potential defection from the Treaty.
A document sent to any potential data depositor was Preparing Data for Deposit with the ESRC Data Archive.
In summary, we do not think that the potential benefits outweigh the detriments we have identified.
I am not persuaded that barriers to entry are low enough to offset the potential detriment to competition.
Potential loss of academic and research staff in addition to this will result in a serious detriment to the research infrastructure.
Part of what we try to do is to help young people reach their potential by seeing them grow in their personal development.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has great potential for preventing inherited genetic diseases.
In Britain, establishment interest was equally dismissive of the potential of aircraft.
First there is the problem of geographical dispersion for potential clients.
What is the potential pollution from landfill waste disposal?
Genetic sociology thus has the potential of legitimizing the North-South divide as natural and foreordained by genes.
Each logic line is then connected to the junction of its potential divider.
Manchester ' s Castlefield and Liverpool ' s docklands are both potential gray zones - their age profiles are already rising.
It has the potential to boost prosperity and lift Europe out of the economic doldrums.
In her case there was no potential defendant domiciled in England.
There is a potential downside to technology in education, however.
The spread of anthrax through the United States Postal Service in October 2001 vividly dramatized the potential problem.
Potential excellent reward for faultless maintenance was abruptly replaced by nameless dread.
These coincidental hazardous drinkers represent the ' potential ' or future burden of alcohol misuse on hospital services.
The subject material made the show potential dynamite and Grundy's couldn't disregard the powerful and inquisitive press.
Strengthen continuing education and professional development and promote a culture in which staff feel valued and able to reach their full potential.
If moral action is not efficacious in the production of moral good, then it may decrease the net amount of potential good.
Potential variability in antiemetic efficacy was examined by looking at doses.
In a topologically trivial spacetime, one could make the electro static potential zero, by a gage transformation.
The stimulating electrodes cause the membrane potential to change a little.
In both cases, identify the clients who have the greatest potential to become elevated to first division status.
Fredericks Foundation Aim to help those people with nowhere else to turn to realize their potential.
A potential employer will begin to form an impression of you from the first moment they see you.
Little evidence was found for a relationship between maternal occupation to the seven classes of potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of hypospadias.
These processes aim to understand potential end-users ' habitual activities in their usual work or educational contexts.
Because of its content of proteolytic enzyme, the kiwi fruit is a potential cause of contact dermatitis.
They challenged me and made me realize that my potential as a blind equestrian lies beyond being given pony rides.
The climate variable is based on three levels of potential evapotranspiration (ET ), which are represented by three sites in eastern Colorado.
The UNEP Aridity Index (based on a ratio of annual precipitation to mean annual potential evapotranspiration) data added to the karst dataset.
This causes the membrane potential to become more negative and results in muscle and nerve cells becoming less excitable.
The Picture Committee meets once a year to view the works of potential exhibitors.
Turkey acts as a buffer against potential Russian expansionism, and as a counterweight to rogue states such as Iraq, Iran and Syria.
In fact, McGuire says, many potential franchisees are initially clients.
Smoking Ginkgo's ability to scavenge free radicals means that it will make a substantial difference to the potential damage smoking may present.
Search by funding details The search by funding details is the best method of identifying potential funders.
Any debate now about the potential use of artificial gametes will have to be based on hypothetical scenarios.
You'll be amazed at what potential hazards you will find.
The potential for iron overload to cause hypertrophy is demonstrated in Friedrich's ataxia.
One potential therapy that we are now testing on patients is controlled moderate hypothermia.
Severe toxicity is frequently accompanied by convulsions, which may also aggravate the potential for heart toxicity by inducing hypoxia.
The most likely potential source for such an anomaly is meltwater from the antarctic ice sheet in a global warming scenario.
The free home insurance owner quote virginia west potential of quot Ichabod quot.
Microsoft seeks to remove the limits to individual potential around the world by eliminating technology illiteracy.
Computational prediction methods have enormous potential for the future of clinical and experimental immunology.
The risk for humans cannot be completely ruled out as the potential for local immunosuppression with the long-term use of tacrolimus ointment is unknown.
The study will assess the potential impact of the costs of future technologies.
The service would apparently compete most heavily with three wireless carriers rather than with wired incumbents because of the mobile voice potential.
Breastfed infants have less exposure to cow?s milk, a potential allergen in genetically susceptible children.
For Aristotle all the elements in an actual finite exist simultaneously, whereas a potential infinite is realized over time by addition or division.
There is thus the potential of drug interactions mediated by inhibition of transporters.
Some materials, such as starch, are relatively insoluble and consequently have little effect on water potential.
Advantages of using classification schemes include improved subject browsing facilities, potential multi-lingual access and improved interoperability with other services.
With this wind and a potential rising swell, conditions for diving this site were starting to look marginal.
The subject of Research Ethics is a potential minefield for anyone performing research which involves people.
The potential for sexual misadventures or for demanding sexual behavior.
I badly miscalculated the potential yield from my first two civilization choices, leaving me behind the pack from the beginning.
What is the potential for the equipment to be a force multiplier?
Pass and fail performances are filmed with accompanying narration to explain potential pitfalls.
In addition, we have a strong and varied pipeline of potential products in areas where there is clearly an unmet clinical need.
Potential news reports of soldiers writhing in agony from a cloud of sarin nerve gas had spooked the president and his commanders.
This entity is a potential pitfall in diagnosing adrenal neuroblastoma.
There are also certain drugs which have a potential for causing neuropathy.
To com where potential would float firm attheracesfor newmarket the course also.
Proprietary CAT-354 is a fully human anti-IL13 monoclonal antibody being developed by CAT, initially as a potential treatment for severe asthma.
It may be just in bits and pieces, a squeeze of the railroad which will sap morale and destroy its potential.
Together with patient history and potential underlying co morbidity factors this may lead to a provisional diagnosis of PG.
Sarena spent the morning trying to get my to practice my Scary face so that we might intimidate any potential muggers.
The use of low energy muons is a rapidly developing field with great potential for the study of magnetism near surfaces.
Chlorine Dioxide In 1990 the COM advised that both chlorine dioxide and its breakdown products should be regarded as potential mutagens.
The other factor which may give rise to heterophoria changes is the potential of HMDs to induce transient myopia.
Methotrexate should be used with caution in patients taking drugs known to have antifolate potential including nitrous oxide and trimethoprim.
The transferred nucleon can then be reasonably modeled by the motion of a nucleon in a Woods-Saxon (or similar) potential well.
Reliable in vitro maturation (IVM) of human oocytes is an intellectual, scientific and clinical challenge with a number of potential applications.
No. orthotics simply allow the muscles, tendons and bones of the feet and lower legs to function at their highest potential.
Jobs are limited and supply of potential workforce vastly outstrips demand.
With proper practice, you are sure to impress your potential employer and earn a standing ovation!
Newer technologies such as vacuum packing and mass deacidification are under review to determine their potential for future use.
It has the potential to be exclusive, directive and controlling, or the means to be inclusive, participatory and liberating.
Most of the provision above is within the southern periphery of the City where existing or potential amenity open space is more abundant.
It expresses a deep-seated pessimism about the potential of art to effect radical change.
Sam has huge potential with a balanced physique with loads of mass.
This course also aims to give a series of ' top tips ' from experts outlining potential pitfalls in emergency image interpretation.
What are the potential pitfalls with buy to let?
Figure 2 A corroded rudder bearing The potential problem area is the lower bearing, above the keel plank.
The potential of uveal melanoma cell lines to convert plasminogen to angiostatin was tested in an in vitro assay.
This also represents potential savings given that the PCSO establishment is increasing and thereby reducing demand on regular police officers.
Equitable's managing director confirmed that the sales force had been adequately briefed and instructed to advise potential policyholders of the company's circumstances.
Metaplastic polyps have no significant potential to cause cancer and are very unlikely to lead to any significant problem even if not removed.
Detailed stream sediment and rock chip sampling led to the identification of mineralised porphyry with stronger copper than gold potential.
House with conservatory for solar ventilation preheat Simulation can be used to explore the potential for novel energy conservation approaches.
All potential recruits serve a two-year probation during which they are assessed for mountaineering competence and the acquisition of specific mountain rescue skills.
Members of the Academic staff are available, without charge, to discuss potential collaborative research projects.
The development of migraine prophylactics therefore represents an unmet clinical need with considerable commercial potential.
It would also provide insights into potential transport paths (via grain size and sorting analyzes) and likely sediment provenance.
It would also appear prudent to encourage patients with chronic wounds to stop smoking, due to the potential deleterious effects on wound healing.
This is comparatively puny slice, the potential for harm from radiation increases with frequency.
Thus the screening project will identify not just potential agents against smallpox but also putative anti-cancer drugs.
Prima donna rainmakers The potential 'prima donna ' tendencies that these small number of rainmakers display can be very damaging to the recruiting firm.
I believe each and every person who is prepared to sexually accost another without their consent is a potential rapist.
He says that Simon is a potential new recruit from the North.
The use of methotrexate high-dose regimens recommended for osteosarcoma requires meticulous care due to the potential for additive or synergistic renal toxicity.
The site is aimed at the public and both current and potential professional registrants.
And avoid the potential infinite regress of symbolic meaning by being fully grounded in the real world.
The achaete-scute genes encode transcriptional regulators bearing a bHLH motif whose expression endows cells with neural potential.
In today's property market, making your property irresistible to potential renters is the key to a quick turnaround.
It slows down, losing kinetic energy as its potential energy, of electrical repulsion, increases in compensation.
The arrival of an action potential in the interior of the cardiac muscle cell causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
In contrast to this, Turkey is playing down the potential risk.
They also, along with English Nature, express concern at the potential for second-generation rodenticides to cause environmental problems.
Fruit trees are grown on rootstocks which affect the growth and fruiting potential of the tree, with dwarfing rootstocks recommended for smaller gardens.
Export potential Airborne Peste des petits ruminants - an emerging plague?
This whole ruse has a limited shelf life, of course, once more potential victims realize what his game is.
The sudden rush into the market is being fuelled by the potential for big profits.
Most of the potential saboteurs were taken from civilian jobs, but two were in the German army.
Using human embryos is opposed in the name of 'the sanctity of life ', or because embryos are potential human beings.
The potential benefits of foods that induce increased satiety are being increasingly noted by nutrition scientists across the world.
These staff regularly use high energy scalers, which have a large potential for aerosol generation.
These approaches combined show a potential way out of the current artificially created resource scarcity of spectrum.
Stanly Kubrick had the models and schematics destroyed because he was afraid of their potential use in low budget sci-fi flicks.
The project was also aimed to raise the boys ' self-esteem by exploring their potential and different skills.
Cingular offers customers advanced technologies in simple, cost-effective ways that permit them to tap the creative potential of wireless through their own self-expression.
Our team will spend quality time with each child, encouraging self-worth and maximizing potential.
Yet another pleasant little outing to a line which, despite its relative seniority in the preservation field, still has some potential.
They are also compatible with fiber composite hosts and there is a potential of embedding the fiber optic sensor relatively unobtrusively within the host.
Interest has been expressed in recent years over the potential to dredge for other bivalve shellfish found locally for which European markets exist.
Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search engine results.
A series of workshops are proposed that will showcase the potential of the project.
For example there is a potential conflict between habitat protection and safety considerations, as dense shrubbery can result in loss of natural surveillance.
Prepared says Simon a travel agent the privileges of potential oppressor in.
This information will help smallholders decide if they can justify the cost of treatment against potential cattle and productivity losses to disease.
Powder Potential Average winter snowfall on the glacier is 11 meters!
This may lead to the potential to design increasingly sophisticated, highly targeted drugs in the future.
The recent interest for fast growing non-native species for energy generation / biomass has raised concern on their potential impact on ecosystems.
With large numbers of sometimes excited spectators, sporting venues still have the potential for disaster, not least from fire.
For me, the potential of occultism is less about becoming ' spiritual ', and more about becoming spirited.
This may save significant production time and elimination potential product spoilage.
Externally the bolts are exposed, avoiding potential weak spots where water may penetrate the timber.
Perhaps a disappointing result, but a superb 2nd half performance & come back showed excellent sprit and potential!
Of those, magnetron sputter depositions offer most potential.
In week 4, students write a report using data given to them about a potential new statin.
Kemp has examined a variety of sources, and produced a map showing 27 potential sites within Akhenaton's boundary stele.
The aim was to determine the current status of dwarf stonewort on known sites and evaluate the potential of historic sites for re-establishment.
On its TalkTalk website, Carphone Warehouse is warning potential customers not to expect the service to be available straightaway.
Have new potential subcontractors arisen who could add value?
Pseudonyms would be necessary for all Elizabethan and Jacobean dramatists, if their work is measured for potential subversion.
A highlight will be pens of cows and calves showing as many combinations as possible of potential breeds / crosses for replacement suckler heifers.
Is there ever a nice way of putting off potential suitors?
The central sulcus (CS) was identified by somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) phase reversal.
The research into relatively high temperature superconductivity will continue because of the potential commercial benefits, but there are also possible military applications.
Unless these are resolved, the UK researchers surmise, its economic potential is certain to be compromised, particularly for developing countries.
When an action potential reaches the synapse these channels open, causing calcium ions to flow into the cell.
Fuel Most resorts use large underground storage tanks to fuel lifts, which poses a risk to the environment through a potential for leakage.
We will develop individual potential, recognize individual needs while encouraging teamwork and reward contribution.
A scalar field with a potential V, will have the energy momentum tensor shown on the screen.
To combat potential negative aspects of stainless, choose a model with a satin texture finish.
This is of potential clinical importance for products with a narrow therapeutic window, e.g. theophylline, clozapine and ropinirole.
These should provide therapeutic and ' normalizing ' care required to enable children to reach their potential and become fully participating members of society.
Free Speed Nation picks up on a potential threat to us humble bloggers arising from France's recent problems.
However, the fixture list has thrown up one fixture that is a potential tinderbox.
This upgrade increases usable mid band torque and unlocks more of the engine's potential without demanding further upgrades to supporting systems.
Such products need to be SEEN and even touched by the potential customer.
Promote the concept of sustainable tourism to potential visitors to the county.
There is a large potential to develop independent adventure tourism and recent years have seen a considerable increase.
He was looked on as a potential traitor and national security risk.
We are always happy to hear from potential transferees.
One cannot help but sense the potential treasure-trove of knowledge that further research in homeopathy and nanopharmacology will bring in this new millenium.
A truly tremendous achievement, considering some of the potential heavy weights in the above £ 5m category.
In summary, in-vitro studies indicate that trichloroethylene has some mutagenic potential.
Should the police have the power to break up groups of potential troublemakers?
However, this is considered very uncivilized because it means he cannot be sure what code to write to catch all potential exceptions.
Many actually underachieve as their potential is masked by factors such as frustration, low self-esteem or lack of challenge.
The poets inspired many to unleash hitherto unseen potential " .
The US broker believes the struggling retailer provides the greatest potential upside on the High Street.
The chalk artist saw in the little street urchin what nobody else saw - a potential masterpiece!
Ceridian Customer Services may also send notifications to affected customers detailing ways to optimize product usage or warning of potential product issues.
A low key approach may fail to rouse the interest of a potential Vandal.
This returns the potential adjusted variance for, where N is an element contained in the base.
How might you convince a potential customer that you are a reputable vendor?
The potential danger of these creatures should not be underestimated for their poison is 75% the strength of cobra venom, .
A potential jury verdict nearly an second to lifting is.
Potential adversaries, however, do not need high-technology systems to conduct effective information warfare.
The company vets potential buyers to eliminate time wasters and encourages contact between buyers and sellers to establish the history of the machine.
Modern, high intensity wheat systems are turning one of our biggest potential grass weed threats into a serious problem for many.
To his surprise and delight, the same compounds that block pumps also bind these transcriptional regulators -- a potential double whammy.
At the time we did not understand the potential windfall that we have come to realize by making this commitment.
I dont know why, I guess its the " potential winnings " you could get.
Dependency Potential and withdrawal Symptoms All references warn of avoiding abrupt withdrawal and the use of a tapered withdrawal.
We then agreed that I would call public relation, and subsequently call the potential interviewee the following workday.
In addition, SOX requires employees and professional advisors to disclose potential wrongdoing or breaches of fiduciary duty to a corporation's senior management.
This presentation covers the most frequently asked questions from users of the zetasizer range for both dynamic light scattering and zeta potential measurements.
The mites can be transmitted to humans and cause an itchy rash, so they are a potential zoonosis.
What is aimed at in ordinary observations of atmospheric potential is the measurement of the difference of potential between the earth and a point a given distance above it, or of the difference of potential betweeen two points in the same vertical line a given distance apart.
If its potential as observed there is -V (volts), then the potential of the air at the spot occupied by the sphere was +V.
Suppose next that a fixed insulated conductor is somehow kept at the potential of the air at a given point, then the measurement of its potential is equivalent to a measurement of that of the air.
The matter leaving the conductor, whether the products of combustion or the drops of a liquid, supplies the means of securing equality of potential between the conductor and the air at the spot where the matter quits electrical connexion with the conductor.
Linke (8) indicated that a water-dropper there are external buildings or trees sufficiently near to influence the potential.
With a view to this, it has become increasingly common of late years to publish not the voltages actually observed, but values deduced from them for the potential gradient in the open in volts per metre.
Observations are made at a given height over level open ground near the observatory, and a comparison with the simultaneous results from the self-recording electrograph enables the records from the latter to be expressed as potential gradients in the open.
Unless the insulation is perfect, the potential recorded falls short of that at the spot where the radium is placed or the water jet breaks.
Speaking generally, the exclusion of days of rain and of negative potential comes pretty much to the same thing, and the presence or absence of negative potential is riot infrequently the criterion by reference to which days are rejected or are accepted as normal.
Exactly What The Potential Changes Amount To Under Such Circumstances It Is Impossible To Say; What The Trace Shows Depends Largely On The Type Of Electrometer.
From the European data one would be disposed to conclude that [[Table Ii]].-Diurnal Variation Potential Gradient.
The height, h, and the distance from the wall, 1, where the potential is measured are given in metres when known.
In reality the December range was 82, the June only 57 volts; but the mean value of the potential was 243 in December as against III in June.
At heights from 1500 to 6000 metres his observations agreed well with the formula dV/dh= 34 - o o06 h, V denoting the potential, h the height in metres.
Accepting Linke's formula, the potential at 4000 metres is 43,750 volts higher than at 1500 metres.
If the mean of the gradients observed at the ground and at 1500 metres be taken as an approximation to the mean value of the gradient throughout the lowest 1500 metres of the atmosphere, we find for the potential at 1500 metres level 112,500 volts.
At Madras, Michie Smith (30) often observed negative potential during bright August and September days.
C. Biese (31) found that out of 255 observed occurrences of negative potential, I 06 took place in the absence of rain or snow.
At the polar station Godthaab (32) in 1882-1883, negative potential seemed sometimes associated with aurora (see Aurora Polaris).
Elster and Geitel found the sign of the charge often fluctuate repeatedly during a single rain storm, but it seemed more often than not opposite to that of the simultaneous potential gradient.
Suppose, for instance, that in the absence of the wire the potential falls from 264 to 255 volts in 15 minutes, whilst when the wire (io metres long) is introduced it falls from 264 to 201 volts in io minutes, then IoA=(264-201)x6-(264-255)x4=342; or A=34.2.
At KremsmunsterZolss (41) finds a considerable similarity between the diurnal variations in q and in the potential gradient, the hours of the forenoon and afternoon maxima being nearly the same in the two cases.
At Karasjok Simpson (10) found fairly similar mean values of A for two groups of observations, one confined to cases when the potential gradient exceeded +400 volts, the other confined to cases of negative gradient.
When at the limits of its swing, the pendulum is for an instant at rest, and all the energy of the oscillation is static or potential.
When passing through its position of equilibrium, since gravity can do no more work upon it without changing its fixed point of support, all the energy of oscillation is kinetic. At intermediate positions the energy is partly kinetic and partly potential.
When the stresses acting between the parts of a system depend only on the relative positions of those parts, the sum of the kinetic energy and potential energy of the system is always the same, provided the system be not acted upon by anything outside it.
If we have a weight capable of falling through a certain distance, we can employ the mutual forces of the system consisting of the earth and weight to do an amount of useful work which is less than the full amount of potential energy possessed by the system only in consequence of the friction of the constraints, so that the limit of availability in this case is determined only by the friction which is unavoidable.
In some cases, as when heat is converted into the kinetic energy of moving machinery or the potential energy of raised weights, there is an ascent of energy from the less available form of heat to the more available form of mechanical energy, but in all cases this is accompanied by the transfer of other heat from a body at a high temperature to one at a lower temperature, thus losing availability to an extent that more than compensates for the rise.
The currents thus divide at instrument as in Frischen's method, two resistances the point D, and it is clear that if the difference of potential between P and Q is unaffected by closing the sending key, then no change of current will take place in the instrument circuit.
The charging of C3 at the receiving end will take place, no matter what is the absolute potential of the condensers, consequently the incoming signals are not affected by those which are being transmitted from that end.
It was seen that the effect of the impact of the incident electric waves upon the vertical receiving wire was to create in it electrical oscillations, or in other words, high frequency alternating electric currents, such that whilst the potential variations were a maximum at the top or insulated end of the antenna the current at that point was zero and at the base the potential variation was zero and the current amplitude a maximum.
Hence the coherer type of detectors are called potential detectors whilst the thermal are called integral current detectors, the current detectors depending entirely or to some extent upon the damping of the train of oscillations, that is to say, upon the number of oscillations forming a train.
Firstly, he doubted whether the allies were strong enough to attack the Quadrilateral, for he saw the defects of his own armys organization; secondly, he began to fear intervention by Prussia, whose attitude appeared menacing; thirdly, although really anxious to expel the Austrians from Italy, he did not wish to create a too powerful Italian state at the foot of the Alps, which, besides constituting a potential danger to France, might threaten the popes temporal power, and Napoleon believed that he could not stand without the clerical vote; fourthly, the war had been declared against the wishes of the great majority of Frenchmen and was even now far from popular.
Whenever complex bodies are built up from simple ones we have an absorption of energy in some form and its conversion into potential energy; whenever decomposition of complex bodies into simpler ones takes place we have the liberation of some or all of the energy that was used in their construction.
Thus even ir these constructive processes there occurs a constant pas,age of energy backwards and forwards from the kinetic to the potential condition and vice versa.
Suppose that we have any distribution of electricity at rest over conductors, and that we know the potential at all points and consequently the level or equipotential surfaces.
A more common method of procedure, however, is to infer the general relations of the thermodynamic potential from a consideration of the phenomena of equilibrium.
In this expression the first line may be supposed to represent the energy (or part of the energy) of s similar molecules of a kind which we shall call the first kind, the terms 2 (mu 2 +mv 2 +mw 2) being the kinetic energy of translation, and the remaining terms arising from energy of rotation or of internal motion, or from the energy, kinetic and potential, of small vibrations.
The instrument consists of a high-voltage continuous-current dynamo which creates a potential difference between the needle and the two quadrants of a quadrant electrometer (see Electrometer).
The energy in a train of waves carried forward with the waves is partly strain or potential energy due to change of volume of the air, partly kinetic energy due to the motion of the air as the waves pass.
But v/V =u/U from equation (2) and w =Eu/U from equation (3) Then 2wv/V = ZEu 2 /U 2 = 2 pu t from equation (6) Then in the whole wave the potential energy equals the kinetic energy and the total energy in a complete wave in a column 1 sq.
If an electro-dynamometer, made as above described, has its fixed circuit connected in series with the power-absorbing circuit and its movable coil (wound with fine wire) connected across the terminals of the power-absorbing circuit, then a current will flow through the fixed coil which is the same or nearly the same as that through the power-absorbing circuit, and a current will flow through the high resistance coil of the wattmeter proportional to the potential difference at the terminals of the power-absorbing circuit.
Ellis in a paper "on the potential radix as a means of calculating logarithms," printed in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol.
He was assisted to detect the small potential differences then in question by the use of a multiplying condenser or revolving doubler (see Electrical Machine).
In the case of conductors of the first class he proved by the use of the condensing electroscope, aided probably by some form of multiplier or doubler, that a difference of potential (see Electrostatics) was created by the mere contact of two such conductors, one of them being positively electrified and the other negatively.
When it comes to starting a new business, nothing that previously existed can rival the Internet in terms of both ease of entry and breadth of potential.
Where everyone can live up to his or her maximum potential.
How many people do you know who say their job stretches them to their maximum potential?
As I've said earlier, the most underutilized resource in the universe is human potential.
Where transgenesis offers the most amazing possibilities is in GM foods because it allows plants to exceed their maximum genetic potential.