Pot Sentence Examples
She was cleaning the coffee pot and Alex was reclining in a chair at the table, enjoying the last cup of coffee.
It might get the pot boiling a bit.
She stirred the pot of stew and stepped away from the fire.
She made a pot and drank most of it.
Supposing the pot to be filled with melted lead to be treated, the fire is withdrawn beneath and steam introduced.
She rinsed the pot again before responding.
I just made a new pot.
She refilled the coffee pot and set another mug on the table.
Instead, he went to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee.
Alex was lifting a pot of coffee from the stove when she entered the room.
AdvertisementThe coffee pot busted?
She put on a pot of coffee and called him to eat.
She wiped the pot with a dishtowel and carefully placed it on the coffee maker.
Alex replaced the pot on the burner and resumed his place at the table.
She was two years old - ready for the pot, anyway.
AdvertisementCarmen gave him a level look as she stirred the pot of fresh green beans.
Pans and pot are heated from separate fire-places.
You'll dig up your pot of money and take it away with you....
I can't grow a marigold in a pot of fertilizer and these poor things don't even have soil!
It took a pot and a half of coffee and a lot of patience before Dean learned just how complicated the Scranton excursion and return trip had been.
AdvertisementDean forced a pot full of evil thoughts about the beanpole bastard Edwin Mayer aside in deference to his concern over Cynthia's whereabouts.
He handed the horses over to the soldier who was stirring the pot and squatted down on his heels by the fire beside the officer with the long neck.
Elegant liliaceous plants, with rhizomatous stems. P. multiflorum (Solomon's Seal), 2 to 3 ft., with arching stems, and drooping white flowers from the leaf axils, is a handsome border plant, doing especially well in partial shade amongst shrubs, and also well adapted for pot culture for early forcing.
As they become large enough, pot them singly in 3-in.
The various pot plants should now be put in their winter quarters.
AdvertisementThe last of the pot chrysanthemums should be housed by the end of the first week.
In the first of these senses the word is applied to objects ranging from the unworked stone to the pot or the wooden figure, and is thus hardly distinguishable from idolatry.
Natal has now about 5000 acres under tea giving a fairly large yield, but of quality pot highly esteemed outside of South Africa, where it benefits to the extent of 4d.
In the same and the following years he published a collected edition of his Plays for an Irish Theatre, comprising Where There is Nothing, The HourGlass, Cathleen ni Houlihan, The Pot of Broth, The King's Threshold and On Baile's Strand.
This requires more time and fuel than the work in " open " furnaces, but in the muffles the gaseous hydrochloric acid is separated from the fire-gases, just like that evolved in the pot, and can therefore be condensed into strong hydrochloric acid, like the pot-acid.
An ancient stone vessel preserved in a mosque at Kandahar is almost certainly the same that was treasured at Peshawar in the 5th century as the begging pot of SakyaMuni.
The use for which the pot was intended and the purport of the inscription have been much disputed, there being at least as many interpretations as there are words in the inscription.
If a force be applied to a turning piece in a line pot passing through its axis, the axis will press against its bearings with an equal and parallel force, and the equal and opposite reaction of the bearings will constitute, together with the first-mentioned force, a couple whose arm is the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of action of the first force.
The rice will get heated in the pot with the jambalaya anyway so why drive yourself nuts?
You will need a Dutch oven or any deep pan or pot will work just as well.
Since you will not be putting it in the oven a large pot with a lid will do.
Heat the oil in the pot over a high flame until it shimmers.
Add the sausage to the pot and brown on all sides.
Bring to a simmer and then cover the pot.
Add the chicken and the sausage back to the pot along with any of the juices that has collected on the plate.
Think along the lines of chocolate mousse, pot de crème, or chocolate dipped strawberries.
The history of this cuisine is rich with influences from native and African Americans as well as a melting pot of European contributions.
Grits are added to a pot of boiling water, then cooked over medium to low heat and stirred occasionally.
Turn the phone off, put the skillet on the fire, boil a pot of water, and crank up the oven.
In a large heavy pan (the Japanese use a Chinese pot called a chuka-nabe, which is larger at the surface than at the bottom making it ideal for cooking tempura) heat the oil to 355 degrees Fahrenheit.
Pooh and Friends is a shape cartridge that showcases the same cast of characters, but also offers a "hunny" pot, beehive, and photo frames.
If you can't seem to stop sticking your hand in the savings pot, ask your parents or another trusted adult for help.
In a fondue pot, add contents from the skillet along with the creamy nut paste mixture; stir over low heat until mixture is thickened.
You can also make your own seitan at home for pennies a serving, forming it into such American cuisine favorites as pot roast.
The gravel inside the lucky bamboo pot can add a great decorative accent to the favor.
Many couples choose aquarium gravel, marbles, or pebbles to match the colors of the bridal party dresses or other wedding décor if they opt for a clear pot.
Color-coordinated or embroidered ribbons are great accents to tie around either the stalks or the pot.
For example, ordering more than 96 of singles or doubles will make the price per pot roughly $5.
Sponge shapes onto pot in random pattern.
Wait for the paint to dry, and then tie a thick green ribbon around the pot.
It is also known as weed, pot, bud, dope, and Mary Jane.
Pot can get into the hands of the average citizen in several ways.
When considering how many smokers are added to the pot outside of the U.S. smoking becomes a serious epidemic.
Place the chocolate and glucose in a medium bowl over a gently simmering pot and melt, constantly stirring gently.
Once cooled, level the domed top so it sits upside down, like a pot.
I'd just as soon get back to purse snatchers and pot smokers and leave the big boys to you.
Have them floating around a larger leprechaun, shamrock or pot of gold image, whether piped or made from modeling chocolate or fondant.
Don't rely on the luck 'o the Irish to make your cake stand out - come up with a plan for a design worth any leprechaun's pot of gold.
Clooney has a pet pot bellied pig named Max.
The police reported that Richie admitted to taking Vicodin and smoking pot.
They found four ounces of pot, an ounce of cocaine, 40 milligrams of ecstasy and three guns.
It was reported that Matthew was playing the bongo drums naked while smoking pot.
Out of a $225,000.00 pot, a whopping $50,000.00 is awarded to the dog lucky enough to be crowned the National Champion.
H. Woodall praises it for those who like a bold and distinct plant in a warm situation in summer, and have means to protect or take it up and pot it in winter.
When large enough to handle, prick out individual seedling from pot and plant them in semishade condition under greenhouse.
C. strigulosa is a pretty variety, useful for planting out as single plants in the mixed border for cutting from, but chiefly used as a pot plant for the autumn greenhouse.
The main points in beginning the culture of Narcissi are to get sound and healthy bulbs as early as possible after June, and to plant or pot them at once in good fibrous, sandy, or gravelly loam, or in any virgin soil.
Pot roots of the previous year and the more youthful portions of the old stools are particularly valuable for garden beds and borders where a big early display is required.
Cuttings may be successfully struck during the summer months; but this is unusual except in the case of choice varieties, or when pot roots are desired for the following year.
Three-inch pots are best for putting the cuttings into, one or two in each pot.
In March and April the seed should be sown in the open ground in a free soil and an open situation; but if the plants are intended for pot culture, the sowing should be two months earlier.
Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis) - A little pot herb which has some beauty grown on a rock or wall, and is worth a place apart from its use in the herb border.
Since I brought it home I have kept it in a pot with peat and sand.
In very damp soil it would be prudent in winter to protect the root with a hand-light or inverted pot.
Since the flowers come before the leaves grow tall, it makes a good pot plant, and a well-grown clump is a charming addition to the Christmas table.
When well grown it is a fine pot plant, compact, and crowned with almost pure white flowers.
To increase the plant, the cutting, a single joint, is potted in sandy soil, and the pot placed in a sunny airy spot under glass and watered very sparingly, and in a short time it will form roots, and commence to push out young shoots.
It is also a delightful plant in a pot, as the flowers on their crimson stems are pretty, and one gets also the prettily tinted leaves.
Sow in cool house in September as soon as ready, prick off four or five in a 4-inch pot, keep in cold pits during winter, and guard against damp.
Pot on again in March singly into 4-inch pots, and at end of April plant out into open borders; or sow on slight hot-bed in March, prick out into pits for transplanting into open in May; or sow in open in April and May.
Being near the sea there is very little frost in ordinary winters, and the plant requires no protection, but in a less favoured place it would be well to pot it and winter it in a cool greenhouse.
It should be watered deeply two or three times a week, enough so that the water gets to the bottom of the pot and drains out.
The pot should be resting in a large saucer, so that the water doesn't go all over the floor.
Make sure the pot's drainage holes aren't blocked.
Your pot should have a layer of coarse material -- ranging from potsherds to styrofoam pellets -- in the bottom to help with drainage.
In a houseplant, the solution is to repot the plant in a larger pot filled with fresh soil.
This works well for trees grown in pots too, but you may not have enough space for the larger pot and the increased topgrowth that results from repotting.
You remove the tree from the pot, brush away some of the soil, and prune away some of the roots.
If you see a girdling root when you take the tree out of its pot, prune it away.
I keep it in a pot on my deck - where our lows in the winter normally get to the low 30s, the cold snap dropped down to the low 20s.
Choose a tree that is balled-and-burlapped or in a pot as opposed to bare-root selections.
The most basic type of outdoor fireplace design involves a portable fire pit or chimney pot such as the Mexican chimenea.
Simply place it in a decorative clay pot and you are done.
You can also create more visual appeal by placing a few different herbs into a larger pot.
Also if a seasonal plant runs its course, you can dig it out and replace it with another pot of attractive plants without disturbing the entire garden.
Plants that grow in containers should not be taller than twice the height of the pot or one and a half times the width.
Determine where each pot will go and how many plants it will hold.
You can letter the pots and create a sub directory that lists what plants will go into that pot.
To plant your pinks, dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the pot.
Some will spill over the edges of the pot or window box, and do best when used near the edge of a container garden.
Now that you know the basics of selecting the appropriate style and plants for your container garden, have fun designing your own home container or pot.
Place tall, spiky, or straight-growth plants in the center of a round pot or in the middle of a window box to add height and interest.
Petunias and lantana also add beautiful flowers and some cascade over the edges of the pot.
Remember, as plants grow they will fill in the pot.
Almost any kind of vegetable can be grown in a pot or a container.
Before planting your vegetables in a pot, consider where you'll put the pot.
Remember that the container should be several times larger than the pot you bought the plant in to allow the roots to expand and grow.
Some varieties of small melon, like the "Minnesota Midget" variety of cantaloupe, can be grown in a pot.
These pots dramatically increase the number of plants you can fit into one pot.
Water well and place the pot in a sunny location.
The warm soil, warm days and cool nights provide a great way to ease plants through that first shock of moving from the pot to the garden.
Take cuttings of your favorite plants such as geraniums, or pot them up and move them indoors.
Unlike other types of larger blenders, an immersion blender can blend the food right in the container the food is in, be it a pot of veggies boiling on the stove or a tall glass filled with fruit and yogurt.
The bottom crock is made from a piece of a broken garden pot, and is laid with the convex side upwards; then comes a layer of irregular pieces of crock of various sizes, about i in.
They are in every form from the rare to the common-glass pot clay, ball clays, kaolins, flint fireclays, plastic fireclays, stone-ware clays, paving-brick shales, building-brick and gumbo clays.
He is cowardly in war, and on one occasion was shut up for years in a huge brazen pot.
Not only is there a total lack of those passes, so common in the Alps, which lead across the great mountain chains at a far lower level than that of the neighbouring peaks, but between the two extremities of the range, where the principal highroads and the only railways run between France and Spain, there are only two passes practicable for carriages - the Col de la Perche, between the valley of the Tet and the valley of the Segre, and the Col de Somport or Pot de Canfranc, on the old Roman road from Saragossa to Oloron.
At the end of the gorge the river has hollowed out a deep pool, named the Boiling Pot.
A little below the Boiling Pot, and almost at right angles to the falls, the cañon is spanned by a bridge (completed in April 1905) which forms a link in the Cape to Cairo railway scheme.
These are known as muffle or chamber furnaces; and by supposing the crucibles or retorts to represent similar chambers of only temporary duration, the ordinary pot melting air furnaces, and those for the reduction of zinc ores or the manufacture of coal gas, may be included in the same category.
She scrapped the pot out and rinsed it with the last of the coffee.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
It took most of the morning, his thermos, and Jake's pot of coffee to bring the retiring sheriff up to speed.
Deidre was seated for a minute before a red-faced nun brought out a tray with a plate heaped with food and a coffee pot with creamer, sugars and mug.
Past-Death stepped away from her, admiring her like she was a clay pot kilned in the backyard by a bored goddess.
Without waiting for him to acknowledge her, she leaned over him and plopped it down, unconcerned with spilling it, before returning to the kitchen for the pot.
He was intrigued when Keller picked up a special old Imari pot.
Remember the rhyme "Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."
The kit consists of reservoir pot, inner pot, exterior air pump, clay pebbles, delivery tubes and full instructions.
My answer was always to get a big pot of coffee and pull an all-nighter.
Most hold 'em games do not have an ante; they use " blinds " to get initial money into the pot.
These two are taller and narrower than the 3 drawer bedside cabinet and the Pot Cupboard & drawer.
This boulder has a good selection of pot plants around its base, including a begonia.
Sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, pot belly pig, rabbit, guinea pig.
Taken from each pot them have been which players are orleans Biloxi miss.
This is a case of the pot calling the kettle black in my opinion.
Simple pot pourri Put dried lavender buds in decorative bowls throughout your house.
There are many well placed pot bunkers lying in wait to catch the errant shot.
At the front I will use the largest vented disks I can fit with 4 pot alloy calipers.
Slow cooking is recommended as in braising or pot roasting, superb for stews casseroles and pies.
A great English chamber pot, in pale Green glaze, produced by Sadler pottery.
A choke was pushed at the south end of Coral Chamber, to a 50 foot pot which was choked at the bottom.
Sections include chrysanthemums, dahlias, roses, gladioli, fuchsias, pot plants, floral art, vegetables and beginners.
Use an isolated clump, in a pot, or for screening.
I have put said Blueberry in a smallish pot of ericaceous compost.
Ideal for use as a high quality natural confetti or stuffing for quality gift baskets and addition to pot pourri.
Williams has contrived to pot two reds, now can he get himself into the match?
The Cooking Pot has a solid base and is suitable for heating on all hobs, including ceramic and halogen cookers.
Water Storage Most Indian kitchens have a terra cotta pot used to keep water cool.
One of them is a special ' soothing ' pot of cream to rub on your tummy to ease the cramps.
The main buildings on the site are a 1 hectare greenhouse for salad cress production and a 5 hectare greenhouse growing pot herbs.
If the pot has holes, put crocks in the bottom and a layer of coarse peat.
Use a soil-based compost with a good handful of broken crocks in the bottom of the pot to aid drainage.
We took the crowbar to Candy's Calamity which is near Shatter Pot.
Each infuser brews two cups of tea, or a small pot.
What better moment than to partake in our quaint English custom of making a pot of tea!
Pest & disease watch If leaves on pot cyclamen start to turn yellow, this may be a sign of over-watering.
This ghost fishing problem can be reduced with the inclusion of easily degradable elements in the construction of the pot.
The pot returns to Olaf and he shakes the dice.
The simple pot still requires three or four consecutive time-consuming distillations (runs) to produce a wholly pure, hangover proof distillate.
These two are taller and narrower than the 3 drawer bedside cabinet and the Pot Cupboard & drawer bedside cabinet and the Pot Cupboard & drawer.
The wax is often heated in a little pot, resting in hot embers.
The root inside the pot then branches and a very fibrous root structure is formed.
Then, like a school field trip, everyone foraged in different directions wanting to find their own important piece of pot.
She turned from the pot and scratched at her face with broken fingernails.
This would be a sensible choice if you wanted to grow a fruit tree in a pot.
The Efco Melting Pot The Efco melting pot looks like a small deep fat fryer.
I have used an ordinary black plastic flower pot, and blocked up the drainage holes using hot-melt glue.
Small trees in a pot can create a sacred grove indoors or on a balcony or patio.
But a maid had mistakenly filled the pot with real gunpowder instead of Chinese tea.
A tea shop menu lists tea at 3d per cup or 4d per pot (per person) with scones at a penny halfpenny.
We also had another Seahorse brought up on a lobster pot off Jersey - the usual species hippocampus hippocampus but this time a male.
The bee came to sip the honey, but its feet stuck to the honey pot and it could not get away.
Actually the Club was delighted too because having a major honey pot for M.G. enthusiasts next door could be nothing but good news.
In a pot, it will be much easier to control the requirements for growing pink hydrangeas.
I particularly enjoyed the monkfish, followed by pot roast of pheasant, and finished off with chocolate and coconut ice cream.
For the big yellow mass of quivering bleary cross eyed blubber bulged from the crab pot in a manner totally inhuman.
This handsome evergreen bay laurel standard comes ready planted in an elegant terracotta cylinder pot.
And he has, on 20, lost ideal position, played the pot left-handed and rattled it.
Pushing the two a crew of about Daniel li front the pot the.
In practice, trimming is usually done by a mechanical linkage that rotates the body of the pot with respect to the rotor.
Oregano is a close relative of marjoram and is also known as pot marjoram.
This placed it at the forefront of technology and the Camborne, Redruth and Hayle area in particular became a melting pot of inventiveness.
For the younger generation Europe has long been a cultural melting pot.
They think that equal opportunities is all about putting people in a big melting pot.
The argument is sometimes tritely made - look at the success of the American melting pot - why cannot we do the same.
The Costa del Sol is an international melting pot and flesh pot with a broad appeal.
His father's fire pot was now a small red star that forever followed the Great Eagle round the termite mound of heaven.
The proto -type aluminum mountings were no match for the pot holes of Bristol Town.
A mud pot throws steam and boiling mud into the air.
Day 7 Breakfast Small glass of fruit juice 2 heaped tbs sugar-free muesli topped with a pot of low fat yogurt.
Keep your coffee pot on an additional cloth napkin.
We were told to add instant noodles, free of charge, to the pot.
Grocery lists are longer than pot noodles & cans of lager.
With the antes in there, I was getting ridiculous pot odds against the higher pair.
At the East end of the church is a recumbent statue of Mary Magdalene with her pot of precious ointment by her side.
For use as a drench in all pot grown ornamentals grown inside and out.
Place the pot in a cold frame or cover with a 15cm layer of sharp sand or peat and leave somewhere cold outside.
The last parting was my faithful stove top expresso pot.
I have mine growing in a pot on the south-facing patio, where it came through last winter pretty much unscathed!
Pease pudding hot, pease pudding hot, pease pudding cold, Pease pudding in the pot - nine days old.
Online Dating Hide behind a pot plant Wouldn't you love to grab a sneaky peek at your date?
We had my mother's great big iron pot to put potato peelings in.
Guest favorites include pot roast pheasant flamed in brandy with red wine sauce.
It isn't too much work, just hot water for tea and coffee, a huge pot of porridge and freshly sliced pineapple.
Pot pixies, stay with us and be The secret helpers few can see.
Circle III is a melting pot of acoustic music.
The blanched leaves are produced when an upturned pot, for example, is placed over the plant to block out the light.
In the 20s, plans were afoot to switch from an earthenware pot to a glass version with a metal lid.
Players who call guaranteed link to whopping pounds pot.
America, long called " the melting pot ", finds its best blend of cultures in its music.
It's amazing what someone can do with an empty yogurt pot!
He said all he could see was the chimney pot with the smoke coming out.
Every class had potted up a basket or pot.
Or who goes potty over a pot of glue?
The online coffee pot actually predates our World Wide Web server by some time.
In effect we tried to squeeze a quart out of a pint pot.
Trying to get a quart into a pint pot is never easy.
The chamber pot (a wide jug with a handle) was the most common toilet receptacle.
Early Roman cooking pot with out-turned rim and horizontal handle.
Is there a water bowl for Frederick in his enclosure (a plant pot saucer will do )?
R Morris When you pony comes in covered in dry hard mud, use a plastic pot scrubber to remove it.
Dark Age centered on 600 AD, timber building, evidence of metal workings, substantial metal working, Roman Samian pot shards.
Matthew holding up a decorated pot sherd, his first artifact find on the wreck.
The pot sherds form the corner of a square vessel, which makes this a uncommon find.
Victoria Kershaw, ' Chocolate pot ' I've been self-employed as a designer silversmith since September 1999.
Keep pot size increase to a minimum - too much compost unoccupied by roots can turn the soil sour.
Pot of 100 tablets said to give you a ' golden tan all over ' without the damaging effects of the sun!
Teapot - tea is designed to be made in a pot, not dangling a tea bag in a mug.
People playing texas you are not the pot how.
Lastly, we have added a third texture to the pot.
Each boxed set contains a feather tickler, a pot of lickable body dust and twelve cards designed to give naughty inspiration.
Causing a ball to be potted is known as pot ting.
Put the pot on a saucer or in an old margarine tub to stop this water from spilling all over the place.
And he worked hearing Tudor may and let them the pot how.
The area below the Great Aven in Simpsons Pot, Kingsdale is dangerously unstable.
Make sure the pot doesn't become waterlogged in winter.
Each pot also gets a marigold to deter whitefly.
Share pot averaging brother whitey grew the final card we pay out.
A pot of bronze chrysanthemums sits on the lounge windowsill where Wrigley loved to sit.
Plans had already been formed for a trip down King Pot before I turned up with my penny's worth.
Other points of interest are Malham Cove and tarn, the ravine of Gordale Scar, the cliffs of Attermyre, Giggleswick Scar and Castleberg (the last immediately above Settle itself), the Clapham and Weathercote caves, the chasm of Helln Pot and the waterfall of Stainforth Foss.
It consisted of frayed reed pens or brushes, a small pot of water, and a palette with two circular cavities in which black and red ink were placed, made of finely powdered color solidified with gum.
A little below the Boiling Pot, and almost at right angles to the falls, the cañon is spanned by a bridge (completed in April 1905) which forms a link in the Cape to Cairo railway scheme.
But, in spite of all their wild efforts, neither side was scored, and we all laughed and said, "Oh, well now the pot can't call the kettle black!"...
One old frequenter of these woods remembers, that as he passed her house one noon he heard her muttering to herself over her gurgling pot--"Ye are all bones, bones!"
Can we get a pint into a quart pot?
It is very much a very high quality quart in a poetic pint pot.
Since 1986 she has made individual salt glazed stoneware and the occasional raku pot for fun.
Remember the rhyme Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old.
Several show signs of use as pounders or rubbing stones and others may have been used as pot boilers.
Is there a water bowl for Frederick in his enclosure (a plant pot saucer will do)?
Back at Bar Pot Steve rigged whilst Alison scurried off to find cover for a call of nature.
Transplant the seedlings into your open plot, or a large pot, during the spring.
Victoria Kershaw, ' Chocolate pot ' I 've been self-employed as a designer silversmith since September 1999.
We, however, must slither back down to the river to find the connection with Goyden Pot.
A steep slope was created from the spoil dump at the bottom of Pewter Pot to the current pool surface.
Stomped down the little streamway, over the muddy section & finally popped into Stop Pot after the bedding crawl.
But what really sweetens the pot is knowing the honey in my tea is at work even if I 'm not.
Alternatively another option would be to use an external swirl pot which is a little more complicated.
A talus cone at the bottom of the moonmilk lined pot was full of animal skulls, mainly goat.
Obviously, outlawing Coke cans and tampon applicators is the next step in protecting America 's youth from the scourge of pot.
Pot of 100 tablets said to give you a ' golden tan all over ' without the damaging effects of the sun !
Empty out of pot and tease out the base roots to encourage them to spread.
Better still, pick up a tester pot or two !
To news this tribune microsoft lawyer no limit pot.
And he worked hearing tudor may and let them the pot how.
Barbara put five plants around a 12 inch pot with twiggy sticks to support them.
Our children are like uprooted plants struggling to survive in a pot .
Blanch them by placing an upturned plant pot over them, cover the hole to exclude any light.
They urinated all over the back lawn, leaving pot holes and dead grass.
He would also raise the matter of verge cutting and pot holes.
Make sure the pot does n't become waterlogged in winter.
A minute of whopping pounds pot do win real.
Parties i provide whopping pounds pot the winner scooping.
The brakes are ventilated disks with 4 pot calipers and the suspension is double wishbone with coil over shocks.
The wishful belief of most pot smokers that it actually does them any good needs to be challenged.
The wort produced was distilled twice in pot stills giving the spirit.
Plans had already been formed for a trip down King Pot before I turned up with my penny 's worth.
Bury yogurt pot or similar up to neck in the soil.
You should also keep pot handles turned in so that your child can't accidentally pull a pot with hot liquid or food on top of him.
In the melting pot that the World Nations have become, it is not surprising that many countries share similar top names.
Paint the entire clean pot and saucer with white acrylic paint.
You should only have to paint a few inches of the inside of the pot.
Paint rim area of pot in your desired color, pink, blue, yellow, etc., paint rim of saucer to match.
When fully dry, in a well ventilated area, spray the outer areas of pot and saucer with the Clearcote hi-shine glaze.
Begin arranging baby charms, buttons, ribbons, etc. on your pot until you find a pattern that you like.
Allow project to dry for several hours, and apply one more coat of the Clearcote hi-shine glaze to the pot and charms.
Choose a large terra cotta pot, and fill it with all sorts of cool baby stuff.
You can also paint the pot, even writing the date of the baby shower on the outside.
Why not fill a basket, clay pot, tin bucket or baby tub with lots of baby items?
For a great accent, choose the Angel Fish Pot Lamp from Rosenberry Rooms.
With the United States increasingly becoming a true "melting pot" of cultures, there will be more and more unusual names arising in everyday conversation.
You'll think you've killed it, but just keep watering the pot every now and then and it's almost guaranteed to come back.
When choosing houseplants, pick plants that look healthy and are not incredibly root bound (where the roots have grown in circles around the pot).
Choose a new pot for your plant that is one size bigger than the pot it was in.
Fill the new pot with potting soil, make a dent for the plant to go in, and place the plant in the pot, being careful to cover all the roots but not heap soil on the stem of the plant.
Herbs with grassy stems like cilantro, parsley, chives and mint can be direct seeded into your pot.
The brackets are what hold the head on the pot assembly (the round part of the banjo).
This can be prevented by choosing a pan or pot that has been treated to prevent the reactions.
One way around the heat conduction issue is to choose a pot or pan with an aluminum layer between two layers of stainless steel, either just on the bottom or all the way up the sides.
Thicker bottoms make sure the heat is distributed evenly across the bottom of the pot or pan, therefore making cooking easier.
The Chia Pet has been around since 1982 and the method to creating the plant inside the Chia pot is still the same.
In a characters or themed terra cotta pot, you add water and then spread damp Chia seeds on the body of the pot.
It serves as your pot money, so to speak.
Many pet supply stores sell small kits with grass seed, soil, and a pot so you can grow your own grass indoors.
Next, place the raw liver in a one quart stock pot, and add enough chicken broth and fresh water to cover the raw livers with two inches of water.
Even the sound of a paper filter brushing against the inside of the pot when inserted would hold at least a little interest.
It can be grown indoors in a pot just as you would any other herb.
You can find them as seeds or already started in a pot.
Add any of these herbs to a pot of boiling water, and allow the pot to simmer for about five minutes.
Add them to a boiling pot of water for five minutes.
Given the melting pot community of America, and today's fast-paced world, oftentimes it is simply impossible to maintain all of the traditions that make up a Greek family.
For fresh herbal teas, it's best to cut the leaves right off the plant, lightly wash them, and then add them to your pot or tea ball.
To blanch and freeze herbs, pick fresh herbs and boil a pot of water.
Use of a Neti pot is tremendously effective in combating allergies because it helps to rinse allergens out of your nasal passages.
It may take a bit of practice, but once you learn the technique a Neti pot is very simple to use.
Or simply pop out a frozen basil cube like an ice cube and toss it into your bubbling pot of stew or another recipe.
A neti pot, a special little pot used for nasal irrigation, may be purchased at a health food store or natural products store.
A wrought iron hanging pot rack filled with cast iron and hammered copper pots adds warmth and charm to a rustic log cabin kitchen.
Metallic wall accessories are often made from sheet metal that has been bent into a pleasing curved shape such as wall vases and pot racks.
Tuscan style kitchens feature metal pot racks full of copper vessels and utensils.
Wrought iron furniture is also commonly seen in this decorating style, such as baker's racks and overhead hanging pot holders.
You can use a pot rack over your range and display your copper pots and pans.
If you don't like the look of the pot rack, you might prefer a patina copper range hood.
Pendant lights and pot lights are commonly used in kitchens and work very well, but for a different look ,try a chandelier.
These can include overhead fixtures, pot lights, or track lighting; chandeliers and hanging fixtures; wall sconces; table lamps; and floor lamps.
The potter builds a clay pot from the base up using coils of clay pinched together to form whatever style of pot, or in this case lamp base, that is going to be made.
Copper cookware will also add rustic charm, especially when displayed in overhead pot racks.
Concealers come in liquid, stick, and pot forms.
Pot Rouge - Multipurpose rose color for both the lips and cheeks.
There's something so appealing about a product that pulls a double shift, like the new, limited edition Laura Mercier Eye Colour Pot.
Each pot is sectioned into two halves; the top flips open to reveal a cream eye color, while the bottom contains shimmery loose powder.
As expected, it's double-sided to suit the pot's dual purposes.
Indian Earth Powder, a famous 70's makeup product is still available in its cute clay pot, promising an Egyptian glow for all that wear it.
Simply dip a finger into the pot and apply.My personal experience with the shadow mousse suggests that it is probably better to apply it with a brush.
This set includes a 1.7 ounce eau de toilette spray and a .02 ounce daisy shaped ring filled with a pot of Daisy solid perfume.
The Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge Powder Pink blush may be just the thing to perk up cheeks and give that irresistible "flush"!
It's a tall order, but let's see if the Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge Powder Pink blush can do the trick!
The Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge Powder Pink product promises to fulfill all of my desires; its natural looking, blendable and long-wearing.
First, the Pot Rouge looks exactly the way it sounds; it comes in a circular container that is more reminiscent of a painter's tools than makeup artist, but truth be told, the container's actually rather charming.
I dip my index finger into the pot and swirl it around slightly to pick up some color.
That's because the "mouth" of the pot is large enough for you to use either your fingers or a brush.
Despite looking very pretty in the pot, the color transformed into something much too bright and garish when applied.
The stains are easy to grab and go, though in general I prefer applying them with a lip brush as opposed to dipping my finger in the pot.
I'm inclined to say yes, because the pot will last quite a while and the product is satisfactory.
Sometimes cute packaging has that power, and in this case all it took was a gorgeous little box, an enticing little pot and the promise of great fragrance to sell me.
The gel itself comes in what can only be described as an ink pot, similar to one of those old-fashion ink wells that were ubiquitous before the automatic pen was created.
I dip my eyeliner brush into the gel pot and tap off the exce4ss product and begin to apply the gel.
Your best bet here is a sheer, cream blush like Bobbi Brown's Pot Rouge.
If you want a thicker line, then use a larger eyeliner brush or simply apply a few extra coats with your thin brush.Once you find the right eyeliner brush, carefully dip it into the Fluidline pot.
This is your 'take home' pot that lets you break even.
Each team owner will contribute the same amount and the owner with the most points at the end of the season will win the prize pot.
Many of the same ingredients and methods are used, but different ethnic hands are in the cultural pot.
Let's take a look at some of the variables that determine how to choose the right pot for the job.
Understanding the material's positive and negative attributes can help determine which style of pot will work best for your cooking project.
Aluminum pots are very lightweight and have great conductivity, meaning the heat is quickly transferred throughout the pot.
Just as the material impacts how a pot will perform, the shape, style, and size of a cooking pot also lends itself to a particular use.
A double boiler is a sauce pan or stock pot fitted with a smaller pan used to slow cook things like pudding and rice.
So pack up your pot holders and stick your hot pads in a drawer.
Place diced potatoes in pot with water to cover them.
Place the cherries in a pot and mix them with the pectin.
Use a blender or food processor to puree the ingredient and oil or vinegar and then pour the puree into a pot and simmer it.
Place the butter, chocolate, and boiling water in a heat proof bowl and place that bowl over a pot of simmering water.
Drop your asparagus into a pot of boiling water just long enough for it to start to get tender, about a minute.
Once the liquid starts to boil, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot tightly.
Remove the veal from the pot and discard the bouquet garni.
It's cooked in a Tandoor; a clay pot whose internal temperature can reach upwards to 600.
Return to the pot and keep the stove on low-medium heat.
Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the cheddar cheese until it melts.
Much of the cooking in Korea is done in a clay stewing pot known as a tukbaege.
Pea soup and ham and bean soup both benefit from the addition of a ham bone in the pot.
Tagine is a stew made of chicken or meat cooked in a pot that bears the same name.
Allow liquid to cool and place in a stock pot that is large enough to hold your entire chicken.
Add chicken to pot with liquid and add enough cool water to cover the bird.
Heat chicken stock to simmering in a stock pot.
Romantic dinners are supposed to be about sharing a romantic meal together and not about using every pot and pan in your kitchen, so these simple romantic dinner recipes should inspire cuddling not a trip to the local cooking school.
If planted in May and frost is feared, protect the young plants at night by turning a garden pot over them.
Dig a hole as wide and as deep as the pot or container and gently place the plant into the hole.
Instead, you should place the pot in a tray filled with small pebbles and water.
If you don't like the pot it is in, just place it inside a slightly larger, decorative pot.
This is especially true indoors where soil easily becomes lifeless in a pot.
Boil a pot of hot water and pour it directly onto the weeds you want to kill.
Once you're ready, take your trowel and dig a hole about the same size as the pot or container in which your strawberries were grown.
To keep the humidity levels constant near your gardenia plant, stand the pot on a tray of pebbles and pour water on the pebbles.
Be sure the plant has good drainage; repot it if necessary, using a different potting soil and pebbles on the bottom of the pot to improve drainage.
The pot or plant size tells you how big the plant will be and you can compare prices for comparable sizes.
Be sure to spray the plant with a stream of water before moving it indoors to remove any insects, and inspect the pot carefully for insect larvae and other hitchhikers before moving the plant inside.
A simple plastic or terra cot pot works fine.
You'll need to take steps not just to protect the plant, but to keep the pot itself from freezing, thawing and cracking.
This keeps moisture from damaging the pot, but may not be a foolproof method of protecting it.
The plant - roots, soil and all - should slide gently out of the pot and into your hand.
If it doesn't, give the pot a gentle tap on the bottom and sides to loosen the soil.
Never tug a plant by the stem to loosen it from the pot.
If the plant is really tough to remove from the pot, turn the pot on its side and use your trowel to tap the sides.
For example, a decorative island pendant light fixture can also serve as a pot hanger.
Another alternative to stone counters, solid surface counters, can melt or burn if a hot pot is placed on them; engineered stone is perfectly safe in this regard.
Because ceramic tiles undergo such high temperature firing, they are capable of standing up to excessive heat and will not burn if a hot pot or pan is set directly on the countertop's surface.
Heat/Fire Resistant - With a ceramic tiles countertop, you can take the pot right off the oven and place it directly on the tile; the tile won't scorch or emit toxic fumes.
The friendship bracelets common among children and teenagers are a form of macrame, and this weaving technique can be used for many different things, including woven necklaces, baskets, pot holders, shawls, and more.
Like the previous solution, you want to line the bottom of the pot with aluminum foil.
You may wish to clean your jewelry individually instead of dumping all of it together in a bowl or pot to avoid scratches.
This is a great price considering you get three samples that each makes a delicious 12-cup pot of coffee.It appears from the website that the samples may not be organic; however organic coffee is available through special order.
Place the orange and lemon juice in a small pot and sprinkle the gelatin on top of it.
Stir pot every 5 minutes to keep mixture from sticking to pan.
About once a week (or as directed) give your plants an organic fertilizer to keep the nutrients in the soil.Adding a thick mulch to the top two inches or so of the pot will help the soil retain moisture as well.
Pour into the cup or tea pot that contains the tea.
The product line also includes comfort style foods such as its pot pies and veggie loaf.
Don't waste that leftover coffee you have in the pot.
Candles provide warm lighting as scented potpourri simmers in an electric pot filling the house with beautiful scents.
Churches and other religious organizations may want to celebrate this day by calling attention to grandparents and their grandchildren during a service or hold a pot luck dinner in their honor.
If they are sharing information about their cards, they can ensure that one of them wins most of the hands and you will not have a fair chance at the pot.
Owners of the Yixing teapots generally steep only one type of tea in the pot.
Because of the nature of the unglazed clay, the look of the pot will change over time making it even more unique.
Look carefully for signs that the pot has been repaired, especially at places like the handle, and spout.
An antique bone china tea pot is a special treasure to most collectors.
This ash makes up the largest percentage of the materials in a bone china tea pot.
If you are antique shopping and you see a tea pot that you think might be bone china there is a way to tell for sure.
First of all there should be some light flowing through the walls of the tea pot illuminating the inside.
If you can't you are holding a lovely tea pot but it is not bone china.
If you are trying to evaluate your antique bone china tea pot in order to insure it then it is very important that you take it to an experienced appraiser for the current replacement value of the item.
The first thing you should try to do is to identify the china pattern and maker of the tea pot.
To do this gently turn the pot over and look for a maker's mark on the bottom.
If you have a full set of bone china, with the antique tea cups, tea pot, sugar, and creamer the value will go up considerably.
A bone china plate, tea pot, or other item is a beautiful addition to your antique collection.
You can cook everything from burgers to soup on it because it even holds a Dutch oven or cook pot.
Not only that, but you can put your skillet, coffee pot, or wash basin on it.
Cook with a skillet, a pot, or a cooking oven on it, and then hang your lantern up later.
If you've camped without the already-present grate, you may have had to look for a large flat rock to place your cooking pot on top of.
Usually made of heavy-duty steel, they are ideal for setting your aluminum, stainless steel or iron pot or pan over a campfire.
If you're preparing burgers, chili, or anything else that has to be cooked on a grill or in a pot, you don't have the option of constantly moving the food around by hand to keep up with the movement of the campfire.
Dutch oven-Usually used with a tripod to hang over the fire, you can also place a Dutch oven over a low grill directly above a the campfire, and add whatever you want to cook into the pot, like soups and stews, beans, potatoes, and more.
Percolate a perfect outdoor cup of coffee with a stainless steel coffee pot that is safe to place over an open flame.
Put the bags into the pot of boiling water for five to ten minutes.
A Dutch oven is a cast iron pot standing on three or four short legs with a secure fitting lid.
You can put coals under the pot and on top of the lid to regulate the temperature in the pot to cook the food.
Boil a large pot of water and add the pasta.
Drop a little bit of dish soap in the largest pot and bring the water to a boil on top of the grill grate over the fire.
Then clean out the largest pot and the grill grate.
Foods should be cooked on the back burners with pot handles turned away from the front of the stove.
Parents can turn their heads away for a moment, and a child could pull down a boiling pot of food or swallow something and choke on it.
The old American melting pot metaphor is challenged as no longer being valid.
Trim them like above, place them into a pot, cover them with water, and add a bit of salt.
Once you have all the ingredients, place them all in a pot and bring them to a boil.
I like this one pot meal for romantic dinners because it is flavorful, colorful, and is fast from the pot to the table.
You can serve any dessert that you like, but I like to go with Pot de Crème, Truffles, or a lemon mousse..
Heat the remaining oil in a large pot and brown the braciole on all sides.
Remove the braciole from the pot and place them on a plate.
In a large, deep pan or medium pot bring the chicken stock, jalapeno, garlic, and oregano to a boil.
One method I like is to bring the water to a boil, add the eggs, turn off the heat, and cover the pot.
Time the eggs for fifteen minutes, remove them from the pot, and run cold water over them to stop the cooking.
The dance became incredibly popular, spreading through the working class to the point where street barrel organs would inspire impromptu dances in the slums of the Argentinian melting pot.
All three came from the melting pot of South American cultures, mixing the indigenous rhythms and the movements from other continents into an entirely new choreography.
Whether you opt for a freshly brewed pot or allow clients to serve themselves with a single use appliance, make sure you have both hot and cold beverages available for every client.
Give your child a pot of water and a bowl and have him measure different amounts into the bowl.
This can be next to your toothbrush, the coffee pot or the alarm clock.
From coffee cup cozies to scented pot holders, Beautiful Creations has your needle crafting needs covered.
If unleashing your inner sex pot is something you've always wanted to do, but shied away from because you were scared, perhaps this is the perfect suit for you!
Many kids are delighted to help their parents cook a meal, even if they only get to stir the contents of a pot once or twice.
With a solid cast stainless steel exterior and a thick ceramic interior pot, you won't have to worry about it falling apart on you.
You don't have to wait for the entire pot of coffee to brew.
The Classic collection is designed for those who want a quality coffee pot with more basic features.
Glass does keep coffee beans fresher than plastic; however, most people who go through the trouble of grinding coffee want freshly ground coffee for each pot brewed, making a glass receptacle unnecessary.
However, for people who truly love coffee and like to experience the best pot possible, this coffee grinder is top notch.
You turn your coffee maker on, and wait the requisite amount of time-five minutes or even ten minutes- until the pot is full.
There's no need to wait for ten or fifteen minutes while your coffee is brewed in the morning, reading a paper or getting changed for work until the entire pot is done.
You won't have to wash a pot, change a filter, or clean the base of the machine where coffee dripped.
Stainless Steel Pot allows for controlled heating.
Before the toaster oven was created, heating food consisted of placing it in a metal pot, box or frame or something other device that distributed heat to cook.
The carafe or coffee pot is the easiest thing you can change out.
Over time, the inside of the pot can get dirty and stained and you may want to get a new one.
Just make sure you stick with the same capacity pot, which usually come in 4-, 8-, 10-, or 12-cup varieties.
If you wish to stick with the name brand pot, you'll need to order form Bunn or an official retailer for the brand.
Put the potatoes into a pot and boil until they are tender.
This coffee pot from Cuisinart has several time saving features.
The pause and serve feature allows you to pull out the coffee pot to pour while the machine is still brewing.
This coffee pot also has an automatic self-cleaning feature.
This coffee pot comes in black and white.
This coffee pot has three important time saving features; a programmable start time, the pause and serve feature, and an auto shut off which can be adjusted from one to four hours.
This coffee pot also has a programmable start time, automatic shut off and a stainless steel exterior.
This is the basic Cuisinart coffee pot model.
The pot features automatic shut off, a programmable start time and the Brew Pause feature.
Coffee Pot - The coffee pot designed for Cuisinart coffee makers is made from glass and can break if mistreated.
The evening meal could be prepared and placed in the crock pot and turned on to slow cook until the family returned that evening to a delicious hot meal.
To turn the crock pot off required unplugging the appliance.
The crock pot has come a long way since those first ones of the 1970s.
Technology has been incorporated into these time-saving appliances with touch setting that make the crock pot very versatile.
Most of the slow cookers retain the original concept of a crockery pot.
This crock pot is available in two models.
Both are styled in the true fashion of a vintage crock pot with a whimsical flair.
Aptly named the Party Crock Pot, you'll be the hit at the Halloween party and certainly any other time of the year with this fun-shaped appliance.
It even has a metal heart-shaped knob and the pot even has love handles for easy lifting.
In addition to the electric heating base, the crock pot comes with a separate, cordless, warming stand.
The size of this crock pot is perfect for side dishes, dips, sauces, appetizers.
A protective guide prevents the agitator from making contact with the sides of the pot or glass.