Posture Sentence Examples
The small book it hefted made its stooped posture almost double over.
When they descend to the ground - which they must often do in order to obtain water - they frequently walk in the upright posture, either with the hands crossed behind the neck, or with the knuckles resting on the ground.
Either the caterpillar postures and escapes, or it does not posture and is eaten; it is.
Good posture is also important for overall health and wellbeing.
Poor sleep posture, such as back sleeping, increases snoring by relaxing the throat tissues.
Beginners can follow the accompanying DVD on how to improve muscle tone, posture and relaxation.
Normally developing children tend to develop motor skills, posture control, and movement skills by a given age.
Each pose has steps for entering and exiting it, and each posture requires proper form and alignment.
These muscles are important for good posture.
As to the mechanical conditions of the human body, the upright posture has always been recognized as the chief.
AdvertisementSome of these might not be chair yoga DVD routines specifically, but are complete with posture and prop suggestions for any necessary modification.
When you feel a good stretch, hold the posture at that point.
This posture additionally improves circulation and breathing control.
Since posture and alignment have a direct effect on the forces of gravity that cause breast sag, these exercises might be able to keep breasts from sagging any further.
Since many people spend their days hunched over a computer, the resulting hunched forward posture hastens the forces of gravity and often causes a premature sagging of the breasts.
AdvertisementExercises that improve posture are the best firm breast exercises.
A couple years later, Gisele's mom enrolled her in the Dilson Steins Mannequin course to help correct her slouching posture along with her sisters Patricia and Gabriela.
Since women did not get a great deal of exercise, a corset maintained good posture and supported the breasts.
The attitude may be described as due to prolonged, not very intense, discharge from reflex centres that regulate posture and are probably intimately connected with the cerebellum.
This is the only reference to yoga posture practice in the whole of the yoga sutras.
AdvertisementEnquiries regarding this tipsheet should be posted to the newsgroup 5. Presentation and Posture Make sure you can start in the right key.
It's typical for arms to be crossed and posture to be defensive.
Poor posture is hard on your back and will slow down your typing.
That way, you can look sexy while you improve your posture and minimize your back and shoulder pain.
Maintaining good posture is another important attribute of a supermodel, whether she's a typical model or plus size.
AdvertisementSnoring occurs when the airways narrow due to poor sleep posture or soft tissue abnormalities in the throat.
Snoring occurs when the airways narrow during sleep, either due to structural abnormalities in the mouth, jaw, or throat, or because of poor sleep posture or nasal congestion.
Using proper posture and not trying to turn around in the seat, stand up, or reach outside the car.
The way you sit can have a profound affect on your mood, your health, posture, and even the way your brain functions.
Not only will this help your posture and eyes, but you'll be a stately and proud portable game player to boot.
It's soft and comfortable but keeps your posture from wilting like a flower.
If anything, they claim, "Wii Fit is a posture improvement program".
Make sure the child is in a comfortable posture, lying on his or her side, so the airway does not become obstructed by drool or mucus.
A physical therapist can instruct the patient on proper posture guidelines to maintain proper alignment of the hips and back.
Usually, some of the limb muscles are paralyzed; the abdominal muscles or muscles of the back may be paralyzed, affecting posture.
Spasticity may not be present all the time and varies based on initial muscle tone; length of responding muscle groups; and the person's position, posture, and state of relaxation.
A physical therapist can instruct the patient on proper posture guidelines.
Proper posture is critical, especially while sitting and sleeping, to maintain proper alignment of the hips and back.
Hypotonia is also characterized by problems with mobility and posture, lethargy, weak ligaments and joints, and poor reflexes.
Using caffeine and alcohol, smoking, eating large meals, and having poor posture can produce GERD.
Improved posture, with no slumping, will reduce pressure on the stomach, as will losing excess weight.
Tension-type headaches are often brought on by emotional or mental stress, overexertion, poor posture, loud noise, and other external factors.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the term used for a group of nonprogressive disorders of movement and posture caused by abnormal development of, or damage to, motor control centers of the brain.
Spasticity, muscle weakness, coordination, ataxia, and scoliosis are all significant impairments that affect the posture and mobility of children and adults with CP.
Physical and occupational therapists work with the patient and the family to maximize the patient's ability to move affected limbs, develop normal motor patterns, and maintain posture.
Spastic-Refers to a condition in which the muscles are rigid, posture may be abnormal, and fine motor control is impaired.
For those with frequent paresthesias caused by ischemia, changes in posture may help.
Also, posture and balance become automatic, and reaction times become faster.
Scoliosis is not caused by poor posture, diet, or carrying a heavy book bag on one shoulder.
To maintain the proper spinal posture before fusion occurs, metal rods are inserted alongside the spine and are attached to the vertebrae by hooks, screws, or wires.
Aquatic exercise, in particular, can increase flexibility and improve posture, balance, coordination, and range of motion.
Children with scoliosis often have a negative self-image associated with irregular posture or having to wear a brace.
By the age of three, children walk with good posture and without watching their feet.
It consists of several comprehensive and in-depth assessments of mental status, cranial nerves, motor abilities, reflexes, sensory acuity, and posture and walking (gait) abilities.
Additionally, movements can be abnormal during maintained posture in some neurological disorders.
Mental concentration in each position is also very important, which improves awareness, poise, and posture.
Proper form and alignment should always be maintained during a stretch or posture, and the stretch or posture should be stopped if pain, dizziness, or excessive fatigue occurs.
Within each level, students increase their knowledge of posture and flow, as well as strength, flexibility, endurance, and breath control.
People also experience improvement in posture, breathing, strength, flexibility, resilience to stress, and a host of other beneficial effects.
Both demonstrate restorative yoga poses and Turner recites scripture during each posture.
In Vinyasa, the move into the posture and the breath that links the motion is as important as the pose itself.
These include a sway-back posture or a slouch.
The open hip angle and straddle posture supports the lumbar curve without a backrest.
Using an open body posture improves communication with children.
A child having difficulty swallowing, speaking, holding the head up, or maintaining an upright posture should receive emergency medical attention.
The balance organs in the ears provide important information about posture.
Tremor may occur only when muscles are relaxed or only during an action or while holding an active posture.
Postural instability-loss of the ability to maintain upright posture caused by slow or absent righting reflexes.
Parkinson's is characterized by shaking in resting muscles, a stooping posture, slurred speech, muscular stiffness, and weakness.
Limp posture and a brief period of unconsciousness are features of akinetic seizures.
Once the basic steps and rhythm have been internalized, there are other embellishments such as posture, line of dance, and rise-and-fall that can be added to make it more beautiful.
Overall, dance moves focus on teaching basic posture, foot positions, and how to use props appropriately in both ancient and modern dancing.
This slight change in posture contributes to the 'loose' illusion that you should aim for in order to look good on the dance floor.
They help patients regain strength, coordination, range of motion, and posture through exercises, taking into account pain, swelling, or wounds.
Yoga is a terrific way to get to know your body and to improve your posture, which is particularly important as your pregnant body begins to feel like it belongs to someone else.
The nonworking laptops were removed from the men after a bit, but the men were asked to retain the same posture for the rest of the one-hour session.
Lower back pain can be caused by hormonal changes and posture changes you may have already undergone in anticipation of that big belly you are planning to get.
Every woman knows what a good pair of sexy stiletto sandals will do for her calves, glutes, thighs and overall posture.
Bottom pieces are usually cut in a boy shorts style, and tops are designed like sport bras with V-back straps for posture support.
The top features Y-straps that guarantee support and posture, and a wide elastic chest band that keeps the top from inching up.
If you get a chance to practice your heel walking for the contest, you can also demonstrate your amazing posture to make your tush and bust look perkier and more defined.
If you're going to wear one just remember that posture is everything.
Slingshot swimsuits are not for the timid or the awkward, and perfect posture must be maintained in order to keep these suits in place.
This posture automatically improves speed, and is the same form you'll find on the top Olympic swimmers.
Good posture is also very important when wearing this style of suit.
Best of all, your body will show the benefits as well in improved tone and even posture.
Their purpose was to shape and maintain the posture and figure, but there was no denying that they were attractive and even sexy.
The boning serves its historical purpose by helping a woman maintain good posture and keep her stomach in - crucial elements to a flattering photograph.
Children's clothing gradually became less restrictive over the course of the 18th century, although girls still tended to wear stays, as this was thought to be good for the posture.
Posture - Look at your shoulders, if they are rolled in or turned away, your appearance becomes closed.
Open up your posture to showcase an invitation of friendship.
This language is spoken through eye contact, facial expressions, body gestures, posture and other mannerisms.
A warm smile, strong eye contact and having posture that says, "I'd like to hear more about you", is very attractive.
For instance, good eye contact, a warm smile and a confident posture are generally positive in both men and women, and send the same message.
However, a man may walk, sit and stand with a more assertive posture.
Not only can your posture send messages about whether or not you're interested in another person, it can also have an impact on how attractive you look.
When you meet someone you'd like to flirt with, do a mental check of your posture, and make sure that the way you are carrying yourself helps you look your best.
Nonverbal communication could be gestures, idiosyncratic movements, cultural habits, posture, involuntary physiological responses to stimuli, and "costumes and scenery."
You read "confidence" from erect posture; concern, sadness, or some other insecurity from a drooping head and bent back.
Let's say you are on a first date with a person who is showing signs that he/she is not attracted to you, such as putting up barriers, no hint of mirroring, assuming the posture of a cocky individual trying to impress other people.
They are made in a way that allows for the development of good posture and optimal body alignment.
One of Earth's biggest selling points is the "healthy shoe"--a shoe which helps your posture and uses negative heel technology to promote a natural way of walking.
The Earth website is filled with testimonials from satisfied customers who have found that the shoes increase their mobility and improve their posture.
The different posture which Earth shoes force you to adopt can take a little bit of getting used to.
Most podiatrists will agree that the number of hours women trot around the workplace in stilettos and pumps can later cause varying degrees of damage to their posture and foot health.
But you also raise the topic of heels and the damage they can do to women's posture and foot health.
Tone your muscles, increase your blood circulation, and work to improve your posture in these stylish sneakers while you run your daily errands or stand at work or school.
Mountain Pose, also known as Tadasana, is the foundation of every standing posture.
You can click on any photo in the gallery to see a larger version of the posture picture.
The studio offers gentle yoga, classes for the LGBTQQI community (proceeds go to United for Safety), vinyasa flow, posture focus, restore, rise 'n shine, service industry yoga, and yoga for the mind.
There are three versions of the Warrior posture, all exhilarating to perform and achievable with regular practice.
Considered to be an incredible stretch for both the front and back of the body, it takes away the "computer hunch" and improves posture.
This DVD has many helpful yoga posture modifications.
And, it can't be a coincidence that the deep breaths we're advised to take in order to calm ourselves are similar to the breath foundation used to move into a yoga posture, also known as pranayama.
You'll learn what posture modifications best suit your experience and flexibility.
Mountain Yoga Pose - More than just standing, this posture is used to center the body, focus the breath, and as a transition to other poses.
It is the union of posture, breath, and focus; or asana, pranayama, and mudra.
This posture will release tight hamstrings and increase circulation, stimulating the brain.
Review our articles Yoga and Pilates Moves for Kids and Fun Yoga Asanas for Middle School Students for posture and sequencing ideas.
The next pose is called Tadasana, or Mountain Pose, and it is an excellent posture to use to start any yoga session.
This ensures you have a complete understanding of the posture and can make corrections under his or her guidance before trying it at home.
Whenever you get a new yoga DVD, always watch it through a few times to make sure you are at a level of expertise necessary to complete each posture safely.
The goal of each and every yoga pose is to create the ideal posture for your body's size and shape.
Be patient with this pose, as your muscles need weeks or even months of repeated practice to hold the posture well.
Once you've been to the class regularly for a month or two, the series of postures will come naturally to you, and your ability to perform each posture will already be vastly improved.
However, most mild cases of back pain are the result of improper posture, sitting for extended periods in a slouched position, and not carrying one's body weight evenly.
Practicing yoga teaches proper posture and alignment, offers counter-positions for the daily slouched-over syndrome, and streamlines and lowers the overall body weight distribution.
The following poses all offer specific benefits to the back muscles and the spine, and also encourage proper posture.
This posture signifies strength when facing adversity, and eases tension.
Arrange to work one-on-one with an instructor, learning each advanced posture in stages.
In his practice, Iyengar focused on proper posture alignment and modifications for a student not quite at the level of a master.
People with scoliosis can use the program to improve their posture and to help relieve any back pain that stems from their scoliosis.
They may face other challenges, including deterioration of motor skills and problems with posture, which do not affect most people on the autism spectrum.
Those with autistic disorder are often unable to use or understand non-verbal communication cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and body posture.
People with classic autism may not be able to interpret nonverbal cues, such as gestures, body posture, or facial expression.
Understanding non-verbal cues like facial expression, body posture, or gestures can be an area of weakness, and maintaining eye contact with others may be difficult for those with HFA.
Non-verbal communication is frequently impaired as well, making it difficult for those with autism to understand non-verbal cues such as body posture, tone of voice, facial expressions or gestures.
The other is that the Chinese military's aggressive posture with the U.S. is not just saber rattling.
Cheerleaders who practice wrong body posture or positioning will repeat wrong body posture or positioning in the dance.
Improved posture that helps remaining fat be distributed more evenly instead of getting scrunched up.
When doing strength training exercises, it is important to focus on correct posture and form to avoid unintentional injuries.
When your core muscles are weak, you're more prone to lower back pain, muscle injuries and poor posture.
Correct posture is important while sitting on an exercise ball, too.
Normally, bouncing lightly on the ball will help your posture line up.
In addition to overall conditioning, these exercises promote better posture.
Don't neglect proper posture, which goes a long way toward elongating your look.
Performing core exercises can also help improve posture.
When your core is weak, you can suffer from lower back pain and imperfect posture.
Stand or sit with good posture and look straight ahead.
But the real money shot, for all health- and practical purposes, is the boon to back health and posture.
The key to this exercise is to maintain a straight posture for as long as possible, so don't let your hips sag for even a second.
Regular exercise for back strength can do wonders for your posture and overall health.
When you tense your stomach muscles it also helps to maintain correct posture.
The exerciser forms shapes of the number eight with the medicine ball while maintaining a flexible posture that allows the medicine ball to dip and lift.
Tighten stomach muscles, posture straight with your chest out.
Before you start working with Pilates you need to hold your body in proper posture.
Remember this posture as you begin more advanced Pilates moves.
Lie down on the mat in the Pilates posture, except put your feet together and point your toes.
This is great for posture, back safety and other areas not related to aesthetics, so think of it as an all-around good habit to give your abs at least one good workout per week.
Oh yeah, strong core muscles are great for back health and posture, too.
Working your chest without working your back contributes to a slouching posture, which in turn hastens the forces of gravity.
Additionally, improving your posture can work wonders for giving the appearance of firm and lifted breasts.
Many who start exercising tend to lose weight, improve posture and gain a certain physical confidence which earns them a whole different kind of respect from coworkers, friends and strangers alike.
Simply sitting on the ball for one hour a day can improve your posture, which can in turn tone your deep core muscles.
Strengthening them helps keep your posture upright, which can slow down the sagging process.
Pilates and other types of posture improvement exercises help correct the muscular imbalances that cause a protruding belly.
When combined with diet, aerobic exercise, hydration and posture improvement, these exercises will tone and define your abdominal area.
No matter how many crunches you perform, poor posture will make your abdominal area look flabby.
Consider enrolling in a Pilates program, which will help improve posture.
Your ab-flattening plan should be accompanied by a diet, aerobic exercise, hydration and posture correction program.
If people are constantly reminding you about your posture, consider participating in a Pilates or other type of posture improvement program.
Properly performed push ups exercise and strengthen your core, which contributes to good posture and decreased incidence of back injuries.
Core refers to the deeper abdominal muscles, which are responsible for balance and posture.
Once you enter the water, simply use your ordinary upright running style with your torso centered and posture tall.
Running a web search can also help you find specific hints and tricks for compounding a quality workout routine, but without a video to aid your understanding you may miss out on posture pointers and proper examples.
This video emphasizes the importance of proper posture and technique within a quality workout.
Balance discrepancies often result from injury, chronically poor posture, or structural anatomy.
This exercise will strengthen your back and help improve your posture.
The abdominal muscles, more commonly known as the abs, are actually a group of six muscles that work together to stabilize and support posture and movement in the core of the body.
You should make sure your form is good to gain the most benefits from the exercise, so working out in front of a mirror is a smart way to check that your body posture is correct.
These types of workouts can improve your posture, especially when you include exercises targeting your back muscles.
Targeting the lower section will help pull your pelvis upwards toward your navel, giving you better posture and helping to control any lower tummy pouch.
You will have better posture and balance.
Working out with correct body alignment can help boost your strength, flexibility and posture.
Be sure to use good posture and form with muscular endurance training to avoid using momentum to lift and lower, which increases the risk of injury and decreases the effectiveness of the exercise.
Having toned muscles is aesthetically pleasing, resulting in a firm, lean look and improved posture.
Exercise ball - The exercise ball helps to build core strength, which is important for posture.
Spine-Health recommends Pilates exercises as a way to maintain a healthy back through development of good posture as well as a way to gently relieve back pain.
The underlying principles of mind-body focus and emphasis on the core provide a gentle way to relieve stress and develop good posture.
Begin running slowly until you have perfected your posture in the water before beginning to gain speed.
If you maintain poor posture or do not challenge your muscles regularly, the back can become weak, making you more prone to injury and pain.
Stand with good posture throughout your workout to prevent injury to your core.
Targeting these muscles several times a week can help enhance your core strength, posture and balance, so add three to four oblique exercises to your regular exercise routine to start seeing results.
By including three to four oblique exercises two to three times a week, you can help increase your abdominal strength, improve posture and balance while also enhancing your functional fitness.
Additionally, this look features shoulder straps with three-row hooks to help correct your posture, material that helps to support your back, and even has side panels to help make your hips look thinner.
Bras developed to support the back can either be used to protect the back from injury, encourage good posture, or retain back support post-injury.
Back support bras are a perfect lingerie staple for those who want to perfect posture, to correct an injury, or to prevent one.
Slim Ts offer paneled tees that are designed to improve posture, reshape the torso and help men look more toned.
Not only is comfort an issue, but bras that do not fit properly can also cause back problems, poor posture (which further exacerbates back problems) and tense neck and back muscles.
The Bra Barrette only claims to strictly hold your bra straps in place and does not offer any added benefits like increasing cleavage or helping to improve posture.
This holder claims to not only keep your straps in place, but to attractively enhance your breasts and improve your posture!
Available in a set of three, the Control Clip promises to eliminate falling bra straps, prevent the straps from cutting into your shoulders, improve your posture and lift your breasts--not too shabby for such a small device!
First and foremost, a good corset forces you to have perfect posture.
Finding the correct size bra for you is important for your health and posture, of course, but there are plenty of embarrassing bra stories related to something that doesn't quite fit.
Firm control shapers can also remind you to stand straight and tall, improving your posture and making you look even thinner.
A Victorian corset covered the bosom, but a modern one, depending on what you need from it, may leave the breasts free and just concentrate on shaping and posture.
It is referred to as a "girdle corset" and is meant to help the body maintain good posture as well as get back to its pre-pregnancy size in a timely fashion.
The right bra will improve a woman's posture, often resulting in a longer torso and slimmer, more shaped appearance.
Wearing posture improving undergarments will not only help you stand straighter, it can also relieve pain in your back and shoulders caused by years of slouching.
If you find it difficult to remember the right way to stand, wearing garments designed to correct your posture can help.
Although women with large busts greatly benefit from bras that offer extra support, even ladies who don't require a lot of support can reap the advantages of undergarments designed to correct the posture.
Anyone can use posture improvers to help them keep their backs and necks in line.
Good posture keeps strain off the spine.
You can improve your workout or sports performance with better posture.
While you can improve your posture with exercise or with a lot of practice, wearing undergarments for this purpose can provide additional help for anyone who feels she needs it.
Bras designed to help attain proper standing and sitting positions can get you into the habit of maintaining correct posture all the time.
Because correct posture involves so much of the back, naturally you'll find bras to help you improve your posture.
You can always wear your posture improving bra by day, to the office, and sport a more revealing bra at night.
Many of the posture improving bras at JCPenney are wire-free and designed with your comfort in mind.
While posture improving undergarments do their part to help you stand straighter, they can't do all the work themselves.
It will slim the torso and, like a corset, improve the posture by helping hold back the shoulders (which also creates a slimming effect).
Again, this is predominantly due to its support of the posture and the way it encourages your abs to stay tight.
Can prevent your shoulders from drooping, poor posture, backaches and spinal curvature.
His seated posture shows him looking up to the Cylon responsible for delivering the Cylon gospel of one true God signaling a turning in his ways.
There was a chill, but once Dean began warming his muscles he felt comfortable in this familiar posture.
Among them are the small ears, elongated head, the presence of a deep groove alongside the nostrils, the small size of the thumb, and the great length of the arm, which reaches half-way down the shin-bone (tibia) in the erect posture.
Two men are employed at this operation - one splitting and the other dressing, performing their work in a sitting posture.
Its general absence in man forbids the idea of its having any connexion with the upright posture.
Extreme restraint in both appearance and application of force is crucial to maintain a posture of impartiality and neutrality toward the former belligerents.
He had very small teeth and was a mouth breather due to inefficient face muscles and poor tongue posture.
Achieving the reference posture position and optimum workstation comfort has never been easier.
Hence upright posture, sophisticated speech and deciduous dentition develop together as an interdependent system.
A good posture and breathing exercises and huffing technique will also help with expectorating if the patient is not too frail.
Chris Watts quickly analyzed my posture, diagnosed several misalignments, and set about correcting them.
The main problem that I have with standing to preach is that standing is the posture of public oration.
Gradually the pain caused Dennis to adopt a stooped posture which has never improved in spite of exercises.
Posture can also indicate status with higher status people tending to adopt a more relaxed open posture can also indicate status with higher status people tending to adopt a more relaxed open posture.
At its most dramatic, this automation was assumed in the nuclear deterrence posture of launch on warning.
These products may suggest a change in readiness posture, protective actions, or response that should be implemented in a timely manner.
Other factors are the wrist posture and shape while working, table height, the angle of the elbows, and repetitive motion.
Based on the threat and scheme of maneuver, assets may need support to enhance their passive air defense posture.
Common attribute include serif, sans-serif, weight, cap height, x-height, spacing, language, and posture.
In yoga posture practice, simplicity does not necessarily signify ease.
Mail order catalogs offer a calmer solution to poor posture.
They will also stabilize your feet, evenly redistribute weight and correct your entire body posture during the golf swing.
Upper Back Stretch Stand or sit tall with good posture.
It encourages proper posture and adds variety to your exercise routine for a total-body workout.
It lives in the high grass, running away in a stooping posture to avoid discovery on being approached, and taking flight only at the utmost need.
This account does not by any means accord with one given by von Koppenfels, in which it is stated that while the old male gorilla sleeps in a sitting posture at the base of a tree-trunk (no mention being made of a bed), the female and young ones pass the night in a nest in the tree several yards above the ground, made by bending the boughs together and covering them with twigs and moss.
The eyes are closed, the maintenance of posture by active contraction is replaced by the recumbent pose which can be maintained by static action and the mere mechanical consistence of the body, the ears are screened from noise in the quiet chamber, the skin from localized pressure by a soft, yielding couch.
In the middle, below, is his grace, dressed in his robes, in a reclining posture.
In addition, over-developed mirror muscles can lead to a round-shouldered posture, which incorrectly places the scapula up and forward.
Factors such as posture, and scapular stability need to be addressed.
Thus in a stooping posture he has to use his heavy tools which must be very hard work.
Underneath a throne is a figure in a suppliant posture, with hands and face uplifted.
The further step of removing warheads from missiles would also add a new vulnerability to our deterrent posture.
Online Training RSIGuard provides basic ergonomic training on topics like hand and wrist position, posture, workstation setup, and keyboard shortcuts.
Everyone wants to fight us. ' Their group began laughing, yanking up hooded tops as they adopted the posture of a streetwise gang.
Cerebral palsy refers to chronic posture or movement disorders and actually involves four categories-spastic, ataxic, athetoid/dyskinetic, and mixed.
Other symptoms may be more pronounced and definitive particularly in the appearance of posture and muscle tone.
Motor skills assessment-Your doctor will look at your child's muscle tone, posture, and any physical developmental issues.
Although it is recommended that you use a treadmill without holding on to the machine to take advantage of natural running posture and arm movement, hand rails are still useful for beginners or those who have difficulty balancing.
He also holds his head in what looks like a somewhat aggressive posture.
He's basically offering some leeway, and your new cat's posture says "I'm taking it".
They also studied the posture people use while sitting at their desks performing tasks such as typing, using a mouse and talking on the phone.
Those who exercise with a Pilates chair do so because of the many fitness benefits associated with it, including improving balance and posture, increasing strength, balancing moods, and boosting energy levels.
Naturopaths-Naturopaths are natural health practitioners who believe in disease prevention and focus on removing the root causes of disease, which may include diet, spinal mal-alignment, poor posture, muscle tension or psychological causes.
For school age children, you can turn to the tried and true poses used by school picture photographers the world over, or you can mix it up by experimenting with posture, accessories and locations.
When your weight is on the tails of the ski, it is known as a "backseat posture."
So, just repeat that to yourself every time your mother corrects your posture and wakes you up at 9 AM on a Saturday and yells at you for leaving towels on the floor.
Make a good impression by smiling, having good posture, making eye contact, and being friendly to everyone you meet at the job site (not just the person interviewing you).
The tuxedo jacket should be buttoned, the tie snug, and posture decent.
The answer to all this chatter is that it's Pitt's posture.
He's said to have perfect posture, nary a slouch or a rounded shoulder for this multiple winner of The Sexiest Man Alive.
Perfect posture or not, Brad Pitt stands just under six feet tall.
It positions his food in such a way as to improve posture too.
Correct posture is vital if you are to attain the highest levels of your technical abilities.
Ironically, this classical posture might at first seem very unnatural for those who have never studied classical guitar.
If your posture isn't perfect, you could develop serious injury to your hands and wrists after periods of prolonged practice.
Classical guitar requires carefully groomed fingernails to get the best sound, correct posture to encourage the best technique, and a competent guitar to make the music you're working hard to play sound as beautiful as it should.
We take up to 30 unique measurements and evaluate subtle aspects of posture and build to identify areas in which the garment's pattern will need to be manipulated to achieve an optimal fit.
A full figure posture bra can provide the back support needed to make the difference between back pain and back comfort.
A full figure posture bra is designed with a reinforced back panel to provide support to the back muscles.
A posture bra designed for full figures has a front closure.
The basic style of the posture bra is the same across various brands.
A posture bra can also be designed as a sports bra such as the Enell sports bra.
The straps on a posture bra can be adjusted for length but they cannot be removed or altered like they can be on a convertible bra.
For maximum comfort, posture bras often have wider straps that provide more support, are less likely to cut into the shoulders and won't slip down.
Most bra manufacturers offer posture bras in both a regular length and a waist-length, "longline" bra.
A full figure posture bra can be purchased just about anywhere plus size bras are sold.
A well-fitting posture bra can provide you with a flattering silhouette that allows you to stand tall.
A well-fitted bra can help your posture, and actually help your tops and dresses fit better.
Poor posture shortens your neck and your torso, interferes with good breathing and can compromise your health.
If you've never modeled but have always wanted to, before you enter a contest, you may want to consider working on your posture and performance before competing.
The materials are important because they provide slimming support, allowing the wearer to notice posture while enjoying the figure-enhancing lift.
The design can improve posture as it accentuates the curve of the waist.
In the days before exercise, a corset helped you maintain good posture and lifted the bosom, as well as flattening the stomach.
Choosing a bra without underwire can leave your bust sagging and unsupported, which won't do anything for your silhouette or posture.
There are modeling coaches that can help you work on your posture, emphasizing correct shoulder and chin placement, as well as back alignment.
Appearance determines the child's presentation, i.e., how the child looks (clothes posture, grooming, and alertness).
Many of these chair yoga DVDs specialize in modified poses which, as you build strength, you can extend into the full posture.
Hold the posture for a few breaths before slowly rising up.
Women used to wear corsets throughout pregnancy to maintain good posture, which helped them recover their strength after birth in the days before yoga became mainstream.
Due to the low positioning of the laptop screen and the fixed keyboard, most laptop users maintain a hunched body posture while working.
Good sitting posture maintains the spinal curves usually present in the erect standing position.
Then slowly restore an upright posture, starting at the ankles.
Clues include abnormal posture; straining; lying with tummy pressed to the floor; or reluctance to move.
This I have associated with a defensive posture I have seen in animals.
This is an unnatural posture for designers, who work in intuitive and subjective ways.
The problems of the deterrent posture for Western Europe have given rise to two schools of thought.
A frog or fowl or guinea-pig held in some unnatural pose, and retained so forcibly for a time, becomes "set" in that pose, or rather in a posture of partial recovery of the normal posture.
In a quiescent posture, the body generally assumes a perfectly rotund appearance; and it sometimes, but only rarely, supports itself by resting the point of its bill on the ground.
It was symbolized by the Greeks as an old man in a more or less sitting posture, with a goat and her kids in his left hand, and a bridle in his right.
The red, or brownish-red, colour of the long and coarse hair at once distinguishes the orang-utan from the African apes; a further point of distinction being the excessive length of the arms, which are of such proportions that the animal when in the upright posture (which it seldom voluntarily assumes) can rest on its bent knuckles.
Episcopal seals more generally show the prelate prominently as a standing figure, or, less conspicuously, as kneeling in prayer before the Deity or patron saint; the counterseal also frequently represents him in the same posture of adoration.
In the north of the island at least, the dead are buried in a sitting posture under the bed on which they have expired.
Hence a favourable posture of the limb for eliciting the jerk is one ensuring relaxation of the hamstring muscles, as when the leg has been crossed upon the other.
In man the occipital foramen, through which passes the spinal cord, is placed just behind the centre of the base of the skull, which is thus evenly balanced in the erect posture, whereas the gorilla, which goes habitually on all fours, and whose skull is inclined forward, in accordance with this posture has the foramen farther back.
They are copies of the Egyptian, both in form and posture, wearing the pshent and the uraeus, but distinguished by having the Assyrian wings.
According to native report, the gorillas sleep on these beds, which are of sufficient thickness to raise them a foot or two above the ground, in a sitting posture, with the head inclined forwards on the breast.
To place itself in a better posture for combating the simoniacal and concubinary prelates, the court of Rome had had to multiply exemptions and accelerate the movement which impelled the monks to make themselves independent of the bishops.
I feel in Diana's posture the grace and freedom of the forest and the spirit that tames the mountain lion and subdues the fiercest passions.