Postgraduates Sentence Examples
Other sources of funding for international postgraduates British Council Fellowships - range of grants, including for postgraduate study leading to a PhD.
For postgraduates, pro rata refunds will be calculated on the number of completed months of attendance.
Academic Literacy and the Languages of Change will be of interest to postgraduates and academics researching sociolinguistics, or language and education.
She is a pharmacist by first degree but has been involved in teaching pharmacology to postgraduates and undergraduates for over 30 years.
It has been organized into research clusters, which offer concentrations of research that should attract future postgraduates.
He is module leader for the Teaching at University module, designed to introduce postgraduates to teaching and available to Napier postgraduate students.
The Lack of Entitlement to Benefits Like other full-time students, full-time postgraduates are not eligible to claim social security benefits.
An allowance for full-time and part-time postgraduates of up to £ 5,640 in 2005/06.