Post-partum Sentence Examples
Practitioners of childbirth support include childbirth educators, childbirth assistants and women labor coaches who also provide post-partum home care.
The doctor said it might be caused by post-partum depression.
They were formerly used in the treatment of post partum haemorrhage.
However, if you continue to feel depressed, you may be suffering from a more severe case of the baby blues called post-partum depression.
There are many tea combinations out there to help with post-partum recovery and increasing milk in a new mom.
EarthMama Organic Post Partum Tea is a great beginning to this basket.
Attacking post-partum depression sufferer Brooke Shields for taking medication to help her depression.
Designed to wear during the first months of pregnancy, you can also wear these clothes post-partum and feel good about yourself.
A special section called "before & after" in the solutions section offers both casual and work outfits that can be worn in the early stages of pregnancy and post-partum.
Within just months of giving birth, articles will appear comparing celebs pre-pregnancy bodies to their post-partum bodies.
AdvertisementSupermodel Heidi Klum strutted her sexy post-partum body on the Victoria Secret runway approximately eight weeks after having her baby.
Complications from pregnancy, like high blood pressure or gestational diabetes, might require extra post partum care.
Your doctor can help you figure out the best pill for you to take if you are post-partum.
These steps in making nursing fashionable is helping thousands of women to regain their self-esteem and lower the amount of self-consciousness that comes with the post-partum body.