Possessor Sentence Examples
You have become the possessor of wealth.
These charms can only be made by the possessor of the suhman.
Innocent believed himself to be the representative of God, and as such the supreme possessor of both spiritual and temporal power.
Thus an abortive supernumerary finger may not cause much, if any, inconvenience to the possessor, but nevertheless it must be regarded as a type of disease, which, trivial as it may appear, has a profound meaning in phylogeny and ontogeny.
A name which is apt to be forgotten in the period between Cuvier and Darwin, because its possessor occupied an isolated position in England and was not borne up by any j.
The office of curaca or cacique was made hereditary, and its possessor enjoyed several privileges.
None of his great orations has survived, a loss regretted by Pitt more than that of the missing books of Livy and Tacitus, and no art perishes more completely with its possessor than that of oratory.
Within them was found the Fountain of Youth; the pebbles which give light, restore sight, and render the possessor invisible; the Sea of Sand was there, stored with fish of wondrous savour; and the River of Stones was there also; besides a subterranean stream whose sands were of gems. His territory produced the worm called "salamander," which lived in fire, and which wrought itself an incombustible envelope from which were manufactured robes for the presbyter, which were washed in flaming fire.
Before the World War he was the possessor of a fortune which was vaguely estimated at several millions of pounds.
He was the possessor of a clear and graceful, if somewhat florid, style, which showed to special advantage in his numerous obituary notices or encomiums (collected and published in three volumes Zur Erinnerung an vorangegangene Freunde, 1888).
AdvertisementThe Linnean system was strongly supported by Sir James Edward Smith (1759-1828), who adopted it in his English Flora, and who also became possessor of the Linnean collection.
Of these several copies had to be made, both by way of prevention against the wear and tear of use and as a means of satisfying the desire of other persons than the original possessor to be acquainted with their contents.
The special gland of the musk-deer, which has made the animal so well known, and has proved the cause of unremitting persecution to its possessor, is found in the male only, and is a sac about the size of a small orange, situated beneath the skin of the abdomen, the orifice being immediately in front of the preputial aperture.
So long as it stands erect, its possessor is well, but if it falls from its position the misfortunes of ill-health and madness at once assail him.
His position as possessor of the Alpine passes, as an ally of the Avars, and as son-in-law of the Lombard king Desiderius, was so serious a menace to the Frankish kingdom that Charlemagne determined to crush him.
AdvertisementIn 1269 the place was chosen as the seat of a Franciscan friary by Otho de Grandison, the first English possessor of the district; and it frequently comes into notice in the following centuries.
From these are derived the suffixes, which are shortened forms attached to nouns to express the possessor, and to verbs to express the subject.
He was the possessor of a very fine library, which he bequeathed to the republic of Genoa.
The extension of the system of sauvegarde, by which abbeys, towns or lay vassals put themselves under the special protection of the king, and that of pariage, by which the possessor surrendered half the interest in his estate to the king in return for protection or some further grant, increased the royal power.
But in 1604 he entered the service of the Baron von Hohensax, then the possessor of the precious MS. volume of old German poems, now in the national library in Paris, and partially published by Goldast.
AdvertisementBy this time Mehemet Ali was the possessor of a powerful fleet and of an army of veterans disciplined and drilled by European officers.
But when Wladislaus, their lawful possessor, imposed similar tolls in the interests of the republic, Danzig protested and appealed to the Scandinavian powers.
He thus became possessor of so large a domain in the county of Kerry that, according to John Aubrey, he could behold from Mt Mangerton 50,000 acres of his own land.
Something in his imperturbable, kindly presence, his angelic look, his musical voice, his commanding style of thought and speech, announced him as the possessor of the great secret which many were seeking - the secret of a freer, deeper, more harmonious life.
The possessor of one of these is allowed to appear in the royal presence wearing it instead of having one shoulder bared, as is the usual Abyssinian method of showing respect.
AdvertisementThe man with no cattle received the minimum; the owner of 2 oxen got 10 acres, and the possessor of 4 received 121 to 15 acres.
Almost every baron in the duchy was now the possessor of a smaller or a greater grant of lands in the kingdom, and the possibilityof serving two masters was as small in 1087 as at any other period of the worlds history.
The better judgment in all affairs derives from this quality, which has some very covetable advantages for its possessor.
The most original part of his discussion, however, is concerned with qualities immediately useful to their possessor.
He was not a feudal lord nor a local sheriff, for any franklin could change his g060r5 when he would, and the rights of "judgment by peers" were in full use; moreover, the office could be bequeathed, sold, divided or pledged by the possessor; still the goc51 had considerable power as long as the commonwealth lasted.
The principle of this division appears to be a near or remote connexion between the possessor and the thing possessed.
Lambert declared himself sovereign and sole possessor of the group (which he renamed Islands of Refreshment) " grounding my right and claim on the rational and sure ground of absolute occupancy."
Polish assistance, however, enabled Vladimir, the former possessor, to expel Andreas, and in 1198 Roman, prince of Lodomeria, made himself master of Galicia also.
There was, however, but little difference yet between a count of Flanders or of Chartres and Louis VI., the possessor of a but small and perpetually disturbed realm, who was praised by his minister, the monk Suger, for making his power felt as far as distant Bern!
He was slain by Nadir Kuli Khan, the general of Shah Tahmasp, who afterwards, as Nadir Shah, became possessor of Seistan as part of his Persian dominions.
Unwilling to grant a request counter to the papal claim (based on the forged Donation of Constantine) to dominion over the islands of the sea, Adrian made Henry a conciliatory proposal, namely, that the king should become hereditary feudal possessor of Ireland while recognizing the pope as overlord.
It is hard to do whenever it induces in its possessor the belief that he cannot be checked by any existing larger accumulation of power.
He is tall and jovial and rather burly as conductors go, the possessor of almost as many curls as Simon Rattle.
The fact of the matter is that earthly riches don't necessarily bring any real benefit to their possessor.
The continual, slow and laborious progress from the one to the other is that which really constitutes history, and man becomes civilized by rendering himself the conscious and independent possessor of all that in poetical wisdom remained impersonal, unconscious, that came, as it were, from without by divine afflatus.
The word "unalienable" (or "inalienable"—they are interchangeable) means, "unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor."
The right is inseparable from its possessor.
The landowner to whom Nicholas went was a bachelor, an old cavalryman, a horse fancier, a sportsman, the possessor of some century-old brandy and some old Hungarian wine, who had a snuggery where he smoked, and who owned some splendid horses.
The fact of the matter is that earthly riches do n't necessarily bring any real benefit to their possessor.
The possessor of the One Ring, Frodo is frightened by Gandalf's warnings.
Galadrial - A powerful enchantress and the possessor of an Elven ring of power, Galadrial meets the Fellowship during their journey and manages to refuse the One Ring when Frodo would have offered it to her.
Successful feuds with the bishops of Strassburg and Basel further augmented his wealth and his reputation; rights over various tracts of land were purchased from abbots and others; and he was also the possessor of large estates in the regions now known as Switzerland and Alsace.
The duties were to be performed by the possessor or his deputy; and the king was entitled to demand the yearly homage of a present of poultry from the feudal holder.
Such modified conditions have been termed apocentric. It is obvious that the mere apocentricity of a character can be no guide to the affinities of its possessor.
His grandfather had obtained from Venice an " artist " who undertook " to build churches and palaces, to cast big bells and cannons, to fire off the said cannons and to make every sort of castings very cunningly "; and with the aid of that clever Venetian he had become the proud possessor of a " cannon-house," subsequently dignified with the name of " arsenal."
When he set out on his return to Italy he was the happy possessor of two cases of precious Greek MSS.
This explains the eagerness with which he now insisted on the acquisition of the Ionian Isles by France and the political extinction of their present possessor, Venice.
In the latter usage it indicated not that the god was the lord of the worshipper, but rather the possessor of, or ruler in, some place or district.
These rights are of simple possession, but they are transmissible in certain degrees to the heirs of the possessor.
The possessor or controller of this wealthy mosque is the nakib, locally pronounced najeeb, or marshal of the nobles, whose office is to determine who are Se`ids, i.e.
The impressiveness and the stimulating power of the mystic ceremonies, the consciousness of being the privileged possessor of the secret wisdom of the ancients, the sense of purification from sin, and the expectation of a better life where there was to be compensation for the sufferings of this world - were all strong appeals to human nature.
Dr Colenso, who obtained a decision of the privy council confirming his claim to be bishop of Natal and possessor of the temporalities attached to the bishopric, died in 1883.
Thus a very strong heart, although it may be useful to its possessor for many years, driving the blood rapidly through the vessels, and supplying all his tissues with such abundant nutriment as to enable him to endure great exertion, mental or bodily, may in the end cause death by bursting a vessel in the brain, which might have resisted the pressure of a feebler circulation for years longer.