Position Sentence Examples
She fluffed the pillow and changed position, unable to sleep.
Han chuckled from his position near the window.
I am serious and fortunately in a perfect position to act.
It served her well in her position as a spy.
Howard was a good ten years older and had far more important things on his mind – like his new position as partner at the law firm.
Surely Katie realized Alex remained head of the household because he liked the position – and because he was married to a person who liked him in that position.
He rose from his kneeling position and faced her.
Presently he woke up, rose to a sitting position and rubbed his eyes briskly.
Kiki whirled from his position before the hearth, his oriental features set off by electric turquoise eyes.
The position of the hand is as easy to feel as it is to see.
AdvertisementGabriel frowned, unaware of anything that could push him from his position as Death.
They'd been there what felt like a day, and yet the sun was in the same position as when they'd been thrown into the world.
She grabbed it frantically as he put his hands under her arms and pulled her to a standing position, her face only inches from his.
There was a position open at a private home, but the salary had to be wrong.
He had earned the position, mostly in the time they were courting, but certainly since they had been married.
AdvertisementAnatole was always content with his position, with himself, and with others.
While Betsy loved her position, she was far more enchanted with our success and would adopt it as a full time venture in a minute.
He'd served as Damian's executioner for thousands of years, a position he found fitting for his general dislike of the human capacity for evil.
Gabriel rose from his position crouching over the body of someone he knew.
Wynn looked up from his position nearby.
AdvertisementNicholas' position became worse and worse.
Wynn took up position in a seat near the bed.
He'd managed to push himself into a sitting position when she returned with soup and water.
She sat up straight, thinking that position would be uncomfortable enough to keep her awake.
Never heard of someone in your position making an unofficial deal.
AdvertisementIn the past, war could increase your financial position, both as a nation (through spoils) and a soldier (through plunder).
And now she had put herself in a position where she would be alone with him in the car.
Being curious to know what position my great bubbles occupied with regard to the new ice, I broke out a cake containing a middling sized one, and turned it bottom upward.
But in what position are we going to attack him?
So you understand the whole position of our troops?
What a position for the Emperor to be in!
She no longer complained of her position, did not say a word about the past, and no longer feared to make happy plans for the future.
At home Natasha placed herself in the position of a slave to her husband, and the whole household went on tiptoe when he was occupied--that is, was reading or writing in his study.
He didn't bring it up again - not even when Jonathan was unable to get his short arm into a comfortable position to play the guitar.
The chickens fought for position in the tiny coop door as they watched her pour a bucket of water into the tire.
When he saw Mack and heard the details of his disaster he understood that half the campaign was lost, understood all the difficulties of the Russian army's position, and vividly imagined what awaited it and the part he would have to play.
The alarm will be sounded and you'll be in a pretty position without your boots!
But even if he also took up a position in the Thuerassa, he merely saves us a great deal of trouble and all our arrangements to the minutest detail remain the same.
The position we occupy is a strong one, and while they are marching to go round me on the right they will expose a flank to me.
The whole French army, and even Napoleon himself with his staff, were not on the far side of the streams and hollows of Sokolnitz and Schlappanitz beyond which we intended to take up our position and begin the action, but were on this side, so close to our own forces that Napoleon with the naked eye could distinguish a mounted man from one on foot.
The locality and the position of our troops were known to him as far as they could be known to anyone in our army.
Count Ilya Rostov had resigned the position of Marshal of the Nobility because it involved him in too much expense, but still his affairs did not improve.
Sonya sat down before the glasses, got the right position, and began looking.
The Russians did not seek out the best position but, on the contrary, during the retreat passed many positions better than Borodino.
It's also a bond that folks in my position have to be careful about taking on, because it leaves me vulnerable.
We're in a unique position to help people who can't help themselves against bad guys who want to hurt them, he said.
The dealers are rebelling, and they've figured out a way to out me from my position.
I found out there's a way for the rebellion to permanently remove me from my position.
The creature looked confused but shifted from its guarded crouch to a kneeling position.
Kiera watched as he assumed the same position and shifted his stance into a new position.
When she returned to the starting position, her arms were shaking and her legs burning.
If she proved to be as he suspected she was, she might find herself the first woman in his society given the official position of strategy battle planner, a position traditionally held by the dhjan alone.
Then the awkwardness of his silent position hiding in the darkness extended beyond the point of propriety of making his presence known.
Even though the position was more isolated than a number of the other starting points, it still was in relatively plain view of the walkway, both up and down stream.
Dean tuned Fred to the off position until his stepfather floated back to reality and continued.
While he shouldn't have been surprised to find Angel in such a position, Brady was still impressed.
The regular military was in no position to help, not when the bulk of it was overseas.
General Greene asked from his position at a small planning table in the corner.
Lana twisted to watch it lower itself to the ground a hundred meters behind her position.
Dean shifted his position.
He was twenty years older than me, born into his position.
He sent you here to kill me and assume my position.
Matthew snuggled against her, trying to get into a position to suckle.
His position at home scarcely improved during the war.
Herod again raised the city to the position of an important capital, restoring the fortifications, and rebuilding the Temple from its foundations.
The general position which He takes up, that "the Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath," 2 is only a special application of the wider principle that the law is not an end in itself but a help towards the realization in life of the great ideal of love to God and man, which is the sum of all true religion.
Bethlen no sooner felt firmly seated on his throne than he seized the opportunity presented to him by the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War to take up arms in defence of the liberties and the constitution of the extra-Transylvanian Hungarian provinces, with the view of more effectually assuring his own position.
In Plato's thought the belief held a prominent position.
Cromwell determined to turn his antagonist's position.
He appreciated, without overestimating, the value of England's insular position.
From their elevated position they could overlook the entire valley, but not a single moving object could they see.
In Bagration's detachment no one knew anything of the general position of affairs.
Vill you be so goot to come to ze front and see dat zis position iss no goot?
From Gorki, Bennigsen descended the highroad to the bridge which, when they had looked at it from the hill, the officer had pointed out as being the center of our position and where rows of fragrant new-mown hay lay by the riverside.
Her position in the house was such that only by sacrifice could she show her worth, and she was accustomed to this and loved doing it.
Felipa considered the question a moment and then her brows resumed their normal position.
Leaning her head back, she forced the soft chair into a reclining position.
So they don't reflect the sunlight and give away our position.
She slumped to a near-fetal position.
Yes, what she did early on was despicable in our minds, but put yourself in her position.
Then again, most men had some level of respect for him and his position.
There have been two deities in the position of the Dark One, rendering him one of the oldest.
He fought his way from a lowly demon to the position of Demon Lord and finally defeated the Dark One.
Martha sighed and popped up to a sitting position.
They never finalized our position as foster parents.
Fred hesitated as he rocked up to a sitting position.
Dean rose to his feet and went over to the officer, gently pushing her down to a sitting position.
They're tearing apart our home, trying to find something they think can remove me from my position.
He said nothing and mirrored her position, leaning against the wall in what she knew was irritated mockery.
She leaned against the wall, eyeing the distance from her position to the rock on which Rhyn sat.
He looked her up and down in approval from his position leaning against the wall nearby.
She breathed deeply of his scent and listened to his heart beat from her position sprawled atop him.
He granted me a position directly supporting the Council, if I walked away from her forever.
She struggled into a sitting position, her neck achy from her spot sleeping on the floor before the fire.
Evelyn smiled tightly from her position a couple of feet away, her attention riveted to the situation before her.
By the time she returned to the starting position, she was sweating and breathing hard.
Surprised, she pulled away from the comfortable position resting against him and twisted to face him.
Her position at the table shifted as the program grew more complex; she dropped her feet to the ground and leaned forward, taking in the rapidly changing situation.
He switched to the ground battle and hastened through the size, position, and make-up of each of the major ground armies.
She greeted the room full of people with apprehension, her interaction with his sisters with pleasure, her introduction to the clan leaders and her position of master battle planner with both excitement and awe.
He tried to turn and raise himself to a sitting position while pushing her away, but she held back his arm in a strong grip and locked a crooked arm about his neck.
She continued to hold him about the neck until he slowly pried her arm away and pushed himself to a half-sitting position, her leg still tightly locked over him.
Right now I don't give a damn about what happened a century ago and I'm in no position to make judgments of a situation I know so little about.
Shipton squirmed, adjusting his position.
Dean attempted to move, turning his body for a clearer look down at Shipton but the adjustment in his position caused a shower of snow to descend on him, nearly covering his head and shoulders.
You are in no position to be making demands; besides, Elisabeth doesn't feel like talking right now.
Comfortable as the position was, it was hard to relax.
She was neatly dressed with dual ranks, that of Special Assistant to the VP and Special Assistant to Mr. Tim's position.
She slowly moved from her position and crawled down the tree with effort, the movement sending pain through her tender wrist.
She inched away from a plant whose slender stalk was maneuvering through several other plants to position its leaves in direct sunlight.
Rhyn uncurled from his position on the cold, wet ground. He hadn't meant to fall asleep and didn't expect ever to wake up, not with the magic tearing him apart. He looked around, disoriented. The magic in his blood had stabilized as it did when Hannah and the angel were around, yet he didn't see them.
Jeffrey Byrne was employed in a regional marketing position by The World Wide Insurance Company of Philadelphia.
We called his position Regional Marketing Manager, but in reality he was a glorified errand boy—a paper pusher.
He started to say something to the fleeing attendant but instead lifted the limp body up in his arms to a more reasonable position and carefully carried her out to the anteroom.
She rose, albeit unsteadily, and he grasped her in the now familiar position of his supporting arm about her waist.
Dean adjusted his position slightly, leaning in the direction of the door.
Darian straightened from his position slouching against the wall.
The court of brotherhood was formerly called the brotheryeeld, brodall or brodhull; and the name guestling seems to owe its origin to the fact that the officials of the "members" were at first in the position of invited guests.
Some writers place it north of the Temple on the site afterwards occupied by the fortress of Antonia, but such a position is not in accord with the descriptions either in Josephus or in the books of the Maccabees, which are quite consistent with each other.
The position of Rhodes as a distributing centre of Levantine and especially of Phoenician goods is well attested by archaeological finds.
But the piratical acts of these traders, in which the knights themselves sometimes joined, and the strategic position of the island between Constantinople and the Levant, necessitated its reduction by the Ottoman sultans.
This theory has advanced from the position of a disparaged heresy to acceptance by leading thinkers.
Tasmania during the last few years has attained the foremost position in the production of tin, the annual output now being about £363,000.
Such a system gave to the elder men of a tribe a predominant position, and generally respect was shown to the aged.
This district, then called Port Phillip, in the time of Governor Sir George Gipps, 1838-1846, was growing fast into a position claiming independence.
At the beginning of 1860, when the excitement of the gold discoveries was wearing off, five of the states had received from the home government the boon of responsible government, and were in a position to work out the problem of their position without external interference; it was not, however, until 1890 that Western Australia was placed in a similar position.
To the Labour party in that state are admitted only persons who have worked for their living at manual labour, and this qualification of being an actual worker is one that was strongly insisted upon at the formation of the party and strictly adhered to, although the temptation to break away from it and accept as candidates persons of superior education and position has been very great.
Its most important feature is a large stucco bas-relief, occupying a central position on the back wall of the sanctuary.
Mehemet Ali, who was the viceroy of Egypt, owed his position, to a certain extent, to the recommendations made in his behalf to the French government by Mathieu de Lesseps, who was consul-general in Egypt when Mehemet Ali was a simple colonel.
Peacock threw himself with characteristic ardour into the duties of this new position.
William, however, whose position had been strengthened by his nomination to the post of ruwaard of Brabant, determined to welcome Matthias and use him for his own purposes.
During the three years he held this position he carried out researches on the contact of elastic solids, hardness, evaporation and the electric discharge in gases, the last earning him the special commendation of Helmholtz.
The exact position of the native states of Bukhara and Khiva, which were later occupied by the Soviet Government, remained obscure.
For the natural realist stands upon the common-sense position that minds and material objects have equally effective existence; while the idealist explains matter by mind and denies that mind can be explained by matter.
The addition of the heart to the liver as an organ of the revelation of the divine will, reflects the stage which assigned to the heart the position once occupied by the liver.
Instead, we find the Sakai occupying this position, thus indicating that they have been driven northward by the Malays, and that the latter people has not been expelled by the Mon-Khmer races from the countries now represented by Burma, Siam and French Indo-China.
He took a leading part in the negotiation of 1890 for the Bohemian settlement, but the elections of 1891, in which the young Czechs who were opposed to the feudal party gained a decisive victory, made his position a very difficult one.
His high social position, his influence at court, his character, as well as his undoubted abilities and learning, not often in Austria found in a man of his rank, gave him great influence.
Women have the right to vote in all elections relating to schools and school officers in cities, towns and graded school districts, and also the right to be elected to any local school position or to the office of township clerk.
In 1914 his preeminence had become so evident that a special position was created for him in Berlin, where he was elected a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and given a sufficient stipend to enable him to devote all his time to research without any restrictions or duties whatsoever.
The position is strong, being protected by the two rivers mentioned, and the medieval fortifications, which are nearly 2 m.
As firewood oak holds a high position, though in Germany it is considered inferior to beech for that purpose.
During the earlier part of the year 164 3 the military position of Charles was greatly superior to that of the parliament.
Meanwhile the position of Charles's opponents had been considerably strengthened by the suppression of a dangerous rebellion in November 1647 by Cromwell's intervention, and by the return of troops to obedience.
But Leslie descended the hill to complete his triumph, and Cromwell immediately observed the disadvantages of his antagonist's new position, cramped by the hill behind and separated from his left wing.
Although the idol of his victorious army, and in a position enabling him to exercise autocratic power, he laboured unostentatiously for more than a year and a half as a member of the parliament, whose authority he supported to the best of his ability.
He raised England to a predominant position among the Powers of Europe, and anticipated the triumphs of the elder Pitt.
He thus threw in his lot with the Scottish philosophy, and his first dissertations are, in their leading position, adaptations from Reid's Inquiry.
From this position it easily followed that actions, being merely external, were morally indifferent, and that the true Gnostic should abandon himself to every lust with perfect indifference.
It masks a series of lagoons, of which the largest, occupying a central position, is called the Togo, Avon or Haho lagoon.
A violent gust strikes the plate, which is driven back and carried by its own momentum far past the position in which a steady wind of the same force would place it; by the time the motion has reached the pen it has been greatly exaggerated by the springiness of the connexion, and not only is the plate itself driven too far back, but also its position is wrongly recorded by the pen; the combined errors act the same way, and more than double the real maximum pressure may be indicated on the chart.
The great advantage of the tube anemometer lies in the fact that the exposed part can be mounted on a high pole, and requires no oiling or attention for years; and the registering part can be placed in any convenient position, no matter how far from the external part.
In the 15th century power was at last concentrated in the Baglioni family, who, though they had no legal position, defied all other authority.
The smoother we make the pulley the more nearly does the amount of useful work which the weight is capable of doing approach ro foot-pounds, and if we take into account the work done against the friction of the pulley, we may say that the work done by the descending weight is ro foot-pounds, and hence when the weight is in its elevated position we have at disposal r o foot-pounds more energy than when it is in the lower position.
In the preface he states the position that "whenever, then, two gases are allowed to mix without the performance of work, there is dissipation of energy, and an opportunity of doing work at the expense of low temperature heat has been for ever lost."
The complainer entirely overlooks the fact that this is the kind of music in which such a phrase will certainly be heard again before we have time to forget it; and as a matter of fact the strings promptly repeat it fortissimo in a position which nothing can overpower.
Usually two are found in this position lying side by side; it would be interesting to know if these are male and female.
The use of cranes is of great antiquity, but it is only since the great industrial development of the 19th century, and the introduction of other motive powers than hand labour, that the crane has acquired the important and indispensable position it now occupies.
Jib cranes can be subdivided into fixed cranes and portable cranes; in the former the central post or pivot is firmly fixed in a permanent position, while in the latter the whole crane is mounted on wheels, so that it may be transported from place to place.
This horizontal movement of the lower end of the back leg allows the whole arrangement to assume the position shown in fig.
Dock-side jib cranes for working general cargo are almost always made portable, in order to enable them to be placed in correct position in regard to the hatchways of the vessels which they serve.
On arriving at a certain height the lift ceases and the jenny is released, and by the continued pull of the rope, it runs up the jib; on arriving at an adjustable stop, the jenny is again locked, and the load can be lowered out; the hook can then be raised, when the jenny is automatically unlocked, and on paying out the rope the jenny gravitates to its first position, when the load is lowered and the cycle repeated.
The position of women is free and dignified.
The Code regulates the feudal position of certain classes.
The temple occupied a most important position.
The bride-price varied much, according to the position of the parties, but was in excess of that paid for a slave.
An adopted child was a full heir, the contract might even assign him the position of eldest son.
There was no birthright attaching to the position of eldest son, but he usually acted as executor and after considering what each had already received equalized the shares.
The strain of the next three years' continuous work undermined his health and his eyesight, and he was compelled to retire from his professorship. During these years he had published works on Plato and Socrates and a history of philosophy (1875); but after his retirement he further developed his philosophical position, a speculative eclecticism through which he endeavoured to reconcile metaphysical idealism with the naturalistic and mechanical standpoint of science.
This was a very important position owing to the amount of information concerning European affairs which passed through the hands of the representative of Spain.
The plot was, however, discovered; and Bedmar, protected by his position from arrest, left Venice and went to Flanders as president of the council.
In 1622 he was made a cardinal, and soon afterwards became bishop of Oviedo, a position which he retained until his death, which occurred at Oviedo on the 2nd of August 1655.
In the erect position of the leaf the lower side has its cells extremely turgid, and the pulvinus thus forms a cushion, holding up the petiole.
In this way also the position of geography, at the point where physical science meets and mingles with mental science, is explained and justified.
On reaching the North American coast, he proceeded northward, fixed the position of the western extremity of America and surveyed Bering Strait.
The motions of the earth as a planet must be taken into account, as they render possible the determination of position and direction by observations of the heavenly bodies.
Mill calculated the position of mean sphere-level at about Io,000 ft.
The actual position of sea-level lies so near the summit of the crust-heap that the varied relief of the upper portion leads to the formation of a complicated coast- The con- line and a great number of detached portions of land.
More elaborate subdivisionsaccording to structure, origin and position have been proposed.
The same year peace was concluded with Mithradates on condition that he should be put back to the position he held before the war; but, as he raised objections, he had in the end to content himself with being simply a vassal of Rome.
By this time he had made his peace with the duke of York, and when in February 1685 James became king, he retained his position of secretary, to which was soon added that of lord president of the council.
In 1854 he appeared in the first New Zealand parliament as extra-official adviser of the acting governor, a position which excited great jealousy, and as the mover of a resolution demanding the appointment of a responsible ministry.
It stood on the river Iris (Tozanli Su or Yeshil Irmak), and from its central position was a favourite emporium of Armenian and other merchants.
Accepting the position in which the Tudor king would have his great nobles, he became the faithful soldier, diplomatist and official of the new power.
The exact position of Anzan is still disputed, but it probably included originally the site of Susa and was distinguished from it only when Susa became the seat of a Semitic government.
It is not necessary that one should be able to define every word and give it its principal parts and its grammatical position in the sentence in order to understand and appreciate a fine poem.
On being told that she was white and that one of the servants was black, she concluded that all who occupied a similar menial position were of the same hue; and whenever I asked her the colour of a servant she would say "black."
She is so sweet, so good- natured, and her position now is a very hard one.
If Kutuzov decided to remain at Krems, Napoleon's army of one hundred and fifty thousand men would cut him off completely and surround his exhausted army of forty thousand, and he would find himself in the position of Mack at Ulm.
None of these gentlemen changed his position on seeing Boris.
The countess took up a position in one of the front rows of that crowd.
He was convinced that, as a duck is so made that it must live in water, so God had made him such that he must spend thirty thousand rubles a year and always occupy a prominent position in society.
She was in just the same position in which Marya Dmitrievna had left her.
Prince Andrew is in a position to know...
Ah, I also wanted to ask you where our position is exactly? said Pierre.
In my position I have obligations.
Having crossed over, by a forced march, to the Tula road beyond the Pakhra, the Russian commanders intended to remain at Podolsk and had no thought of the Tarutino position; but innumerable circumstances and the reappearance of French troops who had for a time lost touch with the Russians, and projects of giving battle, and above all the abundance of provisions in Kaluga province, obliged our army to turn still more to the south and to cross from the Tula to the Kaluga road and go to Tarutino, which was between the roads along which those supplies lay.
Besides, as a result of the frequent and rapid change of position by each army, even what information was obtained could not be delivered in time.
He fought off the last of his dream demons, pulled himself to an upright position, and stumbled into the bathroom.
There emerged a tacit agreement between the two men that Dean's position negated his direct involvement in officially pursuing the investigation.
A big blue gun was pointing directly at Dean's mid section, out of sight of the others by the man's position.
The man reached down with one hand and pulled his partner to a standing position and nudged Dean forward all in one motion, burying his gun in the detective's side.
The bikers wore helmets and most were in a low tuck position, making it difficult to get an identifying look at them.
Dean remained in his cramped position, his injured leg going numb, as daylight sank into evening.
Brutus came running out of nowhere, his tail curled in its alert position and his big tongue hanging out.
No one was there to show her how to hold the baby, but the most natural position seemed to be as if she were breast feeding it.
Judging by the position of his computer, he'd been on it last night, and the black notebook where he wrote notes to himself about his duties was missing.
Jenn chose a small scouting position, hidden from view by rocks and snow.
An hour before dawn, she began to feel drowsy and shifted her position to keep from falling asleep.
Darian moved away from the door and kept to the edge of the room, sensing he was only welcomed because he was in the unique position to defend everyone there if the Other started blasting people.
He pushed himself away from the door and took up a position near the bed, where he was able to see all entrances.
Desperate to maintain her position as her people's protector and outlive those threats hedging closer, she washed her face and changed clothing to prepare for her return journey.
She was hauled into a sitting position by two beefy hands that then tore off her blindfold.
Hilden moved through the crowd directly to the table and took up a protective position behind Rissa, watching without interfering.
Vara, the man who'd freed him from the underground and defied his father to place the foreign-born slave in an honored scout position, who'd bought his weapons, fed and clothed him when he was too poor to do so for himself.
If her answer had been no, he would have again put her in a position where she would be to blame for Jonathan's state of unhappiness.
Together they tossed the bale to the top of the pile and he climbed up to position it.
Shifting her position to relieve a cramp in her hip, she twisted the injured shoulder and cried out in pain.
His brows resumed their natural position as he turned to Gerald.
It looked like a comfortable position, so Carmen did the same.
If it weren't for your money and position, no man would take a second look at you.
Was her position at the office merely the creation of a doting father?
Flipping the dial to the off position, she dived for the questionable refuge under the table.
Jonny had been in the position for under a year.
Of all the White God's brothers, Dusty was the one most likely to understand Xander's position.
He had newly assumed his position after thousands of years without the Gatekeeper existing, since Xander killed the last Grey God.
It is good to see the position of Grey God filled once more.
Xander lifted her into a sitting position between his thick thighs and kissed her face.
Of course, she said nothing else, which leaves me in a position I don't like.
Benjamin Hoadly, the newly-appointed bishop of Bangor, scented the opportunity and wrote a speedy and able reply, Preservative against the Principles and Practices of Non-Jurors, in which his own Erastian position was recommended and sincerity proposed as the only test of truth.
It is evident how this initial position at once defined to him the tasks which philosophy had to perform.
To comprehend the real position we are forced to the conviction that the world of facts is the field in which, and that laws are the means by which, those higher standards of moral and aesthetical value are being realized; and such a union can again only become intelligible through the idea of a personal Deity, who in the creation and preservation of a world has voluntarily chosen certain forms and laws, through the natural operation of which the ends of His work are gained.
Lotze's historical position is of much interest.
In 1734 he was appointed under-secretary of state, and he soon gained a position of great personal influence with George II.
The duke of Dorset's reappointment to the lord-lieutenancy in 1751, with his son Lord George Sackville as secretary of state for Ireland, strengthened the primate's position and enabled him to triumph over the popular party on the constitutional question as to the right of the Irish House of Commons to dispose of surplus Irish revenue, which the government maintained was the property of the Crown.
At the Hague Conference of 1899 the position of irregular combatants was one of the subjects dealt with, and the rules there adopted were reaffirmed at the Conference of 1907.
Throughout the divorce proceedings Warham's position was essentially that of an old and weary man.
Otherwise Berthollet's position would have been a much stronger one, and the atomic theory might have had to wait a long while for acceptance.
The atomic theory has been of priceless value to chemists, but it has more than once happened in the history of science that a hypothesis, after having been useful in the discovery Present and the co-ordination of knowledge, has been aban- position doned and replaced by one more in harmony with later of the discoveries.
In 1844 he was elected ordinary professor of higher mechanics and astronomy, a position which he held till his death on the 26th of September 1868.
His attack on Thuringia ended in his defeat at Lucka in 1307, and, in the same year, the death of his son Rudolph weakened his position in eastern Europe.
The offer was refused, and for three years he was without a regular position.
His rivals saw how his intense personal ambition and egoism led him always to assume the chief place, and to use his parliamentary position to establish himself as leader of the nation.
Returning to Rome about April 1344 he worked for three years at the great object of his life, the restoration of the city to its former position of power.
He was received with great rejoicings and quickly regained his former position of power.
In the same year Rainer became curator of the Academy of Sciences, a position which he filled till his death.
The Astrakhan rebellion (1706), which affected all the districts under his government, shook Peter's confidence in him, and seriously impaired his position.
It is clear from Chicheley's position in the list, with eleven fellows and eight scholars, or probationerfellows, below him, that this entry does not mark his first appearance in the college, which had been going on since 1375 at least, and was chartered in 1379.
No one could have attained or kept the position of archbishop at the time without being so.
Those cells are accurately marked, the position of which is such that the colonies, to which they give rise, can grow to their full size without coming into contact with other colonies.
The city of Leon, founded by Francisco Hernandez de Cordova in 1523, was originally situated at the head of the western bay of Lake Managua, and was not removed to its present position till 1610.
At the same time, if Matthew of Edessa may be trusted, he also carried his arms against the Armenians, and plundered in his avarice every Armenian of wealth and position.
The British government obtained no satisfactory answer to its remonstrances, and Sir Robert Hart, finding himself placed in a subordinate position after his long service, retired in July 1907.
The revolutionary and imperial epoch had seen a great development of Italian patriotism, and Santarosa was aggrieved by the great extension given to the Austrian power in Italy in 1815, which reduced his own country to a position of inferiority.
The normal polarization at the zenith, as dependent upon the position of the sun, was the foundation of Sir C. Wheatstone's polar clock.
Ancyra was the centre of the Tectosages, one of the three Gaulish tribes which settled in Galatia in the 3rd century B.C., and became the capital of the Roman province of Galatia when it was formally constituted in 25 B.C. During the Byzantine period, throughout which it occupied a position of great importance, it was captured by Persians and Arabs; then it fell into the hands of the Seljuk Turks, was held for eighteen years by the Latin Crusaders, and finally passed to the Ottoman Turks in 1360.
After two hours' exposure, it is wrapped round a frame supported in a given position relative to Elster and Geitel's dissipation apparatus, and the loss of charge is noted.
An isolated tree occupying an exposed position is, it should be remembered, much more likely to be struck than the average tree in the midst of a wood.
In the first, or general, prologue, Douglas claims a higher position for Virgil than for his master Chaucer, and attacks Caxton for his inadequate rendering of a French translation of the Aeneid.
The true mushroom itself is to a great extent a dung-borne species, therefore mushroom-beds are always liable to an invasion from other dung-borne forms. The spores of all fungi are constantly floating about in the air, and when the spores of dung-infesting species alight on a mushroom-bed they find a nidus already prepared that exactly suits them; and if the spawn of the new-comer becomes more profuse than that of the mushroom the stranger takes up his position at the expense of the mushroom.
Aguilar "of the Frontier" was so named in the middle ages from its position on the border of the Moorish territories, which were defended by the castle of Anzur, now a ruin; but the spacious squares and modern houses of the existing town retain few vestiges of Moorish dominion.
His position rather than any personal qualities enabled him to play an important part in a great crisis of European politics.
He indeed became so disgusted with the false position of a pretender to the crown, into which he was being forced, that he wished to go to America, but, as the comtesse de Buffon would not go with him, he decided to remain in Paris.
This medieval fortress, strong by art as well as position before the invention of modern artillery, has since undergone numerous sieges.
Hastings was soon released at the intercession of the Dutch resident, and made use of his position at Murshidabad to open negotiations with the English fugitives at Falta, the site of a Dutch factory near the mouth of the Hugli.
After fourteen years' residence in Bengal Hastings did not return home a rich man, estimated by the opportunities of his position.
Hastings was reduced to the position of a cipher at their meetings.
He could support the position of a governor-general and of a.
Consequently corporal and even capital punishment occupy a far less prominent position, and tend everywhere to disappear.
It was founded (perhaps on the site of an early Sicanian settlement) by colonists from Gela about 582 B.C., and, though the lastest city of importance founded by the Greeks in Sicily, soon acquired a position second to that of Syracuse alone, owing to its favourable situation for trade with Carthage and to the fertility of its territory.
The planets were shown to have visible disks, and to be attended by satellites whose distance and position angle relative to the planet it was desirable to measure.
Before astronomical telescopes were mounted parallactically, the measurement of position angles was seldom attempted.
Sir William Herschel was the first astronomer who measured position angles; the instrument he employed is described in Phil.
When equatorial mountings for telescopes became more general, no filar micrometer was considered complete which was not fitted with a position circle.'
C is the clamp and M the slow motion in position angle.
Other astronomers use the two distance-measuring webs, placed at a convenient distance apart, for position wires.
The varnish to fix the webs is applied, not on the surface T as is usual, but on a bevel for the purpose,' the position of the webs depending on their tension to keep them in their furrows.
The first series contained six essays, the most notable being that "On the office of a Chaplain," which throws much light on the position of a large section of the clergy at that time.
The island is subject to strong winds, which are especially felt at Cagliari owing to its position at the south-east end of the Campidano, and the autumn rains are sometimes of almost tropical violence.
For some years he was employed as a clerk; thereafter he joined a relative who was inspector of manufactures at Amiens, and he himself speedily rose to the position of inspector.
It contained many and terrible truths as to the royal refusal to sanction the decrees and as to the king's position in the state; but it was inconsistent with a minister's position, disrespectful if not insolent in tone.
The struggle of the Bohemians against Rome continued uninterruptedly, and the position of Podébrad became a very difficult one when the young king Ladislas, who was crowned in 1453, expressed his sympathies for the Roman Church, though he had recognized the compacts and the ancient privileges of Bohemia.
But Maximilian was regarded with suspicion by the states of Netherlands, and after suppressing a rising in Gelderland his position was further weakened by the death of his wife on the 27th of March 1482.
He held this position until 1906, and in that year was returned as Socialist member for Blackburn.
The Royal Society awarded him the Copley medal in 5892, and selected him as Croonian lecturer in the following year, his subject being the position of pathology among the biological sciences; and in 1898 he delivered the second Huxley memorial lecture at Charing Cross Hospital.
Unless the junglecat, which is a nearly whole-coloured species, can claim the position, the ancestry of these Manx-Malay cats is still unknown.
His extreme impecuniosity made him from the first subservient to the Polish senate and nobles (szlachta), who deprived him of the control of the mint - then one of the most lucrative sources of revenue of the Polish kings - curtailed his prerogative, and generally endeavoured to reduce him to a subordinate position.
He entered the army, merely because the position gave a vantage-ground from which to make his observations.
The position on which he entered at Stockholm was unsuited for a man who wished to be his own master.
Not long after, however, when Ephialtes fell by the dagger, Pericles undoubtedly assumed the leading position in the state.
After 445 Athens was hardly in a position to summon such a congress, and would not have sent to envoys out of 20 to northern and central Greece, where she had just lost all her influence; nor is it likely that the building of the Parthenon (begun not later than 447) was entered on before the congress.
By 1861 the population had grown to 17,688, chiefly owing to its position as an important railway junction.
The cause of this long duration, and at the same time the secret of its history, is to be found in the isolated position of Trebizond and its district, between the mountains and the sea, which has already been described.
Still more important is the church of Haghia Sophia, which occupies a conspicuous position overlooking the sea, about 2 m.
In the third he stands almost upright; in the first he kneels; in the second he stoops, halfway between the upright and the kneeling position.
So he will endeavour to be "on the jack," the ideal position being a bowl at rest immediately in front of or behind it.
The third player, who does any measuring that may be necessary to determine which bowl or bowls may be nearest the jack, holds almost as responsible a position as the captain, whose place, in fact, he takes whenever the skip is temporarily absent.
We note here that though Ritschl gives Jesus a unique and unapproachable position in His active relation to the kingdom, he declines to rise above this relative teaching.
The latter selected a position a few hundred yards to the north-east of the old city of Chung-tu or Yenking, where he founded the new city of Ta-tu ("great capital"), called by the Mongols Taidu or Daitu, but also KhanBalik; and from this time dates the use of the latter name as applied to this site.
Otherwise we may assume no disturbing alteration has taken place for more than 2000 years in its position and extent.
In 1789 all citizens were made equal before the law, and the position of Presbyterianism improved till 1791.
From the geographical position of the Netherlands, Presbyterianism there took its tone from France.
The parable of the three rings is the epitome of the pragmatic position.
Causes of friction still remained, but they did not develop into open quarrels, for Mitre was content to leave Urquiza in his province of Entre Rios, and the other administrators (caudillos) in their several governments, a large measure of autonomy, trusting that the position and growing commercial importance of Buenos Aires would inevitably tend to make the federal capital the real centre of power of the republic. In 1865 the Argentines were forced into war with Paraguay through the overbearing attitude of the president Francisco Solano Lopez.
He was a straightforward and honourable man, who tried his best to do his duty in a position that had been forced upon him, and was in no sense of the word his own seeking.
On the 21st of January Dr Saenz Pena at last perceived that his position was untenable, and he handed in his resignation.
Uriburu found in 1897 the financial position so far improved that he was able to resume cash payments on the entire foreign debt.
The ministry employs inspectors, whose duty it is to visit the different parts of the country and to report on their respective position and wants.
But demands for more lines were constantly arising, and the existing companies, in view of their financial position, were disinclined to undertake their construction.
By the 1859 conventions the state railway system obtained an entry into Paris by means of running powers over the Ouest from Chartres, and its position was further improved by the exchange of certain lines with the Orleans company.
He became by a singular arrangement, only repeated in the case of Lord Ellenborough, a member of the cabinet, and remained in that position through various changes of administration for nearly fifteen years, and, although he persistently refused the chancellorship, he acted as Speaker of the House of Lords while the Great Seal was in commission.
Her personal charms were not potent enough to wean Charles away from the society of his mistresses, and in a few weeks after her arrival she became aware of her painful and humiliating position as the wife of the selfish and licentious king.
As a ruler he committed some errors, but his youth and inexperience and the extreme difficulty of his position must be taken into consideration.
The attention he had paid to chemistry in the earlier part of his career enabled him to hold his own in this position, but he found his work more congenial when in 1887 he was transferred to the professorship of physics.
The state representatives are usually apportioned among the several counties according to population and not by geographical position.
As the name implies, the ports originally constituting the body were only five in number - Hastings, Romney, Hythe, Dover and Sandwich; but to these were afterwards added the "ancient towns" of Winchelsea and Rye with the same privileges, and a good many other places, both corporate and non-corporate, which, with the title of limb or member, held a subordinate position.
In 1822 he became director of the Seeberg observatory, and in 1825 was promoted to a corresponding position at Berlin, where a new observatory, built under his superintendence, was inaugurated in 1835.
It is situated on the seaward slope of the South Downs; the position is sheltered from inclement winds, and the climate is generally mild.
The Tell el-Amarna letters show that, long before the invasion by Joshua, it was occupied by the Egyptians, and was probably a stronghold of considerable importance, as it formed a good strategical position in the hill country of southern Palestine.
The exact position of the Jebusite city is unknown; some authorities locate it on the western hill, now known as Zion; some on the eastern hill, afterwards occupied by the Temple and the city of David; while others consider it was a double settlement, one part being on the western, and the, other on the eastern hill, separated from one another by the Tyropoeon valley.
A number of the principal inhabitants were carried captive to Babylon, and Jerusalem was reduced to the position of an insignificant town.
For working " double current," two sets of accumulators are provided, one set to send the positive and the other set the negative currents; that is to say, when, for example, a double current Morse key is pressed down it sends, say, a positive current from one set, but when it is allowed to rise to its normal position then a negative current is transmitted from the second set of accumulators.
This is checked by the mile marks, the known position of the joints, &c., as they pass.
The average speed is obtained very accurately from solar and stellar observations for the position of the ship. The difference between the speed of the ship and the rate of paying out gives the amount of.
The steamer on reaching the given position lowers one, or perhaps two, mark buoys, mooring them by mushroom anchor, chain and rope.
The ship now returns to the position of original attack, and by similar operations brings on board the end which secures communication with the other shore.
When the key is in the middle position, that is, not making connexion with either the front or back contacts, the received currents pass through both coils of the relay and the rheostat; no interference is, however, felt from this extra resistance because, although the current is halved, it has double the effect on the relay, because it passes through two coils instead of one.
In the raised position a negative battery is connected to the distributor and in the depressed position a positive battery.
When a combination of signals has been received and the armatures have taken up their respective positions corresponding to the transmitting keyboard, certain mechanism in the receiver translates the position of the five armatures into a mechanical movement which lifts the paper tape against a type-wheel and prints the corresponding letter.
The function of the " combiner " in each receiving instrument is so to group the received combination of positive and negative currents that they operate polarized relays in such a manner that the position of the tongues corresponds with the operation of the levers on the transmitter.
As the direction and intensity of this induced current are a function of the position of the second coil in its field, and as this position is determined by its mechanical connexion with the recorder coil, it is evident that, by a suitable choice of the electrical elements of the second coil and its alternating field, the indications on the siphon recorder can be magnified to any reasonable extent.
From the known value of the capacity in that position and the inductance the frequency can be calculated.
If, then, a long copper bar which forms part of this circuit is placed in proximity to the transmitting antenna and the handle moved, some position can be found in which the natural time period of the cymometer circuit is made equal to the actual time period of the telegraphic antenna.
Owing to its position the city enjoys a considerable transit trade with Portugal; its other industries include the manufacture of linen, woollen and leather goods, and of pottery.
This was constructed of a shallow box placed in a vertical position, with metallic front and back and insulating sides.
The case is firmly fixed to a " bridge " B with its back or bottom in a vertical position.
Each subscriber's circuit is further connected to another spring-jack directly associated with the calling-drop. These springjacks, known as answering jacks, are distributed along the switchboard, a certain number being terminated upon each position and placed in the care of the operator assigned to that position.
In the first place it increased the visibility of the signalling instrument; in the second place it brought that instrument into the position in which it could most readily catch the operator's eye; and finally it eliminated the effort involved in associating one piece of apparatus with another and in finding that other.