Pose Sentence Examples
No, I suppose the possibility of snakes does pose a bigger threat.
They did pose a threat to Carmen's goats, though.
Educated people seem to pose more of a threat to autocrats.
The intimacy of the pose made her body hot from the inside out.
But in fact the members of the fourth class were not formally admitted even in the 4th century (though by a fiction they were allowed to pose for the time as Zeugites).
The heat and size of his body, the erotic pose, his direct gaze … all fed the desire burning within her.
The second princess had just come from the sickroom with her eyes red from weeping and sat down beside Dr. Lorrain, who was sitting in a graceful pose under a portrait of Catherine, leaning his elbow on a table.
The anaerobic digestion in itself does not pose any problems.
Use your exhales to deepen into the pose.
Andre took up his position flanking her, and she shot him a look. She couldn't imagine why a demon would want to pose as Gabriel – and insist on guiding her through the underworld. Her limited experience with demons was that they all wanted to kill her or drag her to Hell or to Darkyn.
AdvertisementThe heat and size of his body, the erotic pose, his direct gaze … all fed the desire burning within her.
Hookworms are fairly common and pose the most threat to kittens.
Safe means that it must not pose a risk of injury or death to people or domestic animals or of damage to property.
Alan now had a furrowed brow to add to his hands on hips pose.
The ever changing light in Scotland can pose a challenge to artists.
AdvertisementIn the following days she would pose, immaculately coiffed and made-up, for glamor shots of her horribly bruised face.
At first sight, the defendant's contentions pose an intractable logical puzzle.
A lifesize cutout of Kylie in Fever pose danced about above the audience throughout Basement Jaxx's set.
Consequently, relying entirely on maps (rather than guide books) can sometimes pose problems for off-road cyclists.
However, in certain documented situations, a CAT may pose a danger to the user.
AdvertisementIn order to be considered dangerous, a building must actually pose a threat of causing harm to a person.
Boba's pose is, in a way, emblematic of Lucas's blatant disrespect for Star Wars fans.
Where a child presents with cardiac problems, treated or untreated, dental diseases pose a threat of infective endocarditis.
Measures or policies taken to address coastal erosion or flooding can often pose a new risk to historic assets.
The results of the pose estimation were displayed using an extended matchstick model in MAVERIK.
AdvertisementHowever, there were plenty of other fish including this flatfish with pretty blue spots who were quite happy to almost pose for me.
The outlaw gang pose in bowler hats, sporting elegant three piece suits with watch fobs, resting their hands on the carved chairs.
Specifically, the major question to pose is whether this technology is really futuristic, or whether it is present day?
All floors and finishes so affected will pose some hazard to the floor user.
Food safety, especially related to animal infections that pose a threat to human health are increasingly high-profile among the veterinary profession.
We introduce the minimum cost graph homomorphism problem, provide partial results and pose an open problem.
Portable and personal, they pose a virtually impenetrable barrier to fraud.
With a shortage of models, photography students take turns to pose as each others' models in a rather incestuous exchange.
It doesn't seem likely that Kristof and other western intellectuals are prepared to pose, much less discuss, such questions.
The former lifeguard said she also knew of the intake but never thought it would pose a danger.
Children, adolescents and younger adults requiring long-term, higher dose steroid therapy pose particular management difficulties.
That is, the historical evidence to answer the kinds of questions that we pose to Scripture is often very meager.
For instance, when they are doing Cat Pose, they become the cat and may even meow.
Asset prices and Inflation Targetting Asset price misalignments are likely to pose a rather different kind of challenge.
The reason I am writing is to pose the question if there are other misprints of which we are unaware?
Anne is offered a thousand pounds to pose nude for an artist.
The existing imbalances pose risks also to the inflation outlook.
But as it is not pathogenic it does not pose any problems.
The gadfly petrels pose a challenge to modern taxonomists.
Green hair and a pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy nose, Black cats who love to pose, Always pointy hats, With mice and rats.
Thursday 14th March Report says foot-and-mouth pyres pose no lasting risk The risks posed by foot-and-mouth pyres are to be discussed in Richmond.
By contrast, the same fact appears to pose a serious challenge for the non-reductive realist.
Hybridisation with introduced sika deer Cervus nippon is thought to pose a significant threat to the genetic integrity of native red deer.
Hence, perhaps, her pose leaning against a plinth bearing a statuette of a dancing satyr.
Organic contaminants appear to pose no threat to the health of people consuming black scabbardfish.
The play also suggests various special effects that pose interesting challenges to IeVr's investigation into computer generated scenography.
Our foreign neighbors no longer pose a constant threat to our safety.
The photographic pose is held, almost unbroken, for the seventy minutes of the show.
Apart from making the pond unsightly, algae can pose a threat to fish by robbing the water of oxygen at night.
However, the range of variability in fractured vertebrae would pose a problem for a global model.
Hitherto he had been wont to pose as a disbeliever in the German menace, and an advocate of reductions in British armaments.
This pose served to keep the democrats of the capital in a good temper, and so leave him free to consolidate the somewhat unstable foundation of his throne and to persuade his European fellow-sovereigns to acknowledge in him not a revolutionary but a conservative force.
The alabaster statue of Amenardus of the XXVth is faulty in pose, and perfunctory in modelling; the resemblance between this and the head of her nephew Tirhaka is perhaps the best evidence of truthful work.
The eyes are closed, the maintenance of posture by active contraction is replaced by the recumbent pose which can be maintained by static action and the mere mechanical consistence of the body, the ears are screened from noise in the quiet chamber, the skin from localized pressure by a soft, yielding couch.
At Oxford his behaviour procured him a ducking in the Cherwell, and a wrecking of his rooms, but the cult spread among certain sections of society to such an extent that languishing attitudes, "too-too" costumes and "aestheticism" generally became a recognized pose.
The play also suggests various special effects that pose interesting challenges to IeVr 's investigation into computer generated scenography.
In similar vein, members of the public may very occasionally pose a threat to staff.
Sprint pose I strolled over to the third car park in the hotel to see what was going on.
They pose such a global threat that it would be tempting to suppose that nothing could be done about them.
Large amounts of weapons-grade material outside the former Soviet Union pose a threat to international security.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria pose a serious threat to public health.
Onerous regulations pose problems for startups because they don't have the resources necessary to understand them and navigate around them.
While you can certainly pose your baby for special occasions, you will probably take mostly candid snapshots.
Although many diseases have been virtually eradicated in the United States, they still pose risks in other countries.
Also, do not add any loose strings or ribbons that could pose a strangulation hazard.
Stay clear of generic or off-brand toys; although, the Mattel lead toy issues prove that even name brand toys can pose a danger.
Window coverings manufactured before 2001 can pose a potential strangulation hazard.
Before you make any toy, however, be sure that the materials you choose do not pose any safety hazards.
Choose foods that won't pose a choking hazard for your baby.
Be sure to only include items that are meant for newborns, with no buttons or other small parts that could come loose and pose a choking hazard.
In more recent years, emphasis has been placed on the removal of soft bedding, blankets, toys, bumper pads, and any other item that could pose a suffocation risk.
Moreover, honey should not be served to a child under two years of age as it may pose a risk of infant botulism.
Find a tennis partner in your neck of the woods, read tennis articles by tennis experts and pose tennis questions in the forums and message boards.
If you're instructed to go into a pose you don't feel comfortable in, come out of it!
Finding Olympic gear should not pose a challenge since many retailers carry a wide selection of items for men, women and kids.
Most of the time, these carts are "as is," which means that someone onsite probably looked at them and made sure each individual unit was functional and didn't pose any safety issues.
Microbes that occur naturally in the environment and normally don't make an animal sick may pose a serious threat to a cat with feline leukemia virus.
In fact, silica may pose a greater theoretical threat than clay litters.
However, small kittens often explore the world through taste, and so silica litter may pose a health threat for inexperienced young cats.
When ingested, clay litter may pose an even more serious threat to the digestive tract.
Fleas pose a significant health risk to cats.
Some prescription medications are available to treat specific symptoms of heart failure, but such drugs are not free from side effects, and many pose risks that are hardly negligible.
Applicants have their choice of themed card designs, including Cinderella's Castle, a vintage Mickey pose, Bambi, Tinkerbell, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, or a basic red "pixie dust" card.
For example, a hacker may pose as a bank representative and send an e-mail or instant message to people urging them to click on a link to verify something with their accounts.
Pose a hypothetical question to each family member such as, "What if you had a million dollars that could only be used for a charitable cause?
These substances pose a threat to all animals and plants that come in contact with the polluted water.
This can be dangerous, since the waste products can be unstable, produce radiation if not properly sealed and pose a threat from terrorists that may wish to convert this waste into weaponry.
Computers contain several parts that are toxic and pose a danger to the environment when they begin to break down in landfills.
Unfortunately, another way to define renewable energy source is by the complications these sources pose.
The harvesting of this heat is known as nuclear power, and while a small amount of uranium can be split to form enormous amounts of heat, the mineral is unstable, mining is difficult, and can pose serious health risks.
These contaminantsalso pose an added risk when they accumulate in the environment and eventually find their way in animal and human tissue.
You'd think if acai could pose any risks, then it would do so in pill form.
Even consuming acai in large doses (as you would by taking it in pill form) has been proven to pose no risks.
Some acai pills mix acai extract with other synthetic chemicals and diet medications, which can pose some serious side effects.
Of course, if your question is not answered in the archives, remember you can always pose your design question to us, anytime.
Figurines - Like the busts, ancient Egyptians also liked to honor their gods and their leaders with small figurines depicting them in battle or simply in a regal pose.
When possible, look for mascaras that claim the same; an easy-to-remove formula will pose less risk to your lashes.
A photographer should pose a male model to accentuate his muscles, if possible.
One popular pose is to have the model flex his arms and take a close-up picture of the bulging bicep muscle.
Another pose that is flattering for a man is to take a picture of his muscular back.
If the client has an idea for a pose, work with their idea.
The best pose is always the natural one.
The model's natural allure will be the focus, rather than a forced pose or deliberate nod at sexiness.
Regardless, nude models are aware that the photos are meant to be sexy, and getting them to pose seductively isn't usually as difficult as it is for boudoir photographers.
Seniors choose their favorite pose to be featured in the yearbook and order plenty of wallet-sized pictures to share with family and friends.
Since it's unlikely you will get a favorable reaction by asking a child to stop what he is doing to pose for you, consider moving with your young subject.
Allow your child's personality to shine by leaving him alone and ignoring the impulse to force him to pose for the camera.
You are not shooting pornography; rather you are trying to capture your subject in a sensual or erotic pose that personifies allure and intrigue.
From birth to about three months, a baby's ability to pose and respond is limited, and the photo shoot will be determined by the baby's schedule.
Pose hands and feet together, and be ready to work quickly once you have finished creating the pose.
This pose works best for groups of people with odd numbers, especially smaller groups.
Seat the next tallest with her legs to the other side, and repeat until the pose is complete.
This forms a figure similar to the triangle pose, but is much less formal.
Have the parents lie down on the floor, facing inward at a 45-degree angle, and seat the kids on the parents' backs for a cute family pose.
Another adorable pose is to have everyone lie down, and then place their heads together in the center of the photograph.
To snap a good family portrait pose, pay attention to details.
Decide which type of composition suits you best and compose your scene aroud that pose.
If you are going to add props, you'll want to consider that with your pose.
Make sure the details of your pose, such as hair, clothing and jewelry, are neat and tidy before stepping into your portrait pose.
A model's pose is equally as important as every other element of photography.
If you do manage to pose them, opt for sitting positions and great big smiles.
To minimize the appearance of double chins, pose the subject leaning slightly forward and photograph them at a downward angle.
In the absence of hard and fast rules, it's fun to experiment with different body positions while you're finding the perfect pose for your subject.
Very young children and seniors don't always have the ability to pose for long periods in front of some backdrops.
Anyone can strike a pose, but it takes a certain skill to contort your body into a figure that is flattering and photographs well.
Instead, shoot for the right pose, which can change your photo's composition, and make an ordinary image an extraordinary one.
To achieve this pose divide the subjects by height into two or three different even numbered groups.
However, the pose can be tricky to pull off if you are working with subjects that fear heights or whose mobility is compromised.
To complete the pose, arrange young children at the bottom to create a triangle shape.
To create the toboggan pose, line your subjects up according to height.
Forcing a subject into a pose that makes her feel awkward will ruin the moment.
If you are planning to have a female pose in a bikini or other skimpy attire, then shoot in a warm environment.
Some deeply textured surfaces can also pose a problem.
Adults may check out the teenage chat rooms and pose as teens, even flirting with them.
If you are a teen with aspirations in the football athletic field, balancing both academics and sports may pose a challenge.
Various tests can determine if certain foods eliminated from individual diets will pose serious health risks or offer considerable benefits.
Someone who can spot a candid opportunity and knows how to pose everyone involved so the subjects of a photograph don't appear stiff or staged.
For those who love their faith, but desire to have a close friend or family member officiate, this can pose a problem.
For example, few churches allow real rose petals to be scattered in the center aisle, as they stain carpeting and can pose a slipping danger to the procession - a liability some organizations do not want to be responsible for.
Most clear glass-look shoes you find will be vinyl and may pose similar problems.
The month of September does pose style challenges, as weather is changing from summer to fall across the United States.
Though September does pose the question of what to wear to a wedding, it is not as difficult as it first may seem to find suitable wedding guest outfits perfect for the occasion.
Your favorite sea creatures molded in fondant and arranged in a romantic pose makes a great topper, as do real seashells or pieces of colorful coral.
Wear the dress and pose with the groom in an unusual setting without trashing the gown.
Additionally, women who use while pregnant pose serious risks to their children.
Trish Stratus has turned down several offers to pose nude for Playboy.
Although The Sun was now history, she was able to move on and pose for Playboy, landing the cover of the September 2002 issue.
Why, at age 40, did you decide now was the time to pose for Playboy?
She has been asked to pose in swimsuits in the past, but was waiting for the right moment.
While many beautiful women of The Apprentice have been offered the opportunity to appear in Playboy magazine, Lefebvre will be the first contestant of the popular reality series to pose nude.
Former Apprentice wannabes Ereka Vetrini, Amy Henry, Krista Frank and Katrina Campins were all reportedly offered $250,000 to pose for Playboy, but none of the women accepted the offer.
She refuses to pose for men's magazines.
If nothing else, the pose is memorable and perhaps will stick in consumers' minds with the less-than-subtle imagery.
Some women pose for Playboy in order to give their careers a little salacious boost.
She resurfaced in 1997 to pose nude for a Playboy photo spread at the age of 53, and these photos received very positive reviews.
Though these puffy, ruffled foot-warmers can occasionally pose as an eyesore, they remain almost iconic during baby's dressy events.
Pajamas should not contain any loose strings or cords that could pose a strangulation hazard as well.
Locating medieval princess apparel for a six year old can pose a bit of a challenge for most parents.
However, it's also true that party atmospheres on campus can pose serious medical and health risks to students, especially those who are unfamiliar with their alcohol tolerances or unfamiliar with drinking and drugs in general.
Low-fat dog foods are often higher in carbohydrates, and this can pose a problem.
Dogs have been known to choke on their kibble and get intestinal blockages from eating animal bones, so it's not quite so surprising that chew treats also pose some potential health hazards.
Yes, bones can pose a danger for your pet, especially when they are cooked and brittle, so use your own judgment about feeding them to your pet.
Bones do provide calcium and rich marrow; however, some bones can pose a choking threat for your pet.
I was afraid to pose the question, but asked if there were any other questionable ingredients in our pets' food.Meat by-products can include indigestible materials such as beaks, feet, feathers and hair.
Yes, they do preserve the food for a longer shelf life, but they are not worth the health risk they pose.
It's important to choose the correct size, as bones that are too small can pose a choking hazard and ones that are too large can be difficult for your pet to enjoy.
Tennis balls can pose a choking risk for large dogs, so they shouldn't be allowed to play with these items on their own.
With such staggering statistics, it's easy to understand the danger these parasites pose to your pet.
It doesn't take long for a hot car to pose a heat stroke risk or a cold car to reach freezing temperatures.
Some forms of fluorescent light bulbs, however, pose an environmental dilemma due to the mercury content within the bulb; the disposal of these types of light bulbs is not as easy as dumping the burned-out bulbs into the trash.
This can pose a serious problem for those with allergies.
Both models are available in 120- and 240-volt versions and usually need to be hard-wired with a dedicated circuit, which can pose a problem for someone who doesn't know how to work with electricity.
In addition, gas-fueled heaters provide heat by flame, and in a location where gasoline and other flammable substances are stored, they can pose a serious fire risk.
While they do add extra cooking convenience, they can pose a safety hazard in homes with children or during a party.
While this is fine for most uses, it does pose two problems.
Some pieces, such as the ballerina or embellishments, may pose the risk of coming loose.
Finding pocket tees should not pose a problem since they remain a popular option for men.
V-neck dress shirts for men, however, pose a trickier dress dilemma if you're not sure how to wear them to best advantage.
Length may also pose a problem, especially for taller individuals.
Choosing the right clothes to wear for men doesn't usually pose the same challenges that it does for women.
Finding brand name fashions for men should not pose a problem since there are many shopping options to consider.
Due to the popularity of the style, finding cotton athletic shorts should not pose a problem.
These growth hormones increase the lean muscle mass of livestock, but their inclusion in meat products may pose serious health threats to the consumer.
They also pose substantial health risks.
These pose a risk to the environment, the people who work with the crops, those that manufacture cotton clothing, and those who wear it.
Is it just more media hype or is the government allowing special interest groups to pressure the FDA into approving food items that pose a threat to humankind?
The fourth page of this spread shows a tasteful nude pose by model Tara Lynn -- again, something you wouldn't see in just any fashion magazine.
Although she states she will never pose nude, she does enjoy posing for catalogs and has done work with Macy's, Sears and Kohls.
These models do not tend to be famous and are not asked to pose for the major glossy magazines.
Compliance with this regulation necessitates letting employees know what chemical substances they may be exposed to on the job and training them regarding the hazards they pose and the measures that should be taken to avoid harm.
For example, the ocean poses dangers of riptides, unexpected high waves and currents while a lakeside beach may pose health dangers from bacteria in the water or possible injury from diving into unknown shallow water.
Other symptoms pose serious risks for Alzheimer's sufferers.
Hold the pose for a few moments and then return to your seated position.
In some situations, teens consider not sleeping a sign of strength, but it can pose deadly consequences especially for those driving in this condition.
For many who suffer from insomnia, sleep medications cause too many side effects or pose too many risks to outweigh the benefits.
Herbal medications do not pose this same risk, making them ideal for anyone with chronic insomnia.
Most people look at the counterfeiting industry as a dishonest business, but they don't recognize the dangers that many fakes pose.
Modern glasses are usually made out of some form of plastic, which is light and doesn't pose a risk should the glasses break.
The service allows you to pose for photos in the park with your favorite Disney characters, and then you can view the shots on DisneyPhotoPass.com.
If the answer to your question was not found in this Overlord FAQ, you can either pose the question through the comment form below or contact the video game developer and publisher directly.
The 10 games included in Wii Play are Shooting Range, Find Mii, Table Tennis, Pose Mii, Laser Hockey, Fishing, Billiards, Charge!, and Tanks.
For the most part this doesn't pose as an intrusive annoyance to your overall enjoyment of the game.
After beating each puzzle, you get to see a special drawing of one of the cacti in an amusing pose (like the Siamese twin cacti and the Matador Cactus).
Campers and hikers find that external frame packs are less comfortable, inhibit their ability to move freely, and pose a risk for getting caught on tree branches and other hazards.
Because fifth disease can pose problems for an unborn fetus exposed to the disease through the mother, testing for the disease may be conducted while a fetus is still in the uterus.
Also window blind cords that pose a risk for strangulation should be removed.
Plastic wrapping in particular may pose a suffocation hazard to the youngest children.
Because these diseases can pose a severe problem in early childhood, the shots should be given as early in life as possible.
As the head is turned, the arm and leg on the same side will extend while the opposite limbs bend, in a pose that mimics a fencer.
Structural abnormalities of the placenta, premature detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall (abruption), and placental infections (chorioamnionitis) are thought to pose some risk for CP.
Certain conditions in the mother during pregnancy might pose a risk to fetal development leading to CP.
Jellyfish and stingrays are two kinds that pose a threat to people who live or vacation in coastal communities.
The itching and discomfort of poison ivy, oak, and sumac rashes can disrupt sleep, make a child irritable and anxious, and pose a major distraction to schoolwork and other tasks that require concentration.
Many pose difficult questions to their parents, wanting to know why the baby died or where he has gone, or even whether they are going to die, too.
Others describe anxiety as an unpleasant emotion caused by unidentifiable dangers or dangers that, in reality, pose no threat.
Children who are thought to pose potentially life-threatening danger to themselves may require hospitalization, and a referral to a child psychologist or therapist will be necessary.
It is also important to be aware of the medications, chemicals, and other exposures to avoid due to the theoretical risk they pose of precipitating a severe anemia event.
Respiratory infections pose a danger if weakness becomes severe.
Each asana is named for a common thing it resembles, like the sun salutation, cobra, locust, plough, bow, eagle, tree, and the head to knee pose, to name a few.
Each pose has steps for entering and exiting it, and each posture requires proper form and alignment.
It is only after birth that the defects pose a problem.
It is common for both male and female runaways living on the streets to steal, panhandle, deal and abuse drugs, engage in prostitution, and pose for pornographic pictures.
Certain viruses, such as hepatitis and polio viruses, can also pose a threat.
Involuntary sexual intercourse such as rape and sexual abuse may occur more commonly among adolescents, especially younger adolescent women, and often pose a potential risk for acquisition of STDs.
Make sure they cannot be easily removed and that they are large enough so as not to pose a choking hazard for young children.
Particular care should be taken to assess the affected child's airway status, and he or she should be placed in a recumbent pose and vital signs determined.
This pose is done standing on one leg, either flat, on half point, or on full point.
Actors dancing the Kabuki as part of a play become masters at "mie", which means to strike an agile pose to help illustrate a portion of the plot.
This is considered a confrontational pose.
Though these easy hairstyles shouldn't pose a problem, it's always more fun to get ready with friends!
Curly hair types may pose even more of a problem if you're not willing to commit to embracing the curls or the required regular maintenance to smooth them.
Alaskan king crab fishing jobs pose particular obstacles because of the unusual working conditions.
This means laying on your side, standing for a side pose, or kneeling at an angle that will be make your stomach stand out prominently.
However, some doctors believe these services may pose a slight risk to the fetus.
The Movement Center sells a "complete home practice" DVD as well as a DVD using a modification of the sun salutation pose (which is not for beginners).
As an individually insured customer, your insurance agent uses your medical history to determine the insurance risk you pose.
Pregnant celebrities pose for magazine covers, flaunting their beautiful, bulging stomachs and today's generation understands that the changes a woman's body goes through are unique and awe inspiring.
While the photo shoots are generally brief, the girls who pose for pictures enjoy an all-expense paid trip to a beautiful locale where they can relax, enjoy the weather and meet new friends.
The girls who pose for the calendars aren't in it for the monetary compensation because there is none.
The girls who pose for the swimsuit calendars understand it's all in good fun.
Although the images aren't of Mackenzie Rosman in a swimsuit, they do seem to show her in a bright pink bra and abbreviated lime green panties while leaning forward in a very sexual pose.
As one might imagine, it is a sexy image, but in true Hargitay style, Mariska manages to pose without any unseemliness.
For experienced, adult swimmers, this might not be an issue, but for tykes and toddlers, these tremendous depths can pose quite a danger.
There, you'll find countless numbers of photographs, all of which feature the young star in one pose or another.
That said, there's no doubt that this star's beauty shines through, no matter the pose.
Shakira has worn some fairly racy costumes in her stage performances, but she has been reluctant to pose for magazine photo shoots in anything that shows off too much of her skin.
In fact, many models who pose for the magazine report that they feel totally comfortable in front of the camera and don't feel naked at all.
Always challenging herself to excel to the next level of her sport, golfing's first lady Annika Sorenstam took on a different challenge, and appeared in a non-traditional pose with husband David Esch for the 1999 issue.
Models often have to pose for shots during the cold winter months, dealing with chilly water and air while wearing next to nothing.
Celebrity swimsuit pictures are nothing new - movie studios used to insist that stars pose in swimsuits for publicity.
Yes, you will pose suggestively in sexy bikinis, but that does not mean you are willing to pose nude…or anything else.
Dolly Parton has declared that she'll never pose nude, and it's clear that she's been very selective about posing in a bikini or in lingerie.
While she wasn't wearing a bikini, she did pose in a Playboy Bunny costume that included a low-cut bodysuit, rhinestone cuffs, and a rhinestone-encrusted bow tie.
It's reported that Parton fielded multiple offers from Playboy to pose in the past, but never accepted.
If you are new to vintage styling, you should check out a sewing forum online and pose some questions – people are always very willing to help advise with fabric shopping and construction.
These toys are generally better for children over the age of three or four years as many contain small parts that pose a choking hazard for younger kids.
It's important to note that while toddlers and preschoolers may be fascinated with these small toys, they are not recommended for children under three, and they could pose a choking hazard.
It contains small parts that could pose a choking hazard.
Because of the small parts, the sets pose a choking hazard to younger children.
Small pieces, like faux jewels that are glued on the sword's shaft, may pose a choking hazard to children younger than three.
Older children enjoy the Alpha Pig action figure that comes with a fully stocked toolbox or the Style and Pose Princess Presto who has an outfit for every occasion.
All types of blocks are child-safe in terms of not being made up of small parts that could pose a choking hazard.
However, the following side effects, while infrequent, pose a more serious threat.
In addition to the four basic body types, a woman's size and proportions can also pose special challenges when it comes to choosing clothes.
Finding women's petite jean jackets that fit well and look stylish can pose quite a challenge for women who measure 5'4" and under.
Look for peeling paint, which can pose a health hazard when you expose it to food substances.
Kerosene space heaters do pose some risks when using them indoors if care is not practiced, but by following proper use procedures, they are a safe and effective way to supplement your home's heating needs.
Make sure the lights aren't the type to get too hot as they could pose a safety hazard.
Despite the appeal of wrapping paper, it does pose certain problems.
Your baby's Halloween costume should not have any removable parts, such as buttons or pins, that could pose choking hazards.
Accessories (including the all-important treat bag) should be attached in such a way that they do not distract your child from walking or pose a risk of injury if your child falls on them.
There are types of non-toxic paint that can be used to decorate a woman's protruding stomach that pose no danger to the unborn baby.
Unforntunately it's common for adults to pose as teenagers.
Singles clubs pose an attractive and hip alternative to the bar scene.
It's sad but true that sometimes homophobic, dangerous people will get on these sites and pose as gays or lesbians to lure people to rob or hurt them.
You may use a snap-shot or pose for professional photos, but most couples opt for a more casual look.
Due to the popularity of diamond anniversary rings, finding your ideal one should not pose a problem.
For very sensitive individuals, simply following a gluten-free diet is not enough, because products such as shampoos and household products can pose potential risks as well.
The most effective way to identify which foods are causing the reaction is to simply remove all foods that pose the potential for having gluten from the diet for a period of four to six weeks.
Many farmers grow and harvest several varieties of grains, and so their fields and equipment can pose a serious contamination threat.
You can also set it out in the sun to dry, though this can also pose some hygienic complications.
The bag features Nick, Joe and Kevin in a casual pose.
Done in silver and black, the King is outlined in rhinestones in his signature pose; swiveling his hips.
Available in your choice of dark grey or olive green, this print features softly rounded tree silhouettes that cast a subdued pose against a dark backdrop.
The elements of air and fire pose too great a threat to Capricorn's stability, and so the grounded nature of earth and the melancholy and soothing nature of water help nurture Capricorn and pacify his anxieties.
This item should not be given to very young children because the cork could become dislodged and pose a choking hazard.
Most of the available Barbie outfits are designed for children of ages 3 and up, so pay careful attention to removable buttons and other items that may pose choking hazards.
If a child is allergic to feathers, this can pose a big problem.
Please note that whole grapes, popcorn, and other small snacks should not be given to toddlers, because these can pose choking hazards.
Items marked "3 and up" could likely pose strangulation or choking hazards to infants and toddlers.
In a small school, this may not be an issue, but a larger school could pose tremendous problems of identification if everyone is dressed alike!
In addition, if you have multiple children, and they're not on the same schedule, it can pose some real challenges.
You can also use behavior charts with students who pose management challenges.
Because bits of balloon can pose a choking hazard, make sure this is an adult supervised activity.
This keeps the campus safer by easily allowing administration and teachers to identify outsiders who might pose a threat to campus security.
These are just a couple of questions you can pose to a child.
It can, however, pose some problems if you're expecting to find products that are comparable in quality to those that actually cost something.
At one point, police officer Matthew Whitton had his brother pose as a Texas scientist who allegedly examined the body.
Toy cars and other vehicles are often poorly made, with wheels that may fall off and pose a choking hazard.
Well then, the Men's Gold may pose the perfect fit for your conservative tastes.
You might think this would pose a problem since there are just so many to choose from, but don't worry.
Plus you go to the prom to dance, to mingle, to pose.
The leg circumference measures 16 inches, which may pose a conundrum for those who have trouble finding boots that fit well over their legs.
Change the wings, the detail, the pose or the dress; the end result should be a tattoo that speaks about you.
You could also choose a lion in a more playful pose.
A common style for Swiss made Mickey Mouse collectible watches shows a smiling Mickey in a jaunty pose with his arms serving as the hour and minute hands, but there are other types of Mickey watches that show only Mickey's happy face.
As a beginner, you'll want to look for yoga videos and DVDs that provide lengthy explanations of Child's Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Cobra Pose, and other popular introductory yoga poses.
In addition, yoga straps let you bind your limbs together to make it easier to hold a pose for the recommended length of time.
However, it's important to remember that no one expects you to know the difference between the Locust Pose and the Camel Pose on your first day!
Child's Pose, also known as Balasana, is a resting pose.
You can also use this pose whenever you feel tired or fatigued from a long day's work.
Cobra Pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is a basic backbend.
Mountain Pose, also known as Tadasana, is the foundation of every standing posture.
Downward Facing Dog, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is both a transitional and a resting pose.
Corpse Pose, also known as Savasana, promotes resting and rejuvenation.
Don't hesitate to ask for blocks for better positioning, rounds for wrist support or an extra strap to lengthen into a pose.
Each pose has a specific name, which also sometimes ends with the word asana.
Rather than force the body into bad form, use props until you become more comfortable with each pose.
You learned a new yoga pose in class, but now that you are home continuing your practice... where was your arm supposed to go?
You can also find an extensive gallery of yoga postures and instructions in our Yoga Pose Gallery.
For example, the instructor might encourage the children to meow during the Cat Pose or bark like a dog while performing the Downward Facing Dog.
If your breath is too forced or ragged, adjust the pose so you can return to more fluid breath.
A willingness to explain the meaning of each pose?
The Warrior Pose I, also named Virabhadrasana I, is great for strengthening the legs, back, shoulders, and arms.
This pose expands endurance and is a great stretch for the lower body.
The Bridge Pose, also known as Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, is an active mat pose that provides stimulation and relaxation at the same time.
Certain health conditions may prohibit practicing this pose, but talk with an instructor.
As difficult as this might look, Bow Pose, also known as Dhanurasana, is quite accessible to most yogis at the intermediate level.
In addition, the corpse pose should be avoided after the first trimester.
To learn more about these and other yoga for health poses and to see pictures of them, visit our Yoga Pose Gallery.
The Child's Pose, or Balasana, is a resting pose that prepares the body for the next asana.
Hold this pose for a minute or longer, until you feel all tension release.
Using yoga equipment will help you make the most of this pose.
Plow Pose, or Halasana, is an advanced backbend.
Usually this pose extends out of a shoulder stance, but you can also move into it from Corpse or resting pose, arms flat at your side.
Hold the pose for a minute or more, breathing deep.
To release the pose, exhale and bring the legs down slowly, or, if advanced, continue into a shoulder stance.
For more instruction on Plow Pose, visit Yoga Journal or seek the assistance of a certified yoga instructor.