Port-wine stain Sentence Examples
No. A port wine stain is a birthmark created by malformed and dilated blood vessels.
The port wine stain is a benign tumor just under the surface of the skin, made up of overabundant blood vessels (angiomas).
An estimated 13 percent of individuals with SWS will not have the port wine stain.
In addition, some children with port wine stain may not have Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Sometimes the port wine stain covers other parts of the body as well as the face.
An infant born with a port wine stain will be immediately evaluated by healthcare staff.
In some cases, infants with SWS will not have a port wine stain present at birth.
Clinical diagnosis of SWS begins with the observation of port wine stain in an infant.
The port wine stain may not be obvious in children of color.
Not all children with port wine stain will have SWS, however; and some children with SWS will not have port wine stain.
AdvertisementPulsed-dye laser therapy successfully treats port wine stain without significant scarring.