Popping Sentence Examples
They kept popping back open.
Popping it open, she started hanging their things in the closet.
He was getting tired of surprises and men he didn't want to see popping up to meet him.
He could take his time before revealing his secret without having to worry about his fangs popping up.
It's not as easy as popping a pill and some people can't commit.
I ate the chocolate ok and the popping candy was left in my mouth to pop.
Touch Balloons Develop hand-eye coordination skills by popping the balloons.
It is now deemed to commence 5 feet in front of the popping crease.
Driving, funky and downright dirty, Zydeco will have you popping your fingers and shuffling your feet.
There was a minaret from a mosque popping up only a few yards away, also damaged by gunfire.
AdvertisementYou can almost hear the champagne corks popping.
Some traditional and online teen clothing stores are also popping up - like C28 - that specialize in Christian teen apparel.
With a little more research into the back issues of celebrity-focused magazines, popping into your local library can be a rewarding adventure as well.
The 5' 4", brown-eyed, brown-haired actress is popping up all over the small screen, big screen and radio.
Kristen Stewart's career is showing no signs of slowing down, so it's a fairly safe bet that even more Kristen Stewart websites will be popping up over the next little while.
AdvertisementCeleb fakes seem to be popping up more frequently now, with the growth of social networking and instant access for fans.
There are lots of websites devoted solely to the heights of the stars, and more are popping up all the time.
With celebrity pictures becoming more in demand with the instant access of the internet, sites that contain photos of the stars are popping up all over the place.
Your goal here is to fill up the bar at the top of the screen by popping balloons.
It has a motorized stirring feature which makes for the best popping.
AdvertisementDamian sat in his office before the computer, glancing between the instant messaging boxes popping up on one computer screen and the geospatial depiction of the past hundred years' worth of battles between his Guardians and the Black God's vamps on another screen.
Top British funnyman, Monty Python ' s Eric Idle, popping in every so often to narrate the tale.
Even popping out to boil water for the coffee is to risk being attacked by helicopter gunships.
Wireless hotspots are popping up at a fierce rate across the UK, allowing anyone with a Wi-Fi-enabled laptop or PDA to get online.
Enjoy v logging OFF During the recent HD event, some make-up artists were popping out to buy it during their lunch break.
AdvertisementOther day and popping up between end of the minimum midpoint and.
Well, we say Kabbalists, but the prospect of any 18th century Eastern European freethinking mystical geniuses popping in is fairly remote.
Pulsations in forehead veins popping up between people who are about the agreementwhen.
The broom has finished flowering in the entrance and hedge woundwort is popping up around the site, especially in Shady Place.
New wireless LANs are popping up very fast, and many of them are insecure ' rogue ' access points.
Offering Blackberry in a more svelte package, the RIM 7100 is popping up in the mobile portfolios of UK operators.
If they are popping out of the shoes, then the shoes are too big.
The interesting thing about identity theft cases is that while they really started popping up in the news in the 2000s, this crime has actually been going on for decades.
There are more and more companies popping up that sell solar kits of various types.
The Internet is a great place to network with like-minded individuals and to learn about potential possibilities for green communities that are popping up across the United States.
You may think that a twelve inch pattern looks dynamic and eye popping, but it might be overpowering if you don't have a very high ceiling or a huge kitchen.
By skipping the bottom lash line, you won't have that "eye popping" look that you may be trying to avoid.
Other bottles are more fragile and are definitely not appropriate for popping in a handbag!
To prevent blurry photos, keep your finger on the shutter button while you follow the child in your viewfinder, then instead of popping your finger down on the shutter, gently squeeze the button.
Once relegated to a few out of the way stores, health food is now popping up in mainstream grocery stores and exploding over the internet.
While some sites have a selection of free downloads hidden among patterns for which you have to pay, many websites are popping up with 100% free scrapbooking resources.
If you are stuck in the snow after a fall and cannot do the above technique, consider popping off your skis and simply standing up.
Each team has to shave as many balloons as they can (you can predetermine a number of balloons) without popping any.
The team that shaves the most balloons without popping them wins.
You never know when the best quote might unveil itself to you on TV, in conversation or just by popping into your head.
By employing a few safety measures, not only will you both enjoy your travels, but you can help to prevent any strange eye or ear infections from popping up while on your trip.
The needles work together to keep water erosion down and prevent weeds from popping up in garden beds.
After all, you can't experiment with bossa nova guitar chords if you have to worry about your high E string popping off.
If you don't, it's a little like popping pain killers every day in case you'd get a headache -- save it and avoid creating an unnecessary dependency.
One trend that means your polo won't be mistaken for work wear is popping your collar, but depending on where you live, you might get a few funny looks.
There are more organic natural gift shops popping up all the time, online and in the real world, to satisfy the needs of organic consumers.
A "popping out effect" can occur if you wear RGP lenses, this type of lens has the reputation of this effect.
The genuine article will have a specific, high-quality hinge that you should be able to bend gently without distorting or "popping."
Be sure to read the instructions before popping them in and going out for hours.
So when decorative temples are popping up in middle school, your children can fit right in.
There is even a pop-up area in the tank that allows guests to get a real feel for life underwater by "popping" their heads into the tank.
Studs are the coins of Legoland, and you will find them popping out all over the place when you attack or use force powers on the reasonably interactive environments.
The two-wheelers do not achieve the second level of speed boosts, but they can achieve mini-boosts by popping a wheelie.
Play the balloon popping game near the cannon man, but run into the cliff immediately, telling the bird you don't want to play again.
It is best to find a good hiding spot, popping out for a few shots at a time.
Since the video game industry is doing so well, many video game design schools are popping up.
If you think popping in the disc and standing on the Balance Board is all the function this game has, then read the tips below for maximum enjoyment.
Players also get bonus points for popping large groups of balloons.
Overall, there were a few pros and cons that seemed to keep popping up time and time again in the T-Mobile Shadow reviews.
This game awards you points for popping colored bubbles with your trackball.
The child and the parent should avoid popping the sty as one would a pimple.
Obsessions are intrusive, irrational thoughts that keep popping up in a person's mind, such as the urgency to wash one's hands again.
Sinus swelling can constrict a child's eustachian tube that connects the inner ear to the throat, causing a congested feeling and "ear popping."
During the 1980s, funk dance evolved and distinct and recognizable moves such as popping and locking developed.
Unlike ballet, which is very traditional in its movements and exposure to the public, jazz dance is popping up everywhere.
Popping and locking also developed in California soon after, bringing West Coast funk into the mix.
With floorwork and popping and locking and moves that require great range of motion, the demands on the outfits can be quite destructive.
In the YouTube video of the Diversity audition you can see their elements of surprise (especially one of their two youngest dancers popping out of a duffel-bag midway through their performance).
In fact, the salon is now a popular asset to upscale U Street, a place where trendy restaurants, boutiques and urban housing are popping up and laying to rest the drug and crime-based reputation once held by this area.
Many of the new beauty websites popping up on the web offer an application that lets you try out different hair looks in a matter of seconds.
As homeschooling becomes a more mainstream means to education, homeschool cooperatives are popping up across the United States.
For others, it is a gradual "popping out" of their current bras.
If eating your vitamins instead of popping vitamin pills sound nice to you, you can discuss a healthy diet plan with your health care provider or a nutrition specialist.
If a common restaurant or dish keeps popping up, it may very well be the local answer for a restaurant induction.
Make sure you get the right fit so you can hide your flaws without creating new silhouette faux pas like a dreaded muffin top popping out from your bare midriff.
Tankini swimsuits are a great halfway house between the bikini and one piece, and a good choice for women with bigger busts, who may worry about popping out of a regular bikini top.
You can't go jogging or play a game of beach volleyball without everything popping out of place.
This particular member of the vitamin B family has proven to be vital in preventing certain nasty birth defects that could be easily avoided by popping a vitamin capsule each morning.
Popping a multivitamin will of course never take the place of a wholesome, home-cooked meal, but if the option is to live off McNuggets and Hot Pockets exclusively anyway, a supplement is better than nothing.
However, if you want to play it safe and don't have the kind of extreme diet that may put you in danger of overdosing, the simple act of popping a quality pill with breakfast each morning is probably wise.
Fortunately, you can remedy this with a minimum of effort by simply popping a pill or two each morning, supplying you with everything you need.
When in doubt, show the bottle to your doc before you start popping pills.
Popping a daily vitamin is an easy way to achieve strong, shiny and healthy hair.
A lack of vitamin C can cause split ends and breakage, which black hair is already prone to, but luckily popping a vitamin C supplement daily will not only keep black hair in tip top shape, but may ward off a cold or two.
If you're tired of being a slave to extensions and are looking to take your short locks long, popping a selenium supplement can dramatically increase hair growth in black hair.
Popping one supplement per day can significantly improve the health and strength of black hair.
Once you find the fuse prongs, replacing the fuse is as simple as popping out the old one and inserting the new one;no tools needed.
If you love homemade popcorn but don't love the oil that goes along with many popping methods, consider air popcorn poppers.
However, today's health conscious consumers are once again excited by this low-fat popping method.
In fact, if no additional fat is added to the popcorn after popping, only about 5 percent of the calories in air-popped popcorn come from fat.
It is easy to operate and can be cleaned in the dishwasher.This popper comes with a popping bowl and cover.
It is easy to clean since the popping plate and bowl are dishwasher safe.
Popping corn in automatic popcorn poppers has brought smiles and fun to families for decades.
Since the very first corn popping experience in the sand and clay cooking vessels, popcorn has been a favored treat over the centuries.
If you want to watch your consumption of fat and calories, electric popping machines allow you to enjoy a very popular snack food without worrying about lots of additives.
In some machines, for example, the use of some form of oil may be needed in order to assist in the popping process.
It can be pretty annoying to have a ton of kernels at the bottom of the machine after the popping process is finished.
For those that want to evenly add butter to their popcorn while it is popping, many of these machines are made with special slots or holders that allow you to place butter or salt directly in the machine.
For example, you may want to seek out poppers that have a fast popping time.
Popping machines that are made to double as containers for the popcorn are very convenient.
Electric popping machines for popcorn are available in numerous retail stores.
Size and the popping capabilities can determine the cost, but you should have no trouble finding machines that are affordably priced.
Just be prepared to make a good bid, as there are also a number of individuals that are interested in obtaining quality popcorn popping machines.
The product information claims that you will have hardly any unpopped kernels whether you're popping gourmet or regular popcorn.
What makes this popcorn popper different is that it has a motorized mechanism for stirring the popcorn during the popping process.
There are special built-in vents that allow the buildup of moisture to be released so the popcorn remains crisp throughout the popping process.
This model also comes with a stirring stick, a popping plate, a cover, and a dishwasher safe popcorn bowl.
The tall bowl fits over the popper during the popping process and then all you have to do is turn it upside down and you have a popcorn bowl shaped like a popcorn tub you'd get at a movie theater.
Like the changing color of the leaves, every fall commercials and print ads start popping up declaring the benefits of the "miraculous" Amish space heaters.
Popping a CD into your player is often how many people listen to their holiday music collections.
New dating sites are popping up all the time, and it might be helpful to use a site such as DatingSites.org to figure out which one is right for you.
If there is a place special to you both, such as a lake, park, ball field, amusement park, beach, etc., you might want to consider popping the question there.
By using ring size charts to compare circumference measurements and actual rings, it is possible to discover an appropriate size without giving away the surprise before actually popping the question.
A public proposal involves popping the question in front of others and taking the risk that the answer may be negative before all those witnesses.
The mood must be just right before popping the question, and the bride-to-be should not be rushed in her answer.
Popping the question to the groom-to-be during the big game for the ultimate matrimonial touchdown.
Popping the question during a luxurious limousine ride, gourmet meal, or other elegant occasion.
Just popping the question over a quick burger isn't exactly romantic, however, and planning romantic ways to propose at lunch takes as much time, care, and effort as planning an elaborate evening or holiday proposal.
Before popping the question in the middle of the day, consider these potential problems.
With diamond mines popping up a seriously fast rate, many wonder what will happen to the once pristine environment of Canada's northern most territories.
Instead, he'll be at the gym working off that extra slice of pizza or popping a vitamin supplement to counteract that extra glass of wine at dinner.
Besides the Official Webkinz site, several other sites devoted to these cuddly pets are popping up.
For this reason, sites that are specifically designed for children are popping up all over the Internet, both original and those spun off from grown up sites like Yahoo!
Learn 4 Good offers a variety of games including giggle-inducing bubble popping fun!
Once you pick out a movie and rent or purchase it, popping popcorn and having a family movie night can help family members to become closer and can decrease the likelihood of children getting into trouble.
After the summer shoes are marked down and fall shoes begin popping up on shelves, expect to find some formal shoes among the offerings.
New instructors and studios are popping up all the time, so if you're looking for something new or need a studio outside of the Kansas City metro, try searching on Yoga Finder.
Selling a business is more than popping a sign in your in your widow and waiting for the buyers to appear.
The cards are read by popping them into a CD ROM drive of a computer, where the file is read, opened, and the presentation unfolds.
More and more used or secondhand bookstores are popping up all over the place that carry all sorts of quilting books at a discount.
When you stitch around them, they will stand out, looking like they are slightly popping out of the blanket.
If you have a baby in the family, photograph him popping out of a large wrapped box with a bow on his head.
Establishments that offer quick diet solutions seem to be popping up around the country.
These centers are popping up rapidly, with over 700 locations worldwide.
Sure, caffeine gives you momentary energy, but if you're truly looking for a successful diet plan, popping coated caffeine tablets isn't necessarily the answer.
Shortly after the recommendation of the acai berry as a superfood, acai diet products such as Acaiburn began popping up all over the Internet as the Oprah Winfrey recommended diet.
If you hear a popping or feel sharp pain, stop.
If you find yourself popping your booty up into the air or if you feel your back begin to sway, move into the half-plank by dropping your knees to the ground, maintaining the straight line of your body.
Swollen breasts and tummies can make finding comfortable undergarments difficult, and last thing that you want is to feel restricted and as if you are popping out of your unmentionables.
Purple is popping on the red carpet, and will continue to be the hot new color for 2007.
Simply toss on a jacket and button it up tight in the winter, and you won't have to worry about the hem of your shirt popping out.
Extreme sexy styled women's panties whose Brazilian styled cut, inspired thongs, sheer and eye popping skimpy string pairs leaving little to the imagination.
You've put in your time, paid your dues, but that rent bill keeps popping up every month, and if you're going to keep this up, you need to pay it.
Tickets to Hannah Montana shows were selling out in a matter of seconds, and then the tickets were popping up in eBay auctions with price tags several times the face value.
Another controversy emerged over ticket sales to Cyrus' 2007 U.S. tour sold out in seconds and then tickets priced several times over the face value began popping up on eBay, forcing Ticketmaster to re-evaluate its ticketing policy.
Similar lyrics can bog down your search by popping up more popular songs with that lyric rather than the one you're looking for.
It first appeared on the soundtrack for Spike Lee’s Do The Right Thing, with a remixed version popping up on Public Enemy’s 1990 Fear of a Black Planet album.
Teen parties do need supervision, so plan on popping in and out of the birthday party to occasionally check on how things are going.
The games below all include balloons popping, which just about guarantees laughter and fun.
If you don't want the noise of balloons popping, here are a few other active games that teenagers typically enjoy.
From kids' birthday parties to adult gatherings, Fear Factor themed events started popping up all over the place.
Reality shows will be around for awhile and new ones are always popping up.
Since then, he has done mostly live theater, occasionally popping up in commercials.
With so many questions popping into his brain that remain unanswered, and a new brand new kind of enemy at his school, Harry's frustration and anger become volatile substance, thrusting him over the threshold of trouble's door.
Your solution can be as simple as popping a Benadryl.
After popping out of the shower pat yourself dry and apply some nurturing oils to your skin.
New social networking sites are popping up every day, but all of them don't draw in the traffic to make them hits.
With the advent of sites like Myspace and Facebook, social networks are popping up everywhere!
Spending enough time testing your website now will avoid any embarrassing errors popping up later, such as dead or invalid links.
Darian's popping in and out stressed her out, and she turned up the TV, trying to lose herself in a movie as she calmed.
She'd learned the parts of a warship inside and out while learning the battle planning and looked for the configuration button among her options popping up on the screen.
She snatched it and swept past him, popping it open as she neared a wall covered in a titanium glass screen.
There was no way she was sleeping tonight, even if she didn't feel any threat from the phantom. She definitely didn't feel safe without Gabriel there. She hesitated before going to where the ghost indicated, not wanting to continue without Gabe. Popping a food cube, Katie huddled in the hollow of the tree and waited.
Katie rolled her eyes at the gummy cubes before popping several into her mouth. The Andre phantom settled on the opposite side of the fire from her, mirroring her cross-legged position.
To our delight they obliged, popping their heads up to stare back at us, albeit looking slightly affronted.
Victorian elegance and its central location might tempt you to dine in the hotel's brasserie before popping out for drinks later.
There are no bubbling fondues, giggling chalet maids or popping corks, just the inescapable soundtrack of ski touring.
The other cats popping wherever they want is a definite problem and I can understand your frustration.
There are new organizations popping up right and left.
They're wonderful for carrying a small decant of your favorite fragrance and popping in a purse or gym bag.
Reread your notes before popping them in the mail.
Getting free music legally is becoming easier with several artist-centric websites popping up to help independent musicians distribute and promote their music.
Everything looked quiet, until she checked her micro again and saw that the decryption program had begun popping up the messages that had been repressed in the comms system.