Ponies Sentence Examples
Finland ponies are exported in large numbers.
There are also large flocks of sheep, cows, goats, ponies, fine dogs and Bactrian camels.
It ranks with the most picturesque and most fertile members of the group and contains a breed of ponies, a cross between the native pony and the horse.
The Carnivora include bears, wolverines, wolves, raccoons, foxes, sables, martens, skunks, kolinskis, fitch, fishers, ermines, cats, sea otters, fur seals, hair seals, lions, tigers, leopards, lynxes, jackals, &c. The Rodentia include beavers, nutrias, musk-rats or musquash, marmots, hamsters, chinchillas, hares, rabbits, squirrels, &c. The Ungulata include Persian, Astrachan, Crimean, Chinese and Tibet lambs, mouflon, guanaco, goats, ponies, &c. The Marsupialia include opossums, wallabies and kangaroos.
They possess a hardy breed of ponies, for which the Dolbahanta country is famed.
The well-known Shetland breed of shaggy ponies are in steady demand for underground work in collieries.
Monmouth is situated in a good farming region, and cattle, swine and ponies are raised in the vicinity.
Shorthorns and polled Angus are the commonest breeds of cattle; the sheep are mostly Cheviots and a Cheviot-Leicester cross, but the native sheep are still reared in considerable numbers in Hoy and South Ronaldshay; pigs are also kept on several of the islands, and the horses - as a rule hardy, active and small, though larger than the famous Shetland ponies - are very numerous, but mainly employed in connexion with agricultural work.
Small but strong ponies are bred for export, and small cattle and pigs for home use.
The taxes paid to the Lhasa government are mostly in kind, sheep, ponies, meal, butter, wool, native cloth, &c., and the coin paid is said to be about 130,000 ounces of silver a year.
AdvertisementThis and a noted breed of hardy ponies form the chief articles of export.
The last of the ponies had broken down and been shot, and from this point Meares and the dogteams returned northward.
Experience only can teach the art of packing wagons and the care of draught animals, and throughout the campaign the small ponies of Poland and East Prussia broke down by thousands from over loading and unskilful packing.
Pigs and a hardy breed of ponies find a good living in the forest; and in spite of an act in 1851 providing for their extermination or removal, a few red deer still survive.
Prior to 1883 small horses were called indifferently Galloways, hobbies, cobs or ponies, irrespective of their height.
AdvertisementThere were landed at Cape Evans 17 Siberian ponies, .33 Siberian sledge dogs and three motor sledges on the design of which Scott had taken immense pains.
Native ponies include those variously known as Welsh, New Forest, Exmoor, Dartmoor, Cumberland and Westmorland, Fell, Highland, Highland Garron, Celtic, Shetland and Connemara.
It feeds chiefly on fruit and roots, but kills sheep, goats, deer, ponies and cattle, and sometimes devours carrion.
Excellent polo ponies are bred as first or second crosses by thoroughbred stallions on the mares of nearly all the varieties of ponies named.
The breeding of cobs and ponies comes next in importance, and thirdly that of cattle, now mostly Herefords, though Speed mentions a native breed, long since extinct, all white with red ears.
AdvertisementGotland Ponies are versatile -- they make pleasant rides for children and are at the same time fast trotters.
The town is an important agricultural centre, its fairs for sheep and ponies in particular being well attended.
Of imported animals, cattle, goats, asses and dogs thrive well, ponies and horses indifferently, and sheep badly, though some success has been achieved in breeding them.
In summer the country appears as one waving field of wheat, millet and mealies; whilst on the mountain slopes and on their flat tops are large flocks of sheep, cattle and goats, and troops of ponies.
Coaches and cars traverse the main roads during the summer, but many of the finest dales and passes are accessible only on foot or by ponies.
AdvertisementBoth Noss and Bressay are utilized in connexion with the rearing of Shetland ponies.
There is good shooting (doves, quail, wild turkey and deer) in the vicinity; there are fine golf links and there is a large ranch for breeding and training polo ponies.
By the Nepal, Kumaon and Ladak routes go borax, gold and ponies.
The inland transit of goods is almost entirely on the backs of bulls carrying from 450 to 600 lb, on ponies carrying 200 ib, and on men carrying from l00 to 150 lb, bringing the average cost up to a fraction over 8d.
His thoughts were a carousel that like repeating ponies progressed in circles no closer to conclusion than the start of the ride.
Points can be earned with each purchase, which can then be redeemed against the official Painted Ponies illustrated book.
Their short cannon bones mean these ponies have considerable strength and stamina.
Cheviot sheep and Highland ponies are bred on the farm.
Currently it includes Shetland ponies, pot-bellied pigs and birds, future additions may include chipmunks and tortoises.
In addition, a special derogation has been granted to the owners of ponies grazing in the New Forest and on Dartmoor.
Cattle, sheep, horses and ponies graze in the fields.
I have a Labrador retriever called Bettan and three horses and two ponies.
Children of all ages delight in meeting our farm animals - a growing menagerie of donkeys, ponies and chickens.
All fencing should be adequate and safe, especially since moorland ponies are particularly nimble and are likely to be unsettled initially.
We also have donkeys who share the ponies paddock near the Childrens ' Farm.
A low phaeton, with a nice little pair of ponies, would be the very thing.
Earlier in the day he had spotted a very photogenic site where some young ponies were wading in a shallow brook.
On the facts, this was not considered to extend to the keeping and grazing of horses and ponies for recreational riding.
Today fallow, roe, red and Silka deer roam the forest along with the famous New Forest ponies.
Shetland ponies are rescue animals re-homed at the park in 1999.
Using neither dogs or ponies, the men man hauled the sledges for the entire journey.
Some of the poorer sorts of furs, such as hamster, marmot, Chinese goats and lambs, Tatar ponies, weasels, kaluga, various monkeys, antelopes, foxes, otters, jackals and others from the warmer zones, which until recently were neglected on account of their inferior quality of colour, by the better class of the trade, are now being deftly dressed or dyed in Europe and America, and good effects are produced, although the lack of quality when compared with the better furs from colder climates which possess full top hair, close underwool and supple leathers, is readily manifest.
The shetland ponies are rescue animals re-homed at the park in 1999.
These activities include hunting with dogs, animal circuses, tethering of horses and ponies and giving animal prizes.
This may include clowns, magicians, ponies, inflatable slides, etc. While all of these things are certainly entertaining, they may not be appropriate for a baby's birthday.
Proudly displaying My Little Pony clothing advertises a child's love for these adorable ponies.
The ponies' popularity generated a wide range of related merchandise like My Little Pony clothing.
Television shows, movies and musicals have featured the ponies.
While the market demographic is young girls, the ponies' appeal transcends age or gender.
While the ponies' declining popularity is bad news for Hasbro's sales figures, it could be good news for your pocketbook.
You may even find one or two ponies to add as accessory items to a collection.
They can be dressed up just like low or side ponies for a glamorous look.
A young boy may have patients ranging from teddy bear to plastic dinosaurs; a girl may treat her My Little Ponies or plush unicorn.
Horses and ponies are easy to dress up, especially since they already wear blankets after riding.
Adults sometimes have a hard time figuring out why little girls get so much enjoyment out of playing with plastic ponies that have very unrealistic features and hair.
This particular dress up pack allows girls to play games with the ponies while dressing them in their most stylish beachwear.
My Little Pony is another longtime favorite, and the colorful ponies remain popular today.
The ponies are still bickering over night and Jack has a kick on his hind leg, but nothing too serious.
Pit ponies, pulling wagons along rails, transported these items to the end of the barrier.
Ponies are most esteemed from the wetter regions of the east, and the hilly tracts.
The Basuto ponies, said to be descended from Shetland ponies which, imported to the Cape in 1840, strayed into the mountains, are short-legged, strong-bodied, sure-footed, and noted for their hardiness.
The small tramcars drawn by native ponies have been replaced by a modern American electric street-railway service, and the railway service to and from other towns on the island of Luzon has been extended; in 1908, 267 m.
In British North Borneo, and especially in the district of Tempasuk on the north-west coast, Borneo ponies, bred originally, it is supposed, from the stock which is indigenous to the Sulu archipelago, are common.
The upland tracts also afford good pasturage for a number of cobs and ponies, which obtain high prices at the local fairs, and Pembrokeshire and Cardiganshire have long been famous for their breed of horses and ponies.
An urban council cFQ ' may also license proprietors, drivers and conductors of horses, ponies, mules or asses standing for hiring in the district in the same way as in the case of hackney carriages, and they may also license pleasure boats and vessels, and the boatmen or persons in charge thereof, and they may make by-laws for all these purposes.
There is one exception, which is made clear in the following extract from Sir Walter Gilbey's Ponies Past and Present (1900) Before the establishment of the Hackney Horse Society in 1883 the dividing line between the horse and the pony in England was vague and undefined.
It was then found necessary to distinguish clearly between horses and ponies, and, accordingly, all animals measuring 14 hands or under were designated " ponies," and registered in a separate part of the (Hackney) Stud-Book.
Ponies range in height from 14 hands down to 8 hands, Shetland ponies eligible for the Stud-Book not exceeding the latter.
There are four generations of ponies, with the current generation being Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twinkle Sparkle and Rarity.
However, the majority of the items are garments decorated with images of the ponies.
After wandering about two months through the Celtic region, sometimes in rude boats which did not protect him from the rain, and sometimes on small shaggy ponies which could hardly bear his weight, he returned to his old haunts with a mind full of new images and new theories.
They are essentially horsemen, and have a cruel habit of gashing the backs of their ponies that they may get a good seat in the blood.