Polite Sentence Examples
I guess I wasn't very polite, making a face like that.
His polite address terrified her.
His smile was polite, but the eyes held a glint of humor.
But they were polite, to a man.
Yes. You know it isn't polite to ask a lady her age.
His smile was polite.
There is no more polite nation in the world than the Japanese.
Then make your request in a polite manner.
She was debating whether there was a polite way to tell him she was done with his game and how likely he was to stalk her and the cousins, until he got what he wanted.
Another, Daniel Neal, in 1720, found Boston conversation " as polite as in most of the cities and towns in England, many of their merchants having the advantage of a free conversation with travellers; so that a gentleman from London would almost think himself at home at Boston, when he observes the number of people, their houses, their furniture, their tables, their dress and conversation, which perhaps is as splendid and showy as that of the most considerable tradesmen in London."
AdvertisementAndre raised his eyebrow in polite disapproval, the same way his father did.
The commanders met with polite bows but with secret malevolence in their hearts.
There was no branch of knowledge in which he did not take an absorbing interest, no polite art which he did not cultivate and encourage.
The lesson in manners was not forgotten; for, always after that, the man was very polite when he brought his presents.
The characters on the show are polite and considerate of each other.
AdvertisementTowards the end of September he fell a victim to the plague which was ravaging the land, and his illness sobered his spirit and brought into his message a deeper note than that merely moral and common-sense one with which, as a polite humanist, he had hitherto been content.
He was so well-mannered that gods sent their children to him so they could be properly schooled in polite behavior.
He spent his life and devoted himself in Basra chiefly to the study of polite literature.
Zwingli was a humanist, a type abhorred of Luther; and he was far more ready for the polite Erasmian society of Basel than for a monastery.
It was not the polite, curious glances of Romas's people but direct looks that made her skin crawl with awareness.
AdvertisementYour employees must be groomed and polite.
When Julian published an edict forbidding Christians to lecture on polite literature, Victorinus closed his school.
Dogs tend to be moody, and aren't very skilled at making polite talk.
Cultivate relationships, be polite, tactfully aggressive and make friends wherever possible.
It would be polite to let the person who said it know that you are collecting their quote - most people are flattered that you considered their words worth recording.
AdvertisementThe true polite answer is to say nothing at all.
You should always say a polite good-bye/thank you as you leave, as well.
I'm beginning to wonder if you're too polite to tell me to shove off.
Belonging to a noble family, he was educated under the best masters, and particularly excelled in poetry and polite literature.
Polite Danes were wont to say that a man wrote Latin to his friends, talked French to the ladies, called his dogs in German, and only used Danish to swear at his servants.
In polite literature the heroic poem Zrinyidsz (1651), descriptive of the fall of Sziget, by Nicholas Zrinyi, grandson of the defender of that fortress, marks a new era in Hungarian poetry.
There are also polite and ordinary forms of expression, often so different as to constitute distinct languages; and there are a number of honorifics which frequently discharge the duty of pronouns.
From 1821 to 1826 he published many separate poems of great beauty in the Aurora, Hebe, Aspasia, and other magazines of polite literature.
Rams are doggedly committed to the things they care about, enthusiastic about life, and polite towards others.
A polite, professional resignation letter isn't a golden key back into the company at some point in the future, but the world of business is a small one.
Of course, it's only polite and fair to offer to provide the people who help you with a copy of the document you end up creating for yourself in exchange for their assistance.
It is likewise polite to take the cue and follow suit.
Fred was in his finest form, the image of polite firmness.
Thus poetry, the drama and polite literature form the subjects of separate chapters.
As a man of education and refinement, fond of music, the fine arts, and polite literature, he was unintelligible to the szlachta, who regarded all artists and poets as either mechanics or adventurers.
Greek, in fact, held the field as the language of literature and polite society.
He was extremely gracious, polite, attentive and didn't rush me through my introduction.
A third radical method of redistribution is called land reform, which is actually a polite term for taking land from one person and giving it to another.
He was evidently so busy that he even forgot to be polite to the commander in chief.
The Prussian generals pride themselves on being polite to the French and lay down their arms at the first demand.
He was so very polite, amiable, good-natured, and genuinely grateful to Pierre for saving his life that Pierre had not the heart to refuse, and sat down with him in the parlor--the first room they entered.
Research the company before you go, know what to expect, dress appropriately, be polite, and otherwise aim to impress as much as you can.
By all means be courteous, pleasant and polite, but don't make an extra effort to put your personality in the spotlight.
Perhaps the attraction is more about defying the rules of "polite" society by doing something often considered taboo, even if the activity is mild when compared to other things we might try.
For children, Mind Your Manners is a game that will help reinforce etiquette and polite behavior in all circumstance.
Answer e-mails promptly, always be polite, and fulfill order requests in a timely fashion.
If you're participating in an adult dating chat for the first time, expect to see graphic descriptions and words that aren't used in polite company.
If it's your first time in a chat room, it's considered polite to watch for a while and see what people talk about before you attempt to join in a conversation.
In his email, he was again, friendly, polite and kind.
I like him a lot, he's a sweetheart, nice polite.
If you run into someone you don't like, be polite and walk away rather than getting into it with your date standing there.
Know proper table etiquette, say all the right polite words, be courteous and take the time to listen to your date.
Some of these guidebooks fall under the heading of "common sense" - for example, they may simply remind men of how to act polite, even when in the semi-anonymous environment of online dating sites.
For example, always greet and be polite to her, even when you're with your friends.
Often that type of polite laughter isn't even something people do consciously, which may account for the behavior manifesting itself in youngsters.
The Immortal offered a polite smile.
They alternated discussing what was happening in their lives while the other nodded, injecting a polite one word answer occasionally, just to properly pretend interest.
When fundraising for your soccer team, always be polite and smile.
If you see that she's finished her drink, for example, a simple "may I buy you another?" is a fine and polite way to open a conversation.
However, a simple "May I buy you a drink?" is honest, genuinely nice, and polite.
It is polite to close your eyes and it helps put you in a romantic mood.
If you choose to sell your engagement ring or give it away, it is more polite to keep this information private.
Are interactions between students and instructors polite, respectful and professional?
It's all too easy to confuse polite laughter with real laughs.
Just remember to be honest, polite, and follow all site rules when making your request.
In all cases, answer questions truthfully; if you don't know an answer, say so. It also helps to be polite and professional.
Remember to observe French cultural customs such as including polite greetings when you enter or leave a shop, and always using the formal vous form of speech instead of tu.
Other skills used in developing social skills include recognizing humor, being polite and using a natural tone of voice.
The close of a business letter is short, polite and ends with a comma.
The weather, le temps, is often discussed to make polite conversation.
Depending on the situation, you may consider 'helpful' French phrases things to say to be polite, ways to ask for something, or emergency terms.
Use these polite phrases to ask for what you need.
When visiting a French-speaking region, it is important to be extremely polite.
This phrase is a nice, polite way to thank people.
Although the TriCare customer service department is not necessarily renowned as a customer service leader in the health care industry, they are generally prompt, polite, and knowledgeable.
He chuckled at her polite phrasing.
After some little delay Alexander returned a polite refusal, on the plea of the princess's tender age and the objection of the dowager empress to the marriage.
It is a derivative of gospod, " lord," and is akin to gosudar, which primarily means "sovereign," and is now also used in Russia as a polite form of address, equivalent to "sir."
I was, yes, and you always had to be polite about it because the wrestling team were somewhat po-faced about it.
You must always be very polite to the ladies.
A polite word bonus quads in have high maximum bets.
Then you might get some reprieve from the monotony you all keep complaining about - just a polite suggestion.
They were overly defensive and need to accept that in a diverse society we should be free to make polite requests of this kind.
Meet and greet It's polite to open your message with a simple hello or use the person's name or other suitable salutation.
Belief in natural selection has become the sine qua non of entry to much of polite society.
It means being prepared to be honest - yet tactful, polite - yet firm, assertive - not aggressive.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
He endures the tedium of having to address his youthfully candid reaction to the Old Course with polite resignation.
Under these forms of intellectual enlightenment and polite culture the renascence of the human spirit had appeared in Italy, where it was more than elsewhere connected with the study of classical antiquity.
Recalling his recent impressions, the first thought that came into his mind was that today he had to be presented to the Emperor Francis; he remembered the Minister of War, the polite Austrian adjutant, Bilibin, and last night's conversation.
The staff will be more likely to give you personal attention if you are polite.
Be polite and professional as soon as you walk in the door.
The signs here may be culturally different as those of Asian decent are much more polite then we Westerners.
Hanky panky - This is a polite way of referring to cheating relationships, whether the relationship is a full-blown affair or an emotional online rendezvous.
In a world where text messages, e-mail and cell phones shorten polite greetings to three keystrokes or less, etiquette plays a vital role in successful interactions.
Dean couldn't think of a polite response so for once he kept his mouth shut.
She was boring him to death, but he was too polite to drop her off and run.
Henceforth it was impossible to publish or to utter a word which might offend the despots of church or state; and the Italians had to amuse their leisure with the polite triflings of academics.
Polite, considerate with none of the usual brash braggadocio we're used to.
She is a very well-mannered and polite young woman who engages well with all and particularly contributed to great teamwork with her male classmates.
In July 1755 a very polite and, as far as Voltaire was concerned, indirect resolution of the Consistory declared that in consequence of these proceedings of the Sieur de Voltaire the pastors should notify their flocks to abstain, and that the chief syndic should be informed of the Consistory's perfect confidence that the edicts would be carried out.
The innovation was at first received with some disfavour; critics accustomed to polite formalism censured it as extravagant and undignified; but the freshness and beauty of its melody soon silenced all opposition, and did more than anything else throughout the 18th century to establish the principle of nationalism in musical art.
Then he washed afresh, and rattled his brass vessels, and nine times over bade them begone with the polite formula, Manes exile paterni," Go forth, 0 paternal manes."
The first example of polite controversial irony since Lucian, the Provinciales have continued to be the best example of it during more than two centuries in which the style has been sedulously practised, and in which they have furnished a model to generation after generation.
The French colonel with difficulty repressed a yawn, but was polite and evidently understood Balashev's importance.
They became ' self-appointed arbiters of taste ', setting ' standards of propriety ', upholding reputations of respectability in polite society.
Have a go... " The visitor called out " 45 " and there was a small ripple of polite laughter.
Meet and greet It 's polite to open your message with a simple hello or use the person 's name or other suitable salutation.
In fact whatever is playing at the polite move time will play right up to the segue point.
To make a request more polite we might use the subjunctive form of the verb.
He also occasionally taunts the police and these scenes are funny, because Connors does the taunting in a really gentlemanly and polite fashion.
Extras are a little thin on the ground, which is a polite way to say there are n't any.
Once unnatural vise was despised, now it is the only practice that cannot be criticized in the films or in polite society.
The routine of talking seems to snarl up a polite, well-spoken man.
It is polite to show your gratitude for a gift with a thoughtful thank-you note.
Lisa's adolescent children are the most polite teenagers I've ever met.
If you decide to enter the bidding late, a polite, "over here" might be necessary.
Be polite and show yourself willing to make a good faith effort to set everything right.
Remember to keep your cool and be polite.
Be persistent yet polite, and if the customer service representative you speak to is unwilling to help you should ask to speak to a supervisor.
When you see the dreadful person, be polite but don't ask any open-ended questions.
I have not exactly flirted with him, because I don't want to be hurt, but I have been polite to him.
He may be going to the Winter Ball with this other girl because he's polite, and doesn't like to say no to people.
A soft voice, gentle smile, polite manners, and other modest behavior can offset the initial appearance of any dress.
I was polite and I tried to be as nice as possible.
Knowing how to write a wedding announcement properly can help you spread the word about your nuptials in a polite and appropriate way, even if you weren't able to invite everyone to your event.
Johnny Gomez - Voiced by Maurice Schlafer, he's the more competent and polite commentator.
The crowd offered a smattering of uncomfortable but polite applause, and some even heckled the act.
At first Babs asked the hecklers to "Come on, be polite."
Vendors can be extremely persistent and polite refusal is necessary.
While new visitors may feel intimidated by such tactics, polite (and insistent) refusal is usually heeded without trouble.
To them, the allergy excuse seems like a more polite way to deal with the situation rather than admitting they simply don't want to be around the animal.
Baseball caps are great at baseball games and for keeping the sun off your face, but once you enter a restaurant, home, movie theater or other establishment, the polite thing to do is remove your cap.
Part of the expectations for a cashier is that he or she will be as calm and polite at the end of his or her shift as they were at the beginning.
By being polite to other visitors, all guests are sure to have a fun time.
Riders should stay hydrated while waiting for their chance to ride, and be patient and polite both with other guests as well as park employees.
Be aware that not everyone wants to be polite and keep things clean.
Rose is generally well-mannered, polite, and has good organizational skills, and later gains the ability to help improve the brown and blue minions under your control.
When you pause or save the game, the voice of Kaileena speaks to you in a very polite, soothing tone.
This site was created by professional antique appraiser Jeff Savage and his partner, Ryan Polite.
When parents instructed the children to "be polite" when the researcher asked if they liked the soap, as many as 80 percent of these children, ages three to 11 years of age were dishonest.
Other websites such as Mahalo give tips on dance etiquette - but like the advice given on many dance DVDs, a lot of it comes down to "Be polite - and don't try too hard to show off, you'll just make a fool of yourself."
It is only polite to thank someone for a birthday card or present, or even for cooking a much-enjoyed meal.
When conducting business, you can start with polite brief personal discussion but then get right down to your reason for business.
Overall, interactions tend to be very polite and formal and conversations are sprinkled with many niceties.
During this event, he was social, polite and kind.
In polite astrological circles, we often refer to the eight house as the house of rebirth and other people's money.
However, if they don't, keep in mind that being polite and acting in a reasonable manner will help you get the situation resolved much quicker than if you lose your temper.
Even if you're curious about what mature women wear under their clothing, it's not polite to ask!
They don't like it if you touch the merchandise, but if you are polite and respectful, it will be allowed.
It should be noted that it is not considered polite to include gift registry cards or information in most invitations.
Providing necessary details and contact information is convenient and polite, regardless of whether the invitation is a professionally designed and printed card, a fun themed note, or a simple email message.
Maybe taking your clothes off and swearing is really what happens when "…people stop being polite and start getting real."
Edward Walker quickly made an impression on viewers in 2002 by always being polite even when faced with adversity on the show.
Descriptive terms for your character where you can figure out how polite he is, how giving or how selfish he is and many more.
The real recipe for good chat rooms are rooms where people are talking about interesting things in polite but lively ways.
The Law differs slightly depending on the language, but generally consists of being polite, trustworthy, adventurous, friendly, and improving the world around her.
Dean said something polite as he glanced at the abundance before him and then at his Jeep across the street.
There was polite applause, a little less then followed Fitzgerald's words, or so thought Dean.
The greeting was met with polite nods.
Someone his size with his specific skills didn't ask for favors or need to be polite.
Gabriel cocked his head to the side at the polite summons.
Sarah continued her protest until Jackson admonished her, "What have we said about whining in front of company, you know it's not polite."
Their secret opinion of one another didn't preclude them from being mutually polite.
They made an effort at being polite, but the sparkle had left their eyes.
And the salons of Mme de Sevigne, of her daughter Mme de Grignan, and of the duchesse de Maine for a while gave the questions of philosophy a place among the topics of polite society, and furnished to Moliere the occasion of his Femmes savantes.
The encouragement of polite literature was more especially the object of the Kisfaludy Society, founded in 1836.4 Polite literature had received a great impulse in the preceding period (1807-1830), but after the formation of the academy and the Kisfaludy society it advanced with accelerated speed towards the point attained by other nations.
The ordinary colloquial differs materially from its polite form, and both arc as unlike the written form as modern Italian is unlike ancient Latin.
They are a series of dialogues, written first for pupils in the early Paris days as formulae of polite address, but afterwards expanded into lively conversations, in which many of the topics of the day are discussed.
Moreover Casimir's difficulties were materially increased by the necessity of paying for Czech mercenaries, the pos polite ruszenie, or Polish militia, proving utterly useless at the very beginning of the war.
Evelyn's house at Sayes Court had been let to Captain, afterwards Admiral John Benbow, who was not a "polite" tenant.
Early in 1905 this impression gained such strength and such polite references were made to one another in public by Lord Rosebery and Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, that his assumption of office in a Liberal ministry, possibly presided over by Earl Spencer, was confidently anticipated.
Behrisch, a genial, original comrade, he learned the art of writing those light Anacreontic lyrics which harmonized with the tone of polite Leipzig society.
She edited Sex and Education (1874), an answer to Education (1873) by Edward Hammond Clarke (1820-1877); and wrote several books of travel, Modern Society (1880) and Is Polite Society Polite ?
For Tobit differs from all other books of the Bible in containing the only polite reference to the dog.
The negative side of deism came to the front, and, communicated with fatal facility, seems ultimately to have constituted the deism that was commonly professed at the clubs of the wits and the tea-tables of polite society.
The power of minute observation displayed is most remarkable, as also in Polite Conversation (written in 1731, published in 1738), a surprising assemblage of the vulgarities and trivialities current in ordinary talk.
The view, however, to which he gave audacious expression, that moral regulation is something alien to the natural man, and imposed on him from without, seems to have been very current in the polite society of his time, as we learn both from Berkeley's Alciphron and from Butler's more famous sermons.
They are affectionate and firm in their friendships, kind to their children and their aged and infirm relatives, very respectful to old age, most courteous and polite and very hospitable to strangers.
They were expected for dinner and it wouldn't be polite to disappoint his family.
He suspected Fate was done with smiley faces and polite invitations.
More than one went beyond polite disdain and glared to the point of hostility.
Dean asked, not only trying to be polite but in hopes of dragging the conversation away from the occult, the celestial and the just plain weird.
She obliged with a smile and was polite enough not to question his eccentric dialing pattern and cutting the connection twice before letting it ring.
Over in Manchester they are just TOO cool polite applause then afterward say how great you played.
Perhaps he had used all the vocabulary garnishing his poetry, desperately trying to scout back for some for starting a polite conversation.
Obviously you must be polite, but don't be too deferential, and remember the power of eye contact.
Indeed, his near-the-knuckle gags are largely only pardoned by his rhythmic, polite, almost monotone drawl.
We are too polite, preferring euphemisms or tactful skepticism.
Everyone was nice and polite and very explanatory and it helped a lot.
You'll be enticed into boutiques where polite locals offer island handicrafts.
It just sounds too polite and it ends up sounding laughable.
An enlightening question and answer session followed a polite lull; the surgeons started to express curiosity and relief.
The impeccably mannered Olsdal has an equally polite Japanese male stalker; Hewitt gets women sneaking into his hall way at regular intervals.
The issue is real urbanism, not some polite, politically palatable " lite " version thereof.
Like the student musicians they were unfailingly polite, friendly, and helpful.
I can, when I want, be scrupulously polite.
Being terribly polite about it he offered, ' well, I have one of my own songs or a song about bananas ' .
Mrs Rolph, 14 Dec 05 Both members of staff that we met were extremely polite & helpful.
Some moorings seemed to be closer to locks than we normally consider polite.
The verb " vouloir " is also use to give a command and still remain polite.
So his dance with four girls seemed polite, more than anything else, and he only woke up when the Queen Mother appeared.
How can a rather posh looking band with well crafted polite songs, be defiant?
When he entered, Prince Andrew, his eyes drooping contemptuously (with that peculiar expression of polite weariness which plainly says, "If it were not my duty I would not talk to you for a moment"), was listening to an old Russian general with decorations, who stood very erect, almost on tiptoe, with a soldier's obsequious expression on his purple face, reporting something.
On his return to Moscow from the army, Nicholas Rostov was welcomed by his home circle as the best of sons, a hero, and their darling Nikolenka; by his relations as a charming, attractive, and polite young man; by his acquaintances as a handsome lieutenant of hussars, a good dancer, and one of the best matches in the city.
Savage has 33 years experience as an antiques appraiser, while Polite is a skilled IT professional, specializing in database website development.
Children should be taught to yell loudly, as their safety is more important than being polite.
The Deans met Maria's betrothed, Emilio, who spoke halting English and was as polite as his fiancée.
More than one church attendee went beyond polite disdain and glared to the point of hostility.
Both Deans agreed the letters were polite but of zero historical interest and strangely unloving.
And considering it polite to return the young count's compliment, Ilagin looked at his borzois and picked out Milka who attracted his attention by her breadth.
She, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and polite young men, beamed with satisfaction, try as she might to hide it, and perturbed as she evidently was each time her husband moved in his sleep behind her.
And I will knock the nonsense out of anybody"-- but probably realizing that he was shouting at Bezukhov who so far was not guilty of anything, he added, taking Pierre's hand in a friendly manner, "We are on the eve of a public disaster and I haven't time to be polite to everybody who has business with me.
The boys were glad to earn 50 bucks and DeLeo was polite enough not to ask why a 74-year-old man was renting a one-way automobile.