Policies Sentence Examples
Life insurance agents not residents of Idaho cannot write policies in the state.
As early as 1794 policies were issued by the Hartford Fire Insurance Company (chartered in 1810).
The gross amount insured by policies in life insurance offices (ordinary and industrial) was over £29,000,000, of which the state office claimed two-fifths.
Johnson took a prominent and undignified part in the congressional campaign of 1866, in which his policies were voted down by the North.
The general election of 1841 had been mainly fought on the rival policies of protection and free trade.
Local authority grants - discretionary awards Local authorities distribute booklets detailing award policies.
In future both parties would need to have definite policies with which to appeal to the newly enfranchised voters.
But the SAP is being driven to disintegration by the vacillating, indecisive policies of Seydewitz, and of Walcher as well.
Reduced waiting times have been achieved through a combination of policies.
Passing to the more indirect influence of Laud on his times, we can observe a narrowness of mind and aim which separates him from a man of such high imagination and idealism as Strafford, however closely identified their policies may have been for the moment.
AdvertisementIn practice child brokering tends to happen regardless of official policies.
Despite general policies supporting cogeneration and decentralized power production, these practical barriers seem hard to remove.
It is about finding the universalism of values in the particular of policies.
Youth workers in schools should follow the policies of the school in which they are working.
Unions also need to continue to look further at their own policies, assuring family friendly union workplaces.
AdvertisementSalinas 's zealous pursuit of ' free market ' policies made him a darling of the Western media.
What are the next steps needed to abolish our poor policies on healthcare?
The hoi polloi prefered socialist policies of Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Presidential election.
As you become a larger company, however, you're going to need policies and processes.
As much as the leaders of these corporations might want to foster disruptive innovation, their policies, structure and processes mitigate against it.
AdvertisementCheck the stores policies for returns, damaged items, etc. Can you find a phone number and e-mail address for the store?
Be sure you check out the company's policies on authenticity, guaranteed craftsmanship, shipping and handling, and returns.
When placing an online order, be sure to check return policies in the event of a misspelled name.
If you order online, however, be sure the site is secure before ordering and check the site's returns, shipping and handling policies.
Be sure you pay attention to the shipping, handling, and return policies for each site.
AdvertisementYou might find the different policies confusing.
Furthermore, ask about return policies in case the flatware does not look as nice on your table as you'd anticipated.
Yet behind these policies lies the same belief in state centralism.
He hopes to depict David Cameron as a hollow chancer with ' namby-pamby policies on chocolate oranges ' .
By establishing exemptions and tax deductibility, government policies made charitable giving attractive to donors.
The authors argue that policies which shift more costs of non-marital childbearing to men reduce non-marital childbearing.
Predictably, the financial markets favor a continuation of the economic policies pursued by the governing coalition.
Our youngsters are almost coerced into growing up far too fast and far too soon by some of the pressures and policies around them.
It is in recognition of the above that most travel insurance policies offer some monetary compensation.
The constabulary has also developed an Independent Advisory Group (IAG) to assist and advise the Constabulary in relation to policies and functions.
She was also the only candidate to put forward constructive policies for reducing traffic on London Road near Six Ways.
The Tories ' approach toward Ireland symbolized the continuity between their reactionary domestic policies and their reactionary foreign policy.
Northern donors themselves, however, refuse to change their own policies, or to make tackling corruption a priority.
More recently, however, he has become increasingly critical of US policies toward Iraq.
This new Group Policy format will not affect day-to-day configuring of policies.
Internal and audit reports clearly indicate that all funds are strictly disbursed in accordance with prescribed policies.
In fact they are trying to ride the popular discontent of the victims of the regime's economic policies.
The husband has the [insurance policies] worth £ 7,400 and about £ 4,000 in assets disposed of.
We review here several policies for the selection of patients for retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.
However some of Bismarck's domestic policies proved very divisive.
The policies might sound Draconian, but Kilsby has no qualms about getting his own hands dirty.
Business economics - Covers macro economics, looking at how industry operates and how it is affected by governmental policies and international agreements.
Investors have become edgy about the problems these policies have created.
His party has tried to moderate its policies and rhetoric in an effort to shake off its racist image and become more electable.
Crucially, he argues, Labor must find a way of using its beliefs to explain its policies to an increasingly skeptical electorate.
Moreover, we have now elevated certain policies to the status of ideology.
This revolutionary elitism even extended the musical policies of the station.
After various military interventions in the government and its policies, the politics of Brazil have remained rather elitist.
It is believed Mr Blair will outline key future policies aimed at curbing the emission of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.
Traded endowments are with-profits endowment policies that have been sold by the original owners before their maturity date.
Adrian Flux has a huge range of policies for the motoring enthusiast.
Restrictive episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies appear to have a number of benefits compared to routine episiotomy policies.
People on low incomes will often need specific regulatory policies to ensure a socially equitable outcome in the communications marketplace.
Measures or policies taken to address coastal erosion or flooding can often pose a new risk to historic assets.
Instead, it was weak Administration policies that gradually escalated American involvement.
Related fiscal policies The political problems with environmental taxation are further exemplified by the story of the road fuel duty escalator.
For the United States, Toyota is considering the introduction of flexibly fuelled vehicles in consideration of policies to promote bio ethanol fuels.
If they are now to be criticized for not running sufficiently expansionary fiscal policies, they will be running around like headless chickens.
He opposed Peel's free trade policies, especially after the later repealed the Corn Laws in order to relieve the famine in Ireland.
We should evolve a true federalism through dynamic and universally applicable fiscal policies and attributes.
Adoption of an of the policies much financial protection the program was.
They are not only permanent fixtures of our way of life, they also provide our security policies with a moral compass.
Hanania founder and in years of and determined and policies geared to.
The populace will be fitted with rose tinted glasses through which to see all the latest policies passed through parliament.
Because it's extremely granular, you can set and enforce different policies for any user or class of users.
Be sure to check hotel policies as many include a gratuity in the price of the service, negating the need for a tip.
In addition, there are middle ground or standard policies.
Policies are sold this amounts to case management homemaker.
The team also administers the private sector assistance policies to other vulnerable households in need.
Commission - Money paid by an insurance company to a broker, or an independent intermediary, or an agent for selling policies.
The Appeals Court ruled that the governmentâs pricing policies were, in fact, legally invalid.
Sessions may be invalidated due to policies affecting security or resource usage, or by an application explicitly calling invalidated due to policies affecting security or resource usage, or by an application explicitly calling invalidate.
Can provide is on the way policies says Larry to put in.
In Europe several countries have already legislated to enable job rotation to be included in their national labor market policies.
This has greatly lengthened the time required to identify issues within draft policies.
To meet long-term the policies a the mortgage and.
But some environmental groups argue that the new policies leave some gaping loopholes.
Policies can end almost all direct-selling pines magnolias and camellias had workers ' compensation insurance.
Our planning policies would curtail the spread of out-of-town malls.
The thinly veiled critique of western multinationals ' policies in Asia should also be applauded.
Her research interests include museology; international indigenous policies; anthropology of art; visual anthropology.
He also noted the growing national debt and promised to adhere to foreign policies guided by the principle of nonintervention.
Streets of fear are being created by a combination of destructive policies and willful neglect.
The term net refers to net of reinsurance and the subscript refers to the policies that give rise to (say) mortality risk.
Salazar's economic policies greatly enhanced the wealth of the ruling oligarchy.
We must continue to demand socialist policies and oppose opportunism, all the way to the ballot box.
I expect Hague would win each one, on account of his good oratory, but this is no substitute for policies.
In fact considering where most Tories speak from it means they will have two orifices to spout their ridiculous policies from instead of one.
Strong voices emerge blaming the wrong policies for our problems, prompting an outcry for protectionist legislation.
Owing to welfare pattern company health insurance oxford of results or policies of be funded through.
It may be that now is the time to be moving your policies into a SIPP (self-invested personal pension ).
Supporters are asked to be aware of the tough drinking policies in force from the local plod.
Instead, he is focused entirely on implementing policies and programs to create positivity, coherence, and harmony in collective consciousness.
He set out the guidelines for pensions reform in the millenium, emphasizing the importance of sound policies on this increasingly predominant issue.
In addition, three other autonomous prefectures are allowed to enjoy the preferential policies the state has adopted for the western regions.
The framework for adopting common European immigration policies was set out under the Finnish presidency at the 1999 summit meeting in Tampere.
Given the anomalies emerging from policies associated with the now prevailing vocabulary, what ' refurnishing of the house of language ' is possible?
Every day the foreign policies of the Kremlin deal new blows to the world proletariat.
The facility audit is intended to promote a review of policies and procedures for continence promotion in the ward, practice or residential/nursing home.
Many of the policies for older motorists contain special provisions designed to assist them.
Many farmers in Africa cannot afford manufactured fertilizer because of the effects of " structural readjustment " policies.
He also rebutted the notion that existing policies relating to terror alerts ought to come under review.
The change puts beyond doubt the position as regards the ability to use capital redemption policies to create a capital loss.
Enterprise goals or Service Level Agreements can be considered as high-level abstract policies which must be progressively refined into implementable policies.
It was the same notorious argument used by the Socialist Workers Party when it opposed republicanism being included in the policies of Respect.
One of the more interesting policies of theirs is ex-servicemen will be made to keep a loaded assault rifle at home.
How and why did the policies of either the USA or the USSR affect superpower rivalry between 1950 and 1970?
To make up for their " loss leader " they'll try various ruses particularly getting you to buy their insurance policies.
Like precipice bonds and with-profits policies before them, target funds may be a mis-selling scandal in the making.
In the UK, the anti-vivisection policies of fascist groups have been documented by the internationally-respected anti-fascist journal searchlight (2 ).
Again, these two countries ' policies have always been based on mutual self-interest.
They also believe these policies " prevent willing and healthy members of the community from giving blood and exacerbate the current blood shortage.
In 1992 the city of Graz adopted the slogan ' gentle mobility ' for its traffic policies.
They were in the right in their policies of clearing these slums.
Research on the implementation of the Department of Health guidance fairer charging policies for home care and other non-residential social services.
First, all our economic policies must reinforce macroeconomic stability.
Have procedures and policies been developed to ensure compliance with applicable statutes or regulations?
These policies gained her the support of socialists, trade unionists and women suffragists.
There are also supplementary planning guidance notes which set out certain policies and standards in more detail.
Some jails " have developed local policies which eliminate whole swaths of eligible prisoners " .
Term life policies are generally tax-free and may even allow for a partial payout upon diagnosis of a terminal disease.
The Treasury's short term, blinkered, approach to the fishing industry has time and time again thwarted the adoption of sensible policies.
The modern day triumvirate must work in close harmony and be able to communicate constantly changing and evolving course management policies to members.
The report uncovers a previously undocumented pattern of protest against the policies of the International Monetary Fund.
The bank refuses to do business with companies involved in the fur trade and rejects clients with poor labor practices or ecologically unsound policies.
The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. government.
Many sites have explicit policies about what sorts of material will remain visible on their sites.
This was to protect unproductive labor rather than promoting newer, high productive industries that policies to upskill the workforce would provide.
The job of the ECB is to pursue sound policies for the euro zone.
It was necessary to prevent the enemy from receiving information; it was necessary to avoid publishing information that would unnecessarily alarm British people or their Allies, or mislead neutrals as to the progress of the war; and it was also necessary for British censors to pay due regard to the censorship policies of other countries with whom Great Britain was associated.
Kaiser Karl who assumed the supreme command pursued policies in favor of peace.
On 17 November 2005, Defra announced a review of the UK 's rabies prevention policies.
It reinterprets previous histories of hospital policy and questions whether current policies will reconcile competing goals of equity and choice.
In the European Union and elsewhere, neo-liberals have tried to recuperate these aspirations through their policies of marketisation and privatization.
Have these policies redistributed income in a way that your government would approve of?
Underwriting too many policies save money maybe reimburse the nursing-home.
He knows what their policies are and he now thinks that apart from repatriating immigrants they also have a hidden agenda of ethnic cleansing.
Illegally residing in on policies relating states five percent.
Comparative figures have been restated to reflect these revised accounting policies.
Other saboteurs wearing fake RNC T-shirts will direct them to parts of town where Bush 's policies have hit hardest.
They act in a similar way to Parliamentary select committees, scrutinizing the work of the Cabinet and reviewing Council policies and services.
In the UK, the anti-vivisection policies of fascist groups have been documented by the internationally-respected anti-fascist journal Searchlight (2).
To what extent do current policies achieve an integrated, multi sectorial approach to development of rural areas and how can this be increased?
Within weeks, the EU slapped diplomatic sanctions on the Austrian government because of the party 's isolationist and anti-Europe policies.
There are many pet health insurance companies and a staggering array of policies from which to choose.
She challenged us starry-eyed idealists to go into areas like Dagenham with your meaningless slogans instead of concrete policies.
In part this generality results from the manifesto being a statement of basic principles, rather than a schedule of detailed policies.
Some jails " have developed local policies which eliminate whole swaths of eligible prisoners ".
Are EU policies regarding energy and renewable technologies compatible with climate change policy?
Many policies tend to focus on enhancing people 's income by growing the economy.
Continuing this theme, the Protestant theologian Julio de Santa Ana challenges contemporary theologians to examine the policies of the State of Israel.
The Treasury 's short term, blinkered, approach to the fishing industry has time and time again thwarted the adoption of sensible policies.
We do sincerely look forward to being able to revise our policies as society becomes more accepting of the unclothed human body.
The concept of small business and its undergirding of the future of our economy including the information industry is being forgotten with such policies.
But this created unease in business circles who began to feel they had a government in no fit state to push through their policies.
To equate his policies today, in a land with universal suffrage, is an insult to this man.
An SD strategy is being developed and SD policies will be updated to reflect the initiatives in this plan.
Choose retailers with liberal return policies in case your purchase fails to please once you get home.
You should also read about the store's rental, membership and cancellation policies, not to mention special introductory offers and payment options.
Get a good handle on the store's used DVD return policies.
Some stores may accept returns, but policies regarding packaging, tags and the number of days you have to return the item will vary.
Get a solid grip on the return policies pertaining to the used videotapes you're purchasing.
Always pay attention to buying comments and ratings for sellers on both eBay and Amazon, and make sure you read both company's customer service and return policies.
These stores usually don't have forgiving return policies like student stores, so be sure you that the book you want is the right one before purchasing.
Buy-back policies vary widely among local used book stores, so keep this in mind before deciding where to purchase your textbooks.
Some dental insurance policies will cover care, even if your dentist isn't a network participant.
Review the vendor's purchase, refund and warranty policies.
Another good thing is that the return policies are usually better than many online stores.
Do a bit of research online and be aware of all vendors' return policies and technical support if you need assistance.
Most of the electronics retailers have generous return policies so you have some time to figure out if the TV you purchased works in your atmosphere.
Return policies tend to be short (1-2 weeks) and with high restocking fees.
The store has specific policies in place to arrest shoplifters and has to follow local laws in order to stop the shoplifter.
It is important to review return and exchange policies when shopping online.
Sizes may vary from vendor to vendor depending on what is in-stock, but overall, your choice of where to shop will most likely boil down to shipping costs, return policies, or the other items available that you can buy at the same time.
Once you have made a purchase, the item is shipped to you according to the store's policies and the shipping speed that you chose.
If the child in question isn't your child, make sure you know the parent's policies.
While most brick and mortar stores have solid return policies, many online stores that offer steeply discounted televisions will not accept returns on them.
However, many have liberal return policies and also offer user reviews.
Each insurance company differs from the next, so there's a lot of variety in the types of policies available.
Be sure that you read the shipping and return policies carefully.
Read about the breeder carefully, and be sure that you understand the breeder's policies.
Be sure that you read and understand the various sellers' shipping and return policies.
Feel free to shop around for better rates, but do not cancel insurance policies or let your policy lapse to save money.
For instance, you may be able to save money on insurance by getting multiple policies with one insurance company.
Carefully investigate an online store's security policies before processing a transaction.
Before signing up for American Express Blue simply because of attractive benefits, consumers should examine the card's terms and conditions including fees, interest rates, and privacy policies.
Check a website's security policies before providing your account number.
And, since the Plum Card is specifically-designed for the business cardholder, payment policies, reporting and associated services are tailored to the needs of the business owner.
Veterans can contact the VA and find out about options such as home equity loans and loans against their life insurance policies.
You don't want to be stuck with a company that has policies you can't agree with.
See the online comparison on the American Express website for details about policies associated with each type of account.
Check the store's policies before purchasing a gift card from them.
Some cards require users to purchase insurance policies to protect balances.
Each jurisdiction will have different policies about who can receive this information.
By taking the time to check their websites, you'll get a feel for the types of used office furniture they carry and can familiarize yourself with their warranty and return policies.
It's important to be aware, however, that the return policies can be quite different in outlet stores than they are in regular retail stores.
Outlet stores sometimes have different return policies than regular retail stores so you want to be absolutely sure the items will fit before you buy.
You won't be able to test them out before buying, but many of these companies offer return policies so you can send the item back if it doesn't work for you.
Most outlet stores do not have return policies so once you've bought an item, it's yours.
The company strives to be environmentally responsible, and you can find out more details on their environmental policies by visiting their environmental stewardship page.
Many countries now have policies that clearly state how the supply of wood and timber is to be managed.
Oasis Design offers a gray water policy web page that outlines policies for reusing gray water in some states where these systems have been approved.
Sustainability is key in all of the company's products and policies.
Even if you don't have your own office, you can cover a wall or two in your cubicle-just be sure to check that you aren't breaking any company policies!
It's important to note how long the trial period lasts and whether you will be assessed a fee if you don't follow the company's editing policies.
Warranty information is normally found online, along with prices and return policies.
In addition, Provo Craft has tightly regulated the pricing policies retailers can use when selling these machines.
Check convention policies before you go.
It is a good idea to follow any rules that accompany the free pages, as violating the policies could lead to negative consequences.
Read the store policies to find out whether or not you qualify for wholesale deals.
Since policies are often changing, it's best to call the ski area ticket office and ask about their prices before you decide to visit.
It is always best to lurk first and read all the rules and policies before joining the discussions.
Return policies differ for each individual store; so don't assume that all Internet stores will let you return a purchase.
Find out what the school's policies and expectations are regarding homework when you register your student for junior high.
Ask your child if you can see the policies from each teacher.
Know the policies and expectations of each teacher.
In addition, a site's typical return policies may not apply with special purchases.
Many Catholic high school girls in trouble blame the strict policies and rules of the institution for their rebelliousness.
On their website, you can find information on the administration such as school forms, policies, and a telephone directory.
Remember that most bridal shops have strict no-return policies, which usually includes maternity dresses.
Be sure you get the total cost for your honeymoon package, and ask about their cancellation or rescheduling policies.
Giving you a clear receipt and outline of purchase policies is a must.
A wedding salon that hesitates regarding any of their purchase or pricing policies is waving a red flag and should be avoided.
When ordering truffles, read shipping policies carefully - to ensure freshness, expedited shipping may be required, and many chocolatiers will not ship truffles to hot climates where they may be damaged before they are received.
If you purchase from a boutique in their area, find out return policies up front.
Couples should carefully investigate such policies before opting to create a Macy's wedding registry.
Before you purchase a box, be sure to investigate return policies, shipping times and charges, and other conditions.
Internet retail stores offer many stylish options, although it is important to carefully check the sizing measurements and return policies when ordering online.
There's not even no like -- crime or, uh, uh like -- Foreign policies, you all may be versed on foreign -- foreign policies.
You all need to get versed on black policies and youth policies."
Foreign policies - Here's a little tip…states do not have independent foreign policies, the United States, as a country has collective foreign policies.
When you decide to talk about heavy subjects like foreign policies, brush up on your info a little, do a little reading, learn a little bit.
Outlet stores' return policy is typically the same as retail stores' policies.
Finally, don't forget to look at shipping and handling charges and return policies before you purchase online.
Many colleges have academic honesty policies to outline the standards for dealing with issues of plagiarism.
Drew University and the University of Rochester provide two representative examples of these policies.
So, if diversity is a concern, ask an admissions counselor about school policies before making your final decision.
Admission policies of grad schools first require you to attain a bachelor's degree.
At Walters State, admission policies make it easy to apply.
Students will find admission policies and registration for classes at the website as well.
For an undergraduate degree, students can choose from a wide variety of fields like criminal justice, psychology, law and society, energy and sustainability policies, information sciences and more.
As an information manager, you're responsible for security and confidentiality of patient records and may oversee their organization policies.
Most cruise lines will permit children to sail as young as eighteen months or just one year old, though policies vary.
Have lenient alcohol policies or visit ports of call with lower drinking ages that teens may be tempted to take advantage of.
These surcharges are frequently added after a cruise quote and may run $100-500 per passenger depending on the length of the cruise, the number of ports, and the cruise line's policies.
Your drinks may be confiscated on arrival depending on individual alcohol policies.
The business should provide you with a written adoption contract that outlines all of their policies, the puppy's veterinary records, and any AKC registry papers.
However, we do offer a discount for multiple policies which can save pet owners five to ten percent on their coverage costs.
In the USA, less than one percent of pet owners carried policies on their pets at the beginning of the Iams promotion.
A recent review found that the company is indeed beginning to make inroads with the public, and some participating veterinarians have reported as much as a seven percent rise in policies put into action through their clinics.
Before you depart on your trip, call the campground to find out their pet policies.
In apartment dwellings, BCA Rescue Network volunteers may want to speak with the family's landlord to evaluate the building's pet policies and any designated dog potty runs.
It's important to note the mail order source's policies so you aren't surprised by a plant purchased today that ships months later.
Many stores have very clear and helpful exchange policies, however it is always important to check first.
When ordering from an online jeweler, always investigate return policies and guarantees before completing a purchase.
If you need help understanding the product descriptions or store policies, be sure to ask questions.
However, educating yourself about the quality of gems and the policies of the wholesale supplier will save you headaches during the sales process.
Fortunately, most online-based shops will have reasonable exchange or return policies if the suit turns out not to work as well as you'd hoped.
It is best to read your employee handbook regarding dress code policies or to ask what they require before showing up for work on your first day.
Return policies tend to be quite forgiving to consumers.
Many apparel retailers have liberal return policies and will do their best to accommodate your needs, especially where special sizes are concerned.
Always read the shipping and return policies as well as any customer feedback if it is available.
Because of this, it would be best to limit your purchases to those countries with whose organic policies you are familiar, such as the United States or Canada.
It did not change the way the product is produced or the company policies and ethics.The animals raised for Organic Prairie Meats have been raised on family farms.
You also help the environment by advocating policies that are earth friendly.
If you are buying off an Internet site, be sure to read the fine print to make sure you understand guarantees as well as return policies for the various companies.
Different manufacturers have different shipping costs, procedures, and policies so be sure to read all the information that you have available so that you know what you will be charged.
While store policies differ, most retailers want to please their customers because they know that happy consumers return again and again.
There used to be a number of brick-and-mortar shops as well, but the online presence is so strong and the customer service and return/exchange policies so good, most shoppers are perfectly happy to confine their shopping to the Internet.
Before buying your formal dress online, be sure to check shipping and return policies.
If you do order your swim shorts online, be sure to check return policies because finding a pair of low rise swim shorts that fit the way you want may not be an easy task.
Return and exchange policies at outlet stores at not nearly as liberal as they are at "regular" stores, so take fit into consideration very carefully when you purchase your lingerie.
When buying online, be sure to patronize sites that offer product guarantees and no-hassle return policies in case you are dissatisfied with your purchase.
Although most large corporations have formal policies for computer security, the average Internet user tends to forget how much valuable information is stored on his/her personal computer.
Workers who demonstrate a good knowledge of workplace safety policies are given a scratch off game card.
Include employees in discussions on policies involving safety issues and in identifying existing and potential workplace hazards.
This document covers a number of issues, including everyday policies to keep students, teachers, administrators and staff safe.
To keep students safe while at school, the written plan should cover internal security policies.
Regular inspections do help to increase the effectiveness of WV mine safety policies, but the threat to health and safety cannot be eliminated.
Too many senior citizens have signed up for policies that they don't fully understand or been trapped by scams.
Those seniors that choose the Medicare Advantage Plan generally have the supplemental plan built into their policies.
There are federal regulations requiring insurance companies selling standard Medigap policies to provide the same benefits from state to state.
Part C - Medicare Advantage plans, also called Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Medigap policies, include all of the coverage of Medicare Part A and Part B (known as Original Medicare) plus additional insurance benefits.
Life insurance plans do become increasingly expensive as you age but there are some low-cost policies available.
Again, the Internet is a beneficial tool when searching for life insurance companies that have policies you need at a low rate.
American Term asks you questions about what type of policy you are seeking and then lists life insurance companies that have policies that fit your needs.
Its comprehensive website gives you information about life insurance, allows you to look up quotes for different policies, and gives you the option to either purchase a policy online or call its representatives at 1-877-877-8052.
There are so many insurance companies and different policies at different prices.
However, there are insurance companies that offer life insurance policies specifically for senior citizens.
This type of insurance is similar to interest sensitive life insurance policies.
Take your time to research different policies to find the right fit.
The regulations ensure the standardization of benefits throughout the United States for similar policies.
The policies offered by the insurance companies are standardized and the companies themselves are regulated by the federal government.
Medicare and most regular health insurance policies do not cover long-term care for many chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer's Disease, multiple sclerosis and diabetes.
Long-term care insurance, known as LTC or LTCI, is an insurance policy that helps pay for the areas of long-term care that are typically not covered by Medicare and other health or medical insurance policies.
When it comes to discounts for senior citizens, there are many different policies from business to business.
For example, one list may be the best states for retirement based on the cost of living, another based on the best weather and a third on the taxation policies of the states.
The federal regulations require every private insurance company offering Medigap health insurance policies to provide the same benefit coverage from state to state.
Considered the most affordable type of life insurance, term life insurance policies provide coverage for a specific amount of time.
However, there are some companies that will give the term life policies with terms of as few as one year.
Senior term life insurance policies are the same as the ones offered for younger individuals; the difference is in the cost of the insurance.
In most cases, the premium rates for life insurance policies that do not require physicals are higher than premiums for policies with a medical exam.
Before making a purchase, check with your insurance provider or Medicare to determine which machines are covered under their policies.
Patients considering sleep dentistry in Oakland should check with their insurance policies to make sure that the oral devices are covered, otherwise they may have to pay for the treatment out of pocket.
You should always double-check the return policies from any store where you purchase your lenses.
When shopping for children's eyewear, be sure to check out any warranties or repair policies.
Brochures, however, include other information, such as park policies, operating calendars, and brief descriptions of shows and attractions that can make them valuable to visitors even if they aren't as precise in terms of navigation.
Follow all height requirement and rider restriction policies outlined by the water park.
Depending on the parks' policies, the ticket may be valid only for one park each day, or both (or more) parks on the same day.
Always purchase tickets from a reputable, trusted source, and check for refund or return policies to protect your purchase.
Remember to ask about their policies for mistakes (if they misspelled a name or got a date wrong) and their policy on breakage during shipping.
Not every seller is an expert in his goods, however, so be sure to read the descriptions carefully and understand all return policies.
This is especially important with exchange policies.
The company launched new development toolkits and policies for 7 Series.
The results of this sales suspension will shape Apple and AT&T policy for many years to come, as both companies attempt to develop pre-order policies that will benefit customers and the companies themselves.
The suspension of iPhone 4 sales will have many effects on future pre-ordering policies and product launches, not just with smartphones, but also other technology products.
The lack of a camera on the smartphone, then, can adhere to these company policies.
Kernicterus is still relatively uncommon but has been on the rise with the mandated early postnatal discharge policies.
Due to the seriousness of nut allergies and other allergies that can cause anaphylaxis, some school districts have created policies that forbid nuts on school premises and do not allow students to trade food at lunch.
Current social and healthcare policies encourage keeping mentally retarded persons in their own homes or in informal group home settings rather than institutions.
Ensure the child's school has anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity and that the policies are enforced.
She should gather as much information as possible on hospital policies to educate herself and then discuss this information with her doctor or midwife.
There is no written copy of center day-care policies.
Parents are discouraged from participating in activities or voicing opinions about policies or practices.
However, the social promotion policies common in the 1970s, where students were kept with their age peers regardless of readiness for the next grade, does not produce academic success for at-risk students either.
Research suggests that social promotion and grade retention are not educationally effective policies.
Regular lice checks in schools and "no nit" reentry policies have not been shown to be effective.
Second, schools must have firm policies on the consequences for truancy, and all students should be aware of the sanctions that will be imposed if they are absent without an excuse.
Parents should check the hospital's policies before packing any electronic items, such as video games or hair dryers.
It is to your advantage to stay open about your policies and to get families involved with dance productions from start to finish.
Visit Texas Death Indexes for a list of useful resources including Texas newspapers and their obituary purchase policies, links to Texas county death indexes and Texas county cemetery databases.
These regulations govern everything from agency-wide policies about pain control, to general daily policies and procedures, to smaller items like what provider actions should be noted in patient charts.
Many wig shops offer simpel return and exchange policies as well as tips on selecting the right size wig from among their lines.
Good Guide reviewers give this hair treatment a 3.9 score out of 5, and many reviewers like the company's positive environmental policies.
Understand that although self expression is widely accepted, there may be certain exceptions in which you'll need to change or tone down your emo look to adhere to corporate and institutional policies.
Some school districts are very strict about their policies for home schoolers.
Reforms to the country's social policies opened opportunities for a variety of industries to base their operations in Nigeria.
Each country has different needs, academic and licensure requirements, and different policies regarding international workers.
When you identify a few specific places, and you learn about their immigration policies, you can start your job search.
Company officials developed a set of initial guidelines and policies to use with the projects.
Tips also need to managing, according to the establishment's policies.
When searching for work, consider employer hiring policies and focus your search on the types of jobs you would like to do and can perform well.
Meet with area mangers to find out what their hiring needs and policies are.
Each state has its own hiring policies and practices, and requirements may vary significantly from one location to another, even for similar positions.
The fees may cost more for the individuals or families, but they will still typically be less expensive than seeking private insurance policies.
If you find out that the company is very bureaucratic in nature - and that type of working environment appeals to you -- emphasize the fact that you work well with structure and are committed to complying with policies and procedures.
Countrywide also assists customers through a wide range of insurance plans with policies for homeowners, accidental death, automobile, and life.
Nationwide's insurance holdings encompass automobile, homeowners, life, and commercial policies.
Financial discrimination - Mortgage lenders and insurance companies can not discriminate by refusing to sell their loans and policies to non-white buyers or by charging higher rates in non-white areas.
A certain number of telephone calls between customer service personnel and customers are recorded to ensure that Company policies and procedures are being followed correctly.
It is the FHA underwriter's responsibility to be an expert on the current FHA underwriting guidelines, procedures and policies.
Option One did not use escrow accounts correctly, resulting in homeowners insurance policies not being paid on time.
They are also responsible for paying taxes and insurance policies that are escrowed along with mortgage payments.
Due to concerns about student violence, many schools have blanket policies that will result in suspension or expulsion for a student who brings any device that looks like a weapon to school.
You or the photograph should also check with the hospital ahead of time regarding their policies on childbirth photograph.
Not all insurance policies are created equally.
Companies have different policies regarding paternity leave.
These classes can provide pregnant women with specific information about their birthing facility, such as medication usage and visitation policies.
That might include holding your job open, adjusting your responsibilities so you can return to work, or other accommodations that would be offered to workers with other disabilities (ask your employer for specific policies).
Policies generally also cover childbirth and complications from childbirth.
Individual policies are available through many insurance companies.
Most policies have time limits, as well.
It is also the reason policies are usually simpler but also why deductibles and co-pays tend to run higher.
There are many policies for European maternity leave for men that are generous compared to the United States and Australia, but that doesn't mean that there isn't room for further improvements.
One nice benefit of the policies for maternity leave in Sweden is that either parent can reduce their work time by a whopping 75 percent if they so choose until their child turns 8.
Compared to the rest of Europe, Spain and Cyprus have maternity leaves policies that allow less time off than their European counterparts.
In all of these cases, exploring your companies work policies is necessary.
Confirm the hospital policies regarding photos, cameras, and guests.
Before you assume your equipment is welcome, ensure the hospital policies are accepting of your plans to film.
The convenience of online accounts combined with easy return policies has made the online shopping experience better than ever.
Most e-tailers have reasonable exchange policies if it comes to that.
However, most online outlets now have good exchange and return policies.
If you are planning on shopping online then read return and shipping policies carefully.
When shopping online, be sure to check sizing recommendations and return policies, and order well in advance of the event in case alterations or a return are necessary.
You may have trouble narrowing down your selection, but it helps to shop at stores that have reasonable return policies and prices.
Authorized Astra sellers have their own return policies.
Online stores vary in their return policies.
Return policies will depend on where you purchase your appliance.
The same thing occurs with the Homeowner's Insurance Policies, Bank Loans and Automobile Insurance Policies.
Creative Illuminations - All of the products here are American made (you can find this claim on their Policies and Info page).
Check each website's shipping costs and policies and take these into account before placing your order.
Look for return policies - Bulk items are usually packaged securely, but keep in mind that candle holders are often made of fragile material like glass.
Depending on the agency's policies and practices, these documents might be made available to you upon request.
Cancel any outstanding insurance policies and the registration on the automobile, and return the plates to the local Department of Motor Vehicles if required by your state.
Shopping during extreme discount days can mean that merchandise is harder to return if it is defective, so check return policies at all stores before leaving.
What are the specific privacy policies and how do they prevent problems like identity theft?
Before you sign up for a free dating site, check their policies.
Look at the site's policies to see if there is any kind of monitoring to help prevent fraud.
Reading online reviews of such sites will give you an idea regarding privacy policies and the efficacy of any matchmaking efforts.
Some businesses had policies against dating in the office.
What policies do they have regarding safety and privacy?
What are the return, warrantee, and guarantee policies for this particular vendor?
The return and refund policies are very important if you are buying antique or vintage jewelry that was previously owned.
Insurance policies may cover damage to your engagement ring, such as a warped band, twisted setting, or missing stone.
If your ring is stolen and the police are unable to recover it, proper insurance policies can help recoup the financial loss.
There are several different types of engagement ring insurance policies.
Each one varies in what it will pay depending on the circumstances of the claim, and different policies have different maintenance costs.
Many home insurance policies will allow you to add value for expensive household items, including jewelry.
While this will help protect your engagement ring against theft or home-related damage, such as a fire or tornado, these large-scale policies typically do not cover damage related to household chores or other incidents.
The policies also do not cover damage outside of the home.
Actual value policies are the least expensive insurance option and are the most common choice.
Valued at policies are the rarest and most difficult types of insurance policies to find.
Naturally, these are the most expensive types of engagement ring insurance policies.
Not all insurance companies offer policies for jewelry.
Reputable dealers will offer return policies if the diamond does not meet your expectations.
After each purchase, return policies are in place to guarantee continuing satisfaction.
Thorough explanations about warranties, payment options, and return policies.
The jeweler should be investigated as well, including any warranty, guarantee, and return policies to ensure a trustworthy transaction.
Before buying an engagement ring online, investigate the jeweler thoroughly including their service and repair abilities, refund policies, and any potential customer complaints.
As with any jewelry purchase, however, it is important to carefully investigate the merchant's guarantees and policies before committing to buy.
A reputable online seller will have a well-designed auction page, including all the relevant information about the engagement ring, their payment, shipping, and return policies, and their sales history.
Online jewelry stores also offer a wide selection of ring enhancers, wraps, and guards, but couples should first investigate online merchants and their guarantee policies just in case the guard doesn't fit or isn't appropriate.
Couples should also ask about the jeweler's warranty policies and any protection plans to help defray the cost of repairs in the event that the pave stones come loose.
As with any jewelry purchase, couples should be aware of the merchant's guarantee and return policies, shipping charges, and other potential fees that can impact the price of the ring.
Couples should also investigate guarantee and return policies, shipping costs, and the reputation of the business before following through with a purchase.
Make sure that you understand return policies.
Ask about resizing costs and policies before purchasing the ring.
Savvy buyers should always check for return policies or damage protection to be sure their pendant will be protected no matter what may happen.
Details regarding agency FOIA request policies are published online so that individuals can easily find out how to exercise their right to access desired information.
Internal HR Policies/Practices - Information that pertains exclusively to a federal agency's internal personnel policies and procedures is exempt from the disclosure requirements of the Freedom of Information Act.
Depending upon the circumstances, you could talk about issues such as factors that contributed to the event or how the event is changing policies for dealing with similar situations in the future.
Since colleges have academic honesty policies that prohibit plagiarism, a student caught using a term paper mill would either fail the class or be expelled from school.
You can check the privacy policies of reputable sites for information about confidentiality and email security, so don't let this concern deter you from taking advantage of a free reading.
High school Sports - There are school districts that have open policies that allow homeschoolers to play on a high school team, however, there are many who don't.
Prepare a list of questions in advance; be sure to ask about policies for picking up and dropping off children and what a schedule for a typical day is like.
Most facilities have policies on issues like sick children, visits to the center throughout the day, and vacation days.
If you are breastfeeding, be sure to ask about their policies regarding breast milk, as these can vary from center to center.
Private schools are often more strict in their policies than public schools and may endorse required religion classes and a strict dress code.
Not enough funding is being provided to implement the policies required by this legislation.
Despite these disappointing results for proponents of uniforms in schools, many schools are still adopting school uniform policies.
These policies are not usually taken lightly; students, parents, and sometimes teachers are speaking out against school uniforms by citing over and over again some of the school uniform issues that repeatedly come up.
Despite these common issues related to implementing policies for school uniforms, the statistics on school uniforms show that more and more U.S. schools are making school uniforms part of their school policy.
Some parents and students feel that strict policies create secrecy and rebellion amongst students.
If you truly want to know how students wearing uniforms impacts education, then you need to look at the school systems that actually have uniform policies.
A good daycare has cleanliness policies and well organized routines that include hand washing, wiping surfaces clean and washing toys.
Among the rules and regulations should be policies about sick children as well as current vaccinations.
Before choosing a summer camp for your child, you will also want to get an idea of the camp's policies about dealing with behavioral and motivational issues.
With this kind of anecdotal evidence, the question becomes whether or not the problems are actually being solved by the uniform policies.
Opponents of school uniform policies feel that the psychological and legal problems may not be worth the solution.
However, the numbers of legal challenges and problems to the school uniform policies have greatly increased.
There are many sites on the Internet such as Uniform Incidents where parents, educators, and students share their opinions about why school uniform policies are not a good idea.
Some websites let you print tickets directly from the site, and other sites give you a purchase confirmation you must take to the cinema to collect your tickets; make sure you know the site's policies before you buy.
Visit your local branch for information about its policies.
Online auctions also offer used items, but interested consumers should investigate the seller's reputation and policies thoroughly before purchasing an item sight-unseen.
Exactly what is and is not provided by an Internet access company varies depending on company policies, setup, and available features.
Some insurance policies will not cover drugs purchased out of the country.
Read the company's policies carefully before placing your order.
Before buying a particular plan, be sure to research that it meets your health needs, and price compare against other policies to find the best deal.
Accuquote has a convenient online system to let you compare the price, features, and financial strength of multiple term life insurance policies.
Make lists of stores and dealers that can supply what you are looking for, and include information about individual service, warranty, shipping, and insurance policies.
The OfficeMax Customer Service department provides a detailed outline of the company's policies regarding the redemption of coupons and special promotions for discount office products.
When searching for Arkansas zoo coupons, it's also important to check for other zoo policies, such as hours of operation and acceptable payment methods.
Each zoo or animal park or preserve has its own policies regarding discounts and coupons, so be sure to review their websites before visiting.
Some airlines may have special policies regarding bereavement flights.
Membership policies will vary, but most include free or greatly discounted admission for everyone in your family, as well as coupons for gift shop merchandise and access to special members-only events and attractions.
In some cases, reciprocal membership policies will allow you to use your membership card from one zoo or museum to gain admission to other facilities in the participating network.
Each store has its own rules for double coupons, so you will want to review the company's policies carefully before your shopping trip.
Depending upon corporate policies, some locations may be choosing to opt out of Veterans Day promotions.
Each company has specific policies for refunds and replacements of certificates.
You can typically find coupon policies on store websites or request a copy of the policy from the store manager.
If you are certain that you should be able to use your coupon, remember that many cashiers will reject coupons simply because they are poorly informed of their store's policies.
All stores have different coupon policies, so it's best to review or even have a copy of the store's coupon policy with you when you shop.
If there are exceptions to the 60-month rule, policies vary by state.
Coupon redemption policies – Coupon policies vary widely by store.
Investigate return policies carefully before making your purchase.
The LUST company promises consumers that its facilities run entirely on wind power and that shipping and office functions support recycling policies.
Many online retailers have flexible return policies and allow you to return or exchange footwear that does not fit or meet your needs.
When ordering online, check the shipping prices and policies, as well as delivery time.
Many shoe companies have liberal return policies that allow you to return your shoes within a specific period of time for a complete refund.
Finally, pay close attention to return and exchange policies when purchasing shoes, especially online.
While you will be able to cover up a wrist tattoo with long-sleeved clothing or accessories, bear your employers policies in mind before choosing the wrist for your tattoo.
Boasting their family-friendly policies comes second nature to this hotel.
Boasting about their family-friendly policies comes second nature to this Radisson hotel.
Some policies state that the watch can only be returned in a specific condition, whether it be undamaged or completely unworn.
These are high quality watches, and as such, you will want to be sure that you purchase from a dealer with extended warranty and return policies.
Each SBIC sets its own policies on how much to lend and the criteria it looks for when considering an application for funding.
There are frequent complaints by U.S. economists that China's policies often limit U.S. business from fully taking advantage of China's economic opportunities because of their unfair trade practices.
Employer's workman's comp insurance policies are available from commercial insurance companies, at regular or predetermined excessive risk policies obtained through assigned-risk programs.
A memo can be used to share information with other staff members, such as making announcements or announcing changes in policies.
The consultant then makes suggestions about policies and procedures to improve the process.
If you want your business to be successful, you need to implement policies that show customers that you value their business.
Have you initiated new policies or procedures?
The goal of business continuity planning is to have policies in place so that the company can continue to provide some level of service while staff and management take steps to bring operations back to normal.
One of the reasons that characters references are so important is the fact that many companies have policies prohibiting their managers from providing detailed references for former employees.
Depending on your company's policies, the letter may also need to be copied to the Human Resource Manager or other executive level manager.
Consider borrowing against the equity in your home, or against your insurance policies.
This is not the time or place to chide anyone, scold anyone, or roll out complicated policies and procedures.
Thankfully, most Internet retailers have reasonable return policies, so you can return any yarn you don't like in person.
Shipping terms, return policies and so forth seems to be on par with the industry, with some limitations on overseas shipment on specific products such as Polar and Timex heart rate monitors.
Established as the Government Employees Insurance Company in Washington, D.C., Geico presented its first insurance policies to federal workers and high-level military officers.
Geico now offers insurance policies for motorcycles and boats, as well as home and rental insurance.
Like many insurance companies, Geico offers discounts on their policies.
With 68,000 employees, 18,000 agents in the United States and Canada, and more than 81 million policies in force, State Farm is a leading provider of insurance protection.
State Farm also offers individual health insurance plans, including high deductible policies that can be combined with a Health Savings Account to pay for medical expenses until the annual deductible has been reached.
Policies for New York car insurance can only be issued by companies licensed and approved by the state's insurance department.