Poisson Sentence Examples
A list of Poisson's works, drawn up by himself, is given at the end of Arago's biography.
So highly did he think of Poisson's memoir that he made a copy of it with his own hand, which was found among his papers after his death.
The result, however, of Poisson's investigation is practically equivalent to that already obtained by Laplace.
As these indices represent discontinuous data, it would be preferable to use the negative binomial or the Poisson distribution.
The POISSON keyword returns a random deviate drawn from a Poisson distribution with that mean.
Statistical analysis multivariate analyzes were done by Poisson regression with mortality as the dependent variable.
The Poisson approximation would be acceptable (q small and k q small ).
This was, of course, even more repugnant to Maxwell's mind than the statical distance-action developed by Poisson.
Coulomb's researches provided data for the development of a mathematical theory of magnetism, which was indeed initiated by himself, but was first treated in a complete form by Poisson in a series of memoirs published in 1821 and later.
On this hypothesis Poisson investigated the forces due to bodies magnetized in any manner, and also originated the mathematical theory of magnetic induction.
AdvertisementThe results were substantially the same as those given by Poisson's theory, so far as the latter went, the principal additions including a fuller investigation of magnetic distribution, and the theory of magnetic induction in aeolotropic or crystalline substances.
Poisson in a paper read on the 10th of June 1808, was once more attacked by Lagrange with all his pristine vigour and fertility of invention.
Resuming the inquiry into the invariability of mean motions, Poisson carried the approximation, with Lagrange's formulae, as far as the squares of the disturbing forces, hitherto neglected, with the same result as to the stability of the system.
He proposed to apply the same principles to the calculation of the disturbances produced in the rotation of the planets by external action on their equatorial protuberances, but was anticipated by Poisson, who gave formulae for the variation of the elements of rotation strictly corresponding with those found by Lagrange for the variation of the elements of revolution.
Poisson brought forward as an objection to Fresnel's theory that it required at the centre of a circular shadow a point as bright as if no obstacle were intervening.
AdvertisementPoisson, although previously demonstrated by Laplace for the case when p=0.
The Poisson equation cannot, however, be applied in the above form to a region which is partly within and partly without an electrified conductor, because then the electric force undergoes a sudden change in value from zero to a finite value, in passing outwards through the bounding surface of the conductor.
Coulomb proved the proportionality of electric surface force to density, but the above numerical relation E= 42ra was first established by Poisson.
Poisson published his Memoir on the Deviations of the Compass caused by the Iron in a Vessel.
From Poisson's equations Archibald Smith deduced the formulae given in the Admiralty Manual for Deviations of the Compass (1st ed., 1862), a work which has formed the basis of numerous other manuals since published in Great Britain and other countries.
AdvertisementHis father, Simeon Poisson, served as a common soldier in the Hanoverian wars; but, disgusted by the ill-treatment he received from his patrician officers, he deserted.
Poisson was first sent to an uncle, a surgeon at Fontainebleau, and began to take lessons in bleeding and blistering, but made little progress.
This success at once procured for Poisson an entry into scientific circles.
Laplace, in whose footsteps Poisson followed, regarded him almost as his son.
His father, whose early experiences led him to hate aristocrats, bred him in the stern creed of the first republic. Throughout the empire Poisson faithfully adhered to the family principles, and refused to worship Napoleon.
AdvertisementAs a teacher of mathematics Poisson is said to have been more than ordinarily successful, as might have been expected from his early promise as a repetiteur at the Ecole Polytechnique.
Poisson showed that the result could be extended to a second approximation, and thus made an important advance in the planetary theory.
Poisson made important contributions to the theory of attraction.
Besides his many memoirs Poisson published a number of treatises, most of which were intended to form part of a great work on mathematical physics, which he did not live to complete.
Arago, Biographie de Poisson, read before the Academie des Sciences on the 16th of December 1850.
The French mathematicians, Coulomb, Biot, Poisson and Ampere, had been content to accept the fact that electric charges or currents in conductors could exert forces on other charges or conductors at a distance without inquiring into the means by which this action at a distance was produced.
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) entered on his electrical studies with a desire to ascertain if the ideas of Faraday, so different from those of Poisson and the French mathematicians, could be made the foundation of a mathematical method and brought under the power of analysis.3 Maxwell started with the conception that all electric and magnetic phenomena are due to effects taking place in the dielectric or in the ether if the space be vacuous.
Poisson, he received the appointment of secretary to the Observatory of Paris.
Fresnel's arguments in favour of that theory found little favour with Laplace, Poisson and Biot, the champions of the emission theory; but they were ardently espoused by Humboldt and by Arago, who had been appointed by the Academy to report on the paper.
In 1831 Simeon Denis Poisson published his Nouvelle Theorie de action capillaire.
On these assumptions his results are certainly right, and are confirmed by the independent method of Gauss, so that the objections raised against them by Poisson fall to the ground.
But whether the assumption of uniform density be physically correct is a very different question, and Poisson rendered good service to science in showing how to carry on the investigation on the hypothesis that the density very near the surface is different from that in the interior of the fluid.
Poisson's application to them in 1809 of Lagrange's theory of the variation of constants; Philippe de Pontecoulant successfully used in 1829, for the prediction of the impending return of Halley's comet, a system of " mechanical quadratures " published by Lagrange in the Berlin Memoirs for 1778; and in his Theorie analytique du systeme du monde (1846) he modified and refined general theories of the lunar and planetary revolutions.
The Poisson approximation would be acceptable (q small and k q small).
The Poisson Distribution Recall what we meant by a random variable.
Uniaxial compression is the only test in which it is possible to measure Poisson 's ratio with any degree of simplicity.
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