Pointless Sentence Examples
It was pointless to argue the matter.
She shook her head free of pointless thoughts and began dusting.
She knew arguing would be pointless.
More recently she has worked at New Musical Express so knows lots of pointless trivia about rock music.
To my mind this omission is pointless and the new sentence seems curiously unbalanced and incomplete.
Not enough Mic's to mic it up = pointless due to sheer guitar volume.
Removed pointless and time wasting MAD single additional atom refinement (this may need to be done for MIR too).
Also, going by other people 's comments, it 's a bit pointless quoting links and then regurgitating most of the text anyway.
New Year 's tips are a pointless exercise indulged in by once-a-year share tipsters on Fleet Street.
Utterly pointless, if I 'm honest - it 's not even titillating enough to appeal to the raincoat brigade.
AdvertisementNot enough Mic 's to mic it up = pointless due to sheer guitar volume.
Using a free online scientific calculator might seem pointless.
Anger might seem a pointless emotion, but it is actually rooted in the evolution of humans.
There are a couple videos you can watch, but otherwise this little option is pointless.
As do the pointless animations that each character goes through every time they make a decision.
AdvertisementIf you jump in the water and the suit becomes transparent, you might think it's pointless to even wear one at all!
Whether we are running a company or a carpool, when we don't take a breather and focus on our non-parent selves, our joy is too often displaced by feelings of resentment and pointless stress.
Cupless corsets may initially seem pointless because they don't have special push-up pads or cleavage boosters.
Catherine is already discontented with her life of pointless privilege when everything changes.
It was a silly thing to do... utterly pointless.
AdvertisementHe rolled his eyes, as if having to dispense the information were pointless.
He carried it with him to the long, pointless Council meeting, to his afternoon sparring session with Jetr, to the banquet and introduction of his nishani to the clan leaders.
Others had tried to administer to her but he knew it was pointless and turned away.
It was pointless to leave him a message.
It was pointless to think about alternatives.
AdvertisementIt was an irrational thing, and pointless to allow her mind to linger on the reason for his preoccupation.
In all, it seems a pointless digression that does little for our appreciation of the film.
Complaining about the boundaries is a pointless distraction from the real problems.
Want a pointless pub factoid to spit out to friends while drinking in here?
As well as the threat of pointless prosecution, teachers are also subject more and more to frivolous faddism.
The point is I waste enough of my money on pointless gewgaws of modern capitalism already.
Life appeared so worthless and pointless and I kept thinking about smoking opium again to make me feel better.
There were talks about a formal coalition, but the scale of Labor's victory in 1997 rendered the discussions pointless.
A colleague told me he found several places open but refusing to let anyone new in after 11pm, which seems a bit pointless.
Yesterday I went to a flash mob which all in all, was utterly pointless.
What seemingly pointless actions do we perform in the face of tragedy in order to normalize life?
This all seems pretty pointless to me, just like a lavish menu system really.
In just one weekend can you rise to a totally pointless challenge?
To have a faith in Jesus that excludes belief in the resurrection is ultimately pointless.
It just all seemed rather pointless watching it, I'm feeling very detached.
The first seems pointless, the second, fruitless.
There is discontent from people who feel powerless, like slaves, with their skills rendered pointless as machines replace the need for them.
Copies of his qualifications at his branches, if they were kept, have also proved pointless.
Removed pointless and time wasting MAD single additional atom refinement (this may need to be done for MIR too ).
Some work well like Nicole reciting scripture but some are a little pointless and would be been better left off.
Cheating would be pointless as it would make you very unpopular, and is easily spotted lol.
However, I have seen some pointless squibs as well as useful ones, and the book under review contains both types of squib.
This would make the forging of cards fairly pointless, unless one could also subvert both the Master Databases.
New Year's tips are a pointless exercise indulged in by once-a-year share tipsters on Fleet Street.
Knowing what to buy for your computer is pointless if you buy it from the most expensive store.
I'd like to think we were doing something worthwhile instead of wasting our time on pointless errands.
Yet as pointless as it might seem, Alex had readily agreed.
Yet the critic's remark was not so pointless as Macaulay thought it.
It was pointless to buy a bikini and wear it only once, so Carmen bought a black push-up bra and some skimpy black briefs trimmed with black ribbon.
It was pointless to even consider the idea.