Point Sentence Examples
At some point she fell asleep.
There was no point in working herself up this way.
There was no point making an issue of it.
From that point on it was a nightmare.
Most girls wanted to be a princess at some point in their youth, though she couldn't specifically remember that wish.
If someone tries to attack you, just point it at them.
This idea that there are a finite number of jobs misses the point entirely of what makes a job.
At least at this point, the old house was paying for itself.
There's no point in making it look any worse than it is.
I just didn't see any point in spending money on new clothes when my old ones still had a lot of wear in them.
AdvertisementFrom that point, medicine would never be the same.
We have reached the point where many items can only be made by robots.
There was no point in arguing the issue.
There was no point dwelling on it.
There was no point moving to Bartlesville now.
AdvertisementWhether you look at a single country over a span of time, or a group of countries at a specific point in history, the result is the same.
That wasn't the point she was trying to make, but maybe a man would never understand what she was talking about.
The point is that the cost of making almost everything is mostly energy and intellect, not raw materials.
Any teacher of composition knows that he can bring his pupils to the point of writing without errors in syntax or in the choice of words.
At some point, that stopped bugging her and became an attraction.
AdvertisementAt this point, he probably didn't know anyway.
Prince Bagration, having reached the highest point of our right flank, began riding downhill to where the roll of musketry was heard but where on account of the smoke nothing could be seen.
To that I must entirely change my point of view and study the laws of the movement of steam, of the bells, and of the wind.
There's nothing you can do about this and there's no point in burdening you with it.
There wasn't anything on that tablet that I didn't already know at that point, though.
AdvertisementA second method of radical redistribution is to increase marginal tax rates to a point that is confiscatory.
There's no point in pushing yourself until you drop.
She had made her point.
The man who has actually paid for his farm with labor on it is so rare that every neighbor can point to him.
At this point, things get harder.
Already, by the first of September, I had seen two or three small maples turned scarlet across the pond, beneath where the white stems of three aspens diverged, at the point of a promontory, next the water.
But the point is that the count was much annoyed.
As for the drink, there was no point in bringing that up.
Or when he has a wife to point the way.
There was no point in stalling now.
There was no point in telling them that riding with Bordeaux hadn't been her idea.
The main point, however, was that they flew, and flew swiftly, if a bit unevenly, toward the rock for which they had headed.
I include them to point out that history is discontinuous.
When contemplating the future, our only point of reference is present reality.
Our conception of the degree of freedom often varies according to differences in the point of view from which we regard the event, but every human action appears to us as a certain combination of freedom and inevitability.
At this point, abandoning the two fertilized eggs might be a worse sin.
At one point he splashed through a mud puddle, throwing mud and water all over her.
There was little point in denying her attraction, but he'd best learn to keep his distance.
A scarred tree marked a turning point in the trail, so she slowed down.
She knew that when she accepted the job so any complaint at this point would be out of line.
No point mulling over a decision she had already made.
I daresay if you have purchased anything on Amazon, you have almost certainly, at some point, purchased an additional item Amazon suggested.
At one point, Tiger Woods got a dime for every box of Wheaties cereal with his photo on it, while the farmer was paid only a nickel for the wheat in that same box—and the farmer still made a profit.
I had read many books before, but never from a critical point of view.
I have noticed that a portion of Walden which in the state of water was green will often, when frozen, appear from the same point of view blue.
From her feminine point of view she could see only one solution, namely, for Nicholas to marry a rich heiress.
Occasionally dressers ran out to fetch water, or to point out those who were to be brought in next.
There was no point alarming Connie about her situation, so she didn't mention the conversation with Giddon that had inspired the letter.
Anyway, my point was that women are expected to do all the things I'm doing on this job.
He had probably reached a point that the ranch and house were too much work.
There was no point in freezing her buns off darting across the cold floor to lock the door.
So what's your point?
The mountain before them was shaped like a cone and was so tall that its point was lost in the clouds.
The wreaths were so nearly alike that none of those who were with the king could point out any difference.
We are at the point, finally, where we are seeing uses of the Internet that have no offline corollary.
Eventually we reach the point where the technology does everything we need it to do.
Our ability to process data, move information, and make things small will progress to a point where they will not be gating factors ever again.
At this point, if you follow my reasoning, we have established at least the possibility of a bright future.
Additionally, we will at some point in the not-too-distant future have enough biological understanding of the genome and enough computer horsepower to model complex interactions in the body.
But as we grew up, reality set in that market forces did not allow those activities to pay enough to support us, so at some point we all figured out we had to "earn a living."
It is true that I was familiar with all literary braille in common use in this country--English, American, and New York Point; but the various signs and symbols in geometry and algebra in the three systems are very different, and I had used only the English braille in my algebra.
I desire to speak impartially on this point, and as one not interested in the success or failure of the present economical and social arrangements.
The story was very pretty and interesting, especially at the point where the rivals suddenly recognized one another; and the ladies looked agitated.
That's not the point, my dear.
Can you point it out to me?
Whenever I look at my watch and its hands point to ten, I hear the bells of the neighboring church; but because the bells begin to ring when the hands of the clock reach ten, I have no right to assume that the movement of the bells is caused by the position of the hands of the watch.
From that point of view he gazed at the Oriental beauty he had not seen before.
This was his acknowledgment of the impossibility of changing a man's convictions by words, and his recognition of the possibility of everyone thinking, feeling, and seeing things each from his own point of view.
Natasha smiled and was on the point of speaking.
It rises again from the same point as before--Paris.
A military organization may be quite correctly compared to a cone, of which the base with the largest diameter consists of the rank and file; the next higher and smaller section of the cone consists of the next higher grades of the army, and so on to the apex, the point of which will represent the commander-in-chief.
In all these cases the conception of freedom is increased or diminished and the conception of compulsion is correspondingly decreased or increased, according to the point of view from which the action is regarded.
That's different... and we're wandering off the point.
I thought your point was that I was trying to protect you.
Not that it mattered at this point.
Katie leaned back, a triumphant look on her face as if she had made a point.
Would there be a point at which she stopped being surprised by his family?
I don't think it's a gender-based decision - not at this point, anyway.
And your point is?
At some point their marriage had morphed into a family.
There was no point in telling him she had intended to sleep in the car.
If you'll just point the way, I'll be glad to go by myself.
Such an unlikely spot for a home site, and yet, the remains of a chimney gave indisputable proof that one had existed at some point.
He didn't know her at all, but that was beside the point.
There was a light step behind her, and then Allen's eyes widened as his attention shifted to a point behind her.
He slung the dishtowel over his shoulder and one long step brought him to a point where she was pinned in the corner of the counter.
Dodging cobwebs by the dozens, she pushed on until deciding she had reached a point behind the building.
Come on, I think you've seen enough to convince yourself that I have a valid point when I say it's dangerous to wander in the woods.
You never pay any attention to anything I tell you to do, so what would be the point?
Any decision not to become involved with him at this point was posthumous.
At some point, the tears stopped and sleep began.
It was a point she would have to tactfully convey to Roxanne.
What's the point of living to a ripe old age if you can't enjoy yourself?
But that's just the point.
Cade still slept peacefully - not that he would have cared if she left at this point anyway.
But he did have a point.
To be perfectly honest, at that point, I didn't want to.
I think it was a turning point for me, too.
I'll record the facts from my personal point of view, and my observation.
Thinking back, it was the pivotal point of all that followed.
If you could point me in the right direction, I'll be on my way.
I see you point.
We'd discussed this point among ourselves numerous times over the past months.
His frame was thin to the point of gaunt.
For once, Rhyn was not the sore point.
He.d paced in front of her chamber at some point every day for three weeks, wanting to tell her something, anything, to make her want to stay.
There are monsters and big men with funny … At that point her talking became too quick for the translator hooked on Evelyn's ear to keep up.
Kiera went more than willingly, near the emergency point for reaching the bathroom.
Besides, what was the point to the whole thing?
There was little conversation but at one point when they were exchanging the lead and Betty pedaled ahead, she called to him over her shoulder.
The first curve frightened the hell out of him and he knew the brake pressure necessary to slow him from this speed could not be engaged all the way down the mountain without overheating the tiny pads to the point of ineffectiveness.
Sorry I lied to you about the escrow money—there wasn't any point in my doing it but I didn't think fast enough.
I don't guess he even knew my name at that point.
At that point it was obvious that this was no longer play.
At that point she put all her strength into a punch with her right fist.
There was no point in making an issue of it.
There was no point talking about what was right in their marriage right now.
I tried to get over you and I succeeded to the point of being numb.
Maybe there isn't anything you can say or do at this point.
There was no point in dragging this out.
He must be overwhelmed by responsibility at this point and she had done nothing to help.
It was the least she could do at this point.
Their personal problems seemed small at this point.
It would be nice to be at his side when he talked to Alondra, but at this point he probably felt she wasn't part of the family.
It didn't matter at this point anyway.
No doubt he would rather his family didn't know about the rift in their relationship at this point.
He'd never tried to impress his family before, but that might be his purpose at this point.
The old Alex was bound to emerge at some point.
At one point, when he appeared to be close to tears, she slipped her hand in his.
There was no point working herself up to something she couldn't have.
There's no point in waiting until the last minute.
Obviously we have misinterpreted each other to the point of total confusion.
It was too much for her and she knew it at this point.
It was probably safe to say the rest of his life depended heavily on how he handled things from this point on.
Regardless, he had given his word and no matter how it came out, there was no turning back at this point.
She could hardly point a finger at him for being an opportunist.
At one point the road became one lane and curved around the face of a cliff.
Working her way along the edge, she finally found an entrance point - something that looked like an old trail.
No point in telling Clara about their trip to the creek.
There was no point challenging him, though.
At some point it had broken its bounds and now cascaded down her shoulders and back.
At some point she dozed, and when she lifted her head, he was asleep, his head cradled on one arm as he slumped over the table.
No point in waking him now.
Well, there was no point in putting it off.
Obviously he was trying to prove a point.
Half way up the steep was a yawning cave, black as night beyond the point where the rainbow rays of the colored suns reached into it.
But at a certain point, you don't need any more, and the technology is mature.
We often see other technologies race toward a point and then stop growing along that axis.
Maybe it was inevitable at that point that some spark would set off the powder keg of Europe.
We won't talk at this point about the distribution of that wealth; that will come later.
At that point, people flee the land looking for a better deal.
From our point of view, the job of the plant is to convert sunlight into energy and store that energy in a tasty way; then when we eat the plant, we get that energy.
Among the places I visited were West Point, Tarrytown, the home of Washington Irving, where I walked through "Sleepy Hollow."
From the letters after the year 1892 I have culled in the spirit of one making an anthology, choosing the passages best in style and most important from the point of view of biography.
How could they--they can see and hear, and I suppose they could not understand matters from my point of view....
At this point Helen pressed my hand to stop me.
It is true, on the other hand, that in her descriptions, she is best from the point of view of art when she is faithful to her own sensations; and this is precisely true of all artists.
I am tempted to reply to such--This whole earth which we inhabit is but a point in space.
Walden is blue at one time and green at another, even from the same point of view.
Why does it not encourage its citizens to be on the alert to point out its faults, and do better than it would have them?
And having got rid of this young man who did not know how to behave, she resumed her duties as hostess and continued to listen and watch, ready to help at any point where the conversation might happen to flag.
As regularity is a prime condition facilitating activity, regularity in his household was carried to the highest point of exactitude.
His fertile mind instantly suggested to him a point of view which gave him a right to despise the adjutant and the minister.
The old prince knew that if he told his daughter she was making a mistake and that Anatole meant to flirt with Mademoiselle Bourienne, Princess Mary's self-esteem would be wounded and his point (not to be parted from her) would be gained, so pacifying himself with this thought, he called Tikhon and began to undress.
In spite of Prince Andrew's disagreeable, ironical tone, in spite of the contempt with which Rostov, from his fighting army point of view, regarded all these little adjutants on the staff of whom the newcomer was evidently one, Rostov felt confused, blushed, and became silent.
All are struck by the justness of his views, but no one undertakes to carry them out, so he takes a regiment, a division-stipulates that no one is to interfere with his arrangements--leads his division to the decisive point, and gains the victory alone.
That way we shall be saying there is no God--nothing! shouted Nicholas, banging the table--very little to the point as it seemed to his listeners, but quite relevantly to the course of his own thoughts.
Often, listening to the pilgrims' tales, she was so stimulated by their simple speech, mechanical to them but to her so full of deep meaning, that several times she was on the point of abandoning everything and running away from home.
Incidents were related evidently confirming the opinion that everything was going from bad to worse, but whether telling a story or giving an opinion the speaker always stopped, or was stopped, at the point beyond which his criticism might touch the sovereign himself.
But still he pitied Prince Andrew to the point of tears and sympathized with his wounded pride, and the more he pitied his friend the more did he think with contempt and even with disgust of that Natasha who had just passed him in the ballroom with such a look of cold dignity.
To clear up this last point for himself, Prince Andrew, utilizing his position and acquaintances, tried to fathom the character of the control of the army and of the men and parties engaged in it, and he deduced for himself the following of the state of affairs.
But this was only the external condition; the essential significance of the presence of the Emperor and of all these people, from a courtier's point of view (and in an Emperor's vicinity all became courtiers), was clear to everyone.
For a moment she contemplated silence, but what would be the point?
The point is that he went to jail for it.
With Pfuel was Wolzogen, who expressed Pfuel's thoughts in a more comprehensible way than Pfuel himself (who was a harsh, bookish theorist, self-confident to the point of despising everyone else) was able to do.
This general, hating Barclay, rode to visit a friend of his own, a corps commander, and, having spent the day with him, returned to Barclay and condemned, as unsuitable from every point of view, the battleground he had not seen.
This was the Marshal of the Nobility of the district, who had come personally to point out to the princess the necessity for her prompt departure.
An elderly sergeant who had approached the officer while he was giving these explanations had waited in silence for him to finish speaking, but at this point, evidently not liking the officer's remark, interrupted him.
And the point is that we knew whom he had it from.
When he had reached this point, Pierre asked the captain whether he understood that.
With a great effort he tried to return to life and to see things from their point of view.
The proportion of freedom to inevitability decreases and increases according to the point of view from which the action is regarded, but their relation is always one of inverse proportion.
There was no arguing that point.
You're deliberately missing the point.
She quirked a brow and made an exaggerated point of putting her hair back in order, tossing her head pertly and smiling up at him.
How could he betray her trust so utterly - for the sole purpose of proving a point to Claudette?
There's no point in being uncomfortable just so you can prove what a macho man you are.
My point is, lacking knowledge is sometimes safer than possessing it.
Betsy exclaimed as we caught our breath, standing atop the highest point for thirty miles around.
From my point; money was well spent.
This point should be non-negotiable.
These people we point out to the authorities... they must hate us beyond all reason.
I agreed with my wife but pointed out even though Bryce had tracked us down, I couldn't think of any other slip ups besides Julie's contest that would point to us.
The last point sealed the deal against further discussion.
All the while, I couldn't block the vision of the wife I so loved, being herded at knife point.
I turned on the equipment, though without Howie hooked up to it, there was no absolutely no point in doing so.
I spotted familiar references to our earliest sojourns in West Virginia and knowing the time and location Howie visited there at least gave me a starting point.
Did Quinn think he could accomplish it; pin point the place and date?
Until that point, eminent success lay just around the corner; now, absent any leads, a wave of despair descended over me like a blanket of morning fog.
Howie thinks he hears movement outside at one point but sees nothing.
At this point, he had no choice but to trust Darian.
He wasn't to that point yet, and he had to figure out just how to protect the woman from the man she considered her own father.
Pain radiated through his body from where she'd shot him, and his normally pliant temper was near the snapping point.
Everyone associated with your target is a weak point.
She roused herself, surprised to see the other three had disappeared at some point.
Despite the water, her mouth was dry and aching almost to the point of pain.
She didn't expect it; she expected him to lie rather than point out the flaws in her desperate logic.
The words would mean nothing to her at that point.
At this point, there was no reason not to.
Her first thought was that he was sending her to Death as a means of torturing her or at least, nailing home the point that he had won this round with Gabriel.
His attention was on a point behind her, and she turned to see a portal waiting.
You could've checked up on me at any point.
You could've killed me and taken the soul out of my head at any point.
Certainly, she had a point.
At one point Brandon Westlake stopped the car with a lurch.
When he was finished, the quiet continued to the point where he wondered if she were still on the line.
While he was instantly embarrassed and wore stunned look on his face, he saw no point in denying his activity.
I was checking out a point guard who proved to be too short.
Besides, if you buy her story of years of happy marriage, it doesn't point to any untoward reason for Dawkins to seek her out before meeting her.
That alone is a point in her favor.
Jennifer pondered this point.
Knowing the most powerful creature – one the Dark One himself exiled at one point for his ruthlessness – had taken over Hell was another matter entirely.
She didn't understand what pain was at that point.
The human emotions were crippling the cold logic that brought her to this point.
She knew at that point.
I risked everything to get to this point.
The starting point was on the near side of the lake.
Her own journey to reach this point hadn't been easy.
She was agitated to the point of distraught.
His head was still reeling to the point he was fevered.
At one point, Fate had told him a story about how he tricked the goddess into a series of agreements that landed her out of a job.
Maybe she had a point.
The lawyer assured Alex that Lori could not take Destiny from them at this point.
Destiny had finally reached the point that she would tolerate being held by Lori, but after a few minutes she was ready to get down or go to Alex, Carmen or Jonathan.
Whether there was someone else in her life at this point or she was alone was a mystery.
There was no point ruining her brunch thinking about that situation.
There was no point in discussing the subject further.
At that point, the doctor paused, watching her as though waiting for a reaction.
She couldn't argue that point, but Alex might regain consciousness and she wanted to be there if he did.
By the time Bill arrived, Alex had stabilized to the point that she felt comfortable about leaving for a while.
From that point on, she made sure the chores outside were done before dark, and was always aware of things around her that could be used as weapons.
For the next few days, he steadily improved – even to the point of walking on his own.
There was no point in telling him.
So what's the point of the bikini?
How did a happy couple get to this point?
Finally she ducked her head and came to the direct point.
He might be upset, but surely he would see her point.
There was no point putting it off.
Whether it was physiological or psychological didn't matter at this point.
His gaze shifted to a point behind her and the smile left his face.
Was he ever going to come to the point?
Finally he was getting to the point.
There was no point in talking about it to Carmen, though.
There was no point in telling her what she would find there.
Maybe things would have been different... but there was no point thinking about that.
We all have to go at some point.
His body tensed to the point of snapping.
She passed the halfway point and forced herself to keep going.
She passed the three quarters point, and tears filled her gaze.
He kept his voice firm and cold, unwilling to give on either point.
The Sanctuary was plain to the point of austere, with no luxuries.
Wynn was relaxed, sharp gaze on some point in the distance as he sipped his wine.
You've cut me open and – " "I cede your point," he said, smiling.
You've made your point, Gabriel.
But if she challenged him on this point, she saw him making it impossible for her to die on her own terms.
He knew it, which meant he was counting on her caving at some point.
She inched closer to the point where he'd appeared then hurried by to the edge of the forest.
At one point, she thought he cared for her a little.
She spotted the place down the path, a point overlooking the valley.
At that point, everyone was collecting, or trying to.
Good. Get the point?
They proved to be the turning point in her day.
By that point, other things fell apart that I couldn't fix.
He took her wrist and raised his pinkie, where she saw the nail had been filed to a point and reinforced with metal.
He had a point, but she knew she'd be in as much danger from the monsters as from Sasha's men.
She dropped, surprised and disgusted when one hand landed in what was a human or creature at one point.
Don't think another really matters at this point.
At one point, he'd called her beautiful and tonight, he'd called her strong.
More than one church attendee went beyond polite disdain and glared to the point of hostility.
At some point, you two need to trust each other.
He admired her strength but knew everyone had a breaking point.
His gaze was on some point in the forest.
If that were the best Ne'Rin could say of the difficult woman … She should have settled by this point, adopted her role and been properly behaved.
She perched on the edge of one table, fidgeting hands in her lap and bright features alert as she focused on some point on the screen.
Sparring lasted until the sky was clear of night's blue, at which point he took the sword from her.
He disabled the real-time mechanism, engaged the training program, and returned to the point where battle had been when nishani last adjusted the strategy.
Several more warriors stood at intersections like gargoyles, moving only to point in the direction she needed to go.
She reached a point that seemed familiar and looked for the dark shadow of the crevice.
The hum of a spacecraft made her pulse leap again, and her eyes found the small craft descending from the sky to a landing point a hundred meters away.
It remained a sore point with the old man.
The January sun continued in its brilliance and the rhythmic gliding across the crystal snow, though not exhausting, warmed the couple to the point where even their limited outer cover seemed excessive.
A six-footer, like David Dean was a veritable giant from her reduced point of reference.
Just then, the high point of excitement of the late afternoon was orchestrated by Mrs. Lincoln, Dean's cat, who had emigrated with him from Pennsylvania.
I ain't even gonna point her in the right direction to the library, much less do her work for her.
By the time the group stopped for lunch—two large five-cheese pizzas at Big Billie's—Donnie had progressed to the point of being able to ski alone from the top of the beginner slope.
At some point his past may crawl out of the ground and bite him on the butt, but it won't be because I did the digging.
Then the awkwardness of his silent position hiding in the darkness extended beyond the point of propriety of making his presence known.
He's got a point.
There's no pretending on that point.
Never let it be said I don't get the point!
Nice cars, nice enough house, but the tour bus doesn't bother to point out their digs.
No point in even introducing a mention of Jerome Shipton.
Small clusters of people were gathered at every vantage point.
Fred asked at one point, on his way to deliver cookies and hot chocolate to the parlor.
The pair tramped further to the next closest point where they could see his line of descent to the river far below.
If he wasn't that far, how come he's still around to point fingers?
Besides, the long day had blurred both their minds to the point of uselessness and Fred punctuated every sentence with a yawn.
But that's not the point.
As Dean drew close to Bird Song, he resolved to ask his wife point blank if she witnessed Donnie Ryland cutting his stepfather's climbing rope in an attempt to send him to his death.
Cynthia didn't press him on the point but continued to act very nervous.
That was the point of her suicide, wasn't it?
If there's a stationary point you could tie on to, all the better.
Nearly everyone uses ball point pens.
That one point always bothered me.
So how did he get down to the point where he fell?
The odds were, he would break her heart at some point, and would it not be better sooner, rather than later?
Sarah broke in, "He might have a point you know."
Elisabeth laughed, "You have to admit he has a point."
Sarah's shoes wouldn't even fit in his place, and there is no point in them buying something else.
You know Victor will come after him at some point...
Jackson seized every opportunity to point out the upsides, and tried his best to lighten her mood.
I can't afford to loose any of them at this point.
Alex wasn't likely to be much help with the farm, but it wouldn't do any good to argue the point with Katie.
There was no point in arguing.
I thought we agreed there was no point in using your mother's old dishes when we could just serve our food from the pans we cook it in?
There was little point in denying the fact that she was watching Alex - and enjoying what she was seeing.
There was no point in responding, so Carmen merely shrugged and followed Alex to one of the kidding stalls.
There was no point in getting all worked up.
What was the point in antagonizing him?
No point in adding my weight to what you already have to push.
Was that what Katie meant all those times she indicated his looks weren't his strongest point?
He was making a point of saying good-bye.
She made a point of eating everything on her plate, and even wore a trail down the hallway with her portable IV carrier.
She stepped in between them again, distracting Alex to the point that Josh came close to hitting him.
I got your point.
The fact that it was the perfect place for a house and provided a spectacular view from the wide porch, was beside the point.
Planning ahead was a good thing up to a point.
Sweetheart, if I didn't feel sorry about that at some point during our marriage, I'd probably be the first man.
Brady glanced at it, sweating despite the cool antechamber of their secret communications point.
I had hoped to be married by this point of my life.
The point of being married is not to get a divorce.
She was getting ready to pass the point of no return.
She knows where every emerops point is on the East Coast.
Still, that's gotta be the starting point.
The helo left them at Texarkana, the southernmost point on their map, before missile fire from the other side of the river erupted.
Any more drugs in his—" "I get the point," Brady snapped, irritated.
That's not the point, Gabe.
Another small smile crossed her face, and she sat down. Gabe left her, knowing even if she did sleep, it wouldn't be long. Death may have ignored their presence in her domain for three days, but something had made her reach out to him now. He knew they'd have problems at some point and only hoped he could get Katie out of the underworld, before his own fate was sealed.
At some point, we'll have to ask her to help us out of here.
Years from now, when he was comfortably ensconced in his Ouray, Colorado bed and breakfast, he'd often look back on this day as the turning point in his life, but for now it was only the start of yet another five work days.
Dean didn't press the point.
I'm going down to Norfolk Friday to talk to the local police, but so far, there isn't a thing to point to the guy skipping.
The latest entry dated Monday showed a mileage figure and the starting point of Parkside, Pennsylvania.
I can point you right to 'em—just get me a new life!
The guy exuded confidence to the point where Dean felt as if he had just dropped a plateful of mashed potatoes in his lap while this tall, dark stranger was toasting the queen.
At one point, the girl dropped her napkin and the boy reached beneath the table, picked it up, and replaced it daintily on her lap.
He didn't bother to point out that Bala Cynwyd, Cece Baldwin's address, was near Philadelphia, the opposite direction from Parkside.
There's no point in moving them twice.
It crossed her mind not to answer it at all, but maybe he had learned something from the last call and would get to the point.
There was no point arguing with him.
I want to wait until after we're married to... but maybe there's no point in waiting – not if it's going to bother you this much.
At that point he intended to put it in both their names.
There was no point in hiding the truth.
There was no defined point at which everything went wrong – or right, depending on the viewpoint.
At some point her hands left his back and found their way up his chest to the back of his neck.
Yet, could anything be too familiar at this point?
Maybe he was closer to understanding her point.
At that point her goal was a family of her own.
There was no point in arguing with him.
Besides, there was nothing she could do at this point – nothing but pray.
All she wanted to do at this point was change clothes and go home.
In fact, at this point the idea was terrifying.
His voice startled her to the point that she squealed.
Apparently it had fallen out of her purse at some point.
There was no point in disturbing Alex at work.
There was no point in talking to him about it now.
There isn't much point in it right now.
There was no point in bringing Katie into their personal affairs – even if she had injected herself there.
Exactly the point she had tried to make with Katie.
Right now it was little more than a point of contention.
There was no point in discussing that painful subject.
There was no point in trying to conceal the truth now.
At this point she wasn't sure why she felt uncomfortable about telling him – maybe because she had hid so many things from him already and he was hurt by that.
Nobody gets to the point that they can't use more money, sweetheart.
No point in telling Alex anything yet.
In many ways he was the perfect husband, but trust in a woman had never been his strong point.
There was no point getting into it, so she focused on the immediate problem.
How could they have come to this point?
She was only trying to point out that nothing came with a guarantee.
Darian was lean as a whip, his body honed to the point where instinct and reaction were one.
When Xander didn't look away, she began to suspect she'd found a weak point.
The point where Watchers entered the world was not the best place to pass out.
The vantage point from there would let her see anything coming up the driveway or through the forest, though the pines were thick.
Jonny returned at some point and left with a small group to hunt.
Claire was his only pressure point.
I rarely thought about her until that point when I began dreaming about her every night.
Someone had food in their pantry at one point, but it was stale and consisted of canned food she wouldn't normally eat.
You were almost to that point in Ireland.
The point of a sword entered ahead of the guardsman.
At some point, he'd have to snatch Yully and Charles and drag them down to the immortal world and hope they had a chance to Travel before being blasted to pieces.
Hilden entered at one point and presented the evening scouting report.
Actually, technically it was their collective business, but there was no point in getting into that right now.
At that point Jonathan came into the kitchen with Matthew holding on to one hand and Natalie clinging desperately to the hand on his short arm.
Carmen explained what had happened and introduced Alex with a point of the finger.
Alright, I see your point, but what about the things you do care about?
That only proves my point.
He isn't arguing the point, but is he really supporting your decision?
There's no telling what another child might have gone through at this point.
Ed climbed the hill and sure-footed it through the switchbacks to the point where she had to continue on foot.
At this point, so was she.
She placed another clip and came to the point.
It was a good point.
At that point Sam got an amused look in her eyes and looked away.
If Alex was a big question mark right now, Jonathan was an exclamation point.
There was no point in putting it off.
There was no point talking to him while he was in this mood.
There was little point in trying to hide it, so Carmen confessed.
I'm not sure I even care at this point.
It was impossible to say what dragons Alex might be fighting at this point.
She had crossed the point of no return.
There was no point in responding to that statement.
What he would do about any given situation at this point was a mystery.
I never thought of it quite that way, but you have a point.
Sometimes it took a ridiculous simile to make a point.
From this point, Xander was able to see most of the city, including the white dome of the palace at its center that marked the home of one of the three Gods that ruled the immortal realm.
With a unique vantage point into the world, they were able to perceive what she couldn't see.
On that point, you are correct.
His features were beyond pale, to the point of translucent, his gaze unblinking.
At that point, no one was able to withstand what he could do.
It's a starting point.
I get the point!
There will come a point when you're going to have a really hard choice to make.
His pinkie nail grew to a sharp point, and he sliced his inner arm near the wrist.
His tone was understanding, up until that point.
I get the point.
I guess that's the point, right?
She offered to take my mother and me in at one point, but my mother refused.
At that point, I was more powerful than she and the existing Original Beings.
Silently, he acknowledged that he was a fool to lower his guard around the teens and their cousin, to the point he recognized Ashley the first time he saw her but didn't check her mind.
They'd have to confront him at some point, especially if they hoped to use the necklace.
Kind of hard not to agree at that point.
Bianca, Dusty's mate, was a Healer of extraordinary power, who had turned her brother from a vamp into a human again at one point.
Nor would it seem as if it could be the intention of the author to do much more than point out the lines on which the further treatment of the subject should advance.
As regards their present distribution in India, elephants are found along the foot of the Himalaya as far west as the valley of Dehra-Dun, where the winter temperature falls to a comparatively low point.
Dalton believed that the molecules of the elementary gases consisted each of one atom; his diagram for hydrogen gas makes the point clear.
At this point the right branch of the river is only 500 ft.
His deposition has been ascribed to a formal act of the Witan, but this seems an antedating of constitutional methods and the circumstances point to a palace revolution.
At Kufstein, down to which point it has still pursued a north-easterly direction, it breaks through the north Tirol limestone formation, and, now keeping a northerly course, enters at Rosenheim the Bavarian high plateau.
The only point of interest on the banks is the cavern, near the mouth of the Alder, in which Prince Charles Edward concealed himself for a time after the battle of Culloden.
Liebig and Pasteur were in agreement on the point that fermentation is intimately connected with the presence of yeast in the fermenting liquid, but their explanations concerning the mechanism of fermentation were quite opposed.
Before applying the solution to a mathematical investigation of the present question, it may be well to consider the matter for a few moments from a more general point of view.
On the 3rd of July he defeated the Austrians at Monte Saello, on the 7th at Lodzone, on the 10th at Darso, on the 16th at Condino, on the 19th at Ampola, on the 21st at Bezzecca, but, when on the point of attacking Trent, he was ordered by General Lamarmora to retire.
If V be the potential, p the density of free electricity at a point in the atmosphere, at a distance r from the earth's centre, then assuming statical conditions and neglecting variation of V in horizontal directions, we have r2 (d/dr) (r 2 dV/dr) - - 4.rp = o.
The point of the angle was broken off.
From Peter's point of view the question was, did the enormity of the tsarevich's crime absolve the tsar from the oath which he had taken to spare the life of this prodigal son?
In 1 774 the governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore, himself led a force over the mountains, and a body of militia under General Andrew Lewis dealt the Shawnee Indians under Cornstalk a crushing blow at Point Pleasant at the junction of the Kanawha and the Ohio rivers, but Indian attacks continued until after the War of Independence.
Between this point and the time when equity became settled as a portion of the legal system, having fixed principles of its own, various views of its nature seem to have prevailed.
At length the turning point in his career came in the shape of an invitation for him and his father to accompany Captain Cook in his third voyage round the world.
Eusebius in his Onomasticon uses it as a central point from which the distances of other towns are measured.
On the main promontory, with Valletta, stands the suburb Floriana; Fort St Elmo, with a lighthouse, stands on the extremity of the promontory; the suburb Sliema lies on the point which encloses the Marsamuschetto harbour; Fort Ricasoli on the opposite point enclosing the east, Grand, or Great Harbour.
The knights strengthened Valletta and its harbour by bastions, curtain-walls, lines and forts, towards the sea, towards the land and on every available point, taking advantage in every particular of the natural rock and of the marvellous advantages of situation, rendering it then almost impregnable.
Simple roofs in general use with a double slope are the " coupled rafter roofs," the rafters meeting at the highest point upon a horizontal ridge-piece which stiffens the framework and gives a level ridge-line.
But the government of Bombay had hurried on a rupture with the Mahratta confederacy at a time when France was on the point of declaring war against England, and when the mother-country found herself unable to subdue her rebellious colonists in America.
On this point the entire council acted in harmony.
It is more pleasing to point out certain of his public measures upon which no difference of opinion can arise.
Cochin-China consists chiefly of an immense plain, flat and monotonous, traversed by the Mekong and extending from Ha-Tien in the west to Baria in the east, and from Bien-Hoa in the north-east to the southern point of the peninsula of Ca-Mau in the south-west.
East of Cape St Jacques the mountains of Annam come down close to the sea; west of that point, as far as the southern headland of Ca-Mau, the coast-line of Cochin-China runs north-east to south-west for about 160 m.
It is served by the Atlantic Coast Line, the Seaboard Air line, the Southern, the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk, the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Norfolk & Western, the Norfolk & Southern and the Virginian railways, by many steamship lines, by ferry to Portsmouth (immediately opposite), Newport News, Old Point Comfort and Hampton, and by electric lines to several neighbouring towns.
Norfolk is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishopric. The city has a public park of 110 acres and various smaller ones, and in the vicinity are several summer resorts, notably Virginia Beach, Ocean View, Old Point Comfort, Pine Beach and Willoughby Beach.
With the Cape micrometer a systematic difference has been found in the coincidence point for head above and head below amounting to o"-14.
The short screw whose divided milled head is shifts the zero of the micrometer by pushing, without turning, the short sliding rod whose flat end forms the point d'appui of the micrometer screw at I.
It ranks sixth in point of size (after Sicily) among the islands of Europe, but it is much more sparsely populated.
The construction varies with the site, obviously with a view to the best use of the ground from a strategic point of view.
Blue Town, the older part of the town, with the dockyard, is defended by strong modern-built fortifications, especially the forts of Garrison Point and Barton's Point, commanding the entrance of both the Thames and the Medway.
In 294 B.C. he was defeated at Mantineia by Demetrius Poliorcetes, who invaded Laconia, gained a second victory close to Sparta, and was on the point of taking the city itself when he was called t So Plut.
Among Servian cities, Nish is only surpassed by Belgrade in commercial and strategic importance; for it lies at the point where several of the chief Balkan highroads converge, and where the branch railway to Salonica leaves the main line between Belgrade and Constantinople.
In 1537 she was anxious to obtain a divorce from Methven, and her desire was on the point of being realized when it was defeated by the intervention of James.
The Via Domitiana from Sinuessa to Puteoli crossed the river at this point, and some remains of the bridge are visible.
The dispute on the latter point between Fermat and Descartes was continued, even after the philosopher's death, as late as 1662.
The problem of the curves is solved by their reduction to a problem of straight lines; and the locus of any point is determined by its distance from two given straight lines - the axes of co-ordinates.
They propose, that is, to find a simple and indecomposable point, or absolute element, which gives to the world and thought their order and systematization.
The very moment when we begin to think, says Descartes, when we cease to be merely receptive, when we draw back and fix our attention on any point whatever of our belief, - that moment doubt begins.
The doubts thus awakened must not be stifled, but pressed systematically on to the point, if such a point there be, where doubt confutes itself.
But when we have done our worst in unsettling them, we come to an ultimate point in the fact that it is we who are doubting, we who are thinking.
At this point Gassendi arrested Descartes and addressed his objections to him as pure intelligence, - O mens!
But even this mens, or mind, is but a point - we have found no guarantee as yet for its continuous existence.
In both these doctrines of a priori science Descartes has not been subverted, but, if anything, corroborated by the results of experimental physics; for the so-called atoms of chemical theory already presuppose, from the Cartesian point of view, certain aggregations of the primitive particles of matter.
But there is one point in the human frame - a point midway in the brain, single and free, which may in a special sense be called the seat of the mind.
This is the so-called c narion, or pineal gland, where in a minimized point the mind on one hand and the vital spirits on the other meet and communicate.
As early as 1553 he had ceased to trust Sylvester and Adashev, owing to their extraordinary backwardness in supporting the claims of his infant son to the throne while he himself lay at the point of death.
In his attitude towards the members of the Delian League Pericles likewise maintained a purely Athenian point of view.
Its importance is due to its command of the point where the chief trade route from Persia and Central Asia to Europe, over the table-land of Armenia by Bayezid and Erzerum, descends to the sea.
The whole is still enclosed by the Byzantine walls, which follow the line of the cliffs and are carried along the sea-face; and the upper part of the level, which is separated from the lower by an inner cross wall, forms the castle; while at the highest point, where a sort of neck is formed between the two valleys, is the keep which crowns the whole.
It is navigable for steamers to a point a little above the mouth of the Great Zab, about 30 m.
Here the palm groves begin also, and from this point to a little beyond Bagdad the shores of the river are well cultivated.