Poignant Sentence Examples
The moment was too poignant to be amusing.
It was one of many poignant moments.
It was a poignant portrayal of the effects of a war that touched every aspect of society.
Some of his most poignant and most enchanting letters were written during this romantic period of his life.
Old Man Adam's wise words have become very poignant indeed.
It was a poignant memoir of their lost life together.
Click to see some rather poignant pictures of the wreckage surrounding the place.
The memory was poignant, overshadowed by events that took place after she told Alex she was expecting.
Their second song, "Out in the Woods," is unbearably poignant with aching cello and strange, pained Eastern European strings.
The north and east owned a terrific influence, making all pain more poignant, all sorrow sadder.
AdvertisementAgain, the subtext of betrayal gives a deeply poignant edge to this teaching.
They were poignant lyrics, powerfully sung by Marlena.
There is a particularly poignant moment in "The Wind in the Willows."
Like a dream, you usually only remember the best bits; recollecting those memories that are most poignant.
The story is made poignant by the fact that the plane was stripped for souvenirs despite the tragedy.
AdvertisementMore than 50 years later she went there to see his grave and wrote a poignant memoir of their lost life together.
The tidings of the death of his rebellious son filled the heart of David with the most poignant grief.
The poignant ballad had Chip Taylor beckoning a young lady from the audience called Florence.
It is poignant to see a so down-to-earth a domestic tragedy acted out against so historical a backdrop.
I'd like to remind you of a poster produced by the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, which I found particularly poignant.
AdvertisementWorking on the film has made the whole thing seem more poignant.
A row of three simple crosses to the north of the kirk are especially poignant.
Yellow has also been adopted as the official ribbon color for military support, especially for deployed troops, and using a canary diamond in an engagement ring can be very poignant for a couple separated by military deployments.
His sudden death was felt, not only throughout the empire but throughout the world, with even more poignant emotion than that of Queen Victoria herself, for his personality had been much more in the forefront.
The more personal you can make your letter, the more poignant and compelling it will be.
AdvertisementThis collection of twelve stories of notable wrecks which befell Portuguese ships between 1552 and 1604 contains that of the galleon " St John " on the Natal coast, an event which inspired Corte-Rears epic poem as well as some poignant stanzas in The Lusiads, and the tales form a model of simple spontaneous popular writing.
Every now and then, someone will echo something clever or funny, or undeniably poignant.
Yet it is not emotionally barren, as this might suggest, but surprisingly poignant.
Anti-Slavery Pottery Figure makes £ 4,800 at Auction This poignant pottery figure was made to commemorate the abolition of the slave trade by Parliament.
His nautical travelog is filled with poignant and dryly humorous snapshots of Scotland.
In addition to Ayesha's personal tragedy, there is a poignant vignette detailing a young boy's infatuation with a mummified woman.
A great songwriter can write words and music that transcend any genre, and Claire's poignant lyrics and strong melodies are perfect evidence.
The theater company aims to create a rich plethora of poignant, beautiful, accessible and honest theater productions.
A more poignant reminder of Britain's past is the profusion of latin sparrows.
The thought that the composer would never actually hear the symphony made it a very poignant occasion.
There is also a lovely bonus track, ' Stargazer ', originally from the band's first album, with added poignant violins.
Blind Blake neatly picking out impeccable ragtime piano tunes or the poignant strident slide of Tampa Red.
The focus on food and water served as a poignant reminder that trade is not just about economics and business.
There is also a lovely bonus track, ' Stargazer ', originally from the band 's first album, with added poignant violins.
Shakespeare's humorous and poignant story is now a musical!
The San Francisco edition of this show remains particularly poignant as gay roommate Pedro Zamora brought to light LGBT rights as well as AIDS awareness and education.
The crown of thorns ring offers a poignant look into the heart of Christ that is sure to thrill Christians.
Really, the writing is a perfect balance, equally parts fresh and poignant while also maintaining a healthy sense of both nostalgia and humor.The plot, for those unfamiliar with the game, revolves around a dark knight named Cecil.
A silhouette clipart of praise dance is especially poignant because it brings forth a dimension of dramatic art.
I think the most poignant moment for many people is when the piece finally arrives at their home and they get to open it for the first time and see it.
Poignant gals with a jaded, tough side have the mysterious ability to look cool while convincing the world they invested little care or effort.
Check the schedule beforehand, to see if you will be able to visit the Immigration Station and other poignant landmarks the island offers.
Perhaps it was used in the wedding of a family member or close friend, or is poignant for other reasons.
Instead, you'll have to stick to a poignant four or five words.
Different women will have different stories, whether they're poignant, funny or a combination.
The episode, titled The Body, was completely devoid of a musical soundtrack and the empty silences were made all the more poignant.
Amber Spyglass' ending is quite one of the most poignant of any I have ever read.
The musical scores that accompany Luke's battles with Vader contain many a poignant note amidst the bold brass, horns and drums as though the music mourns the lost relationship long before the audience is aware of it.
That he turned out to be one of the Final Five was just a poignant twist for this "everyman" character.
The conviction in his tone was poignant.
In his next work, Die Meistersinger, Wagner ingeniously made poetry and drama out of an explicit manifesto to musical critics, and proved the depth of his music by developing its everyday resources and so showing that its vitality does not depend on that extreme emotional force that makes Tristan and Isolde almost unbearably poignant.
In contrast to the great French actress she avoided all "make-up"; her art depended on intense naturalness rather than stage effect, sympathetic force and poignant intellectuality rather than the theatrical emotionalism of the French tradition.
The suggestion that Mother Shipton had foretold the end of the world in 1881 was the cause of the most poignant alarm throughout rural England in that year, the people deserting their houses, and spending the night in prayer in the fields, churches and chapels.
The text carries a poignant warning to guard against such complacency.
While individual moments are unbearably poignant, others seem oddly dispassionate.
Consider bringing a smile or poignant thought into someone else's life with a quote-filled gift.
From love triangles to the threat of death, the stories within these movies capture some of the most poignant moments of true love in film history.
In addition, transcript requests also come in from All My Children fans, who simply want to relive poignant moments, from the award-winning soap.
Mia's exit was especially poignant as the teenage mom went through the wringer through her several seasons on the show.
The character's quietly poignant death at the conclusion of the second season was a sucker punch that fans expected much earlier.
In one of the great turnarounds for the season, Izzie's condition deepens her relationship with Alex Karev and they share a very poignant romance complete with a fairy tale wedding.
Your resume is the poignant story of your career and highlights the very best parts.
The next time you find yourself engaged in a debate about whether or not cheerleading is truly a sport, empowering your opinion with a horde of quotes (cute or poignant) is the first step in adding weight to your platform.
First bra shopping stories can range from the poignant and touching to the amusing and disastrous.
Paul Wang (Joel de La Fuente) and Vanessa Damphousse (Lanei Chapman) have less poignant reasons for joining - Paul is looking for courage and Vanessa for a meaningful career.
Take the plot devices on faith and just take in the chases, the bonding, the terrifyingly realistic depiction of nuclear holocaust (in a dream, fortunately) and the surprisingly poignant ending.
More poignant and sad than frightening, this film tells the story of Cole Sear, a troubled young boy, movingly played by Haley Joel Osment.
Ghibli films have always struck me as being far more poignant, playful yet dramatic, never really becoming farcical in any broad sense.