Poeme Sentence Examples
Langdon, ibid., X.; Poeme du Paradis (1919); King, loc. cit., p. 52, ff.; (40) Mittlg.
He found time, even during the campaign, to translate part of Horace and to compose two poems, the Poeme des Alpes and the Chant de guerre.
Life's fragility and brevity was beautifully encapsulated by the 100 ticking metronomes in the opening Poeme Symphonique by Ligeti.
When it was thought sufficient to say with Boileau that Corneille excited, not pity or terror, but admiration which was not a tragic passion; or that "D'un seul nom quelquefois le son dur ou bizarre Rend un poeme entier ou burlesque ou barbare;" when Voltaire could think it crushing to add to his exposure of the "infamies" of Theodore - " apres cela comment osons-nous condamner les pieces de Lope de Vega et de Shakespeare?"