Pocket Sentence Examples
He pulled out a pocket watch and looked at it.
She dug it out of her pocket and opened it.
I fished his cell number out of my pocket and dialed.
A small plastic bag fell out of the pocket.
He dug in his pocket and produced two keys on their original ring.
His phone vibrated in his pocket.
The keys were in the pocket.
She squeezed the steering wheel then reached into her coat pocket for her cell phone.
He reached into his pocket and held out his hand.
As if in answer to her question, he dug a tin from his shirt pocket and handed it to her.
AdvertisementHe fished his keys out of her pocket and hurried her towards the parking lot.
The Wizard now put the nine tiny ones back into his pocket and the journey was resumed.
Something in my pocket--can't remember...
Pulling gloves and a bag from his pocket, he proceeded to collect the grisly specimen.
She sent the text then tucked the phone in her pocket, praying they could track her with the tag Toni placed there.
AdvertisementWhen it was over, he pulled a business card from his pocket that listed the location of his hotel.
He reached into his pocket to wrap his hand around the orb.
Truly thrilled about the start to her new life, she folded the phone and dropped it into her pocket.
Gabriel drained the bowl of water and placed the souls in his pocket.
She shook too hard to pull her phone free from her pocket and call for help.
AdvertisementShe had a cute hat she'd picked out and stuffed in one pocket of her backpack.
Her hand went to her pocket, where the vial was.
Instead, he drew a leathern case from his pocket and took from it several sharp knives, which he joined together, one after another, until they made a long sword.
They are in my inside pocket now.
I found box of candy in Mr. Grave's pocket.
AdvertisementAnatole glanced at him and immediately thrust his hand into his pocket and drew out his pocketbook.
He pulled an envelope from his pocket.
He carefully folded his knife and slipped it in his right pocket while withdrawing a padlock and key from his left.
Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my back pocket!
She shoved the phone in her pocket and forced herself to smile as she faced Jonny, who'd been in training since shortly after she awoke.
She watched as he pulled a small pouch from his pocket and unzipped it.
He released her and tucked the phone in his pocket.
Carefully, he shifted her and placed Trinka's orb in his pocket.
Surprised, Dusty turned to see Darian pull his cell from a pocket.
He emerged into the alley in time to see her replace a phone in her pocket.
She patted the pocket in her skirt containing the paper on which Jule had scribbled down the phone number of the towering man before her.
The vamp snatched the phone from her pocket and stepped away, hands raised.
She retrieved her cell and tucked the paper into her pocket.
She dug it out of her pocket.
Someone careened into her as she pried her cell from her pocket.
He took his bread and canteen of water—the morning sustenance for a slave—and tucked them into a cargo pocket.
His phone dinged with a message from Han, and he pulled it from his pocket.
Finally Fred O'Connor withdrew a crumpled dollar bill from his antiquated change purse and a fountain pen from his jacket pocket.
Fred ignored Dean and reached in his coat pocket and withdrew a letter, handing it to Cynthia.
Dean reached in his pocket as he was undressing for bed a few hours later.
His own flashlight was jammed in his pocket, pointing absurdly upward.
I saw it in his pocket.
Gabriel withdrew a piece of paper from his pocket as he went, studying the symbols.
Kris produced a key chain from his pocket and unlocked the five locks before pulling the heavy door open.
He left the vial in Sasha.s pocket and rose.
She placed it in her pocket, ignoring Leyon's look.
Weller squirmed his large frame around, reaching into his pocket, retrieving first a handkerchief, then a set of keys and eventually a red Swiss Army knife.
He reached in his pocket and unfolded a sheet of paper and held it out to Dean.
You thought it went to the hospital, in a pocket of the white dress.
With the vault in her pocket, she waited.
He was dressed in a spotless white pocket T-shirt and white sneakers - hardly clothes for a farm hand.
He had a pocket handkerchief stuffed in his mouth.
Many business professionals carry a Game Boy Micro in their pocket to play quick games while on the train, waiting in line, or even during meetings!
Due to increasing costs of electricity and gas, your pocket may be feeling a bit of a pinch.
Gas grill buying tips can help you find the grill of your dreams without unnecessarily draining your pocket book.
Some sets let you charge an extra battery in a base pocket so you have a battery read to go no matter when the current battery loses it's charge.
For men, place your wallet in your front pocket if you can, especially if you plan on visit somewhere with large crowds.
A review at CarGPSReviews.net says that it's so small, you can fit it in your pocket.
It features unique details such as laser-cut holes and mesh panels for ventilation, a music player cordport in the front pocket and a bungee drawcord hood.
You find dual cases that includes a hard shell clam cases for your prescription glasses and a soft pocket that attaches via Velcro on the inside, just for your clip-ons.
Sony has a pocket edition that weighs only 5.5 oz and has a five inch screen.
If you’re considering buying a new or used snowmobile, a snowmobile buyer’s guide is a good thing to have in your back pocket.
This darling carrier offers many exciting luxury features for both you and kitty, such as an inside security leash, a cell phone pocket, and a waterproof floor tray set.
Brady reached into his cargo pocket.
He was sent to various schools, but was generally regarded as a dunce, and when he was sixteen years of age he entered his father's foundry, working for seven years with no wages beyond a little pocket money.
In 1768 Lord Holland bought the pocket borough of Midhurst for him, and he entered on his parliamentary career, and on London society, in 1769.
Vigorous cauterization with nitrate of silver, driving the stick into the widened wound, is also good, and it is a remedy which one can carry in the pocket.
Rather than permit the government to appropriate the money from the Bank he supplied two million from his own pocket for the arrears of the imperial troops after Waterloo.
This seminary was, however, closed in about six months, and on the 2nd of March 1736/7 both Johnson and Garrick left Lichfield for London - Johnson, as he afterwards said, " with twopence halfpenny in his pocket," and Garrick " with three-halfpence in his."
A few years later he drifted westward with twenty-five dollars in his pocket, and the autumn of 1855 found him in a law office in the city of Buffalo.
He travelled on foot and by canal-boat, entering New York in August 1831, with all his clothes in a bundle carried over his back with a stick, and with but $io in his pocket.
If the king led the ruszenie pospolite abroad he was obliged to pay so much per pike out of his own pocket, notwithstanding the fact that the heavily mortgaged crown lands were practically valueless.
With this carte blanche in his pocket, Repnin proceeded to treat the diet as if it were already the slave of the Russian empress.
Cripple Creek is situated on a mountain slope in a pocket amid the ranges, about 9600 ft.
It is the home of the Columbia black-tail deer, western raccoon, Oregon spotted skunk, Douglas red squirrel, Townsends chipmunk, tailless sewellel (Haplodcn rufus), peculiar species of pocket gophers and voles, Pacific coast forms of the great-horned, spotted, screech and pigmy owls, sooty grouse, Oregon ruffed grouse, Stellers jay, chestnutbacked chickadee and Pacific winter wren.
Some of its characteristic mammals and birds are the long-eared desert fox, four-toed kangaroo rats, Sonoran pocket mice, big-eared and tiny white-haired bats, road runner, cactus wren, canyon wren, desert thrashers, hooded oriole, black-throated desert sparrow, Texas night-hawk and Gambels quail.
It is the northernmost home of the armadillo, ocelot, jaguar, red and grey cats, and the spiny pocket mouse, and in southern Texas especially it is visited by several species of tropical birds.
It rises in a pocket of lofty peaks at an altitude of 10,400 ft.
But the form Querouailles was commonly used in England, where it was corrupted into Carwell or Carewell, perhaps with an ironic reference to the care which the duchess took to fill her pocket.
The main trade of Salem is along the coast, principally in the transhipment of coal; and the historic Crowninshield's or India wharf is now a great coal pocket.
The opening of the glands is slit-like and leads into a pocket, which is filled with a smeary, strongly scented matter.
To take one's watch from the pocket and look at it when from a familiar clock-tower a familiar bell strikes a familiar hour, is an instance of a habitual action initiated by a sense perception outside attentive consciousness.
Seven years before he had started a model farm at Frechine, where he demonstrated the advantages of scientific methods of cultivation and of the introduction of good breeds of cattle and sheep. Chosen a member of the provincial assembly of Orleans in 1787, he busied himself with plans for the improvement of the social and economic conditions of the community by means of savings banks, insurance societies, canals, workhouses, &c.; and he showed the sincerity of his philanthropical work by advancing money out of his own pocket, without interest, to the towns of Blois and Romorantin, for the purchase of barley during the famine of 1788.
Man and Superman (published in 1903) was produced there on the 23rd of May 1905, in a necessarily abridged form, with Granville Barker in the part of John Tanner, the author of the "Revolutionists's Handbook and Pocket Companion," printed as an appendix to the play.
A large pocket (jeb) is often sewn on in front like the Highlander's sporran.
Of course there is in most cases the alternative of a fine, the non-payment of which entails the imprisonment; yet a penalty imposed on the pocket is so clearly the proper retribution for such misdeeds that better methods should be devised for the collection of fines.
They had double reason to be grateful to Wladislaus for defeating the enemies of the republic, for he had also paid for the expenses of his campaigns out of his own pocket, yet he could not obtain payment of the debt due to him from the state till 1643.
At a time when Ralph Waldo Emerson could write to Thomas Carlyle, "We are all a little wild here with numberless projects of social reform; not a reading man but has a draft of a new community in his waistcoat pocket," - the Brook Farm project certainly did not appear as impossible a scheme as many others that were in the air.
But his reputation in court circles was increasing; he was appointed a member of the committee for the reform of the criminal law in 1840; and, the same year with a letter of recommendation from Metternich in his pocket, visited England and France, Holland and Belgium, made the acquaintance of Thiers and Heine in Paris, and returned home with an immense and precious store of practical information.
Its animal life is in the main distinguished in species only from that of the Upper Sonoran belt, including among birds, the desert sparrow, desert thrasher, mocking-bird, hooded oriole; and among mammals small nocturnal species of kangaroo rats, pocket mice, mice and bats.
Pitt continued at his post; and at the general election which took place during the year he even accepted a nomination for the duke's pocket borough of Aldborough.
Pocket altars are still used in some forms of worship in India.
Legislation, which only incidentally affects him, is very much less exciting to the ordinary citizen than taxation, which aims directly at his pocket.
He had been returned to the House of Commons for the pocket borough of Wendover, and his first speech (January 27, 1766) was felt to be the rising of a new light.
He sat during the rest of his parliamentary life (to 1 794) for Malton, a pocket borough first of Lord Rockingham's, then of Lord Fitzwilliam's.
A History of the Navy of the United States (1839), supplemented (1846) by a set of Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers, was succeeded by The Pathfinder (1840), a good "Leatherstocking" novel; by Mercedes of Castile (1840); The Deerslayer (1841); by The Two Admirals and by Wing and Wing (1842); by Wyandotte, The History of a Pocket Handkerchief, and Ned Myers (1843); and by Afloat and Ashore, or the Adventures of Miles Wallingford (1844).
This argument to the pocket quickly had its effect, and licences were applied for in such numbers that, in royalties for the use of his process, Bessemer received a sum in all considerably exceeding a million sterling.
She closed the cell phone and stuck it in her pocket as Yancey walked in the door.
I fumbled in my pocket for my cell phone without luck.
He took his bread and canteen of water—the morning sustenance for a slave—and tucked them into a cargo pocket.
He pulled the knife from his pocket, flipped it inward, and sliced into the tender flesh of his wrist.
It's cool here at Bird Song and I need a little R and R. Great food, he added as he stuffed two rolls in his pocket.
While the bulk of Martha's bones remained in an unknown West Coast landfill, the tiny digit was found in Brandon Westlake's pocket.
Didn't think deities took orders from half-breeds, Tamer said, shoving the phone back in his pocket.
The body a few feet away was bloated and pale, missing its face and dressed in the shirt she bought him for his birthday, the one with his initials – LJM – embroidered across the pocket.
He was quick about it and placed a Hello Kitty Band-Aid over the small puncture before dropping the vials into his coat pocket.
He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small black pouch, pouring its contents—two green gems holding the dust of human souls—into his palm.
Satisfied they were gone, she withdrew the spare in her pocket, placed it at her earlobe, and moved forward to greet the visitor.
In spite of his love of music, no pocket recorder filled Dean's head with voices, strings or horns through tiny toy earphones— he'd leave that to the bikers who pedaled unaware of the sounds of birds and springtime around them.
Who was honey and who was sugar – and what was the note doing in Alex's pocket?
Blair is so far into the US pocket that he has completely lost the ability to be able to act independently of the US.
On the plus side, it is small and has no Ariel to brake in your pocket.
Cigarette pouches are like pocket ashtrays - they're a practical solution to disposing of cigarette ends.
Control the server using the Pocket PC or simply learn XiVA IR codes into the keypad buttons for seamless multiroom audio.
Magnetic Wooden Pocket bears £ 14.99 Dress these 2 adorable magnetic wooden bears.
In the breast pocket of his cassock was a large silver snuff box, and he always wore a biretta.
Whether it's big screen blockbusters or your favorite TV show, they now fit in your pocket and are perfect for sharing.
In the coat pocket I found the brooch produced.
Old-fashioned bristle shaving brush; shaving bowl; cut throat razor; base-metal pocket watch.
You are advised to bring a simple, numerical, non-programmable, pocket calculator.
Objects The first computer programs were simple affairs, a little like the program you would use on a pocket calculator today.
Natural Baby Clothes Set £ 15.99 US$31.18 E24.78 Beautiful soft organic cotton set, with front pocket and zip fastening on the hooded cardigan.
When the cashier opened the till the offender pulled a knife from his pocket and threatened the cashier with it.
The industry was set up with the fat cats who don't pay out of their own pocket in mind.
He pulls a cellphone from his pocket and presses a single button.
He then designed a marine chronometer employing these improvements and created a pocket watch utilizing his compensating devices.
The pilot chute is in a pocket located on the bottom of the container.
Where do I enter the registration code on my Pocket PC?
For five miles I rode south, striking a tinder from time to time to look at my pocket compass.
She put the box in her pocket, and thus compelled me to keep her ring.
A large rear zipped pocket for keys, gloves etc. Velcro cuffs on the sleeve bottom for customized fit.
And in his pocket we found one of those warning messages dated the day before and stamped with the flying dagger.
Lands End 5 pocket, natural, relaxed and stretch denim from Lands End Direct Merchants, no exceptions, no hassle.
Remote Display Control shows actions on a Pocket PC on the monitor of a remotely connected desktop or laptop.
The gym folds flat for easy storage and travel and features an outside pocket that holds diapers and bottles.
The first truly mobile solution to bring you all the benefits of digital dictation, combined with Microsoft's new Pocket PC platform.
At the right hip is a cute triangular patch pocket with red and white dogtooth checked panel on the flap.
Funding was by voluntary individual donation to offset out of pocket costs.
A born achiever, he started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges door-to-door after school to earn pocket money.
He is wearing red dungarees with a white pocket on the front.
I've got a little bottle in my inside pocket called elecampane.
First, a KeyCard is much easier to carry than a detachable faceplate; just slip it in your wallet, handbag or pocket.
He had a fez upon his head and (what nobody counted on) a dagger in his pocket.
He had fogotten to remove his powder flask from his pocket.
Suspect 2 has only garnet in the pocket to link them to crime.
Local species at risk include the red kite, Scottish crossbill and, from Mexico, the smokey pocket gopher.
Feeling pretty groovy with change in your pocket for lunch?
He went home with my red G-string hanging out of his jacket pocket.
There are loads of hotels to choose from to suit every pocket from the budget hacienda to 6 star luxury resorts.
With the company and salesa handful paying off their mortgage out of pocket.
Andrews took his watch from his pocket and, noting the time, announced that they should return post haste to the hospital.
In the pocket of her shirt, the Tribute weighs heavy.
In 1995 mobile phones were largely a business tool and still too hefty for the average pocket.
He remains hidden; stroking the handle of the knife nestled in his pocket.
The plots show the ligand's Trp 252 residue nestling in the highly hydrophobic specificity pocket of the enzyme's active site.
Back to top Herbert Pocket Herbert, like Biddy, is somewhat idealized in Dickens ' portrayal.
My granny Beattie, seemed to carry a perminent packet of mint imperials in her pinny pocket.
The cost of defending these claims aside from the eventual damages award is often beyond the pocket of all but the wealthiest individuals.
The mixed cargo of crockery, perfume bottles, pocket watches, silver purses and brass was underwritten by other insurers.
A mobile telephone style MoODS would be carried in a pocket and only interrogated when the user thought they required assistance.
The pal leaped off when a policeman appeared and it transpired he had a pocket full of stolen jewels.
Each leg has a pocket to take a kneepad.
There's a bad safety from McCulloch, caught the middle pocket knuckle.
Great shape and fit with big wide shaped lapels, four shiny silver domed buttons to fasten and a slit pocket at each hip.
In essence, the Zippo lighters were the salesman in a pocket.
I found some silver and the gold locket produced in the prisoner's pocket, and also a bunch of keys.
The Pocket Book entry for this location lists a Howard 4-wheel gasoline loco built about 1923; would not 1927 be more correct?
But can a decade that gave us the music center and the pocket calculator truly be considered mediocre?
Perform incredible mentalism, rising cards, card from pocket, flying signatures, and more.
Small enough to fit a saddlebag pocket, these allow you to use fingerless mitts down to 4C.
These data suggest that the lipopeptide is orientated within the CD1a groove with the lipid moiety buried in the hydrophobic A ' pocket.
This is a neat little momento being pocket sized with a weather resistant cover.
She had used her pocket money to buy that rope.
Sheilas Super Scooter Stores We sell electric motor scooters, gas motor scooters, pocket bikes, atv's and choppers.
He also agreed to carry a small notepad in his pocket on which to write down his feelings.
Le Blogeur has composed an ode to Rebecca Blood for the occasion of the fourth anniversary of her Pocket.
Now you can pop your new sensor pedometer in your pocket, bag or wear it round your neck.
There are no internal pockets, just one zipped pocket on the front for storing a few papers.
One internal pocket, two outer inset pockets with flaps.
There is a handy pocket on the tail of the sling which fastens with a zip.
He then gave every tin a random push, and put the die in his waistcoat pocket.
The mesh pocket on the reverse is large enough to store other beauty essentials.
He didn't say much either, just sort of smiled and nodded then stuffed his change into his trouser pocket before leaving.
In the car, stuffed into a jacket pocket, thrown in my rucksack, dropped on the hall table.
Do not carry the bottle close to your body keep in a handbag or coat pocket.
Somewhere out on the River Plate were a series of buoys marking the grave of the german pocket battleship, the Graf Spee.
Inside is lined with printed cotton fabric and has a side zipped pocket, phone holder and detachable leather zipped top purse.
The empty purses were afterward found in the pocket of the Bishop of the Diocese!
His hand, hidden deep in his right coat pocket, closed more tightly around the cut-throat razor.
He tried to put the revolver in his left side pocket, but I threw him down and took the revolver from him.
The central pocket is large enough to accomodate an umbrella even with sides, plus several unmade rods.
Although not salaried, expenses are reimbursed so that you will not be out of pocket.
Inside, lined with cream satin with side zipped pocket.
Inside is lined in pale silver satin with a side slip pocket.
They are clean, green, and far kinder to your pocket than gasoline scooters.
To properly shim a neck, the neck must be removed from the neck pocket of the body.
Features include a paper pocket, business card holder, pen holder and a detachable shoulder strap.
Joseph Bridau, who had, to use his own expression, a few sous in his pocket, took Fougeres to the Opera.
You'll be having your favorite beach babes, football teams or films splattered across your pocket PC in no time.
Gardner pocket rockets were used with a good squirt of Monster Tiger Nut liquid on each cast.
I think the thoughts of rock stardom were in the back pocket tucked away at the time.
Place the small pocket of the bow stringer securely over the upper limb.
Then at the same time, use the stylus to press the Reset button located on the back of your iPAQ Pocket PC.
He attempts to cut away the burning tarpaulin with his pocket knife but in doing so his coat catches on fire.
She is talking about adopting a tiger with her pocket money.
He leaped out of Hodges pocket and attacked a motionless tasmanian tiger.
Great match for the brushed twill 6 pocket trousers.
If you bounce around too much the clip does have a tendency to come unattached, so maybe a pocket is still safest.
The adjustable waist, and trim front and cargo pocket are practical and flattering.
This pocket wallet provides instant expertise for everyone to use.
First there was Pokemon, then Yu-Gi-Oh and then a thousand other wannabes vying for the pocket money of the world's children.
He then did a most interesting experiment with a pocket watch.
Dry Pocket A totally waterproof pocket to protect any item.
Unless we let it be known that we have wodges of cash burning a hole in our pocket.
A large front pocket with a water-resistant zipper holds a light jacket or extra gear.
Features a 3/4 length zipper on front, zipped pocket on the back and the Orange logo on the chest and shoulders.
Further obstruction was manifestly futile, and the British authorities reluctantly instructed Captain Hobson, R.N., to make his way to northern New Zealand with a dormant commission of lieutenant-governor in his pocket and authority to annex the country to Australia by peaceful arrangement with the natives.
Among its characteristic mammals and birds are the sage cotton-tail, black-tailed jack-rabbit, Idaho rabbit, Oregon, Utah and Townsends ground squirrels, sage chipmunk, fivetoed kangaroo rats, pocket mice, grasshopper mice, burrowing owl, Brewers sparrow, Nevada sage sparrow, lazuli finch, sage thrasher, Nuttall s poor-will, Bullocks oriole and rough-winged swallow.
At the same time his love of the marvellous found gratification in the wonders of the Arabian Nights, and it is further characteristically related of him that he used to carry continually in his waistcoat pocket a miniature copy of Ossian, passages from which he frequently recited with "sonorous elocution and vehement gesticulation."
He entered parliament as member for the pocket borough of Woodstock in 1826; in 1830 he was returned for Dorchester; from 1831 till February 1846 he represented the county of Dorset; and he was member for Bath from 1847 till (having previously borne the courtesy title Lord Ashley) he succeeded his father as earl in 1851.
The little man felt carefully in his pocket and pulled out the tiny piglets, setting them upon the grass one by one, where they ran around and nibbled the tender blades.
Then the Wizard bent a pin for a hook and took a long piece of string from his pocket for a fish-line.
Noticing that the light was growing dim he picked up his nine piglets, patted each one lovingly on its fat little head, and placed them carefully in his inside pocket.
But the travellers were obliged to rest, and while they were sitting on the rocky floor the Wizard felt in his pocket and brought out the nine tiny piglets.
The little man looked at his watch--a big silver one that he carried in his vest pocket.
This act he repeated until all of the nine tiny piglets were visible, and they were so glad to get out of his pocket that they ran around in a very lively manner.
Then he took from his pocket a sheet of paper on which some verses were written.
He heard the pennies jingle in his pocket.
Then he went out again, very quietly, and slipped them all into the boy's pocket.
He put his hand in his pocket, and was surprised to find the gold pieces wrapped in his mother's letter.
He took something like an oarlock from his pocket and fastened it to the stern of the boat; then with a paddle which worked in this oarlock one of the boys could guide the boat while the other turned the paddle wheels.
He took some gold pieces from his trouser pocket and put them on the dish for her.
But he fingered the money in his pocket and wondered whether it would seem ridiculous to give some to the drummer boy.
Dolokhov, as if he had not heard the question, did not reply, but lighting a short French pipe which he took from his pocket began asking the officer in how far the road before them was safe from Cossacks.
Petya shook himself, jumped up, took a ruble from his pocket and gave it to Likhachev; then he flourished the saber, tested it, and sheathed it.
The empty purses were afterward found in the pocket of the Bishop of the Diocese !
It has struggled to transfer recalculated maintenance payments across a flawed £ 465m computer system, leaving thousands of families out of pocket.
The signals can be mixed and routed out as a master to a pocket transmitter, or to a wired power supply unit.
The card is printed on tough plastic and will fit into a jacket or rucksack pocket.
Simply change, slip your locker key in your robe pocket, and saunter over to wait in the lounge area.
The size is perfect (top shirt pocket size).
It is an ultra compact model that is slim enough to slip easily into a pocket or small bag.
The Five Card Trick A sneaky little trick you can carry round in your pocket.
As the Minor Node became aware of the stasis field, a sub- space pocket opened to receive the precious jewel.
He left the bookies with money in his pocket, and stony stares at his back.
Travel subsistence and other costs likely to be incurred by the PA - basically the PA should not be out of pocket.
Then wan day while we were daein the dishes he reached up high and sumpn fell oot his pocket.
First there was Pokemon, then Yu-Gi-Oh and then a thousand other wannabes vying for the pocket money of the world 's children.
Now you can put money in your pocket at warp speed using the internet !
As I put this well-timed challenge into my pocket, I walked down the side, got into my boat, and put off.
There is also a small zipped pocket on the rear of the tights perfect for keys or coins.
It has a black silky interior with pocket and an attached zipped coin purse.
Inside is fully lined with a inner side zip pocket.
On the back you will find a small zipper pocket for small accessories.
Techno XT-This stroller is suitable from birth and has four seat positions as well as a storage pocket on the back of the hood.
Lastly, the functionality of the flip pocket at the bottom can vary widely from brand to brand.
A crumb-catcher bib is one that has a pocket on the front, at the bottom of the bib.
The function of this pocket is to catch everything that doesn't make it into the mouth.
Bibs made of molded plastic, with a pocket that is wide open at all times, generally do a good job of catching crumbs and even entire bites of food that might miss your child's mouth.
However, even a pocket that catches only some of the crumbs and food is better than no pocket at all.
Combining these two ingenious features, the sleeves and the pocket, coverall crumb catcher baby bibs are hands-down the best option for babies and toddlers who feed themselves.
This will keep money in your pocket while also giving you peace of mind when on the open road.
The pockets should align neatly on both sides with no wrinkles appearing at any of the pant's seams, either at pocket joints, side seams, in the back, or in the crotch.
If you want a camera that stores a couple hundred images, that is easy to operated and that fits into your pocket, then the less expensive models will suit you just fine.
Also look at the construction and features of the glove-examine its webbing, pocket, padding and wrist adjustment.
Gifts are available to suit every pocket, and you needn't spend a fortune to be able to buy a baby gift.
Because of its incredibly thin design and small size, it is easy to forget that you have it in your pocket, for example.
It even has a secret pocket to keep a refillable catnip sachet.
Still, when compared to the cost of purchasing scoopable cat litter, the out of pocket expenses are similar.
Large home improvement projects that require installation can put a huge dent in anyone's pocket.
The lower the rates are, the more money you'll keep in your own pocket.
If a hacker does for whatever reason steal virtual information it's less out of your pocket and also these cards tend to expire quickly so the hacker hasn't found a great deal.
Sometimes these are fly-by-night operations and they pocket a big portion of consumers' cash and then disappear.
Less time with divorce attorneys means less out of pocket costs to end a marriage.
Cushioned contours create a comfortable pocket of support for your body.
However, after this time frame, home owners are able to pocket the savings.
Ground water that is displaced from pocket spaces may also cause issues with resettling compaction and that cannot be undone.
Growing vegetables in containers is a great way to help the environment while also helping your pocket and providing great tasting vegetables.
Even through there are federal, state, and local tax breaks available, the out of pocket initial expense can still be intimidating.
You want herbal products made from high quality, organic ingredients, if possible, that have been created with your pet in mind-not your pocket book.
If the door opens into the bathroom, replace it with a sliding or pocket door.
If the diameter is too wide a pocket curtain might not fit and the overall curtain effect may be too heavy for the window size.
These rods can be used with rod pocket drapes, tab-top drapes, grommets or metal rings.
As a voluntary option, cosmetic dentistry is typically an out of pocket expense.
Some of my favorite lip stains are Benefit Cosmetics Benetint Lip and Cheek Stain, or try their Pocket Pal (lip stain and gloss in one), or try Sebastian Trucco's sheer lipstick in Revived or Stained.
Known as "takeout" brushes, these chubby tools are the perfect size to slip inside a purse, in a pocket or in a desk drawer for quick, on-the-spot touchups.
Bear in mind that teeth whitening (and most other cosmetic treatments) is not covered by insurance, so your payments will likely come completely out of pocket.
Along with being easy to carry in purse or pocket, another advantage to pressed powders is that they usually cost less than loose powders, too.
The reduced size makeup fits perfectly inside of a clutch or in a jacket pocket, which makes touch-ups a breeze.
You're not going to get rich by filling out online surveys, but if you enjoy sharing your opinion, it can be a fun way to make a little pocket change.
Pokemon originated in Japan as a role-playing game for the Gameboy called Pocket Monsters.
The Pokemon craze began when Nintendo created the Game Boy game "Pocket Monsters" in 1995, and today millions of kids constantly scour the web for opportunities to play Pokemon online free.
After the introduction of "Pocket Monsters" in 1995, the game became a huge Japanese success and spread like wildfire.
This website also uses various dictionaries like the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English, A Dictionary of Psychology and nutrition definitions from A Dictionary of Food Nutrition.
Since you only pocket a fraction of the price paid by the client, selling your photos on microstock sites is not always very lucrative.
At the same time, however, carrying around a camera in your pocket is pretty convenient, and the idea of hauling around a camera in a large case was something many photographers were resistant to.
Include an actual travel brochure in its own pocket, a photo of the travel agency and some journaling about how you chose your destination.
Save Christmas cards and holiday newsletters from far-away relatives to make a pocket page or mini album.
Stitch together two sheets of paper to make a pocket to hold memorabilia on your layout.
If you're interested in bringing a multimedia approach to your scrapbook, you may even want to consider including a CD with your favorite songs on a pocket page in your album.
Fold an origami envelope from your favorite patterned paper, then attach it to the back cover of the book to use as a pocket for memorabilia or a place to keep a CD with your original image files.
You can place the postcard in a pocket in the scrapbook so you can see both sides or buy two copies of the postcard so the layout can show both the front and back at the same time.
If you are unsure of whether the memorabilia can withstand the spray, you can also create pocket type pages to slip the items behind.
If you're traveling, use a postcard from your destination to make a pocket on your layout for extra photos and memorabilia.
Fold a large square of paper into an origami envelope to use as a pocket for including memorabilia on your scrapbook page.
If you choose one that doesn't attach to your key chain, you can place it in your purse, pocket, or one of the compartments in your car.
Each style has numerous designs, such as the Joey Big T Rainbow, which has a bright and colorful embroidered buttoned back pocket.
Mahakala embroidered Billy jeans feature a stitched emblem of the Buddha of compassion and special protector of the Dalai Lamas on the back pocket.
Of course you want one that will put some change (or big bills) in your pocket.
Take this pocket guide with you on babysitting jobs so you can have quick access to the information that you need.
Accessorize the bride's ensemble with trinkets and goodies that will leave cash in your pocket.
Gentlemen will use cufflinks or pocket squares on the big day.
If most guests contribute, there may be little, if anything, to come out of your own pocket.
For the sportsman, a personalized hunting knife is a quite popular gift idea as well as a sportsmen's set with a multi-use pocket knife, flashlight and compass.
I almost got busted that day because I was just about to pull my cigarettes out my pocket.
When it comes to the drapery header, a simple rod pocket or tab panels will suit well.
These drapes also come in rod pocket and tab top designs and are machine washable for easy care.
If you have a few more decorating skills in your pocket, why not go all out and make a cake that's a bit more complex?
Right. So as officers are patting down the alleged Babyshambles front man (does that band really exist?), a small "package" fell out of Doherty's pocket.
Not that anything he's done is going to hurt his golf game, but it sure has hurt his pocket book with endorsements dropping like the proverbial flies.
For more cash in your pocket, ask about becoming a consignor.
Even the purchase of casual duds can put quite a dent in your pocket.
These pockets are handy for kids who love nature, as it's easy to slip a special rock, twig, or even a tiny living creature into an overall pocket.
Look at cute cufflinks that match his outfit, or a handkerchief for his front pocket.
The Lauren polos are identified with the famous and well known picture of the polo horse on the corner pocket, or with the trademark "RL" symbol.
The more expensive denim shorts designs will feature intricate pocket details, hardware, or even distressing.
Seams are reinforced for extra durability and there is a data card pocket so ski passes won't be lost.
It has an expandable hood with faux fur, taffeta lining, pit zips should more ventilation be needed, a goggle pocket and retractable flash pass pocket.
Dark blue jeans with a back flap pocket decorated with silver and gold embroidery and rhinestones.
The back flap pocket is decorated with silver embroidered angel wings.
Some children like pockets with buttons or snaps along the top pocket, but if you are handy, you can also try doing this yourself.
They also have the "Amelia" short in an eagle wash Bermuda with a five-pocket styling that features embroidered hearts on each back pocket and a similar heart on the front coin pocket.
The button on the fly and pocket grommets are in a subtle pink.
There are two slant pockets in front and a single welt pocket on the back right.
The left leg sports a hammer loop while the right has a tool pocket.
The cotton/poly blend is wrinkle resistant and there is a back welt pocket and adjustable waistband.
Distance learning students may not have such opportunities, however, and could end up paying the costs of their courses out of pocket.
Last-minute cruise deals to Antarctica can help you pocket up to 50 percent off traditional rack rates.
So at the age of 21, with $100 in his pocket, he crossed the border into San Diego.