Plutonium Sentence Examples
The US Congress has appropriated more than $ 200 million for cooperation with Russia's plutonium disposition program.
Russia has over a thousand metric tons of highly enriched uranium, plus 150 metric tons of plutonium.
Japan's domestic atomic power program is based on reprocessed plutonium.
President Gerald Ford in the 1970s even offered to sell him equipment which would allow Iran to extract plutonium from reactor fuel.
More than 50 tons of separated plutonium is still in storage at Sellafield.
Power stations using modern 'fast ' nuclear reactors could use up all the worlds excess military plutonium.
Approximately 36 tons of Russian plutonium is scheduled for disposal in FY2003.
Once enough plutonium has been produced, Iran could build nuclear weapons in a short time.
An additional four tons of civil plutonium will be added to the military stockpile.
The United States plans to use two technologies to dispose of surplus weapons-grade plutonium.
AdvertisementInhalation of 2 to 4 mg of reactor-grade plutonium may cause death within about a month from pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary edema.
Over the life of the program, the US will dispose of enough surplus plutonium for thousands of nuclear weapons.
A heavy water plant could support a reactor for producing weapons grade plutonium.
The first British plutonium reactor went critical in October 1950.
A uranium enrichment for plutonium separation technology swap makes more sense, but there is no evidence to indicate that this occurred.
AdvertisementFinally, we are also calling for the end of plutonium shipments from Japan.
It is now being used for " an experiment " to burn-up a small part of France's plutonium stockpile.
However, a second shipment of plutonium from Europe to Japan is expected to take place later this year.
Shipments of liquid plutonium nitrate by sea from Dounreay to Sellafield will double from next year, site operators AEA Technology has confirmed.
It 's fuel for the arms race The British nuclear industry has created the third largest stockpile of plutonium in the world.
AdvertisementThe Soviet Union produced an estimated 1,200 tons of HEU and up to 400 tons of plutonium for direct use in nuclear weapons.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer labeled tanning beds as "carcinogenic to humans," which puts it in the same cancer-risk category as radon gas and plutonium.
In order for detonation to occur, a sphere of plutonium has to be rapidly compressed by a series of conventional high explosives.
Reprocessing involves the dissolution of the spent fuel in boiling concentrated nitric acid and subsequent physico-chemical separations of uranium and plutonium.