Plow Sentence Examples
Who will plow the land if they are set free?
Mow it down, plow it under and plant food that had to be tended.
Brandon is no plow boy.
The form "plow" was common in English until the beginning of the 18th century, and is usual in America.
If the snow lies deep, they strap on his snowshoes, and, with the giant plow, plow a furrow from the mountains to the seaboard, in which the cars, like a following drill-barrow, sprinkle all the restless men and floating merchandise in the country for seed.
We plow them under so we can plant a garden and then spend half our time pulling them out of it so we can grow something to eat.
The bullet of your thought must have overcome its lateral and ricochet motion and fallen into its last and steady course before it reaches the ear of the hearer, else it may plow out again through the side of his head.
The house sits more than a mile off the snow plow route, so sometimes I'm snowed in for a week or so.
He's not a plow boy, and he will finish his schooling.
An iron plow comes three thousand years later in 500 BC, along with intensive row cultivation.
AdvertisementA plow boy could never fit in with your citified ideas anyway.
We would no longer have to plow through reams of paper to find out about the results of a certain member of staff.
The plow quickly dislodges both compacted material and vegetation which can then be picked up by the loading shovel and disposed of.
Moreover, like almost all definite or possible Neolithic enclosures in the West Midlands, they remain under the plow.
He was a director in many organizations, including the Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., Old Colony Trust Co., Puget Sound Light & Power Co., Walter Baker Co., and Ames Plow Co.
AdvertisementYou can also snow plow until you reach a stop.
If docks get bad enough intends to bastard fallow, he will plow early and leave fallow for 2 months during the summer.
An agency should have a remit which covers the whole food chain, from plow to plate.
She later became landlady of the Plow Inn, where she gained a formidable reputation as a regular battle-axe.
Believe me, your ever loving Brother, the Plow Boy.
AdvertisementAnd he shall plow, carry manure, weed the grain, mow the meadow, scatter and pile.
At the plow we offer quality rooms east midlands hotel accomodation as well as east midlands hotel accomodation, and east midlands hotel.
Any nation that continues to plow money into this black morass is very badly letting down the taxpayers who must foot the bill.
But she could pull a plow straight in Daddy's little truck garden.
He used the pseudonym, " The Whistler at the Plow " .
AdvertisementThe new HE-VA MEGA DAN can be used for mixing soils before the plow or to create minimum tillage seedbeds.
We need to borrow a stepladder from the plow - lesson number X forgotten again.
It also marked the very early stirrings of life with the first flowers and when the land might be soft enough to plow.
The parallel multiple striations are the gradiometer's response to plow furrows in the soils which have a locally high level of magnetic susceptibility.
Firstly, you can plow into them single-handedly, destroying vast swathes of them in a single sweep of your overpowered sword.
Our range of cultivation equipment enables us to use minimum tillage or plow based systems to maximize versatility and optimize timeliness.
This has allowed a good tilth to be obtained following a plow / power harrow approach.
If you are a farmer and work alone, you can only plant as much land as you can personally plow. You can do just a couple of thousand calories of work a day, consuming only the energy produced by the food you ate.
I was obliged to hire a team and a man for the plowing, though I held the plow myself.
In the deepest part there are several acres more level than almost any field which is exposed to the sun, wind, and plow.
The chief thing in his eyes was not the nitrogen in the soil, nor the oxygen in the air, nor manures, nor special plows, but that most important agent by which nitrogen, oxygen, manure, and plow were made effective-- the peasant laborer.
Faith and repentance are but two spokes in the same wheel, two handles of the same plow.
The parallel multiple striations are the gradiometer 's response to plow furrows in the soils which have a locally high level of magnetic susceptibility.
Agro allows you to plow through the competition, swatting aside any car that gets in your way.
Today our national fauna has been decimated by modern farming practices and the huge loss of unimproved habitats to the plow.
It has highly fertile land, but was mostly unsuitable for cultivation without the plow and animal traction.
I wince whenever I see those huge diesel tractors plow the Stour meadowlands.
A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc.
The peasants worked their own land with a light plow drawn by a single yoke of oxen.
Major retailers sell some knockoffs, and other replicas are available online at stores like Design Within Reach or Plow & Hearth.
The basic position for beginner skiers is the snow plow.
To snow plow, point the tips of your skis toward each other and begin to slowly glide over the snow.
After mastering the basic snow plow, try to parallel ski to challenge yourself.
The original dietary recommendations for protein were developed during the country's agrarian past, when people needed the energy from abundant protein to chop wood, fetch water, plow fields, and walk five miles to school every day.
Stay Put Window Candles - These candles from Plow and Hearth offer some nice features, including a stay-put base that attaches to your window frame, as well as a sensor that turns the light on at dusk, and off at dawn.
If you're an Ox, you probably don't know the meaning of the word "quit" and you'll plow forward until you reach your goals.
Plow Pose, or Halasana, is an advanced backbend.
Halasana is from the Sanskrit word hala, meaning "plow."
For more instruction on Plow Pose, visit Yoga Journal or seek the assistance of a certified yoga instructor.
Before you can plow your virtual feeds and plant seeds in cyberspace, you will need to set up a Facebook account and download the application.
You will need to plow your farm fields, and purchase and plant the seeds needed to grow your crops.
Other strategies involve creating very small plots of land which plow faster and gain you more experience.
After harvesting, the land is considered "fallow," so you'll need to plow it.
Plow sections of your farm, and then head to the store to buy seeds.
You can hire workers to harvest your crops for you, as well as plow the land that the crops were harvested from.
They didn't see us plow a lonely furrow in the Fourth under Harry Gregg.
Peacock was left to plow a lone furrow up front with his fellow forward supplementing a packed midfield.
Determined to plow her own furrow she dug herself deeper into a hole.
The band plow through their songs with such gusto, you'd think they had a bus to catch.
I used to use a hoe, now I can use the cow to plow.
It requires great horsepower to push the plow at the required depth.
You get to plow through the FBI crime manual and a dossier that documents actual statements from convicted killers.
I heard it proposed lately that two young men should travel together over the world, the one without money, earning his means as he went, before the mast and behind the plow, the other carrying a bill of exchange in his pocket.
Now, if you acquire an ox, a new source of energy, you can plow more.