Plots Sentence Examples
Many times plots were laid against his life.
Plots of ground were burned over, trees were girdled, and seeds were planted by means of sharpened sticks.
Now his father was putting a damper on it with his all consuming, self-serving plots.
It was not until the formation of the "country party," in opposition to the policy of the Cabal and Charles's FrenchCatholic plots, that Russell began to take an active part in affairs.
More injurious than plots of this nature was the political agitation carried on in Cape Colony and in Great Britain.
In order to understand the utter inability of the old republican party to withstand these changes, it is needful to retrace our steps and consider the skilful use made by Bonaparte of plots and disturbances as they occurred.
There is no evidence to show that they were in any way connected with any of the plots of the Commonwealth or Restoration periods.
He saw a good deal of French society, and was himself much admired for his hearty defence of his rival Pitt against a foolish charge of encouraging plots for Napoleon's assassination.
These buildings were found to cover valuable ore, and in December following the Boer government marked out the site of the city proper, and possession of the plots was given to purchasers on the 1st of January 1887.
In1779-1780Prairie du Chien was the scene of plots and counterplots of American and British sympathizers and of the activities of Godefrey Linctot,.
AdvertisementColigny, Lord Burghley and William the Silent also entered into murder plots.
But Caesar, for party reasons, was bound to oppose the execution of the conspirators; while Crassus, who shared in the accusation, was the richest man in Rome and the least likely to further anarchist plots.
On the west of the city a pretty road planted with trees and grass plots leads from the Zoological Gardens (1857), on the north to the small park overlooking the river.
An annual sum is voted by parliament out of which loans are granted to cottagers who desire to purchase small freehold plots.
Even in considerable towns, the traders and handicraftsmen almost always possess plots of land of their own, on which they raise sufficient grain to supply their families with food.
AdvertisementVegetables are everywhere cultivated in garden plots for household use, and also on a larger scale in the neighbourhood of great towns.
Here the English obtained their first grant of Indian soil, apart from the plots on which their factories were built.
It is held on a lease in perpetuity granted by the Chinese government to the British Crown, which sublets plots to private owners in the same way as is done at Hankow.
There was one exception to this harsh treatment of villeins, namely, the rustic tenantry in manors of ancient demesne, that is, in estates which had belonged to the crown before the Conquest, had a standing-ground even against their lords as regards the tenure of their plots and the fixity of their services.
Plantains, guavas, jack-fruit, limes and oranges add further beauty to the village plots.
AdvertisementThese building plots were given as free property or, more frequently, at a merely nominal rent (Wurtzins) with the right of free disposal, the only obligation being that of building a house.
Two plots to murder the king were now discovered, and James also foiled the attempts of Henry VIII.
The special occasion for which the House had been sum moned was the discovery of one of the numerous popish plots that distracted Elizabeth's reign.
The greater part of the land has always been held by small independent farmers (only about 15% of the farms are worked by tenants), but until late in the 18th century a curious method of parcelling the land resulted in each man's property consisting of a number of detached plots or strips, the divisions often becoming so minute that dissension was inevitable.
Under the rule of President Montt he had been an active member of the opposition and involved in various revolutionary conspiracies; for his participation in these plots he was at one time exiled from the country, but returned and received official employment under President Perez.
AdvertisementAccordingly, some discharged sailors and soldiers, who received on certain conditions plots of ground extending from the Fresh River to the Liesbeek, were the first free burghers of the colony..
As long as Cromwell lived there appeared little hope of the restoration of the monarchy, and Charles and Hyde had been aware of the plots for his assassination, which had aroused no disapproval.
The ministerial press from time to time announced the discovery of sensational plots against the king and the dictator.
The Operas portuguezas of Antonio Jose da Silva, produced between 1733 and 1741, owe their name to the fact that arias, minuets and modinhas were interspersed with the prose dialogue, and if neither the plots, style, nor language are remarkable, they have a real comic force and a certain originality.
Figueiredo felt he had a mission to restore the drama, and wrote thirteen volumes of plays in prose and verse, but, though he chose national subjects, and could invent plots and draw characters, he could not make them live.
James himself was by nature favourable to the Roman Catholics and had treated the Roman Catholic lords in Scotland with great leniency, in spite of their constant plots and rebellions.
Rumours of plots came to hand.
On the 26th of October Lord Monteagle, a brother-in-law of Francis Tresham, who had formerly been closely connected with some of the other conspirators and had engaged in Romanist plots against the government, but who had given his support to the new king, unexpectedly ordered supper to be prepared at his house at Haxton, from which he had been absent for more than a year.
In a state of backward agriculture and natural economy it will sometimes be more profitable for the conquerors as well as for the conquered to leave the dependent population in their own households and on their own plots, at the same time taxing them heavily in the way of tribute and services.
Even when in the course of time landownership was appropriated by the crown, the ecclesiastical corporations and the nobles, the tillers of the land retained their personal freedom and were considered to be farmers holding their plots under contracts.
Villeins and serfs in France rise gradually in the social scale, redeem many of the onerous services of feudalism and practically acquire tenant-right on most of the plots occupied by them.
The rules of evidence which now govern the procedure in criminal cases did not then exist, and Garnet's trial, like many others, was influenced by the political situation, the case against him being supported by general political accusations against the Jesuits as a body, and with evidence of their complicity in former plots against the government.
These peasant plots were all declared inalienable for thirty years.
The remainder of Sarpi's life was spent peacefully in his cloister, though plots against him continued to be formed, and he occasionally spoke of taking refuge in England.
Ranuccio was a reserved and gloomy bigot; he instituted savage persecutions against supposed witches and heretics, and lived in perpetual terror of plots.
Bruce was conferring at Dumfries with John Comyn, the late regent, whom he was endeavouring to tempt into his plots, on the 10th of January 1306.
The nation was profoundly disgusted with his unscrupulous policy, and the greater part of the leaders of the late insurrection had escaped abroad and were weaving new plots.
Yet leaderless seditions and the plots of obvious impostors sufficed to make his throne tremble, and a ruler less resolute, less wary, and less unscrupulous might have been overthrown.
It was led by Lord Lovel, Richards chamberlain and admiral; but the insurgents dispersed when Henry marched against them with a large force (1486), and Lovel took refuge in Flanders with Margaret of York, the widow of Charles the Bold of Burgundy, whose dower towns were the refuge of all English exiles, and whose coffers were always open to subsidize plots against her nieces husband.
Ever since 1483 it had been plots.
From that time forward the Tudor dynasty was no longer in &tabflshserious danger; there were still some abortive plots, mentof but none that had any prospect of winning popular the Tudor support.
But his plots, such as they were, seem to have been futile.
There were no more rebellions, andas we have already seen-no more plots that caused any serious danger.
A similar piece of cruelty was the execution, some time later, of the earl of Suffolk, who had been languishing long years in the Tower; he was destroyed not for any new plots, but simply for his Yorkist descent.
But his friendship for Elizabeth had received a shock, and henceforth his finger maybe traced in most of the plots against her, of which the Ridolfi conspiracy was the first.
The dissenters had shown no signs of engaging in plots or conspiracies.
Mariamne's mother used her position to further her plots for the overthrow of her son-in-law; and she found an ally in Cleopatra of Egypt, who was unwilling to be spurned by him, even if she was not weary of his'patron, Antony.
It was a time of plots and counterplots, when England seemed on the brink of another civil war.
More insurrectionary plots followed in the summer of 1682, after which, suspected at home, the versatile statesman escaped to Holland, and died at Amsterdam in January 1683.
The stories which contain the last lees of the old mythology and pre-history seem to be also non-Icelandic, but amplified by Icelandic editors, who probably got the plots from the Western Islands.
Unable to rise, the wretched people multiplied on their potato plots with perfect recklessness.
The nation was submissive, and a few scattered plots alone showed that republican ideas persisted among the masses.
At the same time, the Zulus have many " nursery tales," the plots and incidents of which often bear the closest resemblance to the heroic myths of Greece, and to the marchen of European peoples.'
Wealth was, in theory at least, derived entirely from landed property, and consisted in the annual return made by the helots (q.v.) who cultivated the plots of ground allotted to the Spartiates.
Moreover, Sparta's attention was at this time fully occupied by troubles nearer home - the plots of Pausanias not only with the Persian king but with the Laconian helots; the revolt of Tegea (c. 473-71), rendered all the more formidable by the participation of Argos; the earthquake which in 464 devastated Sparta; and the rising of the Messenian helots, which immediately followed.
He brutally suppressed six great plots, several of which were scandalous, and had more than fifty persons executed; and he identified himself with the king, sincerely believing that he was maintaining the royal authority and not merely his own.
Siegfried, to be sure, is buried with all the pomp of medieval Catholic rites; but Kriemhild, while praying for his soul like a good Christian, plots horrible vengeance like her pagan prototype.
He shared in all the plots against the life of William, and after his removal from the Excise in 1692 wrote violent pamphlets against the government.
The Samaritan villagers use it in winter as pastureground, and, with the Circassians and Arabs of the east bank, cultivate plots here and there.
You can find stones thrown all around the edges of cultivated plots.
There is also stuff on funnel plots for publication bias that may just be plain wrong.
Burgage plots were land that was held from the King, or in this case the Bishop, for a yearly rent or services.
The homes are set in 1½ acres of communal grounds, each with their own unfenced gardens and vegetable plots.
In both cases, I was almost affronted to find that I remembered almost none of the detail of their complex plots.
This plots the Greek letter alpha at the location 1880 1900.
In a discussion with Mitchy recently she accused Michael of being an angst magnet whos ONLY plots revolve around angst magnet whos ONLY plots revolve around angst.
They give rise to narrow vertical bands of clearly anomalous wind data in the quick-look plots.
To do this easily, input your chosen keyword, e.g. baseball / drug abuse, and use the ' plots ' search option.
In both plots, the positions of rare codons are indicated by dots above each translation frame.
Your novels are without fussy, complicated plots, where nothing seems overly contrived.
The two plots cover an area of 253 square meters and are enclosed by stone curbs.
Note that multiple plots on the calibration curve always use the default curve.
For clarity, the different plots are displayed on vertically displaced graphs which share the same X axis.
Principal strains, strain ellipsoid and strain ellipse; special types of strain ellipsoid and Flinn plots.
All goes well for them until Herringbone begins to suspect that something fishy is going on between them and plots his sinister revenge.. .
Having said that, I do want to branch out into more complex plots and storylines, and also beyond the thriller genre.
There seemd to be contamination of some of the plots in the doubled haploid trial, as they did not appear homogeneous.
The plots show the ligand's Trp 252 residue nestling in the highly hydrophobic specificity pocket of the enzyme's active site.
I monitored the supply of mineral nitrogen during the growing season, using field incubations in experimental plots.
Open woodland interspersed with small farm plots; also two small pools surrounded by thick cover.
We gazed at the sturdy typewriter whose simple mechanisms had produced plots of such intricacy and language of such clarity and humor.
The students spent a full twelve hours in the fields, working in turn on the plots of several families of close king in turn on the plots of several families of close kin.
The river meanders for 45km through the lowlands forming ox-bow lakes, backwater swamps and natural levees which are used for small agricultural plots.
The upper plots are for data and the lower plots are for two track monte carlo.
The following example plots and fills the parallelogram illustrated in the current graphics foreground color.
We have four of them next to the veg plots and we use them to grow tender plants or to extend the growing season.
The couple are not best pleased and plan to elope with their actual loves while Matko plots a humiliating prank for Dadan.
When Luke skips town, Jo plots an almighty surprise for unsuspecting punters at Chez Chez, - but how will Cheryl react?
Significantly, however, the pupils that took part in this study were largely sedentary, living on established plots or in housing.
Between the long grasses there are small plots of land dotted with tin shacks roofed with dried palm branches.
Topics covered in this Bulletin include experimental design, reconnaisance methods, field plots, rainfall simulators, and estimating from models.
The periodic shedding of the tip vortex at the blade tip is also observed in vorticity contour plots measured at the of axial planes.
Hitherto he had been scrupulously impartial in raising the best men to the judicial bench, including the illustrious Matthew Hale, but he now appointed compliant judges, and, alluding to Magna Carta in terms impossible to transcribe for modern readers, declared that" it should not control his actions which he knew were for the safety of the Commonwealth."The country was now divided into twelve districts each governed by a major-general, to whom was entrusted the duty of maintaining order, stamping out disaffection and plots, and executing the laws relating to public morals.
Side by side with the Mazzinian propaganda in favor of a united Italian republic, which manifested itself in secret societies, plots and insurrections, there was another Liberal movement based on the education of opinion and on economic development.
The memoirs of Count Miot de Melito, whom Joseph appointed minister of war, show how great were the difficulties with which the new monarch had to contend - an almost bankrupt treasury, a fickle and degraded populace, Bourbon intrigues and plots, and frequent attacks by the British from Sicily.
The decay of the woollen industry at Tavistock was attributed by the inhabitants in 1641 to the dread of the Turks at sea and of popish plots at home.
This was the time of Titus Oates and the popish plots, and some of Walker's writings made him suspect; however, no serious steps were taken against him, although Oxford booksellers were forbidden to sell his book, The benefits of our Saviour Jesus Christ to mankind, and he remained a Protestant, in name at least, until the accession of James II.
But indeed the whole of this intermediate period is full of dark subterranean plots and counterplots, still inexplicable, as, for instance, the hideous Fersen murder (June 20, 1 810) (see Fersen, Hans Axel Von) evidently intended to terrorize the Gustavians, whose loyalty to the ancient dynasty was notorious.
It is my intention, moreover, to recount the misfortunes which immediately came on the whole Jewish nation in consequence of their plots against our Saviour, and to record the ways and times in which the divine word has been attacked by the Gentiles, and to describe the character of those who at various periods have contended for it in the face of blood and tortures, as well as the confessions which have been made in our own day, and the gracious and kindly succour which our Saviour has accorded them all."
But when Richard declared that he was the victim of plots and intrigues, and was striking clown his enemies only to defend his own life and honor, he was for some time believed.
After many complicated plots, Rocambole finally outwits Miss Ellen, but is recaptured by the police.
The fear of catholic plots against the King meant that many recusant families were under observation by the government.
Individual study ROC plots were produced for studies with at least 10 years ' clinical follow-up and the area under the curves was compared.
But there is a great deal more to her writing than romance plots with lively characters and witty dialog.
Undiluted scabrous humor, with short, sharp scenes and a crazy string of plots.
Plots have a hungry look, headstones are tilted, scoured by dry wind.
In these plots the deviation of the skew gaussian from the mlla predictions at the 1% level can be seen.
Be able to demonstrate the physical significance of closed shells by using plots of the spherical harmonics.
The result will be several superimposed plots of N 1 versus each quantity in, all plotted to the same scale.
The areas between the street were divided into tenement plots in the late 9th century.
Can handle a distorted page, ternary plots, polar plots.
The user can obtain tracks of the motion of individual atoms or plots showing the relationship between thermodynamic quantities.
Why not simply take Jesus into heaven or thwart the plots to kill his messenger without having anyone die at all?
For Trifolium repens, each experimental unit will involve one central donor plot surrounded by eight receptor plots with 30m between adjacent plots.
At Monks Cottage, an unmade lane leads to several 20 th century bungalows sited in substantial plots.
Rocky handled all types of emergencies, including the evacuation of doomed planets and the uncovering of villainous plots against the United Worlds.
Analytical and critical thinking skills can be taught using comic book themes and plots as well.
This is a handsome plant for shady plots of deep moist soil in the wild garden or the margins of peat borders, but it dies away quite early in summer, so must be grouped with other things for autumn effect.
There is a real mission to use plants that are wildcrafted - that is, grown and harvested from natural plots and environs.
If you don't have any available plots, you can also begin organic gardening in your home by growing vegetables in pots.
For fans of the series, you'll already be familiar with many of the plots presented in the story mode, but there are others that present alternate endings to famous storylines.
Quests are available either as stand-alone adventures for items or money, or as overlapping plots in a larger story.
It isn't until the last few missions of the game that the movie and video game plots match up.
Learn about film plots, actors, characters and production information.
The listing also includes plots of lands as well as properties zoned for mixed use.
Battleship coordinates game geometry helps players determine where plots are on a plane so that they can figure out where their opponents' ships are.
Most of the plots in the half hour episodes are recipes for disaster with Sponge Bob and his friends getting in and out of trouble.
These books generally have much more involved plots and feature more characters.
Syriana has a politically driven quartet of plots revolving around the oil industry and the intricate relationship the four main players have with each other, the industry, and the world as a whole.
If you are one of those people who finds as much humor in the rote plots of some of the most popular horror flicks are fear, you will be delighted to learn that Scary Movie 4 is among the August DVD releases.
Another reason it helps to research a movie is that some plots have backgrounds that run much deeper than the movie itself.
Though some films feature simpler plots, many still implore comedic tricks and fascinating perspectives to keep parents entertained too.
Remakes of movies, especially horror movies, are very popular because they have plots that audiences are already familiar with.
To others, it is a term reserved for those special types of plots where a man loves a woman and they must conquer the odds.
The top 100 chick flicks out there have largely been produced in the last decade, highlighting an increasing interest in these romantic plots.
Instead of having to research the type of themes and plots in every movie, you can just look at the ratings and get an idea of the type of movie.
You can find single synopses written in stray places all over the web, or find sites that have collections of synopses of movies plots.
Keeping ideas for characters and plots often involves an entire new document or handwritten notes that can be hard to read or misplaced.
Since soap operas have so many intersecting story lines, and often several separated plots running simultaneously, most tend to move at a reasonable pace.
The Soap Central website provides an easy way to keep up with the comings and goings of your favorite soap opera plots.
Even advance knowledge of the fiery, explosive, jaw-dropping plots typically won't stop them from watching it play out on television.
Official Site - The official site features famous plots, love stories and even year in review articles.
Marissa's mother Julie hires a private eye to find Volchok and plots to hook him up with Ryan so that Ryan will take revenge for them both losing Marissa.
The story lines and plots follow the lives of the characters that live in the Albert Square (named so after Queen Victoria's husband Albert) area of the Walford.
Anyone who's a soap fan knows how quickly plots and themes change.
In the time the show has been on the air, there have been numerous storylines, plots and scheming characters!
Of course, this is no guarantee that these events will take place in Port Charles as plots and storylines change often.
The show has consistently provided plots that interest people of all ages.
During its run the show relied heavily on plots that dealt with real-world issues such as homelessness, drug abuse and teen pregnancy.
The series hooks viewers with its dramatic plots and outstanding cast.
Fans will appreciate being able to talk about their favorite characters and plots for hours without judgment or guilt.
The program's writers have never shied away from drawing viewer attention through controversial storylines, and as edgier plots have become more acceptable over time, the program has only continued to employ them through the years!
In addition, storylines have run the gamut from tame to tantalizing, and in recent decades the program's most newsworthy plots have enjoyed immense media attention.
The show's riveting plots, which tackle controversial issues from addiction and abortion to homosexuality and transgender relationships, keep fans on their toes.
They earned this name for their often long and complicated plots.
All My Children's crazy characters and controversial plots are just two of the reasons millions of fans are hooked on the daytime serial.
Regardless of its twisted plots and endlessly evolving cast changes, Neighbours remains steadfast to its original premise of following families at the end of the Ramsay Street cul-de-sac.
It's a great magazine to curl up with during your downtime, catching up on all of the exciting plots and character twists.
Since the 1970s, it's intricate plots and diverse characters have kept viewers glued to their television sets, making it one of the most popular daytime TV shows of all time.
Ashley, however, soon becomes victim to another Victor's plots against Jack when Victor brings Patty Williams to town in the guise of Mary Jane Benson (played by Stacy Haiduk).
One of the main plots of the second season of HBO's original series True Blood involved a Maenad moving into Bon Temps and gradually seducing the town with her own brand of madness.
Developed as a more adult fare to the popular teen drama 90210, Melrose Place actors steamed up the screens with their sexy liaisons, plots, and more.
Wander amongst the stones of the ancient Forum, said to be one of the original plots of Roman soil.
As the cast dwindles in number, everyone else plots and schemes to get someone else eliminated.
The deep understanding of the Trek universe combined with strong plots and engaging characters makes its exploration on a more personal level.
There are the costumes, the technogeeks debating the star-drives, and the fans who know far more about the plots and characters than the stars do.
Beauty and the Beast, for all its crime plots, is essentially the love story of Catherine and Vincent.
Laughable is Batgirl and as far as movie plots are concerned and did Batman ever need Robin?
That said, it is not outside the skills of Lucas, who wrote the screenplay, or director Spielberg to transcend hackneyed plots.
The Handmaid's Tale's heroine plots to escape to the free North (presumably Canada) but her fate is left unresolved at story's end.
Robert Heinlein (one of science fiction's pioneers) once said there are only six plots in science fiction, and all of them have been done over and over in endless permutations.
Very popular fairy tales share certain traits such as familiar characters that readers can relate to or easily imagine and strong plots that lead readers to draw conclusions from characters' actions.
The plots in most fairy tales are quite basic and are some variation of good overcoming evil.
The plots for the books also differ slightly from those of their corresponding movies.
The pet was crucial to a few episode plots from the original series.
The epic good versus evil theme is punctuated with more bad guys and sub plots.
Cloning has been intertwined in a number of sci-fi plots over the years.
In most sci-fi plots within books and movies, robots often turned on humanity and brought about the demise or near-demise of civilization.
Other strategies involve creating very small plots of land which plow faster and gain you more experience.
On FarmVille, you have several plots of land where a few grow crops while the others are harvested.
When you first start the game, you'll have a little bit of money and six plots of land.
At the beginning of the game, four of your plots are seeded already.
Lord Stormont's family was Jacobite in its politics, and his second son James (c. 1690-1728), being apparently mixed up in some of the plots of the time, joined the court of the exiled Stuarts and in 1721 was created earl of Dunbar by James Edward, the Old Pretender.
Various dangerous plots against his government and person were at this time rife.
Becoming more violent Thistlewood formed other plots, talked of murdering the prince of Wales, and was sentenced to a year's imprisonment for challenging the home secretary, Lord Sidmouth, to a duel.
He commanded a troop of horse in Scotland in 1639; was involved in army plots in 1641, for which he was committed to the Tower, but escaped abroad; and on the outbreak of the Civil War returned to England and served with Prince Rupert, being present at Marston Moor, the second battle of Newbury and Naseby.
Such, moreover, is the effect of different manures that the gross produce of the mixed herbage is totally different on the respective plots according to the manure employed, both as to the proportion of the various species composing it and as to their condition of development and maturity.
But before referring to this last proof of the Machiavellian skill of the great Corsican in dealing with plots, it is needful to notice the events which brought him into collision with the British nation.
Thenceforth plots were few.
There are conflicting accounts of the plots and counterplots and of the court intrigues, the relative truth of which will probably never be known.
Even when we treat him merely as a dramatist our enjoyment of his later works gains enormously if we take them as organic wholes, and not as mere plots dressed up in verse and action.
Siegfried's whole character and career is, indeed, annihilated in the clumsy progress towards this consummation; but Shakespeare might have condoned worse plots for the sake of so noble a result; and indeed Wagner's awkwardness arises mainly from fear of committing oversights.
Janissaries leisure to engage in plots against the sultan, and in order to occupy them and to remove them from the capital advantage was taken of the king of Poland having intervened in the affairs of Transylvania and the principalities to declare war against him.
In 1110 he banished the more conspicuous malcontents, and from that date was safe against the plots of his English feudatories.
Amongst his numerous followers, who have, however, sometimes vulgarized their figures and plots, may be mentioned Tihamer Almasi (Milimdri, A Miniszterelnok bdlja, " The Ball of the Premier ") and Alexander Somlo.
Plautus, though, like Terence, he takes the first sketch of his plots, scenes and characters, from the Attic stage, is yet a true representative of his time, a genuine Italian, writing before the genius of Italy had learned the restraints of Greek art.
Many unsuccessful plots against him were hatched, and having discovered one that was conducted by Antonio degli Adimari, the duke summoned the latter to the palace and detained him a prisoner.
Various plots against him were hatched, the anti Medicean faction being called the Del Poggio party because the house of its leader Luca Pitti was on a hill, while the Mediceans were called the Del Piano party because Piero's house was in the town below; the other opposition leaders were Dietisalvi Neroni and Agnolo Acciaiuoli.
New Medici plots having been discovered, Bernardo del Nero and other prominent citizens were tried and put to death; but the party hostile to Savonarola gained ground and had the support of the Franciscans, who were hostile to the Dominican order.
Plots against his life naturally began to spring up. That of his favourite Perennis, praefect of the praetorian guard, was discovered in time.
The Indian habitation was made up of this composite abode, with whatever out-structures and garden plots were needed.
While, for instance, it may be difficult to realize the equality of area of two plots of ground of different shapes, it may be easy to realize the equality of the amounts of a given material that would be required to cover them to a particular depth.
Trained in a school where the principles of responsible government were still in an embryonic state, where the adroit management of coalitions and cabals was essential to the life of a political party, and where plots and counterplots were looked upon as a regular part of the political game, he acquired a dexterity and skill in managing men that finally gave him an almost autocratic power among his political followers.
The publication of a spiteful letter (really by Horace Walpole, one of whose worst deeds it was) in the name of the king of Prussia made Rousseau believe that plots of the most terrible kind were on foot against him.
While Mary was popular Elizabeth was safe; but as soon as the Spanish marriage project had turned away English hearts Elizabeth inevitably became the centre of plots and the hope of the plotters.
A similar fear helped to keep down the tendencies inspired by French revolutionary literature, though plots occurred against the viceroy Branciforte in 1798 and 1799.
For the rest of his life Walsingham was mainly occupied in detecting and frustrating the various plots formed against Elizabeth's life; and herein he achieved a success denied him in his foreign policy.
The most famous of the plots frustrated by Walsingham was Anthony Babington's, which he detected in 1586.
The stories, though of no special merit as far as the plots are concerned, are told with verve and interest.
The property of the Macdonald College at Ste Anne de Bellevue comprises 561 acres, of which 74 acres are devoted to campus and field-research plots, ioo acres to a petite culture farm and 387 acres to a live-stock and grain farm.
The poor queen was surrounded by intrigues and plots, and although the people of the coast towns loved her, the Cypriot nobles were her bitter enemies and hostile to Venetian influence.
The revolt was, however, soon suppressed; but Henry, who on his escape from prison renewed his plots, was formally deposed in 976 when Bavaria was given to Otto, duke of Swabia.
In 1750, and again, it is thought, in 1754, he was in London, hatching futile plots and risking his safety for his hopeless cause, and even abjuring the Roman Catholic faith in order to further his political interests.
He afterwards received a pension, but the Directory banished him from France, and as he refused to share in the plots of the royalists he lived at Barcelona till his death in 1814, when the house of Conti became extinct.
In 1602 Cecil was engaged in dark plots against James; the rising of Essex (of which James probably was expectant) had failed; but by the end of the year Cecil had entered into a secret understanding with James to favour his claims to the English succession.
These Alpgemeinden are composed of the persons who have a right to send cattle up to any particular alp in summer, this right being attached (in different places) either to certain plots of ground in the valley or certain houses in the village, or to certain persons.
But Northumberland's plots and the active help of the French proved ineffective.
The passover was approaching, and plots were being laid for His destruction.
Nevertheless he was driven by the logic of events to attack Normandy, for as long as his brother reigned there, and as long as many English barons retained great holdings on both sides of the Channel and were subjects of the duke as well as of the king, intrigues and plots never ceased.
Bad science fiction plots, speculating on futures which could not really happen, are the worst examples of this.
Cemetery records sometimes contain information about the location of your family's burial plots, as well as information about the burial itself.
From that moment began new plots for the escape of the prisoners from the Temple, the chief of which were engineered by the Chevalier de Jarjayes, 1 the baron de Batz, 2 and the faithful Lady Atkyns.
Of the twenty plots into which this land is divided, two were left without manure from the outset, two received ordinary farmyard manure for a series of years, whilst the remainder each received a different description of artificial or chemical manure, the same being, except in special cases, applied year after year on the same plot.
Plots were formed for his assassination.
The plots of Plautus also are more varied than those of Terence.