Plight Sentence Examples
You don't know what a plight he had to endure.
I'm so sorry to hear of your dogs' plight.
Many thought this illness had changed him from a slightly arrogant young man into one who was sympathetic to the plight of others.
For too long the world ignored the plight of the Iraqi people.
While trying to alert people to the plight of endangered great white sharks, she put up posters of the animals in Oklahoma City where she was working in June 2009.
From the civil rights movement, to the Vietnam War, to the plight of the poor, Marvin Gaye helped a generation deal with what seemed to be a never ending crisis of social consciousness.
Surviving her own plight meant nothing if there was no Gabriel for her to return to.
The subject gave their minds a rest from Martha's plight.
I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy's plight.
Ever the humanitarian, she and partner Brad Pitt have raised awareness about international adoptions and the plight of people in impoverished areas of the world.
AdvertisementThe 5 majority judges also expressed their " great sympathy for the plight of Natallie ".
What Johnny Cash put into words were the feelings in his heart, the plight of his people, and the love he was feeling.
You follow their plight to make do in such an environment.
They would otherwise have been in a sorry plight.
Their pitiful plight is the direct result of an un-neutered or spayed cats.
AdvertisementBeside raising money, the Foundation also wants to raise awareness of the plight of endangered animals.
Increased attention to the plight of these young people revealed the dangers of child prostitution and pornography, which they faced on the streets.
For those who are concerned about the plight of women across the nation, breast cancer fundraising ideas are extremely important.
But Anderson Cooper, even as a Q, would never be a malicious omnipotent being - no, his legendary compassion would be stirred by the crew's sad fashion plight.
I sympathize with the plight of farmers today, who see their livelihoods threatened by consumers refusing to buy such hybrids.
AdvertisementI'll leave you with these thoughtful lyrics The Rich blame the Poor man for his plight.
Online forums are a great opportunity for patients to keep their anonymity and dignity while still developing tight bonds with others who share their plight.
Other movies such as the award-winning Aimee and Jaguar (1999) took a less sensationalistic, more historical view of the plight of lesbians persecuted by their culture.
In fact, all of these symptoms parallel bowel diseases, so your first indication that celiac sprue might be responsible for your plight is if you have any family members with celiac disease.
In response to the plight of employers and retirees alike, the state of Ohio created the Early Retiree program under the umbrella of the Affordable Care Act.
AdvertisementDear Friends, Is your heart broken by the desperate plight of millions of children around the world?
The rescue of these two in their dreadful plight now needed the very acme of mountaineering skill.
Justin didn't realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight.
But we do care about the humanitarian plight of people in Afghanistan.
Additionally, the site features several T-shirts that read Save a Stray as well as a non-profit organization, RuffHouZen Rescue, that is dedicated to bringing much needed attention to the animals' plight.
Some side stories may involve the competitive nature of the captains, the stress of living on the ship and the plight and sometimes hazing of greenhorns.
But you keep reading, because Wallie's plight is so well conveyed and his our-world solutions interesting and at times uniquely humorous.
Dean's multiplication table of 44, the number of rented apartments, wasn't perfect, but that number times even a reasonable monthly rental lessened any sympathy he might have felt for the woman's financial plight.
Yesterday she had alienated the only person in Arkansas who had shown the slightest interest in her plight.
Sarah took a timorous step forward and spilled the details of their plight in one long ramble, barely stopping for breath.
The Government is urging farmers to look to the horse industry as a form of diversification in their present economic plight.
Obaid's plight and that of other hostages and abductees from Lebanon remains largely forgotten or unheard of.
If we want more localism we need to tackle the plight of our poorest areas.
Or were offered jobs are classified the employer's database association Lutz s. Effect of changes rather the data their plight to.
When taken his stockings where completely worn from his feet and he appeared to be in a very pitiable plight.
Mark was deeply moved by the plight of the community.
He was evidently touched by the plight of poor visitors.
Now He is forced to behold her steadily worsening plight.
However, we are not convinced of the adequacy of his efforts to alleviate the plight.
Original here A few weeks ago, Oxfam launched a campaign to publicize the plight of coffee farmers in poor countries.
Outside the United Nations, pressure to do something to ease the plight of the Iraqi people was mounting.
The subject of their heated exchanges is Job's terrible plight.
In the later stages of dementia you may become unaware of your plight.
But his report on this expedition, in which he drew attention to the evil plight of the republican arms in the Vendee, aroused suspicion.
Sella, minister of finance, notwithstanding the sorry plight of the Italian exchequer, readily granted the means for the reform.
He therefore returned from the German capital with clean but empty hands, a plight which found marked disfavour in Italian eyes, and stimulated anti-Austrian Irredentism.
The Boer farmers were now in a miserable plight, but towards the end of the year they received reinforcements, and in December 460 men set out under Andries Pretorius to avenge themselves on the Zulus.
The Boers, on the other hand, found themselves in better plight than they had ever been before.
The Athenians were thus reduced to such a plight that, as Nicias said in his despatch towards the close of 414, they were themselves besieged rather than besieging.
From the idea of evil as degraded, contemptible and doomed to failure, the term is applied to persons in evil plight, or of slight consideration.
Natasha could not remain calm, seeing him in such a plight.
The plight of the silk weavers in Spitalfields played a part in London Chartism.
While some people come to LoveToKnow Vegetarian with health issues in mind, others hope to improve the world, or seek to protect the lives and plight of animals.
Many people are unaware of the plight facing a great number of Middle Eastern children.
However, the world wasn't ready for Jack's brand of Christmas or his plight to take over Santa Claus' job of delivering toys to all of the children.
The conversation drifted from thank-you's to Martha's plight, Fred's incarceration, and Jennifer's somewhat unsettled future.
The local authority in this case showed total disregard for the plight of people who could not afford to buy their own homes.
Joanna Cannan succeeds in making her readers not just sympathetic to Patricia's plight, but deeply empathetic too.
Everyman tales of romantic and relational plight immediately resonate within anyone who has warm blood circulating in their veins.
Protest group's asylum anger Jun 23 2006 Protesters marched through a town to highlight the plight of asylum seekers.
During this stay at Paris he witnessed some of the great "days" of the Revolution; but the sad plight of his sister, Marianna Elisa, on the dissolution of the convent of St Cyr, where she was being educated, compelled him to escort her back to Corsica shortly after the September massacres.
The Deans' conversation drifted away from the young girl's plight to Jennifer Radisson's recent pronouncement.
She has written to us to highlight the plight of domesticated Pet Rats in South Africa... .
Howie was trying to inform the geriatric customers of our plight while the clerk, apparently speaking with a switchboard, complied with my directive.
Trying to deal with the moods of a crowd, the plight of their teams and the difficulties of their own routines leads to all sorts of amusing situations for everyone in the squad.