Plentiful Sentence Examples
The sky was dark, the stars plentiful and bright.
Turtles and tortoises are plentiful on the coast.
Fruits also are plentiful, both wild and cultivated.
East Africa is rich in all kinds of antelope, and the elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus are still plentiful in parts.
Trout and salmon are plentiful in the river.
But despite all these measures the men, who had till then constituted an army, flowed all over the wealthy, deserted city with its comforts and plentiful supplies.
Vermont marble is the best and most plentiful in the United States.
Under such conditions we might expect to find an extremely plentiful animal population, one as rich as that.
While there can be no doubt that the luxuriance of Japans flora is due to rich soil, to high temperature and to rainfall not only plentiful but well distributed over the whole year, the wealth and variety of her trees and shrubs must be largell the result of immigration.
Throughout Britain, as a rule, this species is one of the most plentiful birds, and is found at all seasons of the year.
AdvertisementThe water-works and electric-lighting plant are owned and operated by the Territorial government, and to the plentiful water-supply is partly due the luxuriant vegetation of the city.
Fruits and vegetables are plentiful, and there are large herds of buffaloes, goats and sheep. Silkworms are reared.
A number of glands on the interior of the pitcher secrete a plentiful fluid which has digestive properties.
Parakeets are plentiful in the montes, and the lagoons swarm with waterfowl.
Frogs of many kinds are plentiful, the brilliant green frogs being especially conspicuous and noisy.
AdvertisementMuch buying might take place when stocks were scanty, with the result that prices would be needlessly forced up; and when stocks were plentiful demand might be weak and prices, therefore, be unduly depressed.
Game is plentiful, and the fisheries on the coast are excellent.
Fish and game are plentiful, and the silkworm is bred in the warmer districts.
Oranges are often plentiful, also pine-apples, guavas, custard-apples, mangoes and bananas.
The baba or cat fish and the yellow fish are plentiful in the rivers and the trout has been acclimatized.
AdvertisementGame is plentiful and the rivers swarm with fish.
Game, birds of prey and fish are plentiful.
Among trees, stunted pines, dwarf oaks, poplars, willows and the cypress are fairly plentiful.
Under the protection of a game commission which was created in 1895, of some game preserves which have been established by this commission, and of various laws affecting wild animals and birds, the numbers of Virginia deer, black bear, rabbits, ruffed grouse, quail and wild turkeys have increased until in some of the wilder sections they are quite plentiful, while the numbers of weasels, minks, lynx and foxes have been diminished.
Perch, sunfish, trout, bass, pike and pickerel abound in many of the streams. Yellow perch are especially plentiful in the lakes on the Pocono plateau.
AdvertisementPike-perch and a few blue pike are taken in the Susquehanna, where shad are no longer plentiful since work was begun on McCall's Ferry dam, and in 1908 the entire catch for the river was valued at about $20,000, but in the Delaware there are valuable shad 'and herring fisheries.
His successors, Patrick Gordon and George Thomas, under the proprietorship of John, Thomas and Richard Penn, continued Keith's popular policy of issuing a plentiful paper currency; but with Thomas the assembly renewed its old struggle, refusing to grant him a salary or supplies because of his efforts to force the colony into supporting the Spanish War.
The researches of Prjevalsky demonstrate that gold is plentiful in northern and eastern Tibet.
During this time he found plentiful leisure to write a series of works on political philosophy, such as the Nouveaux essais de politique et de philosophie (Paris, 1824).
With regard to natural products the country has few worth mentioning; minerals are found in the Lebanon, but not in any quantity; traces of amber-digging have been discovered on the coast; and the purple shell (murex trunculus and brandaris) is still plentiful.
The bird was evidently plentiful down to the very seaboard of.
The life of many lichens thus consists of alternating periods of activity when moisture is plentiful, and completely suspended animation under conditions of dryness.
Pruning is a very important operation in the fruit garden, its object being twofold - (i) to give form to the tree, and (2) to induce the free production of flower buds as the precursors of a plentiful crop of fruit.
The forests are well stocked with game, deer, chamois (in the Alps), wild boars, capercailzie, grouse, pheasants, &c. being plentiful.
Roebuck and deer are found in a wild state in Gelderland and Overysel, foxes are plentiful in the dry wooded regions on the borders of the country, and hares and rabbits in the dunes and other sandy stretches.
Storks are plentiful in summer and might almost be considered the most characteristic feature of the prevailing landscape.
Where it is plentiful, it is better to supply the second meadow directly from the river, or by a continuation of the first main conductor.
Wild geese and ducks, grouse, partridges, snipe, woodcock, quails, widgeons and teal are plentiful all over the country, and in recent years preserves have been largely stocked with pheasants.
There was, indeed, plentiful need for some show of concession to Libera sentiment, if a union of hearts was to be established between the South and North Germans.
There were soon plentiful signs of where this enemy was to be sought.
Soon afterwards as money became more plentiful the scope of work was extended; the production of the folio volumes continued, but the five sections were subdivided and in each of these a series of quarto volumes was issued.
Between Georgian Bay and Ottawa the winters are less cold, but usually with a plentiful snowfall; while the summers are warm and sometimes even hot.
The mountainous region is covered with primeval forest, in which timber and valuable woods for cabinet-making are plentiful.
Animals are plentiful, including the great pachyderms and carnivora.
Without being very plentiful anywhere, it is generally distributed in suitable localities throughout its range - those localities being such as afford it a sufficient supply of food, consisting during the greater part of the year of insects, which it diligently seeks on the boles and larger limbs of old trees; but in autumn and winter it feeds on nuts, beech-mast, the stones of yew-berries and hard seeds.
Crocodile stories, not all fabulous, are plentiful, and begin with one of the oldest writings in the world, the book of Job.
Their fertility is due to a plentiful supply of water furnished by a sandstone bed 300 to 500 ft.
Fish are plentiful in the Nile, both scaled and without scales.
Of game-birds the most plentiful are sandgrouse, quail (a bird of passage) and snipe.
A pillar of earth before the dam is called the Bride of the Nile, and Arab historians relate that this was substituted, at the Moslem conquest, for a virgin whom it was the custom annually to sacrifice, to ensure a plentiful inundation.
While there is a general tendency in the group to mucilaginous degeneration of the cell-wall, in Laminaria digitata there are also glands secreting a plentiful mucilage.
The occurrence of a plentiful mucilage in many freshwater forms is, however, doubtless a provision against desiccation on exposure.
In Palestine game has always been plentiful, and the Biblical indications that it was much sought and duly appreciated are numerous.
Off the coast of Holland in summer it is more plentiful, entering the Zuider Zee in such numbers as to give rise to a regular and valuable fishery.
These lions at one time were almost extinct, but after being preserved since about 1890 by the Nawab of Junagarh, they have once more become comparatively plentiful.
A species of bamboo is very plentiful in the river valleys and in marshy situations.
Many quadrupeds, such as the honey-bear and the rhinoceros, are common to all, but while the tiger is common both in the Malayan Peninsula and in Sumatra, it does not occur in Borneo; the elephant, so common in the peninsula, and found in Borneo, is unknown in Sumatra; and the orang-utan, so plentiful in parts of Borneo and parts of Sumatra, has never been discovered in the Malay Peninsula.
Game is plentiful, and the rivers abound in fish, specially trout.
The grey squirrel is plentiful in wooded districts.
At the mouth of the river they met Lord Delaware, however, who brought other colonists and plentiful supplies; and they returned, set up a trading post at what is now Hampton and undertook to bring the hostile natives to subjection.
Fruit is also plentiful, and there are many vineyards close by.
Wild game is plentiful; pheasants, partridges, snipe and water-fowl of many descriptions make the country a tempting field for the sportsman.
The food of the people in the midlands and south is plentiful and good; in the remoter parts of the north an unfavourable summer is followed by a winter of scarcity or even famine; and in these parts meat is little used.
Lovett says they are plentiful in Astrabad; he measured two specimens, one 10 ft.
Poult7 is good and plentiful.
Fish are scarce in inner Persia; salmon trout and mud-trout are plentiful in some of the mountain streams. Many underground canals are frequented by carp and roach.
Turtle are common on the southern coast-line, sand and mangrove oysters are plentiful.
In general, the sub-tropical (valle) and temperate (cabezera de valle) regions of Bolivia are healthy and agreeable, have a plentiful rainfall, moderate temperature in the shade, and varied and abundant products.
Coyotes are very common; wild cats and mountain lions are fairly plentiful.
Pueblo ruins are plentiful in the basins of the Gila and Colorado rivers and their tributaries.
The glass industry was introduced from Venice in the 13th century and soon attained a vast importance; the factories are in the neighbourhood of the mountains, where minerals, and especially silica and fuel, are plentiful.
For more recent times the materials were plentiful, and a rich field of research lay open to the student in the long series of laws, decrees of the senate, and official registers, reaching back, as it probably did, at least to the beginning of the 3rd century B.C. Nevertheless it seems certain that Livy never realized the duty of consulting these relics of the past, even in order to verify the statements of his authorities.
Though never seriously excavated, it contains plentiful visible traces of its Roman period - part of the ramparts, the site of an amphitheatre, and many inscriptions, sculptured stones, &c., in the local museum.
The clear water of the upland becks and the plentiful supply of water-power led to the founding of small paper-mills in remote valleys before the days of steam, and some of these primitive establishments still exist.
The narrow strip of Greensands appearing from beneath the Chalk escarpment on its northern side is crowded with small towns and villages on account of the plentiful water-supply.
Here the percentage is over 50, but the ore, though the richest found in the kingdom, is less plentiful, about 1.1 million tons being raised in 1903 as against more than 52 millions in Cleveland.
The coast of Alaska offers exceptional facilities for smuggling, and liquor has always been very plentiful; juries have steadily refused to convict offenders, and treasury officials have regularly collected revenue from saloons existing in defiance of law.
Even in the dry season it is never without a plentiful supply of water.
Of fruit trees the banana and plantain are plentiful and of unusual size.
Evidence of this class, proving the derivation of modern civilization, not only from ancient barbarism, but beyond this, from primeval savagery, is immensely plentiful, especially in rites and ceremonies, where the survival of ancient habits is peculiarly favoured.
The hippopotamus and crocodile inhabit the larger rivers flowing west, but are not found in the Hawash, in which, however, otters of large size are plentiful.
Great numbers of eagles, vultures, hawks, bustards and other birds of prey are met with; and partridges, duck, teal, guinea-fowl, sand-grouse, curlews, woodcock, snipe, pigeons, thrushes and swallows are very plentiful.
From the 13th to the 15th century sheep farming flourished, Bedfordshire wool being in request and plentiful.
Game and trout are plentiful; milk, butter, hams, hides and wool are exported, principally to France.
Great kraals were also prepared for the promised cattle, and huge skin sacks to hold the milk that was soon to be more plentiful than water.
Fortunately good water is tolerably plentiful; for, though the wells are mostly undrinkable, and even the famous Zamzam water only available for medicinal or religious purposes, the underground conduit from beyond Arafa, completed by Sultan Selim II.
In the mountain forests of south-western Oregon bears, deer, elk, pumas, wolves and foxes are plentiful.
The game birds include quail (Bob White), ruffed grouse and a few pinnated grouse (once very plentiful, then nearly exterminated, but now apparently reappearing under strict protection), and such water birds as the mallard duck, wood duck, blueand green-winged teals, Wilson's snipe, and greater and lesser yellow legs (snipe).
Magnesian limestone, or dolomite, is especially plentiful along the Blue, Republican and Neosho rivers and their tributaries.
Fish are plentiful in the lower Tarim and in its lakes.
Many of the rivers abound in salmon, and trout are plentiful in the lakes and streams.
Iceland is emphatically a land of proverbs, while of folk-tales, those other keys to the poeple's heart, there is plentiful store.
Rain is plentiful everywhere, except in the extreme north, where the conditions are arid.
Even in the Shumadia, where materials are plentiful, the roads rapidly give way under heavy traffic, or after bad weather; in the Machva, Podrinye and remoter districts, they are often impassable.
Such a monastery consisted of countless tiny huts of wattles and clay (or, where stone was plentiful, of beehive cells) built by the pupils and enclosed by a fosse, or trench, like a permanent military encampment.
Sometimes there were two or three circumvallations or even more, and where water was plentiful the ditch between was flooded.
Owing to a lack of water it is only slightly cultivated, but game is plentiful.
The rivers and lakes abound in different kinds of fish, which are also plentiful on the sea-coast.
Bitumen and petroleum have been found; graphite is plentiful, and sulphur, salt, saltpetre and lime are also procured.
The Gulf of Quarnero yields a plentiful supply of fish, and the tunny trade with Trieste and Venice is of considerable importance.
Game, both large and small, is plentiful in the mountains, and the streams abound with trout and other fish.
River fish are plentiful enough, but confined to one species, the barbel.
On the European continent queen-rearing apiaries are plentiful, but less attention is paid there to hybridizing than to keeping the respective races pure.
Cotton is indigenous in the valley of the Blue Nile, and in some districts bamboos are plentiful.
Snakes are also plentiful, many poisonous kinds being found.
In the steppe regions of Kordofan, Darfur, &c., and in the Nubian Desert ostriches are fairly plentiful.
Fowls are plentiful, but of poor quality.
Phallic emblems, for averting evil, were plentiful; the summit of the tomb of Alyattes is crowned with an enormous one of stone, about 9 ft.
They stand on short stout legs, with a plentiful covering - sometimes too abundant - of long hair extending chiefly down the back but also round the front of the limbs from knees and hocks, and when in full feather obscuring nearly the whole of the hoofs.
It is only when the monsoon is in considerable force that Merwara gets a plentiful supply from it.
Snakes are pretty plentiful in scrubs; the lizards are harmless.
Forest trees, especially oaks, are plentiful, and many of the species are identical with those found in Cretaceous deposits in more southern latitudes.
Dicotyledonous leaves are not plentiful, the genera recorded being Andromeda, Cinnamomum, Zizyphus, Rhus, Viburnum.
Among the noticeable Dicotyledons are the Myricaceae, Proteaceae, Laurineae, Bombax, the Judas-tree, Acacia, Ailanthus, while the most plentiful forms are the Araliaceae.
The Laurineae were plentiful, and include various true laurels, camphor-trees, cinnamon, Persea and Sassafras.
Maples were still plentiful, 20 species having been described.
The Gods raised them like sheep, because men were more plentiful and more easily replaced than immortals.
The fox is a remarkably adaptable and successful animal found, where food is plentiful, in almost every habitat.
Bottles of wine are also plentiful, being the popular choice for those lucky enough to find an open table.
Apple orchards are plentiful in favored situations, especially adjoining the Herefordshire border, and oak coppice abounds.
Skylarks sing and dragonflies are plentiful too, including the black darter.
New uPVC dugouts are also in place, and there are ultimately plans for floodlights Car parking is plentiful outside the clubhouse.
Cowslips are plentiful and the rare snake's head fritillary can be found in the damper areas.
The wide extent of the common pasturage enabled them to keep large herds, and there was plentiful supply of wood.
They may go hungry even when food is relatively plentiful in the area where they live.
Water There is a fairly plentiful supply of gravitation water.
Perhaps I was blessed to be sent so early to so plentiful a land as Uganda.
The once plentiful energy was consumed and drained by the tireless fighting.
So we do not believe these creatures are particularly plentiful.
They were quite plentiful throughout the twenties with the same few sets usually competing at local level.
Food becomes more plentiful, the increase in temperature stirs up the spirits.
No matter, he had enough to eat for the moment, and game seemed plentiful.
Life of many kinds remains plentiful under ice-covered ponds and streams.
Should April showers strike, the driver has a plentiful stash of plastic macs.
Habitats with a plentiful supply of field voles appeared to support greater breeding success in barn owls.
The question then arises as to whether wolves living where livestock are plentiful all year round also show livestock toleration.
A plentiful supply of hot water is a necessity in every house for domestic and hygienic purposes.
This success was largely due to the originality of its title, the diversity of its contents (von Hartmann professing to obtain his speculative results by the methods of inductive science, and making plentiful use of concrete illustrations), the fashionableness of its pessimism and the vigour and lucidity of its style.
Owing to its endurance of thirst the long desert journeys which separate the populous centres are made practicable, and in the spring months, when green forage is plentiful in the desert, the Bedouins pitch their camps for long periods far from any water, and not only men but horses subsist on camel's milk.
He wrote in 1729 A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency, which argued that a plentiful currency will make rates of interest low and will promote immigration and home manufactures, and which did much to secure the further issue of paper money in Pennsylvania.
In the Morea itself, in spite of plentiful warning, the Turks were wholly unprepared; while the bulk of the Ottoman army, under the seraskier Khurshid Pasha, was engaged in the long task of reducing the intrepid Ali, pasha of Iannina (see ALI, pasha of Iannina).
Meditation focuses on a type of thanksgiving for what has been acquired and not to squander when things are plentiful.
No matter how attractive the rewards program is, it may not be financially-advantageous to sign up for one of these cards if the interest rate is high and the fees are plentiful.
Water is usually so plentiful that we tend to not pay attention to how much we are using until the water bill comes.
Natural ingredients that are plant, animal or mineral based from plentiful, renewable resources won't harm the environment when they are washed down the drain.
During World War II, a sugar shortage in Great Brittan led to widespread use of stevia as a sweetener; however, once the war was over and sugar was once again plentiful, stevia use dropped off.
Free online preschool games are plentiful, but the best ones teach and will keeping a child amused.
S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook for 2006 and 2007 states that opportunities for chefs, cooks, and other culinary professionals are expected to be plentiful through 2014.
The good news is that your options are plentiful.
Lively sites full of children's entertainment and activities are just as plentiful as quiet and relaxing sights.
With a regular and plentiful supply of Indian coolies, the recruiting of kanaka labourers practically ceased.
These larvae feed on rosebay willow-herb which is plentiful at Gibraltar Point.
The soil is generally a black sandy loam, inclining to clay, and having a plentiful substratum of gravel.
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In California, divorce attorneys are plentiful, so you will have a lot of options when searching for one.
Traditionally a jelly cupboard had two drawers above the doors, and the shelving was kept short and plentiful, allowing for more shelving throughout the cabinet to provide extra storage for preserves and canned goods.
Wind power generators offer a variety of designs to tap into a clean, plentiful source of energy-the wind.
A promising alternative for these solar plentiful regions are newer solar arrays made of individual photovoltaic cells.
This perennial plant is related to ginger and needs plentiful rain and warmth to flourish.
These are the easiest covers to make and the most plentiful in stores.
The animals shed their antlers every year, which makes this material very plentiful, as the animals don't have to be hunted in order to attain the antlers.
Quests are plentiful as are the types of Neopet you can create.
The wet climate and bayous produce plentiful crops of rice; you'd be hard pressed to find a Cajun meal that does not include it.
From sushi to fun desserts, Japanese food is plentiful in San Antonio.
Fortunately, free scrapbooking elements are plentiful and available in a wide variety.
Many people only think of metropolitan activities when they hear New York mentioned, but the ski areas of New York are actually quite plentiful and prove that there is a lot more going on in this northeastern state than just the Big Apple.
These destinations, such as Loveland and Ski Cooper, may not have high-speed lifts, plentiful lodging and upscale dining and shopping, but they are filled with charm and authenticity.
Although babysitting jobs are often plentiful, there is also a little competition, as many young girls want this type of work.
If you're planning a Christmas wedding, decorating supplies will be plentiful.
Since most brides are opting to go the strapless or sleeveless route, winter wedding dresses aren't as plentiful as their summer time counterparts.
The plentiful online boutique carries a vast selection in such beach-friendly shades as ivory, pink and yellow.
The choices are plentiful, so listen to a variety of songs to find the best ones that are indicative of the love you and your partner share.
Although styles of black and white zebra bedding are plentiful, zebra patterns in purple aren't as easily found.
If you are considering a tropical décor for any bedroom in your home, you'll be happy to learn that options are plentiful.
The desert was flat, the rock formations and canyons plentiful.
Sea-elephants and fur-seals were formerly plentiful.
The tanning, currying and finishing of leather, an industry largely dependent on the plentiful supply of oak and hemlock bark for tanning, is centralized in the northern and eastern parts of the state, near the forests.
Viscum, called dryos hyphear, is most plentiful on the esculent oak, but occurs also on the robur, Prunus sylvestris and terebinth.
This region abounds in big game and birds are plentiful.
In the interior cattle and sheep are plentiful, on the plateau horses and donkeys.
Roads, indeed, were almost as plentiful as railways at the present day in the basin.
Many visitors are attracted by the fishing (especially for tarpon) and shooting in the vicinity, water-fowl being plentiful in the Bay, and deer, quail and wild turkeys being found in the vicinity inland.
All the song-birds and birds of prey of the temperate zone are plentiful.
He also began his researches into "different kinds of airs," getting a plentiful supply of "fixed air" from a brewery next door to his house.
Snipe, woodcock, ducks and rails, in vast flocks, haunt the banks of the Drina and Save; while the crane, pelican, wild-swan and wild-goose are fairly plentiful.
Their houses are built of timber and thatch, or clay tiles, except in the Karst region, where stone is more plentiful than wood.
Goats, from the milk of which choice cheese is made, and pigs are plentiful.
Cattle-rearing is not well developed, but game and fish are plentiful.
These Napoleonic countships, increased under subsequent reigns, have produced a plentiful crop of titles of little social significance, and have tended to lower the status of the counts deriving from the ancien regime.
Its usual haunts are the shallow margins of the larger lakes and rivers, where fishes are plentiful, since it requires for its sustenance a vast supply of them.
Freshwater scale-fish are mostly full of bones, but fine eels and barbel are plentiful in the rivers.
The rivers and lakes yield enormous quantities of fish, and leeches also are plentiful.
Among edentata the ant-bear, scaly ant-eater and porcupine are plentiful.
Beginning in Sussex, Surrey and Kent, where wood for fuel was plentiful, the foreign glass-workers and their descendants migrated from place to place, always driven by the fuel-hunger of their furnaces.
Farther inland, where the rains are more plentiful, is the native home of the potato.
The streams, which are plentiful, are traced through the uplands and glens by a line of straggling brushwood and rank herbage.
Fish and game are also plentiful.
Fish are also plentiful.
The slopes of the plateau which face the rain-bringing monsoon are in some places covered with primeval forest, in which timber is plentiful.
Garnets are plentiful in the Lindi district, and agates, topaz, moonstone and other precious stones are found in the colony.
In the Mexican codices pictures of men and women carrying are plentiful.
Oysters, both mud and rock, are good and plentiful.
Reptilian remains abound; plants are also plentiful.
It is prepared (where wood is plentiful) by stacking the wood in heaps, which are covered with earth or with brushwood and turf, and then burning the heap slowly in a limited supply of air.
Lions, formerly plentiful, have disappeared, and leopards and panthers are rare; but jackals, hyenas and Algerian apes are not uncommon.
The primary schools are numerous in the capital, as well as in the other cities, and even exist in villages, and madrasas or theological seminaries for higher courses of study are comparatively plentiful.
It is navigable by vessels of 50 tons as far up as Bridge of Earn, and is a notable fishing stream, abounding with salmon and trout, perch and pike being also plentiful.
Next in importance comes the timber trade; game is also plentiful.
These were rapidly reduced in number by the white man, the wild pigeons are extinct, and the moose, caribou, bear, wolf, lynx and beaver have become rare, but, under the protection of laws enacted during the latter part of the 19th century, deer and ruffed grouse are again quite plentiful.
The larger animals of Canada are the musk ox and the caribou of the barren lands, both having their habitat in the far north; the caribou of the woods, found in all the provinces except in Price Edward Island; the moose, with an equally wide range in the wooded country; the Virginia deer, in one or other of its varietal forms, common to all the southern parts; the black-tailed deer or mule deer and allied forms, on the western edge of the plains and in British Columbia; the pronghorn antelope on the plains, and a small remnant of the once plentiful bison found in northern Alberta and Mackenzie, now called " wood buffalo."
Mountain and plain and Arctic hares and rabbits are plentiful or scarce in localities, according to seasons or other circumstances.
While the pennated grouse (called the prairie chicken in Canada) has always been plentiful, the prairie hen (or chicken) proper is a more recent arrival from Minnesota and Dakota, to which states it had come from Illinois and the south as settlement and accompanying wheatfields extended north.
Songbirds are plentiful, especially in wooded regions, and include the American robin, oriole, thrushes, the cat-bird and various sparrows; while the English sparrow, introduced years ago, has multiplied excessively and become a nuisance in the towns.
Good horses suitable for general work on farms and for cabs, omnibuses, and grocery and delivery wagons, are plentiful for local markets and for export.
Milk is plentiful, and enters largely into the diet of the people.
This being granted, there is room for plentiful speculation as to where and why it was concocted.
The chantarelle is sold in the markets on the continent of Europe, where it forms a regular article of food, but seems little known in Britain though often plentiful in the New Forest and elsewhere.
The underwool is long and soft and the hair plentiful and strong.
Moles are plentiful in the British Isles and Europe, and owing to their lovely velvety coats of exquisite blue shade and to the dearness of other furs are much in demand.
Spherosiderites and brown iron ores are plentiful also in the " Keuper formation."
Entire villages migrate after the harvest to the neighbourhood of some plentiful well.
If an arrest were made, Wild had a plentiful supply of false evidence at hand to establish his agents' alibi, and he did not hesitate to obtain the conviction, by similar means, of such thieves as refused to recognize his authority.
Poultry is plentiful arid eggs form a considerable item in the exports.
When first seen by Europeans it contained no mammals except a large fruit-eating bat (Pteropus vulgaris), which is plentiful in the woods; but several mammals have been introduced, and are now numerous in the uncultivated region.
The indications of the use of this Gospel in the two or three generations following the Apostolic Age (see Gospel) are more plentiful than of any of the others.
Bluefish are very plentiful from 4 to 10 m.
The excellence of the waggon roads of the state is largely due to the plentiful supply of trap rock in New Jersey.
Wildlife is plentiful and includes the spider monkey, tree porcupine, parrots and hummingbirds.
A flat clay floor has few rocks and straw stalactites are plentiful.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
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Whether you're a casual viewer of celebrity feet photos, or you spend hours poring over the pictures, celebrity feet online are plentiful and easy to find.
Dresses made of sumptuous materials like velvet are plentiful, but you'll also see plaid, brocade and simpler fabrics that are just as holiday-ready.
In addition, the Liberal Arts offerings are plentiful, ranging from physical sciences to behavioral sciences, with English and performing arts in between.
The opportunities may not be as plentiful as those for traditional college degrees, but that's simply an incentive for students to work hard at tracking down potential scholarships and preparing their applications in advance.
For passengers planning to arrive by air, The city's International Airport is just northwest of downtown, and shuttle, bus, and taxi transportation is plentiful.
Seven and eight night voyages are the most plentiful.
Private tours of Alaska's picturesque natural surroundings are plentiful.
Propagation may be effected by division or by seeds which, in favorable seasons, are plentiful.
In late summer it produces a plentiful crop of flowers, even when only a few feet high.
E. polystachyon is the best for a garden; it is plentiful in some marshy districts.
In sun or shade it is most valuable for the spring or rock garden, or for a border of choice hardy bulbs, and where it is sufficiently plentiful, for edgings to American plants in peat soil.
It flowers a month earlier than L. rotundifolius, and may be increased by division or seed, but is not so vigorous in ordinary conditions as the commoner Everlasting Peas, and should, until plentiful, be planted in warm borders.
The only native of Britain is the common English kind, which extends from Cornwall to Fife, and is specially plentiful in the south-eastern counties.
The absence of seed on this bulb in a cultivated state is remarkable, seeing how plentiful it is and how freely it flowers in many parts of the country.
The roots cannot make way, nor can the plants thrive in a strong adhesive soil of clay or heavy loam, and if the soil be heavy, it must be lightened by a plentiful addition of leaf-mould, sand, or peat.
Where the plant is wild the thrushes spread it about by wiping the seeds off their bills on the bark, and where plentiful it is very injurious to fruit trees and timber.
It is well worthy of culture where it is not plentiful.
This is one of the kinds that might be cut down annually where plentiful, so as to get the fine effect of the foliage on the young vigorous stems.
Aphids are notoriously resilient and plentiful, because they can reproduce very quickly.
You can use a slow release fertilizer in your soil mixture to aid in larger and more plentiful blooms for your plants.
Although there is an abundance of information available on the Internet with regards to music written in guitar tabs, the resources for guitar sheet music are not that plentiful.
Bass tabs are plentiful on the Internet.
Cedar siding is a popular exterior finish, especially in the Pacific Northwest, where cedar is plentiful.
In addition to buying a book, there is a plentiful supply of information freely available online.
In earlier times, people hung moonstone in fruit trees to guarantee a plentiful harvest season.
Whether it is a wedding or a black tie gathering, tuxedo and suit options are plentiful.
Zip-off pants that convert from regular slacks to shorts are ideal for everything from hiking to fishing, and you'll find them in plentiful sizes.
Straw, lightweight, sturdy and plentiful, has been used to make protective headgear for those who work outside for millennia.
From bright yellows to vivid reds to subdued greens, colors and styles for any budget are plentiful.
A selection of plentiful designs lends it an edge over the competition.
Organic baby items are more plentiful and affordable than ever before.
Organic gift basket supplies are plentiful.
Because bamboo growth is quick and plentiful and typically doesn't need pesticides or herbicides to grow, it is relatively easy to keep bamboo plantations organic.
If you are looking for something special from Vermont, organic gifts are plentiful.
Finding something composed of plentiful beads from top to bottom is rather unusual (though not altogether impossible, of course).
South Jersey snoring treatments are plentiful, especially when you consider the wealth of resources available in this region.
Trenton snoring solutions are plentiful, offering many viable options to consider in treating this sleep problem.
Virginia Beach snoring treatment options are plentiful, whether you require medical or dental help for the sleep problem.
The interface is free from clutter, the puzzles are plentiful (WebSudoku claims to have billions of them), and there are enough extras to let you play sudoku however you want to.
Free programs that don't come with licenses or that have source code you can change at will are plentiful.
For anyone looking to play Pokemon games, the options are nearly as plentiful as the number of Pokemon!
The humor is dull; the action is plentiful, but unattached; and the slowdown hinders gameplay most of the way through the game.
Beware, though, as the black balls cannot be swapped and they become more plentiful later in the game.
Again, the ads are somewhat plentiful, flanking the game board above and to the left.
If you must have a Nintendo Wii and you don't want to bother looking for one at retail price, online auction sites like eBay and online classifieds like Craigslist always have a plentiful supply of Wii systems in stock.
It's plentiful and available - and dependable.
Because the jewelry was mass produced, there is a plentiful secondary supply on the market.
Beautiful rhododendrons are plentiful throughout the campground.
There are plenty of locations where campsites are plentiful year round, but not all campgrounds are open all winter.
The number of available STI prepaid cell phones may not be quite as plentiful as Cingular or Sprint, but the rates that STi Mobile offers are among the best in the business.
From the Samsung Fascinate to the BlackBerry Bold 9650, your options are more plentiful than ever.
Wounds to the soft tissues of the mouth bleed freely, but the plentiful blood supply that leads to this heavy bleeding also helps healing.
Deficiency is rare because phosphate is plentiful in plant and animal foods and is efficiently absorbed from the diet.
Calcium and phosphorus are plentiful in foods, and dietary deficiencies are rare.
If you are considering an online middle school homeschool program for your child, options are more plentiful than ever.
With more than 1600 stores and a variety of offices and distribution centers that are operated in support of retail operations, opportunities for jobs with Target are certainly plentiful.
The need for employees at Sears is near-constant, and so job opportunities are often plentiful.
The Housing Crisis of 2007 resulted in some states recording their highest historical numbers of foreclosures, making it appear that foreclosed property was plentiful and available anytime.
Fortunately, paper is affordable and plentiful today, making it easy for anyone with interest and desire to become an expert in the art form.
Check out the brand Vilebriquin where you can find amazing and plentiful styles of matching swim shorts!
Once you have a handle on the colors, lengths and cuts that work best for you, you can dive into the world of Internet swimwear shopping and take advantage of the plentiful bargains available!
Side-tie bottoms, detachable halter straps and bold prints are plentiful.
You can get a great dose of these important compounds by eating more of the above fish, though it can be much easier to take a supplement - especially if you live in an area where fresh fish are not so plentiful.
People who suffer from pernicious anemia were historically advised to eat plentiful amounts of liver.
Foods rich in vitamin D are plentiful and there are some for every diet.
You can obtain plentiful omega-3 fatty acids from foods such as walnuts, salmon and other cold water fish or take a krill oil, fish oil, or flaxseed oil supplement to obtain additional fatty acids.
Vitamin C is plentiful in fresh fruits and vegetables, and supplements are generally considered safe.
Folate is plentiful in many of the foods you eat, particularly when you eat a large amount of cereal grain-based foods.
Fall fashions are plentiful as early as late summer.
Figure-flattering camouflage items are plentiful at Camo Diva.
These sites are plentiful although is one of the largest.
The cultural resources are plentiful and can be used in conjunction with a special event.
Many retailers also host Christmas in July sales that can offer plentiful discounts to someone looking for lighting.
Online chat rooms for sex are plentiful, but use caution when you interact and with what information you reveal.
The hours spent there will reward you with plentiful conversation topics, and you may pick up a treat or two as well!
The recreational activities are plentiful, as are the opportunities to people watch.
There are plentiful diamond mines throughout the world, with superb mines in Australia, Africa, and even Canada.
Jobs for writers on the internet are relatively plentiful and can be a great way to break into the writing business.
Poetry writing contests are ongoing and plentiful.
Since purple is the rage, leather totes in this color are plentiful at most handbag retailers and department stores.
The focal point - once attention is diverted from the plentiful rhinestones and bold color, that is - is the cluster of charms that absolutely scream Vegas.
School uniform items may be more plentiful in the month before school begins, but items may be placed on the site throughout the school year as well.
Moths, butterflies, worms and rolly pollies are all great bugs to search for, and are usually plentiful during the springtime.
Whether you are searching in a library or on the Internet, campfire ghost stories are plentiful and easy to find.
Walmart is known for its commitment to helping customers save money, so it's no surprise that Walmart freebies are plentiful.
In spring and summer, there are heeled sandals to wear and in fall and winter, pumps and boots are plentiful.
Even a power walk through the mall can be enhanced by the plentiful benefits offered by MBT shoes.
Its transition from runway to real world has been quite simple, thanks in great part to the numerous designers who have hopped on the bandwagon, designing affordable wedge booties in plentiful colors and materials.
Check back often for platform wedge boots - the selection is usually plentiful, but increases exponentially during fall and winter.
The positive buzz and plentiful gossip surrounding the show even manages to spark some curiosity today, years after the show's final episode aired.
There are plentiful Web sites devoted to them.
On the Young and the Restless' version of Genoa City money is plentiful and so are the women.
Coronation Street episode updates are plentiful, and that comes as great news to fans of the long running soap opera.
Unlike the Newman family, children have not been as plentiful for the Abbotts.
In Las Vegas, tour options are plentiful.
Las Vegas entertainment for elementary aged children is plentiful.
Taxis and public transportation are plentiful near the airport and in San Miguel, but a rental car is desirable for visiting the Mayan ruins and for exploring the island.
Shopping - Shopping is varied and plentiful.
Fortunately for the people who desire them, Gucci watches are plentiful.
A chronological resume works well for those who have a strong or plentiful work history.
Stories of healings from cancer and other diseases by following the raw food diet are plentiful.
Free diet programs are plentiful, if you know how to use the Internet.
If you're a woman, lingerie choices are plentiful, attractive and sexy.
America fell in love with her, modeling opportunities became plentiful, and as a result she has become one of the richest models in the world, with a personal fortune worth over 150 million dollars.
Trim is tasteful, colors are plentiful, and sizes are somewhat extended for the fuller figure, too.
Zip up bustier tops are plentiful, but there also happen to be many on the market of less-than-excellent quality.
Girls' sports bras are plentiful and stylish; why not make it a challenge to find the perfect one?