Pleasing Sentence Examples
You can try by pleasing me every night.
The architectural style is dignified and pleasing in design and proportions.
Even the lesser characters are more pleasing than usual, and some beautiful lyrics are interspersed in the play.
Now pleasing people, that's hard.
Sometimes, if a poem was very pleasing, he gave the poet a prize.
The cause of this attachment to and veneration for the dog is, however, explained in a far more probable and pleasing way than by many of the fables of ancient mythology.
Perhaps the most pleasing modern building in the city is the Gothic villa of the king of Bavaria on the bank of the Danube.
These lend a pleasing mystery to the bottom.
She had forgotten how pleasing it was to watch him move.
Pierre did not answer, but looked cordially into the Frenchman's eyes whose expression of sympathy was pleasing to him.
AdvertisementThe lady who was thought to be most pleasing to the Emperor was invited to act as hostess.
It is more pleasing to point out certain of his public measures upon which no difference of opinion can arise.
Benzene is a colourless, limpid, highly refracting liquid, having a pleasing and characteristic odour.
Man is by original nature, through the assistance of divine grace, free, able to will and perform the right; but is in his fallen state, of and by himself, unable to do so; he needs to be regenerated in all his powers before he can do what is good and pleasing to God.
I love to have mine before my window, and the more chips the better to remind me of my pleasing work.
AdvertisementThe Niagara Aerospace Museum is the perfect solution to pleasing older boys.
Just looking at Mercury's cover art is visually pleasing, but actually playing the game is even better.
On-line multiplayer isn't functional, but given how new Gametap is and how much effort they put into pleasing their customer base, I would bet a shiny nickel that it becomes a feature somewhere down the road.
It was particularly pleasing to fans of the "sports entertainment" to be able to do moves like the "million dollar dream", "gorilla press", and Jake the Snake Robert's signature "DDT."
The graphics in Seed are realistic enough to be believable but styled in a way that's very pleasing to the eye.
AdvertisementWhile the sequel doles out enemies in extreme numbers, there's nothing really pleasing about shooting enemy after enemy after enemy in powerful action then being let down by the end of the level's cutscene.
The crackling fires, screaming skeletons and the lovely sound of gold hitting the ground help make the effects in Untold Legends very pleasing to the ears, but the music will start to grind your nerves after awhile.
Your desktop will enjoy a more pleasing video game appearance in no time!
This will be pleasing to the eye and also ensure that your glasses are not crooked and will not fall off.
Decanters are not only nice to look at and more aesthetically pleasing than a bottle, but they also aerate the wine.
AdvertisementConsider purchasing a small tabletop wine holder to store your wine and display it in a manner that is pleasing to the eye and to your home décor.
Decanters - Decanters are not only nice to look at and more aesthetically pleasing than a bottle, but they also aerate the wine.
From traditional Lambruscos to delicious dessert wines, there are plenty of palate pleasing red wine options for everyone.
It is also esthetically pleasing viewing the bubbles within the glass.
Plastic, while not as nice, nor aesthetically pleasing as glass, may be the right route to go with if the party in which you are hosting is rather large.
Body and Texture - The body and texture of a wine should be pleasing to the tongue and palate.
A good wine has a pleasing aftertaste that lingers.
They are concerned with pleasing the parent, and may fear the punishment for admitting a mistake or misdeed.
The term social skills describes the child's knowledge of and ability to use a variety of social behaviors that are appropriate to a given interpersonal situation and that are pleasing to others in each situation.
Other objects of attachment can be articles of clothing, cloth diapers, soft toys, or almost anything with a soft, pleasing texture.
It helps make bread rise and gives many foods a smooth, pleasing texture.
Rubbing the steak with salt and freshly ground pepper will bring out the best of the steak but adding a bit of fresh herb can be very pleasing as well.
Most people find that things that follow the patterns of the Golden Ratio are pleasing to look at.
Some believe that the human brain may be hardwired, or genetically programed, to find the shapes and proportions of the Golden Ratio aesthetically pleasing.
The pathway leading to the front door should be free of clutter, bushes should be neatly trimmed and the area should look pleasing and inviting.
The judge provides soft, pleasing (if somewhat questionable) critiques that encourage, rather than defeat, contestants.
The visual success of a work of art will depend on how pleasing it is to the eye; the proportion, balance, and relationship of the images to each other.
Both are pleasing to even the most picky of palettes.
It may not be as esthetically pleasing as other tote bags, but when you consider it's probably going to get dirty, you might not want to get the prettiest bag at the store anyway.
They're still thin, but they keep you toasty, and come in colors that are pleasing to the eye.
The color itself is a pleasing shade of light green, with a small blue flower print.
In fact, it's done in pleasing graduated tones from blue-green up to lime.
Besides looking at the overall pleasing aesthetics of the style, cut and color, you may also want to consider the particular locale where you'll be wearing the shorts.
Another common complaint many women have is finding a suit that downplays trouble areas, like the waist, while emphasizing the areas they are more comfortable with, like that of slender shoulders or a pleasing bustline.
The linen blend A-line skirt offers a pleasing silhouette with its basic, flowing shape.
The lemon fragrance of Assail-A-Cell offers a pleasing alternative to other cleaning chemicals.
Scent cartridges help your Oreck purifier diffuse a pleasing scent into your home or workspace.
These models also contain scent cartridges that introduce pleasing scents to your home or office.
The overall sleek and stylish design is pleasing to most consumers.
The company combines fashionable styles with advanced technologies to produce products that are visually pleasing and functional.
Matching the board and pieces together for a functional and aesthetically pleasing purpose is actually quite simple.
The most popular way to arrange scented candles as gifts is to coordinate pleasing scents.
The continual release of fragrance from the Glade Wisp makes it a pleasing candle for many locations, and the variety of scents available for this discreet candle make it perfect for any home.
The scented versions hold aromas that are pleasing.
When creating your centerpiece arrangement, keep in mind that an odd number of elements generally is more pleasing to the eye than an even number.
Standard black and white offers a geometry that is both pleasing to the eye and to your design.
Whether you are an experienced candle maker or new to the craft, LoneStar Candle Supplies carries everything you need to make a variety of beautiful candle styles in hundreds of pleasing scents.
Christmas gift certificates will go far in pleasing clients and employees during the holiday season.
While the edible Christmas gifts in a jar are typically presented in canning jars, health and beauty-themed gifts require a more visually pleasing presentation.
String beads onto headpins in a pleasing pattern.
When choosing a tree skirt kit, it isn't enough to just pick out a pleasing design.
A masquerade ball mask can be just about any style or design you like, which is why there were once entire guilds of mask-makers devoted to the craft and to pleasing their customers.
With a bit of planning, your whole circle of family and friends can add that extra dose of cheer by making a pleasing visual impact.
It may take a little thought to come up with the perfect gift, but the end result of pleasing your loved one is well worth it.
Possibly the hardest part of sensuality is that judgmental voice in your head that will try to second guess what you're doing - whether you're doing it well enough, good enough, or whether your body is pleasing enough.
Couples interested in pink diamonds who do not have the budget for these rare gems have several more affordable alternatives for pleasing pink hues.
From a very young age, people acquire the social skill of pleasing others by laughing at their jokes, even when those jokes aren't that funny.
In that moment, Lara asked herself why there was not a snack bar that was both nutritionally wholesome and pleasing to the palate.
Even if it's affordable to you, though, it's infinitely more pleasing to score a designer purse for less.
All that is beautiful is pleasing to Libra moon natives, and they are usually impeccably groomed, with equally fashionably furnished homes.
The Apple trailers site is aesthetically pleasing with movie posters from each of the movies featured.
Adjust the layout to make a pleasing pattern.
The company utilizes a variety of footwear technologies to create durable, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing boots.
However, Ariat accomplishes this goal beautifully with incredible technological leaps, sound construction and pleasing to the eye aesthetics.
It can seem daunting when you look down at your new skate shoes and want to get that perfect combination of an aesthetically pleasing pattern and the functionality the laces are intended to provide.
If the glyph looks a bit too tribal for your tastes, perhaps a design that features a drop of water landing in a small pool with waves resonating out from it would be more aesthetically pleasing to you.
Luckily, even the smallest cross tattoo is recognizable and aesthetically pleasing.
Catering to both business travelers and families, Novotel is an affordable, pleasing choice.
Based in Duluth, Minnesota, Maurices has been pleasing ladies since 1931.
It's one of the few home-based businesses that truly has flexible hours, possibility of an Internet presence and an artful element that is pleasing.
Of course, there's no pleasing everyone, as a school in Iowa found out when fundamentalist parents took their kids from school over gender-bender day.
There's no need to be precise; bunch the filters with your fingers randomly to create a pleasing, rounded shape.
You will need two tapered candles in a pleasing fall color along with two small holders for them.
String the beads on the wire into a pleasing pattern.
Glue the conversation heart candies to the wreath in a pleasing pattern, overlapping as desired to achieve a festive look.
Press your mosaic pieces into the grout, arranging them in a pleasing pattern.
This will allow for greater contrast and a more pleasing look to your card.Here is a slideshow of coloring techniques you can use to create a variety of looks with your cards.
While wearing a bra doesn't do anything to firm your muscles, it does create a pleasing outline.
Most importantly, lose the excess body fat, then worry about the finer points of "toning" the abs and obliques in an aesthetically pleasing manner to get the flat abs you desire.
Having toned muscles is aesthetically pleasing, resulting in a firm, lean look and improved posture.
These pleasing feelings can give you welcome relief of the tension associated with stress.
Doing this can help you avoid injury and present an overall anesthetically pleasing appearance.
Tempering helps to make the chocolate aesthetically pleasing by encouraging a stable crystalline structure of the final product.
The goal of corsets was to make the torso a more pleasing shape to look at, and that "pleasing shape" varied based on the fashions and popular opinions of the times.
Whether you are thinking about buying a robe for yourself or for someone as a gift, robes are universally pleasing because it is important to be comfortable and look good when relaxing at home or after bathing or taking a shower.
After all, if this is a gift, you'll want it to be as pleasing as possible to the recipient.
Unlike years ago when long johns were bulky and downright uncomfortable, today's heavyweight long johns are sleeker, and more pleasing to the touch.
The talented actress, singer and model appeared in a number of films during her time and became the epitome of the female form with her soft curves and pleasing smile.
Not only does it create a more pleasing appearance, it cuts down on the development of back, shoulder and neck pain.
The Chiffon Gown with Lace is also quite pleasing to the eye.
Slimming undergarments take away unsightly bumps and bulges, plus they enhance your silhouette into a more pleasing, feminine appearance.
Girdles provide smoothing so that you have a flattering silhouette and pleasing line.
The key to buying women's lingerie that is pleasing to the eyes and comfortable is to make sure the items fit properly.
The rich chocolate with ivory lace trim offers a pleasing contrast, and the matching lace trim gown is adorable as well.
It also happens to be versatile and very pleasing to look at.
Shadowline isn't just a family-owned company with a pleasing history; they also embrace comfortable silhouettes and soft-to-the-touch fabrics.
These robes are certainly beautiful to look at and pleasing to the touch, but you'll want to take your time before you purchase.
Soundtrack Collector - Soundtrack Collector is certainly not the most aesthetically pleasing or user friendly website out there, but it makes up for it by being destination number one online for soundtrack enthusiasts.
Driven by critically acclaimed vocalist Hayley Williams, Paramore successfully walks the tough line of pleasing fans and critics alike by demanding to be respected as musicians rather than pop stars.
If the location you choose for your tea party doesn't seem quite suitable for the event, you can add lots of decorative touches to make the surroundings more pleasing.
Be sure to display your food in a pleasing manner.
This option is not only simple for the host but pleasing to the guests.
Keeping in mind that this is Hollywood Harry Potter there are scenes that seem to serve only one of two purposes -- pleasing the well read audience or establishing the importance of certain characters and events.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is truly a non fan's Harry Potter because its soul purpose isn't just the pleasing of fans, but is focused more on the telling a great story.
The shimmering pale peach shade flatters a variety of skin tones and looks pleasing when paired with sun-kissed skin.
Pimp My Profile allows you to customize your profile tables, headings, scrollbars and text through an aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-use interface.
If people are not drawn to your profile immediately, because it doesn't have HTML codes that are pleasing to the eye, then you will lose traffic.
Choose a background that is pleasing to the eyes and doesn't overpower your web content.
It is not quite as aesthetically pleasing as some of the other editors, but in terms of functionality, layout, and value, CoffeeCup is at the top.
With the addition of photoshop to merge pictures, eagles and flags are often combined, sometimes in aesthetically pleasing ways and sometimes not so much.
The second option isn't technically animated; however, when a colorful image of exploding fireworks is blown up large enough to serve as a background, it may appear much more aesthetically pleasing than an image that's actually animated.
Using this tool and numbers, you can be sure your web colors are pleasing and readable.
Make sure that your site remains easily readable and pleasing to your visitors' eyes, and your free web page backgrounds will be well worth the time taken to create them.
The Internet is a colorful place, and web designers need to have a good understanding of color theory in order to create sites that are pleasing to the eye.
While its use as a guideline has become obsolete, understanding the reasons for the "web-safe" colors gives a designer a good baseline for creating visually pleasing sites.
He took a sip and found the flavor actually pleasing.
The one way she could be sure of pleasing him.
It grows in small rings, which give it the appearance of growing in tufts, though it is really closely and evenly distributed over the whole scalp. The figures of the men are muscular and well-formed and generally pleasing; a straight, well-formed nose and jaw are by no means rare, and the young men are often distinctly good-looking.
Of an olive-green above, deeply tinted in some parts with black and in others lightened by yellow, and beneath of a yellowish-white again marked with black, the male of this species has at least a becoming if not a brilliant garb, and possesses a song that is not unmelodious, though the resemblance of some of its notes to the running-down of a piece of clockwork is more remarkable than pleasing.
Undoubtedly, the madness of the hero of this play of Ford's occasionally recalls Hamlet, while the heroine is one of the many, and at the same time one of the most pleasing, parallels to Viola.
Still it is brisk in its movements, and its variegated plumage makes it a pleasing bird.
Viewed from rising ground, the landscape presents a pleasing variety of cornfield and forest, while the horizon is broken by the bell-towers of the numerous villages strung along the banks of the streams.
Vitale, are pleasing 16th-century structures.
From him we gain a most pleasing picture of life at the monastery.
The chief merit of the latter work lies in its forty plates, whereon the heads and feet of many birds are indifferently figured .2 But, while the successive editions of Linnaeus's great work were revolutionizing natural history, and his example of precision in language producing excellent effect on scientific writers, several other authors were advancing the study of ornithology in a very different way - a way that pleased the eye even more than his labours were pleasing the mind.
During the latter part of the 16th century and the beginning of the 17th two poets of a higher order appeared in Valentine Balassa, the earliest Magyar lyrical writer, and his contemporary John Rimay, whose poems are of a contemplative and pleasing character.
Pleasing humorous sketches are contained also in Ignatius Nagy's Beszelyek (1843) and " Caricatures " or Torzkepek (1844); in Caspar Bernat's Fresko kepek (1847-1850); in Gustavus Lauka's Vida, and his A jo regi vilag (The Good Old World), published respectively in 1857 and 1863; and in Alexander Balazs's Beszelyei (1855) and TiikOrdarabok (1865).
Crocuses have also a pleasing effect when dotted about on the lawns and grassy banks of the pleasure ground.
In these every colour and every shade of colour seem to have been tried in groat variety of combination with effects more or less pleasing, but transparent violet or purple appears to have been the most common ground colour.
Thus if a lacquer box in the form of a parallelogram is the object, Japanese artists will not divide it in two equal parts by a perpendicular line, but by a diagonal, as offering a more pleasing line and division.
Copper, too, by patina-producing treatment, is made to show not merely a rich golden sheen with pleasing limpidity, but also red of various hues, from deep coral to light vermilion, several shades of grey, and browns of numerous tones from dead-leaf to chocolate.
The KiOto artists process is much easier than that of his rivals, and although his monochromes are often of most pleasing delicacy and fine tone, they do not belong to the same category of technical excellence as the wares they imitate.
Of late there have happily appeared some decorators who prefer to choose their subjects from the natural field in which their great predecessors excelled, and there is reason to hope that this more congenial and more pleasing style will supplant its modern usurper.
A gold base deeply chiselled in wave-diaper and overrun with a paste of aubergine purple is the most pleasing.
Propertius is a less accomplished artist and a less equably pleasing writer than either Tibullus or Ovid, but he shows more power of dealing gravely with a great or tragic situation than either of them, and his diction and rhythm give frequent proof of a concentrated force of conception and a corresponding movement of imaginative feeling which remind us of Lucretius.
Ministers at home have of ten appeared to be inclined to the policy of pleasing by avoiding the reforming of what might be left as it was found.
The pleasing style and novel matter enchanted the Spanish public, but the unmeasured laudation of Cortes at the expense of his lieutenants and companions brought about a violent reaction.
The lord keeper's counsel of moderation was less pleasing to Charles I.
His collected articles and essays on places of historical interest are perhaps the most pleasing of his writings, but they deal exclusively with historical associations and architectural features.
Encouraged by this pleasing symptom of orthodoxy the bishops, instead of first attempting to put their own dilapidated house in order, at once proceeded to institute pr e osecutions for heresy against all and sundry.
Burr was unscrupulous, insincere and notoriously immoral, but he was pleasing in his manners, generous to a fault, and was intensely devoted to his wife and daughter.
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
In pleasing contrast to such pests are the butterflies of all sizes and colours, beetles of an inconceivable variety of size, shape and colouration, and ants of widely dissimilar appearance and habits.
Instead of the old belief that God made the world for man, philosophers began to fall into the pleasing dream, I am everything, and everything is I - and even I am God.
Witsius tried to mediate between the orthodox theology and the "federal" system of Johannes Cocceius, but did not succeed in pleasing either party.
Moreover, its colour is not pleasing.
A pleasing "rough" appearance can be given to concrete by brushing it over soon after it has set with a stiff brush dipped in water or dilute acid.
Some very pleasing examples are to be met with which have the form of a parallelogram with a lightly rounded roof; others of appropriate character are square or nearly so, with a ridge-and-furrow roof.
Its versatile cries and actions, as seen and heard by those who penetrate the solitude of the northern forests it inhabits, can never be forgotten by one who has had experience of them, any more than the pleasing sight of its rust-coloured tail, which an occasional gleam of sunshine will light up into a brilliancy quite unexpected by those who have only surveyed the bird's otherwise gloomy appearance in the glass-case of a museum.
The African are small with pale lemon colour grounds very closely marked with black spots on the skin, the strong contrast making a pleasing effect.
The British Hussar busbies are made of the dark brown lynx, and it is the free silky easy movement of the fur with the least disturbance in the atmosphere that gives it such a pleasing effect.
The most pleasing natural grey come from Adelaide.
He consulted the older and graver Laurentius Andreae, who told him how "Doctor Martinus had clipped the wings of the pope, the cardinals and the big bishops," which could not fail to be pleasing intelligence to a monarch who was never an admirer of episcopacy, while the rich revenues of the church, accumulated in the course of centuries, were a tempting object to the impecunious ruler of an impoverished people.
The power and grandeur of these nocturnal concerts is inconceivably striking and pleasing to the hunter's ear."
But they did justice to the acuteness of his observations on morals and manners, to the constant precision and frequent brilliancy of his language, to the weighty and magnificent eloquence of many serious passages, and to the solemn yet pleasing humour of some of the lighter papers.
Later on Eanfled enabled him to visit Rome in the company of Benedict Biscop. At Lyons Wilfrid's pleasing features and quick intelligence made Annemund, the archbishop, desire to adopt him and marry him to his niece.
The interior is fine, harmonious and restrained, painted in white and grey, while the colouring of the exterior is less pleasing.
A member who heard the speech described Bright as "about the middle size, rather firmly and squarely built, with a fair, clear complexion, and an intelligent and pleasing expression of countenance.
As to the women, from the age of about fourteen to that of eighteen or twenty, they are generally models of beauty in body and limbs; and in countenance most of them are pleasing, and many exceedingly lovely; but soon after they have attained their perfect growth, they rapidly decline.
Others are highly imaginative or with miraculous incidents, like the story of the Predestined Prince and the story of the Two Brothers, which begins with a pleasing picture of the industrious farmer, and, in demotic of the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, two stories of the learned Sethon Khamois, sonofRameses II.
There are some pleasing passages in Arnobius, but on the whole he is a tumid and a tedious author.
Houses built in the Italian style with terraced roofs, shadowed by luxuriant vines, and surrounded by gardens of oranges and pomegranates, give to the town a picturesque and pleasing aspect.
To the same period belong a pleasing but somewhat weak "Madonna and Child" at Florence; and finally, still in the same year 1526, the two famous panels at Munich embodying the only one of the great religious conceptions of the master's later years which he lived to finish.
Ceylon cinnamon of fine quality is a very thin smooth bark, with a light-yellowish brown colour, a highly fragrant odour, and a peculiarly sweet, warm and pleasing aromatic taste.
It is pleasing to turn from these vehement struggles of thought to a tour which Hegel in company with three other tutors made through the Bernese Oberland in July and August 1796.
As an ornamental feature in landscapes, it is worthy of notice; and the pleasing shelter it affords and the beauty of its blossoms have frequently been alluded to by poets.
Keene Valley, in the centre of Essex county, is another picturesque region, presenting a pleasing combination of peaceful valley and rugged hills.
In the first of his Dialogues (fair models of Cicero), Severus puts into the mouth of an interlocutor (Posthumianus) a pleasing description of the life of coenobites and solitaries in the deserts bordering on Egypt.
It has a strong musky odour, exceedingly disagreeable to those unaccustomed to it, but "when properly diluted and combined with other scents it produces a very pleasing effect, and possesses a much more floral fragrance than musk, indeed it would be impossible to imitate some flowers without it."
Philpot was imprisoned soon after Mary's accession in 1553; and it is very pleasing to find, amidst the records of intense bitterness and rancour which characterized these times, and with which Romanist and Protestant alike assailed the persecuted Anabaptists, a letter of Philpot's, to a friend of his, "prisoner the same time in Newgate," who held the condemned opinions.
A revival of the old Spanish-Moorish " mission " (monastery) style has exercised an increasing influence and is altogether the most pleasing development of Californian architecture.
The general aspect of the city is pleasing, with low houses and broad streets lined with fine trees.
From the lower part of a carpel are produced several laterally placed ovules, which become bright red or orange on ripening; the bright fleshy seeds, which in some species are as large as a goose's egg, and the tawny spreading carpels produce a pleasing combination of colour in the midst of the long dark-green fronds, which curve gracefully upwards and outwards from the summit of the columnar stem.
Meanwhile he did much editing and compiling, and produced, among other works in prose, The Stranger in Lowell (1845), Supernaturalism in New England (1847), Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal (1849), a pleasing treatment in old-style English of an early Colonial theme.
Spontaneity is pleasing, sometimes beautiful, but it is not in this instance the highest quality of the thing to be obtained.
Material prosperity does not imply spiritual development, and it must be confessed that from the intellectual and moral point of view 15th-century England presents an un- Religious pleasing picture.
The attempt to fix certain opinions on the nation which were pleasing to those in power was abandoned by king and parliament alike.
He was also their most prominent advocate in the great commission of 1767, though he aimed primarily at pleasing the empress, who affected great liberality in her earlier years.
The adjoining monastery has a pleasing cloistered court.
Following either the Zutphen or the Utrecht road, numerous pleasing views of the Rhine valley present themselves, and country houses and villas appear among the woods on every side.
On the north side of the inner town and on the promenade are the handsome exchange with library, and the reformed church, a pleasing edifice in late Gothic.
His poems, to which their musical accompaniment is almost essential, have not ceased, in half a century, to be universally pleasing to Swedish ears; outside Sweden it would be difficult to make their peculiarly local charm intelligible.
In person he is said to have been "red, bald and short-sighted," but with good features and a pleasing countenance.
This green surrounding of the village forms a pleasing contrast to this otherwise bleak, barren, heathy district.
Peter's confidence in Christ was unclouded, and this, we may boldly affirm, was pleasing to the heart of Jesus.
The title track is the album's strongest - a pleasing, wistful ballad accompanied by echoing guitars and drums.
This rod has a pleasing through action and when extended, could easily be mistaken for a two piece standard carp blank.
Good seating and a pleasing ambiance well away from the crushing boredom of the Tottenham Court Road furniture shops.
Everyone seems to enjoy all their time together with just one other critter, which I find pleasing.
No one else was publicly declared from Heaven to be pleasing to Him.
Many people find wind turbines elegant and a pleasing part of the landscape.
Sadly the pleasing exterior of the house along with its mature garden were not to survive for very much longer.
The Cambridge Chronicle reported that " the vicarage, which has a pleasing approach, consists of white brick with red brick facings.
Dry stone walls and simple cloud formations can provide a pleasing picture.
Russ continued to rise through the positions finishing a pleasing fourteenth.
The central gangway widens toward the west, which is rather pleasing.
Indeed, the fuzz guitar constituted some of the most pleasing I've heard in a long while.
His voice has such a pure yet slightly husky quality and is very easy and pleasing on the ear.
His voice has a pleasing lilt merging tightly with a resonant guitar.
The Cathedral is beautiful, built of York Stone, some parts ancient, some modern, all melded into a pleasing whole.
Today there is a more pleasing deli, a few antique shops and a rather good milliner, selling some interesting ladies hats.
Also, Noah offers a sacrifice of a pleasing odor to the Lord.
Hungarian paprika is great for not only adding vibrant color, but rich pleasing flavor to traditional dishes like Hungarian Goulash.
Probably the most esthetically pleasing physique in the entire show.
For a long time it was regarded simplest and esthetically most pleasing to postulate that our universe is now of exactly critical density.
I find the word ' mature ' more pleasing than the other term.
Colors throughout the series consist of very warm hues, with black levels looking very pleasing.
Which of these you find esthetically pleasing is probably down to personal choice.
There is little crowd pleasing, little brand advertising.
Made of ceramic, they are lovingly hand painted to eye pleasing d. .
This now gives our design team the ability to create fast loading visually pleasing Web pages.
The name Dabrye was created by combining letters for an esthetically pleasing image.
The number of full profile shots are particularly pleasing.
Elegant costumes designed by Elizabeth King echoed the soothing contours of this exceptionally pleasing piece.
This was especially pleasing in view of the various setbacks suffered during the previous few weeks.
Writing, often in short sentences, has a pleasing, and almost poetical, rhythm.
Moda Virginia Street Esthetically pleasing if slightly pretentious bar.
Jean Bourget As delightful as ever for the girls, lots of floral prints and pleasing colors.
A handsome male redstart with female companion is another pleasing addition to our list.
A drop of wart remover, allowed to dry on a slide, will give you very pleasing results.
That will be a more pleasing, spectacular sight than anything we have known or could ever imagine on earth.
Located in the most stunning position is this delightful agricultural smallholding built in a pleasing traditional Kent Barn style.
This fills all the holes and slight undulations and gives a pleasing finish to the render.
The operation of sympathy is not unidirectional; most children dislike angering their parents, and enjoy pleasing them.
Sometimes the dancing on the left side had a pleasing rhythmic vitality.
Sobieski had well earned these distinctions by his extraordinary military capacity, but he was now to exhibit a less pleasing side of his character.
The pleasing appearance natural to the men is not a characteristic of the women, who early have a tendency to stoutness and ungainliness of figure, and sometimes to pronounced prognathism.
His cheerful conversation, his smart and lively sallies, a singular mixture of malice of speech with goodness of heart, and of delicacy of wit with simplicity of manners, rendered him a pleasing and interesting companion; and if his manner was sometimes plain almost to the extent of rudeness, it probably set all the better an example of a much-needed reform to the class to which he belonged.
According to the well-known law, however, the Renaissance, made for the people of the plains, never fully took root in Siena, as in other parts of Tuscany, and the loss of its independence and power in 1555 led to a suspension of building activity, which to the taste of the present day is most fortunate, inasmuch as the baroque of the 17th and the false classicism of the 18th centuries have had hardly any effect here; and few towns of Italy are so unspoilt by restoration or the addition of incongruous modern buildings, or preserve so many characteristics and so much of the real spirit (manifested to-day in the grave and pleasing courtesy of the inhabitants) of the middle ages, which its narrow and picturesque streets seem to retain.
The problem of the atonement is the means or condition of the restoration of man to God's favour; this has been variously found (a) in the endurance of punishment; (b) in the payment of compensation for the wrong done, the compensation consisting of sacrifices and other offerings; (c) in the performance of magical or other ritual, the efficacy of the ritual consisting in its being pleasing to or appointed by God, or even in its having a coercive power over the deity; (d) in repentance and amendment of life.
Garrick now brought Irene out, with alterations sufficient to displease the author, yet not sufficient to make the piece pleasing to the audience.
For they were in the streets of a beautiful emerald-green city, bathed in a grateful green light that was especially pleasing to their eyes, and surrounded by merry faced people in gorgeous green-and-gold costumes of many extraordinary designs.
Inside of the great kitchen, beside the fire, the men were shouting and laughing; for the blacksmith had finished his song, and it was very pleasing.
But now one answers from far woods in a strain made really melodious by distance--Hoo hoo hoo, hoorer hoo; and indeed for the most part it suggested only pleasing associations, whether heard by day or night, summer or winter.
Though it was not clear what the artist meant to express by depicting the so-called King of Rome spiking the earth with a stick, the allegory apparently seemed to Napoleon, as it had done to all who had seen it in Paris, quite clear and very pleasing.
All the evening Nicholas paid attention to a blue-eyed, plump and pleasing little blonde, the wife of one of the provincial officials.
When he met her again in Voronezh the impression she made on him was not merely pleasing but powerful.
A handsome male Redstart with female companion is another pleasing addition to our list.
All surfaces were graced with a pleasing canopy, typical of SER design.
Do n't shatter them with your snow-white hands, let my poor gifts be pleasing to your eyes.
The spacious, light and airy lounge with its stylish modern decor is very pleasing, and the large comfy sofas are especially inviting.
Such vitriol toughened her up for the less esthetically pleasing career of boxing.
Now we can extrapolate these benefits to obtain more pleasing results.
The new economics building at the University of Kentucky is both modern looking and aesthetically pleasing.
This sleek and aesthetically pleasing design is exactly what I'm looking for in a television.
I want a kitchen that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
While you still may find occasions that warrant a trip to your local toy store, pleasing your little one with new playthings is actually easy and relatively inexpensive.
While teenage boys are a notoriously difficult breed to satisfy, pleasing your teenager is easier once you have a sense of the brand names and styles.
After you have sniffed the perfume on your wrist a second time, ask yourself if there is still a pleasing aroma.
Many people find that that bubble-dome type cameras are the most anesthetically pleasing for their purposes, while others prefer "spy"-type cameras that are disguised as other objects.
Your cat isn't interested in pleasing you, he's interested in pleasing himself and no amount of muscling him into position or repeating verbal commands is going to make a bit of positive difference in his behavior.
Even pet owners can benefit from aesthetically pleasing feeding bowls since they be chosen to emphasize and complement your décor while they also provide attractive conversation pieces for covetous neighbors.
Scotch and soda is pleasing easy cocktail that has been around for years, as is rum and cola.
Aesthetically pleasing and durable, such a table can remain in your backyard for years.
In most cases, following instructions to build a bed platform is simple and even a newcomer to do-it-yourself projects will find that they can make a bed that is sturdy, functional and pleasing to the eye.
These are far cheaper and more attractive than they used to be, so you can enjoy a soft, pleasing light while saving a lot on utilities.
As interest in wind power and wind farming continue to grow, people are looking for not only workable designs, but those that are aesthetically pleasing as well.
There are a variety of compost bins on the market, ranging from utilitarian to aesthetically pleasing.
This pulls them together and creates a pleasing arrangement on your wall no matter what the pictures contain.
Furnishings will fit into the room in a finite number of configurations, but not all of them are pleasing or practical.
Metallic wall accessories are often made from sheet metal that has been bent into a pleasing curved shape such as wall vases and pot racks.
Sometimes called by its full name Toile de Jouy, toile fabrics and wallpapers usually pair a light background with repeated scenes of people and animals in a pleasing outdoor setting.
Be aware the basics of color design in order to achieve the most pleasing result.
In fact, many people love the cottage look because its decorating lines are clean and simple, yet pleasing to the eye.
Once you have determined exactly how you will use this space, what you need and how much you can afford to spend, you will be on your way to designing a more efficient and aesthetically pleasing workspace.
For cosmetic changes that often require little investment, you may achieve a pleasing look by trial and error.
Of course, some wall stencils require much more effort than others, but there are stencils out there that are both simple to use, and create a very aesthetically pleasing effect.
This first sit down conversation with the client allows many decorators to consider the client's personality during the decorating process, and a successful meeting makes for a pleasing design.
The most important thing about choosing interior paint colors is finding ones that create a desired mood, are pleasing to the eye, and are complimentary to other items in the room.
In order to make your kitchen safe, efficient, and pleasing to the eye, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Whether used for symbolic purposes or simply because of its pleasing design, the fleur de lis can be found in countless homes, used in all sorts of different ways.
While the entire home certainly doesn't all have to match, the home will flow in a more pleasing way if the colors and styles are complimentary.
Since the kitchen is often the busiest room in the house make sure it's pleasing to everyone who lives in the home and lends itself to the style of the room.
This fills the space, making it both usable and visually pleasing to the eye.
While it is possible to use three, separate, straight curtain rods, it is more aesthetically pleasing to use one rod designed for a bay window.
Keep the rest of the colors in the room warm for a pleasing contrast, or, if there are handpainted tiles in the room, consider picking up one of the accent colors and using it as a solid color for towels and rugs.
An imitation might smell slightly different, but still be pleasing.
All of these things will influence how the scent will smell on your body.It is best to try a variety of scents that are pleasing to you in the bottle.
The results will be very pleasing indeed.
Although a fragrance may smell beautiful upon first spritz, the dry down will determine whether or not the scent is pleasing to the senses and complimentary on you.
Visiting a Benefit counter or kiosk is quite pleasing to the eye, even if you aren't actually a fan of the products themselves.
Whether you love to create bold and professional cosmetic looks, or like to play it safe with a neutral yet pleasing palette, there's a MAC eye shadow perfect for you!
Both men and women often wear stage makeup to achieve a more pleasing look on stage.
Colorful graphics and a smiling fisherman create a pleasing atmosphere to help your child count.
Better organized and aesthetically pleasing, you get the top ten Nintendo games that people are playing.
There are several tips that can help you capture pleasing portraits of your favorite glamour figure photo model.
Creating a favorite scrapbook is a way to spend time pleasing yourself for a change.
Use font dingbats or the shape drawing tools to create a pleasing design on a 2x2 canvas.
The purpose of these templates is to help you lay out your page in an aesthetically pleasing way, while allowing you to choose your own colors, papers, and other elements.
Antonio Carlos Jobim's unique combination of musical elements, with its whispery flowing melodies, pleasing jazz harmonies, and unmistakable Latin rhythms was named Bossa Nova, meaning New Wave.
One very popular look this season are halter dresses that start off white, but then taper into pleasing sunny, yellow splashes of color.
The model should be pleasing to look at and help a consumer remember the product.
It won't alter the flavor of your recipes, and it has a pleasing, creamy texture.
Grain-based salads, served hot or cold and often made with quinoa, rice, millet, barley, or bulgur, provide a variety of textures and a pleasing, nutty contrast to other ingredients in a finished dish.
With a bit of coordination and planning, it is easy to create this type of buffet in a way that will be pleasing to everyone, no matter what candies they like.
Soft circles in a more abstract pattern will instead be pleasing and soothing, while still visually interesting.
The wines are generally affordable and pleasing, and the service is excellent, in the Italian tradition.
Some unusual collars are practical, and others are merely aesthetically pleasing.
The special domed treat disks are inserted into the side of a rubber ring to create a tasty ball that is fun to play with and has a dog pleasing flavor.
Portuguese Water Dogs enjoy pleasing their owners, but are also described as a thinking dog or as an independent spirit.
The fronds are held very erect upon hairy stems, are soft in texture, and dry prettily in the autumn, when the tiny glands on the under surface give out a pleasing fragrance to which the plant owes its name of the Hay-scented Fern.
In D. caeruleus the stems are erect and much branched, each branch terminating in a flat umbel of small flowers, of a pleasing clear blue color, which are borne freely from August to October.
The yellow flowers are small, appearing in autumn, when the general effect of the plant is bold and pleasing, growing apart on the lawn or in the wild garden.
The Hardy Sarcococcas (Sarcococca) - Are neat and pleasing evergreen shrubs possessed of but a modest flower beauty, though of more than ordinary value, because of their suitability to shaded positions and their rich green lustrous foliage.
I. r. purpurea, a small variety with deep purple flowers, is pleasing.
They continue during the summer and autumn, and have a pleasing effect in the distance, as they suggest Snowdrops at first, and are quite as pretty when closely viewed.
A fine form is S. o. p. maxima, with lovely light rose blossoms as large as a shilling; while S. o. alba has white flowers, in pleasing contrast to other varieties.
V. gigantea, from Jamaica, is about 6 1/2 feet high, and very pleasing, with its round green stems covered with large, winged, glistening, green leaves.
The hue is a fresh and pleasing green, and the plant is a graceful centre of a flower-bed or group.
Small-scale gardens are easy to maintain and can be enjoyed by continually creating new and more pleasing compositions of sand and stones, or through the simple practice of quiet meditation.
Old fashioned kitchen gardens were famous for mixing such combinations together into pleasing patterns, and the reasons were practical as well as aesthetic.
So mix it up in the garden and try companions meant to grow together or simple combinations of herbs and flowers pleasing to the eye.
The tunes tend to be simple and classic, and as musically pleasing today as they were when first written and recorded. features an aesthetically pleasing chord generator.
At its most basic, music is a marriage of notes and rhythm arranged in a specific manner to create a pleasing sound.
Fortunately, there are a variety of pickup covers that hide the pickup behind something a little more aesthetically pleasing.
The flexible tracks make it possible to brighten work areas, highlight artwork, and provide a pleasing non-glare lighting source.
With a drop ceiling, you'll lower the height of the ceiling so it looks more aesthetically pleasing.
Let this space pull together your kitchen design and provide a pleasing section of interest in your home at once.
However, plastic isn't very aesthetically pleasing, and on very windy or especially cold or hot days, plastic doesn't help a whole lot with insulating the home.
To avoid having the pattern go in all directions and get too busy, dry layout the granite tiles ahead of time and arrange them into a pleasing pattern.
Swinging patio doors do not offer the space efficiency of the bypass door, but they often offer a more anesthetically pleasing look to the home.
Adding a deck either beside or around your pool is not only aesthetically pleasing, the deck creates a functional space for seating and entering the pool.
Celtic jewelry is known for its patterns and symbols, which not only make the piece aesthetically pleasing but often have a special meaning.
However, you can find settings in white gold as well as platinum and sterling silver if you find these metals more pleasing.
The piece includes pastel shades as well a few prime colors in a design that is very pleasing to the eye.
Clean beads and charms are more likely to catch and reflect the light and give a more pleasing sparkle.
Tiny diamonds or other precious gemstones can give a pleasing sparkle to the earrings.
Pairs of earrings hang from the branches of the tree, offering a pleasing visual display, as well as a practical solution to the problem of organizing your jewelry.
Life is Good apparel is comfortable, soft and pleasing to the eye.
That said, much of this collection is very pleasing to the eye and is diverse enough to satisfy even the most discerning of palettes.
This rapid growth may be esthetically pleasing, but is less sustainable over the long term than a slow and steady growth rate achieved with organic fertilizer.
You'll need someplace to place drinks and pleasing decorations like potted plants or flowers.
You can choose to shop from traditional, mail order catalogs or sit down with your favorite beverage and surf various online eCatalogs for pleasing lingerie.
In addition, its subtle sheen adds a pleasing patina to the garments.
It may feel very comfortable and pleasing to chat with other folks going through a divorce, but there's no way to know if someone online is really living your experiences or just trying to gain information, so it pays to be careful.
The right gift means it will be appropriate and pleasing to the one who receives it and will add to the memorable experience of saying good-bye to the workplace and crossing the threshold into the life of retirement.
The color of the lenses also varies from a pleasing pinkish hue, to dark tints.
They managed to create distortion-free lenses that were lightweight, thin, aesthetically pleasing.
An alternative is line-free bifocals, which are cosmetically more pleasing and unnoticeable.
At the same time, these videos may be clearer and more aesthetically pleasing than jostled riding clips.
A trick curve may slide you into oncoming traffic, so it might be critical to take a longer or alternative route.Also the basic design is environmentally pleasing.
With new characters and items, along with graphics and animations that are pleasing to the eye, gameplay is fun and will keep you hooked for several hours.
The most immediately pleasing game in Electroplankton, Rec-Rec features a row of four fish and a looping backbeat.
The arrows are raised slightly and there's nothing visually pleasing about them, but they have been battered and ripped and they still keep on ticking.
There is no slowdown and the detail of the tracks the PS2 offers makes it visually pleasing.
The motel rooms have a pleasing, polished appearance; they are outfitted with cherry wood furnishings and cream tones.
The potato-crusted halibut is pleasing to the palate.
Wake up and start your day with locally roasted coffee beans and pleasing pastries at standout bakeries.
Its bright red beak, the bare bluish skin surrounding its large grey eyes, and the tufts of elongated feathers springing vertically from its lores, give it a pleasing and animated expression; but its plumage generally is of an inconspicuous ochreous grey above and dull white beneath, - the feathers of the upper parts, which on the neck and throat are long and loose, being barred by fine zigzag markings of dark brown, while those of the lower parts are more or less striped.
The result, while linguistically more uniform and pleasing, often lacks the spontaneity of medieval literature.
He conducted experiments to show that certain abstract forms and proportions are naturally pleasing to our senses, and gave some new illustrations of the working of aesthetic association.
Early Renaissance palaces occur frequently in Venice and form a pleasing contrast with those in the Gothic style.
Two small rivers (Mill and Fort) flow through the township. Amherst is a quiet, pleasing, academic village of attractive homes.
Another pleasing lyric poet of this period was Ladislaus Amade, the naturalness and genuine sentiment of whose lightly running verses are suggestive of the love songs of Italian authors.
These works appear to have been erected by powerful sovereigns with unlimited command of labour, possibly with the object of giving employment to subjugated people, while feeding the vanity or pleasing the taste of the conqueror.
The owner/waiter/host makes pleasing his guests a top priority.
The one pleasing aspect of his life is his patronage of the arts, and in his days a new architectural era was initiated in Rome with the coming of Bramante.
The government buildings are extensive and have a pleasing appearance; that of the executive, in a beautiful park, was formerly the royal palace and still contains many relics of royalty.