Plea Sentence Examples
It is a forcible plea for freedom of conscience.
Her tearful plea made him angry that he hadn't been able to protect her as he should have.
The pamphlet closes with a passionate plea for national unity.
To the second charge also a plea of guilty must be entered.
The preface to his Ever Green is a protest against "imported trimming" and "foreign embroidery in our writings," and a plea for a return to simple Scottish tradition.
The woman directed her plea toward the Other and tried to push past Jule.
The judge saw the plea, called the other parties before him and sent for the witnesses.
He made an eloquent plea for peace.
Katie bit back a plea for him not to leave her in such a creepy place.
His attorney would have gone for a plea bargain.
AdvertisementIn company, therefore, with the earl of Norfolk he refused to render foreign service in Gascony, on the plea that they were only bound to serve with the king, who was himself bound for Flanders.
He translated the Odyssey, wrote a wellknown manual of idiom, A Plea for the Queen's English (1863), and was the first editor of the Contemporary Review (1866-1870).
Danielson accepted a plea deal and agreed to complete counseling and community service.
Along with this advocacy of internationalism goes a plea for the disendowment of the Church, in order to provide an adequate financial basis for the future Crusade.
At last, on the 17th of November 1860, Miramon, under the plea of necessity, seized $630,000 in specie which had been left under seal at the British Legation and was intended for the bondholders.
AdvertisementThe hapless and worthless bridegroom had already incurred the hatred of two powerful enemies, the earls of Morton and Glencairn; but the former of these took part with the queen against the forces raised by Murray, Glencairn and others, under the nominal leadership of Hamilton, duke of Chatelherault, on the double plea of danger to the new religion of the country, and of the illegal proceeding by which Darnley had been proclaimed king of Scots without the needful constitutional assent of the estates of the realm.
No more will this plea be allowed, The Lord did not quicken me to duty.
With only a few more months left in his sentence, Hatch has written a 43-page plea and officially filed for early release.
Not only do the cases, so far as they are known, support Bacon's plea of innocence, but it is remarkable that no attempt at a reversal of any of his numerous decrees appears to have been successful.
Meanwhile, on his way thither to urge his plea in person, Abelard had broken down at the abbey of Cluny, and there, an utterly fallen man, with spirit of the humblest, and only not bereft of his intellectual force, he lingered but a few months before the approach of death.
AdvertisementHengstenberg's plea that Ezra and Mordecai were also left unmentioned has little force, because Ezra appears in the book bearing his name as nothing more than a prominent priest and scholar, while Daniel is represented as a great prophet.
Owing to ill-health he applied for leave to reside at Wickham, and in 1712 he removed to London on the plea of poverty, intending to pursue a literary career.
On the 27th of April they gave in their plea.
David I., king of Scotland, was the uncle of Matilda, and used her wrongs as the plea for thrice invading northern England, which he ravaged with great cruelty.
But any plea can be raised against an unpopular king.
AdvertisementThey ruled out the claimof Robert Bruce, the son of Davids second daughter, who had raised the plea that his descent was superior because he was a generation nearer than Baliol to their common ancestor.
During that period the Curia Regis threw off three offshootsthe courts of exchequer, kings bench and common pleas; and records of their judicial proceedings survive in the Plea Rolls and Year Books, some of which have been edited for the Rolls series, the Selden and other societies.
But the anti-Semitic and antiDreyfusard spirit in certain French circles could not easily be quelled even then; and on the occasion of the translation of the remains of Emile Zola (Dreyfus's determined champion) to the Pantheon on the 4th of June 1908, Major Dreyfus was shot at and wounded by a fanatical journalist named Gregori, who was subsequently acquitted by a Paris jury of the charge of attempted murder, his own plea being that he had merely intended a "demonstration."
The restrictions on Irish commerce provoked Locke's friend William Molyneux (1656-1698) to write his famous plea for legislative independence (1698).
Two companies brought suit for moneys owed for liquor sold to the state dispensary; the commission resisted the suit on the ground that as a court and as a representative of the state it could not be sued; the circuit court and the circuit court of appeals overruled this plea and put the funds into the hands of a receiver; but in April 1909 this famous cause was closed by the decision of the Federal Supreme Court, upholding the commission and restoring to it the fund.
He escaped into France, where his mother, on the plea of his illness, obtained permission from Louis Philippe for him to stay in Paris.
An illustration is, with the general run of mankind, more powerful to convince than an argument; and the cogency of the visible plea for the Copernican theory offered by the miniature system, then first disclosed to view, was recognizable in the triumph of its advocates as well as in the increased acrimony of its opponents.
In some cases the king went so far as to levy taxes in what he acknowledged was an illegal manner and excused under the plea of necessity.
Trial by jury was abolished, on the plea that it had not worked properly.
His plea bargain included granting his choice of the judge who would impose his sentence.
Draconian punishment is probably to be found in their Plea for Mercy.
The toys have additional enchantment and plea due to the colorful colors, whimsical and eye-catching.
Another craft, and brighter, may stem the raging gale, Thy plea of sixty winters, old friend, can never fail.
I cannot suffocate their plea for air with my careless indifference.
So my plea is to stop the journalistic jingo and to start to think and report.
Cain's plea, " Am I my brother's keeper?
It ends with a plea of express malice against the first and second defendants.
Mr Justice Kelly stated that this plea had traditionally never been looked on in a very meritorious light because it was not very meritorious.
None of the defendants were asked to enter a plea at their latest court hearing last Friday.
Law Lords reject asylum plea A Ugandan asylum seeker who has HIV has lost her legal challenge against deportation.
Neasden resident Sadie McEwan made a heartfelt plea to Cllr John.
Released in the paranoid depths of the Cold War the short film was read as an eloquent plea for peace.
The defenders stated a general plea to relevancy, but by an interlocutor pronounced after debate the Sheriff allowed a proof before answer.
Which is probably a hidden plea for greater toleration of each other's oddities.
The Green paper plea for integrity of official statistics indicates a wish by government statisticians to distance themselves from the statistics they produce.
The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies was a volume of serious verse, in which Hood showed himself a by no means despicable follower of Keats.
His principal works are Traite des sources de la corruption qui rbgne aujourd'hui parmi les Chretiens (1700), translated into English, Dutch and German, practically a plea for a more ethical and less doctrinal type of Christianity; Catechisme ou instruction dans la religion chretienne (1702), also translated into English, Dutch and German; Traite contre l'impurete (1707); Sermons sur divers textes (1722-1724); Theologiae compendium (1739); and Traduction de la Bible (1724).
Bismarck, moreover, was indignant at the connivance of the Italian government in the Garibaldian expedition to Dijon, and was irritated by Visconti-Venostas plea in the Italian parliament for the integrity of French territory.
In 1539 they refused, on the plea of their privileges, to contribute to a general tax laid on Flanders, and when Charles's sister Mary, the governess of the Netherlands, seized some merchants as bail for the payment, they retaliated by driving out the nobles and the adherents of Charles's government.
Even in the multinucleate oosphere of Albugo bliti the nuclei fuse in pairs; and in the oospheres of Sp/zaero plea, which may contain more than one nucleus, the egg nucleus is formed by the fusion of one only of these with the spermatozoid nucleus (Klebahn).
But, if not, then apologetics is a mere auxiliary, and is only " a science" in so far as it presents a conscious and systematic plea.
Stolypin did his best to work in harmony with it, realizing that under the existing law another dissolution could but lead to a like result, and shrinking from the only alternative - an alteration of the law by a coup d'etat, a course which could only be justified on the plea of extreme necessity.
To complete her misfortunes, the European powers, the church and the small states of Italy, partly from jealous greed of her possessions, partly on the plea of her treason to Christendom in making terms with Islam, partly from fear of her expansion in north Italy, coalesced at Cambrai in 1508 for the partition of Venetian possessions.
All cases where the prisoner has pleaded guilty are examined in the admiralty, and if in any case there is any reason to think that there has been any informality or that the prisoner has not understood the effect of his plea, such case is submitted to the judge advocate of the fleet for his opinion.
He has sometimes on this plea been exonerated from all censure; but, though entitled to honour for the zeal which he showed on behalf of the natives, he must bear the blame for his violation or neglect of moral principle.
On the day following they were graciously received by the queen, who undertook to sign a bond for their security, but delayed the subscription till next morning under plea of sickness.
But that neither plea would avail her for a moment in Scotland she had ominous evidence on the thirteenth day after her marriage, when no response was made to the usual form of proclamation for a raid or levy of forces under pretext of a campaign against the rievers of the border.
Even the detractors who defend her conduct on the plea that she was a dastard and a dupe are compelled in the same breath to retract this implied reproach, and to admit, with illogical acclamation and incongruous applause, that the world never saw more splendid courage at the service of more brilliant intelligence, that a braver if not "a rarer spirit never did steer humanity."
I propose that the heads may for this time nominate and the body comply, yet interposing (if they think fit) a protestation concerning their plea that this election may not hereafter pass for a decisive precedent in prejudice of their claim," and, " whereas I understand that the whole university has chiefly consideration for Dr Henry Paman of St John's and Mr Craven of Trinity College, I do recommend them both to be nominated."
Next year he published Le Pape, a vision of the spirit of Christ in appeal against the spirit of Christianity, his ideal follower confronted and contrasted with his nominal vicar; next year again La Pitie supreme, a plea for charity towards tyrants who know not what they do, perverted by omnipotence and degraded by adoration; two years later Religions et religion, a poem which is at once a cry of faith and a protest against the creeds which deform and distort and leave it misshapen and envenomed and defiled; and in the same year L'Ane, a paean of satiric invective against the past follies of learned ignorance, and lyric rapture of confidence in the future wisdom and the final conscience of the world.
That the prince should have felt compelled in the last resort to take up arms for the Union against the attempt of the province of Holland to defy the authority of the Generality may be justified by the plea reipublicae salus suprema lex.
In 1610, they presented a plea for less stringency in doctrinal matters, strongly remonstrating against the States General.
Third, he had erred in his willingness to sustain the res judicata plea.
The speech was followed by an impassioned plea by Japan for the resumption of coastal whaling.
Urban spacemen A plea for ' joined-up government ' to tackle the task of reviving inner city areas.
Which is probably a hidden plea for greater toleration of each other 's oddities.
A time when demand for French beauty was prevalent, and the plea for high quality cosmetics was extreme.
Guests invited to just this kind of celebration tell me that they always appreciate having a registry to go to for ideas, since they want to make you happy, and they don't see it as a plea for presents.
It used to be considered poor etiquette for the mother of the bride to throw the shower as it was seen as a plea for gifts.
Including registry information is considered a plea for gifts in many circles.
Chris Brown cops a plea in the felony assault case brought against him after the alleged beating of his ex-girlfriend Rihanna.
Jon Gosselin took only hours to throw in a desperate plea for attention.
When video emerged of her taking the necklace, she entered into a plea bargain with the court to be placed under house arrest.
It came as no surprise to most that Dr. Murray entered a plea of not guilty.
The reaction of the Jackson family, some of whom were in court to hear Dr. Murray enter his plea, was a collective feeling of dissatisfaction with the charge.
Simpson's three alleged accomplices all entered into plea deals, but he went to trial in 2008.
He has also attempted to contact other attorneys in a plea for help.
The Commissioner decided not to make the name change after vocal appeals from townspeople, Monopoly players worldwide and a written plea from the Parker Brothers President at the time.
Thongs and tomato red corset numbers are almost always written off as less of a thoughtful holiday gift and more of a candid plea for sex.
Her plea helped her to avoid a possible six year sentence if the case had gone to trial.
When I heard the same voice, I made an impassioned plea.
He didn't answer her plea to reassure her some part of him cared for her.
Assuming he would, she had rehearsed a plea in the car on the way over.
In the case of a lawsuit the plaintiff preferred his own plea.
The plea of the last named on behalf of Corsica served to enlist the sympathy of Napoleon in his wider speculations, and so helped to bring about that mental transformation which merged Buonaparte the Corsican in Bonaparte the Jacobin and Napoleon the First Consul and Emperor.
In 1847 he began the greatest work of his life by the publication of his first "Plea for Ragged Schools."
The plea was included in a petition to the first parliament of Charles II.
The news of Nezib was immediately followed by that of the treason of Ahmed Pasha, the Ottoman Mejid, admiral, who, on the plea that the sultan's coun- 1839-1861.
The burghers represented that they were under the protection of Holland, but this plea was peremptorily rejected by the commander of the British forces.
The only excuse made for the alternate cringing and insult, the alternate abuse and lying, which marked his course in this matter, has been the very weak plea that a man cannot fight with a system - a plea which is sufficiently answered by the retort that a great many men have so fought and have won.
In the few tactful and charming lines of this brief note, the apostle sends him back to his master with a plea for kindly treatment.
He was raised a second time to the consulship by Alexander Severus, in 229; but on the plea of ill health soon afterwards retired to Nicaea, where he died.
His Shosetsu Shinsui (Essentials of a Novel) was an eloquent plea for realism as contrasted with the artificiality of the characters depicted by Bakin, and his own works illustrative of this theory took the public by storm.
He was a member of the committee for drafting the articles of impeachment against Danby in 1678, and was appointed one of the managers of the Commons; and in 1679, when the impeachment, interrupted by the dissolution of parliament, was resumed in the new parliament, he spoke strongly against the validity of Danby's plea of pardon by the king.
Nevertheless he proved more than a match for the forensic ability arrayed against him, and his first plea in defence is in a high degree dignified and manly.
There was at that time before the court a plea for his divorce from his wife, but she now devoted herself to enliven his captivity at the cost of her own liberty.
Roma Regalis (1872) and A Plea for Livy (1873) were written in reply to his critics.
They did not accept the discipline of the Church of England, so the plea of conformity was a feeble defence; nor had they taken out licenses, so as to claim the protection of the Toleration Act.
Evelyn put in a plea for afforestation, and besides producing a valuable work on arboriculture, he was able to assert in his preface to the king that he had really induced landowners to plant many millions of trees.
Some colour was given to their attacks by Hubert's injudicious plea that he held a charter from King John which exempted him from any liability to produce accounts.
He then closed the Collegio Romano, on the plea of its insolvency, seized the houses at Frascati and Tivoli, and broke up the establishments in Bologna and the Legations.
The categorical charges made in the document rebut this plea.
Russia, which had been their warmest patron, drove them from St Petersburg and Moscow in 1813, and from the whole empire in 1820, mainly on the plea of attempted proselytizing in the imperial army.
Undoubtedly he facilitated her self-incrimination, but of her active encouragement of the plot there can be little doubt after the publication of her letters to Mendoza, in which she excuses her complicity on the plea that no other means were left to secure her liberation.
A suit on the complaint of a neighbouring clergyman ensued and after various complications Denison was condemned by the archbishops' court at Bath (1856); but on appeal the court of Arches and the privy council quashed this judgment on a technical plea.
His pretext was the plea of an exiled vizier, and Shirkuh was ordered to Egypt in 1164, taking Saladin as his lieutenant.
In 1775 he resigned his bishopric on the plea of enfeebled health; he retired to his Redemptorists at Nocera, and died there in 1787.
The cities, towns and municipalities resort to it to supply their local needs, and there is a tendency, especially pronounced in Ontario on account of the excellence of her municipal system, to devolve the burden of educational payments, and others more properly provincial, upon the municipal authorities on the plea of decentralization.
Campeggio could not by the terms of his commission give sentence; so his only escape was to prorogue the court on the 23rd of July on the plea of the Roman vacation.
On the 3rd of May Lady Jane Gordon, who had become countess of Bothwell on the 22nd of February of the year preceding, obtained, on the ground of her husband's infidelities, a separation which, however, would not under the old laws of Catholic Scotland have left him free to marry again; on the 7th, accordingly, the necessary divorce was pronounced, after two days' session, by a clerical tribunal which ten days before had received from the queen a special commission to give judgment on a plea of somewhat apocryphal consanguinity alleged by Bothwell as the ground of an action for divorce against his wife.
His plea for the teaching of the science of fortification in universities, and the existence of such lectures in Leiden, have led to the impression that he himself filled this chair; but the belief is erroneous, as Stevinus, though living at Leiden, never had direct relations with its university.
There is a tradition, supported by a reference on a plea roll, that Randle, earl of Chester (1181-1232) made Macclesfield a free borough, but the earliest charter extant is that granted by Edward, prince of Wales and earl of Chester, in 1261, constituting Macclesfield a free borough with a merchant gild, and according certain privileges in the royal forest of Macclesfield to the burgesses.
Owing to the excellence of the municipal system there has been a tendency to devolve thereon, in whole or in part, certain financial burdens on the plea of decentralization.
The Plea for the Constitution (403 B.C.) is interesting for the manner in which it argues that the wellbeing of Athens-now stripped of empire-is bound up with the maintenance of democratic principles.
He visited privately many of the leading citizens of the city, statesmen, divines and merchants, and besought them to take the lead in a national movement against slavery; but they all with one consent made excuse, some of them listening to his plea with manifest impatience.
This appointment was opposed by Riaz Pasha, and led to his resignation on the plea of ill-health.
After some little delay Alexander returned a polite refusal, on the plea of the princess's tender age and the objection of the dowager empress to the marriage.
It was a plea whose full force he felt.
Meanwhile Lamennais had published his Essai sur l'Indiference, - a passionate plea for Christianity and in particular for Roman Catholicism as necessary for the social progress of mankind.
On the first opportunity Bacon rose and briefly pointed out that the earl's plea of having done nothing save what was absolutely necessary to defend his life from the machinations of his enemies was weak and worthless, inasmuch as these enemies were purely imaginary; and he compared his case to that of Peisistratus, who had made use of a somewhat similar stratagem to cloak his real designs upon the city of Athens.
Yet in the face of this he does not hesitate to call himself " the justest chancellor that hath been in the five changes since Sir Nicholas Bacon's time "j 5 and this on the plea that his intentions had always been pure, and had never been affected by the presents he received.
While in England on public business in 1652, Clarke published Ill News from New England, which contained an impressive account of the proceedings against himself and his brethren at Lynn, and an earnest and wellreasoned plea for liberty of conscience.
Two so-called friends endeavoured, on the plea of doubts of their own, to lead him into a theological discussion; and, some of Spinoza's expressions being repeated to the Jewish authorities, he was summoned to give an account of himself.
On the 24th of October 1670, at the very time that these treaties were in progress, Charles opened parliament and obtained a vote of £800,000 on the plea of supporting the Triple Alliance.
More important were his Dialogues on Eloquence, wherein he entered an eloquent plea for greater simplicity and naturalness in the pulpit, and urged preachers to take the scriptural, natural style of Bossuet as their model, rather than the coldly analytic eloquence of his great rival, Bourdaloue.
Pitt in office, looking back on the commencement of his public life, might have used the plea "A good deal has happened since then," at least as justly as some others have done.
Moreover, when he had learned that the duke had parted with New Jersey he convinced him that it was a great loss, and in the effort to save what was possible, Staten Island was taken from the proprietors on the plea that one arm of the Hudson flowed along its western border.
In political philosophy he maintained the Scotist position, that civil authority was derived from the popular will, but in theology he was a scholastic conservative, though he never failed to show his approbation of Gallicanism and its plea for the reform of ecclesiastical abuses.
His address before the graduating class of the divinity school at Cambridge, in 1838, was an impassioned protest against what he called "the defects of historical Christianity" (its undue reliance upon the personal authority of Jesus, and its failure to explore the moral nature of man as the fountain of established teaching), and a daring plea for absolute selfreliance and a new inspiration of religion.
He was a member of the committee on finance throughout his service in the Senate, and his first speech in that body was a defence of the free coinage of silver and a plea for the preservation of the full legal tender value of greenback currency, though in 1893 he voted to repeal the silver purchase clause of the Sherman Act.
Burnet found it wiser to retire to England on the plea of fulfilling his duties as royal chaplain.
His passionate plea for liberty, has relevance for every generation.
However, during an audition for The Biggest Loser, prospective participants will have to prove through their plea on a videotape to producers and network officials why a television show will help them lose weight.
Betsy's look repeated her plea while we all remained silent, looking to Howie.
Bellingham was certainly insane, but the plea was set aside and he was hanged.
To Algernon Sidney, who refused to take part in proceedings on the plea that neither the king nor any man could be tried by such a court, Cromwell replied, "I tell you, v e will cut off his head with the crown upon it."
There is no trace of professional advocates, but the plea had to be in writing and the notary doubtless assisted in the drafting of it.
Depretis recalled Nigra from Paris and replaced him by General Cialdini, whose ardent plea for Italian intervention in favor of France in 1870, and whose comradeship with Marshal Macmahon in 1859, would, it was supposed, render him persona gratissima to the French government.
A few days later Signor Bonghi, one of the framers of the Law of Guarantees, published in the Nuova Antologia a plea for reconciliation on the basis of an amendment to the Law of Guarantees and recognition by the pope of the Italian title to Rome.
Then, if the tenure were found free alms, the plea was to be heard in the court Christian.
In plants with multinucleate cells, such as Albugo, Peronospora and Vaucheria, it is usually a uninucleate cell differentiated by separation of the nuclei from a multinucleate cell, but in Albugo bliti it is multinucleate, and in Sphaero plea it may contain more than one nucleus.
His great plea for toleration is based on the impossibility of erecting theology into a demonstrable science.
After the battle, while Murad was reviewing his victorious troops on the field, he was assassinated by Milosh Kabilovich, a Servian who was allowed to approach him on the plea of submission.
The mother invented some plea to send the wife to the trysting-place, and then, dressing herself in male clothing, prepared to come suddenly on the scene as the lover, trusting to be able to make her escape before she was recognized.
On the occasion of the offer of the crown to Cromwell he issued King Richard the Third Revived (1657), and on the creation of the new House of Lords A Plea for the Lords (1658).
Everything was brought into a state of uncertainty once more by the escape of Napoleon from Elba; but the events of the Hundred Days, in which Talleyrand had no share - he remained at Vienna until the Toth of June - brought in the Bourbons once more; and Talleyrand's plea for a magnanimous treatment of France under Louis XVIII.
That Douglas undertook this work and that he makes a plea for more accurate scholarship in the translation have been the basis of a prevalent notion that he is a Humanist in spirit and the first exponent of Renaissance doctrine in Scottish literature.
The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies (1827) and a dramatic romance, Lamia, published later, belong to this time.
On the 24th of July 1663 he alone signed a protest against the bill " for the encouragement of trade," on the plea that owing to the free export of coin and bullion allowed by the act, and to the importation of foreign commodities being greater than the export of home goods, " it must necessarily follow.
He made an eloquent plea for Christianity, but his case was weak in law, and the court sustained the will.
In 1646 appeared his famous plea for toleration, eeoXoyia 'EKXEKTLKii, A Discourse of the Liberty of Prophesying.
The Scottish parliament agreed to the marriage of the young queen with the dauphin of France, and, on the plea of securing her safety from English designs, she set sail from Dumbarton in August 1548 to complete her education at the French court.
All being ready, the Ancients on the 18 Brumaire (9th of November) decreed the transference of the sessions of both Councils to St Cloud, on the plea of a Jacobin plot which threatened the peace of Paris.
Meanwhile, he had thrown out, on the estimates of 1913, a hint to Germany that all naval Powers might well take a year's holiday from shipbuilding; but, though he repeated and emphasized his plea for this " naval holiday " in a speech in the autumn of 1913, it met with no response from Berlin.
Stockdale sued the Commons' publisher, and was met by the plea of parliamentary privilege, to which, however, the judges did not give effect, on the ground that they were entitled to define the privileges of the Commons, and that publication of papers was not essential to the functions of parliament.
His first charge as primate on "Disputes in the Church" was felt to be a most powerful plea for a more catholic and a more charitable temper, and again and again during the closing years of his life he came back to this same theme.
Do not break your ranks on the plea of removing the wounded!