Play-with Sentence Examples
I have a toy for her to play with as well, don't I?
While we were free to play with it, nothing was required of us.
As busy as she was, time had to be set aside for play with Destiny.
The school was sponsoring a play with reversed roles – students playing the part of parents and vice versa.
Already Mozart divides his violas into two parts quite as often as he makes them play with the basses.
Don't play with me, Darkyn.
You brought me here to play with me.
She entered the bedroom quietly to see Toby awake and trying to get an uncertain Lankha to play with his stuffed animals.
You could play with Donnie some more.
We don't even have any unanswered questions to play with.
AdvertisementEven in that book Hume is able to play with sceptical solutions.
They were not even a pawn in the game which Antiochus proposed to play with Rome for the possession of Greece and Asia Minor.
When he was six years of age he announced his intention of going to Conchobar's court at Emain Macha (Navan Rath near Armagh) to play with the boys there.
Frank Buckland, who visited the place, states that after a little while they allowed him to take hold of them, scratch them on the back, and play with them in various ways.
Some lizards possess a considerable amount of intelligence; they play with each other, become very tame, and act deliberately according to circumstances.
AdvertisementTrombones often played with the three lower voices, a practice of high antiquity surviving from a time when there were soprano trombones or cornetti (Zincken, a sort of treble serpent) to play with the sopranos.
He had a difficult part to play with the different parties in the state, but he adroitly kept himself aloof from them all; and at last, in his fifty-second year, he was made chief magistrate of the city of Chung-tu.
The subject was the Virgin seated in the lap of St Anne, bending forward to hold her child who had half escaped from her embrace to play with a lamb upon the ground.
Though very far from being hampered by any dogmatic philosophical or religious system of the past, his mind, until near the end, found sufficient satisfaction in the Christian view of life to make it indifferent to the restless, inquiring spirit of the present, and disinclined to play with any more recent solution of life's problems. He had no sympathy with either scepticism or formal dogmatism, and no need to hazard rash guesses respecting man's destiny.
In vain Condb tried to play with the parlement of Paris the same game as with the states-general, in a sort of anticipation of the Fronde.
AdvertisementThis subject had been handed over in 18 9 3 to a royal commission, and further discussed by a select committee in 1899 and a departmental committee in 1900, but both of these threw cold water on the schemes laid before them - a result which, galling enough to one who had made so much play with the question in the country, offered welcome material to his opponents for electioneering recrimination, as year by year went by between 1895 and 1900 and nothing resulted from all the confident talk on the subject in which Mr Chamberlain had indulged when out of office.
The school was sponsoring a play with reversed roles – students playing the part of parents and vice versa.
As long as Ashley didn't play with her beads anytime soon … Shit, Jessi.
Please ask him/her to leave you a system to play with.
But I was genuinely astonished to play with a band with a worse name on the same tour.
AdvertisementDaniel comes to play with Scott and they are quickly joined outside by the other bairns visiting the shop.
I should not play with the live site, I've been a very naughty boy and won't do it in future!
Many dads still like their boys to be boys and to play with boys toys.
Closer, the screen adaptation of the Patrick Marber play with an all-star cast, comes out on DVD this week.
Small was desperately cute persuading BB to play with him.
We had a cat many years ago in Baton Rouge that was " playing " with a spit devil like cats play with lizards.
We have had a few peacock feathers around for many years; we used to buy them to play with our cats.
Seals and dolphins regularly play with the small ferryboats, which run from the mainland to St Michael's Mount.
Near the left edge, there's nothing more fun than a brand new player to play with.
Lieutenant of Inishmore is a hysterically funny play with a deadly serious message running through it.
When your child is older he will love to have the musical hippo as a soft, cuddly toy to play with.
It is grossly irresponsible of the Green lobby to play with people's livelihoods on the basis of a biased economic report.
Captive fledgling American kestrels prefer to play with objects resembling natural prey.
The crowd turned their heads like mere cats as Default used his musical strings to play with me, his full size marionette.
Once home Joe asked to play with his Hama maxi beads so we made a few things.
Learning Toys For Infants The cabritos never pneumatic to play with the bucket that learns.
And, as the battle rages, you'll get to play with a combination of troops from each colorful source.
Q How do I find someone to play with?
Pick up controller 2 and have a play with the right analog stick whilst watching the effect.
Includes a mosaic builder where you can play with your shopping basket fabric swatches online.
Identifying a double temporality comes down to finding in what phase of its making a film can play with time.
High Tide also featured violinist Simon House who was later to play with Hawkwind.
Resuming the Talmudic idea of an Over-soul present in every Israelite on the Sabbath, Luria and his school made play with this Over-soul, fed it with spiritual and material dainties and evolved an intricate maze of mystic ceremonial, still observed by countless masses.
They knew the kitten, by this time, so they scampered over to where she lay beside Jim and commenced to frisk and play with her.
When he had made them all disappear again Ozma declared she was sorry they were gone, for she wanted one of them to pet and play with.
I want to play with it.
We raise children to play with war toys.
I read them in the intervals between study and play with an ever-deepening sense of pleasure.
I did play with your watch.
I do love to play with little sister.
I love to play with little sister.
I love to play with little sister, she is weak and small baby.
I am sorry that you have no little children to play with you sometimes; but I think you are very happy with your books, and your many, many friends.
I said, "No, go and play with Nancy."
They who come rarely to the woods take some little piece of the forest into their hands to play with by the way, which they leave, either intentionally or accidentally.
Or are you afraid to play with me?
Do not let your pet play with baby's toys.
Instead, be sure he has plenty of his own toys to play with.
Let your older child find appropriate toys and games to play with the baby.
Of course, you'll need to play with your baby, so it won't take you long before you've narrowed down the choices to your favorites.
Finally, you can play with your infant by reading to her, giving her colorful infant toys to play with, singing to her, and simply cuddling and talking to her.
Dolls-She may be too small to play with them, but collector dolls make wonderful keepsake gifts for newborn baby girls.
This is a fun game to play with a group of children.
Make sure siblings of different ages play with their own toys.
Feel free to play with the Christmas theme.
Find some stationary of little elves getting ready for Christmas and play with the wording.
If your child is able to sit up on his own, let him play with the stuffed animal while you take the shots.
While you can use these toys to play with your infant, there are simple activities you can do that won't require any other object, such as playing peek-a-boo and patty cake, talking to baby, and singing songs.
Find a large stuffed ladybug to put in the corner of the room, just waiting for a little one to play with.
Use only a small amount of glue so that the bear can be removed and given to the baby once he or she is old enough to play with it.
The catalogs and websites are beautiful and give you a chance to play with color, texture and height.
We all know what we played with as children, but what to kids like to play with today?
It is certainly possible to learn how to play with an electric guitar, but for simplicity's sake an acoustic guitar is probably the right choice.
Give them to your friends, keep them as replacements in case a card from your primary deck becomes lost or bent, or play with more than one deck at a time.
Ready to play with your new Bicycle playing cards but bored with the games you already know?
What may be adorable in a four ounce kitten is less adorable in a fifteen pound cat, so don't encourage rough play with people, or you'll have a confused cat when he grows up and suddenly no one wants to play-fight with him any more.
Cats will play with just about anything around your house.
Instead, pick up one of these household items and turn it into a fascinating toy for you and your cat to play with.
Kittens will play with just about anything, and they will discover all kinds of toys you never knew you had.
Make sure that their toys are not small enough to be a choking hazard and do not let him play with string or cords unsupervised.
She still has a lot of "kitten" in her, and ahe loves to rough house and play with toys.
When the weather is too bad to go outside, you can pull out this toy and have all the fun and exercise you want.This project involves a treat and a game you can play with your cat.
Be sure to let your kitty catch the treat and play with it.
Once you have picked out your new cat or kitten, it is wise to bring a small blanket to play with your new cat at the breeders or the rescue center.
Grasses will provide very important fiber for your cat and something safe they can play with.
If you have more than one cat, then have more than one water bowl, and be sure to have enough toys so they can share and have their own to play with.
I'd say that more likely than her chasing ghosts, she is probably trying to play with the family, her brother and things you might not notice such as dust mites or a piece of lint.
What cat wouldn't want to stop and play with all those dangly things?
First, many cats play with window blinds and with the strings hanging down.
It has grown as we have all grown up, and now the grandchildren play with us.
They will begin to play with their littermates for longer periods of time.Although the kittens will continue to nurse, the mother cat will begin to wean the kittens by the end of the week.
They will play with almost anything from a wadded up paper ball to an expensive designer cat toy.
They are an excellent investment in your kitten's happiness and help her exercise when you aren't around to play with her.
Watch the film or read the play with kids and discuss how each version of the story is different.
Laminate tables and chairs give children a place to color, play with play-dough or do crafts.
If you like to play with your children, then a floor pillow can be a great way to sit comfortably on the floor while you play cards or other games.
Some people like to play with glossier finishes, but flat is a good idea because it doesn't reflect a lot of light and can therefore help to disguise tiny imperfections.
If you have the time and it is in your routine, you can play with color depending on what you wear, where you are going and of course your personality.
False eyelashes, eyebrow stencils and eyelash glitter are just some of the fun products you can play with to create a unique and glamorous look.
Actual runway models have the benefit of professional makeup artists at their disposal, along with all the colors in the world to play with.
For a dramatic, stage- ready Rhianna makeup look, play with dark eye shadows and pair them with an unexpected pop of bright pink lipstick.
Normally I wouldn't dare even try to pull off a coral, but the trick is clearly to give it an additional color to play with.
Set some time aside to dapple in the cosmetic aisle and play with your palette in the privacy of your own home.
When you want to extend your creative fashion style to your eye makeup, it's time to play with color!
If you have blue eyes, revel in turquoise or cool water hues, and if you have brown or hazel eyes, play with purple and green tones for a palette that flatters and pops your natural eye color.
For a more creative witch approach, why not play with vivid and bold makeup colors?
After all, there's no shortage of rich colors one can play with when it comes to creating smoky eyes.
Blondes can play with light taupes and dark blondes.
This game bunches three learning modes into one by having your child play with letter recognition, reading and vocabulary.
Often the bonuses are 20% or more, meaning that if you deposit $100, the site will give you an additional $20 to play with.
However, remember to always play with money that you can afford to lose.
In addition to the free play, some casinos offer "freeball" games where you are given free money to play with to help you get started.
New members can get up to $555 to play with for free.
The internet lets you find other players to play with and against.
You can check on your pet, feed it, and play with it almost at any time - on vacation, at school, or at work.
You create your own fish, then feed it, play with it, and fight opponents that may challenge you.
You have to feed them, take care of them, play with them, and nurse them back to health when they are sick.
If you have time to surf around and play with the different sites, that will be the best way to find the one that meets your needs.
New players should try to play with different characters in each game to familiarize themselves with them.
Premium members have unlimited play with a monthly subscription.
When you play with a Ouija board, you take the planchette and place it on the board.
If you play with people who are skeptics, you may not receive the response you wish for because those people are not playing truthfully.
It's easy for someone to move the planchette across the board to whatever he or she chooses without anyone knowing, so it's wise to play with friends you know are trustworthy.
Your critter looks kind of creepy, but you still have to feed it and play with it.
You have to take time out of your day to play with them or else they will get upset with you.
You can also get supplies and toys for your Mistral to play with.
They will pop up from time to time to play with you, ask for food or some other activity like play a game.
You need to feed the pet and play with it, among other things.
In addition to allowing users to play with and care for their virtual pets, the site also has a number of social networking features.
Marapets offers users the ability to play with virtual pets while networking with others online.
GoPets - This game allows players to adopt and play with their choice of interactive virtual pet.
Participants can play with dress-up cartoon dolls, build profiles, create their own websites, play games, and more.
Name your pet, and then enter the animal's digital world to feed it, play with it, take it to the vet, and watch it perform tricks.
A real dog eats, sleeps, wags his tail and likes to play with you.
If you decided that cleaning up after a dog or cat is not that enjoyable but you want a pet that you can play with as needed, then a virtual pet is the right choice.
The following sites offer free pets that you can download to your computer, use on the web or just play with on their own sites.
You can interact with your baby virtual pets by clicking on them to pet them, give them food and play with them.
In addition to the main site, you can also play with your puppy or kitten on MySpace or Facebook.
If you don't want to play with others, that's an option too.
At Puzzles-another website with a simple name-you can find word searches you can solve online or print out to play with a hard copy.
The online and trial versions are limited play with not as many questions as the full version.
Whether you like screensavers, games or an actual program that will let you play with a virtual pet on your computer every day, the downloads above offer a wide range of cool puppy downloads for your computer.
Essentially, you'll take care of your dog and play with him or her as if you owned a real dog.
You must bathe, groom, play with and feed the animals in order to stay successful.
Using the touchscreen on the bottom of the unit, you interact with your puppy/dog in order to train it, play with it and even speak to it (using the microphone).
In some cases, parents want to give their kids a chance to see what it's like to care for, train and play with a pet before getting them an actual pet.
If you're looking for a simple pet that you can play with whenever you feel like but doesn't require much upkeep, you will want to find a site that can accommodate that.
These pets are a lot of fun to play with and can give you a great idea of what life with a pet is really like.
You can play with your pet, have it get a job, chat with other pets online and even send e-greetings to other pets.
If you are working with a particularly difficult child, then allow him to play with a familiar toy.
That is a lot of time to play with your recipes for Christmas desserts.
Children of all ages love to play with scrapbooking supplies.
There are a few choices for games you can easily download and play with on the desktop screen of your computer.
Get some that are v-necked and crew necked to give the look a little variety, and don't forget to play with color!
Ladies, play with heel heights (but don't forget to buy one really comfortable pair of flats) and guys, feel free to purchase a cool-looking pair of sandals as well.
Of course you'll have the basic black, blue and cream, but don't forget to play with color.
Follow the same rules as a baseball game to determine the winning team. 2Ping is an easy game to play with no baseball gloves required.
It's probably more fun to play with the kittens at the local humane society, but spending an hour stamping envelopes will help the facility gain donations that will improve the living conditions of those kittens.
Role play with your teen on how he or she will respond when confronted with this issue.
Role play with a good friend or family member to help you figure out how to handle things the next time the bully approaches you.
This is a fun, fast-paced game to play with the girls at your next shower.
You can still have subtle factors that make the dress your own-necklines are a great place to play with detail without adding too much drama.
Compulsive lying comes into play with the Narcissistic Personality Disorder when the individual exaggerates his/her experiences and/or achievements to demonstrate to others how superior he or she is.
If you like to play with clay or have a lot of experience with decorating cakes, try a more advanced version by using rolled fondant.
Another fun way to play with celebrities, dress up dolls online are becoming very popular.
They are all very basic drag and drop games, with different available items and looks to play with.
The Doll Palace requires registration before you can play with the Britney Spears dolls.
While you don't have any clothing options, this site does not require registration, and the combinations can be fun to play with.
With an impressive college record, he went on to play with the Buffalo Bills and the San Francisco 49ers.
Some of the dresses on the website are a bit more "formal" and are designed for Easter services at churches, while others will allow your toddler the freedom to run around for an Easter egg hunt or play with her little friends!
She can play with her doll while dressed in matching duds or read any of the American Girl books available.
Jeans for girls into the tween years should be looser and sturdier, so that the girls can run and play with abandon.
Although it is extremely fun to choose and play with a child's wardrobe, as young boys mature certain clothing items come rife with stereotypes.
If the dog is allowed to play with certain stuffed toys, it may construe that to mean that any play thing is an acceptable target.
The odd shape of the Classic Kong makes it bounce unpredictably when dropped or thrown, so dogs get lots of exercise and mental stimulation when they play with these toys.
Whenever we try to pet or play with him, she will try to chase him away.
The special domed treat disks are inserted into the side of a rubber ring to create a tasty ball that is fun to play with and has a dog pleasing flavor.
Watch your dog play with the toy, and remove it if he is able to chew it into smaller pieces.
If you've decided it's in your own pet's best interest to only play with organic dog toys, your next step is to weed through the toys on the market to find the ones advertised as organic.
Making sure your pup has plenty of items to play with will greatly reduce the chances that your shoes and furniture will end up getting too much of your pet's attention.
If you plan to engage in play with your dog, a simple tennis ball can provide be a lot of fun for both of you.
However, tennis balls should be limited to times you are available to play with your pup.
Tennis balls can pose a choking risk for large dogs, so they shouldn't be allowed to play with these items on their own.
Be sure to also let him have the filled toy to play with when you are finished so he knows they he has done a good job.
With appropriate planning, you and your dog can enjoy friendly campground accommodations and lots of quality time in the natural world, and there's no better place to play with your dog than the great outdoors.
A guest wanting to play with her did not remember to put her back into her crate.
If you can, try to find a nice dog park where you puppy has a chance to play with other dogs after he reaches the age of ten weeks.
Getting interactive toys that you and your dog can play with also provides needed exercise and helps keep your dog trim.
Don't play with a dog unless there is an adult present.
If the dog does try to lick the medicine, pet or play with him until it has a chance to forget about it.
Have chew toys or rawhides on hand for the puppy to play with to help curb his need for chewing or biting.
Learning to play with Internet-based lessons is best for people who have some kind of musical experience already and have the basic skills to recognize notes, tune their instrument and read sheet music.
When playing a steel string electric guitar, guitarists typically play with a pick and often play with other musicians playing different instruments.
It's the dream of every budding guitarist to play with picks emblazoned with their band's name or logo.
No matter what your playing level, you will be able to find a version of Sweet Home here that you can play with confidence.
What this means for you is the chance to visually play with the amount of space you have.
If you want to play with patterns, keep them small.
Organic baby toys allow you to give your child entertaining things to play with while not having to worry about harmful contaminants.
Organic toys encourage kids to make up their own stories and to interact with their toys and the people who play with them on a different level.
Why should it matter whether the toys your kids play with are organic or not?
Buying organic kid toys ensures that your children are not being exposed to harmful toxins while engaged in play with their toys.
Women also have the liberty to play with color.
Ruched halter dresses play with fabric, offering texture and interest in the designs.
Branch out and play with various colors to see what suits you.
These types of packages are ideal if you want to engage in a little personal costume play with a special someone.
Elderly volunteers often take a dog for a short walk, play with a kitten or pet and brush an older cat.
Many no-kill animal facilities are in dire need for volunteers to play with cats and dogs.
For people working in care facilities where outings are frequent, take a poll of the residents to find out how many people would like to play with animals for 30 minutes or so, and plan a bi-weekly trip.
If you're wondering what are some games to play with senior citizens, don't worry, there are endless ideas to consider.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to games to play with senior citizens.
There is no longer a reason to ask what are some games to play with senior citizens when the possibilities are endless.
This sporty style can be worn for work or play with a 99.9 percent UVA/UVB (Ultraviolet A and B forms of radiation) protection.
Enjoy the brightly colored tubes and pipes that children can play with.
After the kids play with the real work equipment and perform tasks, they get paid for their "work" in "Wongas" - the kid currency at Wannado City.
You can use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk at the same time, drive with the Wii Wheel, or play with a GameCube controller.
You can create houses, grow neighborhoods, get jobs and play with the large number of expansion packs available for the game.
If you don't know anyone to play with via Wi-Fi Connection there are several website communities you can visit.
It does offer single and a two-player option where you can play with a friend, though.
The game also includes several dozen mini-games you can play with your friends.
In order to play with other people -- the Wii is fun for the whole family -- you'll need to look into buying a few extra Wii accessories.
This will put you in demo mode where you won't accumulate points, but you can play with an unlimited amount of balls.
Many young boys (and girls) love nothing more than to play with monster trucks, so let them take a virtual truck for a race through the desert in Excite Truck.
In this game, they made a system that changes between two equipment and soul set types on the fly, so you get twice as much play with your equipment.
Zen Chuzzle allows for continuous play with no locks.
A major part of the Wii's appeal in the ease of bringing in the whole family to play with and against each other.
This is a bare bones DDR game with your basic gameplay options like Single play with one or two mats, Versus play, and Workout and Training modes.
Unfortunately, flash games do not support joysticks or gamepads, meaning you'll have to play with the keyboard and mouse alone.
The game will also be available for online play with up to 14 players per race.
As for the modes of play, you can play as a single-player or online play with Xbox Live.
This is a great way for friends to play or for a parent to play with a child - you will both have fun.
I can picture this being a great game to play with a bunch of friends.
If you have a PC gamepad, you can program it to play with the games, making gameplay simpler.
As part of the package, gamers can choose to play with their friends around the world, enter matches with similarly-skilled opponents, or send an open challenge to any who answer.
You can jump right in to fish quickly or engage with competitive play with friends or with the in-game tournament mode.
Select from over fifteen different types of puppies to take home and train, care for, play with and grow to love.
It can be fun to play with friends or others from around the globe.
The use of a keyboard and mouse makes these challenging titles easier to play with function key short cuts (like F1, F2 button) and simple right or left mouse clicks.
You can extend your play with expansion sets, game editors and online play.
But what if you have no one to play with?
If you're looking for someone to play with that is passionate about the game like you are, online chess games are the answer.
Along with offering play with just one person, you can try the game with a friend.
In co-op mode, play with up to 4 friends as you try and complete different scenarios in a team effort.
The ambience meters have a left and right gauges and to experience the true stereo sound of this game, you need to play with headphones.
This is heavily added by the implementation of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, letting you play with up to three other Tetris fanatics from around the world.
Tibia is a massive free online role-playing game where you can play with other gamers from around the globe as an adventurer who can go on quests, explore different maps, and fight various monsters with melee, ranged and magic attacks.
Create your own golfer and play with legends like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer.
Whereas earlier editions in the Guitar Hero franchise may have only allowed gamers to play with a plastic guitar, it is now possible to enjoy a full band experience in Guitar Hero 5.
To get a partner to play with you, you have to woo them with gifts (and vice versa if they want you) and to keep them, you must keep winning; otherwise, they leave you.
He had even learned how to adjust the view, and sometimes he'd play with the game where he could see the entire car, and other times he'd switch it so it looked like he was in the car looking out the windshield.
If your user profile (shown as a driver's license) is used to play with the Wii Wheel often enough, your online name will be highlighted with a Wii Wheel icon during online races.
You don't get a full bag to play with here; instead, you are given a driver, an iron, a wedge, and a putter.
The game of dominos is a classic, and with Yahoo Dominos, players can challenge up to three other players over the internet, or can play with a friend via Yahoo!
If you're looking for a fun game to play with others, Yahoo Dominos is a great choice.
It's especially fun if you have a group of online friends to play with rather than playing with strangers, although that can be entertaining, as well.
Children may find extended periods of play with a toy, whether it was purchased in a store or found in the home (recycled plastic containers and empty spools of thread, for example).
Most children will be happy to play with a few favorite toys-the size of the toy inventory is not critical to successful play.
An inability to play with or lack of interest in toys at an early age may indicate a developmental problem in such areas as gross and fine motor skills.
Parents should make sure that children are allowed to phone their friends or play with them during the grieving process.
It is simply not fun to play with someone who does not share or does not follow the rules.
With these procedures, all of the children in a classroom are asked to rate how much they like to play with or spend time with each of their classmates.
Toys that have been in the child's mouth should be disinfected before other children play with them.
They should not be allowed to play with any electrical cord.
The way adults play with infants has been found to differ based on gender.
They also show a preference for the clothing and typical activities of the opposite sex; transsexual boys like to play house and play with dolls.
If a child does attempt to play with or approach something dangerous or unacceptable, a firm "No" should suffice, along with either removing the child from the area or by distracting the child with an alternative activity.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents that normal play with adults is more than enough physical stimulus to encourage normal development of motor skills.
Free-form play with peers is probably most important, both for its socializing effect and for the creative expression it offers.
Children should be told not to play with stray cats or make cats angry.
Parents can help their infants develop their intelligence by talking and reading to them, playing with them, and encouraging them to play with a variety of age-appropriate toys.
By eight weeks, they begin to discover and play with their hands, at first solely by touch, and then, at about three months, by sight as well.
Their play with blocks is more elaborate and purposeful than that of infants, and they can stack as many as six blocks.
They are also able to fold a sheet of paper in half (with supervision), string large beads, manipulate snap toys, play with clay, unwrap small objects, and pound pegs.
Infants play with their parents; for example, they drop a toy, wait for the parent to pick it up, clean it, and return it, and then they drop it again.
As the infant begins to play with others and with objects, a realization of self as separate from others begins to develop.
When children engage in play with their peers and families, they begin to learn some behaviors are acceptable while others are unacceptable.
They want to know the right kind of play for an only child or sick child who may not be able to play with other children in their age group.
The early school-age child continues dramatic play with increased creativity but loses some spontaneity.
Letting children play with these objects teaches them how to fit objects together.
Most child development professionals believe that the best thing parents can do when trying to improve hand-eye coordination in their children is simply to let them play with a variety of toys on their own.
Children should not be allowed to play with other children who have open skin sores or scratch excessively.
They need to know not to play with knives.
For example, a child who fears dogs may first be asked to look at pictures of dogs, then perhaps play with a stuffed dog or view a dog from afar, ultimately getting to the point when she is able to pet and play with dogs.
Parents should be prepared to talk and play with their child in this way.
Children must be taught never to play with matches, lighters, fireworks, gasoline, and cleaning fluids.
Sometimes, just encouraging a quiet child to play with others helps the child overcome shy feelings.
This is still a professional that gets to play with the elements on a daily basis.
Follow the instruction to make a banner or a dragon the kids can play with.
Garner great inspiration from celebrities like Beyonce, and play with color, either through adding highlights, or opting for an overall color change.
This program allows you to change your hair style, but it also allows you to play with different makeup looks as well; from blush to glitter, and everything in between, is available through this program.
It will also allow you to play with the look.
Women quickly began to play with their hair to suit their particular style.
A lot of what makes a hair style cute is how you want to play with it.
There are many reasons to play with your hair color.
The beauty of hair styles in general is that there are just so many to play with!
Brunettes can still play with blonde without a large commitment.
Since angled bobs are trimmed regularly, you can play with color and still keep your hair in a somewhat healthy condition thanks to the frequent cuts.
In addition, play with your hair part and wear it several different ways to find a placement that works to disguise the dreaded outgrowth if necessary.
Allow your child to play with other kids in the neighborhood.
It is recommended that you play with the numbers a little bit while working with an interest only mortgage calculator.
Since young children often like to play with guns, this is a very cost effective and relatively safe option.
Your kids can color it and pretend play with it.
This allows those who may not have the small motor coordination yet to fold paper to create objects and animals to play with.
They dress up your guest bedroom, or provide youngsters with "pets" to play with during a visit.
Don't intervene when your children are engaged in a minor squabble such as an argument over who can play with a favorite toy.
One of the best ways to do this is to play with your hair color.
April looked at some vintage clothing pieces and trim, and came up with using the roundness of a bottle cap to play with different o-rings she had available.
First and foremost, you'll want to make sure that any toys you purchase are safe for your children to play with.
Swimsuits don't have a lot of fabric, so to make a suit exotic, manufacturers play with fabric-type, color, shape and cut.
You can play with the cut of the suit to show off your favorite assets and cover up your trouble spots.
Very small girls won't be self-conscious, but a one-piece suit protects more of their delicate skin and for the slightly older girls, it allows them to swim and play with abandon.
However, when they themselves have children, they want to be able to play with their kids - or rescue them if they get into trouble - at a pool or lake.
If you accidentally throw the suit in the washer, or you leave it out where children or pets can play with it, an untied suit is bound to lose its drawstring.
Kids don't usually need encouragement to run and play with abandon, but knowing that they are wearing a swimsuit that allows them to do whatever they want without fear of anything coming undone allows them that much more pleasure.
As such, parents make a point of ignoring fashion and going straight for a sturdy, comfortable suit that will allow the child to swim and play with abandon.
Little girls' swimsuits give you a lot of room to play with fashion.
She'll love to play with Elmo over and over again - be sure to have plenty of batteries on hand for this one.
Along with the Colonel, Russian commando figures are available for children to play with.
The products serve as both vehicle and action figure for the children who play with them.
The Transforming Alien Rocks are collectable toys that are suitable for play with the Alien Laboratory or alone.
Made up of the Bakugan Helios, Scraper, Klawgor, Foxbat, Fencer, Leefram and Spindle, players can use the Maxus Helios in battle as a formidable combined force, or play with the individual Bakugan.
The castle is 15 inches tall and 23 inches wide, making it big enough for more than one child to play with at the same time.
The Bat Cave is large enough for two children to play with it.
It also revs its motor when moving forward, which is reminiscent of the "vroom vroom" noises children make when they play with non-robotic toy cars.
When kids don't play with Rocky for a while, it falls asleep and starts snoring.
If your child has other Imaginext sets, he will likely incorporate them into his pretend play with the Space Shuttle.
However, generally the comments made were about how the child loved to play with this item and spent long hours enjoying space exploration with this toy.
With the size of the toy and the number of children that could play with it at once, it would have been better if there had been more figures included in the package.
If it says for children 8 to 12, then you can assume that a four year old won't be able to play with it without frustration.
Finally, let the puppet dry completely before allowing your child to play with it.
You can also ask around at school or church to see if any parents have older daughters who don't play with their Barbie dream homes anymore.
It's best if kids play with their Printies indoors or use them for display purposes only.
While children will usually play with a toy out of pure enjoyment and/or curiosity, aiming the balls can actually encourage good hand/eye coordination as kids play.
It's important not to let the wands sit in standing water, since they have electronic components, and you should supervise younger children when they play with them so that no one gets poked in the eye.
Parents who purchase these toys should teach their children how to play with them.
Before allowing your child to play with any toy weapon, make sure he or she is mature enough to enjoy it without causing damage to people or property.
This is one of the largest and most expensive play sets, so it's best not to get it if you don't have a lot of open floor space or you doubt that your child will play with it much.
Toys - While the larger Zhu Zhus mostly play with their habitats, kids can pretend to have the Babies play with miniature teddy bears, rattles and teething rings.
The manufacturer basically designed the Babies as companions to the larger Zhu Zhu Pets, but it's completely fine to give them to your kids to play with on their own.
The corners of these toys are usually rounded for safety, so they are okay for toddlers to play with.
Designed just like the ball that real hamsters use to travel through the house, the adventure ball is another accessory that's fun to play with.
Designed to look like pet hamsters, children can play with these toys using two modes.
Moon sand is not the same as the sand you find on the beach or the sand your children play with in the sandbox.
Anyone who has a need for speed will appreciate the chance to play with one of these toy vehicles.
However, accessories and playsets can add another level to your pretend play with these pets.
What's not to enjoy with all the fun ways to play with Zhu Zhu pets?
Kids who enjoy Sam's interruptions are sure to enjoy this remote and play with it for hours.
Very young girls who would want to play with the dolls would enjoy the Disney Playdolls like Snow White and Cinderella.
Your child will have four people, one helicopter, one truck, one car, eight train cars and twelve pieces of cargo to play with on the tracks.
The unique design of this ten-room dollhouse features sliding walls and an open design that allows a child to play with it from every angle.
While traditional dollhouses tend to be tiny, Imaginarium makes large, easy-to-store, solid wooden dollhouses with pieces that are large enough even for younger children to play with.
If you want to buy something your daughter will fall in love with and play with time and time again, consider purchasing a So Chic Dollhouse by KidKraft.
Before you allow your children to play with any electronic toy, such as the Zhu Zhu pet, parents should read all of the enclosed instructions and safety information.
The great thing about building blocks is that babies, toddlers and children can play with them in different ways.
Preschoolers play with them in many ways, including using them for counting and imaginative play.
Kids under a year old and up to 10 years-old can find a fun way to play with blocks.
These types of toys are not only fun to play with but can be a great way to challenge the mind and explore learning in a new and exciting way.
It not only is fun to play with but is ideal for learning.
They also allow you to play with color, something your go-to grey business suit can't claim.
Summer is the perfect time to play with color.
You can get some really tempting combinations going if you play with coordinating colors or primary colors-and don't be afraid to try an unusual color right off the runway.
Separates allow you to play with your look in a way a gown does not.
Most importantly, look for cashmere that is extremely soft, easy to care for, comfortable against your skin and versatile enough to play with the rest of your wardrobe.
Many cocktail dresses are made of rich materials like satin and heavy silk, but summer is the time to play with lightweight fabrics, like silk chiffon, linen blends and cotton blends.
Students are less likely to play with games that have dog-eared cards or a damaged game board.
Choose a comfortable location to play with adequate seating and light for everyone to participate.
This is a great board game to play with kids.
This is a really simple game Milton Bradley game that is great to play with young players.
Great to play with kids from age 8 to 10.
Children love to play games, and they particularly love to play with adults.
After all, who doesn't like to play with clay?
The game offers limited defensive options which allows single player games to be as fun as play with a second player.
Monopoly Electronic Banking edition combines classic play with a much needed update to the computer age.
You can play with two or three players, or two or three teams.
Up to six kids can play with one download kit.
While you cannot download the game, this popular version will allow you to play with other individuals all across the globe-you can even join clan wars to rank up as a player!
You can make a game you can play with your kids or a romantic adult game for a night of fun with your partner.
I Win also offers players the options of free unlimited ad-free game play with the purchase of their All Access program or players can purchase an ad free version of the game.
These can be modified according to player preference, but if you play with different opponents on a regular basis, these are the base rules that are usually honored.
One of the exclusive Club Pogo games you can play with a monthly or yearly membership.
Many of these types of games are perfect to play with just your special someone, while others are fun and exciting to play with other couples or in groups.
Although the number of players in a game of Go Fish can vary from two to six people, it is best to play with three to six players.
If your child is always begging to play with your digital camera, add the Fisher Price Kid Tough Digital Camera to your list of 2006 Christmas hot toys.
Don't talk, play with your cell phone or fall asleep during a holiday music performance.
Here are some ideas for fun games you can play with children while decorating the Christmas tree.
While waiting in line to see Santa, do not let children touch or play with ropes, poles, or other queue markers or decorations that may not be properly sanitized.
He invited the children to run and play with him.
Stage an outdoor play with dramatic Christmas lighting if the weather in your area is mild enough in December.
These are also the sort of events where being an "evil" fairy is acceptable and you can play with that look as well.
Kids can make make their own shepherds crook for a family nativity play with empty wrapping paper tubes.
You can even send one that comes with a game that your Valentine can play with a special message at the end of it.
New Seduction is a bit different - a game you might play with a date, answering questions and doing tests of manual dexterity to try and make your way across a board.
The questions are strange enough to make it a fun game to try to play with a friend.
One popular technique with free verse poetry is to not only play with language, but to play with words visually as well.
That said, once you have the feel for a recipe, it is okay to play with the ingredients and find a combination that works for your family and pleases your taste buds.
You can also play with the allergenic and digestive qualities of your bread by modifying a recipe to omit eggs or dairy while using alternative sweeteners such as agave nectar or honey instead of cane sugar.
Renowned style experts like Andy Paige tell women that handbags and other accessories are the perfect place to play with fun prints, unique looks, and bold styles.
This certainly comes into play with a handbag or tote, a functional accessory that can also showcase a bit about the wearer's personality.
A red leather tote or a moss green satchel is the perfect way to play with splashes of color.
Children should never be allowed to play with guns.
Parents should think about whether or not they allow their children to play with toy guns as well.
Foster the need for pretend play with gifts that encourage the use of imagination.
Your child usually does not want to play with family or friends.
Allow the perspective sitter to interact with and play with the children while you are in ear shot.
Lego Star Wars is popular with kids of all ages and is even fun for the adults who play with them!
When children start to fight over a toy, tell the children they will each have five minutes to play with the toy.
One child can play with the toy for the first five minutes, and another child can play with the toy for the second five minutes.
The Babbling Bayou indulges kids' love of water play with a variety of fun items, such as boats, ducks, toys, and spouts.
In fact, there are currently thousands My Little Pony Butterfly Island Dress Up Packs sitting on shelves across the country, just waiting for girls to buy and play with them.
Paper dolls are enjoyable because children can change their clothes, add accessories, and play with them as they would play with any other types of dolls.
This activity is twice the fun because not only can kids spend their time using their creativity when making their doll, but they can play with the doll for countless hours after it is complete.
Younger children may become frustrated if they aren't able to play with a toy that is intended for an older child.
This electronic car includes a removable little girl that girls love to play with.
Always check out a Website yourself before allowing your children to play computer games, or better yet, play with your children.
Of course a Newborn Baby may not play with a lot of gifts, per se, but there are actually some wonderful toys for newborns that stimulate their eyesight and other senses.
Every time you play with your child, sing to him, and read him books, you are in essence educating him.
If toys are in bad condition and your children no longer play with them, add them to this pile.
For example, most autistic children dislike pretend play and many do not play with toys in the typical ways.
Although full-length Sesame Street episodes are not a regular feature on the Noggin lineup of shows, Play With Me Sesame is a regular show and is billed as an interactive Sesame Street program with a run time of thirty minutes.
Buster, Maya and Miguel, Arthur and the Berenstain Bears are just a few of characters who are waiting to play with your preschooler.
Play on the website allows the owner to get the animal a job, increase its skills by playing educational games, decorate its very own room, and play with others.
Kids ride-on toys are some of the most popular toys your kids will play with throughout their childhood.
Print out mazes, matching and memory games to play with your kids.
This reversible magnetic dry-erase board is perfect for kids to play with.
Do you have to read a 100 page manual in order to play with it, or can you simply pull it out of the box and go?
Every parent has purchased the latest expensive "it" toy for their child, only to have that child play with the toy for ten minutes and then toss it aside.
Girls who like to play with Barbie dolls may also have fun with the Barbie horse.
The Barbie & the Diamond Castle Horse and Carriage set is another option for girls to play with.
Then, cut out a variety of outfits for your little girl to play with as well.
The line got off to a slow start, but these dolls are a very popular choice for young girls to play with.
This doesn't need to be competitive - it can merely be fun play with no time limits and no scoring.
While the Internet has produced some new ways to play with letters, the old tried-and-true games still work.
Another very common game to play with preschoolers who have started to learn the alphabet, is any variation of "I Spy."
Don't be offended when this happens, because the feeling of getting a truly wonderful and thoughtful gift from someone who cares is something that never goes away, even if the child doesn't play with the gift itself very often or any more.
Mandy Moore plays the lead female role in the film, a young religious woman with an illness who ends up working on a play with one of the school's rougher students.
This is why young children and teenagers should never play with Ouija boards.
Get outside and play with the kids, or do some yard work.
The shoes you wear for soccer then, are just as important as the ball you play with or the team you're on.
Incorporating new shoes into your wardrobe is an easy way to experiment with new styles and play with color.
Where does it come into play with its meager one-and-a-half inches?
Do not play with your jewelry, although this may be tempting, since pulling on the jewelry may cause tearing.
The choices are endless since you've got free reign to play with colors here.
Let them play with postures as long as they want, guiding them gently to make sure they avoid injury.
Young children can be selfish, but autistic children may seem rude in that they don't want to play with other kids at all, and especially not share toys -- ever.
Imaginary play with dolls and action figures or playhouse items are rare or strictly limited.
Parents need to get down on the floor and actively teach their autistic child the "right" way to play with a toy car or boat.
Some doctors will try to engage the child in pretend play, such as asking them to play with a toy truck or use building blocks.
Encourage your child to play with other children using a variety of safe toys and games, even those not made especially for autistic children.
Just as you need to learn to hold a pencil before you can write, autistic children need to be taught very basic social skills such as how to say hello, or even play with another child without any verbal interaction.
In many cases it is playing with your child in the same manner you would play with any child, only with an autistic preschooler there is a purpose to the game.
All players are given a specific amount of "cash" to play with.
You can play with the numbers to see how these variables affect one another, and this will help you settle on your car budget.
This is a great way to start because you can finish a project quickly and are more likely to try new things and play with color and texture if you're not making a big investment in time or beads.
It's quite easy to get started quilting on a machine, and it can be a lot of fun to play with color and different kinds of fabric even without using a fancy pattern.
You can play with colors in many more ways than the color wheel suggests when you use beads that are all in the same value area, all tints, all pure colors, or all similar hues.
If you're just starting to play with color and design, you might want to experiment with a bunch of beads of different colors, shapes, and sizes and see if you can figure out which beads look best together.
Take $10 every month or so and go all out on fun things just for you to play with.
I have been meaning to do this with farrow rib, a technique I'm completely intrigued by but haven't had a change to play with yet.
Whether its silly putty, play dough or slime, these kitchen creations are a lot of fun to make and then to play with later.
This one doesn't involve any heat so even the littlest ones can help you make it and then play with it.
They love to play dress up and play with finger puppets, so you can use your crafting prowess to make them fun things to play with.
This is a good craft for the kids, because they can make the clay, play with it and wear the results!
There's more to quilting than just fabrics, though of course most quilters will tell you the reason they quilt is to get to play with fabric.
The beading mat prevents your beads from rolling around on your workspace, while the bead board makes it easy to play with the composition of your bracelet.
Animal masks can be great fun for the small children, giving them a creative outlet in the construction of an animal face, as well as hours of pretend play with their finished masterpiece.
You can make everything from roses and birds to fun toys for children to play with.
He or she will need to be able to wear the mitten to play with the puppet.
Why play with fire and risk months on the sidelines when you can get great workouts with much safer exercises like classic front squats, leg presses and leg extensions?
The rural classification comes into play with home and appliance warranties when the home is in a geographic area that is not necessarily easy to reach.
Enjoy the role play with your partner or just play-act alone.
If you're a little more on the conservative side but you want to play with red nylons anyway, go for a knee-length plaid or black skirt.
Even though it will all show anyway, it is fun to play with your length choice.
Depending on the way you will wear this bra, color is either a practical consideration or something fun to play with.
John Lennon suggested he come and play with The Plastic Ono Band, but the organizers declined.
He left the band years later to play with the Hassles.
This is a great game to play with a group of adults, as almost every generation has played it in some shape or form over the years.
Younger children would have supervised races and play with hoops while teens and adults might enjoy archery.
For children, a party is more about the opportunity to play with their friends than a chance to sit down for a large meal.
In addition, don't allow children to handle the fireworks, and monitor children closely if they play with sparklers.
Writing is a creative exercise -- you're sitting down to play with your imaginary friends and it's helpful if the outside world will just go away for a while.
The large park has biking and hiking trails and places to picnic or play with your dog.
She'll love it, with little Claire to play with.
All he ever wanted to do was play with his stupid baseball, and she'd taken it and thrown it into the forest.
I'll teach you to play with your food.
You play with people's lives every day.
Mama, I wanna play with Rhyn!
Show them what they miss, or let them play with her before you take her to your warlord, the warlord stated.
As long as Ashley didn't play with her beads anytime soon … Shit, Jessi.
He knew what a shock he would inflict on his father and mother by the news of this loss, he knew what a relief it would be to escape it all, and felt that Dolokhov knew that he could save him from all this shame and sorrow, but wanted now to play with him as a cat does with a mouse.
Early in the morning of the sixth of October Pierre went out of the shed, and on returning stopped by the door to play with a little blue- gray dog, with a long body and short bandy legs, that jumped about him.
Tho he has to play with riverboat gaming proceeds all the other.
We now play with atoms at our will in scanning tunneling microscopes linked to immersive virtual reality systems.
The former Bath scrum half was forced from the field of play with what appeared to be a shoulder of arm injury.
All times both the department shirk to play with.
Their massively green scaled bodies skulking around, looking for someone useless to play with.
Ameliana smirks in amusement Khyrl says, " Do n't play with fire, that 's a good one " Ameliana agrees wholeheartedly.