Platform Sentence Examples
Almost before I knew it, the train stopped at the Tuscumbia station, and there on the platform stood the whole family.
The platform is variously constructed.
The door cracked open, revealing a similar platform to the one that had been on the other side of the river.
This subsequently formed the first plank of the Labour platform.
It consists of a series of plateaus formed of sedimentary rocks which mainly belong to three formations of widely separated ages, and which rest on a platform of granitic and metamorphic rocks.
By the side of the niche was the pulpit (minbar), and sometimes in front of the latter a platform (dikka) raised on columns, from which chapters from the Koran were read to the people.
His commanding presence, mastery of diction, and resonant voice made him an effective platform speaker.
In the campaign Mr Taft boldly defended his course from the platform, and apparently lost few votes on account of this opposition.
Above this comes a row of circular shields, adorned with intricate arabesques, while bands and wreaths of lilies are everywhere scupltured on the windows, balconies, tambours and cornices, adding lightness to the fabric. The whole is raised on a platform 7 ft.
The attitude of Labour internationalism was maintained by Mr. Henderson out of office, and he warmly espoused the Labour policy of the latter part of 1918, to take the Labour men out of the Government and appeal for support on a Labour platform, in conjunction with the pacifist wing of the party.
AdvertisementThey are placed either on the departure side parallel to the platform (" side " stations) or at right angles to the rails and platforms (" end " stations).
On this surface of pile heads was laid a platform of two layers of squared oak beams; and on this again the foundations proper were built.
In some cases, however, as for example in the ducal palace itself, if the clay appeared sufficiently firm, the piles were dispensed with and the foundations went up directly from the oak platform which rested immediately on the clay.
Projecting from the upper platform at the centre of the chord of the semicircular area is a cube of rock, ii ft.
On the northern side Cimon completed the wall of Themistocles at both ends and added to its height; the ground behind was levelled up on this side also, the platform of the Acropolis thus receiving its present shape and dimensions.
AdvertisementThe peribolos, a large artificial platform supported by a retaining wall of squared Peiraic blocks with buttresses, was excavated in 1898 without important results; it is to be hoped that the stability of the columns has not been affected by the operations.
But while Struve, and to a less degree Plekhanov, were induced by this admission to seek an affiance with Liberal intellectuals in their struggle against Tsarism, Lenin (as he had taken to calling himself), together with Martov, Axelrod and other fiery spirits, forsook the Liberal platform and strove for a violent outbreak of a downright class war.
The Metropolitan Tabernacle, with a platform for the preacher and accommodation for 6000 persons, was opened for service on the 25th of March 1861.
The ordinary use of "hustings" at the present day for the platform from which a candidate speaks at a parliamentary or other election, or more widely for a political candidate's election campaign, is derived from the application of the word, first to the platform in the Guildhall on which the London court was held, and next to that from which the public nomination of candidates for a parliamentary election was formerly made, and from which the candidate addressed the electors.
It is situated on a platform of conglomerate rock forming a promontory at the south-west of the entrance to Loch Etive and is surrounded on three sides by the sea.
AdvertisementAs the rods make their measured strokes one of the miners, starting from the surface, steps on the first platform as it rises to the surface landing and is then lowered on the down stroke.
At the end of the stroke, when his platform comes opposite to a corresponding platform on the other rod, he steps over on to the latter during the instant of rest prior to the reversal of the stroke, descends with the second rod on this down stroke, steps again at the proper time to a platform of the first rod and so on to the bottom.
A toothed arc fixed to the revolving platform or to the live ring serves to give motion to the bridge.
Resting on a lower platform, 209 ft.
In the Democratic national convention at Chicago in 1896, during a long and heated debate with regard to the party platform, Bryan, in advocating the "plank" declaring for the free coinage of silver, of which he was the author, delivered a celebrated speech containing the passage, "You shall not press down upon the brow of labour this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."
AdvertisementThis workman stands upon a platform in front of special furnaces which, from their shape and purpose,.
The blower repeatedly heats the lower part of the mass of glass and keeps it distended by blowing while he swings it over a deep trench which is provided next to his working platform.
Midway in the mound is a platform of large bricks stamped with the names of Sargon of Akkad and his son Naram-Sin (3800 B.C.); as the debris above them is 34 ft.
Assyria in this, as in other matters, the servile pupil of Babylonia, built its palaces and temples of brick, though stone was the natural building material of the country, even preserving the brick platform, so necessary in the marshy soil of Babylonia, but little needed in the north.
They are structures of solid masonry, containing vaulted rooms for the garrison, and providing a platform at the top for two or three guns, which fire over a low masonry parapet.
In 1864 he returned to Ohio, took active part in the campaign of that year, wrote part of the National Democratic platform at Chicago, and assisted to nominate McClellan for the presidency.
In December 1890 it was the meeting-place of the National Convention of the Farmers' Alliance, which promulgated a statement of political principles generally known as the "Ocala Platform."
Scanty remains of walling and of buildings of the Roman period exist above ground; traces of a large rectangular platform were found in 1876, and part of the thermae in 1829; it occupied the summit of a hill defended by ravines, called Piano di Civita.
On the other hand, it was Tirpitz who not only conducted the practical advocacy of these schemes in the Reichstag, but also organized the service of propaganda in the German press and on the platform, putting popular pressure on the parliamentary representatives of the nation and constraining them to agree to the enormous expenditure which these schemes entailed.
When the cage arrives at the surface, or rather the platform forming the working top above the mouth of the pit, it is received upon the keeps, a pair of hinged gratings which are kept in an inclined position over the pit-top by counterbalance weights, so that they are pushed aside to allow the cage to pass upwards, but fall back and receive it when the engine is reversed.
In 1908-09 there was an unsuccessful attempt to pass in the legislature a constitutional amendment providing for state-wide prohibition; the amendment was favoured by the Democratic state platform, but the hostility of the legislature to Governor Campbell, who favoured the amendment, secured its defeat.
In Ankole and Koki rocks consisting of granular quartzite, schistose sandstone, red and brown sandstone, and shales with cleaved killas rest on the Archean platform and possibly represent the Lower Witwatersrand beds of the Transvaal.
The sangada, with its platform and sail, belonging to the Brazilian coast, is spoken of as a good seaworthy craft.
It followed that when the gun was elevated or depressed, the rack caused the pinion to revolve, and the sight was thus raised or lowered to the proper height to fulfil the conditions given above; but, as Colonel Watkin said, owing to want of level of platform and other causes it was not satisfactory.
In the navy the conditions of an unstable platform rendered quadrant elevation of little use, and necessitated a special pattern of tangent sight to facilitate firing the moment the roll of the ship brought the sights on the target.
Upon a platform which called for radical reforms in the administrative departments, the civil service, and the national finances, Cleveland was nominated for president, despite the opposition of the strong Tammany delegation from his own state.
The temple of Bacchus stood on a platform of its own formed by a southern projection of the Acropolis.
This popularity was of service to him when he appeared on the platform with a lecture - or rather with an apparently informal talk, rich in admirably delivered anecdote.
In some cases the whole construction was further steadied and strengthened by cross beams, notched into the piles below the supports of the platform.
The platform itself was usually composed of rough layers of unbarked stems, but occasionally it was formed of boards split from larger stems. When the mud was too soft to afford foothold for the piles they were mortised into a framework of tree trunks placed horizontally on the bottom of the lake.
At Niederwil the platform was formed of split boards, many of which were 2 ft.
On these substructures were the huts composing the settlement; for the peculiarity of these lake dwellings is that they were pile villages, or clusters of huts occupying a common platform.
The size of each dwelling is in some cases marked by boards resting edgeways on the platform, like the skirting boards over the flooring of the rooms in a modern house.
It is impossible to estimate with any degree of certainty the number of separate dwellings of which any of these villages may have consisted, but at Niederwil they stood almost contiguously on the platform, the space between them not exceeding 3 ft.
For erection a suspended platform was constructed on eight wire ropes, on which the chains were laid out and connected.
The girders carry a floor or platform either on top (deck bridges) or near the bottom (through bridges).
The main girders rest on the revolving platform, and the ends of the bridge are circular arcs fitting the fixed roadway.
The heads of the piles are sawn off, and a platform of timber or concrete rests on them.
The piers require to be carried above the platform, and their design must be modified according to the type of suspension bridge adopted.
Sometimes a wide space is left for navigation, and the platform at this part is carried by a timber and iron truss.
The girders of the side spans were rolled out so as to overhang the great span by 105 ft., and formed a platform from which parts of the arch could be suspended.
The ruins, in which Taylor conducted brief excavations, consist of a platform of fine sand enclosed by a sandstone wall, 20 ft.
At about half a dozen yards from the cliff, widening and becoming lower, it extends outwards into a platform, which has a slight seaward inclination, but is easy to walk upon, and for nearly ioo yds.
A gradual severance took place between him and his old chief, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, until in later years he became obsessed with the idea that Laurier's policy was fatal to the best interests of Canada and especially to Quebec. A speaker of extraordinary power and fascination, both in Parliament and on the platform, even Laurier himself could not sway the French Canadians as Bourassa could; and in spite of his extreme views he was heard with respect even in the strongholds of his opponents in Toronto.
This is the remains of the raised platform of unbaked brick, faced with baked bricks and stone, on which stood the principal palaces and temples of the city, the cone at the N.W.
Under his successors, except during the brief reign of Julian (361-363), when the effort was made to reinstate paganism in its former place of supremacy, the Church received growing support, until, under Theodosius the Great (379-395), orthodox Christianity, which stood upon the platform adopted at Nicaea in 325, was finally established as the sole official religion of the state, and heathen worship was put under the ban.
In the National Republican Convention of 1896 his influence did much to secure the adoption of the gold standard "plank" of the party's platform.
It was an octostyle, pseudo-dipteral temple of highly ornate Ionic order, built on older foundations by Hermogenes of Alabanda at the end of the 3rd century B.C. The platform has been greatly overgrown since the excavation, but many bases, capitals, and other architectural members are visible.
On the paved platform were three-storey tower temples in whose ground-floor stood the stone images and altars, and before that of the war-god the green stone of sacrifice, humped so as to bend upward the body of the victim that the priest might more easily slash open the breast with his obsidian knife, tear out the heart and hold it up before the god, while the captor and his friends were waiting below for the carcase to be tumbled down the steps for them to carry home to be cooked for the feast of victory.
Before the shrines reeking with the stench of slaughter the eternal fires were kept burning, and on the platform stood the huge drum, covered with snakes' skin, whose fearful sound was heard for miles.
A remarkable feature of the Central-American ruins is the frequency of truncated pyramids built of hewn stone, with flights of steps up to the temple built on the platform at top. The resemblance of these structures to the old descriptions and pictures of the Mexican teocallis is so striking that this name is habitually given to them.
Sennacherib restored and enlarged the northern platform now covered by the Kuyunjik mound and built his palace on the south-western portion of it.
On the adjoining platform to the south, now Nebi-Yunus, Sennacherib erected an arsenal for military supplies.
The results of the first cycle of erosion are seen in the widespread exposure of the resistant Carboniferous limestone as a broad platform in the south-western area of greater uplift through central Arizona, where the higher formations were worn away; and in the development of a series of huge, south-facing, retreating escarpments of irregular outline on the edges of the higher formations farther north.
A wonderful series of these forms occurs in southern Utah, where in passing northward from the Carboniferous platform one ascends in succession the Vermilion Cliffs (Triassic sandstones), the ViThite Cliffs (Jurassic sandstones, of remarkably cross-bedded structure, interpreted the dunes of an ancient desert), and finally the Pink Cliffs (Eocene strata of fluviatile and lacustrine origin) of the high, forested plateaus.
A group of large volcanoes occurs on the limestone platform s6uth of the Grand Canyon, culminating in Mt San Francisco (12,794 ft.), a moderately dissected cone, and associated with many more recent smaller cones and freshlooking lava flows.
But the Liberal government, to which Laurier was admitted as minister of inland revenue in 1877, made only a slight increase in duties, raising the general tariff from 15% to 171%; and against the political judgment of Alexander Mackenzie, Sir Richard Cartwright, George Brown, Laurier and other of the more influential leaders of the party, it adhered to a low tariff platform.
Five years later, with unrestricted reciprocity relegated to the background, and with a platform which demanded tariff revision so adjusted as not to endanger established interests, and which opposed the federal measure designed to restore in Manitoba the separate or Roman Catholic schools which the provincial government had abolished, Laurier carried the country, and in July 1896 he was called by Lord Aberdeen, then governor-general, to form a government.
The Democrats adopted a platform declaring in favour of indefinitely enlarging the volume of the irredeemable paper currency which the Civil War had left behind it.
During the agitation over the introduction of slavery into the territory acquired from Mexico, Yancey induced the Democratic State Convention of 1848 to adopt what is known as the "Alabama Platform," which declared in substance that neither Congress nor the government of a territory had the right to interfere with slavery in a territory, that those who held opposite views were not Democrats, and that the Democrats of Alabama would not support a candidate for the presidency if he did not agree with them on these questions.
This platform was endorsed by conventions in Florida and Virginia and by the legislatures of Georgia and Alabama.
The "Unionists" were successful in the elections of 1851 and 1852, but the feeling of uncertainty engendered in the south by the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill and the course of the slavery agitation after 1852 led the State Democratic convention of 1856 to revive the "Alabama Platform"; and when the "Alabama Platform" failed to secure the formal approval of the Democratic National convention at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1860, the Alabama delegates, followed by those of the other cotton "states," withdrew.
Popular opinion at first opposed the Compromise of 1850, and some politicians demanded immediate secession from the Union; and the legislature had approved the Alabama Platform of 1848.
Such an instrument consists of a triangular prism set with its refracting edge vertical on a rigid platform attached to a massive stand.
Throughout 1879 and 1880 Itagaki's followers evinced no little skill in employing the weapons of local association, public meetings and platform tours, and in November 1881 the first genuine political party was formed in Japan under the name of Jiyu-15, with Itagaki for declared leader.
It consists of a heavy cast-iron platform (a) mounted on four steel balls (b) which run in V guides of hardened steel.
The platform carries the two slits, the collimator and camera objectives and the prism-train.
Julian of Indiana, were nominated for the presidency and the vice-presidency respectively, on a platform which declared slavery "a sin against God and a crime against man," denounced the Compromise Measures of 1850,1850, the fugitive slave law in particular, and again opposed the extension of slavery in the Territories.
On his return he took a curacy at Bath, and was speedily appointed to the Octagon Chapel, where his fame both as preacher and platform speaker continued to spread.
The Republican national convention, which made "No Extension of Slavery" the essential part of the party platform, met at Chicago on the 16th of May 1860.
In 1841 he abandoned the Whig party, with which he had previously been affiliated, and for seven years was the undisputed leader of the Liberty party in Ohio; he was remarkably skilful in drafting platforms and addresses, and it was he who prepared the national Liberty platform of 1843 and the Liberty address of 1845.
He drafted the famous Free-Soil platform, and it was largely through his influence that Van Buren was nominated for the presidency.
The Nationalists therefore stormed the platform, and the president and ministers had to fly into their private rooms to escape personal violence, until the Czechs came to their rescue, and by superiority in numbers and physical strength severely punished Herr Wolf and his friends.
The next day, at the beginning of the sitting, the Socialists rushed on the platform, tore up and destroyed all the papers lying there, seized the president, and held him against the wall.
Cretaceous rocks occur around the basalt platform of the Cameroon mountain and generally along the coastal belt.
Among the speakers were Cobden and Bright, and the dinner is memorable as the first occasion on which the two future leaders appeared together on a Free Trade platform.
A more satisfactory arrangement is one where the body to be overturned is placed upon a platform which exaggerates the movements of the ground.
The elevated platform in the west of the district is comparatively cool, being 2000 ft.
Seward; he was on the commi ttee which drew up the platform and served on the committee which announced his nomination to Abraham Lincoln.
Gratz Brown governor; and in 1872 he presided over the Liberal Republican convention which nominated Horace Greeley for the presidency (Schurz's own choice was Charles Francis Adams or Lyman Trumbull) and which did not in its platform represent Schurz's views on the tariff, but Greeley's.
The excavators began by driving a level platform from the river bank towards the acropolis on the line of the two columns.
An instructive example of the similar destruction of a much younger platform is to be found in the terraced plateaus of Skye, Eigg, Canna, Muck, Mull and Morven, which are portions of what was probably originally a continuous plain of basalt.
At Haibak there is a very perfect excavation called the Takht-iRustam (a general name for all incomprehensible constructions amongst the modern inhabitants of Afghan Turkestan), which consists of an annular ditch enclosing a platform, with a small house about 21 ft.
On the uppermost terrace, defined by the great Cyclopean supporting wall, exactly as described by Pausanias, the excavations revealed a layer of ashes and charred wood, below which were found numerous objects of earliest date, together with some remains of the walls resting on a polygonal platform - all forming part of the earliest temple.
For the great refractor more recently erected at Potsdam, Messrs Repsold arranged a large platform mounted on a framework which is moved in azimuth by the dome, so that the observer on the platform is always opposite the dome-opening.
This framework is provided with guides on which the platform, whilst preserving its horizontality, is V the observer has to follow the eye-end in a comparatively small circle; another good point is the flattening of the cast-iron centrepiece of the tube so that the flange of the declination axis is attached as near to the axis of the telescope tube as is consistent with free passage of the cone of rays from the object-glass.
A new feature in this instrument is the platform at the lower end of the polar axis, where an assistant can view the hour circle by one eyeFIG.
The rotation of the dome, and p _z with it the platform-framework, is accomplished s by means of electric motors, as also is the raising and lowering of the platform on its = =_ framework.
The current is supplied by accumulators, and the switch-board is ^ q attached to the platform in a position convenient for use by the astronome his assistant.
But a floor, however heavy, suspended by three wire ropes and properly balanced over large, well-mounted pulleys, requires an amount of energy to work it which does not exceed that required to operate a platform of moderate dimensions, and there is a freedom, a safety and a facility of working with a complete floor which no partial platform can give.
A floor can be most satisfactorily operated by hydraulic means, a platform cannot be so well worked in this way.
In Lassell's instrument (a reflector of the Newtonian type) the observer is mounted in the open air on a supplementary tower capable of motion in any azimuth about the centre of motion of the telescope, whilst an observing platform can be raised and lowered on the side of the tower.
In the Lutherplatz rises the imposing Luther monument (unveiled in 1868), on a platform 48 ft.
In the centre the colossal statue of Luther rises, on a pedestal at the base of which are sitting figures of Peter Waldo, Wycliffe, Hus and Savonarola, the heralds of the Reformation; at the corners of the platform, on lower pedestals, are statues of Luther's contemporaries, Melanchthon, Reuchlin, Philip of Hesse, and Frederick the Wise of Saxony, between which are allegorical figures of Magdeburg (mourning), Spires (protesting) and Augsburg (confessing).
The shrine at this time stood on a raised platform and apparently contained, as a characteristic feature, an artificial mountain or peak, a so-called ziggurat, the precise shape and size of which we are, however, unable to determine.
He left his party strong, perfectly organized and enthusiastic on a platform of low expenditure, payment of the debt, no expenditure for public improvement or for glory or display in any form and low taxes.
In 1840 and in 1858 he was a candidate for the governorship of New York on an anti-slavery platform.
In the main we mean by it the recovery of freedom for the human spirit after a long period of bondage to oppressive ecclesiastical and political orthodoxy - a return to the liberal and practical conceptions of the world which the nations of antiquity had enjoyed, but upon a new and enlarged platform.
He describes the ruins as consisting of a low, circular platform, about 42 m.
On the top of the hill is a small round platform containing a cavern, with a block of granite, bearing the impression of the feet of Data-Bhrigu, an incarnation of Vishnu.
He was a born fighter, and carried the fire and eloquence he showed on the platform and in the pulpit into journalism.
About half its pavement, parts of the cella walls and of three columns of the peristyle, and the foundations of nearly all the platform, are still in position.
The platform was once more raised to a higher level, some 7 ft.
With the Cambridge Platform of 1646, drafted by his father, the Confession of 1680, for which Increase Mather was largely responsible, was printed as a book of doctrine and government for the churches of Massachusetts.
On a large platform rose seven solid terraces, each smaller than the one below it, the lowest being 272 ft.
On a marble platform rises a marble pavilion, the flat-coned roof of which is supported on a double row of marble pillars.
In the centre stands a platform about 20 ft.
The convention adjourned without adopting any " platform " of principles, the party shrewdly deciding to make its campaign merely on the issue of whether the Van Buren administration should be continued in power and thus to take full advantage of the popular discontent with the administration, to which was attributed the responsibility for the panic of 1837 and the subsequent business depression.
The speech seemed likely to divide the audience, when Wendell Phillips took the platform.
Accepting unhesitatingly the leadership of Garrison, and becoming like him gradually a disunionist, he lived essentially a platform life, interested in a variety of subjects, but first and chiefly an abolitionist.
He may be said to have introduced the direct and colloquial manner upon the American public platform, as distinct from the highly elaborated and often ornate style which had been established by Edward Everett; nor has there ever been a reversion since his day to the more artificial method.
Through this arch Sikandar Adil Shah, the last king of Bijapur, was brought bound with silver chains, while on a raised platform sat Aurangzeb, the Mogul emperor, who had left Delhi three years previously to conquer the Deccan.
Both parties had attempted to avoid the burning slavery issue, - the Whigs by adopting no platform whatever and the Democrats by trusting to the well-known views of their candidate, but the political leaders in Congress could not escape the many definite questions preserited by the possession of the territory newly acquired from Mexico.
Pye, brought him under further suspicion, and his revival of the powers of convocation lessened his influence at court; but his unfailing tact and wide sympathies, his marvellous energy in church organization, the magnetism of his personality, and his eloquence both on the platform and in the pulpit, gradually won for him recognition as without a rival on the episcopal bench.
A great submarine platform extends throughout a large part of Bering Sea.
For more than a generation he went about the country lecturing in cities, towns and villages, before learned societies, rustic lyceums and colleges; and there was no man on the platform in America who excelled him in distinction, in authority, or in stimulating eloquence.
In the southern part of the state the high plateaus are terminated by a series of giant terraces which descend to the general level of the Grand Canyon Platform in northern Arizona.
McClellan was never again ordered to active command, and the political elements opposed to the general policy of Lincoln's administration chose him as presidential candidate in 1864, on a platform which denounced the war as a failure and proposed negotiating with the South for peace.
McClellan, while accepting his candidacy, repudiated the platform, like a soldier and patriot.
Ascension is a volcanic mass erected on a submarine platform.
He became a member of the Society of Political Economy, helped to found La Revista, and took a prominent part in propagating Free Trade doctrines in the press and on the platform.
The situation of the church, within five minutes' walk of the chief ferry to New York, the stalwart character of the man who had organized it, and the peculiar eloquence of Beecher, combined to make the pulpit a national platform.
She interceded in 1331 with the king for some carpenters whose careless work on a platform resulted in an accident to herself and her ladies, and on 'a more famous occasion her prayers saved the citizens of Calais from Edward's vengeance.
He immediately became one of the most eagerly sought orators for the lyceum and college platform.
His lofty themes and stately eloquence made a profound impression, especially upon young men; his platform presence was imposing, for he was six feet and four inches in height and of massive frame; his voice was clear and of great power; his gestures unconventional and individual, but vigorous and impressive.
Sumner thus stepped from the lecture platform to the Senate, with no preliminary training.
Sala is an elevated platform surmounted by a triple arch, and approached by a flight of steps.
Merwa is a similar platform, formerly covered with a single arch, on the opposite side of the valley.
In some cases, as, for example, when a high earthen embankment crosses a gorge, and there is plenty of stone to be had, it is desirable to place the outer bank upon a toe or platform of rubble stonework, as in fig.
Unequal-armed balances may be divided into (I) balances consisting of a single steelyard; (2) balances formed by combinations of unequal-armed levers and steelyards, such as platform machines, weighbridges, &c.
The automatic personal weighing machine found at most railway stations operates by means of a steelyard carrying a fixed weight on its long arm, the load on the platform being inferred from the position of the steelyard.
The toothed segment, C, actuates the pinion, F, which carries the finger, G, and this finger remains fixed in position so long as the person is standing on the platform.
The box, I, has a hinged bottom with a projecting click finger which, as the box de - scends, plays idly over the staves of a ladder arc. When the weight is removed from the platform, the counterbalance, E, causes the finger, G, to run back to its zero position, carrying with it the finger M, and causing the click finger of the box, I, to trip open the bottom of the box and let the penny fall out.
They are also used as trade computing machines, as in the case of the machine made by the Computing Scale Company, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. In this machine the goods to be priced are placed on the platform of a small platform machine whose steelyard is adjusted to balance exactly the weight of the platform, levers and connexions.
The rod which transmits the pull of the long body lever of the platform machine to the knifeedge at the end of the short arm of the steelyard is continued up - wards, and by a simple mechanical arrangement transmits to an upper steelyard any additional pull of the long body lever due to the weight of goods placed on the platform.
This upper steelyard is arranged as in fig 9, where A is the point where the pull of the long body lever due to the weight of the goods on the platform comes upon the steelyard; C is the fulcrum of the steelyard, which with the steelyard can be slid to and fro on the frame of the machine; and Q 8 s frl FIG.
The steelyard is exactly in balance when there is no weight on the platform and Q is at the zero end of its run, at 0.
Then the number p X q represents the total value of the goods on the platform.
Thus to ascertain the value of goods on the platform of unknown weight at a given price per lb, it is only necessary to slide the steelyard till the weight acts at the division which represents the price per lb, and then to move the poise Q till the steelyard is in balance; the number of the division which defines the position of the poise Q will indicate the sum to be paid for the goods.
The platform and the load upon it are carried on four knife-edges, two of which, x 1 and x 2, are shown, and the load is transferred to the steelyard by the two levers shown, the upper one CD being known as the long body," and the lower, one EF as the " short body."
Platform machines, like steelyards, may be arranged either on the " accelerating " principle or on the " vibrating " principle.
It is very important that platform machines should be truly level.
When a platform machine is in true adjustment, and the loose weights which are intended to be hung at the end of the steelyard are correct and consistent among themselves, a good and new machine, whose capacity is 4 cwt., should not show a greater error than 4 oz.
Platform machines are slightly affected by changes of temperature.
When the poises have been adjusted to weigh a load on the platform the punch is operated by a strong pull, and the impression of the raised figures is left on the card.
When the goods to be weighed are very heavy, portable weigh - bridges or platform machines are inapplicable and it is necessary to erect the weighbridge on a solid foundation.
Some weigh - bridges are arranged in a manner similar to that of the platform machines already described, but having the long body lever turned askew, so that the end of it projects considerably beyond the side of the weighbridge casing, and the pillar and steelyard which receive its pull are clear of the wagon on the platform.
The casing is fixed in supports on the top of a strong frame, which also carries a small platform machine of ordinary construction on which the goods to be weighed are placed.
By this means the zero of the scale on the drum can be adjusted to the fixed index on the casing when there are no goods on the platform.
To deaden the vibration of the springs after a load has been placed on the platform, and thus to enable the weights and values of the goods to be read rapidly, the piston of a glycerin cylinder is attached to the end of the lever which pulls upon the hook of the horizontal bar and is worked by it in the glycerin.
The trucks or other receptacles containing the coal, &c., are drawn upon the platform of the machine, and the pull of the load is transferred by a vertical rod at the left-hand end of the machine to the knife-edge on the short arm of the steelyard, whose fulcrum is carried on bearings in the frame.
By the first part of this drop the movement of the poise is suddenly stopped, as will be explained below, and the travel of the poise along the steelyard, which measures the load on the platform, is recorded by the amount of rotation of the large spur wheel, and this is suitably shown on a dial in connexion with the wheel.
When the poise is at the zero end, and there is no load on the platform, the end of the steelyard is down, and has locked the ratchet wheel by means of the pawl; the shaft being thus locked, the sprocket wheels are stopped, the drum-shaft runs free by the friction clutch, and the two pulleys which are connected by the crossed band are running idle.
When the load to be weighed comes upon the platform, the end of the steelyard rises and unlocks the ratchet wheel through the pawl; the sprocket gearing is driven by the friction clutch, and drives the axle of the left-hand small pulley.
It consists of a platform which is carried by levers arranged in the manner of an ordinary platform machine, which are connected with the registration mechanism by a vertical rod.
When the load comes upon the platform the pull of the vertical rod is transmitted by the nickel bands to the cylinders around which they are wrapped, and causes them to revolve.
The corallites are connected at intervals by horizontal platforms containing solenia, and at the level of each platform the cavity of the corallite is divided by a transverse calcareous partition, either flat or cup-shaped, called a tabula.
In 1778 he became president of Yale College and professor of ecclesiastical history there, having insisted that no theological statement be required of him except assent to the Saybrook platform of 1708; in 1780--1782 he was professor of divinity, and he lectured besides on astronomy and philosophy.
The last-mentioned stood on a platform (irp60vacs) measuring 125 ft.
Women were excluded from the platform.
Geologically it belongs to Africa, beingsituated on the edge of the submarine platform which extends along the east coast of Tunisia, from which (at Mahadia) it is 90 m.
In 1865 the National Unitarian Conference was organized, and adopted a distinctly Christian platform„ affirming that its members were "disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ."
In the centre stands the palace, a group of wooden buildings, many of them highly carved and gilt, resting on a brick platform 900 ft.
His impetuous oratory, popular on the platform, was less adapted to the halls of legislation.
Schliemann, thinking it was only a platform levelled as a place of Achaean assembly, paused, and did not resume till November.
The spirit is supposed not to leave the body immediately, and a corpse is either buried for a time, and then disinterred and the bones cleaned and deposited in or near the deceased's dwelling or in some distant cave; or the body is exposed on a platform or dried over a fire, and the mummy kept for a few years.
In 1860 in the Democratic national convention in Charleston the adoption of Douglas's platform brought about the withdrawal from the convention of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, Florida, Texas and Arkansas.
The Flag Battery is the "platform before the castle" where the ghost appears in Hamlet.
It stands on a platform forming an irregular triangle with sides about 3000 ft.
At the commencement of the year 1871 the national party was organized in Quebec, and Mercier supported the candidates of the party on the platform.
The custom by which neighbouring churches sought mutual aid and advice, prepared the way for the Presbyterian system of church government, which was established by an ecclesiastical assembly held at Saybrook in 1708, the church constitution there framed being known as the " Saybrook Platform."
In 1912 he had a large part in the making of the Republican platform.
Contemporary dance is not blessed with a plethora of media coverage on any platform.
The Series 60 Platform is the world's most widely adopted smartphone platform, with millions of devices already in use.
He witnessed the aftermath of the bomb explosion at platform level on the Central Line Bank Station.
We went out onto a platform overlooking the arena directly.
The arrival of the internet platform does introduce regulatory asymmetry.
All material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors.
In my view it's best never to give bigots who preach hatred against a minority a platform anywhere, whatever the reason.
These have brought together bilateral trading on a telephone market into a unified trading platform.
This will give a legal platform to bring a claim for breach of covenant or breach of covenant or breach of confidence.
Just beyond and to the right is an odd structure, a low brick wall surrounding a raised earth platform.
Near the middle of the platform, the skiff was half set in the ship's hull, making a slight bulge.
Crystal palace Bowl, known locally as ' the skip ', steel platform cantilever over lake, designed by Ian Ritchie.
The remains are now no more than a triangular building platform, with a sand stone arch leading into a vaulted cellar.
Silurian Surveys The HWDT research vessel Silurian is the perfect platform from which to study Hebridean cetaceans.
The aircraft cockpit lies within a short distance of the 9m platform.
Michelle is a regular media commentator on consumer trends and an experienced platform speaker.
I made my way to the central companionway, which led to the platform.
In the debate, comrade Mc Shane said Red platform comrades were not sectarian.
In the foreground is the original prefabricated concrete of 1935, whilst beyond the footbridge is the platform extension of 1955.
This occurred concurrent with platform lengthening at the station's eastern end, allowing the station to accommodate twelve-vehicle electric formations.
It was very dark and the platform was full of army conscripts.
The thick brambles cling to the site of the YMCA halt platform, a wooden contraption which has left absolutely no trace behind.
Since then the Station has been sympathetically converted, retaining such features as its ticket office and platform.
Viewed from the end of platform 2, the remains of the yard and trailing crossover can once more be seen.
In the same decade the Southern Railroad rebuilt the station platform sides with the then customary prefabricated concrete.
The addition of a cross platform batch processing system and a meta data architecture greatly simplifies system integration.
The first truly mobile solution to bring you all the benefits of digital dictation, combined with Microsoft's new Pocket PC platform.
There is a permanent way display on the down platform, including a section of Broad Gage balk road.
There was another platform, connected by a drawbridge, but this has long since been removed.
An aerial platform was used to gain access to the top of the bagging plant stacks and the high level extraction ductwork.
Gates at end of platform insufficient to allow rapid egress of passengers.
Struck by the loader bucket if the access platform is within the working radius of the loading machine (for 360 degree excavators ).
At present the strings that hold the pouches in place have used small eyelets bolted to the platform.
Within the Zone 6 glauconitic facies of the platform there is evidence for at least two periods of non-deposition.
This abiding fascination gives us a unique platform from which to contribute to commercial architecture.
A bay line formerly used the platform face which is now sectioned off with the blue palisade fencing, on the right.
By the way it is there due to a broken fishplate near the end of the platform.
The first clue is that Tula flakes may show one or more unresolved ring cracks present on the striking platform.
The station building and main car park are accessed via the enclosed footbridge on the northbound platform.
It is the only full-fledged word processor for the Palm platform, very powerful, and syncs flawlessly with M$ Word.
A platform which stands a few feet above napalm, torture, exploitation, poison gas, nuclear bombs, the works.
Four years later, running on a platform of maximum resistance to federal attempts to end segregation in Alabama, Wallace won the governorship.
Coming off the slightly grimy platform at Manchester Picadilly I was most impressed by the rest of the station.
We saw a flock of 24 slender-billed gulls in a pool on the beach next to the platform.
The nearside has a platform / aluminum access steps and stainless steel handrails which extend round the platform.
By contrast, the other early evening event provided a platform for three media heavyweights to offer an irreverent view of the year.
We climbed the roughly hewn stone steps that led to the elevated platform of the temple under the feeble light from an overcast sky.
For the reticent, ruminative Tolkien, Williams's platform manner is perhaps rather too histrionic.
By using this type of driver, you therefore sacrifice the platform independence of JDBC.
On the one side you have relative mediocre Java based games, struggling with the phone platform and yielding sometimes awful results.
Secondly, I decided to make the kilt my platform dress " .
Fishermen were standing on the platform of one boat with long electric lances which kill the fish instantly.
Vote only for candidates who put individual liberty high on their platform of beliefs.
Wheelchair Access The entrance to Open Eye Gallery is above street level but is fitted with an external vertical platform lift.
It seems too macabre to suggest that she was a mourner at another funeral, stricken down suddenly on the platform and promptly buried!
You can climb the mast to a ' crows nest ', or swim from the stern marina platform.
On the platform, between belches, the swirling mist clears a little to reveal a Home Guard leader.
At the west end of this platform was a conical mound with a flattened top, 18 to 20 feet high.
For example, the platform (by itself) would make a functionally useless mousetrap, but it might make a great paperweight.
But it is enough to assume that Thermidor is accomplished for the very bases of the Oppositional platform to become nonsensical.
He rejected any notion that the Red Platform is ' the problem ' in the CPGB.
By this time a number of interested onlookers had gathered on the platform.
Because it was developed independently from the Windows desktop os, it bears few similarities to the platform.
Overtopping device An overtopping device An overtopping device uses the same principles as traditional hydropower plants in an offshore platform.
In the drawing you can see the fighting platform protected by a wooden palisade.
Indeed, Mr Mackay seemed to be on very pally terms with all the key players on the platform.
On the top platform, holes in the edge suggest columns for a wooden pavilion.
The cut-over peat extends westward into the second area developed on the flatter Lough Fea platform.
Three ponds were de-silted last year and a dipping platform build on the largest one.
Your Oklahoma LLC creates the legal platform for establishing an operating presence in the state of Oklahoma.
It aims to tackle the needs of the UK's science, engineering and technology industry and to create a unified platform and voice.
The fire service were alerted to the blaze at 4.45pm and three pumps attended along with the services hydraulic platform and an ambulance.
The pontoon thus firmly founded, the dredging gear would work from a stable platform.
Artist promotion via this digital platform gave previously unknown artists a voice.
We have a state-of-the-art Content Management solution that is built on the latest Microsoft .net platform.
Next we came across Raffi and Anthea, asleep in front of the viewing platform.
Compaq Insight Manager uses agent technology to manage and monitor the health of all hardware components within the Compaq hardware platform environment.
Abbey wanted to prove a grid computing platform in a risk-free, non-production environment.
The bay platform at Acton Town remains, without track.
Many large ISVs, including Novell and IBM, are either developing new tools or porting already proven tools to the Linux platform.
There is a rather ramshackle affair about twenty yards away at platform 3b that no one seems to own.
He used this rather prestigious platform with considerable shrewdness a skill for which he is rightly renowned.
It provides an extremely rigid 700 x 600 mm platform.
This Strategy includes the publication of guidance and technical documents, the results from pilot river basin management schemes and an information exchange platform.
Take for example the all alloy pedals with inset non-slip rubber which provide a perfect platform for all types of shoe.
Platform Access 40mm diameter wooden rungs, Rock climbing face.
This drawing shows a platform with two converging sewage channels running parallel to the rock scarp.
In the debate, comrade Mc Shane said Red Platform comrades were not sectarian.
The second model will be a family sedan based on the same platform.
Specifying Fonts on Win32 Platform There are three default serif fonts available on an English language Win32 platform.
This allows shippers to perform standardized shipment transactions, over a common platform, with all the participating carriers.
The long rolling stock siding terminated at the eastern end of the platform seen on the left.
On either side of the island platform a number of freight sidings were available, including a shed on the west pier.
Goods facilities were withdrawn on 18th April 1964, which allowed any future platform extension southwards, to proceed.
Girls will sell souvenirs, possibly on the platform.
The longest platform faces under the trainshed spans are Nos. 8 and 9, which reach an impressive 1200 foot.
Without specifying the nature of the platform, costs are inevitably speculative.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian spoonbills.
There was me standing on a rotten wooden platform 20 ft above a concrete floor sweeping up bird crap and really stinking wet grain.
In addition piles were driven for a temporary working platform to support a tower crane for Dean & Dyball to build the superstructure.
Agreement builds on success of scrapie susceptibility testing on MassARRAY platform.
Technical highlights included Hydropneumatic suspension and an all new platform - later used by Peugeot.
Biofuels technology platform launched The European Technology Platform for Biofuels was officially launched at a conference on 8 June 2006 in Brussels.
The Alvis platform is capable of traversing very rough terrain, but can become unstable when its end effector adopts certain configurations.
The LDA system allows up to two trains to be cleaned at the same time on either side of the platform to maximize throughput.
Independent of any trading platform or settlement organization, LCH is the leading central counterparty in the European time zone.
The latter has proved to be a useful platform for a variety of different bodies, including tippers and dropsides.
MindOnSite " The 100% web-based MindOnSite (MOS) platform is the complete toolbox for online training (SCORM 1.2 ).
So why did Apple who always famously touted the PowerPC platform make the switch to Intel architecture?
The platform that will carry the towpath can be seen.
The walk-thru transom leads to an extended bathing platform with swim ladder and transom shower.
Despite this, the first coiled tubing well was drilled from the Gannet platform in early 2004.
It also expanded coverage of the Intent platform, providing programming tutorials for Amiga users.
Calder will operate using a normally unmanned platform which can be accessed by maintenance crews via helicopter.
The enthusiastic group transformed the Station by painting and cleaning the platform area and taming the garden to maintain the upkeep of the railroad.
This approach would typically utilize a high assurance operating system as the platform for the DBMS.
A rectangular flat-roofed canopy extended from the building, over the platform, and demonstrated an intricate pointed valance (see Plumstead ).
The newlimit value must be a positive integer between 1 and the maximum value of a non-long integer on the platform.
This platform has continued to be developed into a more fully featured virtual learning environment (VLE ).
Is it just a platform for political wannabes to show off?
WiLiBOX ports embedded wireless operating system on popular Gateworks Avila Platform.
In the election of 1852 Seward supported General Winfield Scott, but not his party platform, because it declared the Compromise of 1850 a finality.
For a time the propaganda had very little success, because the uneducated peasants and factory workers could not understand the phraseology and abstract principles of socialism; but when the propagandists descended to a lower platform and spread rumours that the tsar had given all the land to the peasants, and was prevented by the proprietors and officials from carrying out his benevolent intentions, there was a serious danger of agrarian disorders, and energetic measures were adopted by the authorities.
Where heavy suburban traffic has to be dealt with, the expedient is occasionally adopted of taking some of the lines round the end in a continuous loop, so that incoming trains can deposit their passengers at an underground platform and immediately proceed on their outward journey.
Sessions of Chicago in November 1887, covered a housing in combination with a vertical metallic plate frame of the general contour of the central passage-way, which projected slightly beyond the line of the couplings and was held out by horizontal springs top and bottom, being connected with the platform housing by flexible connexions at the top and sides and by sliding plates below.
As a means of asserting their views effectively, the citizens, irrespective of party, organized local silver clubs, and these eventually led to the formation of the Silver party of Nevada, which drafted a " platform " and nominated a state ticket and presidential electors who were instructed to support the Populist national ticket.
The adoption of this platform was accompanied by a party reorganization, those who approved it organizing the Constitutional Union party, and those who disapproved, mostly Democrats, organizing the Southern Rights party; the approval in other states of the Georgia Platform in preference to the Alabama Platform (see Alabama) caused a reaction in the South against secession.
At the national convention held in Buffalo, N.Y., on the 9th and Toth of August 1848, they secured the nomination to the presidency of exPresident Martin Van Buren, who had failed to secure nomination by the Democrats in 1844 because of his opposition to the annexation of Texas, and of Charles Francis Adams, of Massachusetts, for the vice-presidency, taking as their "platform" a Declaration that Congress, having "no more power to make a slave than to make a king," was bound to restrict slavery to the slave states, and concluding, "we inscribe on our banner `Free Soil, Free Speech,Free Labor and Free Man,' and under it we will fight on and fight ever, until a triumphant victory shall reward our exertions."
At first they curve upwards at an angle of 54 0; then they gradually become straighter, until they unite in a single shaft rather more than half-way up. The first platform, at a height of 57 metres, has an area of 5860 sq.
William Jennings Bryan, renominated by the Democratic party in July (and in May by the Fusion People's party) on a free silver platform, declared that imperialism was the "paramount issue" and made a second vigorous campaign; and the opposition to McKinley's re-election, whether based on opposition to his economic or to his foreign policy, was not entirely outside of his own party.
Thus, if the poise be at the zero end of the steelyard at the left-hand side of the machine, when the load comes upon the platform the screwed shaft carries the poise along the steelyard till equilibrium is established, and the end of the steelyard drops.
He took an active share in the Oregon controversy, asserting his unalterable determination, in spite of President Polk's faltering from the declaration of his party's platform, not to " yield up one inch " of the territory to Great Britain, and advocating its occupation by a military force; indeed he consistently regarded Great Britain as the natural and foremost rival of the United States, the interests of the two nations, he thought, being always opposed, and few senators fought more vigorously the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty or Great Britain's reassertion of the right of search on the high seas.
It is a solid stupa of brick, in the form of a cone, raised over a relic chamber; and the place of worship is the surrounding platform with a perimeter of nearly 1400 ft.
So the horse gave a groan, flopped its four wings all together, and flew away from the platform.
In 58 BC, Clodius Pulcher ran on a "free grain for the poor" platform as he tried to become tribune.
I walked down to the key platform in bare feet, the wood feeling comfortable on my soles, for some strange reason.
Carole Regan then read extracts from a statement by the anti-Zionist rabbis present on the platform.
This intelligence gathering platform operates in a racetrack pattern behind the FLOT; it can track targets forward of the FLOT.
A remembrance service was held on the platform on the Sunday.
The board has been taking firm action to reposition the company to provide a sound platform for further growth.
Located on the upper part of the platform of the 30s subunit, where it bridges several disparate rna helices of the 16s rrna.
A scaffold platform has been built over the shop side of the concourse to allow glazing of the first section of the canopy.
Linux provides the lowest cost, most stable, scalable platform for hosting.
The first model will be a large sedan based on the Rover 75 platform.
He advanced over the platform, not seeming to notice my presence.
Remember to use the proper path string separator character for your platform.
At the western end of this platform was the signal box, opened in about 1892 to the SER 's in-house design.
Gallagher writes perfect pop songs, offering a platform for his brother Liam 's brash, snarling vocals.
On the east side of the station adjacent to the southbound platform was an Inn that still stands today.
Walking further round the track we climbed another platform to watch over two hundred feeding Eurasian Spoonbills.
This was another reason for trying to standardize on a limited set of hardware platform configurations.
He has even dealt with the station bay platform track bed.
The geometry of the ZT 's MacPherson strut front suspension has been tuned to the requirements of the new chassis platform.
The European stage is the platform for economic reform to begin taming the beast of global capitalism.
Biofuels Technology Platform launched The European Technology Platform for Biofuels was officially launched at a conference on 8 June 2006 in Brussels.
The combined platform will surpass internet telephony company Skype, which currently boasts a user base of around 100 million.
Gamma Ray Imaging Platform (GRIP) A balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope made by a group at the California Institute of Technology.
The tenoning platform is simple to make, and you will be able to screw one together in just a few minutes.
The first set of sidings were sandwiched in-between the level crossing and platform, complete with a five ton crane.
MindOnSite The 100% web-based MindOnSite (MOS) platform is the complete toolbox for online training (SCORM 1.2).
Yes/No From a platform Can you do the work from a mobile elevated work platform (MEWP) or tower scaffold?
We custom develop systems using our award winning e-commerce platform to allow customers to transact successfully and securely online.
A standard transom door gives access to the optional bathing platform.
A computer failure in the transportation infrastructure goes beyond its immediate platform.
Large trapdoor opening for ease of access to platform.
To the west of the platforms are a trio of sidings which are situated on a gradual gradient, relative to the platform lines.
The platform itself also showed signs of many years of disuse, with tufts of grass growing from cracks.
The area around the viewing platform is usually busy with the extended main stage audience.
This platform has continued to be developed into a more fully featured virtual learning environment (VLE).
November, 6.00 pm, a few low wattage platform lamps only add to the gloom.
Leading off the second platform is a wooden climbing ramp with rope, with the fourth platform leading to the green 3m wavy slide.
The sheltered part of the westbound platform, still very visible from passing trains.
Whoosh under the sea to Lille, walk across the platform and whoosh off to the sunny south.
The seated president sat on the front platform at the graduation ceremony.
Large companies do large product launches, and that is appropriate because they have the money, the platform, prior testing and the momentum.
The company is responding to a growing market by developing new platform technologies that help to improve the health and wellness of children and mothers.
You'll find a lot of standing mowers (where you stand on a platform at the rear of the tractor) are like this.
Started in 1996, Bizrate is an early leader in the online comparison shopping landscape with the launch of the first-ever online customer ratings platform.
Cat trees range in price from $40.00 for smaller models with a single platform to several hundred dollars for models offering all the features your feline friend could ever want.While shopping for furniture, keep your kitty's size in mind.
It is good to have a platform that all of the legs attach to for stability.
The first session gives both parties a neutral platform to discuss why they're seeking peaceful divorce mediation.
If you browse through it, you can find bedroom furniture such as end tables, chairs, desks and platform beds.
Some have metal frames that unfold to the same height as the sofa seating platform.
Free platform bed plans are available online for a variety of bed styles and designs.
A popular type of bed, the platform bed, does not use a box spring to support the mattress.
Since there is no box spring under the mattress, platform beds are lower in height and provide users with firm support.
Platform beds are very popular in Europe and are often referred to as European beds.
It is common for platform beds to be raised to allow for storage space underneath.
The Internet provides many websites that offer free plans for building a platform bed.
The following websites offer free plans for platform beds.
In addition to selling a wide range of platform beds, Best Platform Beds also provides free plans and assembly instructions for customers that want to build their own platform bed.
Best Platform Beds also has a YouTube video showing the techniques of building a bed and it maintains a platform bed forum.
On the forum, members can post information about their platform bed building experiences and share their plans with the other forum members.
Workbench Magazine provides free platform bed cutting diagrams to download and print.
Blogger John of My Family Loves It shares his plans of the platform bed he built.
Building a platform bed out of a series of plywood cubes is a simple DIY project that is described in an article on the Popular Mechanics website.
Once the individual cubes are built, they are attached together, forming the base of the platform bed.
Instructables provides instructions for building a very inexpensive simple slat platform bed.
Daniel Webb shares his free platform bed plans that he used to build his bed.
If you love do it yourself projects and are in the market for a new bed, have a look at the many free platform bed plans offered on the Internet.
With basic building skills, the proper tools and the right instructions to build a bed platform, you can build a bed that is low cost, attractive and will last a long time.
A platform bed is a popular style that is fairly simple to build.
The basic bed is made up of a supporting frame and a horizontal platform that is supported by the frame.
The mattress is usually placed directly on top of the horizontal platform eliminating the need for a box spring.
Since the mattress is set on the hard surface of the frame, platform beds generally provide firm support for your back.
The following are very simple and basic instructions for building a bed platform.
If you do not have a mattress decide on the size of the bed platform you want to build.
Predrill holes into the top platform and use wood screws to attach the platform to the frame.
There are many websites that provide a full materials list and detailed plans and instructions for building a bed platform.
My Family Loves It provides step-by-step free instructions for building a king size platform bed.
Although Best Platform Beds is a retailer for mattresses and beds, the website offers eleven different free platform bed plans that originally appeared in Lifestyle Solutions.
The bed styles even include the Wilshire, a platform bed with a canopy.
In most cases, following instructions to build a bed platform is simple and even a newcomer to do-it-yourself projects will find that they can make a bed that is sturdy, functional and pleasing to the eye.
It isn't hard to make a platform bed, and this bedding option has some interesting and unexpected advantages.
Platform beds are also known as European or low profile beds.
Platform beds are typically lower to the floor than standard American style beds.
Where platform beds really shine is in the DIY department.
If your teenage boy has a burning desire to make a man-cave in the attic, mounting a platform bed under the eaves is an easy weekend project.
If you need solid support for a back problem, a platform bed may be the low cost answer your prayers too.
Nothing beats a wooden-plank platform bed for back support.
You can find lots of platform bed plans on the web, but the fact is that you don't necessarily need one to make a basic version yourself.
A platform bed typically sits on a wooden frame and may have legs or a smaller box frame attached to the underside.
This is about as basic as a platform bed gets.
Newer style platform beds are being used for more than just sleeping.
If you make a platform bed yourself, you'll love the design flexibility it'll give you.
From building a tall base to allow for stacked drawers to keeping the lines simple and spare with no added storage, platform beds have lots to offer woodworking enthusiasts.
A project can be simple enough for a novice or offer heirloom-worthy opportunities for the seasoned woodworker who has a little extra time and effort to expend creating a truly spectacular platform bed.
From a platform bed to a retractable clothesline, College Furniture and Rug carries everything you need for a dorm room.
The platform model would take advantage of higher wind speeds and wind turbines would be placed out of sight.
A console table or bombe chest placed behind a sofa will create another platform for displaying decorative accessories.
Consider a platform bed; these beds are the epitome of Modern design and decorating.
They carry beadboard headboards, daybeds, poster beds, and platform storage beds.
Elegant and practically fit for a princess, this feminine Suzanne Vanity and Chair Set manages to squeeze a lot onto a rather small platform.
Ogre Bowler is built off the platform used for the successful Polar Bowler series and has the same real-life bowling rules as your local alley.
The object of this game is to leap from platform to platform and accumulate as many points as possible.
The platform began in October of 1997 and has risen to become the second most popular e-mail service.
Yahoo maintains that they are frequently updating the look of their platform, but that all updates will remain true to the brand and it's users rather than copy another company.
The most famous one of these includes a woman falling on her face off a platform after trying to cheat at a grape stomping competition.
The program gives users multiple options for storing photos on different devices and even on Apple's iCloud platform, and the program includes a backup utility that can help protect against data loss.
While it may be impossible to rid all chat rooms of these invasive individuals, visitors don't have to give a bully the platform to spew their hatred.
If you want a completely smooth surface on the cake, ask the decorator to bake shallow cupcakes or shave off the tops of domed cakes so that they present a better platform.
Taking antidepressant medication gives you a stable platform to begin dealing with life's challenges.
You may need to take some medication temporarily to help you get on that stable platform so you can finally overcome your challenging situation.
A comforter used on a platform bed will probably reach to the floor, so keep this in mind when shopping.
Every project is different, but we work primarily with emerging designers and use our unique platform and transparent approach to highlight their role in the creative process.
A birthday cake also makes an ideal platform for showcasing a friend's unique hobbies and interests.
Secure a stand-up cake with dowels and a strong platform at the bottom, and make sure you have a way to transport it without damaging it.
Within a year she had transformed the show from a failing platform to the most popular morning talk show in Chicago, surpassing even Donahue.
So, the "Dive of Death" was basically Blaine leaping off a platform, attached to a harness.
Capella University is a fully accredited college that takes brick-and-mortar academic excellence to an online platform.
In the US, Securitas trains officers with a unique blend of classroom, hands-on training, on the job placement shadowing, a mentoring program, focused self-study and e-learning using the Securitas e-learning platform.
At this level, students can use the e-learning platform to learn everything from basic management principals to general business management skills.
The e-learning platform used by the company is constantly being changed in order to bring the newest information to those using it.
Carnival Freedom is the last vessel built in the Conquest-class platform.
This platform describes the shape of the ship, which is unique to Carnival Cruise Lines.
The Internet provides a platform for everyone, but it does not guarantee that the information you receive is correct or that all recommended training methods are safe for your pet.
This Web site is an ode to the funkiest vintage clothes and accessories for men, ranging from butterfly collar shirts and chunky platform shoes to sharp leather coats and skinny ties.
Made popular in the movie Saturday Night Fever, Travolta showed off his disco moves in a white leisure suit and platform heels.
The stable platform provides a means to exercise without standing up for long periods of time.
As riders draw closer to the boarding platform, they are surrounded by tribal masks, 40 foot high burning torches, and other exotic theming that sets the mood for this challenging ride.
Riders board the platform and are divided into two "tribes" according to the colors of their seats.
All seats on the platform face outward and riders are secured with snug harnesses.
The maximum height of the ride is approximately five stories, and at each end the platform continues to spin as it reverses course and sends the riders on another undulating lap.
Loose objects and bags cannot be taken on Disaster Transport and cannot be left on the ride platform because riders board and debark the coaster at different locations.
This also makes water coasters ideal for indoor water parks because they can offer high powered thrills without a high initial starting platform.
In fact, the Cyclone was so intense that it is the only coaster in history to have employed a full time nurse on the unload platform to minister to patrons who had fainted or sustained other injuries while riding.
A large fiberglass platform is constructed underwater in the Paradise Bay lagoon and holds all of the mechanisms.
The platform is raised and lowered by a series of air compressors.
On the website, you will find Dollywood Vacations, a special booking platform designed to allow you to plan your perfect trip.
Because shuttle coasters only have a single train, many theme parks will allow riders to leave their personal belongings on shelves or in cubbies on the station platform to pick up after their ride is complete.
Thanks to the family friendly nature of the Nintendo Wii and its widespread appeal, it only makes sense that a video game based on the popular television series The Biggest Loser would be adapted to the gaming platform.
Its name is instead derived from the third-generation platform that it uses.
Given the open source (and free) nature of Linux, there aren't too many major video game developers, publishers, and studios that create games for the platform.
They're sold on just about every major video game platform and there is no shortage of options when it comes to this increasingly popular genre of titles.
The game has certainly been popular, having reached over three million registered users, so the future could be very bright for other games built around the "Play 4 Free" platform standard.
An early title for the DS, this is the first action platform game where Kirby doesn't suck.
Whether you play platform games on rival 8-bit systems or thrive on the action of modern, expansive 3D games, the best Sega games will keep you hitting 'Yes' when the "Continue?" question appears.
Vectorman is a futuristic platform game where you play, surprisingly enough, as Vectorman.
Borderlands the game is a videogame developed for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the Windows platform.
Back in the early 90's, the Mac was easier to program for and both programmers were familiar with the platform.
Whether you play alone or in a multi-player game, Conker is initially an action platform game, with a lot of shooting.
As a platform game, it is relatively uninspired.
The most popular games almost always hit the PS2, and Japanese games brought overseas will definitely appear on this platform.
In the following article we will outline some of the reasons for and against the two different types of platform and help you to decide which is best for you.
Jump off the platform, hovering as close to the wall as possible.
It doesn't completely capture the series' style, nor does it come close to matching the impressive cell-shaded characters found in the Budokai games, but it is effective considering the game's platform and genre.
Since people who play games over the Internet are using many different kinds of computers, running a wide variety of operating systems, online games need to be platform independent.
You should be able to use the equipment as a temporary platform to achieve a double jump.
The platform was later updated with the Nintendo DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL, and 3DS.
It's very possible to create all types of games, including arcade, platform, RPG and more.
From 2D, to puzzle, to platform, and limited 3D First person shooters, Game Maker includes the programming for virtually any type of code and/or action you can think of.
There are more video games available for the computer than every other gaming platform combined.
With the upcoming Nintendo Revolution console with it's innovative control mechanism, fans have already begun speculation as to what Mario Kart will be like on the new platform.
Dance Dance Revolution uses giant pads that you step on (in the case of the arcade game, it's a platform).
Donkey Kong - Platform, puzzle and many other types of games starring Nintendo's early character, the gorilla named Donkey Kong.
Wario - Mario's nemesis has starred in various platform and puzzle games on many of Nintendo's systems.
Equip the Zora Tunic and clawshot as a human and step off the platform into the water.
Does the site offer games for your platform of choice?
And the platform shootout has been won by the computer architecture we now know as the PC - drop the IBM, toss in a little Microsoft monopoly, and ignore the generic nature of the term, thank you very much.
The PS2 still appears to be a supported platform for Sony and new games are still being released on it, but these games will not work on the PS3 Slim at the present time.
Before going through a full PS3 Slim comparison, it would make more sense to choose the overall platform first.
Whenever he lifts up an item to throw, move to the other end of the platform, and when he tosses it, move again to the opposite end.
Out of the two console titans, which is the better gaming platform?
With multiple features including a LINUX platform, the ability to handle 7 wireless Bluetooth controllers, backward capability, ports to support 2 HD TVs and a possibility of region-free games, the PS3 seems almost too good to be true.
Platform games, music games, and arcade games are all represented in the plug and play video games genre.
You can be sure that whatever your preferred platform and features, there is a game that will be right for you.
Thankfully, there are racing games -- which can be different than driving games -- on just about every video game platform.
Rare has never developed for a Sony platform.
Typical of platform games, you control Sonic through a series of levels defeating low-level enemies while collecting some sort of item; in the Sonic games video games, you collect rings.
The platform will also be fully downward-compatible, playing both PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 games.
One of the new moves Sam acquired for the second installment is the Half Split Jump accompanied by an option to jump towards a higher platform.
Being able to engage in futuristic combat on a massive floating platform is fun on its own, but doing it Stormtrooper style makes it a heck of a lot better.
The Super Star Wars series were platform games similar to the games for the NES in 1991.