Plantago Sentence Examples
Hygrophytes.Plants which are sub-evergreen or evergreen but it scierophyllous, and which live in moist soils; e.g., Lastraea lix-mas, Poa pratensis, Carex ovalis, Plantago lanceolala, and ihillaea Millefolium.
This change is called phyllody of bracts, and is seen in species of Plantago, especially in the variety of Plantago media, called the rose-plantain in gardens, where the bracts become leafy and form a rosette round the flowering axis.
Elongated form (Spike), Plantago.
In other plants, but more rarely, the pistil is perfected before the stamens, as in Potentilla argentea, Plantago major, Coix Lachryma, and they are termed proterogynous.
Some are enclosed within the tube of the flower, as in Cinchona (included); others are exserted, or extend beyond the flower, as in Littorella or Plantago.
Similar changes occur in Plantago major, P. lanceolata, Ajuga reptans, dandelion, daisy, dahlia and in umbelliferous plants.
A. Plantago is rather stately in habit, having tall panicles of pretty pink flowers.
Fiber supplements containing psyllium (Plantago psyllium) usually become effective within about 48 hours and can be used every day without causing dependency.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) and plantain (Plantago major) can be used as a mouth rinse to enhance tissue healing.
Psyllium - use of the whole seeds in this plant, botanically called plantago ovata, has shown a reduced intake of calories due to its ability to make one feel fuller sooner.
AdvertisementIt is the husk of the Plantago ovata plant.