Planning Sentence Examples
I was planning on fixing breakfast.
I better start planning my menu, only four days left.
How did the planning go?
It took planning and perseverance to be successful.
Are you planning on running - or do you think he is?
I've been planning it since...
My guess is someone did a bit of planning for Jerome Shipton's big fall, and Edith hasn't demonstrated any real talent for long-range thinking.
She is as weak at battle planning as Sirian is strong.
He's planning something big for the weekend, and it sounds like his pop will be in town for it.
Our chore held the aura of planning a vacation, not making a life changing decision.
AdvertisementHer father was planning something that depended on her magic.
Whatever this Watcher was planning, it wasn't good.
He's just sitting back somewhere planning how to nail you.
The school was planning a summer fund-raiser and she had volunteered, so she was getting ready to go to a meeting.
A certain amount of planning and calculation went into all of her actions.
AdvertisementNatasha guessed they were talking about the old prince and planning something, and this disquieted and offended her.
We know what he's planning, he said calmly.
He was unaccustomed to planning ahead and now would pay.
The Internet has no central planning agency deciding what new, cool websites should be made.
The teachers at the Wright-Humason School were always planning how they might give the pupils every advantage that those who hear enjoy--how they might make much of few tendencies and passive memories in the cases of the little ones--and lead them out of the cramping circumstances in which their lives were set.
AdvertisementNot planning on it.
He never did anything without planning it carefully ahead of time, and he'd never broken his honor code, even with Qatwalis.
Ne'Rin didn't have the mind for battle planning, another reason A'Ran hesitated to assume the worst about him.
She felt very alone as she realized his plotting was not the result of a few months of planning but the maneuvers of a calculating, patient man.
Probably planning his next move.
AdvertisementIn addition, all her planning and tenacity were paying off.
Unless he was planning on getting them!
Rhyn watched him go, wondering just what his brother was planning, and how he.d figure it out before Katie was hung on the wall next to his mother.
He was planning something, if he invited Hannah to the castle.
She'd learned the parts of a warship inside and out while learning the battle planning and looked for the configuration button among her options popping up on the screen.
Shipton wasn't even in Ouray yet so no one could have been planning to use it to kill him.
Darian, who he'd just pulled off the bottom of the ocean instead of attending his planning session to deal with the Talon issue.
In either case, I'm planning on expelling them and the Others both from the mortal realm.
He never had to wonder how many men were rotating through her bed or when she was planning to stab him in the back or decipher the riddles she gave him as answers to important questions.
General Greene asked from his position at a small planning table in the corner.
She couldn't help but feel surprised by the kindness and careful planning of the refugees who'd lost everything but electricity in one building.
Alright, but know that Tamer's planning on bringing it up next meeting.
He could kick her out, but it sounds like she's planning to leave anyway.
He never ceased to work, and when near his end was actively engaged in planning the Encyclopaedia Biblica, which he had hoped to edit.
While the supply had been furnished by a private corporation, the city was in 1910 planning for the ownership of its water-system, the supply to be drawn from the Sierras at a cost of some $45,000,000.
While planning a warlike expedition against Poland, on which country the Bohemian sovereigns now again maintained their claim, he was murdered by unknown assassins (1306).
Accordingly, we find him journeying again in 1351 to Vaucluse, again refusing the office of papal secretary, again planning visionary reforms for the Roman people, and beginning that 'curious fragment of an autobiography which is known as the Epistle to Posterity.
Documents show him, among other things, planning during an absence of several months from the city vast new engineering works for improving the irrigation and water-ways of the Lomellina and adjacent regions of the Lombard plain; ardently studying phenomena of storm and lightning, of river action and of mountain structure; co-operating with his friend, Donato Bramante, the great architect, in fresh designs for the improvement and embellishment of the Castello at Milan; and petitioning the duke to secure him proper payment for a Madonna lately executed with the help of his pupil, Ambrogio de Predis, for the brotherhood of the Conception of St Francis at Milan.
The arrangement of the building and floor framings is in a great measure governed by the architectural effect sought and by the arrangement and proper planning of the interior according to the intended uses; the positions of columns, girders and floor beams are usually the result of particular requirements, and unless complicated and expensive framing is to be expected the distance between columns must be kept within the limits of simple girder construction.
Every building offers its own peculiar condition; the height, width, shape and situation of the structure, and character of the enclosing walls, will determine the amount of wind pressure to be provided against, and the internal appearance and the planning of the various floors will largely influence the manner in which the bracing is to be treated.
The Allies, now planning an attack against the Turks along the Lone Pine area were sending reinforcement to the area.
The developer might voluntarily relinquish all or part of the planning consent in recognition of the value of the site for nature conservation.
Before local government reorganization in 1996, he worked with Falkirk District Council in forward planning.
Both ICRI and the Mauritius event served as reminders to look beyond sectoral issues in MPA planning toward overall social and ecological resilience.
Risk analysis and business resumption planning in the event of disaster are other important areas which we can help you with.
To help families with journey planning, the leaflet gives an overview of major roadworks on the Agency's network.
Pierre was staying at Prince Vasili Kuragin's and sharing the dissipated life of his son Anatole, the son whom they were planning to reform by marrying him to Prince Andrew's sister.
At least he was planning on attending.
Stronger than his curiosity was the knowledge that he wanted nothing to do with whatever Jonny was planning, no doubt against the White God, his sworn enemy.
She wasn't about to give Xander any leverage into her life, especially since she was planning on robbing him.
We're fuzzy on the dates and times, but he's planning something tonight and Friday afternoon.
He wondered what she was planning with Jonny and just how bad it would be for him.
We are planning to let all links go to the correct meaning directly, but for now you will have to search it out from the list below by yourself.
While the council was engaged in planning a crusade and in considering the reform of the clergy, a new crisis occurred between the pope and the king of France.
The former established himself in 64 at Panticapaeum, and was planning new campaigns against the Romans when his own troops revolted, and, after vainly trying to poison himself, he ordered a Gallic mercenary to kill him.
She was constantly in communication with her kinsmen in France, and was already planning to secure for her daughter a French alliance, which was opposed on different grounds by all her advisers.
Having thus settled this momentous dispute Henry spent his later years in restoring order in Germany, and in planning to assist his father-in-law, Henry I.
C. t is on selection of sites; c. 2 on the planning of buildings to suit different sites; c. 3 on private houses, their construction and styles, the names of the different apartments; c. 4 on the aspects suited for the various rooms; c. 5 on buildings fitted for special positions; c. 6 on farms and country houses; c. 7 on Greek houses and the names of various parts; c. 8 on construction of houses in wood, stone, brick or concrete.
Mahmud also was already planning reforms borrowed from the West, and Mehemet Ali, who had had plenty of opportunity of observing the superiority of European.
He was also in correspondence with Papineau and the other leaders of the Reformers in Lower Canada, who were already planning a rising.
Walid therefore retired to the country, and passed his time there in hunting, cultivating poetry, music and the like, waiting with impatience for the death of Hisham and planning vengeance on all those whom he suspected of having opposed him.
In the autumn of 45, Caesar, who was planning his Parthian campaign, sent his nephew to study quietly at the Greek colony of Apollonia, in Illyria.
It was said that he was planning a campaign in the interior, or even an attack on Artaxerxes himself, when he was recalled to Greece owing to the war between Sparta and the combined forces of Athens, Thebes, Corinth, Argos and several minor states.
This, too, was a period of searching reforms in the administration and the planning and building of the city; the result being a further immense growth of its population, which in 1780 was 113,000.
It was on this occasion that Parnell, on Forster's charging him, not with directly planning or perpetrating outrages or murder, but with conniving at them, ejaculated "It's a lie"; and, replying on the next day, the Irish leader, instead of disproving Forster's charges, bitterly denounced his methods of administration.
Much of the success of draining depends on the skilful planning of these main drains, and in making them large enough to discharge the greatest flow of water to which they may be exposed.
In 1808 the North-west Company had several posts on the Fraser river, and in the same year the American Fur Company was organized by John Jacob Astor, who was planning to build up a trade in the West.
He was himself a great builder, and many of the perfected castles of that concentric style, which later ages have called the Edwardian type, were of his own planning.
In February 1798 he went to Paris, where at this time a number of Irish refugees, the most prominent of whom was Wolfe Tone, were assembled, planning rebellion in Ireland to be supported by a French invasion, and quarrelling among themselves.
But Bonaparte saw what they were planning; and to the rupture of the negotiations at Lille and an order for the resumption of hostilities he responded by a fresh act of disobedience and the infliction on the Directory of the peace of Campo-Formio, on October 17, 1797.
Lindsey in Norman times was divided into three ridings - North, West and South - comprising respectively five, five and seven wapentakes; while, apart from their division into wapentakes, the Domesday Survey exhibits a unique planning out of the ridings into approximately equal numbers of i 2-carucate hundreds, the term hundred possessing here no administrative or local significance, but serving merely as a unit of area for purposes of assessment.
Later on he commanded the faithful to call themselves ansar- (helpers), a reference to the part they were to play in his career of conquest, and at the time of his death he was planning an invasion of Egypt.
In 1900 he was commissioned major in the regular army and three years later was engaged in planning fortifications in the neighbourhood of Newport, R.I.
But while roasting Fafnir's heart, which Regin had cut out, Sigurd burned his finger with the boiling fat and, placing it to his lips, found that he could understand the language of birds, and so learned from the chattering of the woodpeckers that Regin was planning treachery.
It was planning and perseverance and she had every reason to be proud.
If Talon was planning to challenge Czerno to a showdown here in Miami, Dusty would never get another wink of sleep again.
He was built from the same mold—large and muscular, the kind of man more fitted to military special forces or UFC prizefighting than financial planning.
Two continued to the master's command center, where his master was planning a battle.
The Immortal was planning something and intended to use Deidre to get it.
In any case, Darkyn.s demons are planning to invade the castle, where your sweet little morsel is, so they can slaughter every last annoying Immortal.
They were too … different, too unlike the tactics and war planning taught by Anshan or anyone in the Five Galaxies.
He wanted to gauge her ability with the strategic battle planning and measure just how intelligent his nishani was.
Jackson grinned, "With a little advanced planning, I think you will avoid that scenario."
Sirian was determined to tear Tiyan apart, and she did not know enough of war planning to know how to stop him.
He was adamant that little work had gone on for the planning of the security.
This action compromises the impartiality of the planning process.
The egregious mistake these couples made was not spending enough time seriously planning for a lifetime together in marriage.
The strategy is to put more planning emphasis on the reduction of reliance on the car.
This article is for people who don't have all these things, but are planning on changing that slight inconvenience.
He is able to liaise effectively with bodies concerned with institutional planning processes.
The trip involved meticulous planning.
I don't know where they were planning to sit.
Whilst overseas, it was important to remain abreast of the UK planning system.
Harley had evidently gone down to the site, planning to return for these items, then call an accomplice and escape.
Planning on-screen using a word-processor is possible, but it's a fairly advanced technique.
It sets out a challenging agenda for Departments in terms of identifying their major impacts, planning improvements, and monitoring and reporting performance.
In their planning, the sustainability agenda is way down the list of priorities.
The Nottingham team is now planning to do a similar study assessing response to longer acting beta-2 agonists.
The plot to crash airplanes into buildings was in planning for several years prior.
A 50th wedding anniversary party is usually going to require more complex planning than a small backyard barbecue party.
Planning technology finance on tester feedback quot added Antony.
The post would interest anyone with an interest in surveying, architecture or town planning.
It was agreed the report should include an appendix on the Dutch system for environmental planning.
If you are planning a meal youll want to start with some baby shower appetizers.
Most people who are planning a baby shower plan a few simple appetizers.
It's just nonsensical to refuse well-researched planning applications for Wind Farms, in order to protect " landscape value " .
Fans of Weymouth Speedway are being urged to back the club's planning application to continue racing at the Wessex Stadium.
The economic appraisal will then be completed which will clear the way for initial planning of the scheme to commence.
For future planning, the archery section will apply to include blind archery but the ultimate decision maker is the IPC.
Key areas include architecture, planning, landscape architecture, art and design disciplines, geography, interior design and marketing.
Planning and design skills, making skills creating wire armature, review, evaluation and modification of work.
Prescott has been very artful about the basis on which he has bypassed the planning regulations.
Useful for anyone involved, or planning to be involved, in humanitarian assistance.
They are planning a new campaign aimed at children to try to change attitudes toward violence in the home.
I am at home a lot, but am planning a brand new aviary.
Britney to design baby clothes Britney Spears is planning to launch her own designs in baby clothes Britney Spears is planning to launch her own designs in baby clothes in a career comeback.
It explores ho... documentation Planning Workshop For museums with a documentation backlog a documentation plan is an essential requirement for Accreditation.
But [insert baddie 's name] is planning to steal a candle from the old church!
It is used by the ATF in planning and controlling its forces on the digitized battlefield.
We have lots of ideas for the parade and are planning to enter a bathing belles float.
We will also endeavor to make available any site surveys, obtain outline planning consent and make it available to the winning bid.
I've heard that there is a problem with something called bilharzia in Lake Malawi, where I was planning on staying a while.
The real vandals are the advertisers who erected these billboards without our permission, often without even planning permission.
The groups claim the planning blueprint fails to address " the real issues " facing the town.
In addition a proposal to build a boardwalk across the front of the site's tidal foreshore has received outline planning permission.
Planning permission has been granted for the erection of 9 new dwellings and the conversion of the existing boathouse to provide 4 apartments.
But the Campaign to Protect Rural England said that the planning bonanza will bring " a pox on the countryside " .
I am planning a redesign that will incorporate my Flickr photo stream somehow, as well as my bookmarks.
Kirkwall businessman George Drever intends building a bowling alley and has gained outline planning permission for the scheme.
She steals from him for her abusive boyfriend; she talks of planning to kill him.
You will be involved in all aspects of the project from initial brief through to budgets and planning.
A planning brief has been presented to Kingston council, which controls the Chessington area.
Planning permission to construct a dry dock or rock-filled bund [2] .
Able UK applied for planning permission to build a dry dock bund in August.
Planning permission has been granted for the creation of 1,000 new homes along with waterside cafes, restaurants, bars and a new hotel.
Recently, I caught wind of a charity group planning to erect a new memorial cairn on the summit.
I am planning an extended visit to Japan to study calligraphy.
She was planning a week's vacation at a particular campground, but she wanted to make sure of the accommodations first.
You will take on a busy caseload of Estates Planning, Trusts and some Wills and Probate.
This reflects the wider range of planning casework handled by district planning authorities.
Planning Inspectorate Deals with the processing of planning and enforcement appeals, holding inquiries into local development plans and other planning related casework.
A planning casework officer is appointed to process the case.
So who was it who had been planning since before 9/11 to create a fraudulent casus belli against Saddam?
Chiefs collide LAST night's (Wednesday's) planning meeting began with a bang as the council's planning chairwoman clashed with her ousted predecessor.
For estate planning phone in by concedes chapman was.
G.T. had a dysexecutive syndrome characterized by impairments in planning and memory, as well as a tendency to confabulate.
New approaches to participation in planning and service development have had the impact of making this relationship less clear-cut.
I'm planning the opposite way up for my bottle tops - mini cloches to hopefully defend against the evil slugs!
Perhaps only Richard Hawley, when he's debating the finer points of local planning policy, comes close.
Britney to design baby clothes Britney Spears is planning to launch her own designs in baby clothes in a career comeback.
Planning and control could be called'managing the operation on a day-to-day basis' except that it sounds too clumsy.
Youth soccer coaches need to bear in mind the physical and mental age of their players when planning their training sessions.
Comprehensive statistics on opencast coal have, in the past, been collected and published by the Planning Officers ' Society.
I recently co-chaired an Account Planning Group (APG) training day on brainstorming.
The EU is planning voluntary cooperation among its military, not coercion.
This requires collation of all materials on the project, particularly those relating to the ' real planning ' exercise.
The explorers were also planning to dine on minced collops.
Following last season's unfortunate relegation to Division 2, the Academicals are planning a triumphant comeback.
In addition to viewing application details, you can also submit online comments on planning proposals via our mailbox facility.
The report from the planning sub committee was tabled.
They're also planning to release a compilation of Leeds bands.
Many of you have rightly complained about complexities, delays and anomalies in our physical planning system.
A helpful 24-hour concierge assists guests in planning their activities, from shopping to golf, sailing to skiing.
Martha's diary - planning sheet Write Martha's diary with an emphasis on using connectives.
Now with enthusiastic planning consent, work has started.
Do I need Planning Permission to construct a conservatory or porch?
The actual or possible presence of contamination is a material planning consideration.
These mistakes included their failure to complete adequate contingency and passage planning.
Members of the Planning Committee determined that the application be approved contrary to Officer advice for the reason stated above.
She is now planning to write a new cookbook.
No, said the planning minister, Lord Rooker, find space for a further 18,000 somewhere along the M11 corridor.
Planning obligations run with the land so that they may be enforced against the original covenantor and against any successor in title.
The reason is because such an enterprise normally requires more planning and thus is deemed more credible.
In addition, any new building within the curtilage of a listed building will need planning permission.
What is termed ' collateral damage ' is due to lack of planning.
The US is planning to introduce four TMD systems within the next decade.
We find the timing of this letter and invitation is absolutely deplorable, as the planning decision is imminent.
A stringent timetable from English Partnerships meant a quick turnaround with an innovative design submitted for planning at the beginning of February.
There is no deemed designation of the role of Planning Supervisor.
Under recent changes in planning law, even these statutory designations may not be enough to protect an area from turbines.
This has taken account of planning applications awaiting determination on a range of brownfield sites.
Planning and Markets - electronic journal devoted to comparing the merits of planned interventions and market solutions.
Check that the photo call is in the picture desk diary at newspapers and the advance planning desk diary at TV studios.
John Prescott is issuing diktats to local authorities to construct new houses in the form of Regional Planning Guidance.
We found that the planning and implementation of nursing care and the level of nursing documentation were inadequate.
When installing ductwork ask the Planning and Building Control departments of the Council to find out if you need permission.
Please note that if you intend to demolish a dwelling, you may also need to obtain planning consent before doing so.
We frequently need to consider all-important issues such as planning and rights of light and other essential easements.
We're spending nearly £ 600 million to improve the efficiency of the planning system.
Branch visits give presidents a privileged insight into the wide range of exc ell ent planning activity currently taking place.
Land grades are also enshrined in current planning law.
Careful thought and planning is needed, and there are a number of useful books and websites with ideas for fundraising events.
Members of the Law Society's Planning Panel can apply for Legal Associateship subject to passing a viva voce examination.
Mission C2 leverages centralized, integrated planning and decentralized execution at the maneuver unit level.
As the new year starts we learn of a further review of the ecclesiastical exemption in planning.
Outline planning permission was granted for the Phase 1 site in 1994, but this has since expired.
For those planning a trip to Jamaica, the north coast is by far the best place to stay for cave exploration.
The planning process for an entirely new off-line expressway will be more difficult.
He can offer skilled facilitation on strategy and planning challenges.
He is planning a very aerodynamic fairing for it.
Team the best town planning fanzine in the world.
This is the preferred solution if you are planning several visits to CERN and need to have a film badge.
Police are planning a major blitz on drivers ignoring a day-time traffic ban and will be issuing fixed penalty fines.
In other words for the planners, planning an American first strike was the only way of " deterring " a Soviet first strike.
A. You need planning permission from your local council to erect a flagpole.
He was heavily involved in the planning and execution of the crossing and provided 100 ships for the invasion fleet.
Soft drinks group Britvic, owned by InterContinental Hotels, Whitbread and Pernod Ricard, is planning a floatation next month.
If it is given planning consent, the Cornish Food Hall could prove the forerunner of similar projects all over the country.
Now advanced planning systems are beginning to enable foresters to blend entire woodlands 'naturally ' into the landscape.
So many people get caught up in the buying frenzy of wedding planning, that they lose sight of the thing that really matters.
They were planning to be married in the spring, and have the garret of the house fixed up, and live there.
These include land-use planning issues, operation of electricity markets, and embedding wind generators into electricity distribution networks.
But the lords are secretly planning to use the golems as prototypes for an army of conquest!
We were planning to escape the earth's gravity; Martians could do the same, with their planet.
Perhaps you are planning to stroll down to the bend where you caught your best grayling last season.
For the next crop Thaneswaran is planning to grow groundnuts.
This provision will be inserted in revised guidance on planning for flooding which will go out for consultation later in the year.
The Committee's report also asked for national planning guidance.
In order to maintain their high standards and meet strict planning guidelines, the company specified dry mix mortar in white and plain colors.
In this way does planning become the handmaiden of land monopoly.
The quality of the accompanying handout was also excellent and clearly shows the thought and time put into the planning of the workshop.
But most are too hard-pressed by the relentless demands of planning casework to be free to plan for these other issues.
The note is short and written on a torn piece of paper suggesting haste and little or no planning.
He is also a keen adventurer planning to scale the dizzy heights of Mount Everest in 2007.
Blair and Sainsbury had effectively hijacked the whole planning process and would issue a ' decree ' at a date of their choosing.
A lot of thought and planning went into this category and produced some hilarity throughout the slide show audience.
The local planning policy was to allow no new build in the area and so the 4 new ho me s were controversial.
However, the planning horizon of this organization appears to be fairly short.
Worth planning ahead for, Absolut Icebar is without a doubt, London's latest hot spot.
She still has a houseboat in the city which she was planning to sell.
For future census planning it would be essential to have at least six months lead-in time for a similar attachment.
Antonia Swinson is planning an illustrated lecture on her findings.
Writing activity for Year 7 Macbeth Discussion Do these sample lesson plans reflect your approach to lesson plans reflect your approach to lesson planning?
Thus, language planning is a very complex process, involving linguistic, social, psychological, environmental and other variables.
Yet here in our own Planning Department we have someone who was once mauled by a lion.
There already exists some literature explaining the importance of including the views of patients when planning and delivering mental health services.
It is planning to establish a call center by October to provide more potential litigants.
For many couples, choosing the right location is the first step in planning their wedding.
People logistics planning is a fast expanding market building from best practice in freight logistics [10] .
The current legal loophole allows phone masts of any height to be built on land owned by Network Rail without planning permission.
The following is a list of things the a bride and brides maids should consider when planning the morning event on the wedding day.
Our planning policies would curtail the spread of out-of-town malls.
Family planning is a human effort to control fertility in order to gain mastery of the body.
He lectures and organizes courses on agroforestry, sustained yield forestry, forest mensuration, forest planning and harvesting, marketing and utilization.
He wondered what other minor miracles I was planning.
All the correspondents voiced serious misgivings regarding the perceived lack of regard to the original planning consent by the occupant of The Prospect.
They travel on and meet a cat that has also run away, from a cruel mistress who was planning to drown him.
The NTA are planning to consult shortly over the new framework Models of care for alcohol misusers.
We are also planning to present a truly momentous Crystal Mark.
School Fees Planning much mystique surrounds the subject of education fees.
The new Town & Country Planning Act sets up a ' land-use planning system ' which includes national parks.
Part of the planning process therefore necessitates analyzing the market that the firm is operating in.
The University of Cambridge's proposal to build a world-class primate neuroscience center has finally received planning permission.
Planning a wedding can turn into a logistical nightmare.
Clearly the language used by architects and those in the planning system is something of a bête noir for the champions of plain speech.
The UK/US have little regard for the NPT and are both planning to build more nukes.
Last night West Berkshire council gave planning consent to the project, removing the last bureaucratic obstacle to construction of the laser.
This part of the examination may cover obstetrics, gynecology, family planning, neonatology or related subjects.
Planning consent may be required if the property is to be used for multiple occupation, and you may need to consider disabled access.
Planning took place off-screen between sessions but also on-screen.
In this report we propose a generic task ontology, which formalizes the space of planning problems.
You can use this oracle to gain insights about love and relationships, finances, career planning, and much more!
Our wedding organizer Keep all your Wedding Planning Details in ONE place.
This aspect of this complex process can be deferred pending the outcome of planning consent being given or with held.
We avoid training overkill by planning learning with specific benefits for niche groups rather than taking a sheep dip approach.
It also enables a more even load distribution, reduces route planning time and risks of axle overload.
Here he worked in domestic, commercial and entertainment fields, including the planning of amusement parks.
The service provided by Planning Aid for Scotland is carried out by volunteers who are professionally qualified town planners.
A seamless movement from training through introduction of story elements to full game play took careful planning.
This is absolutely potty, and a major change in Britain's planning and local taxation systems is needed.
Fence at 52, North Acre Mr Barber reported that he has written to Planning about the revised proposals.
It would be negligent for the authorities not to make adequate provision for it in their contingency planning in 2006.
After closure the owners sought and gained planning permission for rail served car storage and extensive land reclamation.
The Planning Service did not make any recommendations about the location of a new hospital.
Wedding gowns, bridal gift registry, wedding etiquette advice, invitations, bridesmaids dresses, wedding planning id.. .
In fact, Richard is merely planning to have all of the tied cottages renovated.
After a long delay to gain planning permission and the appropriate licenses, the Ace finally reopened fully in 2001.
Kojève carried this conclusion into practice by abandoning philosophy and devoting the rest of his life to economic planning.
The Planning process was very challenging and there was a major restructure of the MPS planning team involved part way through the year.
To provide accurate information on workforce and workforce numbers to assist in planning for recruitment of healthcare scientists.
The property offers ample scope to extend subject to planning permission.
The Chairman asked the secretariat to produce a further case study on planning for waste water.
The disposal of foul sewage shall be by means approved by the Local Planning Authority.
We propose the most radical shake-up in the planning regime for 50 years.
Well done, Surrey, for using the ' planning shambles ' to resist this invasion.
Graham Coxon To Release live CD Graham Coxon is planning on releasing a live CD of his live show at the Astoria in October.
I am planning a trip round the UK, mostly single-handed.
All new roof build (new houses and extensions) to incorporate solar panels for planning permission.
Iâm always planning an exit, because I have the concentration span of a flea and I get bored after five years.
The focus of wedding planning services from Langtry Manor Hotel is to create your special day in royal splendor.
So, again we return to joint planning and the need for the non-earning spouse to agree to the long-term financial plans.
They can also provide consultations on family planning and offer a minor injuries service, treating sprains, minor burns and cuts.
Shadow planning minister John Hayes accused the Government of failing to prevent urban sprawl.
In December of last year Mr McClure won planning permission for the 25,000-seater stadium, together with its commercial development.
Coventry Rugby Club have applied for planning permission to build a dual purpose greyhound racing stadium, which is owned by Coventry City Council.
Road schemes which had been judged essential were only at the early planning stages, with no identified routes.
We are planning on having basic staples for sale on-site this year.
This includes all aspects of staff management, maintaining accurate accounts, menu planning, ordering, stocktaking and budget control.
You should be aware that some planning is required to determine the structure of your web site.
Planning subcommittee is now set to take a final decision on June 8.
This is not suburban relaxed campus planning, but a limited area of land whose tight boundaries place high value on available land.
We are planning to use infrared observations of type Ia supernovae to improve the accuracy of the results obtained at optical wavelengths.
There are also supplementary planning guidance notes which set out certain policies and standards in more detail.
The Austrian Institute for Spatial Planning is organizing a symposium in Brussels on 27th November 1997.
If you're planning on getting a Japanese tattoo, I would strongly recommend you at least study katakana first.
The 1945 government was the apotheosis of bureaucratic socialism, founded on the principles of collectivism, central economic planning, and redistributive taxation.
They are now planning to hold a teach-in to discuss the issues and plan the way forward.
It is not unusual for couples to feel tense, nervous, excited or even tearful during the planning of their wedding.
Stage 3 - Planning and implant placement The implant is placed into the jaw using a minor surgical technique.
Members asked the Secretariat to circulate a note explaining the terminology used in other countries, in particular ' spatial planning ' .
Northumberland County Council is warning traders that it is planning test purchases by under 18s to buy boxes of fireworks over the counter.
New operators are planning to put low-power transmitters in railroad stations and shopping centers.
Police to recruit transsexuals A police force is planning to recruit transsexuals to promote its equal opportunities policy.
There are a number of different creative and exciting ways to raise money by planning a themed treasure hunt.
Entry Process With this years triathlon now gone, we are currently planning for another successful event in 2007.
Planning is already underway for private events next year in Marbella, .. .
Planning Permission has also been granted for conversion into 2 residential units.
This work is also significant in terms of our contribution to forward planning through our involvement with the emerging unitary Development Plans.
Local Development Framework New Planning regulations require Havering Council to replace its current unitary Development Plan with a Local Development Framework (LDF ).
Detailed planning guidance for a community fund will be drawn up following adoption of the replacement unitary Development Plan.
Where planning permission is deemed unnecessary by the Department, then this also must be produced in writing.
Seeing Merry always makes me feel more urgent about planning and executing our home ed.
Woo Sun Park, Vice President of GSM product planning at Samsung, said TV was becoming a commodity item for mobile phones in Korea.
This aligns the Local Plan with the Fife Structure Plan which sets the strategic planning vision.
Or are you planning to use voodoo on him, too?
They are planning 18 one-day walkouts to fight redundancies.
A lack of understanding of planning and conservation legislation and a general wariness toward Council officers are also particularly evident.
First, they planned to look at natural wastage - people who were already planning to leave.
The Agency is a statutory consultee on planning applications affecting watercourses.
Services are launched on an almost weekly basis with limited planning or training for front line teams.
Rob and John, for example, are planning the wizard wheeze of jumping from the roof of London's Park Lane Hilton.
With respect to SCONUL Award 2004, to finalize wording and to begin planning for getting information and advertising out in February 2004.
This high figure includes ' dormant ' sites on which mineral working may not recommence without the prior approval of new planning conditions.
In the case of medium risk projects a shorter half-day planning workshop is usually more appropriate.
He has been embroiled in a planning wrangle with neighbors over an extractor fan at the premises, called Fifteen.
The company is now planning to restate its last three years ' accounts, which may include a write-off of about 150 million pounds.
He negotiated with the elector palatine for the establishment of factories at Mannheim; suggested to the elector of Bavaria the creation of German colonies in Guiana and the West Indies; and brought down upon himself the wrath of the Munich merchants by planning a government monopoly of cloth manufacture and of trade.
In adopting a scale for their maps, cartographers will do well to choose a multiple of loon if possible, for such a scale can claim to be international, while in planning an atlas they ought to avoid a needless multiplicity of scales.
Starting with a visit to Piombino, on the coast opposite Elba, he went by way of Siena to Urbino, where he made drawings and began works; was thence hastily summoned by way of Pesaro and Rimini to Cesena; spent two months between there and Cesenatico, projecting and directing canal and harbour works, and planning the restoration of the palace of Frederic II.; thence hurriedly joined his master, momentarily besieged by enemies at Imola; followed him probably to Sinigaglia and Perugia, through the whirl of storms and surprises, vengeances and treasons, which marked his course that winter, and finally, by way of Chiusi and Acquapendente, as far as Orvieto and probably to Rome, where Caesar arrived on the 14th of February 1503.