Planned Sentence Examples
I planned it that way.
You've planned this all your life.
Alex and Jonathan planned to grill steaks for lunch.
I've planned most of my life to get where I am now.
Last Saturday our kind teachers planned a delightful trip to Bedloe's Island to see Bartholdi's great statue of Liberty enlightening the world....
And Croesus was so amazed that he endowed the Oracle at Delphi with all kinds of gifts and planned to run all-important questions by this oracle.
Deidre gasped, understanding now how Darkyn planned on ensuring his mate didn't go anywhere, even after she won their deal.
He knew Cynthia wanted to update him on her talk with Martha, but both realized time was short as they planned to take Martha to dinner for her last night under Bird Song's wing.
Mr. Bell and I planned it together, and Mr. Bell made all the arrangements before we told teacher anything about it.
We haven't stopped and truly planned our activities.
AdvertisementOne day King Astyages planned to make a great feast for the lad.
Had Cade planned to seduce her, or was he also a victim of mislaid trust?
Previously, he'd carefully planned his abductions and never came close to getting caught.
How many twenty-six-year-olds planned their own funerals?
No battle--Tarutino, Borodino, or Austerlitz--takes place as those who planned it anticipated.
AdvertisementShe had the job she had planned for the last three years.
Maybe a housekeeper wasn't what he had planned on hiring in the first place.
I would say it was a rough lesson in history when the kings of my time learned that killing a woman with the intent to bring her back as your servant doesn't really work as they'd planned, he explained.
Dean planned to spend his free time biking, but changed his mind when he saw the crowds in town and remembered the traffic that would clog the narrow roads.
I planned to let her game play itself out, but I don't want to see any bloodshed.
AdvertisementI've checked on your little human almost every day to ensure what I planned for her was not altered by Darkyn's bloodlust.
Only where a planned maintenance program of work is more than 18 months away will the Responsive Repairs team consider renewing a bathroom fitment.
It is planned to develop a wrist flexor for this system to evaluate the usefulness or otherwise of this degree of freedom.
It is felt with the planned flotation that the chairman of the public company should also be chairman of the Football Club.
The Appeal is also creating a unique mosaic frieze to hang in the planned Center, once the building is open.
AdvertisementIt was Hitler's most desperate gamble of the war; he in fact planned its every move.
The party subsequently faced two applications for dissolution; the party planned to participate in the upcoming general election.
It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
The planned sharp slowdown in spending increases may feel like a screeching halt.
When IAEA inspectors visited the site in February 2003, Iran claimed that it planned to produce heavy water for export to other countries.
Like a well planned bank heist they set off on their way.
We therefore planned the trip as a general interest tour, based mainly on the scenic highlights, with birding stops on the way.
I have been at Brookes for five years now, a little longer than planned but hey ho.
What kind of an evening did he have planned?
I should have gone this morning, like I planned.
I'd planned to ask Quinn and Martha to come in so I could tell them what I'd learned but the more I considered it, I decided a phone call was sufficient.
Cynthia finished her wedding pronouncement by tossing out a comment about her foolish son considering delaying the final year of his education to play professional baseball, a decision against which she and Rose Calvia planned to exert a full court press.
Dean hadn't planned to confide all his concerns to Lydia— frankly, he wasn't sure he could trust her enough.
Dean planned to cruise the town later in hopes of locating the young man.
You said he knew you planned to leave after the baby was born.
The frolicking hadn't been planned, but if the look on Lori's face was any indication, she got the picture.
The decision made to face death soon, the only thing she hadn't quite worked out was how she planned to do it.
Or maybe, he planned on coming back for her tonight.
She hadn't planned on jumping off her building, but the events of this night made the idea more appealing than having her head severed from her body or ending up a pile of bones in a bathtub.
You planned on having dinner with him?
Planning and Markets - electronic journal devoted to comparing the merits of planned interventions and market solutions.
The planned roadshows are to advise employers of the changes taking place.
The planned expansion is likely to make their situation worse.
Many of the reports for planned expenditure have been sent to Alastair.
Herod planned to bring Peter before the people for trial after the Passover feast.
A joint field trip is being planned for 2007, supported by a NERC grant on Forest Fire Intensity Dynamics.
The next, and possibly final, meeting of the Council Working Group is planned for 15 November.
Did she tell Wynn what she planned?
She.d been so pissed at him, she.d told him what she.d planned to keep from him.
So far, everything was going as planned.
The two planned an outing the next day at the Jersey shore and wanted to get an early start.
It feared what Memon planned - -one host for both of them.
No foreign currency borrowing has received exchange cover since 1987 and none is planned.
A consortium was planned to buy the plant from Whitbread and continue brewing there.
Her mother and some friends busily planned a bridal shower, keeping Rebecca in the dark, of course.
Caesarean a planned cesarean instead, which ended in an emergency hysterectomy.
Caesareant case scenario hadn't planned for the emergency cesarean which led to many more problems.
The west front of the church was also made Romanesque and a tall 200-foot campanile was also planned but never built.
A Phase III trial in renal cell carcinoma is planned to start in 2006.
Six in-patient and twelve out-patient beds are planned, along with four out-patient research clinics.
Our strategy is to focus on drugs prescribed by specialist clinicians, a market we can service effectively with our planned specialist sales force.
The 30-second commercial and a ten-second cutdown will run for six weeks in a burst planned and bought by BBJ Media.
I always tried to find out what interested her most, and made that the starting-point for the new lesson, whether it had any bearing on the lesson I had planned to teach or not.
The dispositions for the next battle are planned by him alone.
He could imagine her horror when she discovered what he planned.
You remember how your condo building came down this morning an hour before you planned?
She shivered, not wanting to know what Talon planned.
Maybe he's got something worse planned.
She was furious and so hurt, she wished she'd jumped into the Grand Canyon like she originally planned.
It didn't quite work out as he planned.
Assuming he was able to do what he and Andre planned.
When he was out of Hell, he'd already planned on kicking the ass of their eldest brother, Andre, and killing Kris.
His move was too deliberate to be other than planned.
She rolled her eyes and retreated to her bunk, hoping Sasha planned to give her time to rest before attacking her.
The robed man didn't fall to her feet unconsciously as she planned but stared at her in surprise.
She'd need her strength for what she planned.
Kris had planned to claim you.
Unlikely, since he only gets one, unless he planned on dying dead soon.
Andre said Kris planned to do what Rhyn did and make me his mate.
I planned on telling her soon.
I planned on going to Seychelles to escape the east coast cold, but Gio said being invited here was an honor.
Except he hadn't planned on stoking the fire with Kisolm for what would certainly end in another war.
This wasn't planned, and her appearance was almost too late.
It was here Donald Ryland planned to tackle a mixed rock and ice climb innocuously called Rosebud.
She eagerly informed the pair how she planned to attend tomorrow's ice festival activities, in search of first hand research for what was sure to be a winning chapter.
We can't say if she planned on killing him with it or was just protecting herself but later she used it to cut his line.
He planned to discuss it with Cynthia but other matters interrupted.
I planned to work on some music tonight anyway.
He left a message, saying he wanted to make sure she got the address and still planned on coming tonight.
Connor had it all planned.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
I know this is not how you planned your life with him, but I am certain, when all is said and done, you'll find this to be the best course for you both.
Jackson had planned to propose to Elisabeth in Coronet Park after the first snowstorm, but if Miriam wanted to take part he would not deny her.
This isn't exactly how I planned my proposal, but I think your mother is pleased.
This wasn't working out exactly the way she had planned.
It wasn't the way she had planned to break the news, but he was being so irrational.
But Katie had planned it this way.
If he was getting ready to make an indecent proposal, she didn't want Katie to hear the squelching reply she had planned.
I always planned to fill this farm with kids, but they're going to be human and I hope none of them are like you!
You always planned to fill the farm with kids?
Maybe that was what he planned to do, but the way he looked at her was hardly brotherly.
Home was in Arkansas now, over five hundred miles away, and he planned to sleep there tonight.
This type of contingency was not one we planned for.
She'd planned on Elise helping her escape to the west, where she could secure the Horsemen at the Peace Command Center.
Brady didn't move away as he planned, instead teasing her mouth open.
What your grandfather planned with mine so long ago is about to happen.
Death was waiting for Gabriel when he dozed off. He'd planned on staying awake and moving so she wouldn't catch up to them, but even he needed a short nap after three straight days of grueling travel in the underworld.
Dean made surprisingly good time driving to Philadelphia in spite of having taken longer than he had planned interviewing the wife of the missing man.
Dean planned to send a patrol car by later to pick up some clothes but his trip home passed within a block of Parsons Street and on an impulse, he drove by the building.
Dean planned to telephone Fred directly from Willoughby's to make absolutely sure no inquisitive eavesdropper could arrive at the bar before he was securely in place.
In order to minimize expenditures, Dean planned to skip the motel bit and camp out on the tour.
Finally, Dean asked if Byrne planned to finish the bike tour.
Alex planned to make it a safari of North American wildlife.
We had planned to do it next Monday, but with this latest problem...
Was that where he planned to meet the mystery person?
By the time she finished cooking supper for them, it was later than she had planned.
This wasn't going as well as she had planned.
She needed to know what Jonny planned.
I planned on sticking close anyway.
He'd planned on asking her about it this morning, before the summons took her and Jonny from the mountain fortress.
The woman in her screamed for her to leave, to find Damian and have their son in the place they'd planned in a few months.
And you planned on getting it for him how?
Unfortunately, the southern routes ran into the desert, and the armies were too far to return in enough time to stave off any attack Memon planned in the next fortnight.
There was a much better time when she did not know he planned to usurp her, and the memory comforted her.
It was not as he had planned.
Whatever he planned for her would be far worse than their quick deaths.
I planned to do the same.
She planned to leave Princess at the stable and ride with him the rest of the way to the house.
They had planned a barbeque for entertainment, but as it turned out, Felipa provided all the entertainment they needed.
Things were going as she had planned.
I planned on helping her, you know.
If I didn't think I could handle it, I wouldn't have planned it.
While you were masterminding this manipulative plot, did you lose sight of your promise to protect me - or was that something else you planned on ditching?
It would be interesting to see how he planned to manage someone equally cagy.
Evidently it wasn't at all the response he expected and his planned route was foiled.
What have you got planned for the next couple of hours?
It wasn't how she had planned to tell him.
Surely he hadn't planned to spend four hours on the road.
She planned on telling him her name was Kelli, and that she was a model.
She watched him curiously, wondering if he planned on wiping off her offending fingerprints.
And didn't she owe him a kiss for saving her, especially since she planned on stealing from him?
What if he took revenge on her for what she planned to do?
He's got an after party planned.
He was insistent on meeting with her as planned.
Jonny had texted her twice already today, asking if she planned on meeting him tomorrow.
I'll do what you planned on doing with this.
Such analyses, which do not always admit of great accuracy, have been confirmed by a few carefully planned experiments in which two components were brought together under very varied conditions, and the resulting compound analysed.
He made great contributions to the knowledge of Saadia, and planned a complete edition of Saadia's works in Arabic and French.
He had named them Roman patricians; the latter he had placed in charge of Florence; the former, for whom he planned to carve out a kingdom in central Italy of Parma, Piacenza, Ferrara and Urbino, he had taken with himself to Rome and married to Filiberta of Savoy.
Forbidden to invade the Romagna, he returned indignantly to Caprera, where with Crispi and Bertani he planned the invasion of Sicily.
Although planned in the shape of a cross, with a square and tower in the middle, the arms of the cross are not straight, the constructor holding the ingenious opinion that, in order to prevent little towns from being taken in at a glance, their streets should be crooked.
It is the seat of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station and of Hobart College (nonsectarian), which was first planned in 1812, was founded in 1822 (the majority of its incorporators being members of the Protestant Episcopal church) as successor to Geneva Academy, received a full charter as Geneva College in 1825, and was renamed Hobart Free College in 1852 and Hobart College in 1860, in honour of Bishop John Henry Hobart.
But in 1083 he was suddenly disgraced and imprisoned for having planned a military expedition to Italy.
The wall of Herod Agrippa was planned on a grand scale, but its execution was stopped by the Romans, so that it was not completed at the time of the siege of Jerusalem by Titus.
From what is known, however, of the policy of Spain at this time, it is by no means unlikely that such a scheme was planned.
This system of telegraphic printing has a great advantage over the step-by-step system in avoiding the necessity for the rapidly acting electric escapement, which, however skilfully planned and executed, is always liable to failure when worked too rapidly.
When the mind which had planned it was withdrawn, it fell to pieces, and the very hands which had been used to build it helped to scatter its fragments.
Alexander had planned to amalgamate the former rulers of the world with his Macedonians; but his death was followed by a Macedonian reaction.
Although for a time it was lost sight of on the continent, Sir Isaac Newton thought so highly of this book that he prepared an annotated edition which was published in Cambridge in 1672, with the addition of the plates which had been planned by Varenius, but not produced by the original publishers.
While steam has been said to make a ship independent of wind and tide, it is still true that a long voyage even by steam must be planned so as to encounter the least resistance possible from prevailing winds and permanent currents, and this involves the application of oceanographical and meteorological knowledge.
Augustus had planned the conquest of Germany up to the Elbe.
Unless it be quite short, it can scarcely ever be planned simply to connect its two terminal points, without regard to the intervening country; in order to be of the greatest utility and to secure the greatest.
Another revolt was planned in 720 in which the province of Samaria joined with Hamath and Damascus, with the Phoenician Arpad and Simura, and with Gaza and " Egypt."
It is part of the scheme which runs through the book of Kings, and its apparent object is to show that the Temple planned by David and founded by Solomon ultimately gained its true position as the only sanctuary of Yahweh to which his worshippers should repair.
Whereas the earlier conquests were mostly the results of large half-conscious national movements working out their destinies in the East, these later ones were annexations deliberately planned by European cabinets.
Sivaji, however, planned their expulsion, and before the end of his restless life made much progress in the execution of that design.
He was assistant librarian of Harvard University from 1856 to 1872, and planned and perfected an alphabetical card catalogue, combining many of the advantages of the ordinary dictionary catalogues with the grouping of the minor topics under more general heads, which is characteristic of a systematic catalogue.
The metropolitan system as planned in 1905 for the near future contemplated storage for 80,000,000,000 gallons, it is only part of a system planned for the service of the metropolitan area.
The metropolitan water board - of whose expenditures Boston bears only a share - expended from 1895 to 1900 $20,693,870; and the system was planned to consume finally probably 40 millions at least.
When Augustine proposed this task he had already planned and made some progress with his own De civitate Dei; it is the same argument that is elaborated by his disciple, namely, the evidence from history that the circumstances of the world had not really become worse since the introduction of Christianity.
Next he planned a great seven-fold work against the enemies of the Church, of which only the section directed against astrology was completed.
The exigencies of the defensive system planned by Themistocles could only have been satisfied by a juncture of the Phaleric wall with that of the Peiraeus.
An extensive scheme of railway construction has been planned, the four main lines projected being (1) from Takau to Tainan; (2) from Tainan to Kagi; (3) from Kagi to Shoka; and (4) from Shoka to Kelung; these four forming, in effect, a main trunk road running from the south-west to the north-east, its course being along the foot of the mountains that border the western coast-plains.
The advance of the Americans had been rapid and decisive, with a small loss of life - three killed and forty wounded - due to the skill with which the military manoeuvres were planned and executed and the cordial welcome given the invaders by the inhabitants.
The open resistance by the colonists (October 1768) was a carefully planned revolt.
In 1887 he planned with some friends to assassinate Emperor Alexander III.
The first hope of emancipation from the Turkish yoke had been founded by the Greeks on Peter the Great, who had planned the expulsion of the Turks from Europe and had caused the inscription " Petrus I., Russo-Graecorum Monarcha " to be placed beneath his portrait engraved at Amsterdam.
Burnham, who planned the buildings at the Pan-American Exposition and the Chicago World's Fair respectively.
He planned a vast amount of work, but his schemes were all frustrated in January 1884 by the most serious illness from which he had yet suffered.
The first emperor planned to establish there a German colony, but the plan was not realized until 1845, when about 2700 colonists from Germany were located there.
The expense of these expeditions was very heavy, and prevented President Moraes from carrying out many of the retrenchments he had planned.
His two newspapers, the Illyrian National Gazette and the Danica Ilirska (Illyrian Daystar) provided a literary focus for the rising generation; while his reform of Croat orthography, planned on parallel lines with Vuk Karadzic's epochmaking philological work in Serbia, assured to modern SerboCroat literature a definitely unitary development.
Anti-Catholic feeling ran so high that, after the discovery of the Popish Plot, he found it wiser to retire to Brussels (1679), while Shaftesbury and the Whigs planned to exclude him from the succession.
Besides other open spaces there is Burger's park, originally planned, during the first British occupation, as a botanical garden.
The affair seems to have been well planned up to a certain point, and well executed; but the Athenian van, flushed with a first success, their ranks broken and disordered by a pursuit of the enemy over rough ground, were repulsed with great loss by a body of heavy-armed Boeotians, and driven back in disorder.
So in later times when William the Conqueror planned the Tower he gave the site at the western extremity to his follower Ralph Baynard, where was erected the stronghold known as.
There can be no doubt that within the walls there was originally much unoccupied space, for with the single exception of the larger circuit south of Ludgate, up to where the river Fleet ran, made in 1276 for the benefit of the Black Friars, the line of the walls, planned by the later Romans, remained complete until the Great Fire (1666).
The Bankside was of old a favourite place for entertainments, but two only - the bull-baiting and the bear-baiting - were in existence when Agas's map was first planned.
Many of the chief citizens followed the example of the courtiers, and built for themselves country residences in Middlesex, Essex and Surrey; thus we learn from Norden that Alderman Roe lived at Muswell Hill, and we know that Sir Thomas Gresham built a fine house and planned a beautiful park at Osterley.
Lincoln's Inn Fields had been planned some years before.
Alompra, left by the conqueror in charge of the village of M6tshobo, planned the deliverance of his country.
The science of irrigation and engineering seems to have been first created in Babylonia, which was covered by a network of canals, all skilfully planned and regulated.
The gates here are more elaborate than at Boghaz Keui, but planned with the same idea - that of entrapping in an enclosed space, barred by a second door, an enemy who may have forced the first door, while flanking towers would add to his discomfiture.
The water supply, deemed ample when the prison was planned, became polluted under the congested conditions.
Their campaign was one of deliberate conquest, one of the greatest ever planned by Christian missionaries.
Twenty-eight volumes were planned but only nineteen were published.
The popular party planned, in 1265, to try him for his life before the folk-moot, but he was saved by the news of the battle of Evesham which arrived on the very day appointed for the trial.
The present fortifications were planned and made in 1815, the older defences having been destroyed by Napoleon I.
It is true that Richard indemnified himself on his return by resuming some of his most important grants and refusing to return the purchase money; but it is improbable that he had originally planned this repudiation of his ill-considered bargains.
To capture this British garrison, later increased to 6000 men, the co-operation of about 10,000 men (mostly New England militia) under Major-General John Sullivan, and a French fleet carrying 4000 French regulars under Count D'Estaing, was planned in the summer of 1778.
While professor of morals at Leipzig, Otto Mencke planned the Acta eruditorum, with a view to make known, by means of analyses, extracts and reviews, the new works produced throughout Europe.
Holstenius was a man of unwearied industry and immense learning, but he lacked the persistency to carry out the vast literary schemes he had planned.
At the head of a hundred thousand men he showed, besides the large grasp of strategy which planned the Carolinas march, besides the patient skill in manoeuvre which gained ground day by day towards Atlanta, the strength of will which sent his men to the hopeless assault of Kenesaw to teach them that he was not afraid to fight, and cleared Atlanta of its civil population in the face of a bitter popular outcry.
In the vicinity is St Mary's (Anglican) parish hall (1905-1907), the first portion of a large building planned to take the place of "Old" St Mary's Church, the "mother" church of the Rand, built in 1887.
A breakwater was therefore planned on the Monarch shoal, to double the available anchorage area and increase the frontage of deep-water wharves available in all weathers.
Meanwhile Aquitaine was gradually lost; the defeat of Pembroke off La Rochelle deprived England of the command of the sea, and Sir Owen ap Thomas, a grand-nephew of Llewelyn ab Gruffyd, planned, with French help, an abortive invasion of Wales.
It was decided that that army should halt and reconstitute for the present, as any further advance could only be carried out by a deliberate and carefully planned assault on the canal line.
The sec and phase of the offensive as planned could not even be commenced.
Trajan no doubt planned a war before he left the Danube for Rome late in 99.
In 1686 Vauban planned harbour-works which were begun under Louis XVI.
Because he, too, thought so, and because he recommended John Hughes, a merchant of Philadelphia, for the office of distributor of stamps, Franklin himself was denounced - he was even accused of having planned the Stamp Act - and his family in Philadelphia was in danger of being mobbed.
He planned an appeal to the king of France for aid, and wrote the instructions of Silas Deane who was to convey it.
In the year before (1742) he had planned the " Pennsylvania fire-place," better known as the " Franklin stove," which saved fuel, heated all the room, and had the same principle as the hot-air furnace; the stove was never patented by Franklin, but was described in his pamphlet dated 1744.
The state institutions, each governed by a board of trustees, and all under the supervision of the state board of charity, include a state hospital at Tewksbury, for paupers (1866); a state farm at Bridgewater (1887) for paupers and petty criminals; the Lyman school for boys at Westboro, a reformatory for male criminals under fifteen years of age sentenced to imprisonment for terms less than life in connexion with which a very successful farm is maintained for the younger boys at Berlin; an industrial school for girls at Lancaster, also a reformatory school - a third reformatory school for boys was planned in 1909; a state sanatorium at Rutland for tuberculous patients (the first public hospital for such in the United States) and a hospital school at Canton for the care and instruction of crippled and deformed children.
Three more hospitals for consumptives were planned in 1909.
While Lincoln was at Worcester Shays planned to capture the arsenal at Springfield, but on the 25th of January Shepard's men fired upon Shays's followers, killing four and putting the rest to flight.
Thus they had planned the campaign, but Napoleon forestalled them.
In the face of this uncompromising display of opposition there could be no hope for the Coalition planned by Clam-Martinitz for the creation of a new Austria, and on June 19 he resigned.
Even the reform of taxation carried out in the autumn of 1915 (modification of the inheritance and donations duty and the taxation on insurance policies and legal charges) cannot be regarded strictly as war taxes, as they had been planned a considerable time before the outbreak of the war and had only been delayed by the inability of Parliament to continue its work.
Louis Philippe and Guizot had planned the marriage of the duke of Montpensier with the infanta Louisa of Spain, younger sister of Queen Isabella, who, it was thought at the time, was not likely ever to have children.
Khosrev, too, emboldened by this new sense of support, ventured to sea, surprised and destroyed Psara (July 2), and planned an attack on Samos, which was defeated by Miaoulis and his fire-ships (August 16, 17).
The measure, however, was less incisive than its chief sponsors had planned, because of the narrow majority commanded by the Democrats in the Senate.
In 1615 he planned and carried into practice a new method of finding the dimensions of the earth, by determining the distance of one point on its surface from the parallel of another, by means of a triangulation.
These were planned in the days of short-range guns, and were therefore in 1870 open to an overwhelming bombardment by the rifled cannon of the attack.
The traditional view that he planned a separation of the West from the Union is now discredited.
He had planned his work on a large scale; and in Acts we have its second volume.
The university of Mexico, planned by Mendoza and founded on the 21st of September 1551, was formally opened on the 25th of January 1553, with faculties of law, philosophy and theology.
There was an outburst of warlike feeling in the United States (with a countermovement in the North), and an invasion of Mexico was planned by three routes - from Matamoros towards Monterey in New Leon, from San Antonio de Bexar to Chihuahua, r and from Fort Leavenworth to New Mexico.
Cromwell had planned the work on a large scale, too large evidently for the resources of the English presses, for it was determined that the printing should be entrusted to Francis Regnault, a famous Paris printer.
He even planned an Histoire generale.
In May 1798 the breaking out of a conspiracy planned by the United Irishmen to seize the city was prevented by the capture of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, son of the duke of Leinster and husband of the celebrated "Pamela."
A passage at the other end leads to the "necessarium" (I), a portion of the monastic buildings always planned with extreme care.
With the completion of the Grand Trunk Pacific (planned for 191 1) and the Canadian Northern, the country would possess three trans-continental railways, and be free from the reproach, so long hurled at it, of possessing length without breadth.
The company planned by Richelieu was not a success.
Frontenac planned attacks upon New England and encouraged a ruthless border warfare that involved many horrors.
In 1744, when the war of the Austrian Succession broke out, the New England colonies planned and in 1745 effected the capture of Louisbourg, the stronghold of France in Cape Breton Island, which menaced their commerce.
It was born during the era of the American Civil War, and was planned to correct defects which time had revealed in the American federation.
The industries planned for the colony did not thrive,.
He planned a book about Venice in 1845, and The Stones of Venice was announced in 1849 as in preparation.
Augustus planned it.
The evil reputation of these festivals, at which the grossest debaucheries took place, and all kinds of crimes and political conspiracies were supposed to be planned, led in 186 B.C. to a decree of the senate - the so-called Senatus consultum de Bacchanalibus, inscribed on a bronze tablet discovered in Calabria (1640), now at Vienna - by which the Bacchanalia were prohibited throughout the whole of Italy, except in certain special cases, in which the senate reserved the right of allowing them, subject to certain restrictions.
Against the wishes of the justiciar he planned and carried out an expedition to the west of France (1230); when it failed he laid the blame upon his minister.
He planned brutal practical jokes, in which blows had always a share.
They were planned in 1583 by John Hamilton, an ancestor of Lord Belhaven, and now belong to Lord Ruthven.
A second history, the Gesta Regum, is planned on a smaller scale and traces the fortunes of Britain from the days of Brutus to the year 1209.
The work had been planned under the rule of Nero.
Union with other Reformed churches was planned in 1743, in 1784, in 1816-20, 1873-78 and 1886, but unsuccessfully; however, ministers go from one to another charge in the Dutch and German Reformed, Presbyterian, and to a less degree Congregational churches.
The city has a public library (1865), and is the seat of St John's School and the Academy of Our Lady of Lourdes (both Roman Catholic), of a state hospital for the insane (1878), originally planned (1877) as an inebriate asylum, liquor dealers being taxed for its erection, and of St Mary's Hospital (1889), a famous institution founded and maintained by the Sisters of St Francis.
The Anglican Church began work in 1890, the work was thoroughly planned, the characteristics of the people were carefully considered, and the successes and failures of other missionfields were studied as a guide to method.
Aeolotachic contraction further leads to the " pipes " or contraction cavities already described in § 121, and the procedure must be carefully planned first so as to reduce these to a minimum, and second so as to induce them to form either in those parts of the casting which are going to be cut off and re-melted, or where they will do little harm.
Michael Schlatter (1716-1790), a Swiss of St Gall, sent to America in 1746 by the Synods (Dutch Reformed) of Holland, immediately convened Boehm, Weiss and Rieger in Philadelphia, and with them planned a Coetus, which first met in September 1747; in 1751 he presented the cause of the Coetus in Germany and Holland, where he gathered funds; in 1752 came back to America with six ministers, one of whom, William Stoy (1726-1801), was an active opponent of the Coetus and of clericalism after 1772.
More commonly the term is applied to the doctrine that the universe as a whole has been planned on a definite design, or at least that it tends towards some end.
Before the strife flamed up again, Hobbes had published, in 1658, the outstanding section of his philosophical system, and thus completed, after a fashion, the scheme he had planned more than twenty years before.
On the 18th of April 1861, the day after Virginia passed her ordinance of secession, when a considerable force of Virginia militia under General Kenton Harper approached the town - an attack having been planned in Richmond two days before - the Federal garrison of 45 men under Lieutenant Roger Jones set fire to the arsenal and fled.
Eight years after Pascal's death appeared what purported to be his Pensees, and a preface by his nephew Perier gave the world to understand that these were fragments of a great projected apology for Christianity which the author had, in conversation with his friends, planned out years before.
In Upper Burma three productive irrigation works were planned at the opening of the century - the Mandalay, the Shwebo, and the Mon canals, of which the first was estimated to cost -Rx.323,280, and to irrigate 72,000 acres.
The Prussian government also planned a great scheme by which the Westphalian coal-fields should be directly connected with the Rhine in one direction and the Elbe in the other by a canal which would join together Minden, Hanover and Magdeburg.
Here too he planned and wrote the first two volumes of his chief historical work, the History of the Papacy; and it was in part this which led to his being elected in 1884 to the newly-founded Dixie professorship of ecclesiastical history at Cambridge, where he went into residence early in 1885.
Not content with this tie, however, which was personal to himself alone, the king planned to make them hereditary possessions of his family, and to transfer the headquarters of the Habsburgs from the Rhine to the Danube.
Now begin the dealings of Dionysius with Italy, where the Rhegines, kinsmen of Naxos and Catana, planned a fruitless attack on him in common with Messana.
Norden (f 7081742), both travelling in 1737, and others later, planned, described or figured Egyptian ruins in a primitive way and identified many of the sites with cities named in classical authors.
In a series of five carefully planned campaigns he consolidated his conquests in southern Syria and secured the ports of Phoenicia (q.v).
Rameses in his brief reign of two years planned and began the great colonnaded hall of Karnak, proving that he was a man of great ideas, though probably too old to carry them out; this task he left to his son Seti I., who reigned one year with his father and on the latters death was ready at once to subdue the Bedouin Shasu, who had invaded Palestine and withheld all tribute.
In 1290 he planned an attack on Acre, but died (November 10th) in the middle of all his preparations.
He also planned an expedition against the prince of Lesser Armenia, which was averted by the surrender of Behesna, Marash and Tell JJamdun.
For Pericles he planned the arrangement of the harbour-town Peiraeus at Athens.
He planned a set of royal marriages with England, and this was the ground of his subjects' charge against him of servility to England.
He was there the royalist leader, and planned a coup d'etat, but on the 18th Fructidor he was arrested, and with fourteen others deported to Cayenne in 1797.
Texier in 1849, and has now been completely planned, &c., by Count Lanckoronski's expedition in 1884.
If his campaigns were not always so wisely and prudently planned as those of some of his predecessors, they were in the main eminently fortunate, and resulted in adding to his dominions Belgrade, Budapest, Temesvar, Rhodes, Tabriz, Bagdad, Nakshivan and Rivan, Aden and Algiers, and in his days Turkey attained the culminating point of her glory.
In the so-called " Via Dolorosa " is a cave which was opened and planned about 1870.
He planned the buildings, gathered its faculty - mainly from abroad - and shaped its organization.
From 1887 until 1891 he was the first president of the New York college for the training of teachers (later the Teachers' College of Columbia University), which he had personally planned and organized.
When once established as sultan, he planned more extensive schemes of conquest.
Scott's expedition, planned with the double purpose of reaching the South Pole and completing the scientific study of the Ross Sea area, reached McMurdo Sound in the " Terra Nova " on Jan.
He received them in Jerusalem in 1148; with them he planned the attack on Damascus and with them he signally failed in the attack.
Baldwin originally planned a solemn coronation, as the signal of his emancipation.
An extension of the line is planned from Asmara to Sabderat and Kassala.
The port was planned in June 1916, primarily to relieve Dover of this class of transport.
The governor of Azerbaijan and Armenia, belonging to the powerful Turkish house of the Sajids or Sajites, whose loyalty was always doubtful, planned an invasion of Syria and Egypt.
On May 26 the situation was such that Cadorna thought it wise to make further preparations for a step which he had already considered and planned - a retreat from the Isonzo and Cadoro.
But the attack was well planned, and conducted with skill and determination.
A railway from Seoul to Wiju was planned under French engineers, but the work was started by the Korean government.
But the full value of the ancient theory of these processes cannot be appreciated until we recognize that as Aristotle planned them Newton used them.
Their death by stratagem had already been planned, and on the 10th of March they had to go into hiding.
The opportunity for developing water-power by the purchase of the canal around Pawtucket Falls (chartered for navigation in 1792) led them to choose the adjacent village of East Chelmsford as the site of their projected cotton mills; they bought the Pawtucket canal, and incorporated in 1822 the Merrimack Manufacturing Company; in 1823 the first cloth was actually made, and in 1826 a separate township was formed from part of Chelmsford and was named in honour of Francis Cabot Lowell, who with Jackson had improved Cartwright's power loom, and had planned the mills at Waltham.
The English colony of Maryland, planned by the Catholic George Calvert (1st Lord Baltimore), and founded (1634) by his son the Catholic Cecilius Calvert (2nd Lord Baltimore), and Pennsylvania, founded (1681) by the tolerant Quaker William Penn, first permitted the legal existence of Catholicism in English-speaking communities of the New World.
The emperor protested that only the Greeks were fit to hear him, and rewarded them when he left by the bestowal of immunity from the land tax on the whole province, and by the gift of the Roman franchise; he also planned and actually commenced the cutting of a canal through the Isthmus of Corinth.
Upon the arrival of Garibaldi at Naples, Bertani was appointed secretary-general of the dictator, in which capacity he reorganized the police, abolished the secret service fund, founded twelve infant asylums, suppressed the duties upon Sicilian products, prepared for the suppression of the religious orders, and planned the sanitary reconstruction of the city.
The Rio Grande project was planned in 1907 for the storage of the flood waters of the Rio Grande near Engle, New Mexico, in order to reclaim about 155,000 acres of land in New Mexico and Texas, and to deliver to Mexico above the city of Juarez 60,000 acre-feet of water per year, as provided by a treaty (proclaimed on the 16th of January 1907) between that republic and the United States.
In concert with the American generals, he planned an attack on Newport, preparatory to which he compelled the British to destroy some war vessels that were in the harbour; but before the concerted attack could take place, he put to sea against the English fleet, under Lord Howe, when owing to a violent storm, which arose suddenly and compelled the two fleets to separate before engaging in battle, many of his vessels were so shattered that he found it necessary to put into Boston for repairs.
The great canal of Languedoc was planned and constructed by Pierre Paul Riquet (1604-1680) under his patronage.
These points, together with a truly turned and polished cylinder, with carefully planned means of adjustment, much simplify the preparation of making-ready of any kind of type-forme or blocks for printing, which is carried out much in the same way as on the ordinary single cylinder, but in a more convenient manner.
The matte also, in all economically planned works, is conveyed, still molten, by electric cranes from the furnace to the converters.
Three well planned and commodious hospital buildings represent the benevolent work of the community.
He succeeded in keeping in touch with the extreme elements in Ireland and in arranging with them the rebellion planned for Easter week 1916, of which he himself proposed to take the lead.
The men about him how-, ever - among them Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, "Lyon King" and poet - saw his capacity for greater things, and, on his at first refusing "to run where God had not called him," planned a solemn appeal to Knox from the pulpit to accept "the public office and charge of preaching."
An attempted monarchical revolution, planned by the queen and a few devoted young nobles in 1756, was easily and remorselessly crushed; and, though the unhappy king did not, as he anticipated, share the fate of Charles Stuart, he was humiliated as never monarch was humiliated before.
The organization of the empire is planned throughout on broad, free lines; there is nothing mean and timorous in it.
At Kandahar he planned a conspiracy against the government, slew Gurji Khan and his retinue, seized the city, defeated two Persian armies sent against him, and died a natural death in i715.
The Russian envoy, who had appeared among tne tents of the besieging army almost simultaneously with his English colleague, no sooner found himself alone in his diplomacy than he resumed his aggressive counsels, and little more than a fortnight had elapsed since MNeills departure when a vigorous assault, planned, it is asserted, by Simonich himself, was made upon Herat.
The abbey of Quedlinburg was planned by Henry the Fowler, although its actual foundation is due to his son Otto the Great.
As a result of six months' work, Wood's "earliest temple" was recleared and planned, remains of three earlier shrines were found beneath it, a rich deposit of offerings, &c., belonging to the earliest shrine was discovered, and tentative explorations were made in the Precinct.
A joint volume was planned.
When the gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society at South Kensington were being planned, Albert, Prince Consort, the president of the society, especially desired that there should be a maze formed in the ante-garden, which was made in the form shown in fig.
In the Alleghenies, in 1799, he planned a settlement in what is now Cambria county, Pennsylvania, and bought up much land which he gave or sold at low prices to Catholic immigrants, spending $150,000 or more in the purchase of some 20,000 acres in a spot singularly ill suited for such an enterprise.
A counterrevolution, planned in the royal palace at Belem and hence known as the Belemzada, was frustrated in November 1836; and in 1837 a Chartist insurrection was crushed after severe fighting.
Floyd; and the pro-slavery party seems to have planned to try for union with the Confederacy, or to organize a Pacific Coast republic. Thomas Starr King (1824-1864), a Unitarian minister, was the heroic war-time figure of the city, the leader of her patriotism.
It is the best planned and cleanest town in the empire, and this combined with the climate, which is very equable, makes it a health resort, especially for consumptive patients.
It is scarcely too much to say that, in the general opinion of his contemporaries, the whole glory of these years was due to his single genius; his alone was the mind that planned, and his the spirit that animated the brilliant achievements of the British arms in all the four quarters of the globe.
It has even been said that the only permanent acquisition that England owed directly to him was her Canadian dominion; and, strictly speaking, this is true, it being admitted that the campaign by which the Indian empire was virtually won was not planned by him, though brought to a successful issue during his ministry.
The Bandieras began to make propaganda among the officers and men of the Austrian navy, nearly all Italians, and actually planned to seize a warship and bombard Messina.
The white inhabitants, still mostly French, were subjected to an English rule that until the Quebec Act of 1774 was chiefly military, and as a consequence many of the more thrifty sought homes elsewhere, and the Indians, most of whom had been allies of the French, were so ill-treated, both by the officers and traders, that under Pontiac, chief of the Ottawas, a simultaneous attack on the English posts was planned.
A sequel, Justice, had been planned, but not executed.
The complete uncovering of the site was planned in 1910.
Alaskan mails leave the states daily, many post-offices are maintained, mail is regularly delivered beyond the Arctic circle, all the more important towns have telegraphic communication with the states,' there is one railway in the interior through Canadian territory from Skagway, and other railways are planned.
The fort was finally recaptured by the English in 1758, as the result of an elaborate expedition (involving about 7000 troops) planned by Brigadier-General John Forbes (1710-1759), and prosecuted, with the assistance of Colonel George Washington and Colonel Henry Bouquet, in the face of great difficulties.
This was the only part of a complete edition planned by Grosart that ever appeared.
Conceiving that the motions of the universe and its parts are due to the desire which it and they feel towards the supreme external mind and its several thoughts, so that the cosmical order planned by the divine mind is realized in the phenomenal universe, Aristotle thus secures the requisite unification, not indeed of mind and matter, for mind and matter are distinct, but of the governing mind, the prime unmoved movent, since it and its thoughts are one.
The keenness of the satire on courts, parties and statesmen certainly suggests that it was planned while Swift's disappointments as a public man were still rankling and recent.
McClellan himself made little progress, and the troops beyond the Chickahominy were defeated after a strenuous defence; whereupon McClellan planned, and during the celebrated Seven Days' Battle triumphantly executed, a change of base to the James river.
There is no system outlined in the location of these detached lines, though in 1905-1908 President Reyes planned to connect them in such a way as to form an extensive system radiating from the national capital.
Doubtless the two regarded each other as rivals; Comyn may have refused to join in the insurrection planned by Bruce.
A complete system of canals was planned, that of Briare partly dug.
The great Cambridge Modern History, though he did not live to see it, was planned under his editorship, and all who came in contact with him testified to his stimulating powers and his extraordinary range of knowledge.
He planned to gather the Lollards of London and the Home Counties under arms, and to seize the person of the kinga scheme as wild as the design of Guy Fawkes or the Fifth Monarchy Rising Men in later generations, for the sectaries were not u0,der1 strong enough to coerce the whole nation.
They had planned to raise a rebellion in the name of the earl of March, in whose cause Wales and the North were to have been called to arms. But March himself refused to stir, and betrayed them to the king, who promptly beheaded them, and set sail five days later.
In 1499 he again planned an escape, which was to be shared by another prisoner, the unfortunate Edward of Clarence, earl of Warwick, whose cell was in the storey above his own.
The latter project provoked fierce resistance; various risings were planned for the opening months of 1554, and Wyats nearly proved successful.
Defeated at sea, but master now of the greater part of the continent of Europe, the French emperor planned to bring Great Britain to terms by ruining her commerce with the vast territories under his influence.
Arabella entered with ardour into the project, and planned an escape from Hardwick with the aid of her chaplain Starkey, who after its failure committed suicide.
A little later she is called "a regular termagant" and in 1607 "not very beautiful."' In December k 1609 she planned an escape with Sir George Douglas to Scotland, apparently with a view of arranging a marriage with Stephen Bogdan, pretender to Moldavia, and on the scheme being discovered she was arrested.
As originally planned, Wisconsin would have included that part of Illinois west of a line running across the southern end of Lake Michigan; and the inhabitants of this tract actually voted to join Wisconsin, but Congress paid no attention to their demands, and this strip of land, including Chicago, became a part of Illinois.
He who planned his campaigns to the great civilized centres of Corinth, Ephesus and Rome, and thus prepared for a historic future of which he did not dream, drew his parallels of thought with no less firm hand, and showed himself indeed " a wise master-builder."
That they were so in great part is confessed again and again in these letters, but confessed in such a way as to reveal that they were permitted for his own enjoyment of them as much as planned.
He had read much of tactics and strategy, joined the American army at the outbreak of the War of Independence, and fought at Bunker Hill, planned the defences of the camps of the army before Boston, and brought from Lake George and border forts much-needed artillery.
Hebert and his followers in despair planned a new insurrection, but they were deserted by Hanriot, their military chief.
Becoming associated with Paul Lacroix ("le Bibliophile Jacob"), he planned with him a history of France, to consist of excerpts from the chief chroniclers and historians, with original matter filling up gaps in the continuity.
He was mainly responsible for the declaration of war against Austria (April 20), and the invasion of the Low Countries was planned by him.
Captain Thomas Bullitt (1730-1778), a Virginian, commanded a company under Washington at Great Meadows (July 4, 1754), was in Braddock's disastrous expedition in 1755, and after the defeat of Major James Grant in 1758 saved his disorganized army by a cleverly planned attack upon the pursuers.
Meantime, in 1418, Henry had gone in person to relieve Ceuta from an attack of Morocco and Granada Mussulmans; had accomplished his task, and had planned, though he did not carry out, a seizure of Gibraltar.
Hardy, a railway official, who planned a town at the intersection of the New Orleans & NorthEastern (which built a round house and repair shops here in 1885) and the Gulf & Ship Island railways.
In February 1883 Mr Trevelyan gave an account of his stewardship at Hawick, and said that all law-abiding Irishmen, whether Conservative or Liberal, were on one side, while on the other were those who " planned and executed the Galway and Dublin murders, the boycotting and firing into houses, the mutilation of cattle and intimidation of every sort."
An invasion of England was planned in 1483 in concert with the duke of Buckingham's rising; but stormy weather at sea and an inundation in the Severn defeated the two movements.
There are also many memorials of the battle of Leipzig, including an obelisk on the Randstadter-Steinweg, on the site of the bridge which was prematurely blown up, when Prince Poniatowski was drowned; a monument of cannon balls collected after the battle; a "relief" to Major Friccius, who stormed the outer Grimma gate; while on the battle plain itself and close to "Napoleonstein," which commemorates Napoleon's position on the last day of the battle, a gigantic obelisk surrounded by a garden has been planned for dedication on the hundredth anniversary of the battle (October 19, 1913).
Planned before 1122, they were mainly composed in the years 1123-1131.
His appeals to the home government, however, resulted in the sending of General Edward Braddock to Virginia with two regiments of regular troops; and at Braddock's call Dinwiddie and the governors of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland met at Alexandria, Virginia, in April 1755, and planned the initial operations of the war.
Eliduc is more elaborately planned than any of these, and the action is divided between Exeter and Brittany.
An insurrection was planned, and a solar eclipse in February 1831 and peculiar atmospheric conditions on the 13th of August were accepted as the signal for beginning the work.
The renters would be there until Easter, when they planned to go back up north.
It was late and they planned to go to church tomorrow for a Christmas Eve program.
They planned to have a birthday lunch and then Connie would take her over to get the car.
It wasn't a relationship she had planned or wanted – until now.
The authorities planned extensive questioning in the vicinity but held out little hope anyone else saw the vehicle.
Weekends were planned in advance, filled with chores and errands, but mid-week inactivity needed creativity to fill time.
Perhaps if the young girl is sleeping she'll believe me when I tell her I left mommy behind and she'll be in a better frame of mind for the games I have planned.
Pissed that his morning hadn't gone as planned, he strode forward and put another bullet in the heads of each of the vamps to ensure they weren't returned to life by their brethren.
I hope to disrupt whatever it is they've got planned for tomorrow night.
She wondered what Czerno planned on doing, until she saw him stride out of the building towards the center of the vamps.
Right now, no part of her was willing to protect Harmony's soul from Darkyn the way she planned to Past-Death's.
Dean hadn't planned to confide all his concerns to Lydia— frankly, he wasn't sure he could trust her enough.
At the sound of her despair, he wanted nothing more than to reassure her that she was everything he needed – everything he wanted – in the mate he planned to spend eternity with.
Do you have an even worse vengeance planned? she demanded.
She'd planned on spending her Thursday evening in a raid for World of Warcraft or building her galactic empire in Homeworld, which Romas never approved of.
A potential war with Qatwal wasn't planned, but he'd seal the fate of his people if he walked away from her.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
She had planned to be married by now and starting a family, but the prospect was looking farther away with each day she and Josh avoided each other.
He dropped to the ground, unable to stabilize the raging power within him or release it to destroy everything around him as he planned.
I'd planned for some sort of onslaught, not to find you slung over the shoulder of your brother – the wrong brother, though I guess that's the most I can expect out of a half-breed.
A call to Leland Anderson on Memorial day secured his superior's approval to move up his vacation from July—when he'd planned to bike in Iowa and since canceled—to June.
Raised by a sadistic Other who beat her, the Magician Yully had used the magic of all of them to kill the creature that planned to use her to sever the boundary between mortal and immortal worlds before wiping out Watchers and humans.
The Others planned to snatch them all.
He said Landis planned to attack you this eve, and he sent his messenger ahead to warn you.
Thus far, few things were going as planned!
The campaign should also take up a class position and put forward a planned economy and a socialist alternative.
The party was planned without our usual aplomb, it would appear.
After a lengthy hiatus, the band has released a few more tracks and will have a string of shows planned for the near future.
The planned building is a regular polygon of nine sides.
At the last minute it was considered advisable that only two persons should make the ascent instead of the three which had been planned.
All operations involving helicopter airlifts must be carefully planned to avoid risk to people on the ground.
Sample groups Patients with unstable angina for whom PCI was not planned.
A party is planned for Baby's 50th anniversary, too.
Thumby planned for his family a fairly large three-storey home to be some 200 feet from the east bank of the river.
Many commemorative ceremonies are planned to celebrate the bicentennial of the French Revolution in 1989.
It was almost certainly planned, but it does not bide well.
A Cesarean birth was planned when placenta previa was discovered at 32 weeks.
A joint meeting is planned for June 2004 to celebrate the 80 th birthday of Sir David Cox.
A study of the effects of angiotensin II receptor blockade in heart failure is planned for 1998.
Larger zones are planned in cities that, unlike Brighton & Hove, did not miss the funding boat.
We have had two more bops this year so we have now raised enough money to buy a team kit as planned.
She had a planned cesarean instead, which ended in an emergency hysterectomy.
To lend impetus to this, he planned an ambitious three day bazaar in the school Chapel in September 1908.
We need you to voice your opposition to the planned incinerator.
Develop learner independence through the selection of planned activities which encourage students to become self-reliant.
Do they have what it takes, to get out of this extremely insanitary mess, and defeat the planned invasion?
The planned burnout speed of the ground-based interceptors is reported to be 7 to 8 km/s.
Next year an extra bank holiday is already planned to mark the Queen's golden jubilee.
Mr Smith said he planned to report conservative leader Michael Howard to the police for " inciting racial hatred " .
The County Council co-ordinates planned work on the highway through regular liaison with all parties involved.
Recommendations for event organizers Cancel all activities planned on or close to land where susceptible livestock have recently been grazing.
He was particularly proud of the family trout loch in Aberdeenshire which was planned and constructed under his supervision.
Friday 14th January 2005 Greyhound stadium delay A planned multi-million pound makeover at Great Yarmouth Greyhound stadium has been put back.
Would you join a protest march being planned by the Opposition Church Fields group against 4,000 new homes proposed near Daventry Country Park?
Today Mongolia's economy is in transition from the centrally planned system of the socialist period to the competitive environment of the globalized marketplace.
We have far from attained mastery of the methods of planned regulation.
The Astronomer Royal, Sir Frank Dyson, unveiled the memorial, slightly later than planned, in February 1927.
An event to commemorate this milestone in the project's development is being planned later in this the centenary year of Anthony Asquith.
The confessions they offered add to the torrent of them from those who planned the Iraq war and then grossly mismanaged its searing aftermath.
A second phase of planting is planned for Priory Gardens to enhance the rather monotonous bank of single species shrub planting.
He planned to stay at a local airfield motel once a week to clean up and wash clothes.
Philip steered the Campaign to victory over the developers who planned to build a 20 cinema multiplex in Crystal Palace Park.
In addition, a cruise around the non-tidal Bow Back Rivers loop, which is now fully navigable, is planned for the Saturday.
The rescue team planned to spend Saturday conducting a necropsy to determine the cause of death.
They are individually negotiated, planned and evaluated by the learners, encouraging ownership and leadership by the young adults themselves.
Then a medium hike down the kilometers of corridors to the new newsroom where a 24-hour news service is planned.
Huge sums are spent on roads, many planned with b 10 e smooth newts thrive.
I've had to see the obstetrician, which I didn't have to with my first planned home birth.
Additionally, a planned maintenance and inspection program will help ensure efficient brewery process operation.
The additional capacity planned in Miller's Wynd was now operational.
A logon message is in place on the system advising users of the planned outage.
Temporary server outages are planned for every weekend in January.
Most of the " planned " villages were laid out with streets radiating outwards from a central Square, or village green.
It is a proposed 33 kilometer long superconducting particle accelerator with built-in X-ray lasers planned to begin operating in 2012.
Used as part of a planned care regime, OptiFlo helps maintain catheter patency, so the wearer feels refreshed, relaxed and reassured.
However, for this project a method called phenomenology is planned.
Business planned to build gas terminal, which would be linked by an undersea pipeline to underground storage facilities.
The injustice of this still piques me, because I'd planned the whole thing with military precision.
The planned ' championship golf course ' also provides us with many posers.
What hilarious prank had been planned at my expense?
An all-Gaelic primary is also planned for Inverness to cater for 150 pupils.
The National Birthday Trust Fund study of planned home births in the UK reported on the incidence of cord prolapse.
When it was set up in 2002 it planned to achieve 284 successful quitters after a year and actually achieved 323.
A protest rally is being planned to defend the Payne's Lane site.
The tablets along with information booklets are being issued in advance of the planned restart of the pressurized water reactor at Vulcan.
An implementation in Clam has successfully planned proofs for a number of mutually recursive examples.
To protect the Scottish red squirrel, a mass cull in excess of the original planned cull has been suggested.
Tours are designed and planned by CTC members, hereinafter referred to as the leader, on behalf of the company.
Planned sessions are essential in a formal mentoring relationship for it to succeed.
All patients then underwent a planned radical tumor resection.
Moreover, we cannot fail to be struck by the obvious resemblance of living organs to the carefully planned designs of human engineers.
Planned respite is based upon an average provision of one week's respite every six weeks or its equivalent.
Villas for honeymooners, villas for families, villas for celebrating a special occasion, villas for long planned reunions of friends or family.
He, from the beginning, planned to eradicate rinderpest from Africa.
For planned roadworks in Rushmoor, please visit the Hampshire County Council website link on the right hand side of this page.
At the time of the planned extention, it was proposed that a mix of new rolling stock and existing would ply the route.
The Government aims to reach agreements with 20 pilot local authorities for 2001-02, ahead of a planned wider rollout in 2002-03.
Any concessions must be balanced by an absolutely ruthless punishment of those who planned or enabled the hijack bombings.
The Bush administration wants to draw up a new U.N. Security Council resolution concerning the planned restoration of Iraqi self-rule on June 30.
Nuclear staff to debate planned sell-off 19/10/2005 The sale of British Nuclear Group must meet safety, environmental and accountability criteria Prospect has warned.
Further extensions to the interceptor sewer scheme are also planned.
In a planned shake-up of welfare reforms, Mr Hutton said the name for Incapacity Benefit would also change.
The four-day photo shoot lined up for October has been planned out this week.
The NRA planned its own great annual national meeting for rifle shooting.
August There's a clay-pigeon shooting expedition planned for 7th August December Club night in December will our Christmas meal night.
The researchers expect to have twice the current data by December when a planned shutdown of the beams will occur.
These directional aspects do not affect the planned sightseeing or tour highlights.
On the basis of a genuinely socialist planned economy, it could be the richest country on earth.
The Daleks planned to extract the Earth's core and turn the planet into a giant spaceship.
Shopping facilities remain sparse yet should benefit from the further developments planned.
Questions should be carefully planned but appear spontaneous during the session.
A planned 48-hour stoppage at the BBC has been called off while unions consult members on a new peace offer.
The drugs swoop has been planned for more than three months and has involved intelligence gathering and observation techniques.
The town's main thoroughfares were carefully planned out with the large market square at the center and close to the Priory gates.
The Cabinet remained tight-lipped Thursday about the premier's planned visit.
A local tip-off suggested that Lee planned to pass the ball.
It was the most successful of the English medieval planned towns, rising in wealth above many an older town.
In addition to the naming, it is planned to run a few loco hauled trains on the Merthyr Tydfil line that day.
Elsie Rodgers 19th July 2004 The day started off well with no rain and so transects and point counts went ahead as planned.
An access road is planned to run between these two ancient oak trees.
Voikkaa mill and all production lines planned to be closed have remained unprofitable in the competitive environment.
Villas for honeymooners, villas for honeymooners, villas for families, villas for celebrating a special occasion, villas for long planned reunions of friends or family.
From this point of view, the nationalized planned economy in the USSR furnished proof of the most extraordinary vitality for decades.
Further one-day strikes are planned on July 11th and 16th, with a second 48-hour walkout planned for July 21st.
McClellan had planned to use navy warships to pound Yorktown into dust.
First, they planned to look at natural wastage - people who were already planning to leave.
We are proposing to construct an 11km long sewer to transfer wastewater from Black Rock in Brighton to our planned new site at Peacehaven.
The Group has also included in this figure asset write-downs of £ 236k associated with the planned closure of its Japanese subsidiary.
If Clive's sword conquered the Indian empire, it was the brain of Hastings that planned the system of civil administration, and his genius that saved the empire in its darkest hour.
A conspiracy, planned with the object, among others, of kidnapping the emperor while on a visit to Venice and forcing him to make concessions, was postponed in consequence of the coup detat by which Louis Napoleon became emperor of the French (1852); but a chance discovery led to a large number of arrests, and the state trials at Mantua, conducted in the most shamelessly inquisitorial manner, resulted in five death sentences, including that of the priest Tazzoli, and many of imprisonment for long terms. Even this did not convince Mazzini of the hopelessness of such attempts, for he was out of touch with Italian public opinion, and he greatly weakened his influence by favoring a crack-brained outbreak at Milan on the 6th of February 1853, which was easily quelled, numbers of the insurgents being executed or imprisoned.
Boston was the pioneer municipality of the country in the establishment of open-air gymnasiums. A great improvement, planned for many years, was brought nearer by the completion of the new Cambridge Bridge.
A national organization was planned as early as 1827, when the New York leaders attempted, unsuccessfully, to persuade Henry Clay, though a Mason, to renounce the Order and head the movement.
Study of his original papers shows that his discoveries were not made at haphazard, but were the outcome of experiments carefully planned to verify inferences already drawn, and successfully designed to settle the point at issue in the simplest and most direct manner.
It was held unrighteous to invade another nation without a solemn embassy to warn their chiefs of the miseries to which they exposed themselves by refusing the submission demanded, and this again was followed by a declaration of war, but in Mexico this degenerated into a ceremonial farce, where tribute was claimed or an Aztec god was offered to be worshipped in order to pick a quarrel as a pretext for an invasion already planned to satisfy the soldiers with lands and plunder, and to meet the priests' incessant demands for more human sacrifices.
This was forbidden by Pope Pelagius I.; but in the Greek church the custom survives, the priest even stabbing with " the holy spear " in its right side the human figure planned out of the bread, by way of rehearsing in pantomime the narrative of John xix.
It is evidently planned in compliance with the Benedictine rule, which enjoined that, if possible, the monastery should contain within itself every necessary of life, as well as the buildings more intimately connected with the religious and social life of its inmates.
Opening out of the dormitory was always the necessarium, planned with the greatest regard to health and cleanliness, a water-course invariably running from end to end.
Land was acquired and works were planned, but the development of possibilities of torpedo attack soon made it evident that the outer anchorage, as originally designed, would be insecure, and naval opinion became doubtful as to whether the base would be adequate.
He even dreamed of a great trading company "of two hundred thousand livres or more," to monopolize the trade of the Mediterranean, and planned to unify the various systems of weights and measures.
The Borstal scheme of a juvenile-adult reformatory has been to some extent planned on the institutions of Elmira reformatory in the state of New York and of Concord in Massachusetts (see Juvenile Offenders).
He planned the expeditions against Canada under Richard Montgomery and Benedict Arnold, and sent out privateers to harass British commerce.
His father had planned for him a diplomatic or military career, and in 1792 he was aide-de-camp to the commander of the Austrian troops in Brabant; but, after the assassination of the king of Sweden, he, like all other foreigners, was dismissed from the service.
A protest rally is being planned to defend the Payne 's Lane site.
Both can ensure that planned coverage levels are achieved and can offer flexible interference control with no incremental cost for backhaul and RAN infrastructure.
We will continue with our planned range of products.
Other options, including real-time Ethernet, are planned.