Plankton Sentence Examples
All forms of plankton are more abundant in the shallow coastal waters of relatively low salinity.
It is on the plankton that a great part of the higher animal life of the sea ultimately depends for food.
Some of the animals that eat the plant plankton are also plankton.
The organisms constituting this plankton are mostly unicellular, of ten aggregated together in colonies, and the remarkable structure which they exhibit has added a new chapter to the story of adaptation to environment.
In general the plankton - and especially the phyto-plankton of the polar and temperate seas - is much more abundant than is that of the sub-tropical and tropical zones.
The connexion between variations of current strength and the conditions of existence and distribution of plankton are no less important, especially as they act directly or indirectly on the life-conditions of food fishes.
Medusae thus form an important constituent of the plankton or floating fauna of the ocean, and compete with fish and other animals for the food-supply furnished by minuter forms of life.
The German Plankton Expedition of 1889 added greatly to our knowledge of the floating vegetable life of the North Atlantic Ocean, while many laboratories established on the shores of inland seas and lakes have rendered a similar service in the case of our freshwater phyto-plankton.
Hansen concludes that "they are all typically ground animals, and as yet no species has been taken under such conditions that it could be reckoned to the pelagic plankton."
Figure 2. Atmospheric carbon dioxide mirrors plankton abundance over much shorter timescale of hours in the Atlantic.
AdvertisementJust prior to his visit, I had acquired a Wild inverted plankton microscope with phase.
These large round plankton hum as you spin them.
A particularly fine-grained mud is formed on the low coasts of the eastern border of the North Sea by a mixture of the finest sediment carried down by the slow-running rivers with the calcareous or siliceous remains of plankton.
A small proportion of organic matter including the fat globules of the plankton is mixed with the calcium carbonate, the amount according to Giimbel's analysis being about 1 part in 1000.
Radiolarian ooze was recognized as a distinct deposit and named by Sir ' John Murray on the " Challenger " expedition, but it may be viewed as red clay with an exceptionally large proportion of siliceous organic remains, especially those of the radiolarians which form part of the pelagic plankton.
AdvertisementFol and Sarasin detected the last traces of sunlight in the western Mediterranean at a depth of 254 to 260 fathoms, and Luksch in the eastern Mediterranean at 328 fathoms and in the Red Sea at 273 fathoms. The chief cause of the different depths to which light penetrates in sea-water is the varying turbidity due to the presence of mineral particles in suspension or to plankton.
Schott gives the following as the result of measurements of transparency by means of a white disk at 23 stations in the open ocean, where quantitative observations of the plankton under i square metre of surface were made at the same time.
The colour of ocean water far from land is an almost pure blue, and all the variations of tint towards green are the result of local disturbances, the usual cause being turbidity of some kind, and this in the high seas is almost always due to swarms of plankton.
There is a distinct relationship between colour and transparency in the ocean; the most transparent water which is the most free from plankton is always the purest blue, while an increasing turbidity is usually associated with an increasing tint of green.
Asplanchnaceae, plankton, dwellers in small pools, are, however, ovoid, and Trochosphaera is spherical and must owe its floating powers to the low density of the liquid in its enormously dilated bodycavity.
AdvertisementTogether with Peridiniaceae they constitute the bulk of marine plankton, and thus play an important part in the support of marine animal life.
To the aggregate of such forms, both animal and vegetable, the term plankton has been applied, and the investigation of the vegetable plankton, both freshwater and marine, has been pursued in recent times with energy and success.
The families Diatomaceae, Peridiniaceae and Protococcaceae are best represented in the pelagic plankton, while in addition the Volvocaceae are an important element in freshwater plankton.
The zoological collections of the "Pola" expeditions show that certain well-defined districts are extremely rich in plankton, while others are correspondingly poor; and it appears that the latter occur in districts surrounded by currents of relatively low temperature, while the richer parts are where the movements of water are blocked by irregularities in the coast-line.
Many of the larger species of Crustacea are used as food by man, the most valuable being the lobster, which is caught in large quantities on both sides of the North Altantic. Perhaps the most important of all Crustacea, however, with respect to the part which they play in the economy of nature, are the minute pelagic Copepoda, of which incalculable myriads form an important constituent of the " plankton " in all the seas of the globe.
AdvertisementThe polyps behave like tiny sea anemones with stinging cells to capture the even smaller life in the plankton.
I don't want to be recycled into a plankton bloom, Mom!
Figure 1. atmospheric carbon dioxide mirrors plankton growth in inverse relationship.
In the plankton sessions we found copepods with their egg sacs, barnacle larve andsome diatoms under the highest magnification.
Carnivorous plankton and those that eat detritus can live in deep, dark layers, so one finds quite distinct communities at different depths.
Larvae of other echinoderms are also present in the plankton, like those of sea urchins, sea cucumbers and brittle stars.
There was lots of plankton and moon jellyfish, and one diver pair had seen a hammerhead here earlier in the day.
Other important components of the plankton meroplankton, picoplankton and megaplankton are also reviewed.
They have very long flexible baleen plates that catch the tiny plankton in the hairs.
He modified the design for use in the North Sea and started collecting plankton in the 1930s.
The ecological relations between the herring and the plankton investigated with the plankton investigated with the Plankton Indicator.
Other methods of sampling plankton are being developed which include optical plankton counters, video and acoustic systems.
Using the latest photographic technology, these images capture in close up microscopic plankton living deep beneath the sea.
In the lab, the team use a common marine plankton infected with a virus to explore the processes in more detail.
In Thailand they are started off with tiny red plankton.
After hatching the larvae are carried by the currents and join other plankton.
In the oceans plankton soak up carbon dioxide and sink to the bottom.
Due to the death and decay of the spring plankton, fresh nutrients become available in the autumn.
Arrow worms hunt in the plankton, beard worms live around hydrothermal vents 9000 meters below the sea surface.
To a plankton animal smaller than a grain of rice, water is a highly viscous medium.
Plankton rich waters attract over 900 species of fish, ranging from cleaner wrasse through to whale sharks.
How well does the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) sample zooplankton?
The plankton is divided into (a) the Zoo-plankton (such as the minute crustacea and the eggs and larva of fishes and many other marine animals); and (b) the Phyto-plankton, that is, the minute algae, diatoms, peridinians, some flagellate protozoa, spores of alga, etc. The investigation of the plankton from a new point of view, begun by Hansen in 1889, was continued by Lohmann at Kiel, by Cleve in Sweden, by Gran and Ostenfeldt in Norway and Denmark, and by Herdman, Allen and others in England.
The armour-plates are often exquisitely sculptured, and may be produced into spines or perpendicular plates to give greater surface extension, as we find in other plankton organisms. The cortical plasma may protrude pseudopodia in the longitudinal groove; it contains trichocysts in several species, true nematocysts in Polykrikos.
Similar patterns were observed in the numbers of sardine eggs sampled by conventional plankton net tows at be time-series Station L5 off Plymouth.
The tadpole larvae are often present in plankton catches.
The OMZ is created by the monsoon upwelling nutrient-rich water from greater depths which drives plankton growth, increasing productivity in the surface waters.
Identifying 3-D plankton from net hauls in the upwelling area near the West coast of Vancouver Is and BC 's north coast.
These are taken from open-sea zooplankton collected by means of merchant ship continuous plankton recorders.
With ten different types of plankton, each one a different sound game, there's a host of different ways to get your groove on.
This changes the arrangement of the plankton, alters their sounds or creates other interesting situations for you to make great music.
The ten varieties of plankton in this game offer a huge choice of sound toys for you to experiment with.
A row of several smiling plankton sit at the bottom of the screen.
Each plankton here has a slightly different tone, meaning you can set them in harmony or create a cacophany of music.
The most game-like of all the Electroplankton modes, Hanenbow are small tadpole-like plankton that leap out of the water along a pointed green leaf.
Depending on where the arrows point, the plankton will go in that direction.
Make loops, create rising and falling sounds and have a great time with one of the easiest plankton to play around with!
Use the stylus to place one of the plankton in the water.
Snowflake-like plankton fill the screen, each with a different tone.
One of several classic Nintendo songs plays in the background while you tap the long plankton in the center.
Music is playing, or run your stylus up and down the chain-like links on the plankton to make rising and falling beeps from the original games.
Will Nintendo unleash more plankton in the future?
The different modes are mini-games and the plankton make many different kinds of sound.
It maintains healthful microorganisms, which nourishes plants, but keeps out plankton, thus creating an exceptionally clean swimming environment.
A unique feature of SpongeBob SquarePants Monopoly is the plankton coin.
This coin is placed on the first property on the game board, Plankton's Lab, at the beginning of play.
Plankton owns a restaurant called the Chum Bucket, which competes with the Krusty Krab for customers.
Ilydrophytes.These include plants of the plankton, or micro- W
Finally, the plankton (and again the vegetable forms in particular) are practically restricted to the upper hundred fathoms or so of the sea.
The plankton, both animal and vegetable, attains its minimal values and many of the larger forms of animal life pass into a kind of condition of hibernation.
Jacobsen on some occasions found water in the surface layers of the Baltic supersaturated with oxygen, which he ascribed to the action of the chlorophyll in vegetable plankton; in other cases when examining the nearly stagnant water from deep basins he found a deficiency of oxygen due no doubt to the withdrawal of oxygen from solution, by the respiration of the animals and by the oxidation of the deposits on the bottom.
Maas, Die craspedoten Medusen der Plankton Expedition, by permission of Lipsius and Tischer.
The differences of salinity support this method, and, especially in the northern European seas, often prove a sharper criterion of the boundaries than temperature itself; this is especially the case at the entrance to the Baltic. Evidence drawn from drift-wood, wrecks or special drift bottles is less distinct but still interesting and often useful; this method of investigation includes the use of icebergs as indicators of the trend of currents and also of plankton, the minute swimming or drifting organisms so abundant at the surface of the sea.
The phenomenon of seasonal dimorphism is of especial moment for the plankton dwellers.