Plagiarism Sentence Examples
The Muses carried off the second prize in 405, Aristophanes being first with the Frogs, in which he accuses Phrynichus of employing vulgar tricks to raise a laugh, of plagiarism and bad versification.
Can you tell me in what paper the article appeared accusing Helen of plagiarism, and giving passages from both stories?
Make sure to reference where you found any information to avoid plagiarism.
He stole from England and France, but with the plagiarism of a man of genius; and his multifarious labours raised Sweden to a level with the other literary countries of Europe.
While poor, morbid Edgar Allan Poe was writing violent and scurrilous articles upon him, accusing him of plagiarism and other literary misdemeanours, he was delivering enthusiastic lectures to his classes on Poe's poetry.
A charge of wholesale plagiarism from this book was brought against Paley in the Athenaeum for 1848.
She did not know the meaning of the word "plagiarism" until quite recently, when it was explained to her.
When compared with the history of the ecclesiastical historian Socrates, it is plainly seen to be a plagiarism from that work, and that on a large scale.
Both Joseph Warton and Dr Parr accused Middleton of deliberate plagiarism, which was the more likely to have escaped detection owing to the small number of existing copies of Bellenden's work.
It was only by identifying itself with the whole history of Greek philosophy, or by figuring as pure Platonism restored, that Neoplatonism could stigmatize the church theology of Alexandria as a plagiarism from itself.
AdvertisementStudents are deemed guilty of plagiarism when they claim to be the author of somebody else's work.
He is bound to admit that Christianity has been stated reasonably; against the moral teaching of Jesus he can only bring the lame charge of plagiarism, and with the Christian assertion that the Logos is the Son of God he completely accords.
But it is to be observed that Grassmann, though he virtually accused Cauchy of plagiarism, does not appear to have preferred any such charge against Hamilton.
The Ulyssea of Gabriel Pereira de Castro describes the foundation of Lisbon by Ulysses, but, notwithstanding its plagiarism of The Lusiads and faults of taste, these ten cantos contain some masterly descriptive passages, and the ottava rima shows a harmony and flexibility to which even Camoens rarely attained; but this praise cannot be extended to the tiresome Ulyssipo of Sousa de Macedo.
The idea of plagiarism as a wrong is comparatively modern, and has grown up with the increasing sense of property in works of the intellect.
AdvertisementI think it is a particularly insidious form of plagiarism.
All such cases will be considered as severe plagiarism.
Plagiarism, womanizing, temper tantrums they 're all there.
In the meantime, Chinese students ' unintentional plagiarism continues to further complicate the issue.
Remember not to belittle the harsh consequences that come with plagiarism.
AdvertisementLoveToKnow reserves the right to disqualify a recipe for any reason including plagiarism or incompleteness.
Plagiarism, claiming the words of someone else as your own, is an unfortunate problem on college campuses.
While students have always borrowed papers from friends, the Internet has made it even easier to engage in plagiarism.
Many colleges have academic honesty policies to outline the standards for dealing with issues of plagiarism.
Many schools rely on services like Turnitin to check for plagiarism.
AdvertisementRichard Ungewitter (author of Die Nacktheit [1906]) is more widely known as the founder of nudism, his reputation having survived Pudor's accusations of plagiarism.
Copying other people's work is plagiarism, which is an unethical practice.
Remember not to simply steal the poems, though - aside from a personal touch being needed to truly make a poem romantic, plagiarism is never sexy.
As a freelance writer, plagiarism is never a good idea. offers writers a tremendous resource and definition of plagiarism to help them avoid the writer's shame, that of stealing another person's work and labeling it as your own.
Sadly, plagiarism does not need to be intentional to take place.
The easiest way to avoid plagiarism is to attribute your sources while writing.
The Internet makes plagiarism an easy trap to fall into.
This is a form of plagiarism, whether it duplicates word for word the statements in the article or simply paraphrases them.
Ultimately, the burden of avoiding plagiarism rests on the writer.
This not only builds integrity in the writing, but also avoids plagiarism.
The last key to avoid plagiarism is to use reliable sources for material.
If you do not take the steps to avoid plagiarism, including verifying your sources and providing reliable and valid work, then it is your prospects as a freelance writer and author that will suffer.
Remember, attribution takes less than a sentence, but accusations of plagiarism can't be undone with hundreds of sentences.
Whether you are a freelance writer or an editor, learning how to detect plagiarism is an essential skill.
Unfortunately, with the growth of Internet publishing, plagiarism has become a fact of life.
In fact, it's harder for an editor to detect plagiarism of print work.
Protect your work by learning how to detect plagiarism.
Even before you use one of the many plagiarism detectors on the Internet, there are a number of clues that will tell you that content might be plagiarized.
Google is an efficient and inexpensive way to detect plagiarism.
There are a number of free plagiarism detectors on the web.
Here are a handful of other useful tools made specifically for preventing plagiarism.
If you're not sure what constitutes plagiarism, check out the LoveToKnow Freelance Writing articles What is Plagiarism? and Avoid Plagiarism.
However, be sure to create a watermark for your pieces in order to protect them from plagiarism.
It's almost an afterthought that plagiarism is illegal and these services are breaking copyright laws.
Although he was at first on good terms with Aristophanes, their relations subsequently became strained, and they accused each other, in most virulent terms, of imitation and plagiarism.
Although a layman he was granted the prebend of Ilfracombe in 1589, and in 15 9 7 he resigned his position at Westminster on being made Clarencieux king-at-arms, an appointment which caused some ill-feeling, and the York herald, Ralph Brooke, led an attack on the genealogical accuracy of the Britannia, and accused its author of plagiarism.
Confronted with Wiggins ' claims this week, Conklin neither confirmed their affair, nor denied specifically the insinuation of plagiarism.
Study Skills In our experience the majority of students who get accused of plagiarism have not committed academic malpractice deliberately.
The review should not copy or closely paraphrase other work, whether published or unpublished, without due acknowledgment, as this constitutes plagiarism.
The final meeting on 6 June 2003 examined deterring plagiarism.
Failure to give proper acknowledgment of a source that you have used may be deemed to constitute plagiarism.
How can I use WebCT Vista to help me detect plagiarism?
The best way to avoid plagiarism is to learn quickly how to follow proper academic practice.
What do I do if I suspect plagiarism in student work?
Example teaching strategies and resources for discouraging plagiarism and encouraging good academic practice by staff and students.
The Law School can only act where evidence exists to support an allegation of suspected plagiarism.
One of the main ways in which students can commit unintentional plagiarism is through over use of paraphrasing.
Am I the only person to have noticed Ms. Smith blatant plagiarism.
He accuses Mort of stealing his story and is here to seek justice for the author's alleged plagiarism.
The University regards deliberate plagiarism as a serious disciplinary offense, and if discovered it is penalized severely.
Later in the year SUGSC also endorsed a template for plagiarism guidance in course documentation that had been developed by the plagiarism guidance in course documentation that had been developed by the Plagiarism Working Group.
Plagiarism consists of substantial or verbatim quotation from an unacknowledged source.
Plagiarism, womanizing, temper tantrums they're all there.
Lauder's charge of plagiarism (1750), attacking David Hume's rationalism in his Criterion of Miracles (1752), and the Hutchinsonians in his Apology for the Clergy (1755).
But Jefferson was charged with plagiarism by those who believed in the authenticity of the " Declaration," and in 1833 there was discovered a proclamation of Governor Martin, dated the 8th of August 1775, in which he mentioned a publication in the Cape Fear Mercury of a series of resolves by a committee of Mecklenburg county which declared " the entire dissolution of the laws, government and constitution of the country."
Nitzsch's silence, both on this occasion and afterwards, is very curious; but he cannot be accused of plagiarism, for the scheme given above is only an amplification of that foreshadowed by him (as already mentioned) in 1820 - a scheme which seems to have been equally unknown to L'Herminier, perhaps through linguistic difficulty.
In the first place, there is the Historia de Hierosolymitano itinere of Tudebod, which according to Besly, writing in 1641, is the original from which the Gesta was a mere plagiarism - an absolute inversion of the truth, as von Sybel first proved two centuries later.
In the 8th century Charlemagne, through the Capitularies, tried in vain to galvanize preaching; such specimens as we have show the sermons of the times to be marked by superstition, ignorance, formality and plagiarism.
Hmm that 's interesting tho, so do you expect supervisors to weed out the plagiarism and before submission of thesis.
Do you have to act if you suspect someone of plagiarism?
Avoid Plagiarism by using a plagiarism checker such as Copyscape.
Here is a great article on how to protect your writing from plagiarism.
Plagiarism Today is a website dedicated to covering the legality behind copyright law and plagiarism.
Plagiarism Today has an entire section on stopping plagiarism and outlines several options you have to stop your work from being stolen before you have to contact an attorney.
If you're looking for information on preventing plagiarism, tips and techniques exist that will help you to protect yourself and your work.
It can be tough to prevent plagiarism, but with a few tips and techniques you can keep it under control.
Many businesses and universities use Copyscape to make keep plagiarism under control.
Plagiarism Today, an online organization whose goal is to help writers prevent the theft of their work, has several suggestions for what you can do before calling an attorney about Internet plagiarism.
It can be tough preventing plagiarism, tips and techniques notwithstanding.
This forum post on Webmaster World contains a great discussion about how to prevent plagiarism.
Plagiarism will get you in big trouble when you're writing online.
Since colleges have academic honesty policies that prohibit plagiarism, a student caught using a term paper mill would either fail the class or be expelled from school.
This is not an ethical way to copy content - remember that even taking someone else's ideas is considered plagiarism.
Rowse also talks about how you run the risk of running afoul of copyright and other plagiarism laws since automated programs can't really ask permission to use content, and that can get you and your blogs in trouble.
In all these biographies there is internal evidence of confusion; many of the incidents related are elsewhere told of other persons, and certain of them are quite irreconcilable with his character, so far as it can be judged of from his writings and from the opinions expressed of him by his contemporaries; we may safely reject, for instance, the legends that he set fire to the library of the Temple of Health at Cnidos, in order to destroy the evidence of plagiarism, and that he refused to visit Persia at the request of Artaxerxes Longimanus, during a pestilential epidemic, on the ground that he would in so doing be assisting an enemy.
In other directions he laid under tribute Herder and Lessing; yet all the while he cast severe imputations of plagiarism upon Hume and others.