Placebo Sentence Examples
A 1998 study of 29,133 male smokers in Finland showed 32% less cases of prostate cancer and 40% less deaths from prostate cancer among men who took vitamin E to prevent lung cancer compared to men who took a placebo.
Research results on the efficacy of St. John's wort have been inconsistent, with some studies finding the herb to be as effective as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and others finding it no more effective than a placebo.
The control group took a placebo, while the experimental subjects took the drug that was being tested.
Dry mouth, transient rise of serum alanine aminotransferase values and sleeping disorders have been reported more frequently than in patients receiving placebo.
Systematic review The review used an extensive search strategy for randomized double blind studies comparing antidepressants with placebo, or with other drug treatments.
These were randomized to 100 mg aspirin every second day, or placebo.
The fifth Placebo album ' meds ' is finally here.
These patients were then compared with ten patients who had received the placebo.
One German study found that a cream made with an extract of St. John's wort relieved the symptoms of AD better than a placebo, but the herbal preparation had not as of 2004 been compared to a standard corticosteroid cream.
Subjects who took the supplement reported an overall drop in their carb cravings compared to the placebo group.
AdvertisementAllocation of the oral amoxicillin and placebo was reported as being double blind.
Pneumocystis carinii was identified by immunofluorescence in only one (placebo) of 73 nasopharyngeal aspirates from children with pneumonia.
Results for topical azoles Twelve trials with more than 10 patients in both treatment groups compared azoles with placebo (Figure 1 ).
Two RCTs, however, clearly showed that chiropractic is not useful beyond a placebo effect for asthma 12,13.
Those who were given codeine only needed slightly higher levels of capsaicin than those given the placebo to cause a cough.
AdvertisementOut a placebo shows descriptive DDD of the number out-of-pocket costs for.
Placebo comparisons Placebo was usually sham short wave diathermy, and patients were a mixture of acute and chronic.
In this trial, the 50 mg dosage cut migraine frequency by 50 percent compared to 10 percent in the placebo group.
So we went back to a very elemental side of Placebo.
Trabio failed to meet the primary endpoint of improving the outcome of surgery for glaucoma compared to placebo.
AdvertisementNeither treatment with placebo nor with RSG changed exercise tolerance and skeletal muscle energetics.
In human healthy volunteers, low doses of the extracts administered in a double-blind design against placebo increased reaction time end time-lapse estimation.
You expect many things from Brian Molko, the androgynous alien sex fiend who fronts Placebo.
There were no significant differences between those taking ginkgo and those taking placebo on any of the objective or subjective measures.
They're kind of filed away in my brain alongside Placebo, whiny miserabilist indie tripe with vaguely Goth leanings.
AdvertisementOverall, 180 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee were randomly assigned to receive either arthroscopic debridement, arthroscopic lavage or placebo surgery.
This study was a double blind, placebo -controlled, multi-centre trial in 449 patients with active systemic lupus erythematosus.
Neuroleptics are superior to placebo in the treatment of acute mania i.
A huge Placebo banner is waved above us as the band started with their latest material from their new album meds.
Then began taking the fifth cranial melatonin versus placebo skyrocketing adding to.
Findings Data on pregnancy outcome were available for 244 women in the clindamycin group and for 241 women in the placebo group.
Her argument may one day give the phrase ' triggering the placebo effect ' a place in popular parlance.
The study is a randomized, placebo -controlled trial with 108 patients over 12 sites.
At this moment there is no single homeopathic remedy that has shown a specific effect in a double blind randomized placebo controlled trial.
In all four trials the control group was given placebo.
One phase was supplemented with sodium tablets and the other with matched placebo.
In a double-blind, placebo controlled study, patients were treated with magnets applied to the skin.
Results from a 2 year double blind placebo controlled trial.
Patients randomized to receive adefovir 60mg daily or matching placebo.
The treatment was 300 mg of enteric-coated aspirin or identical placebo, one tablet daily.
One study used a sham nCPAP in the control arm, allowing blinding, and the others used an oral placebo.
The responses seen with all dosages studied are superior to the responses seen with placebo and an optimized background regimen.
In addition, subjects who took selenium cleared the virus from their bodies faster than the placebo subjects.
The patients ' mental state was not improved in either the placebo or the treatment group after 12 weeks.
Some of the placebo suicides took place while patients were withdrawing from an older drug.
Patients were treated with either placebo or oral glucosamine sulfate 500 mg t.i.d. for 4 weeks, with weekly, with weekly clinic visits.
They were either given 20 mg tamoxifen daily for five years or a placebo.
Women with low testosterone levels who had lost on average 18 per cent of their body weight were offered testosterone patches or placebo.
The level of capsaicin needed to cause coughing was about one third higher in the volunteers who had been given theobromine compared with placebo.
They're kind of filed away in my brain alongside Placebo, whiny miserabilist indie tripe with vaguely goth leanings.
Random assignment to double-blind crossover between THC and placebo (five days) with two day washout.
Patients are being randomized to receive either active derivatives of cannabis, or a placebo.
At 6 months, responders were randomized to continue beta-carotene or placebo therapy for 12 additional months.
Whereas four worsened in the placebo group and 50% experienced recurrence of the ulcer.
Randomized controlled trial of homeopathy versus placebo in perennial allergic rhinitis with overview of four trial series.
The group that received sage oil turned in significantly better test results than subjects that took placebo.
There were no differences in total serum cholesterol levels compared with placebo.
In a single-blind trial, the doctors know which people receive the placebo.
The trial participants were then given either 80 mg per day of soy isoflavones or placebo for eight weeks.
In a controlled trial, 100 men with low sperm motility received either 57 mg of zinc twice daily or a placebo.
Examine the large randomized statin trials to see whether any have reported on severity of events compared with placebo.
In the first exercise trial, both groups were given a sweetened placebo drink to consume during the session.
No serious side effects were observed and many minor side effects were not statistically significant compared to subjected treated only with a placebo.
Researchers studying this remedy provide tantalizing evidence that Bach essences work beyond the placebo effect, as many detractors claim.
The study used the rigorous double-blind method, and tested standard doses of Rescue Remedy against doses of a placebo.
This double-blind, placebo controlled studies using Five Flower Formula and inducing stress in the study participants by making them solve complicated math problems.
Dr. Cram also conducted another double-blind, placebo controlled study on additional remedies given to participants along with Five Flower Formula.
Four groups received either a placebo or varying amounts of cinnamon.
Three groups were given a different amount of cinnamon each and three groups received placebo pills (inert substances indistinguishable from the cinnamon capsules).
It is difficult to tell at times if affects such as these are due to the supplement or just the placebo effect.
In five of the studies, Chantix proved far superior results when compared to a placebo in helping people to quit smoking and fight nicotine addiction.
Some large studies report that St. John's Wort may be useful for treating mild depression but acts as little more than a placebo for major depression.
In some people it does not perform any better than a placebo.
The effect may be placebo in some cases, but Valerian and Chamomile are two teas that definitely help you sleep better.
You may think that you feel better with the medication but could be experiencing a placebo effect (thinking it works because you believe it will while it really doesn't).
It has undergone clinical studies in which it showed a significant impact on those with sleep disturbances compared to a placebo.
In several small studies, S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM, SAMe) was shown to be more effective than placebo and equally effective as tricyclic antidepressants in treating depression.
Some studies in the early 2000s, however, indicate that hormone treatment has little effect over placebo.
Most other birth control pills have a week's worth of placebo pills in every monthly package.
With Seasonale, you take placebo pills only once every three months.
The last seven pills are placebo pills, serving to remind you to take the pill everyday.
Continue with them for 21 days, and then take the placebo pills.
Begin your new pack after finishing the placebo pills.
Monophasic pills don't change the levels of progestin and estrogen that you receive throughout the course of a month, except for during the use of the placebo pills at the end of each packet.
Monophasic has a 28-day pill pack with seven placebo pill and 21 pills with the same amount of hormones.
The results in that experiment showed that vitamin C was no better than a placebo (an inert substance) at curing cancer or improving outcomes in cancer patients.
Placebo's Running up that Hill is a very popular track, appearing in multiple television shows.
For example, one group of patients may receive an autism medication, while another group receives a placebo.
All cranberry juice samples inhibited E coli adhesion; none of the placebo samples did this.
Efficacy of transdermal scopolamine was compared with oral dimenhydrinate and placebo.
Findings Most trials have compared the atypical antipsychotics with placebo or conventional drugs (e.g. haloperidol ).
One of the most widely publicized studies involved a group of NCAA players who produced 2.5 times more muscle mass than a placebo group.
Food allergen provocation tests require abstinence from the suspect allergen for two weeks or more, followed by ingestion of a measured amount of the test substance administered as an opaque capsule along with a placebo control.