Pitch Sentence Examples
You can stop making your pitch, Brandon.
It was pitch dark and rainy.
It wasn't bad enough she had to pitch her cookies in front of him, now she was going to cry.
I invited him to pitch shoes with me but he wouldn't have any of it.
She was in the middle of every pitch and fully supported each note.
She sang right in the middle of every pitch and had a lovely vibrato.
There were three bedrooms but the largest one, presumably belonging to Howie, was located in the rear of the house where it remained pitch black.
Dean had opted to pitch his tent in City Park.
Quinn returned to the hospital but Betsy and I remained at Howie's side in the pitch dark room.
It was pitch black in the bedroom where I was supposed to get the suit.
AdvertisementI threatened him with a pitch fork and told him to get out and not come back.
His curiosity and agitation, like that of the whole crowd, reached the highest pitch at this fifth murder.
Any note may be a pitch note; for orchestras custom has settled upon a' in the treble clef, for organs and pianos in Great Britain c 2, and for modern brass instruments b flat'.
He further tells us this pitch was a tone, nearly a tone and a half, higher than a suitable church pitch (Chorton), for which he gives a diagram.
In one passage he distinctly says the old organ high pitch had been a whole tone above his Cammerton, with which we shall find his tertia minore combines to make the required interval.
AdvertisementThe term tertia minore, or inferiore, is used by Praetorius to describe a low pitch, often preferred in England and the Netherlands, in Italy and in some parts of Germany.
The pitch of the screw is the same as that of the measuring screw (50 threads to the inch), and its motion can be limited by a stop to half a revolution.
The Halberstadt pitch was found to be a' 505.8; the Chorton, 424.2.
Praetor ius's Cammerton, or chamber pitch, formulated in his diagrams for voices and instruments, is, he says, a whole tone higher; equivalent, therefore, to a' 475.65.
Smith, of Cambridge, in 1759, had the organ of Trinity College, built by Bernhardt Schmidt, lowered a whole tone, to reduce it to certain Roman pitch pipes made about 1720.
AdvertisementThe high pitch remains only where there are large concert organs not yet lowered, and with the military and brass bands.
The natural basis for a standard musical pitch is the voice, particularly the male voice, which has been of greater importance historically.
St Michael's church at Hamburg, built as late as 1762 and unaltered in 1880, had a 17th-century pitch, a' 407.9.
At Selinitza, near Avlona, there is a remarkable deposit of mineral pitch which was extensively worked in Roman times; mining operations are still carried on here, but in a somewhat primitive fashion.
The Hampton Court organ of 1690 shows that Schmidt had further lowered his pitch a semitone, to a' 441 7.
AdvertisementBut about that year the performing pitch of the Society had reached 452.5.
The British army is bound by His Majesty's Rules and Regulations to play at the Philharmonic pitch, and a fork tuned to a' 452.5 in 1890 is preserved as the standard for the Military Training School at Kneller Hall.
Like the wasps, before I finally went into winter quarters in November, I used to resort to the northeast side of Walden, which the sun, reflected from the pitch pine woods and the stony shore, made the fireside of the pond; it is so much pleasanter and wholesomer to be warmed by the sun while you can be, than by an artificial fire.
The young trees require protection from storms and late frosts even more than in England; the red pine of the north-eastern states, Pinus resinosa, answers well as a nurse, but the pitch pine and other species may be employed.
A young forest growing up under your meadows, and wild sumachs and blackberry vines breaking through into your cellar; sturdy pitch pines rubbing and creaking against the shingles for want of room, their roots reaching quite under the house.
The storm made the forest pitch dark; therefore, searching was useless until it abated.
The micrometer-screw S has a pitch of 0.5 mm., its head is divided into too parts.
Worm wheel gearing is of very high efficiency if made very quick in pitch, with properly formed teeth perfectly lubricated, and with the end thrust of the worm taken on ball bearings.
The 3D accelerometer that changed the pitch has been replaced with a 1D one that is easier to control.
The area was pitch black, and the dark mass was darker than that.
In the pitch dark we started our descent, only having green paint on some of the rocks to guide us down.
Came across as a complete psycho, but is probably a much different person off the pitch.
The single most important thing I learned when I started to play synthesizer is how to control pitch!
The Chorton of Praetorius, a l 4 22.8, is practically the same pitch as that of the fork the possession of which has been attributed to Handel, a' 422.5.
The sulphur-like pollen of the pitch pine soon covered the pond and the stones and rotten wood along the shore, so that you could have collected a barrelful.
Then, as if explaining her long distance telephone expenditure added, "She got a free phone card for listening to a time share pitch."
Sir Frederick Gore Ouseley (vide Ellis's lecture) regarded the French ton de chapelle as being about a minor third below the Diapason Normal, a' 435, and said that most of the untouched organs in the French cathedrals were at this low pitch.
This could be fixed, within certain limits, at whatever pitch suited the composition; but on the horn it could be only very partially filled out by notes of a muffled quality produced by inserting the hand into the bell of the instrument, a device impossible on the trumpet.
The pitch of a musical sound depends on the number of cycles passed through by the fluctuations of the pressure per unit of time; the loudness depends on the amount or the amplitude of the fluctuation in each cycle; the quality depends on the form or the nature of the fluctuation in each cycle.
In both these examples all the three characteristics - pitch, relative intensity, and quality - of sound are reproduced.
These suggestions were to some extent an anticipation of the work of Reis; but the conditions to be fulfilled before the sounds given out at the receiving station can be similar in pitch, quality and relative intensity to those produced at the transmitting station are not stated, and do not seem to have been appreciated.
It may here be remarked that the name "European frankincense" is applied to Pinus Taeda, and to the resinous exudation ("Burgundy pitch") of the Norwegian spruce firs (Abies excelsa).
In acoustics he invented, about 1819, the improved siren which is known by his name, using it for ascertaining the number of vibrations corresponding to a sound of any particular pitch, and he also made experiments on the mechanism of voice-production.
The chief industry of Lemgo is the manufacture of meerschaum pipes, which has attained here a high pitch of excellence; other industries are weaving, brewing and the manufacture of leather and cigars.
Maxwell illustrates the difference between a soft solid and a hard liquid by a jelly and a block of pitch; also by the experiment of supporting a candle and a stick of sealingwax; after a considerable time the sealing-wax will be found bent and so is a fluid, but the candle remains straight as a solid.
Table of Rifling for Stability of an Elongated Projectile, x Calibres long, giving S the Angle of Rifling, and n the Pitch of Rifling in Calibres.
Day by day his impassioned words, filled with the spirit of the Old Testament, wrought upon the minds of the Florentines and strung them to a pitch of pious emotion never before - and never since - attained by them.
Lord Hartington soon found himself pushed aside from his position of titular leadership. For four years, from 1876 to 1880, Gladstone maintained the strife with a courage, a persistence and a versatility which raised the enthusiasm of his followers to the highest pitch.
Poetry thus acquired the tone of the world, kept in close connexion with the chief source of national life, while it was cultivated to the highest pitch of artistic perfection under the most favourable conditions of leisure and freedom from the distractions and anxieties of life.
In these years the Athenian sailors reached a high pitch of training, and by their successes strengthened that corporate pride which had been born at Salamis.
Bright, glance or pitch coal is another brilliant variety, brittle, and breaking into regular fragments of a black colour and pitchy lustre.
Owing to the pine forests pitch and tar were important manufactures in early times.
The name, as has been pointed out above, is derived from the Persian mumiai, meaning pitch or asphalt, which substance occurs frequently in the prescriptions of the Greek and Roman medical writers.
After neat passing on the right-hand side of the pitch, Nick Mason had a shot which was straight at the keeper.
Our special interest has been in the representation of complex sounds such as speech and those evoking various pitch percepts.
There is some evidence to suggest that " bright " or " dull " timbres can produce a bias in the pitch percept.
Both the spectral and time-interval profiles have the units of frequency, and together they can explain most pitch perceptions.
Till the swap's done He sits like a yoga Straining the wires of strangeness - After all, he does have perfect pitch.
Till 1903 there were square oak pews, these were replaced by seats in pitch pine.
At the far end of the chamber, and between blocks, descends a 23 m pitch.
Within seconds of Mr Courtney signaling it was all over, Burnley players disappeared under a sea of fans who invaded the pitch.
A new synthetic sports pitch for Clarence Park was also agreed.
The Peterborough game has been called off due to a waterlogged pitch.
From the chamber a short climb up led to a 10m pitch.
Which club was the first to install an artificial pitch?
We were pitched on a sandy football pitch, which belonged to a local school.
The poll tax raised awareness of local taxation to fever pitch for a few years.
Harthill Royal currently has 5 aside astro turf pitch, which incurs a charge to use the facility.
The gardens include a natural lake and orchard as well as tennis courts and a hockey pitch.
Thus pitch is a soft and yielding body under steady stress, but a bar of pitch if struck gives a musical note, which shows that it vibrates and is therefore stiff or elastic for high frequency stress.
The ores, having been broken and ground, generally in tube mills, until they pass a 150 to 200-mesh sieve, are transferred to the leaching vats, which are constructed of wood, iron or masonry; steel vats, coated inside and out with pitch, of circular section and holding up to woo tons, have come into use.
Family pride, also, was carried by him to its highest possible pitch.
When, nearer the end of the century (1481-1495), King pitch, and brand themselves with the sign of the cross in token of their baptism "(Libro del conocimiento de todos reynos, &c., printed at Madrid, 1877).
The crank shaft carries a pinion which gears into a toothed wheel of a coarse pitch, carrying cutters at the ends of the teeth.
When a shaft is driven by means of gearing the driving torque is measured by the product of the resultant pressure P acting between the wheel teeth and the radius of the pitch circle of the wheel fixed to the shaft.
Clarke, when he, as superintendent of the Royal Carriage Factory, had brought gun mountings to such a pitch of perfection that it could be usefully employed.
His policy of never interfering in strikes and leaving even violent demonstrations undisturbed at first proved successful, but indiscipline and disorder grew to such a pitch that Zanardelli, already in bad health, resigned, and Giolitti succeeded him as prime minister (November 1903).
At the beginning of the 19th century a revival of the popularity of this instrument took place, and quartets were played on four sets of pipes of different sizes and pitch.
Then do= I do dx The Characteristics of Sound Waves Corresponding to Loudness, Pitch and Quality.
The pitch of a sound, the note which we assign to it, depends on the number of waves received by the ear per second.
The results obtained fully confirm the general law that " pitch," or the position of the note in the musical scale, depends solely on its frequency.
The pitch of this note will rise as the rate of rotation increases,_and becomes steady when that rotation is maintained uniform.
Neither this instrument nor the next to be described is now used for exact work; they merely serve as illustrations of the law of pitch.
Hence the note produced with any given circle of holes rises in pitch as the disk revolves more rapidly; and if, the revolution of the disk being kept as steady as possible, the tube be passed rapidly across the circles of the first series, a series of notes is heard, which, if the lowest be denoted by C, form the sequence C, C1, El, G1, C2, &c. In like manner, the first circle in which we have two sets of holes dividing the circumference, the one into say 8 parts, and the other into Io,.
The result is a note whose pitch rises as the velocity of rotation increases, and becomes steady when that velocity reaches its constant value.
The relation between the pitch of a note and the frequency of the corresponding vibrations has also been studied by graphic methods.
But when the pitch of the cavity was exactly that of the fork when vibrating alone, though it resounded most strongly, it did not affect the frequency of the fork.
Here it is sufficient to say that the French standard is a' =435 with c" practically 522, and that in England the pitch is somewhat higher.
With sixteen teeth the pitch was well defined; with nine teeth it was fairly determinate; and even with two teeth it could be assigned with no great error.
His remarkable result that two waves give some sense of pitch, in fact a tone with wavelength equal to the interval between the waves, has been confirmed by other observers.
As it passes, the pitch of the whistle falls quite appreciably.
The change in pitch through motion of the source may be illustrated by putting a pitch-pipe in one end of a few feet of rubber tubing and blowing through the other end while the tubing is whirled round the head.
An observer in the plane of the motion can easily hear a change in the pitch as the pitch-pipe moves to and from him.
Now the amplitude evidently corresponds to the loudness, and the length of period corresponds to the pitch or frequency.
Now we can see that two notes of the same pitch, but of different quality, or different form of displacement curve, will, when thus analysed, break up into a series having the same harmonic wave-lengths; but they may differ as regards the members of the series present and their amplitudes and epochs.
According to Helmholtz, the ear probably contains within it a series of resonators, with small intervals between the periods of the successive members, while the series extends over the whole range of audible pitch.
If the length of the thread be k"pt invariable, a certain tension will give but one ventral segment; the fundamental note of the thread is then of the same pitch as the note of the body to which it is attached.
As in the case of a musical string, so here we find that the pitch of the note is higher for a given plate the greater the number of ventral segments into which it is divided; but the converse of this does not hold good, two different notes being obtainable with the same number of such segments, the position of the nodal lines being, however, different.
Beats also afford an excellent practical guide in the tuning of instruments, but more so for the higher notes of the register, inasmuch as the same number of beats are given by a smaller deviation from unison by two notes of high pitch than by two notes of low pitch.
And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter."
If one is gradually raised in pitch beating begins, at first easily countable.
But as the pitch of the one rises the beats become a jar too frequent to count, and only perhaps to a trained ear recognizable as beats.
If the pitch is raised still further the dissonance lessens, and when there are about 130 beats per second the interval is consonant.
It may easily be heard when a double whistle with notes of different pitch is blown strongly, or when two gongs are loudly sounded close to the hearer.
This sortie raised the spirits of the Russians to the highest pitch.
At their end is fixed a blade of cast iron from two to eight times the diameter of the shaft of the pile; the pitch of the screw varies from one-half to one-fourth of the external diameter of the blade.
For in no other country had hostility to religion attained such a pitch or assumed such grotesque forms; and consequently in no other country did the yearning for religion manifest itself so unequivocally, when bitter experience had demonstrated the necessity of a return to law and order.
By this time, however, the opposition to it in the South had reached a pitch so intense that concessions had to be made.
Thus Demosthenes in his speech "On the crown" accused Aeschines of having "purified the initiated and wiped them clean with (not from) mud and pitch."
Besides valuable contingents of the celebrated Balearic slingers, the Romans derived from their new conquest mules (from Minorca), edible snails, sinope and pitch.
Both the grinding and polishing tools are grooved, to obtain a uniform distribution of the emery used in the grinding process and of the rouge employed in polishing, as also to provide for the lateral expansion of the pitch with which the polisher is coated.
The surface of this was brought by planing, grinding and other means to the highest possible pitch of smoothness and evenness.
He, his immediate follower, Gilbert Tennent (1703-1764), other clergymen, such as James Davenport, and many untrained laymen who took up the work, agreed in the emotional and dramatic character of their preaching, in rousing their hearers to a high pitch of excitement, often amounting to frenzy, in the undue stress they put upon "bodily effects" (the physical manifestations of an abnormal psychic state) as proofs of conversion, and in their unrestrained attacks upon the many clergymen who did not join them and whom they called "dead men," unconverted, unregenerate and careless of the spiritual condition of their parishes.
Untaught by experience, he resumed his course of selfish tyranny over Christians and heathen alike, and raised the irritation of the populace to such a pitch that when, on the accession of Julian, his downfall was proclaimed and he was committed to prison, they dragged him thence and killed him, finally casting his body into the sea (24th of December 361).
The roofs throughout are of open woodwork very low in pitch, constructionally plain, but richly decorated with colour, now mostly restored.
In this way the lad learns the principle of holding a puller, getting pace out of a lazy one, and leaving well alone with a nice free but temperate mover; he learns to do everything in a horsemanlike manner, and when he has raised himself to the pitch of a "fashionable" jockey, he will frequently be called upon to ride several horses a day at race meetings.
Later, the form was reproduced by elaborate external wrappings of the different parts of the body before the final swathing; later still, in the Ptolemaic age, by coarse padding with plenty of linen and pitch.
The cardinals, excited to the highest pitch of irritation, now knew where they could look for support.
Materials like tar and pitch are sometimes employed as a matrix; they are used hot and without water, the solidifying action being due to cooling and to evaporation of the mineral oils contained in them.
After Grotius's return from England the exasperation of theological parties in Holland rose to such a pitch that it became clear that an appeal to force would be made.
Potash-alum and pitch were calcined together, and the mass was treated with hydrochloric acid; charcoal and water to form a paste were next added, and the whole was dried and ignited in a current of air and steam.
Herodotus relates that under his prudent administration Egypt reached the highest pitch of prosperity; he adorned the temples of Lower Egypt especially with splendid monolithic shrines and other monuments (his activity here is proved by remains still existing).
These rise 'Two screws, of different pitch, are provided, to give different speeds.
For plant culture, houses at a comparatively low pitch are better than higher ones where the plants have to stand at a greater distance from the glass, and therefore in greater gloom.
For early forcing, as in vineries, the lean-to form is to be preferred, and the house may have a tolerably sharp pitch.
For large conservatory specimens wooden tubs, round or square, are frequently used; these should be coated with pitch inside to render them more durable.
Since the opening of the new port the traffic has considerably increased, and it exports oil, pig-lead, silver, flour, wine, marble and sandstone for paving purposes, while it imports quantities of coal, iron, cereals, phosphates, timber, pitch, petroleum, and mineral oils.
The mathematical theory of conduction of heat was developed early in the 19th century by Fourier and other workers, and was brought to so high a pitch of excellence that little has remained for later writers to add to this department of the subject.
The Ethiopian rule of the XXVth Dynasty was now firmly established, and the resources of the two countries together might have been employed in conquest in Syria and Phoenicia; but at this very time the Assyrian empire, risen to the highest pitch of military greatness, began to menace Egypt.
For covering bottle-corks a mixture of pitch, brick-dust and rosin is employed.
Gold and silver chasers keep their work firm by means of a cement of pitch and rosin, a little tallow, and brick-dust to thicken.
Tar, pitch and turpentine are obtained from the wood of th's tree, which weighs from 30 to 38 lb per cub.
The pitch pine (Pinus rigida) is a native of Canada and is common throughout the United States of America.
Thus Goethe had no great sympathy for the war of liberation which kindled young hearts from one end of Germany to the other; and when the national enthusiasm rose to its highest pitch he buried himself in those optical and morphological studies, which, with increasing years, occupied more and more of his time and interest.
The design was then beaten into relief from the back with hammers and punches, the pitch bed yielding to the protuberances which were thus formed, and serving to prevent the punch from breaking the metal into holes.
The pitch was then melted away from the front of the embossed relief, and applied in a similar way to the back, so that the modelling could be completed on the face of the relief, the final touches being given by the graver.
During that time the British lost the American colonies, but in India their reputation steadily rose to its meat of highest pitch.
The reflecting surface is first ground to a spherical form, the parabolic figure being given in the final process by regulating the size of the pitch squares and the stroke of the polishing machine.
Forty-six species occur, namely, 32 species of pitch trees (18 pines), 12 species of the cypresses and their allies (2 sequoia), and 2 species of yews or their allies.
The wood contains no pitch and much water, and in a green condition will not burn.
But under his weak successors the independence of the cities reached such a pitch as to be manifestly intolerable to an energetic monarch like Frederick I.
The translation parallel to this axis is lox + mly + nhz (Xf + uv + vi) Ic. (8) The linear magnitude which measures the ratio of translation to rotation in a screw is called the pitch.
Its type, as distinguished from its absolute magnitude, may be specified by a screw whose axis is the line of action of R, and whose pitch is the ratio G/R.
A screw is determined by its axis and its pitch, and therefore involves five independent elements.
The pitch of a screw is the distance, measured parallel to its axis, between two successive turns of the same thread or helical projection.
In wheels which rotate continuously for one revolution or more, it is obviously necessary that the pitch should be an aliquot part of the circumference.
In order that a pair of wheels, or a wheel and a rack, may work correctly together, it is in all cases essential that the pitch should be the same in each.
All wheels having teeth of the same pitch, traced from the same path of contact, work correctly together, and are said to belong to the same set.
If the same rolling curve and tracing-point be used to trace both the faces and the flanks of the teeth of a number of wheels of different sizes but of the same pitch, all those wheels will work correctly together, and will form a set.
The teeth of wheels of any figure, as well as of circular wheels, may be traced by rolling curves on their pitch-surfaces; and all teeth of the same pitch, traced by the same rolling curve with the same tracing-point, will work together correctly if their pitchsurfaces are in rolling contact.
In order that there may always be at least two pairs of teeth in action, each of those arcs should be equal to the pitch.
It appears from experience that the mean obliquity should not exceed 15; therefore the maximum obliquity should be about 30; therefore the equal arcs DI and ID should each be one-sixth of a circumference; therefore the circumference of the describing circle should be six limes the pitch.
The clearance allowed between the points of teeth and the bottoms of the spaces between the teeth of the other wheel is about one-tenth of the pitch.
In wheelwork of this kind the contact of each pair of teeth commences at the foremost end of the helical front, and terminates at the aftermost end; and the helix is of such a pitch that the contact of one pair of teeth shall not terminate until that of the next pair has commenced.
Teeth of Skew-Bevel Wheels.The crests of the teeth of a skew-bevel wheel are parallel to the generating straight line of the hyperboloidal pitch-surface; and the transverse sections of the teeth at a given pitch-circle are similar to those of the teeth of a bevelwheel whose pitch surface is a cone touching the hyperboloidal surface at the given circle.
The pitch or axial pitch of a screw has the meaning assigned to it in that section, viz, the distance, measured parallel to the axis, between the corresponding points in two successive turns of the same thread.
If, therefore, the screw has several equidistant threads, the true pitch is equal to the divided axial pitch, as measured between two adjacent threads, multiplied by the number of threads.
If a helix be described round the screw, crossing each turn of the thread at right angles, the distance between two corresponding points on two successive turns of the same thread, measured along this normal helix, may be called the normal pitch; and when the screw has more than one thread the normal pitch from thread to thread may be called the normal divided pitch.
The normal pitch for a screw of one thread, and the normal divided pitch for a screw of more than one thread, must be the same In each screw.
On the 12th of October occurred the murder of Godfrey, and the excitement was at its highest pitch.
In the Polyesie the principal occupations are connected with the export of timber and firewood, the preparation of pitch, tar, potash and wooden wares, and boat-building.
The pitch of a vowel for a singer depends on the resonance of the mouth which the singer has formed using the cavity of their mouth while they are singing.
The chief exports are coal, salt and pitch; but there is also a large traffic in potters' materials.
These forests of pinaster, apart from the production of timber in a once treeless district, have a great economic value as a source of turpentine, which is largely obtained from the trees by a process analogous to that employed in its collection from P. sylvestris; the resin is yielded from May to the end of September, the cuts being renewed as the supply fails, until the tree is exhausted; the trunks are then felled and used in the manufacture of charcoal and lamp black; much tar and pitch is also obtained from these pinaster forests.
The three-leaved group includes several of the most valuable trees of America; among them is P. rigida, the pitch pine of the northern states, a tree of from 40 to 50 ft.
Large quantities of tar and pitch are obtained from this species.
P. palustris (or P. australis) is the " Georgia pitch pine," or yellow pine of the southern states; it abounds on the sandy soils that cover so much of Georgia, the Carolinas, and Florida, and on those dry lands attains its highest perfection, though occasionally abundant on moist ground, whence its name.
At the end of 1898 the feelings of the Uitlanders were wrought up to fever pitch.
In all that the older Stoics taught there breathes that enthusiasm for righteousness in which has been traced the earnestness of the Semitic spirit; but nothing presents more forcibly the pitch of their moral idealism than the doctrine of the Wise Man.
The pitch of the note, though not absolutely definite, cannot differ much from that which corresponds to the division of the jet into wave-lengths of maximum instability; and, in fact, Savart found that the frequency was directly as the square root of the head, inversely as the diameter of the orifice, and independent of the nature of the fluid - laws which follow immediately from Plateau's theory.
From the pitch of the note due to a jet of given diameter, and issuing under a given head, the wave-length of the nascent divisions can be at once deduced.
Thus frequency - d (2ti) (4) 4.508d But the most certain method of obtaining complete regularity of resolution is to bring the reservoir under the influence of an external vibrator, whose pitch is approximately the same as that proper to the jet.
With respect to the limits of pitch, Savart found that the note might be a fifth above, and more than an octave below, that proper to the jet.
The flora is on the whole poor, although the higher regions carry good forests of larch, pitch pine, cedar, birch and alder, with rhododendrons and species of Berberis and Ribes.
It is in respect of its manufacture and trade that Berlin has attained its present high pitch of economic prosperity.
The common material for re ceiving the impressions from the matrices was beeswax, generally strengthened and hardened by admixture with other substances, such as resin, pitch and even hemp and hair.
The original forest has been entirely removed, but a young growth of the same tree species, chiefly pitch pine with a variety of oaks, replaces it.
These are sparsely clothed with prostrate pitch pine, scrub oak and laurel.
The pitch was 16 ft.
In the next chapter Irenaeus speaks of Menander, who was also a Samaritan, as the successor of Simon, and as having, like him, attained to the highest pitch of magic. His doctrine is represented as being the same as that of Simon, only that it was he this time who was the saviour of the world.
During these years, 1503-1506, Leonardo also resumed (if it is true that he had already begun it before his travels with Cesare Borgia) the portrait of Madonna Lisa, the Neapolitan wife of Zanobi del Giocondo, and finished it to the last pitch of his powers.
There are two western towers, but in the centre a low square tower hardly rises above the pitch of the roof.
Aeneas Tacticus in the following century mentions a mixture of sulphur, pitch, charcoal, incense and tow, which was packed in wooden vessels and thrown lighted upon the decks of the enemy's ships.
At this time an incident occurred which raised the feeling against Mr Schreiner to a very high pitch.
In the most general case two points may be chosen on the line of intersection of the diametral planes, and tangents drawn to the pitch circles of the pulleys.
The worm is of great pitch, so that if the effort were removed the weight would descend, did not the axial end thrust of the worm shaft throw into action a friction brake H, the resistance of which prevents motion downwards.
In the 3rd century this love of mystification reached the pitch of hiding even the gospels from the unclean eyes of pagans.
The crest-line of an anticline or trough-line of a syncline is rarely horizontal for any great distance; its departure from horizontality is designated the "pitch," and the fold is said to pitch (or dip) towards the north, &c. Most simple folds - with the exception of very shallow curvatures of wide area, - when considered in their entirety, are seen to be somewhat canoe-shaped in form.
In Cornwall especially the disorders grew to such a pitch that local demagogues called out several thousand men to resist the tax-collectors, and finally raised open.
Of the first class, the light paraffin oils and pitch may be taken as examples; whilst benzene, naphthalene and retort carbon represent the second.
If the first method be adopted, the trouble which presents itself is that the tar contains a high percentage of pitch, which tends rapidly to choke and clog up all the pipes.
It is a light boat, oval in shape, and formed of canvas stretched on a framework of split and interwoven rods, and well-coated with tar and pitch to render it water-tight.
There is a lively trade with St Petersburg, and the sea-borne exports, which consist chiefly of timber, flax, linseed, oats, flour, pitch, tar, skins and mats, amount in value to about 12 millions sterling annually (822% for timber), but the imports (mostly fish) are worth only about £ 200,000.
The pitch of a steam-whistle quite obviously rises and falls as the engine to which it is attached approaches and recedes from a stationary auditor; and light pulses are modified like sound-waves by velocity in the line of sight.
There are numerous vocal and orchestral societies, some of which have brought their art to a very high pitch of perfection.
Opposition hostility reached such a pitch that in 1899 there was hardly an act of the cabinet during the negotiations with President Kruger which was not attributed to the personal malignity and unscrupulousness of the colonial secretary.
These have been productive throughout the historic period and still yield a considerable supply of pitch.
Shipbuilding is carried on, and the forests yield timber, pitch and tar.
Brandon Westlake was a late arrival to the table, missing Fred's sales pitch, but he was just as enthusiastic about the auction.
Dean went to the kitchen, returning with a dustpan and whisk broom, only to be rewarded with a stern lecture on his insensitivity when he made motions to pitch the little varmint out in the snow.
The salesman conceded when he was done with his pitch.
To measure pitch and roll information, a two-axis tilt sensor, or a two or three-axis accelerometer is commonly used.
The people, whose enthusiasm was now wound up to the highest pitch, again made the air resound with their loudest acclamations.
The control column wheel was to control both pitch via the elevators and roll using the ailerons.
The pitch was only about 100 yards from the hangar doors in which the R101 airship was housed.
Almost exactly opposite Organ Pitch is a small alcove about three feet high above the floor level of the Main Gallery.
To use a sporting analogy, under an Open Aviation Area, US and EU airlines will all be playing on the same pitch.
The pretend dentist was known to pitch his booth next to a show band; he never used an anesthetic.
Koppers makes carbon pitch, coal tar distillates, and phthalic anhydride and ships products to customers in rail cars.
The perfect way to settle every football argument or demonstrate tactics that should have been used on the pitch.
We are going to need someone like Leon as we have a big pitch and we are going to need athleticism and energetic legs.
At the foot of the pitch a ramp slopes up to a choke passing below two high avens.
Space for one attached single awning or one toilet tent is included in the pitch price.
The hum and the tierce in the chimed bell do not affect the initial sensation of pitch, despite the loudness of these partials.
In a true-harmonic bell, with the main partials in octaves, the pitch is about an octave below the nominal.
The pitch is followed by a further 3m descent to a rift-like passage forming two right-angled bends.
The antics on pitch caused great bewilderment and amusement for all in the stands, although they never quite knew what was going on.
Or why not try your hand at crazy golf, pitch and putt and French boules.
You can pitch a tent, start a campfire, build furniture by lashing tree branches together in theory anyway!
It produces 30 million candlepower and is capable of illuminating up to two-thirds of a football pitch.
The stand, which sits proudly along one side of the pitch, is a single tier cantilever holding just under 7,000 people.
Right is a winding low canyon in a wide bedding to a 10m pitch.
Rocking Boat with Rocking Horse Action Pitch and toss with rocking horse action; the Rocking Boat wo n't capsize.
Robinson, K. & PATTERSON, R.D. APU 3314 The stimulus duration required to identify vowels, their octave, and their pitch chroma.
The percussion clef is shown on staves for indefinite pitch percussion parts.
Jenny has perfect pitch and can even tell you what note your glass clinks during dinner!
Off the pitch the last year has seen the opening of the magnificent new enlarged clubhouse, which now matches our playing ambitions.
Three petroleum pitches and three coal tar pitches were prepared from Ashland A240 and a soft coal tar pitches were prepared from Ashland A240 and a soft coal tar pitch, respectively.
Relief and renewed confidence meant we had the play and dominated the game with one-twos, switching play across the pitch glorious.
Rules specify how these elementary pitch movements can be combined to create intonation contours for entire messages.
Figure 2 Typical effect of the extent of previous cold work on the annealing behavior of tough pitch copper Cu-ETP.
Surrounding the Center are playing fields for football, rugby, cricket and hockey; floodlit tennis courts and a synthetic turf pitch.
Captain Rhian Williams duly received the League Shield from RFU President Gill Burns before an appreciative crowd on the pitch after the match.
The holes range from a delicate pitch to a rocky dell on the eighth to a thrilling second along the shoreline on the ninth.
The claimant began descending the pitch using the descender.
See the accompanying diagram showing the pitch line for the Big Blade.
The transition in interaural phase defining the Huggins pitch creates the discontinuity in the tracks around 600 Hz.
All the top DJ 's use just the pitch control and leave the platter alone because it is more accurate.
What does however is the torrent of abuse that welcomed Hoddle whenever he left the dugout to direct proceedings on the pitch.
The low arched entrance faced across the cricket pitch.
Claims that the icy pitch affected Arbroath more than the home side seemed a fairly feeble excuse.
The word pitch means fa in court (in the UK ).
The pitch lands on a large (5m x 3m) wet ledge with a pool; a useful carbide fettling spot.
It plays well at this pitch with a special reed that I have developed, using fingering similar to the Highland pipes.
Every pitch had floodlights, in addition there was a sound system that had a reach to all the pitches.
Creative imagination Interpretation of moods Independent use of fingers Exploration of high and low pitch The motorbike galop This was learned by rote.
There is also an eighteen-hole pitch and putt golf course.
All grandstand ticket holders will be given replacement seats in similar locations as in the existing grandstand and will be closer to the pitch.
The maker's stated specification is a ' 0.25 mm aperture grill pitch ' .
The end pitch drops 14m to a passage heading west to a 7m pitch and a small grotto with no draft or way on.
Subjects with " absolute pitch " can resolve high-order harmonics.
The SAI pulses associated with the higher harmonics are relatively narrow with respect to the changes in period during the pitch glide.
A ndy Scott knows he should be DEAD only a sixth sense prevented him from suffering a fatal heart attack on the pitch.
For crossed helical gears to operate successfully they must have the same pressure angle and the same normal pitch.
After a quick cuppa at the CIC hut we scrambled up to the bottom of the first pitch.
Often our competitors use very impure ' tough pitch ' copper, which has about 1500 crystals or grains in each foot.
There was even a pitch invasion not long ago, during a reserve team match.
Thompson, so effective going forward looked leaden footed as Clayton Hook tore past him and half the length of the pitch.
I rejected them firstly due to what I saw as limited take up and then secondly because of the sales pitch.
On reaching the pitch, which looked dangerously loose at the top, I noticed that the draft was coming from higher up.
The squealing will soon change Eve and the next lot of noises are not so high pitch.
The event will be held in a giant show marquee on the pitch surely an evening not to be missed!
The third pitch was ascended using the maypole and a rawlbolt fitted at the top.
Hanging Chamber re-entered using three maypole sections from the ledges above the first maypole sections from the ledges above the first Maypole Pitch.
Actor Steve Guttenberg's directorial debut of comic misadventures is a hilarious, pitch black comedy based on James Kirkwood's cult classic novel.
Councilor Hussey emphasized the necessity to involve the league in any discussions regarding pitch allocations.
Perhaps he was distracted by the horrible noises being made by the pump and drains at that end of the pitch.
The recordings of bells of different provenance given earlier all have identical nominals but show differences in pitch.
If you do not have adjustable pitch oarlocks, you will need to set the pitch with the pivot pin.
She thought about unexpected power outages, about wandering the wrong way in pitch darkness.
Earlier in the day the home side had posted 191 on a worn, used pitch, with a lightning fast outfield.
However, we all felt that the actual playing area on the cricket pitch outfield leaves much to be desired.
This pitch is awkward to rig as the walls slope outwards at approximately 5 degrees to the vertical.
The effect of the harmonic overtones is then to modify the quality or character 5 of the note, independently of pitch.
We started off pretty confidently with the fans in good voice but the early penalty induced panic on the pitch and in the stands.
Sometimes this is unavoidable as with a single pantile, where often the nail-hole position will restrict the minimum pitch parameter.
Carry on downstream from the Third Pitch for a few meters, until a thin rift passage enters up on the left.
Back at the top of the 20m pitch a steep ramp leads up on the right.
For instance, young baseball pitchers in America are not allowed to pitch more than seven innings a week.
It is common for a pitcher to pitch for several innings and then be removed in favor of a relief pitcher.
They continued exploring Cueva de Tiva, and in Coquisera they traversed round the 95m pitch, using three pitons for protection.
The hull is pitch pine strip planking on oak and completely sound - wonderful wood, pitch pine.
Explain the purpose of variable pitch and constant-speed propellers.
The diameter of the screw propeller is two feet six inches with a four foot pitch.
Bats emit high pitch pulses which are too high for the human ear to hear.
One of my correspondents remembered two little ragamuffins in St Andrews Street yelling at the pitch of their voices to the same tune.
The all-weather pitch is now out of action and may have to be completely re-laid, at a cost of up to £ 100,000.
The REX format allows independent control of tempo and pitch, as well as complete reorganization of the music phrases in Dr. Rex.
It has 3 groove rifling with a pitch of one turn in 78 inches.
Did you have an intense rivalry off the pitch too?
The pitch follows a review of the BBC's creative agency roster.
Suddenly there was this awful sag in pitch as the bellows were emptied of their wind, without being replenished.
One such asset is absolute pitch ability, which is rare in normal populations but ubiquitous in musical savants.
Think of it as being asked to cut the grass on a football pitch and being handed a pair of sewing scissors.
The variable pitch of the screw flights uniformly draws material from the hopper and resists segregation of the product.
Our ears choose to distinguish pitch variation to the division approximately of what we in the west call the semitone.
The highest note is D, until the last verse when the pitch is raised a semitone.
From this data, new musical data (a pitch row) was derived by the methodology of total serialism.
For this sideband the pitch will start low and increase; the opposite (mirrored) way to the lower sideband.
Some of the tunnels were almost pitch black, others were lit by glazed skylights.
Our shirt has been designed with raglan sleeves for comfort and ease of movement on the pitch or off.
The pitch slider on the 1210 is smooth again too, plus there is a monitor!
Having proved their worth on the pitch it was time to introduce the Freshers to the football socials!
Performance at the scored pitch makes for very sonorous and rich textures but requires a bass who can sing a low D!
When she uses oil paint it gets thickened into the consistency of pitch or of mud spattered against a wall.
Leach steadfastly refused to pitch the idea to the BBC, as they would require a controlling stake in the project.
Tom had long since stepped down from cricket on the main pitch, and become a stalwart of the old An XI.
The examples given in each level description are intended to indicate pitch and are not statutory.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
A thick coating of pitch was applied to the interior before ceiling strakes and keelson were installed.
These involve a lowering of the height by having a slightly sunken pitch.
The pitch of a stressed syllable is usually higher.
From here, a slightly more awkward takeoff leads to a 40m pitch, to another chamber.
As the match progressed it became increasingly tetchy with several personal battles carrying on all over the pitch.
You are advised to use a long tether around a boulder about 8ft back from the head of the pitch.
Prior to this it had been an impenetrable thicket with no views of the River Cherwell or the cricket pitch beyond.
Great singing isn't necessarily limited to those with the best tonality, pitch, or vocal range.
Instead of buying a tuner, figure out the pitch of the dial tone on your telephone.
After making touchdown, go in the " Goal Line " playbook then choose the " HB Pitch " play.
All the facilities are along the near touchline, with a few steps leading up to the pitch.
The Japanese tourists can sit on the top far away from the pitch.
After him came a new breed who would don tracksuits to join the players on the training pitch.
After an awkward traverse to the top of the pitch, Duncan rigged it and we descended.
A bolt traverse over the pitch on the left revealed nothing.
Next to the grassed area is the all weather floodlit astro turf pitch.
The atmosphere was just as intense, the noise just as deafening and the action on the pitch equally uncompromising.
The non-specific pitch indication was also used with a specific rhythmic notation to achieve rhythmic unisons within ' improvised ' tonalities and harmonies.
This is covered with materials composed of old blankets and canvas and being properly secured with a thick varnish or pitch.
These had also been bedded down on white lead and thick tar or pitch to keep the area watertight with cork filling all voids.
They cross over at the ridge of the roof pitch to form canopies resembling butterfly wings.
By insisting on the superiority of the Magyars to the Slavonic inhabitants of Hungary, by his violent attacks on Austria (he already discussed the possibility of a breach with Austria), he raised the national pride to a dangerous pitch.
The focal length of the objective and the distance between the optical centre of the lens and the webs are so arranged that images of the divisions are formed in the plane of the webs, and the pitch of the screw is such that one division of the scale corresponds with some whole number of revolutions of the screw.
The two micrometer screws shall be without sensible periodic or other error, and exactly alike in pitch.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
Further, he says pitch cannot be exactly defined, because voices vary; he nevertheless gives the measure above mentioned for the low F, but if a larger organ is built to include the still lower C, then this C must be of the same measurement, the reason being that a greater part of church music ends in "grambus," a word understood by Schlick's editor to mean the transposition of a fourth.
Ellis used mean-tone temperament in calculating this lower pitch; but as he used just intonation for the Halberstadt, it seems preferable to substitute it for the Chorton, thus reducing it to a' 422.8.
The lower vibration number is justified by due consideration of the three divisions of the male voice, bass, tenor and alto, as given by Praetorius, whose Cammerton very closely corresponds with Bernhardt Schmidt's Durham organ, 1663-1668, the original pitch of which has been proved by Professor Armes to have been a 1 474.1.
What happened at Durham was that at some subsequent date the pipes were shifted up a semitone to bring the organ into conformity with this lower pitch, with which it is probable Schmidt's organs in St Paul's and the Temple, and also Trinity College, Cambridge, agreed.
Those instruments of which the tones and compass are most suitable for polyphonic melody are for the most part high in pitch; a circumstance which, in conjunction with the practice (initiated by the monodists and ratified by science and common sense) of reckoning chords upwards from the bass, leads to the conclusion that the instruments which hold the main threads in the design shall be supported where necessary by a simple harmonic filling-out on some keyed instrument capable of forming an unobtrusive background.
This was seized upon as a pretext for violent anti-clerical demonstrations all over Italy and for brutal and unprovoked attacks on unoffending priests; at Spezia a church was set on fire and another dismantled, at Marino Cardinal Merry del Val was attacked by a gang of hooligans, and at Rome the violence of the teppisti reached such a pitch as to provoke reaction on the part of all respectable people, and some of the aggressors were very roughly handled.
Owing to its endurance of thirst the long desert journeys which separate the populous centres are made practicable, and in the spring months, when green forage is plentiful in the desert, the Bedouins pitch their camps for long periods far from any water, and not only men but horses subsist on camel's milk.
The standard frequency for laboratory work is c =128, so that middle L' = 256 and treble c"= 512 The standard for musical instruments has varied (see Pitch, Musical).
Paper, parchment, or any other thin membrane stretched over a square, circular, &c., frame, when in the vicinity of a sufficiently powerful vibrating body, will, through the medium of the air, be itself made to vibrate in unison, and, by using sand, as in previous instances, the nodal lines will be depicted to the eye, and seen to vary in form, number and position with the tension of the plate and the pitch of the originating sound.
The phenomena of beats may be easily observed with two organpipes put slightly out of tune by placing the hand near the open end of one of them, with two musical strings on a resonant chest, or with two tuning-forks of the same pitch mounted on their resonance boxes, or held over a resonant cavity (such as a glass jar), one of the forks being put out of tune by loading one prong with a small lump of beeswax.
Robert Smith (Harmonics, 2nd ed., 1 759, p. 95) states that Sauveur " inferred that octaves and other simple concords, whose vibrations coincide very often, are agreeable and pleasant because their beats are too quick to be distinguished, be the pitch of the sounds ever so low; and on the contrary, that the more complex consonances whose vibrations coincide seldom are disagreeable because we can distinguish their slow beats; which displease the ear, says he, by reason of the inequality of the sound.
If a helix be described round the screw, crossing each turn of the thread at right angles, the distance between two corresponding points on two successive turns of the same thread, measured along this normal helix, may be called the normai pitch; and when the screw hns more than one thread the normal pitch from thread to thread i lay be called the normal divided pitch.
He may also be said to be the founder of the fixed-pitch theory of vowel tones, according to which it is asserted that the pitch of a vowel depends on the resonance of the mouth, according to the form of the cavity while singing it, and this independently of the pitch of the note on which the vowel is sung.
Tully and now in use at Truro, in which tar is injected into the incandescent fuel in a water-gas generator and enriches the water gas with methane and other hydrocarbons, the resulting pitch and carbon being filtered off by the column of coke through which the gas passes.
We'll discuss your needs and requirements with no pushy sales pitch and no obligation to you.
There is also award winning gardens, tea rooms, children 's zoo, and pitch and putt golf.
The pyrolysis of pitch materials is complex and our understanding of such materials and how to control their properties is incomplete at present.
In freezing cold weather on a very small, badly sloping quagmire of a pitch both teams found it hard to get any rhythm.
Read more about Queering the pitch - Tourism and Leisure lecturers look into gay football.
However at rafter pitches close to the minimum pitch for the tiles water leakage problems will occur.
The airlines should not have reclining seats with the present pitch between seats.
It may be redeemed slightly by the quaint intricacies of the first pitch.
We were relentless in attack and spent at least 30 minutes of the first half parked on their side of the pitch.
An harmonic clarion sounds at the clarion pitch (4 '), but its resonator pipes are those of a trumpet 8 '.
The pitch follows a review of the BBC 's creative agency roster.
As mentioned, there are a handful of controls that take the PT-01 to the next level and these include pitch and tone rotaries.
The weather was not ideal for the day long outdoor event on the far off rugby league pitch.
Similarly a raised height of cut (e.g. on a winter sports pitch will help the ryegrass plant population to dominate).
The second-string clash against Bradford at Hillsborough yesterday did not go ahead due to a waterlogged pitch.
Until recently self-destructive habits on the rugby pitch were as Gallic as Perrier and perfume.
Airport developments are usually controversial and invariably pitch the self-styled guardians of the environment against the advocates of economic growth.
Such sensationalism is little more than an advertising pitch.
They are matched as sexed pairs, one higher in pitch than the other.
Over and above these tonnages there are foreign shipments of coal, coke and pitch.
The pitch slider on the 1210 is smooth again too, plus there is a monitor !
Having proved their worth on the pitch it was time to introduce the Freshers to the football socials !
Off the pitch, the team are very close and often socialize together.
At this point, the heavy rain became torrential and large pools of water began appearing on the already sodden pitch.
Performance at the scored pitch makes for very sonorous and rich textures but requires a bass who can sing a low D !
Playing an extra spinner might not be a bad idea on this pitch, Tony - it certain looks very dry.
Reached sump via 75 ' pitch down boulder slope.
The single most important thing I learned when I started to play synthesizer is how to control pitch !
Great singing is n't necessarily limited to those with the best tonality, pitch, or vocal range.
The japanese tourists can sit on the top far away from the pitch.
There is also a Key Transpose function which lets you change the pitch up or down in a range of one octave.
By moving the tremolo bar up or down, you can move the bridge, thus changing the pitch.
The cave had already been pushed to a large ledge at the base of a 150 foot pitch, with further undescended pitches below.
A 5m climb over an undescended hole in the floor leads to a 10m pitch (undescended).
On a pitch of uneven bounce, 18 wickets fell for 330 runs on an action-packed second day.
The maximum pitch angle during normal operation is unlikely to exceed 30 degrees.
Beside this habit of oozing, the pitch has an extremely rude and unmannerly way of dropping constantly.
By the time we reach the unrigged pitch, I was quite tired, and Nicola more so.
Ignoring the initial holes in the floor, the route became a familiar winding vadose passage to the head of the pitch.
A diversion along the dry oxbow bypasses the waterfall pitch.
On a waterlogged pitch, a player places the ball for a penalty kick to the side of the penalty mark.
A very whiny voice, which at times seemed to have just an approximation to pitch.
Note any tendencies to yaw, pitch or roll.
You are exactly what they want, so by all means you should go and pitch them.
Your reputation may take a minor ding, but nothing that can't be overcome with your next good idea and pitch.
Make the pitch deck - pretty much exactly as you would if you were raising money.
This is especially true if you don't have family members nearby that can pitch in and take care of your child, at least occasionally.
At one time the dot pitch factor was important in purchasing a CRT, but today's models usually have a dot or stripe pitch measure of .28 or lower which will do for most applications.
You can sometimes find deals, coupons, and such to lower your purchase price, but expect to go through the usual song and dance with the salesperson when it comes time for him/her to pitch the "protection plan."
His siblings are a tortoise shell, a ginger and a pitch black cat.
Pitch a tent in your reading room, grab some flashlights, and read Fireflies by Julie Brinkloe.
Get the whole family to pitch in and help make your recycling habit a permanent one.
Armed with the clients' view of their kitchen, plus photos and floor plans, Clive Pearse told the contestants they would have 24 hours to individually draw up plans for the new kitchen and then pitch their idea to Tom and Kelly.
Teran's pitch left the couple clearly confused, while Alice, David, and Temple all seemed to get the couple's attention.
My lips pitch a fit in the form of crackly dryness if I don't keep them kissably soft round the clock.
Merv thought it was a great idea and went to NBC to pitch the idea.
Whatever object you choose, be sure that it is pitch black on the inside.
Young boys with lots of energy often will love having an older mentor who can help them learn to pitch tents or teach them to fish.
You can pitch a tent streamside or stay in a cabin complete with kitchen, bedroom and living room.
If you're pressed for time and have friends or family who live nearby, considering throwing a "pitch in party" to ask for help getting ready for your special day.
The next step was to "pitch" our screenplay to a panel of film experts in Santa Fe.
No longer will you have to pitch out socks that have holes in the toe or heel - so long as there is a toddler in your life, you can make them over in no time.
Not all campers are dog lovers, so it's important to respect others who pitch a tent at the grounds (or park their campers, if that's the case).
The other end of the string is simply fed through a hole in the tuning peg and then wrapped around until it reaches the desired pitch.
When you are holding a guitar that is tuned in standard tuning, the string that produces the highest pitch is the bottom string, or the string that is closest to your legs.
The string that produces the lowest pitch is the top string, or the string closest to your head.
The top line corresponds to the E string with the highest pitch, and the remaining lines relate to the other strings all the way down to the low pitched E string.
In a way, these lines in tablature are upside down from the way the guitar physically sits in your lap, but you should think in terms of pitch.
The CD can be played on any CD player, but you can also use it with your Mac or PC and adjust the tempo to learn slowly without changing the pitch.
The main difference between a six-string guitar and a bass guitar is that bass guitar notes are much lower in pitch than guitar notes.
The top line is the high E sting on your guitar (high meaning highest in pitch) and the low line is the low E string.
A whammy bar, or a tremolo, is a bar that hangs off the guitar's bridge that a player can depress or pull up on the change the pitch of the note being played.
If you push it down, the note drops, and if you pull it up the note rises in pitch.
Tuner - You will need a tuner to set your guitar to the right pitch when you are done changing the strings.
The goal is to have the string wrap around the tuning peg three times when the string is tuned up to pitch.
Don't worry about pitch yet, just adjust the strings so they are not loose and slack.
Just get all the strings close to their general pitch.
After all the strings are close to pitch, it's time to stretch them.
Continue to tune your guitar sharper and flatter while trying to zero in on the right pitch.
You want to ultimately end up with each string tuned up to pitch and wound around the peg a total of three or four times.
On a physical tuner, this can be done by loosening or tightening the bass string in order to adjust the pitch the string played.
A pitch pipe gives the tone for all six strings.
However, these devices are not as accurate in their pitch as their name may suggest.
Some models have two necks with as many as fourteen strings and have multiple pedals that can be manipulated by the feet and by both knees to change the pitch of certain strings.
If the strings are too sharp or too flat, you can use the tuner pegs to bring the guitar back into pitch perfect.
You measure the client's roof, as always, including figuring pitch, and then enter the roof measurements and materials of choice into the program.
It is very important to figure the pitch of the roof when estimating as it will directly affect the final estimate.
As the roof pitch gets steeper, the costs go up as well.
In order to accurately determine pitch you must figure out how many inches the roof rises for every foot it runs.
The number of inches will indicate the roof pitch.
This pitch is what will be entered into the program for each area of the roof.
Night vision technology that can see in near pitch black conditions utilize both IR technology and a digital light amplification technology.
There are two types of pitch black contact lenses.
Those who want to look like vampires, zombies, and other characters straight from horror movies and books will love the flair that pitch black lenses can add to their Halloween costume.
If you're very into Pitch Black, vampires, or any other horror character/look, vision correction can be a bonus so there are no glasses obscuring your eyes from others' view.
These are the pitch black contact lenses that create the look of holes for eyes.
The popularity of mirrored lenses, sometimes referred to as Pitch Black lenses, surged after the release of the Pitch Black movie in 2000 starring Vin Diesel as Riddick.
No matter which type of pitch black contact lenses you decide to buy and wear, you will need to handle them with care and always soak them overnight in an all-purpose solution.
What you'll find on this ride is that you go underground four times, adding pitch black excitement to the ride experience.
The ride itself has been darkened to provide a spookier, more unexpected ride as many areas of the ride are now pitch black and riders cannot see the upcoming twists and dips.
Riders can expect some sudden changes of direction, however, and the pitch black enclosure makes the ride startling even for experienced riders.
Some companies, especially for vacation properties, may offer free tickets if you agree to listen to their sales pitch.
Keep in mind that the tickets may have restrictions for use (blackout dates, etc.) and you'll never get back the time you spend listening to the sales pitch.
As you progress into a design role, you might get to pitch your idea and see it made into a game, or if you wait long enough, you may learn enough to make it with your own team someday.
Using the left analog stick, you adjust the pitch and roll, whereas the L2 and R2 buttons are used to control your yaw.
As you fly through the air, you can perform tricks and must attempt to land on all four wheels by adjusting the pitch (tilting the Wii Remote forward or back).
On offense, the game player controls the quarterback at the snap, and then chooses to run, pitch, or pass.
More advanced players can change the pitch, lead, and velocity of passes as well as pull out a dizzying variety of running moves like spins, jukes, fakes, leaps, and stiffarms.
With the exception of the United States and Canada, everywhere else in the world thinks of a soccer pitch when the word "football" is uttered.
This title is focused more on soccer management rather than the actual play on the pitch.
To unlock the focus mode where the note highway is pitch black, play as the drummer on "Brainstorm" in the Golden Gate venue.
It's easy to pitch strikes in this game, but you can throwing breaking balls and curves.
The meat of the pitching game is charged pitches where each characters has a special "Star Pitch", which uses up your stars.
Bowser had the most annoying Star Pitch.
Guess what the opposite of "Star Pitch" for pitchers is?
Karaoke Revolution utilizes a microphone, where players sing along to on-screen lyrics a la karaoke, and are scored on correct pitch.
Players pitch balls off like there's no tomorrow, tackles are broken with the greatest of ease, and there are more fumbles than first downs.
The game scores the singer on pitch and length of note, but bigger scores are accumulated through the awesome thrashing and pounding of the other players.
It wasn't until games like Halo came along that the Xbox took off and became popular in the U.S. The Xbox is a rather large machine and is usually pitch black with the famous "X" logo blazoned in green over the top.
Robbie Bach was the last person to be brought on (four months after the initial pitch).
So what kind of features did they pitch to Microsoft that would make the Xbox unique and competitive?
The speed of your pitch is dependent on how quickly you fling the Wii Remote, and the direction of your hit is completely dependent on the timing of your swing.
All you are responsible for on offence is to swing the bat, and all you are responsible for on defence is to pitch the ball.
Claudia suggested that they pitch a tent for the evening, and seconds later the first gunshot rang out.
While listening to the heartbeat, the physician carefully evaluates several factors, including the loudness, frequency, pitch, duration, location, and timing of the murmur with the patient's heartbeat.
Humans can hear sounds in the frequency or pitch range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz (Hz), but most conversations occur between 300 and 3000 Hz.
Within the audible range, frequency means pitch-the higher the frequency, the higher a sound's pitch.
They rarely participate in interactive dialogue and often speak with an unusual rhythm or pitch.
Most newborns can focus on and follow moving objects, distinguish the pitch and volume of sound, see all colors and distinguish their hue and brightness, and start anticipating events, such as sucking at the sight of a nipple.
Voice disorders include inappropriate pitch, volume, or quality.
In particular they prefer the higher pitch characteristic of female voices.
The child's voice pitch might rise with repetitions, and some children experience occasional periods when airflow or voice stops for seconds at a time.
Parents can tell what babies need by the loudness and pitch of crying and the flailing of arms and legs.
Getting an accurate reading can be hampered by the pitch when taking a compass reading with a typical compass.
The first step is to make sure everyone understands the common themes we are working with, and then, using one of our designer's inspirations, we all pitch in to come up with the right combination of ideas.
Before you pitch your coffee maker, take some time to see if you can diagnose the problem you're having and come up with a solution.
While there, they present their sales pitch in an effort to get the homeowner to purchase one of their machines.
An example donation letter can help you write a great pitch that will convince people that your charity is worth giving to.
Many retailers will donate items for free advertising, so you just have to make your pitch right.
Check out Snowball Bounce, Penguin Pitch Softball, Snow Maze, and more.
When the stress of the holidays reaches a fever pitch, there’s nothing quit like finding a funny Christmas card in your email inbox.
One way we can convey similarity is by mirroring the other person in the pace of speaking, in the pitch of your voice and by using a similar vocabulary.
You want ads that are honest, not a sales pitch.
People will listen attentively when your voice is calm, at a moderate pitch and mirrors the other person's pace.
If our kids have extra-curricular activities that involve practice at home or have to be driven places often, are you willing to pitch in and help?
Freelance journalists pitch ideas for news articles to a variety of newspapers and magazines.