Pis Sentence Examples
The excavations at the Hieron have been recorded as they went on in the Ilpaeroat of the Greek Archaeological Society, especially for 1881-1884 and 1889, and also in the 'E4»u€pis 'ApxatoXoynoi, especially for 1883 and 1885; see also Kavvadias, Les Fouilles d'Epidaure and Tb r03'A?KX iv 'E7rukbpq, eat 9Epa7reta7'CJY Defrasse and Lechat, Epidaure.
The " tongue," for example, is short and obtuse or emarginate in Colletes and Prosopis, while in all other bees it is pointed at the tip. But in Andrena and its allies it is comparatively short, while in the higher genera, such as A pis and Bombus, it is elongate and flexible, forming a most elaborate and perfect organ for taking liquid food.
In A pis the workers differ structurally from the queen, who neither builds cells, gathers food, nor tends brood, and is therefore without the special organs adapted FIG.
But between 1900 and 1905 contracts were signed for the construction of three highways, leading respectively from Matagalpa, from Nueva Segovia and from the Pis Pis mining district to the head of steam navigation on the Segovia, about 160 m.
The Syriac in these passages is a stock rendering of SucacouvOac, and this in turn of pis.
I am totally exasperated by the folks that want to remove PIs from XML.
It is now almost exclusively used to boost the level of other pis, meaning two to four caps a day instead of 12.
In future all NCRN trials that local pis wish to initiate locally will need to be supported by the relevant disease specific Tumor Board.
The former DETR specified 17 national pis for housing for the year 2000/2001.
Saquinavir also has a fairly benign lipid profile compared to other PIs.
AdvertisementIf your current failing combination includes a protease inhibitor you will have developed some resistance to PIs.
It shows on the one hand the labialization of the original velar q(Volscian pis = Latin quis), and on the other hand it palatalizes the guttural c before a following i (Volscian facia=Latin faciat).