Pink Sentence Examples
Pink is a good color on you.
It was pink with white tips, in an antique brass planter.
The chilly ocean breeze made her dress move as if it was alive, and she swiped at the pink hair blinding her.
Her skin began to flush until it was pink enough to look human rather than the sleep of the dead.
Toby's backpack was there along with his pink coat. Rhyn straightened, angry at himself for not hearing the boy leave. A flash of purple caught his eye through the trees, and he loped through the forest.
The hills were a profusion of snowy dogwood and pink plumb and cherry blossoms.
The ocean breeze made her dress move as if it was alive, and her pink hair swept across her features.
He found a strange woman with pink hair and a blue face, sprawled on the beach, staring at the sky with a childlike fascination.
Some were red, some white, and others pale pink, and they were just peeping out of the green leaves, as rosy-faced children peep out from their warm beds in wintertime before they are quite willing to get up.
Some were red, some white, and others were delicate pink, and they were peeping out from between the green leaves like beautiful little fairies.
AdvertisementThe countess was to wear a claret-colored velvet dress, and the two girls white gauze over pink silk slips, with roses on their bodices and their hair dressed a la grecque.
The mirrors on the landing reflected ladies in white, pale-blue, and pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their bare necks and arms.
Normally it was a raised area, dark pink, but now it looked red and angry.
You look great in pink.
His bright features turned pink beneath his wire-rimmed glasses and straw-colored hair.
AdvertisementShe looked away, face growing pink.
I was sure she had on a pink blouse.
Your face may be blue and your hair pink, but I don't see you doing anything messy, like taking a shotgun to the head.
I'm sure he'll be tickled pink.
Tellurium appears to give a pale pink tint.
AdvertisementNow they turn pink in reflected light of a pink sunset.
This does not apply to the pink refuse sacks.
Protein substructures are displayed in blue, ligand substructures in black and water atoms in pink in the sketcher window.
Eureka isn't pink; she's white.
The warmth of the evening chased out Bird Song's guests—all non-dieters probably queuing up for ice cream, or maybe simply promenading the Victorian village streets as alpenglow painted the surrounding peaks in pink.
AdvertisementHer face was stiff and blue while her hair was hot pink.
Ne'Rin approached, his eye caught by Gage, who gave a bow of her head but whose face turned pink.
There are important quarries in Franklin (disambiguation)|Franklin county (at Swanton), the stone being a dark Chazy limestone, in which pink and red ("jasper," "lyonnaise" and "royal red") marbles of Cambrian age are found.
The ministerial majority was over three hundred, and although the Extreme Left was somewhat increased in numbers it was weakened in tone, and many of the newly elected reds were hardly more than pale pink.
The plasma may be pink (Magelona) or yellow (Aphrodite) in which cases the colour is owing to another pigment.
In the first group, we have to notice the titration of a cyanide with silver nitrate, when a milkiness shows how far the reaction has gone; the titration of iron with permanganate, when the faint pink colour shows that all the iron is oxidized.
The Angoras most valued are albinos, with pure white fur and pink eyes; in some parts of the Continent they are kept by the peasants and clipped regularly.
These are penetrated by intrusions of granitic and felsitic character; one of these masses in Papa Stour is a handsome pink felsite.
The flowers have a hollow tube at the base bearing at its free edge five sepals, an equal number of petals, usually concave or spoon-shaped, pink or white, and a great number of stamens.
It has dull pink flowers, succeeded by seed vessels, each of which is crowned by two scarlet-coloured leafy lobes.
The most common are the Natal lily with pink and white ribbed bells, the fire-lily, with flame-coloured blossoms, ixias, gladiolas, the Ifafa lily, with fuchsia-like clusters, and the arum lily.
The material employed for the great obelisks was a pink granite from the quarries of Syene, and in these quarries there still remains,.
M 2 SnC1 61 analogous to the chloroplatinates; the salt (NH 4) 2 SnC1 6 is known industrially as - "pink salt" on account of its use as a mordant to produce a pink colour.
The blood suffers first; its pigment is dissolved out and soaks into the surroundings, imparting to them the pink hue so diagnostic of commencing gangrene.
Iodine gives usually a dark brown reaction, sometimes a deep blue; iodine and sulphuric acid almost always call forth an intense deep blue reaction; and methyl-violet usually a brilliant pink, quite resembling that of true amyloid.
The Burmese are fond of bright colours, and pink and yellow harmonize well with their dark olive complexion, but even here the influence of western civilization is being felt, and in the towns the tendency now is towards maroon, brown, olive and dark green for the women's skirts.
Selenites and selenates give a pale pink or pinkish yellow.
Manganese dioxide not only acts as a source of oxygen, but develops a pink tint in the glass, which is complementary to and neutralizes the green colour due to ferrous oxide.
The plants are bulbous herbs, with flat or rounded radical leaves, and a central naked or leafy stem, bearing a head or umbel of small flowers, with a spreading or bell-shaped white, pink, red, yellow or blue perianth.
The marbles of Shemtu are the finest pink Numidian marbles, which were much esteemed by the Carthaginians and Romans.
Chocolate or dove-colored grounds with delicate diapers in gold and engobe; brown or black faience with white, yellow and pink designs incised or in relief; pottery curiously and deftly marbled by combinations of various colored clays these and many other kinds are to be found, all, however, presenting one common feature, namely, skilful finger-moulding and a slight roughening of the surface as though it had received the impression of coarse linen or crape before baking.
It is a singularly beautiful substance, being of pink, greenish, or milk-white colour, streaked with reddish, copper-coloured veins.
In a surprisingly short time the feathers clothing the face of the male are shed, and their place is taken by papillae or small caruncles of bright yellow or pale pink.
The light flesh colour of the feldspar, and the blue of the quartz give it in some places a slight pinkish tint, and it is now much used as a building-stone under the name of ` pink granite.'
In the Lower Silurian formation at Plattsburg and Chazy, in Clinton county, are two beautiful grey or grey and pink marbles, one of which is a favourite among domestic marbles for mantels, table tops and other interior decorations.
The most uncommon natural feature of the district, the Pink and White Terraces, was blown up in the eruption of Mount Tarawera in 1886, when for great distances the country was buried beneath mud and dust, and a chasm 9 m.
The name of "pink shrimp" is given to Pandalus montagui or annulicornis, which turns red on boiling and which resembles in form the larger "prawns," having a long rostrum or beak, saw-edged above and below.
Pink pearls are occasionally found.
These pink, worm-like creatures live in sandy, moist localities, burrowing little tunnels and never appearing on the surface.
Among the rare big trees - found chiefly in the north-east - are baobab and palmyra and certain fruit trees, one bearing a pink plum.
A wonderful series of these forms occurs in southern Utah, where in passing northward from the Carboniferous platform one ascends in succession the Vermilion Cliffs (Triassic sandstones), the ViThite Cliffs (Jurassic sandstones, of remarkably cross-bedded structure, interpreted the dunes of an ancient desert), and finally the Pink Cliffs (Eocene strata of fluviatile and lacustrine origin) of the high, forested plateaus.
Cneorum (Europe) is a hardy evergreen trailing shrub, with bright pink sweet-scented flowers.
The salts have a faint pink colour, and show a faint absorption spectrum; the spark spectrum is brilliant and well characterized.
One result of this among the Vertebrata is that the eyeball is pink in colour, since the cornea, iris and retina being transparent, the red blood contained in the capillaries is unmasked by the absence of pigmentary material.
Occasionally the piebald patches tend to be symmetrically arranged, and sometimes the eyeballs are pigmentless (pink) and sometimes pigmented (black).
He has examined subjects in which the whole of the hair of the body is white, but the eyeballs are pigmented, often deeply; and, conversely, he has seen cases in which the eyes are pink but the hair is pigmented.
As a result of this, the pink skin is quite visible where these hairs occur, but elsewhere it is invisible.
Thus these albinoes exhibit a pattern of pink skin similar in form with the black pattern of the piebald rat.
The root of this plant, when eaten by white pigs, caused their bones to turn to a pink colour and their hoofs to fall off, but the black pigs could eat the same plant with impunity.
Three species of rhododendron vie with each other in the brilliancy of their masses of red or pink flowers; the common juniper rises higher still, along with three species of bilberry; and several dwarf willows attain nearly to the utmost limit of vegetation.
The white and pink forms, with the white and red quilled, and the variegated-leaved aucubaefolia, are some of the best.
The best kinds are robustus, pink, 6 to io ft.; himalaicus, 4 to 8 ft., white; Aitchisoni, 3 to 5 ft., red; Bungei, 2 to 3 ft., yellow; and aurantiacus, 2 to 3 ft., orangeyellow.
Reichardi, a minute stemless plant, has small heart-shaped leaves in rosette-like tufts, and white flowers striped with pink, produced successively.
Numerous hybrids have been raised, varying in colour from creamy white to salmon, pink, yellow, red and orange.
Besides this, P. Sieboldii (cortusoides amoena), I ft., originally deep rose with white eye, but now including many varieties of colour, such as white, pink, lilac and purple; P. japonica, to 2 ft., crimson-rose; P. denticulate, ft., bright bluish-lilac, with its allies P. erosa and P. purpurea, all best grown in a cold frame; P. viscosa, 6 in., purple, and its white variety nivalis, with P. pedemontana and P. spectabilis, 6 in., both purple; and the charming little Indian P. rosea, 3 to 6 in., bright cherry-rose colour, are but a few of the many beautiful kinds in cultivation.
An interval of five years separates the Vienna "Madonna" from the two fine heads of the apostles Philip and James in the Uffizi at Florence, the pair of boys' heads painted in tempera on linen in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris, the "Madonna with the Pink" at Augsburg, and the portrait of Wolgemut at Munich, all of 1516.
Diirer's designs, drawn with the pen in pale lilac, pink and green, show an inexhaustible richness of invention and an airy freedom and playfulness of hand beyond what could be surmised from the sternness of those studies which he made direct from life and nature.
It crystallizes in large pink crystals, the colour of which is probably due to the presence of a small quantity of manganic sulphate or of a cobalt sulphate.
Hawthorn has been for many centuries a favourite park and hedge plant in Europe, and numerous varieties have been developed by cultivation; these differ in the form of the leaf, the white, pink or red, single or double flowers, and the yellow, orange or red fruit.
The plant is monoecious, producing the staminate (male) flowers in a large feathery panicle at the summit, and the (female) dense spikes of flowers, or " cobs," in the axils of the leaves below, the long pink styles hanging out like a silken tassel.
In 1696 he was, although a zealous Tory, appointed deputy comptroller of the mint at Chester, and (August 19, 1698) he received a commission as captain of the "Paramour Pink" for the purpose of making extensive observations on the conditions of terrestrial magnetism.
Ross's or the roseate gull, Rhodostethia rosea, forms a well-marked genus, distinguished not so much by the pink tint of its plumage (for that is found in other species) but by its small dove-like bill and wedge-shaped tail.
There are deer (at least five species), boars, bears, antelopes, beavers, otters, badgers, tiger-cats, marten, an inferior sable, striped squirrels, &c. Among birds there are black eagles, peregrines (largely used in hawking), and, specially protected by law, turkey bustards, three varieties of pheasants, swans, geese, common and spectacled teal, mallards, mandarin ducks white and pink ibis, cranes, storks, egrets, herons, curlews, pigeons, doves, nightjars, common and blue magpies, rooks, crows, orioles, halcyon and blue kingfishers, jays, nut-hatches, redstarts, snipe, grey shrikes, hawks, kites, &c. But, pending further observations, it is not possible to say which of the smaller birds actually breed in Korea and which only make it a halting-place in their annual migrations.
They are enlarged to the size of an almond, rounded, firm and pink; there is some engorgement and oedema on section; the substance is rather soft, and can be scraped off with a knife.
The new stalactites growing from the old, and made of hard carbonates that had already once been used, are usually white as snow, though often pink, blue or amber-coloured.
The name was originally given in Italy to plants of the pink tribe, especially the carnation, but has in England been transferred of late years to several cruciferous plants."
Much of the confusion in the names of plants has doubtless arisen from the vague use of the French terms giroflee, willet and violette, which were all applied to flowers of the pink tribe, but in England were subsequently extended and finally restricted to very different plants.
In the most arid regions there is a small growth of green in the rainy season, and a rich display of small wild-flowers, as well as the enormous flower clusters of the yucca, and blooms in pink and orange, crimson, yellow and scarlet of the giant cactus and its fellows.
The town hall and the university buildings, dating from 1712 and restored in 1886, are commonplace erections; but to the south of the Ludwigsplatz, upon which most of the academical buildings lie, stands the new university library, a handsome structure of pink sandstone in German Renaissance style.
The purplish red of the sandstone at the base is finely modulated, through a pale pink in the second storey, to a dark orange at the summit, which harmonizes with the blue of an Indian sky.
As the solution of potassium permanganate, which is deep red in colour, is dropped into the colourless iron solution, it is quickly decolorized while the iron solution gradually assumes a yellowish tinge, the first drop of the permanganate solution in excess giving it a pink tint.
The terraces represent the out-cropping edges of hard sandstone layers included in the series of plateau sediments, and are named according to the colour of the rock exposed in the south-facing escarpments, the Pink Cliffs (highest), White Cliffs and Vermilion Cliffs.
The landscape, with its mysterious spiry mountains and winding waters, is very Leonardesque both in this picture and in another contemporary product of the workshop, or as some think of Leonardo's hand, namely a very highly and coldly finished small "Madonna with a Pink" at Munich.
It is wholly pink or flesh-coloured, or entirely black, or black above and pink beneath.
The prevailing bloom is pink coloured.
Alcyonium digitatum, a pink digitate form popularly known as"'s fingers,"is common in 10 -20 fathoms of water off the English coasts.
In past times Leicester blood was extensively employed in the improvement or establishment of other longwool breeds of sheep. The Leicester, as seen now, has a white wedge-shaped face, the forehead covered with wool; thin mobile ears; neck full towards the trunk, short and level with the back; width over the shoulders and through the heart; a full broad breast; fine clean legs standing well apart; deep round barrel and great depth of carcass; firm flesh, springy pelt, and pink skin, covered with fine, curly, lustrous wool.
The muzzle, legs and hoofs are white; the nostrils pink.
Contorted stems, sometimes of considerable thickness, very hard, and covered with a grey cracked bark, rise out of the sand, bearing green plumes with small greyish leaves and pink fruit.
While the price of the finest tints of rose pink may range from go to £1 20 per oz., ordinary red-coloured small pieces sell for about £2 per oz., and the small fragments called collette, used for children's necklaces, cost about 5s.
It is about the size of and has much the aspect of a Pigeon; 1 its plumage is pure white, its bill somewhat yellow at the base, passing into pale pink towards the tip. Round the eyes the skin is bare, and beset with cream-coloured papillae, while the legs are bluish-grey.
In the natural order Carophyllaceae (pink family) the dichasial form of inflorescence is very general.
In some cases, as in the vine-family Ampelidaceae, this seems to be the ordinary mode of development, but the superposition of the stamens on the sepals in many plants, as in the pink family, Caryophyllaceae, is due to the suppression or abortion of the whorl of petals, and this idea is borne out by the development, in some plants of the order, of the suppressed whorl.
These teeth sometimes form a regular fringe round the margin, and the petal becomes fimbriated, as in the pink; or laciniated, as in Lychnis Flos-cuculi; or crested, as in Polygala.
These marbles are of a distinctive character, being usually mottled in bright shades of red, pink, chocolate and grey.
She turned her hair back to long pink as she walked, self-conscious about Gabriel seeing her tattoos even though he already knew about them.
It seemed to say the world is a marvelous place and I'm tickled pink to be here.
The warmth of the evening chased out Bird Song's guests—all non-dieters probably queuing up for ice cream, or maybe simply promenading the Victorian village streets as alpenglow painted the surrounding peaks in pink.
No marshmallows or video games or whatever it is kids like. Why are you wearing a pink coat?
Ornamental cherries include numerous species that are grown for their white, pink or red flowers.
The enormous furry pink aardvark quickly picked over the moldy old scotch egg.
Look for them in March/April in the shallow pools lined with pink encrusting stony algae.
The beds contain pink pelargoniums, scarlet geraniums and purple cordylines with white alyssum around the edges.
The color is shaded, paler pink at the circumference becoming deeper magenta toward the center, with dark veins and red anthers.
These pale pink creatures provide the antidote to the placid scenery.
They are available in a wide range of colors from yellow, apricot and orange to salmon, pink, magenta and pearly white.
Its fruits resemble dangling pink lanterns, with four seeds inside that are covered with an orange fleshy layer called an aril.
Even the pink fairy armadillo makes a guest appearance.
Walls are light and creamy, banquettes are checkered hunting pink, candles and silver and linen are everywhere.
Featuring white cultured freshwater baroque pearls threaded with pink thread and a 9 carat gold clasp.
Girly Gingham Brief A very cute halterneck bikini, brief set with an adorable gingham print in pink and white tones.
On our August 2002 trip we found several new plants, including black nightshade, pink water speedwell, water plantain and dwarf spurge.
Things you didn't know about Kaye Umansky I don't like pink blancmange or kidneys.
For instance, a chap called Dave spent the entire evening lying in a bath of pink blancmange!
Among the spiral arms are bright, luminous, slightly pink blobs.
Once settled it was time for a pipe and a few fond memories... " She used to wear pink bloomers, you know.
We then went home and I got ready, I wore a pink silk blouse and a pink and black skirt.
Shown here in Raspberry but available in red, pink or royal blue.
Apply a pink blusher to the apples of your cheek to give a glow and no hint of a hangover.
A dead man's body is hanging by a pink feather boa from a solitary tree in a secluded part of a forest.
I made bobbles for the pink salmon one - again, a first time.
Stone crop shorts were worn with pink rib knits, decorated belts and cowboy boots.
Now many of the trees are well over 2m tall and the cascades of hot pink bougainvillea are thriving.
The stable was a leafy bower, dotted with pink, blue and yellow flowers.
Liberty pink NEW Salmon pink bracts above dark green foliage.
The outer is in a delicate Laura Ashley pink and sage green floral which I believe is called sweet briar rose.
I also make my own cushions and recently covered out old pink dralon bedhead with pale cream brocade.
A blousy pink blossom tree crowns a scene abundant with produce and flowers, painted with light, loose brushwork.
But even fourteen halfpenny buns with A. P. on them in pink sugar do not of themselves make a very grand celebration.
That's no problem for me - I didn't mind if people wore pink bunny slippers as long as the job got done.
It's dressed in a lavender, pink, or blue, star-shaped bunting with adorable glow-in-the-dark pjamas & hairbrush.
The tips of its delicate pink petals peered above the clasping green calyx.
There is no other color in the room except a single pink camellia in a tiny vase on the counter.
Look for plants such as sea pink, moss campion, scurvy grass, sea mayweed and lichens on the rocky foreshore.
Closer to the sea, the hedgerows are thick with pink thrift and white sea campion.
I collected 24p and 10 Euro cents, and my friend got a lovely pink cardigan.
The pink and black diamond cashmere cardigan costs GBP 280.
They all tossed pink carnations into the water in memory of the ones who did not make it.
Pinks, border carnations, anemones tend to be pink.
Look out for the pink flowers of sand catchfly, a species almost completely restricted to Suffolk.
The combination of blue catmint and the pastel pink poppy ' Karine ' is already a classic one.
They range from the tiny pink flowered common centaury through to the 1.5 meter tall Marsh Thistle.
A tall glass vase with pink water lilies is the table centerpiece.
The best answer is chocolate cake with pink champagne - I'm sure you drink nothing else.
The bodies are styled in light crepe georgette with contrasting pink charmeuse trim.
Granny made her outfit from pink spotted chiffon and net over a white bodice.
We can go to Africa, to see a pink chimpanzee.
Jim did sent you a recent photo of me new pink chopper.
But still he lay with his eyes shut as tight as small pink clams.
Music ranges from patsy cline to Pink with everything else inbetween... ... .
Pink and white pegmatite typically occurs in veins and contains coarse grained quartz and feldspar.
Pink combination padlock - for extra security use this robust, easy to change combination padlock to secure your luggage.
If you order you will receive a pink comforter.
His thinning hair was plastered meticulously over his bald tome scarcely concealing the pink scalp.
The Dawn Redwood is a strong growing vigorous deciduous conifer whose leaves are a lovely dawn pink in the spring.
This exposes a long slender single corolla of pale pink.
It is decorated with delicate pink lace and a removable velvet flower corsage.
Black and pink patent leather corset with detachable suspenders.
I have included a coupe of photos of my guitar, sorry the pink looks more like red.
The fragment of coral, a tiny crinkle of pink like a sugar rosebud from a cake, rolled across the mat.
Serve the soup hot or cold and garnished with asparagus tips and lightly crushed pink peppercorns.
This pink leather wrist cuffs will fit wrists measuring 5.5 to 8 inches round.
Around the base of these climbers, Lesley planted some lovely little cyclamen, pink miracles.
Male branch staff even donned pink tutus for breast cancer awareness month!
Spirits were high as we all donned our pink t-shirts and decorated the bus with banners and balloons.
The bottom have a character pink print on the bum and a pink drawstring.
My little pink dungarees were often the despair of my own mother on my return from the woods.
The Pink Ladies are a unique funny camp comedy duo that are based in the Norfolk region... .
Looking back I noticed an upturned pink feather duster attached to the top of the door.
Talk of pink elephants calls to mind Dorothy B. Hughes, whom I discovered recently.
Who else do you know with a pink diamond eternity ring?
Within a few hours he developed a bumpy rash on one cheek and a swollen pink eyelid.
The Elephant & Castle is best known for its pink concrete eyesore.
Grace loves anything girly, sparkly, pink and/or fairy related.
The rock has a spotted appearance due to large circular pink feldspars with inner concentric rings.
More London Zoo Have you ever seen a pink flamingo?
The stunning pink flamingo is also resident at the Crater.
The village quickly melted away into wide open plains where in between dreams we spotted pink flamingoes.
Flowers in June, white flowers with few ray florets which age to pink.
This one is an old-fashioned pink floribunda that was originally in my late Grandfather's garden.
When Piper and Runner were puffed out Runner bought them both big pink candy floss.
Lets just say I like to collect pink Floyd, good or bad, I really don't care.
White tinged pink scented flowers among congested evergreen foliage.
It produces sweetly fragrant, urn-shaped double, blush pink flowers in dainty sprays, amid bright green foliage.
Ralph is defined by a blend of apple leaves, soft blue musk, purple freesia, pink magnolia and zesty orange mandarin.
Mark Sanderson of Worksop landed 16 fish this time on pink fritz and intermediate line.
Bill's New frock I get to dress up in a pink frock.
This is a self colored baby pink full double fuchsia of exceptional quality.
A true single fuchsia with baby pink tube and sepals which recurve to cover the tube.
We actually go a town pink futon cover official mother to four.
Welsh poppies and pink geranium have colonized the gravel below.
The salmon pink oriental poppy has a lovely dark center, which is mirrored by the black leaved geranium.
Luckily the motel manager was with me, and he ' gently ' explained what a pink gin was.
The new Ballet range provides pink ginghams combined with embroideries of pirouetting dancers and ballet shoes.
I bought a little yellow velour babygro at Mothercare in Watford with a little pink giraffe on it.
The infernal security passes are gone, but now you have to kill four times as many other beings to get enough pink goop.
They have pink goop, but no security passes.
In any case, true to form, your ultimate goal is to gain one last bowl of pink goop.
Typical plants are ' Pink lady ', common hawthorn, common holly, firethorn and common gorse.
It is all in pink granite with five stones still standing, plus the tall pointed flankers on either side of the long recumbent.
F. Magma is intruded into older rocks and crystallizes into a pink igneous rock called granophyre.
A. The overlying rocks are eroded until the pink granophyre is exposed at the earth's surface.
Red or pink grapefruit is higher in vitamin C than white grapefruit.
The aim is to fire the pink gunk at the punk.
Next I drew the outlines of the petals in clear gutta on top of the pale pink.
There are things that do not exist, such as a hallucinated pink rat or a hallucinated lemon.
George, a pink effeminate hippo, who was shy and seemed to be too happy.
I looked down to see an arrangement of purple and pink hyacinths.
In a pot, it will be much easier to control the requirements for growing pink hydrangeas.
The second species forms inconspicuous red spots on otherwise unaffected leaves and the underside of the leaves carries an inconspicuous pink hymenium.
The wedding cake Expect the wedding cake to be a sponge cake of simple design with white or pink icing.
That doesn't necessarily mean pointed toes, a pink jumpsuit and a plastic smile.
Ebay auction closes; a pair of pink knickers autographed by Billy Boyd, all proceeds to go to Jack Boyd's Baby Grove.
Other colors making notable appearances include hot pink, sunset orange and pastel lilac and rose, " says Laura.
Gradually the tints became paler; shades of soft pink just tinged the far-off clouds, and a delicate lilac fell on the waters.
To encourage pink to red blooms on plants in high acid soil, apply lime to the soil.
They now have a pink limo available as well.
Focused only on her greasy, pink lipstick I watched her mouth the words.. .
On cooling, it crystallized into the pink crystalline litharge which was found near the Belfry site.
There are many habitants in the park including; eagles, pink flamingos, wall lizards, grass snakes, to name a few.
Luxurious pink leather luggage and cashmere wraps take you straight to Marrakech and are set to become this summer's travel essentials.
Musk mallow is a more delicate and pale pink relation of the robust and purple common mallow.
Constructed out of white satin and adorned with copious amounts of pink marabou.
Watch out for the impostor (called wild marjoram) with pink flowers and no flavor.
The flower can be white, cream, pink or deep maroon.
The nose is an appealing confection of pink marshmallows and the sugary mixture known as rainbow crystals.
Add a drop of red food coloring in a bowl and put in the remaining pink marzipan.
Made from silky blush pink and black rose printed jacquard fabric with a slightly metallic sheen.
The population is self-sufficient and everyone is a farmer, growing millet, barley and a special kind of pink rice.
Claim Your Free iPod mini iPod mini, silver, gold, blue, pink, green.. .
One night we left droppings splattered around in my grandmother's penthouse while elephants scratched mom 's favorite pink Cadillac.
I never had pretty pink nail polish on or pretty pink dresses " .
The dare was this bright pink nail polish had to stay on for 24 hours.
Our immediate surrounding were appealing, too pink tablecloths, linen napery, fresh flowers.
And there's a very cool bar, all pink neon, beanbags and mirrors, as well as a discreetly stylish Italian restaurant.
If it hadn't been a pink barbie nightie it might not have been quite so bad!
Among the brittle stars you see occasional Dahlia Anemones in pink or orange or white.
Color ranges from white, off-white, gray, yellow, and pink.
Peter had stopped touring when he was asked to light a special one-off for Pink Floyd at the Roundhouse in 1968.
A pink satin and ivory organza fabric rose sits to the side of the bracelet when worn.
This elder has large panicles of ivory flowers tinged with pink in summer, followed by tiny black fruits.
Its fragile, cup shaped white or pale pink flowers are carried in loose panicles on slender stems from spring to early summer.
This poem is like the pink panther running up and down.
Kind regards Jen (25th April 2004) Dear Paul My pink pashmina arrived today - I'm absolutely thrilled with the color.
For a more contemporary design pastel pink or peach can be used to match your wedding colors.
The Place de la Loge boasts a pink marble pavement while rue de l'Ange is lined with smart boutiques and cafes.
Imagine if we tell her that no, she can't have the pink castle, or the pastel blue Pegasus.
Yesterday she had on a pink peony that was as large as a bread plate.
To go with these we also prepared some finally chopped chives and drained a small jar of soft green or pink peppercorns.
Group 11 Changing Colors pure white perianth with pale lemon-yellow shades & white then pale pink corona.
In the middle are lines of squares surrounded by pink petals.
Roses and Rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam pink 51 roses A round bouquet with a jar of rose petals jam.
A few weeks before Christmas, I had noticed a cute, pink piggy wandering around the area in front of my apartment.
She had pigtails that may or may not have had pink ties.
I'm going to paint the whole damn house pink.
Turn and fry for 3 - 4 minutes until cooked but slightly pink in the center.
They came to a boulder painted pink, The sign on it said " Safe, I think!
Mrs McMuffin wears pink, and mine is a lovely shade of blue, which is a boys color, by the way.
The beautiful Shakespeare Rose, which changes from pale pink to dark pink in color, is exclusive to the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Among the short turf, fine grasses, sea plantain, buck's-horn plantain, sea pink and spring squill are prominent.
Pink satin pointe shoes could yet be next season's big thing at clubs.
Beautifully packaged in a luxury white gift box and tied with our gorgeous pink polka dot ribbon.
I also have lots of pink pom Pom pom xenia frags for sale - £ 10 each.
Inside the gated area, the pampered pooches will sit on plush pink cushions with the Hilton crest on them.
There was a little powder puff on four legs wearing a little pink jacket and pink lead.
It comes in sizes preemie baby, newborn and infant, and four beautiful colors, new mint, white, pink and blue.
With the handful of songs he wrote while fronting Pink Floyd in 1966 and 1967, Barrett was at the forefront of British psychedelia.
This sweet little pink heart packs a powerful punch!
Not bad for a written off old farm dog Pink Pink was a little collie puppy who came over from Ireland.
First blue, then pink, then purple and gold mixed together.
Look too for other marsh-loving flowers such as foamy white meadowsweet and bright pink ragged robin.
For pure, unadulterated raunch try Squeeze My Melons, a cheeky hot pink that tastes of plump watermelons.
Why not feel In the Pink with our next new cocktail recipe?
Now transfer 20 µl of DNA to each of the TWO pink tubes containing a restriction enzyme.
These earrings have a large filigree gold-tone metal surround, with the pink diamante rhinestones in the center, forming a flower.
Februaryâs first flush of pale pink rhubarb brings a whisper of early spring to the table.
Even Blue Kangaroo gets a pink ribbon to wear.
Painted with pink ribbon tied swags of gilt barley ears and gilt dentil rims.
It has a pink umbrella and tiny boots and golden ringlets for her hair!
It has Bill Murray standing outside of a house with a bouquet of pink roses, which is the perfect image for the film.
Her dress and bag are decorated with cream satin bows and she has a pink rosebud and satin bow in her hair.
This wonderfully kitsch wash bag has a pleated soft vinyl body, decorated with tiny pink flowers and white opaque vinyl ruffle edging.
She tells the salesman, " I would like to buy a pair of pink Curtains.
I have a recurring dream of having some nice pink, glittery high heeled sandals!
Colored stones such as these pink sapphires look very pretty.
Set in 18ct. white gold are diamonds, pink tourmaline, yellow sapphire, blue topaz and tanzanite!
Made from padded coral pink satin overlaid with hand crocheted green cotton this is an absolute must for your vintage chic kitchen or collection.
The short is a soft satin in a navy tone with a fun all over spot print in pink.
Stalker currently has a rather pink patch on his balding scalp, which is nice.
I'll look for a pink scarf on Monday at the cafe at 3pm.
This is a lovely vintage scarf, in very fine pink wool.
The tube is pale pink complimented with pink sepals tipped green.
Very beautiful form with lobed leaves not deeply serrated, which unfurl gold with pink edges contrasting well against the colorful bark.
Oh the walls are looking a bit shabby, i'll paint them pink... .
Mine is a rather fetching shade of Mr. Blobby - pink!
I hope to see more males wearing pink slippers from now on.
He has a pink nose with a black smudge on one side.
These were teamed with simple pumps and pink ankle socks.
Two-centred doorway with differentially worn, molded dressings in both pink and gray freestone, and a hoodmould with hollowed soffit; all original.
The flowers grow up to 20cm in diameter with pink blooms in alkaline soils and blue blooms in acidic soils.
Ankle high trainer with pink canvas upper and rubber sole and toe.
The Pink Paper includes a sprinkling of political comment, some of it about Stephen Twigg, who beat Michael Portillo in 1997.
Directly beneath the Moon, on a three tiered plinth, stood a life-sized statue in pink marble of Queen Serenity.
Cropped blazers in blue, pink and white candy stripe with a rather nautical air were worn with tailored shorts and straw boater hats.
The deep pink, fragrant sweet pea (Lathyrus latifolius) is a good choice.
Without the hunks, boobs and pink swimsuits all you're left with is the dodgy plot.
All the fish were pink in color and shaped like large tadpoles.
In the wild, pink Chilean tarantulas kill prey such as toads, frogs and mice painlessly.
Her mother was pouring tea from her large pink teapot.
A very sweet celluloid plastic thimble in candy pink, dating to circa 1950.
Very pretty black and pink basque with matching thong.
Up next came a man with an England Rugby top and a pink thong!
I had a beautiful three-piece Frank Usher outfit, with a pink hat, bag and shoes.
These can produce large areas of color in the summer such as areas of pink thrift and drifts of purple Sea Lavender.
Hedges burst with color and the estuary turns a shade of pink in June as sea thrift blooms.
In spring the fresh green foliage is often tinged with pink, bronze or red.
The petals have a lovely pink tinge around the edges.
Inside, the M&S meat was an alarmingly bright pink; the Waitrose gray with a pinkish tinge in the middle.
Healthy granulation tissue is usually red or pale pink in color, and should not bleed on contact.
I mean pink, not skin tone, really pink.
Square shaped silver earrings set with pink tourmaline and 18ct gold beads 19.
Come dusk, pink clouds of flamingo fill the air and the shallow waters turn turquoise.
Fairly light flowers with a small injection of an accent color, perhaps pink, turquoise or pale yellow.
Inspiration has come from the 1920s and my color palette works around black, brown, green, turquoise and pink.
Frankie had the honor of wearing the pink tutu at the end of this match.
Mary can remember Pat Shaw dressing up in a pink tutu doing 'The Dance of the Dying Duck ' .
One of the best is Pink Sands, owned by music tycoon Chris Blackwell's Island Outpost chain.
I loved your whiskers, your round pink ears, your little black, shiny eyes, your warm white underbelly.
An alternative version had net tutu underskirts in shades of pink.
Are you talking about gods or invisible pink unicorns?
She seems unwilling to make a firm decision about whether gender has gray areas or is either starkly pink or blue.
The pig did a marvelous job tidying all the apples up like a giant pink vacuum cleaner!
The small pink flowers of marsh valerian can also be found throughout the meadow, often in large numbers.
The deep pink and white variegation in Spring is followed by pink, white and green foliage until leaf fall.
There were no Barbie dolls, no pink bedrooms, no pink nail varnish, none of that!
Only £ 49.95 Tell a friend More Info Candy rabbit vibrator - Baby Pink 8 rabbit vibrator with extra long ears!
Second release on Post, this time a pink vinyl seven inch (looks like Post is going to be a good label ).
Flowers are borne in terminal cymes and may be pink, red, violet, purple, blue or white.
All other sifakas have a gray or black visage, but the faces of some of these individuals were strangely pink with dark blotches.