Pimpernel Sentence Examples
Flushes on the acidic Barden and Blubberhouses moors are home to bog pimpernel and bog pondweed.
Less common specialities of these boggy areas include bog pimpernel, bog asphodel, round-leaved sundew and pale butterwort.
To the SOE, the Lysander was known as the ' scarlet pimpernel of the air ' .
In damper areas lesser celandine is followed by ransoms, or wild garlic and yellow pimpernel can be found.
Scarlet Pimpernel, beautiful colored scarlet with a purple eye in pairs that close in the afternoon.
It was the name of a classic Western starring Robert Mitchum and the title of a book about the swashbuckling hero "The Scarlet Pimpernel" by Baroness Orczy.
The flowers are solitary in the leaf-axils as in pimpernel, money-wort, &c., or umbelled as in primrose, where the umbel is sessile, and cowslip, where it is stalked, or in racemes or spikes as in species of Lysimachia.